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Jublain's Rank Challenge November 17, 2002 (date on e-mail) Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *Right then. Where would Jube go to make with the quest for rank?* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): ((Heading to Norway, I think.)) Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): ((Damn. And me without my mittens.)) *eastward Jube goes, walking on water, etc. Once he gets across Lake Erie though, it gets tougher...* Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): ((Damn. And me without my mittens.)) *eastward Jube goes, walking on water, etc. Once he gets across Lake Erie though, it gets tougher...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): ((*G* Heading to Iron Ridge, first. From there, a Bridge to Bloody River in BC, and from there to Europe.)) Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *To Norway, and the Sept of the Bloody Permafrost...The challenge is low and guttural* ~ws~ Name thyself, that I may know whom I fight this night... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Draws his lips back from his fangs in a smile. Ahhh, this is more like home.* WS--I am Hjarta-Villtnur, Jublain Wade. I am Dólg-Dvergr, and Defeator of Ragnorak, Krigare Skald to the Fenrir and Wyrmfoe to the Talking Junkyard Varthi. Now, give me thy own name, and the name of thy mate--I should know the name of the woman I'll be consoling come sunrise. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *A gutturnal snarl is the response* Hjarta-Villtnur, Jublain Wade. Dólg-Dvergr, your blood spills upon the claws of {Lays-the-Mighty-low} Ungdom Rotagar, who needs no mate to console him... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *He snarls all the same, too damn cheerful to truly be pissed.* WS--Then bring your claws to me, Lays-the-Mighty-Low, and I will find a place to put them. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *A fairly brief, wicked fight ensues, the end result being painfully obvious. One knocked the hell out Rotagar* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Lifts his muzzle to the sky and wails out a Howl of Introduction while he waits for the pup to recover.* WS--You fight like a Fenrir. A young and inexperienced Fenrir, but a Fenrir nontheless. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *It takes a few moments, but eventually, the footfalls of three large, shaggy, and battlescarred wolves appear in the dim moonlight* ~ws~ Hjarta-Villtnur...your reputation precedes you. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): WS--I hope this is a good thing. *Not as large as any of the three but probably more battlescarred than all three put together.* I seek the Warsinger of this Varthi. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): ~ws~ It is said that you do well, given the auvirthi you have to test. Your share weighs greatly. The Warsinger is this way. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *SMiles.* WS--We all have our duty. *Follows.* Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *5 mile trot later, going through fairly deep blue-tinted snows, black trees, and bitter winds...a few campfires and lodges make themselves visible* ~ws~ There. *nose pointing to a furred shape drawing in the snow* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Ahh, now ~this~ is the life. The kind of Varthi he could get used to, and quick.* WS--I thank you. *Heads towards the drawing Garou.* Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *a low rumble, almost inaudible* ~gs~ Who brings the stink of Scab in his miserable fur... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): WS--Better to follow into their lair than to draw them into my own. I am Hjarta-Villtnur, Jublain Wade. I am Dólg-Dvergr, and Defeator of Ragnorak, Krigare Skald to the Fenrir and Wyrmfoe to the Talking Junkyard Varthi, and I come to issue challenge. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *chuffs once, erasing what was being carved into the ice and snow* ~gs~ Anyone can make hue and cry for is given to those who deserve such things... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): WS--And I am such. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): ~gs~Bold words. The auvirthi must tremble in your presence...*stands* But the Sons and Daughters of Fenris Wolf demand more then words. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Shrugs.* WS--The Auvirthi tremble whenever the moon rises. To make one fear is not my goal any more than to crush leaves as I walk is my goal, but to make them fight. *Shifts to Crinos himself, already knowing what Fenris demands of his children.* Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *Another chuff, and a polite explosion of fur and fangs...* (( This would be the call for initiative )) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): ((Jublain Soak-- Sta 8: 10,1,1,9,2,9,6,10,-- soaked 5 of the 7)) *Leaps forward, just a touch quicker, and swings quickly--too quickly, and the heavy ball misses. But Jublain is an old hand at this game, and the backswing catches the elder viciously across the skull. Blood flies.* Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *The third swing connects rather sickeningly, with the Warsinger flying back a good 10 feet from the spikes of Morningstar...damn straight he's gonna feel that in the morning...