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A Birth in the Yard April 9, 2003 Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((Gotcha!)) Meredith> This could trigger contractions. If that happens, we'll take good care of you, but you might have to hold off or really push early, depending on how this goes. *Keeps holding her hand firmly* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Looks around, notes a shitload of blood on Mere, and heads over, looking to Val.* Meredith Turner: *Her hand shaking, clinging to Val. Nods, then closes her eyes tight* um......... Morgan Black: *lands roughly, her sharp claws clutching tightly because she's agitated*~votm~meredith! she's bleeding, and val just helped her, but i bet she's having her baby, and michale says that bleeding isn't normal, so you should go back to the vans.... harrrrrrrrrrkkkkkk! Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Say, Jason..could you get the stethescope over here real quick and listen to the baby? *Calm with an edge of un-calm* Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *goes to sit down on some junk and keep out of the way* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *comes tearing down the road a minute or so later in Danni's truck.... he pulls up to the gate and lays on the horn for Bubba or Bob to let him in* Morgan Black: ((michaEl, i mean. heh.)) 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: Checkcheck...*making his way over briskly, yanking out the stethoscope on the way and plugging it into his ears* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Could someone get a hot wet towel for Meredith? Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *blinks. pales. sends the info to Jubs via Pack Speech then with much less than his usual caution, grabs Morgan from his arm and sticks her on his neck to use the collar to dig her talons in. wastes no time in making sure she's got a tight grip and bolts like a bat away from Ozzie... like a ham sandwhich from Rosie O'Donnel.. like a Cigar from Monca Lewinski. Like a witty remark from GW Bush. Like a Martyr from the next 71 virgins.* Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): OOC:anyone archiving this? Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((It's Eupmemism Man!)) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((Euphemism, more likely)) Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Makes her way in unawared of the fuss, but looking over her shoulder at the sound of a horn* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): ((I will)) Morgan Black: *squawks and hangs on, ducking down close to his neck* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): ((actually, I think the cigars liked Lewinski. Any woman who puts me there is definitely a friend...)) Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *once the gates are opened he pulls the truck in and hops out, leaving the engine running and dashes back to the clearing* Morgan Black: ((that was impressive...)) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((Sure, you say that now, Ken, but what do you say right after that when the Prez smokes you and says you taste good?)) Twomoons Maier (Warder dude): *places the stethoscope on Mere's stomach, listening carefully, before placing it a couple more times, frowning because it's a bitch to hear anything through clothes* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *Ever seen a wolf break the sound barier? try adding lupus movement to a decent athletics, throw in some adrenaline and rage-fueled running... its a good thing he didn't come equipped with a flux capacitor as he tears in through the maze to the GA, reverting to homid as he slams a shoulder to the DoW vans to stop...with a nice internal crunch. sprinting the rest of the way to Mere's side in homid* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): ((Good point... But I didn't like Biilzebubba anyway. we were talkin' 'bout Blewinski.)) Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Looks around in suprise. Makes her way briskly to Mere when she puts two and two together* oh no.... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST):*Waits, watching nervously, then kinda zones out a minute.* PS--Ask 'em what the fuck's wrong. Cain't talk yet. And they ain't takin' her to no ape-doctor. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((Aw, Bill makes me smile. Really. I think he's like a really sleck-talking teddy bear. But you know us women. We like 'im.)) Meredith Turner: *Lying down kinda in the doorway of FMT vans, Two moons listen to her stomach. Sweating and pale, looking pretty damn scared. eyes darting around* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *emerges in the clearing a second or two after Jurg* Val! I got Danni's truck! 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *finally stands up* Medvan. Now. *Deja vu all over again, yep* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): ((Val>> And he likes you too *G*)) Morgan Black: *she'd taken back to the air when he shifted, unable to hold onto his fur that well. she circles around, to see what's happening* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *grimaces... oh there's gonna be hell to pay for him being stuck with this voice at a time like this* ~votj~ what's wrong? Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): ((A slick-talking rapist teddy bear who couldn'tt ell the truth to save his life.... even in court...)) Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Flicks her smoke, and wiggles her way into the croud whispering to Val* Is she in labor? 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *clipped voice* Mere's gone into labor. Get her to the Van, and we'll see if we can move her elsewhere in a few minutes. Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): Val>> Ok well lemme know ASAP.... cause I left it running Morgan Black: *caws again, surprised at jurg speaking. heh, elisa will be so mad that she left before things got interesting. she dives in to find a shoulder of someone who's close by. lands on jub* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Cassy> We're finding out. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Curses to herself* Do you need an OB kit? I'll go grab one outta the Med Van Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): OOC:OB... Kit... this brings to mind some disturbing thoughts 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *quietly* You're going to be okay, Meredith...have you been feeling any stomach pains today? *looking to see if there's a horde of volunteers to help meredith to the Van* Meredith Turner: (*Screams and attacks Greg* NOOOOOOOO!!!!!)) 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: Cassy>>Got everything I'm gonna need here, thanks. *lifting his OD green medic bag* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *jerks his head to Jubs to grab Mere's legs and support them so they can move her.. not sure how good it is to compress a body by lifting her alone* Meredith Turner: Two> *wavering voice, nods* uh-uh, a...little bit........ I didn't think.... *swallows hard*'s.too early...... *shaking* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Waits to see how they intend to move her before putting a hand in the mess.* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *fuck Jurg... he moves to help Mere to the van* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Twomoons> ~ps~ Fetal condition? Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Nods and takes the legs.* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): ((I remember EMT training when we actually practiced delivering on an automated dummy that you had to "lube" up and then flips the switch, and she'd actually deliver a manacin baby...eeesh)) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Meredith, try not to worry about it being too early. You're close enough. It'll be okay. Meredith Turner: Cassy> (isn't that fun... *L* did that in my clinical skills class..woo, one poor guy... he passed out) Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): OOC:Mike... that's sick. BIC:*carefully starts to move Mere van-wards. its doubtful he's ever looked this pale* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *lets Jurg take her shoulders, Jub gets the legs, and he supports her back... where the weight of the baby is* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Takes a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down. Decides she'll let the trained semi professionals do their job* You're gonna be ok Mere... 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *hustles to get the door, slipping in and flipping on the lights* Relax Meredith...I've dealt with premature babies before. Meredith Turner: *Turns her head, trying to bury it into jurg, shaking pretty bad* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Moves slowly, gulping. Last child-birth he had anything to do with is ~not~ an event to remember.* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *a quick hand-wiggle* ~ps~ Can't tell Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *supporting shoulders and back from the side. not carrying her like a corpse* Morgan Black: ~votm~of course she'll be okay. *hangs onto jub's shoulder, leaning down to watch, making sure to not miss anything* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *moves slowly with the DoW... keeping Mere as supported as possible* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *gently lays a quick kiss on Mere's forehead. a bit preoccupied with the current situation for an all-out makeout session* Meredith Turner: *Winces again and through sakey lips* I'm sorry i'm sorry, oh gaia I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you jurg, i'm so sorry... I didn't want you to stress.. i'm sorry, i'm sorry.. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Moves to Mere side, opposite Jurg, and kneels down...* You're in good hands kiddo...*offers a smile, hiding the worry in her face* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Comes alongside Meredith as steadily as a plow horse* Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *keeps watching from a distance... oh lookit that. the water's done boiling. takes it off the grill and looks around for something to soak in it. aw fuck... shrugs and takes his shirt off, tis not like he doesn't have 8 more just like it. wads it up and uses it to grab the handle as he drags the steaming water towards the van* OOC;as for shirtless Mike details. shock of all shocks, he doesn't have an assload of scars. does have a tattoo of a one-eyed raven on his right arm ripping a chunk of flesh from a bloody chunk of anatomically correct heart. 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *Quietly directing for the ones backing up* Okay, Jube, little to your left...*And the Medvan is quickly becoming crowded* Brad, keep the truck going for now. Morgan Black: *usually it's just the mother having her eggs with ravens. how come it takes so many people to have a baby? maybe it's something to do with the shell.* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): 2moons>> *nods* check... *helps them get Mere into the van* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Moves along, helping her get set down.* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Smiles a little to Meredith* Feeling crowded yet? Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *just pats Mere's side slightly as she tries to apologize* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Twomoons> Do we have anything like Pitocin? Anything at all? Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *sets the bucket down outside the van and lets the shirt soak in it as he backs away to get out of ground zero again* Morgan Black: *ooh, it's a little close in here. feeling claustrophobic, morgan kind of hunches down determined to stay and see this. just focus on the learning experience...* Meredith Turner: *Looks up to Val, teary eyed, and kinda nods* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Watches nervously.* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *drops a mask over his face and flips his baseball cap on backwards, peering up Mere's dress* Gaia...I can't see shit right now...*reaching into the bag without looking, bringing out a sponge to wipe the excess blood away* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: All> Okay, Meredith needs lots of air, so could anyone not delivering or the Father give her some more space?. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *the corner of his right eye twitching like mad, tugging on the scar on his jawline slightly* Morgan Black: *as she's along for the ride with jub, she'll wait and see if he moves* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ~Distracted PS~Afraid for the baby. When to decide to cut open? Meredith Turner: *Winces and cringes again. Teeth clentched together* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *once they got Mere down he moves out of the way* Lemme know if ya need anything Rhya... *nods to 2moons... then looks at Jurg... then nods to him too and moves away* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: As a last resort, yes. I'd rather not go that road just yet. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Motions for a warm rag, or shirt, or whatever is in the bucket, so she can put it over Mere's forehead* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Steps back so there's plenty of room, but no way in hell is he leaving.* Ps--Ask them what the hell went wrong. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Snags the hot wet shirt and slings water off of it, hopefully not hitting too many bystanders as it's swung and wrung neatly, then placed over Meredith's lower abdomen to help control pain a little* Morgan Black: ((gah, have to go.))*feeling way too claustrophobic, she takes off, and flies out the door, hanging out with michael till everything's done, and then flying home*((laters!)) Meredith Turner: ((see ya hun!)) Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Looks at Val and gets her attention* She's gonna be a mother before we'd even make it to the hospital... Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Looks at Val and gets her attention* She's gonna be a mother before we'd even make it to the hospital... Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): Cassy>> Here! *takes off his shirt and tosses it to her* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *oh this is gonna take some work... shuts his eyes momentarily, grabs Mere's hand in his left one and prepares for the bone-crunching agony to come with the words 'you're never sticking that thing in me again'. plops down a wp to focus and lets a bit of his meager spiritual side flow from within as his eyes open, looking amazingly calm for now, foccusing on making the feeling spread out* OOC:just a flowery way of saying he activated inspiration to hopefully calm some nerves. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Cassy> Uh..yeah.. Meredith Turner: *Her shakey hands, clutching to Jurg,s clamy and nervous* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *looking carefully, nodding once* Jurg, play with her nipples. We need to induce labor. *utterly calm* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Cassy, could you go into the Nova, down the ladder, and get the red bottle? Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Snags it...then throws it back* dip in the bucket of hot water then ring it out...*Wipes the persperation out Mere's face with her sleeve after she throws the shirt back* Meredith Turner: Two> WHAT?? *Blinking* Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *leans his head slightly for Morgan to perch on* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Looks oddly at Twomoons. Surely everyone knows that method of induction takes hours.* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *snags the shirt and dips it in the bucket... then rings it out and carries it back to Cassy* here ya go... Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *blinks at Twomoons in confusion* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *blinks at 2moons' order..... wtf?* Meredith Turner: *The winces and closes her eyes tightly* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Nods after Brad gets a damp something that she can put on her head* Jurg...takes this...wipe her forhead and face with it every so often...*Stands up and looks to val on her way out* Red bottle you said? 