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Junkyard Moot September 2, 2001 Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *With a grunt, she gets to her feet and with a resounding *snap*, folds up her well-taped lawn chair and shuffles over toward David.* Noches, hermano. Not so many here tonight... *A slight grin* Kids these days. Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Hola Grandfather...*ems suppressing laughter and disentangling himself for a broken lawnchair..* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *stands, crossing her arms over her chest, taking a deep breath* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *enters from her den .. takes a seat by the fire* Riley McPherson: (brb) Lacey Jane Owens: Em> *she giggles* Hope that chair didn't cost too much.. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *snorts* It'll be noted. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (should I wait for a tad or start?) ~~flutterby~~: Ooc: Jo Dee and Fran would be here as well. Shayla Cole-Mason : *looks over the assembled .. David and Beth mostly* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): lacey>> 'bout 5 bucks... *he finally gets free of the chair and tosses the whole broken mess back in the van..* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he stands up and looks over at David* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): (It's 10 after, these take long enough as 'tis. I say go ahead, people will catch up if they come late.) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((i agree! heheheheh)) Lacey Jane Owens: Em> Don't know if I want to sit in the one I was sitting in now.. *slight grin* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Lacey>> your's looks to be safe at least.. *he grins* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (Gotcha)*He stands and gestures for silence, the unassuming presense most adjust to the Grandelder as is caste aside at moots. Like the throwing back of a cloak or shroud, here he stands letting the full force of both is spiritual mastery of abilities and leadership (lead3) show through. Perhaps he isn't as commanding as a Fang, but hes a Bonegnawer...there are other means towards respect. His voice rings out deep and resounding* Master of the Howl, the opening of the moot is yours. *he shifts to Crinos dramatically and waits* Lacey Jane Owens: Em> *she chuckles* Well, lets find out... she carefully sits in the lawn chair. Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he upshifts to crinos..* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *looks at David ... shifts to Crinos... waits for a signal* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Surrpetitiously, she backs away from the other Garou a bit, knowing damn well how the howl will toy with her Rage, just when she can't shift.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Slides off the hood of the Bug and shifts to Hispo.* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *nods towards Bethany giving the unspoken signal* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *shifts to her night-black Crinos form* Lacey Jane Owens: *goes silent* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *starts the opening howl* Shayla Cole-Mason: *looks at the moot starting .. stays silent for the moment .. stays homid* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *He join's Bethany's howl, erriely he goes out of discord, in the half tones wolves are known for...errie as is the hallmark of a thuerge* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he waits a few moments after she starts and then joins in, his deep baritone howl risning up over the yard..* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (My character Matty is here in an NPC format) Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *joins the howl after a moment, voice strong* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): (kay) Clondothu: ((anyone interested in a hard core Wyrm game that focuses on the cultural, religous and spiritual aspects of the WYrm. PM if you are interested. Excuse me for interupting your game.)) Riley McPherson: (back) *and she joins in the howl with the rest of them* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *She waits for the Crinos and Hispo form Garou to howl, pressing her lips together firmly until there's a wailing discord of sound, before finally adding in her own pitiful homid-throat howl to the mix, a high-pitched, undulating wail of sound.* Shayla Cole-Mason: *shifts to glabro .. shifts her vocal cords to crinos .. her howl complements Beth's* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (I understand you attracted to a gathering and a moot SL, please have all else be PM and I have no problems...*grins* Aint like I own the players) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Pauses, then joins in, raising his muzzle to the skies and giving vent to his fury and pain and frustration. It's difficult to tell whether his howl is one of battle or mourning.* Cole Jäger: *His own Crinos howl echoes and cross-harmonizes with Jubes, creating the illusion of a huge pack of wolves mourning the fall of one of their own* Shayla Cole-Mason: *looks over at Jublain and chokes up .. ends her howl and then goes over to sit in a convertable with the door off* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *He lets his howl drop out of the chorus and waits patiently* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *closes the howl* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he lets his howl trail off...waiting for the others..