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Squats on his heels, knowing the old Skald will recover before too long.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): ((haunches, not heels.)) Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *Indeed, the Warsinger waits, doing a kipup after a few moments, looking nearly unscathed. Only the bloody fur tells the tale.* ~gs~ It is good to see that not even the auvirthi can make the Fenrir lose his edge. *he takes a knee, muttering lowly, obviously connecting with his Ancestors within...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *His own shoulder remains opened, but he gives no sign of his own wounds.* HT--They are a trial, however. Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): *raises his hand for silence for a moment* ~gs~ I am told, that the Eldre, Sascha Valkyridottir, camps 10 days east of here. She seeks her final battle. In these times, such a deathbattle cannot go unsung. *Sascha Valkyridottir being one of the first females in recent memory to be a Jarl for more then a season, a well rounded Forsetti, and a formidable adversary.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Nods, waiting for the rest.* Auggy (Who wants to watch me stomp Jube?): ~gs~ You will go, walk next to her. Fight her final battle with her. Return here, and sing her Death-song with us. Go. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *Nods and shifts back to Lupus before starting off.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Who wants to watch me get stomped?): *And heads off to the east.* Auggy (Oh my...): ((Where were we....ah yes.)) *It's a fairly long trek, not to mention there's that whole cold winter thing* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Thick fur can only go so far, and Jublain is careful not to push himself ~too~ hard and overheat. When he needs sleep, he finds snow and burrows inside it to curl up. All the same, though, he keeps up the pace.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Pauses, forcing himself not to pant in the harsh air too quickly, and examines the scent.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): ((Jublain Wits 3, Alertness 1: 5,2,4,8)) Auggy (Oh my...): ((Cool He sees her coming. )) * Puff of snow from Jubes' peripheral vision would be the sole warning he gets before something hammers into him with the force of a small wrecking ball* **Combat rolling scratched out** Auggy (Oh my...): ((Die roller hates me. she's out)) *Two hits, and this sucker is finito.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Stops a moment to activate the fetish, blood dripping and freezing in midair to bounce off the frozen ground, and examines his prey.* Auggy (Oh my...): *It would be a wolf. Old, white fur, missing a leg and a tail* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *And likely the one he was looking for. He finds another snowbank and makes enough room for the both of them before dragging her into it and curling up next to her in Hispo to lend warmth.* Auggy (Oh my...): *it takes a good long while, but eventually there is a shudder* ~ws~Am I dead... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): WS--No. Likely it would be warmer there. Auggy (Oh my...): *A curse, a deep shudder, and a shake* ~ws~ Good. It would be...shameful, to fall against someone who is not the shield-brother of Jorgmunder... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): WS--Rest, Rhya. We'll seek battle come the moon-rising. Auggy (Oh my...): *soft grunt* ~ws~ Battle is...not far from here... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): WS--What is the battle? Auggy (Oh my...): ~ws~ The sagas tell of...ancient horrors, being awakened for pack sought one out. Now I come back to reclaim my pack's honor, and take my place in Valhalla... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Whuffs.* I will return the tale of its demise to our people. Auggy (Oh my...): ~ws~ This is a good thing...*with that, her breathing softens* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Nods, and goes to sleep himself.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Scarfs down his share before the blood freezes its fur to the ground, ready to go.* Auggy (Oh my...): ~ws~ They are this way. 10 of Jorgmunders' shield-brothers guard it. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Nods.* WS--10? A matter of small difficulty, but I thought they'd be smarter than that. Lead the way, Rhya. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Nods.* WS--10? A matter of small difficulty, but I thought they'd be smarter than that. Lead the way, Rhya. Auggy (Oh my...): ~ws~ It is nearly awake...*Beginning the slow lope that signals the beginning of a very long run...perhaps it's just the snow, but glimpses of other wolves appear for a flash, before settling into a regular cloudlike shape* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Awakens the spirit in his belt so that he can keep up easily, but lets the old wolf take the lead.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Awakens the spirit in his belt so that he can keep up easily, but lets the old wolf take the lead.