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: Mere>>It's either that or we give you castor oil and/or an enema. Take your pick. Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): OOC;er, on his arm that is. whatever Meredith Turner: Two> *Through clentched teeth* no isn't the time for that....... ((*Giggles*) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Yeah, red bottle with a blue handle. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Gives Twomoons another odd look, as those methods take hours also* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Thumbs up, and heads off in a sprint* Meredith Turner: *Blinks and looks at Two moons* you've got to be kidding me... Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *takes the rag, switching Mere's hand to his right so he can whipe with the left. zones for only a second* ~ps~ I'll ask in a sec. don't wanna distract Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Shrugs and gives a 'go-ahead' to Jurg.* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ~PS~ Got Scalpel? Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Slides down the ladder into Vals room of goodies...* Red bottle...Red bottle *See's several red bottles* Fuck...which one...*Searches frantically before spotting the one with the blue handle* Sweet....*Hastily climbs that ladder, and sprints back to the Van* One Red Bottle Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *decides now would NOT be a good time to pull out a coathanger.* Meredith Turner: (Greg... one of these days your gonna get smacked really hard... *L*) 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *one hand does some fluttering while Twomoons keeps looking* ~ps~ Nippletweak good. Pit bad. Gives Jurg to-do. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): ((Thats not right Greg...Gah!!)) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Thanks Cassy. Now, let's all give Mere plenty of room. Because this substance is strong and no one else wants to go to sleep right now do they? *Starts to remove the stopper* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *makes with the face wiping and the hand holding and the sweat-pouring and the eye twitching, watching Mere's face and not the rest* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *fishes in the bag again, extracting a mechanics' roll and snapping it open, revealing all the basic tools of the medical trade* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): ((Yeah, I'd say that would probably get him killed....)) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ~PS~ Fetus movement? Any? Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *Takes a deep breath as Val whips out her goods* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Activates Resist toxin for good measure, and resumes her place next to Mere, albeit with a little added distance as Val works her magic* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *goes over and sits near Michael... watching Mere*Meredith Turner: Jurg> *Looks scared, and looks to Val* What's that?Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *quietly to Brad* um.. he's not gonna like.. bite the umbilical cord, is he? Meredith Turner: Jurg> *Looks scared, and looks to Val* What's that? Michael Stevens (damn Nutscrape): *quietly to Brad* um.. he's not gonna like.. bite the umbilical cord, is he? Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *strokes Mere's hair at the look of fear* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Keeping her hands steady* Meredith, I'd like you to meet our friend Awakened Opium. Made just for you. You're about to have the most healthy and happy baby in a painless dream full of light. Unicorn's blessing is on you. *The glass stopper comes out with a tiny chime* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *a quick nod before making a quick play-by-play announcement* Looks like what happened is the placenta tore somehow. Meredith needs to give birth as soon as possible. Meredith Turner: Opium? No I don't want....... I want to be awake! VALERIE! *growls* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *looks at Michael... didn't even realize he was there...* What?? Ugh... no.... he... we..... we're not that weird OK? We're just normal people... that happen to be werewolves... it don' make us cannables or anything..... *goes back to watching Mere... concerned* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Looks up at Twomoons* Merconian Staining? ((Fetal waste products stored in the placenta)) Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: You'll know what's happening. You'll be awake, but in a perfect state of comfort. Are you ready? *Smiles reassuringly, comfortingly* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *absently* Yep. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Waking dreams are real. Don't worry. You'll be with us the whole way. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): OOC:Mike>>ew....BIC:*jacks in Resist-Toxin at the word "opium".... blops down another WP point to just trust Val on this* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Watches, not liking this shit at all.* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Doesn't say anything, only smiles reassuringly under her breath. He's right though...this baby needs to come now, or else it'll drown in its own shit* Meredith Turner: *Shakes her head* Val........ no drugs... Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): OOC:drown in his own shit? it really IS Jurg's kid. BIC;~ps~ when this is over.. beat the fuck outta me for not taking her to Bloody River for the pregnancy,,,, Meredith Turner: *Then suddenly pitches foreward, wincing, eyes closing tight* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): ((And it's Meconium Staining...Not merconium)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): Ps--Consider it done. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Mere, we're going to have to help the baby out through your abdomen. There's no more time. You'll be wide awake, but not in pain. And I can make it stop working at any time you want. It's Awakened, remember? Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *keeps a grip on Mere's hand as she launches upright* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *rocks back on his heels slightly to catch Mere if she goes forward too far* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Takes another deep breath and grabs another warm rag, handing it to Jurg, then grabbing another one, and wipe HIS forehead* Meredith Turner: *Groans slightly, her water breaking* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Two minutes is up. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *doesn't notice Cassy aside from a rag being passed to him to wipe Mere's head some more*' Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: And the C is not gonna be necessary. *as his clothes get wrecked* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Looks up at Val and TM* If you wanna go now we better do it. 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *reaching up with the stethoscope and placing it three times* It's there. Slightly accelerated, but no danger. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *looks down as TM gets splattered.. this is _definately_ his kid* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: In that case, we're good. // Meredith> Would you like to go to the hospital now? Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Wipes Jurgs Forehead with a warm rag. The tougher they are...the harder time the Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Shakes his head.* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *shakes his head "no" at the hospital question* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Wipes Jurgs Forehead. The tougher they are the harder it for them to deal during things like this..* 'Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *mental watch going and waiting, hand flashing twice* ~ps~ No hospital. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Sighs with relief...*Good....I hate hospitals. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Restoppers the opium bottle* You can do this without the drug Meredith. Because if you put up with Jurg all this time, labor's going to be a breeze for you. *Crooked smile* Question is, who all do you want with you now? Michael Stevens: *nudges Brad and points to the fridge, making a "drinky drinky" motion in offer* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((You oughta b-fly)) Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Taps the wall to get Micheal's attention and holds up two fingers.* Michael Stevens: OOC:Holy shit.. B-fly lives! ~b-fly~: (*chuckle* be back in a moment.) Michael Stevens: *nods to Jubs and heads for the fridge* Michael Stevens: *looks through... 1, 2, 6.. screw it. grabs a case, pulling one out to toss to Brad, grabbing one for himself and takes the rest to sit down by Jubs. makes a quick retreat back to the couch and the firebarrel for warmth* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): OOC:Lovely boot-timing if I may say so *nods* Vivian Weiss: Comes into the yard, the first time in weeks... but on the plus side she's had a couple huge pay checks with all the overtime she's had to work. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((Musta been too much for Tris' modem.)) Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): Michael>> No thanks man... Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): OOC:I shoulda warned it that cigar smoke and an open-front computer don't mix well Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Nods his thanks, takes out a beer, hands it to Jurg. Then takes out another and opens it with his teeth.* Michael Stevens: *keeps that second beer for Vivian, then. takes his seat on the couch and waves to her, motioning her over* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Casts a baleful eye upon the beer-swilling spectators* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *distractedly reaches for the offered beer. chock it up to pack unity for him knowing where to reach. opens it with his teeth and slams it to calm his nerves. reaching outside the van to set it down, forgetting that little matter of height difference between the floor of the van and the ground.* Vivian Weiss: "Hey Michael.. Brad.. What's goign on?" her hair is wet, obviously she just recently took a shower... sitting down ont he arm of the couch. Michael Stevens: OOC:that's not nearly as bad as me giving a "its a miscarriage!" cigarette to an ex-co-worker. he was overjoyed, at least. Michael Stevens: *rests his arm up on Vivian's thigh, taking a sip of the beer and passing it to her. not swilling, damnit* Mere had some sort of natal complications. she's delivering, I think. at least, that's the plan Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Chugs his own, digging out two more. Considering what's on his mind, he'd be drinking Mezcal if it was available. Hands one to Jurg and works on this one a bit more slowly.