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Twomoon's Great Sacrifice * * * Oh here me noble sept for this is a tale to behold. This is a story about sacrifice, adaptation, and of overcoming adversity. All know how the Lupus breed suffers. How the great forests have shrank, and how humans have killed or harmed our wolfkin. And how there are less Lupus born these days then ages of old. Why this tale reminds me of Eoxar issue 49 where Atllious did a similiar sacrifice to save the Kirllian world. Ahem, but I digress. The hero of this tale is our very own Twomoons, Children of Gaia, Warder of the sept of the Talking Junkyard. Eight long years years ago our own Twomoons was a mere Claith fresh from his Rite of Passage. He was the guest of the High Tress sept, traveling and learning as we Claith do. Though our Twommoons like many of us have lessons to learn. In a fit of youthful pride Twomoons insulted the Athro Lupus if this sept. Of course he quickly understood the error of his ways. The elders of this sept in their wisdom sent our young hero to live as a wolf for two that he may better understand his Lupus brethren. It was about mid-January when he ventured to become a wolf has his elders bid. By the time February came he had learned to hunt and survive. Low and behold this young adventurious Garou finds the tracks of a pack of fellow wolves. Luckily kinfolk. It had been a hard winter for them, he trailed them and watched a failed deer hunt...and the Alpha of the pack die from a deer hoof to the head. It is known wisdom that only the fittest survive in the wilds, but these are family. Twomoons out of compassion brought a kill to the pack. And with this gesture the pack over several weeks accepted him. Spring came to the land and to the souls of it's creatures. Twomoons overcoming his innate aversion to the Lupus form had learned his lessons well. Following the call of instinct he fought for the privelige to mate with the Alpha female. Several months went by and she gave birth to 4 living kin wolves and one trueborn. Twomoons played the protective provider until the cubs were settled. But then nature took it's course and the pack eventually chased him off. But then it is not our distiny to be wolves or man...but both. Our Warder learned the lessons of the Athro he offended and was forgiven. And he made the noble sacrificing of aiding the Lupus line of Garou. Very few of us, due to or human upbringings, or perhaps discomfort with the Lupus form...very few of us Homids could make the sacrifice Twomoons did. For this we should honor him. * * * Told by Tom ~Skeeter~ Potter, Cliath, Galliard, Bone Gnawer Back | List of Tales | Next
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