* Auggy (Oh my...): *The old wolf is seemingly tireless throughout the day and well into dusk, perhaps bouyed by some future knowledge...flashes of other wolves running with the pair give some credence to this. Finally a new, acrid scent invades the cool air...burning, sweet and bitter somehow at the same time. Running into this, firelight can be seen, with a sickly greenish pallor to it* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): *Forces himself to keep moving, keeping up, and activates Trollskin. ((Jublain Trollskin Sta 7, P-U 3: 4,6,4,3,9,6,6,4,1,10,--fuck, 1 suxx))* Auggy (Oh my...): ~ws~ There. *Looking intently, there's a small cave, the area right outside it strewn with bones of all kinds...animal, human...a femur much too large to be anything but a Garou...the normal smells of the woods at night have been replaced by far heavier smells of smoke, ash, blood, and death...everywhere...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD! Ass-kicking BAD!)): ((Does he have her name yet?)) *Nods and shifts to Crinos before the opaque white of his left eye goes to an opaque black. ((Jublain Venom Blood Str 8, Med 1, 1 WP: 3,8,2,10,2,1,1,2,9,--fucking roller. 2 suxx))* Auggy (Scene 3...): *Sascha's Warcry is loud, long, and consists of exactly one word* Wri'dinetttTTTH! ((Ye may roll Int+Enigmas at 7 to remember who/what it is)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): ((*G* 3 suxx)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): *Jublain's warcry is more simple--a simple Anthem of War and a warning of death to come, intended to strike fear into the hearts of those who would dare stand before the Valkyridottir. (Jublain CotW-- Sta 8, Emp 1, PB 3, -1 diff: 1,6,8,10,10,7,8,8,7,8,4,1,--Damn, 7 suxx on Call off the Wyld.))* Auggy (Scene 3...): *Wri'dineth being a Thunderwyrm of no small repute. It and its' caretakers are presumed to be responsible for the destruction of no less then 5 caerns in the last 10 years. None of the caerns destroyed was less then Rank 3, and the first one destroyed was Sascha's birth-caern.* Auggy (Scene 3...): ((They'll blame it on the fact that their soccer team lost 3 weeks ago or some shit. Pack init is being used, and, uhm, the not-nice guys are going at 30. )) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): ((Lovely...)) Auggy (Scene 3...): *Sascha is immediately dog-piled...or at least they attempt to dogpile her, and the first two attacks miss completely, bowling past and looking, well, foolish* Auggy (Scene 3...): *In return, one of the attempted dogpilers loses an arm for it's trouble* Auggy (Scene 3...): *Bsd 1 is severely dinged, while #2 doesn't even get dented. Sascha, meanwhile, is going wild. Literally.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): ((Jublain Rage--Dex 4, Melee 4: 9,7,3,5,2,7,9,3--4 suxx on the second---Jublain Rage--Dex 4, Melee 4: 7,4,8,3,5,9,6,5--3 on the third.)) ((Jublain Damage--Str 8, Weapon 4, Suxx 3: 1,6,1,4,9,6,6,5,10,5,4,5,8,5,2--6 agg----Jublain Damage--Str 8, Weapon 4, Suxx 2: 1,6,2,4,4,9,6,7,4,9,6,2,3,10--7 agg. One miss, one hit for 6, one hit for 7.)) *Jublain concentrates on those that might attack her from behind--Morningstar's first trip through the frozen air, hoarsely singing, goes unimpeeded, while its second and third smack resoundingly into the flesh of each opponent.* Auggy (Scene 3...): ((#1 is down but not dead, #2 is now officially hurt)) *The two on Jube seem to be in, well, slow motion as one gets it's head caved in and collapses, the other's breath escaping in a whuf* Auggy (Scene 3...): ((Init time again)) *Sascha has dispatched the two others who came at her, and the other 6 are going to be in melee range next round* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): ((Jublain Init--Dex 4, Wits 3, SotF 10, 1d10: 10,--Init 27)) Auggy (Scene 3...): ((They're going at 25. The one that's down is going to try to get up, the one that's up is going for an all-out assault, and 2 fresh bodies are joining the fray* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): *Continues to let Sascha take the lead, throwing himself into his own small portion of the battle.* Auggy (Scene 3...): *Sascha is more then holding her own, being ripped and torn, standing in a fairly think pool of her own blood and viscera, but showing absolutely no sign of stopping. Clearly, Fenris favors hr this evening* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!): *Moves quickly, first swinging the heavy ball downward into the one that's attempting to rise and then whipping it viciously to the side at the other one. ((Jublain SMASH--Dex 4 Mel 4, -2 dice, -2 diff: 9,6,6,6,8,6,--6 Suxx----Jublain SMASH--Dex 4, Melee 4, -3 dice: 3,9,7,4,7,--3 suxx----Jublain Damage--Str 8, Weapon 4, suxx 5: 3,10,7,8,8,2,2,2,1,9,5,1,4,6,6,2,3,--7 agg to the downed BSD----Jublain Damage--Str 8, Weapon 4, suxx 2: 8,2,2,2,7,6,3,3,5,7,6,4,8,4,--6 agg to the wounded.))* Auggy (Scene 3...): *Okay, the one that was down choked on his rage-heal and has officially croaked...roll straight to damage on your attacks* Auggy (Scene 3...): ((Wounded takes 1, and #2 botches...)) *It's one of those things that only happens in battle. Morningstar having knocked the second one off-balance, it's claw sinks deeply into it's own leg, tearing it off and causing a fairly swift death* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Good heavens, when did they get so quick? Dodging?* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*((Nawp.)) Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((OKay, soak 9 agg...fuckers got ~lucky~)) *Whilst #3 swings and misses, #4 cleanly hits and makes contact. New pain* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((3 suxx. He's standing, but he sure as fuck ain't happy.)) Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Ichor; or venomous blood, washes from jube and makes searing smoky ruin of one set of claws. Unfortunately this doesn't slow the fucker down. Morningstar on the other hand...* ((Yer go. Roll straight to damage, the word 'dodge' is not in anyone's dictionary tonight*)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((aw, fuck... 1 suxx, 5 suxx, and a botch. It botched with only one 1--is it possible to blow a WP on that roll?)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((9 and 8 agg on the first two.)) Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((Being the amazingly nice guy that I am, I'm just gonna declare on the botch after you roll damage for the first two.)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((kickass. Go for it.)) Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((okay, call odd or even on the fate check.)) *#3 gets...rudely splattered, and the accompanying ick, gore, and gray matter make the shaft of Morningstar rather slippery, and the third swing sends Morningstar flying out of Jubes' hand...* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*...and buries itself in a nearby snowbank* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((init time)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((Dex 4, Wits 3, SotF 10, roll 6. 23.)) Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*And the loss of Morningstar could come at a worse time, but Jube is quite likely pressed to think of one at the moment. The ground...shakes and rumbles, to a degree that would worry most* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*And the loss of Morningstar could come at a worse time, but Jube is quite likely pressed to think of one at the moment. The ground...shakes and rumbles, to a degree that would worry most* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Not good... *Snarls and looks for something to keep off the elder's back before he thinks to wonder where the hell the Elder is...* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*The reason the cave has been surrounded by guards becomes apparent, as it resolves itself into a large...mouth...surrounded by slick blubber and gaping teeth...this could be unhealthy. Sascha shrieks and heads...well, straight for it...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Aw, hell, it's a fuckin' Thunderwyrm... Looks first for the other Spirals.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*The Spirals had the good grace to perish ~before~ the Thunderwyrm shook itself loose from it's slumber. Undoubtedly the best piece of news to come around tonight* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*~some~ good news, at least. Races for the critter--and if he can without going too far out of his way or having to dig for it, snatches Morningstar out of the snow along the way.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*The creature rears and attempts to swallow both Sascha and Jube* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Holds back--this is Sascha's game, not his, and if he does something stupid and a) gets killed or b) by some miracle kills the thing, then he's failed his mission.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Morningstar is retrievable, no excessive concern, excepting the shaft is rather slick with frozen blood* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*With his luck it'll probably freeze to his hand when the battle's done.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Holding back is definitely a good choice...the Thunderwyrm swallows Sascha with minimal difficulty. Settling back down with a small groan, it's tentacles flicker through the air with a snakelike grace, testing the air for scent other then blood and battle...* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Pauses--he's told the tale of Skelf Oiled-blade too many times not to know what comes next--and watches.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((Thou lucky bastage)) *Telling it is one thing. Seeing it...the Thunderwyrm pausing as something stirs within it, indominatable in it's drive...the side of the wyrm-beast bulges, splitting and instantly freezing in the cold air, with Sarcha breaching the surface like a whale before she scrabbles and digs in for a second pass* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((Dodge at diff 8)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):HT--Holy shit... *Crouches onto his haunches without knowing he's doing it and continues to watch.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((Complete failure.)) Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):The thunderwyrm, now obvious ly feeling the effects of Sascha's clawing and chewing, makes the attempt to roll and thereby crush Sascha, who has obviously taken enough wounds to fell an entire pack of Modis* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Rule # 284: Sitting on your haunches toi watch a battle involving a Thunderwyrm is a bad thing if you're less than 100 feet away. The thrashing wyrm rolls over Jube and leaves a deep impression in a harm, but a distinct foul* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):((Rage check again @ 6 )) *rude thunderwyrms need to die.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):((whew. 2 suxx)) *Grunts, suddenly getting an image of that girl in Hot Shots after she got screwed into the mattress and fumbles his way out of the snowbank before backing up.