*' Twomoons' Maier (warderdude) :st: *Much deja vu as memories of his first delivery come unbidden and undesired to his mind. Keggers are ~so~ not great environments for childbirth...* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *as another one's passed to him, drains it halfway and sets it down. not quite registering in his brain that he activated resist toxin* Vivian Weiss: Takes the beer then almost drops it.. "What?! she's not due until next month... " she stands up taking a few steps toward the van but stops when she sees all the people already there.. Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *watching Mere worriedly.... apparently doesn't hear Viv* Michael Stevens: Viv>>Three weeks. there've been births earlier... she'll be okay, I'm sure. *grabs her by the waist of her jeans and pulls her back down* there's too many people over there as it is.. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *motions for Val towards the business end of the deal. oh he's hatin' this talking thing* ~votj~ I trust _you_. Vivian Weiss: Getss pulled back.. having not expected that,she ends up sitting on Michael's lap. "Shit, shit, shit.. I know but it's better if the baby is full term." Michael Stevens: Viv>>I don't think the baby cared about "if"s. I think he smelled beer and steak and decided he was coming out. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Continues watching worridly as Twomoons does his thing.* Vivian Weiss: She blinks at Michael.. "he's definately Jurg's son." Meredith Turner: *Teeth clenched tightly, winces and cringes* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *ditto* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Leans over to Mere, and speaks gently* Hey Mere...I know its hard, but try not to push until he tells you ok? Meredith Turner: Cassy> *nods* Michael Stevens: OOC:heh... its just like real labor! mucho waiting *G* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: ((Basically, beers got passed out to various people while you were gone)) *Moves to Meredith's feet* Okay, if you can, Meredith, Just let your body do what it knows how. And don't think about the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Vivian Weiss: she takes off her leather jacket and offers it to Michael.. "here, before you catch a a cold." She watching the van... itching to go over but Michael is right there are enough people surrounding Meredith at this time. Meredith Turner: Val> *nods,,, and breaths and then blinks* why the hell would i think about that?? *then crinkles nose, grimmacing again* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Cassy, what are you..? Oh never mind. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *chugs the second half of the beer and tosses it backwards out the van without looking. keeps wiping Mere's forehead... trying to remember not to rub the skin off her skull* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Mere> You know, I do believe this is the fastest I've ever seen anyone go. *Aside* Hot towel here, now. She'll rip. Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Cocks her head* Uhhh...i was trained as a wilderness EMT at the sept back home... Michael Stevens: *takes the jacket and drapes it around the front of Viv, tugging back on the sleeves until he's pinned between her and the couch, watching over her shoulder without much craning of his neck required.* I couldn't just take your jacket and leave you cold Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Mere> Would you like to change position? This is yours and yours alone, how you want to do it. Meredith Turner: Val> My...side... of the family... Fast... births *growls slightly, closing her eyes* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *quickly looks to make sure someone's grabbing a hot towel* Meredith Turner: Val> *nods, and tries to slowly sit up a little bit* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Mere> My neice did it in 45 minutes, I kid you not. Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Jurg, support her back and under her arms when the contractions hit and let the woman do her thing. Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *sitting near Viv and Michael... shirtless... watching Mere...... possibly doesn't even know Viv's there* Vivian Weiss: Gets trapped... her concern for Mere and the baby quite evident on her face. "I'm not too cold.. I at least have a swearter on." however she does protest to being 'trapped' right now. Meredith Turner: Val> my marriage.. was in labor.. *huffs, and swallows hard* ..40 hours Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: That's by marriage. Doesn't count. By the way, he's coming.. I saw hair. Michael Stevens: Viv>>just relax for now... they'll be a little too occupied to talk right now anyway... *watches but doesn't seem as on-edge as the rest* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Gulps and watches.* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *twitches as something in his hand crunches* Meredith Turner: Val> of course I FUCKING FEEL IT! *Snarls and grimmaces and bears down* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Glances at Jurg with something unspoken* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Damn right you do Mere. So, why not push down hard and as long as you can? Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *leans forward.... ready to jump up the instant someone needs something* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Gulps again.* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *hands Jurg another warm rag, and clasps one of her Hands* Get ready to push when she says so Mere....*Lets go and scoots over to Val...setting up a steril blanket, and making sure suction bulb is out and available, and Umbilical clamp with scissors is ready for Val* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Gulps again.* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *hands Jurg another warm rag, and clasps one of her Hands* Get ready to push when she says so Mere....*Lets go and scoots over to Val...setting up a steril blanket, and making sure suction bulb is out and available, and Umbilical clamp with scissors is ready for Val*Meredith Turner: *Growls and scrunches up her face, pushing. A low snarl slipping past her lips, her grip on jurg, vice-like* I'm do this AGAIN!.. Vivian Weiss: she tenses at the sound she hears from Mere.. thinking about the day she'll begoing through that pain. "ooooooooh boy.." Michael Stevens: Viv>>I am _never_ getting pregnant.... Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: You're doing so great, Meredith. One more please? I know, I'm a slave driver... Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Gulps again at the snarl, trying not to tremble.* Vivian Weiss: Michael> "I wants kids someday.." then she looks at him.. "You can't get pregnant... unless there's something about you that I don't know about." Michael Stevens: Viv>>nope, I think you'd probably know that by now anyway Meredith Turner: *Pants, swallows hard then growls and bears down again. The slew of profanities flying out* Fuck! no! I'm never gonna fuck again! Jurgen...look at me!.... LOOK WHAT YOU DID!! *Howls and pushes* Michael Stevens: *grimace, inward stumble* 'cause I'm rather open about things like that. *its a good thing no one's paying attention* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *both eyebrows go up... he has NEVER looked like a newspaper-swatted puppy before in his life, and probably never will again* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Grasps the baby's head gently, supports the neck, guiding the shoulders down and suddenly, he's free.* Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur" Wade (GoF PB 3; ST): *Blinks hard and looks away.* Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *'never gonna fuck again'..... damn... sorry Jurg* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Puts on some steril gloves, and waits for the baby. Suction bulb in hand.* few more seconds Mere... Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Directly onto the blanket and wraps* Vivian Weiss: Michael> "true.. Anyway.. how have you been, I haven't seen you in a few weeks." oddly enough she snuggles against him under her jacket. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *helps Mere lay back down, slipping his jacket off to slip around Mere's shoulders. Quickly followed by his shirt in case Val needs it to wrap the baby in* Meredith Turner: *her howls die into whimpers and shivering and panting. Her hands shaking* Michael Stevens: *slip shis own arms under the jacket as well* Viv>>been working a lot. Overtime plus the selling stuff gig. Made some nice cash this past week and a half Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Helps wipe the baby down...trying to remember what APGAR stands for* She's beautiful *Chances are she really looks like an alien with all the goo on her* Now you just have to Deliever the Placenta and then your Done...*looks up to Jurg* Jurg...Message her tummy...that'll help the Placent come out. Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *uses his left hand to awkwardly massage Mere's stomach. not sure just how to do it* Meredith Turner: Cassy> (*coughs* boy... it's a boy) Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *eyes rapidly going from Mere to the Baby* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: Hey Cassy, how about you get the van nice and warm? Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Climbs into the front seat...removes her gloves, and fires up the Van, heater blasting* Meredith Turner: *Leans up again, and grimmacing again, panting, looking exhausted* Michael Stevens: *looks up again as the van cranks* Viv>>no more screaming obscenities... I think its out. Meredith Turner: he alright... *voice trembling, looks to Jurg then to Val and Cass* Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *there are gothy computer nerds with more of a complexion than Jurg has right now* Cassy Nix (S-E-D): *Climbs, and smiles at Mere. Doesn't say anything...will let Val make that determination.* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: He's fine Meredith. *Smile growing wider* You can relax. And no one needs to smack him. Vivian Weiss: Michael> "well I guess neither one of us was out looking for each other.. I've been working alot of over time as well." Brad Mullins (SR Thug/Guardian): *gets up and heads for the gate.... guess they're not gonna need the truck after all* Vivian Weiss: Michael> "well I guess neither one of us was out looking for each other.. I've been working alot of over time as well." Jürg Beast-of-Garm (DoW PB3): *finally lets out that held breath* Valerie "Rolling Blackout" Karydikrotos: *Lays the baby on Meredith's stomach and chest as soon as she's reclining again. Then checks for excessive maternal bleeding* Back | List of Archive | Next |
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