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Bring the Serpent Down * * * Teeth and talons sharpened to tear into the foe. Fang and wolf's-paw waiting, to wield their wicked woe, Across this ancient battleground to settle Odin's score, For nothing is as fearsome as Fenrir's sons at war. Silver is the Compass-Star atop great Golgol's helm, As argent as the Fenris-wolf that marks the poisoned Realm, But snow white is the Falcon, our allies, and their Crown, Along with Mjolnir's Thunder, they'll bring the Serpent down See the Griffon soaring, through star-lit northern skies. Winter's beast in summer's heat is filled with warlike cries. Ally to the Jarl's Heirs, with Pole Star as his guide. But when the Fenrir take the field, the fiercest foemen hide. Silver is the Compass-Star atop great Golgol's helm, As argent as the Fenris-wolf that marks the poisoned Realm, But snow white is the Falcon, our allies, and their Crown, Along with Mjolnir's Thunder, they'll bring the Serpent down Hear the Great Wolf howling, while crushing foemen's bones. Greatest of the Warriors has come into his own. Born of fjord and tundra, well trained for bloody war, The strength of steel and talon adds to the Great Wolves' roar. Silver is the Compass-Star atop great Golgol's helm, As argent as the Fenris-wolf that marks the poisoned Realm, But snow white is the Falcon, our allies, and their Crown, Along with Mjolnir's Thunder, they'll bring the Serpent down Feel the gold wings beating the sun-baked summer air. Bird of Prey is stooping now into the Serpent's lair. Freed from ties and jesses, great Falcon still returns To stand beside the Fenrir, for battle-flight he yearns. Silver is the Compass-Star atop great Golgol's helm, As argent as the Fenris-wolf that marks the poisoned Realm, But snow white is the Falcon, our allies, and their Crown, Along with Mjolnir's Thunder, they'll bring the Serpent down Smell the smoke arising, from Jormangundr's pyre Sparked by breath of Fenris, purest in his ire. And proud of all Her children, secure upon Her throne, With all Her true heirs gathered, the Mother's war is won. Silver is the Compass-Star atop great Golgol's helm, As argent as the Fenris-wolf that marks the poisoned Realm, But snow white is the Falcon, our allies, and their Crown, Along with Mjolnir's Thunder, they brought the Serpent down * * * Told by Jublain "Hjarta-Villtnur, Fostern, Galliard, Get of Fenris and Cole "Howling Fury Claws" Jäger, Fostern, Galliard, Get of Fenris Back | List of Tales | Next
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