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Minutes pass, the Thunderwyrm and Sascha fighting old-school...first one to die loses. Unfortunately, the Thunderwyrm is definitely not in Fenris' good books, as Sascha takes more wounds, losing another leg, then an arm, the leg re-appearing before the original hits the ground and shatters...* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*The outcome is never truly in doubt, old tales and just...watching Sascha being more then enough....the Thunderwyrm gives a final heave, raising almost entirely out of the ground, almost as high as the ancient redwoods before falling to the ground...* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*What happen afterwards, may be more...frightening/exhilirating then anything Jube has seen yet...stormclouds gather, the center come several bright flashes of light, slowly forming into the shapes of women in armor, riding without saddles on steeds that can only be described as magnificent. Sascha stands on top of the Thunderwyrm's frozen corpse, waiting for each one arrives, a sword flickers out and takes a piece of Sascha's body, bearing it with them up, and into the swirling cloudbank...the air stills, with the silence after battle and loss, almost overwhelming* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*When the is gone, Jublain searches among the bodies. Any clothing is removed, and any Metis are seperated, then the heads (or what's left of the heads) are removed. With the clothing and strips of... well, rawhide, he lashes several Metis ribs together, and onto the makeshift sled he piles any weapons and the heads before putting himself into harness and starting the long trip back.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Shifts to Hispo, raising his muzzle to the sky, and gives vent to a howl of both victory and mourning. With Call of the Wyld kicked in, the hail carries for miles.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*it's slightly disturbing, but about half the fallen have some marking identifying them as belonging to the Glorious Fist of Wotan or the Swords of Heimdall...the scar-glyphs are branded out or otherwise obscured, but the evidence of what they were is clear to the trained eye* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Growls.* WS--The Fists as well? Hard times are comin'. *Takes the time to remove the patches of skin bearing these glyphs as well. It's going to be a long trip back.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*10 days later, a slightly thinner Jube makes his way back to the sept pf the Bloody Permafrost* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Leaves the Garou version of the Slip-and-Slide a few miles away from the Bawn, knowing full well not to bring tainted body parts into a varthi, and heads in a somewhat ragged trot for the gathering area.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Bares his fangs in a smile.* HT--I bring both tale and trophies *gestures in the direction he left the sledge.* And something which your Jarl should see, if he has not already. The tale of Sascha Valkyridottir, called to the halls of the Fenrir with mourning and wailing of the death-song among the Shield-brothers of Adders to warm her bones. Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):~ht~ The Jarl will call the moot shortly. Your tale will be heard then. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Nods.* This is good. Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*The Jarl, a fairly aged fenrir of about 29 or so...goes out, snorts at what he sees, and calls the council together for a brief meeting, afterwhich the call for a moot is made. Rather traditional in style and scope. The trophies are definitely an item of discussion, with the contingent of Fists arguing and fighting rather vocally* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Watches, contenting himself with the knowledge that as a Vissman, he'll be taking part in such councils, and participates until the time comes for the telling of tales.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Finally, the Jarl shouts and smacks people around for silence* Hjarta-Villtnur brings a tale for us...*before settling back expectantly* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Pauses for a moment, letting attention gather and tension rise (and activating Visage of Fenris) and then steps forward.* HT--Jormangundr suffers a greivous wound. His servants cringe and mourn their dead tonight, as they have for the nights before. I step before the childer of Fenris to tell you the why of this. Sascha Valkyridottir has been called home, to celebrate among the For-Eldra in the halls of the Homeland and prepare for the Fimbul Winter. She did not die alone. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*He pauses a moment, reflecting, before he continues.* HT--I first enroached upon her territory nearly a moon ago, and before I knew there was anyone about save myself I was bowled into the snow and rolling with the fangs of Valkyridottir seeking my throat. I have gained victories against Jormangundr, I have faced the bane-klaive Havaragorn and stood before the spirit of the sun--yet Valkyridottir knocked me down like I would knock down a Gnawer cub. She fought like a demon, and it was through luck that I knocked her aside and she allowed me to tell of my mission. She knew my mission, of course; it was she who had sent for me. We rested the day in a snowbank--she had already scouted the scene of the battle, no mean feat for any Garou. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):I strained and heaved with my lungs to keep up with her as we ran over the frozen ground under a bright moon to her death, yet if she was winded I saw it not. When we arrived the hackles rose on the back of my neck and I prepared to enter the halls of Valhalla beside her. There were ten of them--their heads you have already seen. At least half of them had once been shieldbrothers of our own before their weakness of spirit overtook them, and I had no illusions of an easy battle. They had no illusions either, and they took their time in approach. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):As I gave vent to the Anthem of War and silently asked the For-Eldra to be ready for me, Sascha Valkyridottir raised her muzzle and roared the name of her enemy. They shivered--this I saw--and she was halfway to them, me trailing behind as best I could, before they approached. The rest... was battle as it always is. Those that passed her by, I attacked before they could attack her from behind, but where I had to stop to do battle with them, Valkyridottir simply tore them apart where they stood and continued onward. Before her onslaught they fell like sheep before the slaughtering block. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):I trailed further behind, but she flagged no more for me than for the Dancers of the Spiral--it was not their name she had challenge-called, and it was not they who answered. I had seen a Thunderwyrm before, once--this one put it to shame. Longer than the bodies of two dozen Crinos, thicker than any tree I had seen. As the last adder-wolf fell I limped after her, sore wounded. My wounds were a joke, a scratch, next to what she had suffered--how she could be alive is still beyond me, and I thought of little else for ten days. She raced for the creature with a howl of battle, and almost quicker than I could blink it swallowed her up. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):This, then, was the death I had come to witness--Sascha was engulfed and there was no way for me to save her alone. But have I not myself told the tale of Skelf Oiled-Blade, who killed a Thunderwyrm by allowing it to swallow him and tearing its heart from inside? This was her death-battle, and this was the battle she had sent for me to watch. The creature straightened, taller than buildings the apes make, and I saw with my own eye the skin split open and thick black blood spray to freeze before it struck the earth. Sascha tore her way out, but paused not even for breath as she tore a path back in. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):The creature twisted and writhed like a swimming snake--I myself was smashed from where I stood and into the snow so hard that I needed to dig myself out of the hole my body had driven into the snow, but the Valkyridottir neither flagged nor faltered as blood flew. The thing seperated a leg--she growled. An arm came off like an ape kid would yank the wing off a fly--she snarled and continued. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):I have never in my life--not in the Amazon, not in the homelands of the Fenrir nor the realms of the winds, not even in the twisted scab they call Necropolis--never in my life have I seen the like. Even a creature of such evil--even a creature created in Jormangundr's foul likeness--could not stand before the fury of a daughter of Fenris. The thing straightened, and I felt that had the night not been clear and the air crisp I would have lost sight of the end amongst the clouds. Then it fell to earth with a crash so hard I was nearly knocked from my paws by the shaking of the ground. Sascha Valkyridottir, victor over the serpent's spawn, climbed out of the creature's body and stood atop it. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):And the Valkyries whose name she carried came to her, and they bore her home. A thousand glowing lights coming down from the clouds, only seen as women when they came closer. Her body was bathed in the light of Luna, filled with it and glowing with it until my eye watered to look, and then she was gone. Tonight, as on the nights before, Jormangundr speaks to his children. "Why do you mourn?" he asks them. "Why do you wail the deathsongs in your foul tunnels and caves, why do your brothers lie unburied in the snow, their weapons stolen and their heads taken for trophies? Why does my prized child lay dead?" As on many such nights before, the servants of Jormangunder have only a name for an answer--Sascha Valkyridottir, whom we shall fight beside again upon the Fimbul Winter. Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*Nods of assent from many, and from somewhere in the crowd is a low mournful howl* ~GS~ Well spoken, Vissman. Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Nods.* HT--I thank you, Rhya Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Pauses for another moment, then steps back into the circle.* Auggy (*ridin' a pale horse*):*the Jarl stands* ~ht~We celebrate greatly, and we mourn greatly. Let the shield-brothers of Adders fear for their lives this night... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; Rank GOOD!!):*Nods and takes his place among his brethren.* Back | List of Archive | Next |
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