* Shayla Cole-Mason: *stays in glabro and shifts her vocal cords to normal* Riley McPherson: *She drops her own soft howl and looks around...not too many familiar faces besides Em and Lacey,whom she grins to. A surprised smile at seeing Sandy, remembering vaguely her from wayyy back, and of course nods to David* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Wolves don't cry. Thus, a howl is different from tears, and now there is no shame in showing his pain. His voice rises, crying his loss to the moon.* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *trails her howl off slowly, flexing her talons just slightly, looking nervous* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): ((Damn alarm clock...)) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *nods to riley* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *His howl grows quiet, then fades away, and he sits on his haunches, waiting.* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Quiets her howl before the others, letting her thin human cry fade away with the rest.* Lacey Jane Owens: *smiles and ways to Riley* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *DD: Rose is an attractive 19 year old lady (3 app/ 4 cha) with blue eyes and medium length blond hair. Rose wears a short blue dress, boots and rose-colored John Lennon type glasses. A celtic knot ring is on her left hand. She speaks with a southern US accent. She enters an area testing the ground with her white cane. She walks with as much grace as is possible towards where she is going.* (Character homepage is at ) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: (playing two chars in this window) Riley McPherson: *smiles back and moves quietly to go stand with them, putting down the paper bag and thermos* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *the Howl having shooken him from the half awake daze he was in...he shuffles into the gathering area in Crinos...not the most energetic or rested looking Garou tonight* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *states the litany, giving stress to the important parts, but glossing quickly over the parts that don't mean so much to the BG's* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: (rose is blind for those who didn't read the dd .. heh) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *listens to bethanies, recitation of the litany..* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *When the recitation of the litany is done he procedes* I call forth the Caller of the Wyld? Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose makes her way to David / Shayla sits in the convertible and hangs her head* Lacey Jane Owens: *listens to Bethany* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *looks around for Bella* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he looks to see who the caller is..* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: (Bella-p is not on right now) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((she not on yet still at work said she'd be here npc tho)) Riley McPherson: *Listening to the litany recited, crossing her arms and looking around when David mentions the Caller of the Wyld* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): ((OK fair excuse...I'll NPC her)) Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *shuffles over to a pile of tires not even bothering to shift to homid and plops down...watching the proceedings with baggy bloodshot eyes* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose plants her cane in the earth and listens* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *watches Ben out of the corner of her eye* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *shifts down to homid ... looks over at Shayla to see what shes doing .. then pays attention to the moot* Lacey Jane Owens: *shifts her position in the lawn chair* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): ((If I mess sue me..*grins*))*Bella comes forward, she calls the four winds from each direction which tends to be the Fianna hallmark she adds to the moot rite. She has NPCs or whoever wants it to be the personification of the winds. Finially she reaches into the umbra using the firebarrel for effect. She holds forth some whole grain crackers an offering to Rat and recites the chant. The crackers are poured on the ground before the fire...and as she recites a ghostly image of a white rat appears in the smoke of the firebarrel...a hoard of real animal rats comes forward and eats the offering. She says something to the effect of honoring rat and then makes honorable mention of Cockroach, Fernir and on down the line of totems represented by the tribal structure of the sept. She completes the moot rite and rat and the spiritual awarenesses of the Caern retreat...but the Caern now crackles with power* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *watches bella..* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *stares straight ahead glassy eyed* Riley McPherson: *She sits down crosslegged, watching the Caller of the Wyld and her unusual moot rite, sitting back a little when it's over.* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shayla watches Bella .. rose listens* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Ears perk up, waiting.* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *turns her attention away from Ben, back to the events of the Moot* Lacey Jane Owens: *watches quietly* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *watches Bella .. fascinated* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he waits silently for bella's part to end..* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *She half-closes her eyes, reveling in the charged atmosphere of the Caern, watching the Fianna Wyld-Caller intently.* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shayla fidgets in her seat ... geez is she okay ..* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *listens .. watches* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Thankyou Caller of the Wyld. The totems have been so honored. Rat is pleased and shall continue her protection of this sept. We owe rat a special gratitude. During our troubles with a grave sickness the wyrm sent upon us. Rat sent forth her children to aid her Garou children in time of need. That debt to you rat shall be repaid. *bows to where the totem had been* I now call forth the Cracking of the Bone. All who have grievences or business before the sept shall be called forth or may speak at this time. Before I open the floor, I announce that I have news of Gigabyte, he who was Wyrmfoe before Emanuel and abandoned his position and this sept without prior word. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Stands, but remains silent.* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Her eyes narrow briefly at mention of the "disappeared" Glass Walker.* Riley McPherson: *grins at mention of Emmanuele's new position but otherwise stays still, content to listen* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *perks up a little at the mention of Gigabite... it's been a long time since she went to help him* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *remains standing, still in Crinos form, looking down at the ground* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *eyes droop close slowly then snap right back open accompianed by a faint growl* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he looks interested t David's news... wanting to hear davids news..* Lacey Jane Owens: *smiles a little at the mention of Em and his position* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *looks angerly around* While it is said the use of technology and human services is the hallmark of a Glasswalker, his actions and what he had to say shall bring shame on the Glasswalkers. For that I am regretful. *opens a slightly charred around the corners letter* Forgive the condition of the note...I was overzealous in rage and almost burned it by gift. *I know this isn't word for word...I never copied and pasted what Gig-p sent me* David, too burned to read, but it was only fucking pleasentries....I hope you can forgive me for leaving so suddently but I could not bare hiding the truth any longer. While I was Wyrmfoe I consorted with the wyrm and hid this from you all. I have left to set right what is wrong and to atone for my burned to read...he said something about wrongs or sins...I hope you can forgive me blah blah blah...Gigabyte (plus human name and sig) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shayla clumsilly gets out of the convertible to go and sit near Beth ... is silent* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *a slurred and kinda mixed together sounding but still somewhat coherant* fuckhim....killllthebasard... Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he looks intriugued at the mention of this...* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *a shudder goes through shays body .. as if someone walked over her grave for a minute* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *A low, rippling growl is her only reaction.* Lacey Jane Owens: *her brows furrow... at the news of this guy* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *looks slightly shocked* Riley McPherson: *her eyes widen a bit, listening to David read the letter and shaking her head slowly in amazement* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *growls, flexing her talons again* Cole Jäger: *Yup yup yup. Nobody was ever as good a Wyrmfoe as him. No doubt about that.* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *looks at David* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *em frowns.. news like that is never good..* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): A cub...Derek who had been the poor soul Gig was mentoring delivered this. He recieved this in the the's postmarked Rome...Italy. *holds it out* The cub showed to my satisfaction he only had it mailed to him. *holds out an amulet of sorts* This is a Fetish that Gig used to communicate with his student. It has been silent sense in my pocession but the cub Derek was dutiful in handing over all ties to this...this....traitor. If activated it is supposed to communicate with him. Frankly I haven't had the stomach. Do the Walkers want this? Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *his eyes are hard.. and he glances over to the few walkers present..* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *neither seems surprised nor seems to give a damn* Jimmy Maia: (hi) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shayla looks at David* Talk to Enters about the fetish David .. until then store it in a cardboard box in the back of this septs fetish cache Lacey Jane Owens: *glances around at the group gather.. pausing on Cole for a moment.. then on to the other faces* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he looks uncomfortable at that..* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *nods* So it shall be. I have verified Gigabyte is no where within ritual reach. The cub verified he had one call from Gig telling him to take that letter to me...Gig claimed he was in Rome Italy. While I can't verify that for sure...the posting on the letter confirms it. If he returns to the territory he is to be killed as a traitor. I've notified those of my tribe in the Green of this individual and they say they will try to get word overseas. Hopefully in future we will hear more. Riley McPherson: *rakes her hand through her tangled curls, looking from Em to David at back, interested though not going to comment since she didn't know the guy Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *shifts to lupus and lays down with her head in Shay's lap... looks up at her every so often as she watches the moot* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): David>> as it contains a connection to an admitted Wyrm servent.. and I am the wyrm foe.. if the grandelder wishes I will hold it Until it is decided what should be done.. Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): (9add "with it." to the end of that last post..)) Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *rubs at his eyes for a good 10 minutes straight* Lacey Jane Owens: *looks at Em, she doesn't like that idea at all, but does not say anything... * Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *She speaks hard on the heels of Emanuele.* You are an excellent Wyrmfoe, Emanuele, but I think the fetish would be safest hidden in the cache, or at least stored nearby. For you to hold it might prove a danger or a distraction. *Speaks with the belief in her experience as a Theurge.* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Now...a second thing. There have been reports to via a particular well placed friend who can intercept police dispatches, and from certain Garou who took great pains to cover for others. *looks at Jublian, maybe Cole, and Em* I understand there was a hunt to a hospital to libererate someones child from foreign potentially wyrmy human hands. The problem gentlemen is your activities caused the police to be dispatched for two individuals...though description details were vague...who kidnapped a kid and made a scene. Emanuel, speak and inform the sept of what you learned and did to correct the situation. Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose uses Truth of Gaia* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he nods in agreement , having felt he should at least offer* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): No wait...three...a female was among them...*looks at Medea to knowing she went on the hunt* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *nods slightly to David and mumbles in Garou* Yes rhya. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *looks at Em* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *a slight snarling growl as his head lolls back against a tire...* Lacey Jane Owens: *gives Sandy a grateful smile* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shayla strokes Beths lupus head* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *She glances over at Ben, wondering if there's more there than a hangover...* Jimmy Maia: *looks at ben every time he growls* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Quirks the corner of her mouth in a slight returned smile to Lacey, knowing where she's coming from.* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *since Metis Garou cant get drunk except of spiritual brews...good chance it isnt a hangover...* Riley McPherson: *half-smiles, and sips from her thermos, a thoughtful frown at Em's offer but nods in agreement at the other suggestion* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he nods to david* After Cole and Medea returned I learned form them of the possibility of wyrm forces involved.. and Knowing the leeches Loves of Hospitals and such I went Out to Investigate the incident... there where many police at the scene, and to not complicate the matter I did not approach too closely... instead arranging through allies to have the evidence confiscated, and the stories of the incident muddled... from what I did uncover there was a ptentially serious breach of the veil... and Had it been elft unteneted serious harm could have come to the sept, and bawn.. *he looks to david wanting to know if the GE wishes him to speak on* Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *her tongue lolls out contentedly as she thumps her tail against the ground* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose listens to Eman* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): What would the "unmuddled" reports have reveiled? Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Stays standing, but waits patiently.* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Would not put past imbibing something strong enough to give even a metis a hangover past Ben, but looks curious in a sort of oddly motherly way at the rather ill and tired-looking Ben.* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Through what I have been told of the tapes and reports both Jublain, and Cole had had their faces recorded on camera, there were also reports of Kidnapping and cult activity on the scene there was also a partial, but fairly clear image of a someone shifting, though it is unclear who.... ((winged the evidence since it wasn't decribed to me beyond Jublain and coles faces on camera)) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *Shay raises an eyebrow at the mention of shifting in public ... skritches Beth* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): (*shudders at her atrocious grammar and sentence structure* Pardon. Exhausted.) Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): ((And Medea's face on camera...the cameras outside that Operating Room 'coincidentally' enough were undergoing maintenance and not working *chuckle* )) Cole Jäger: ((EMAN>> If he got all the security tapes[I dunno, ask Spuds], he would see that Vinny the Ratkin got to the mages first, shift to Crinos and attacked, they starting throwing around vulgar magick to save themselves. Jason Two-Moons got their next, and got cut down before he could do anything. Then Jubes and Medea got their right after the Ratkin fled. They both shifted to Crinos/Hispo and attacked. Cole was taped carrying the baby out of the hospital)) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((oh yeah sorry add medea's face on camera as well then...)) Cole Jäger: ((*shuts up* Oops. forgot the ST of this thing is here.)) Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *another slight snarl and a mumbled quiet something...sounds like babbling* Jimmy Maia: (feels like a retard cuase he posts like sandy all the time) Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *nods* More then enough to endanger the sept if it hadn't been handled. The police dispatch I got said we on the lookout for two males and a female..but was vague. *looks at Cole, Jublian, and Medea* You were the three on the hunt. Have you anything to add in defense of yourselves, etc. Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose sifts through whats being said ... * Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((the part about Vinny wasn't told to me... but i was told I had had the tapes and reports confiscated..)) Jimmy Maia: `wispers` hey ben... whats the last digit of pi? Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): ((Didnt tell ya about Vinny cuz that didnt get caught on camera...the entire Neurology floor was un covered by cameras because it just happened to be maintainance night...)) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Grandfather, pardon My Interupption.. but the ratkind(he still adds the "d") called Vinny went with them as well... Bethany Ann "Thieving-Smile" DeJesus *GA/BG Cliath*: *lolls her tongue more .. looks up at Shayla .. listens to the testimony* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((ahh okie :P)) Jimmy Maia: was playing off the chimage totem Cole Jäger: David>> I think the danger and Veil rending was pretty much already set when the banes materialized in front of my packmate. We did what wasnecessary, and I won't spout excuses for the mistakes. Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *shifts down to Homid for ease of speaking* I have no excuses, rhya. I foolishly tried to help these...*pauses* males...And didn't think before I acted. Jimmy Maia: (that message was sappouse to be in icq... sigh) Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *actually lashes out with a backhand at Jimmy...but it's so sluggish that even if the aim was close to being true Jimmy has more than enough time to duck the blow* Jimmy Maia: *backs away still quietly and decieds to get him some water instead of cheering him up* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Watches the two Get and the...hmmm...yeah, Fury speak for themselves.* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *Shayla looks down at Beth .. Shayla looks like shes been through hell this week under her perfect make-up* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Nods and steps forward.* WS--We took care to remain to our homid forms when we rescued my daughter--the law might be looking for us, but they would look for human thieves, with no reason to think otherwise. When I reached the operating room--where the battle was--I saw a pentagram on the floor and Jason Two-moons unconscious, and several Scraglings--Materialized.... I admit I did not consider the veil--or anything other than my wife's body being desecrated--before acting, but I believe that if the veil was broken, it was broken before I got there. Two-Moons may only be a Child of Gaia, but he is still Garou, and a normal human would not have been able to wound him so. Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *looks over at Jublain, then nods and looks back at David* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((back In about ten mins need to go get the pizza sorry all back soon) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose continues to listen to the testimony* Cole Jäger: ((And Cole's player is out of here, heading for work. Later.)) Lacey Jane Owens: *has been watching and listening* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *looks at Rose**looks at others* And you think the authorities ...human...looking for your Homid faces, when you physically come here wouldn't endanger us? Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *another snarl gutteral inchoerant babbling* Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *looks down again, falling silent, thinking* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): WS--My Rage is high, Rhya--I never have been or will be the... social type. I came here through the Umbra where no policeman could follow, and lying low is no difficulty--I don't have any contacts or allies to keep up with. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Should the sept have the added pressure of trying to hide you three when on some human passerbys report they see you around the neighborhood...America's Most Wanted would be a fun show to be on...or unsolved mysteries...lovely. Yes your lovely Homid faces...and when they ask around this sept gets the added joy of having human attention that close? Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *without looking up* Humans have short memories, rhya. Perhaps if we were only to come to the sept through the Umbra for a few months? Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Regardless...I know the child is family, but by just traveling umbral or scouting the place...I'm very sure other methods would have been obvious for getting the child. Fuck...Walkers could of probably handled it legally. Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *Shayla looks at Rose not envying her job one bit* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Emanuel relieved you of those problems. He covered the veil well for you. I'm pointing out the kind of mess we "could" of been in. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): WS--I understand, Rhya. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): have heard Emanuel, and their accounts...I've added my two cents because I felt I should. What is your decision on this Truthcatcher. Lacey Jane Owens: *looks toward Rose when Dave addresses her* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: (for simplicities sake ) My judgement is for the three who are before the sept for punishment to undergo the Rite of the Jackyl *telss was that does .. does the rite* and they will lose reknown (-2 glory -7 honor -3 wisdom) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *that was rose btw* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (So we do quicktime past the rite...Medea, Cole, and Jublian sound like Jackals for a week?) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): ((Damn... Did she say how long the Rite would last?)) Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): ((It lasts for a week)) Beth DeJesus: *watches the rite ... is surprised the punishment wasn't harsher** Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (Probably would be harsher but Em covered there asses) Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Now that ...that bit of...*looks at the three jackal-hounds* ritual is done. I open the floor to the any have grievances or business? Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *another snarling growling something...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *Grunts, surprised, but steps back. after accepting his punishment.* Jimmy Maia: ...i think poppa ben is chokeing on someting Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose sits down* : ((eman is back sorry aobut that all..)) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *He nods In agreement with the punishment chosen and steps back over next to his love.* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *looks at Jimmy looks at Ben* He seems fine...if a bit annoyed. *looks at Jimmy* But at least he knows not to interrupt a moot with un-inportant matters. *looks at Jimmy* Have you anything of worth to say? If not be silent. Medea Rage-Like-Fire: *nods to herself, resolving to accept her punishment with honor and work on a way to regain her status in the eyes of her people...Steps back, still upset, but not showing it* Lacey Jane Owens: *smiles to Em* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shayla looks at David .. gets up .. gets two beers .. sits back near Beth .. opens one of the beers* Jimmy Maia: *tightens his jaw falling silent and rubbing his right shoulder abit as davids scorn sets in on him* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he glances over at jimmy, he's going to have to talk to that guy.. he still ahsn't quite got the hang of it..* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *watches everything unsure what happens next..* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (-1 honor Jimmy...sorry but moots are big dealies to the Garou, interupting them without huge reason or having an important matter well...just Dave reprimanding you would make you loss some reknown in the eyes of others thats why the -1honor...all temp) Lacey Jane Owens: *shifts in her seat a bit... frowning a bit* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *sighs* Does any sept member have important busiess or announcements to make? Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *tips the beer can .. holds the beer over Beth's muzzle* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *rose sits quietly .. alone* Jimmy Maia: (noted) Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (Oh Em 2 honor for the veil coverage) Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Waits patiently, arms crossed over her belly, studying the punished Garou somewhat, while waiting for anyone else to speak up...she has no particular news.* Beth DeJesus: *laps at the beer when poured* Lacey Jane Owens: (brb) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): (got it) Grandfather may i speak? Matty ~Spare Parts~ (Hari Krishna Gnawer): *Has been watching the moot the whole time* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *Shayla pours the beer into Beth's lupine mouth* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *helooks to David* still standing and waiting to be acknowledged.. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Ah have something to say? Matty ~Spare Parts~ (Hari Krishna Gnawer): *She couldn't resist for the moot, she is dressed in the orange blanket robes and has the flowers on* Riley McPherson: *has been here but silent, sipping at her beer and listening to the issues brought forth with some curiousity....can't help but smirk at Matty's gettup and raises her beer can to her* Beth DeJesus: *wonders if Matty bacame a CoG* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Yes, grandfather.. I Have an Announcement... My Self and Matty ~spare~parts~ have begun forming a pack.. we have decided our duty if it pleases the spet, will be th' same as my duty as the wyrmfoe... or roster is full.. but we have yet to Ask a totem t' guide us... Matty ~Spare Parts~ (Hari Krishna Gnawer): *beer salutes Riley* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *She grins a bit at news of a *gasp!* new pack. Wonders how long before there will be more reluctant youngsters coming for the rite after Ben beats them.* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he looks to matty and smiles* Poppa Ben Hawking ~Slays the Song~ (Denfather): *doesnt look like he'll be beating anyone in the near future...doesnt look like he'll be standing in the near future actually* Riley McPherson: *grins widely as Em mentions the formation of the pack, and Matty also* Jimmy Maia: *looks again with deep concern for ben. dosnt feel like extending help a 3erd time thou* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *Shayla looks at Eman* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): It is wise to have a pack help with your duties. I can see the wisdom in this. Do you seek guidence in what totem you should court? Or would you do the pack binding-rite of the totem ceremony and allow the totem to select you? Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): And...has your pack a name? Riley McPherson: *looks to Em, did they decide on a name?* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): David>> no we have not chosen a name.. and it was my thoughts, that we ask a totem to seek us. or ask the elders advice on the matter.... Riley McPherson: *nods, content to wait for a decision....not like she had a preference either way* Lacey Jane Owens: (back) - *smiles softly, pride for her mate* Matty ~Spare Parts~ (Hari Krishna Gnawer): Hey...excuse me as beta of our forming pack *bows* May I suggest...Alpha, Grandelder....Shadows-of-the-Hunt as our packname? Wyrmfoe scouts out wyrm and leads others to your pack we will be the shadows the scouters who find the wyrm for the rest...thus the Shadows of the Hunt. Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): I am Alpha, and Matty has chosen to serve as beta..even though this was her idea at firt.. the rest of the memebers are Jubilee ~burns~the~Wyrm~, Riley mcpherson, Jimmy Mia, and Scott timmons the master of the challange.. Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Of course...see me tomorrow Emanuel and I shall perform the rite of the totem for you. I would do so now but the night wanes on. I'm pleased to see new packs form. Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((sorry the last was misposted.. my bad make that before the posts aboutt the totems..)) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): I like your choice matty *he grins* of course grandfather Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *hesteps back over to lacey..* Riley McPherson: *grins at Matty and nods thoughtfully, sipping from the beer can* Hmm, I like that name, and the purpose is a good one, definitely can work out. Jimmy Maia: (i think im gonna log) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he glances around.. and then at his packmates, a big assed grin on his face..* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): mentioned *sighs* two Walkers that have passed on? *giving a chance for Shayla to speak on the departed* Jimmy Maia: (jimmy stays yadda yadda sorry but i gatta crash) Lacey Jane Owens: *grins to Matty... and chuckles at her monk robes* Jimmy Maia: (night) Elandra: *12 years old with very short black hair, one blue eyes, the other almost gray. Wearing right now grayish sweets and pants, some big for her and a necklace, which is a piece of circuit board and the glyph of Luna is on it, and a black armband on her right.PErks in from somewer on the maze* Matty ~Spare Parts~ (Hari Krishna Gnawer): *grins and chugs a beer* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *the grin fades, and with a more solem expression he looks to shale, putting his hand on Lacey' shoulder* Beth DeJesus: *listens to the news of the new pack .. thinks that its about time to go and find herself a pack .. looks up to shay for more beer* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): ((night Jimmy-p)) Jimmy Maia: (its rob) Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: Yeah David .. Sulia and Dwid Riley McPherson: *keeps the grin for a good while, the chance to finally belong to a pack again making her feel giddy, almost* Elandra: ((nigth Jimmy)) Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *She frowns, her gaze distant at mention of the departed Walkers.* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he looks down. he never met dwid.. but he'd spoken to sulia a few times...* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *nods* Share your news Shayla and then we shall preform the gathering for the departed in their honor. Lacey Jane Owens: *her smile fades at the mention of the loss.. and lightly touches Em's hand, that is on her shoulder** Elandra: *Blinks at arrinving at the sad news again, goes to sil silently, trying to be near Emm, waving slighlty to Shayla, and muttering a* sorry to be late... Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *he puts his other hand on Elandra's shoulder...squeezing it a bit* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: I have no real news on Sulia, David .. Enters has been silent on any investigation (ie players has not been on ) .. She was a good friend when her heart was inbeing a garou ... Elandra: *Smiles up Emm lil bit* Riley McPherson: *Her grin fades a little...didn't know the ones mentioned, but deaths in the caern diminish everyone..nods at mention of the rite to honor them, the least that can be done* Beth DeJesus: *snuggles up to Shayla a little to try to offer her some support* Elandra: *Sighs lil bit and leans on Emm, she rembered Sulia a bit ago, but she just talked to her once* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Should the rituals of honoring their passing wait for such information to be reveiled in time Shayla? Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *shay* We did a howl for the departed at the walker moot David ... We can wait here .... I dunno if I wanna howl again tonight ... Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *nods* So be it. Any other business? Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *pets Beths muzzle* Shayla Cole-Mason/ Rose Layton *JY TC*: *Rose goes home* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *em glances around..* Lacey Jane Owens: *slips her hand in to Em and squeezes it* Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): Ahem...if there is no more issues to bring before the Cracking of the Bone I hearby announce the closing of the Cracking of the Bone. We move on to the Stories and Songs (one would think in a Gnawer/Walker predominant sept the stories/songs and the revel would get mighty blurred together in the moot*) Elandra: *Looks to David, then up Emm, wihspers*... it has happend lots? Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): ((Jube ain't got any for the time being--*G* and if he did, he wouldn't tell them with his voice like this--so I figger he stays through the rest of the Moot and finds a place to sleep. I got to hit the sack.)) Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *sees Ben is out of it* Though technically we do have a Talesinger...Ben....he seems a bit ahem *looks embarassed* under the weather...hell break out the food, tunes, and beer...*grins* Not that you haven't been sneaking some during the moot...and lets share stories over a pint! *immitates a Fianna he once heard* Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): elandra>> important stuff... Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): *em stands up and throws open the back of the van, Inside are 4 cases of Killians* Okay folks theres the drinks! don't ask where i got em and I won't tell ya. Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Without a qualm she rummages in her "bag o' tricks" for some snack food, producing her apparent never-ending-supply of cheeze corn.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): *He also doesn't share with the beer, leaving as soon as is polite to be alone with his thoughts.* Elandra: *Glances lil to See if sees Ben when DAvid mentiong him, then up Emm, sighs* sorry to be late.... could you update me? *doens't wanna miss what happened, and seems a bit embarased of beeing late* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3): ((And I'll see y'all later.)) *GONE* Elandra: *glances at killians, Emm takes out his van* Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): (Night Ken.) Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): *David gets alot of beer in him and eventually takes leave of the moot...thuerge style one never knows quite when he left...the revel infuses the Caern with it's energies ...etc* Riley McPherson: *smiles to Elandra* Hey, kid! *whistles as Em opens the van door* Oooh, presents? Don't mind if I do... Shayla Cole-Mason (Sanity is over-rated): Emanuele >> You got those from the fridge in the med trailer didn't you (yes killians were stocked there last she knew) Grandfather David ~Lost'n Found~ (GE): (switching characters) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): heh, alright we called the punishment rite on the get.... and I announced my pack... and you saw the remeberance.. Sandy Blue Canary (Mistress of the Rite/Gatekeeper): *Has no beer, but a very merry time eating popcorn and crap for two and drinking a lot of carbonated sugary shit before heading off to bed down in her van.* (Not leaving, but the preggers "older, responsible chick" isn't as much fun to play at this point. *Heh*) Elandra: *Smiles and Waves to Riley* hey! Shayla Cole-Mason (Sanity is over-rated): *one of the few smiles that has crossed her face is "thrown" towards Elandra* : (end archive... it will be posted on the Jy Caern page and a note sent to the listbot when it is up) Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Shale>> Nope *he grins a big shit eating grin, * ill never tell.. Riley McPherson: *chuckles softly, sipping the last of her old beer and making from for another one* Elandra> How goes it honey, you okay? Matty ~Spare Parts~ (BG Hari Krishna): Is that name alright with everyone...Shadows of the Hunt? Sorry after a few sneaked beers I got poetic. Elandra: punishement on the Get.. Jublain?... *nods, smiles bit* so you official a pack? *and just nods againa t remeberance* Matty ~Spare Parts~ (BG Hari Krishna): (Thats butterfly) Beth DeJesus: *shifts back to homid .. grabs a beer ... grabs her violin* Anyone n the mood for a ho-down ? Riley McPherson: Matty> *laughs* Doesn't everyone...and the name's cool, wasn't sure if you guys had decided before or what. Emanuele Bononcini ~Always~Stands~Ready~(Wyrmfoe): Elandra>> yep and cole and medea.. Riley McPherson: *grins at Bethany* Sure, play away! Always in the mood for a good tune Elandra: /Smiles bak SHayla, waving to her. Looking ot Riely, smiles, blushing slighty* yes... okey... just dind't wanted to be late...*glances again to Shayla, she looks relaly sad* Beth DeJesus: *dd: an 18 yr old lady with long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a black sweatshirt, slightly baggy jeans, green sneakers and red gloves. Around her neck she has a vampire fang hanging from a leather cord and another necklace with a Celtic knot. She is carrying a large black backpack which holds her violin and a bunch of odds and ends. (app 4 captivating)* (( : ~~end~~ Back | List of Archive | Next |
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