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Treads-Autumn-Leaves * * * "I have traveled around this area of land, nearly from water to water. Plains of sands, grass and trees. All of the Wyld. But none of more then a Caern I visited in an area the humans call Canada. Cold, extremely cold. I found my way there in my exploring not far after my Rite of Passage. Not to many Caerns thrive there. Why, I am unsure. But in one untouched spot, in a small wooded yet cold area I know not the name of, I encountered one. The Sept of the Lost Howl." "Strangely enough, it was an all Red Talon sept. Yes, despite this being the city, I am going to recite the tale of a Red Talon." "There, I was treated as a Lone Wolf and an Omega for awhile. Strangely, after awhile they noted I was of the wolf born and slowly excepted me. Their Elder is who allowed me to share from the kills and have a safe resting spot. An old yet wise Ragabash, his howl was that of Treads-Autumn-Leaves. Named this because of his infamous silence. He could creep up on any human, or anything, unnoticed. If human, they barely caught sight of their deaths. He also had thecoat the color of Autumn leaves, which also helped to camouflage him." "I came to know more of him and held the utmost respect for him. Even after he departed. Gaia rest his soul in peace." "One night, one of the Guardians let out a warning howl, soon coming into the main edge of the Caern most gathered at to be a pack. He spoke of Apes, attacking their kin. With no questions to his authority, Treads-Autumn-Leaves barked a charge and we raced off to avenge the falling wolfkin. Being as a pack, the Talons knew better fighting skills. I, myself, knew none. When we reached where the humans had their trucks, we were fired at. I noticed them all shifting to the Ancient Form or War Form. I shifted into Ancient form as I caught sight of Treads-Autumn-Leaves vanishing. I was alarmed, being no reflective surface was there. Then I turned my attention back to the humans, only, they no longer seemed to be mere mortals. Ugly forms now stood in the place of them; Fomori. I think about nine of the Talons were at the battle, not including Treads-Autumn-Leaves and myself. The Fomori were only six. But before I even reached one, a yelp rang from one of the Talons. I remember her as a young Cliath. What they called Listening Moons and as all know as Theurges. She fell, and did not regain her paws. Mind racing, I darted in to harry at a Fomori holding a strange gun. My thoughts were not on it though, but to the dead kinfolk that lay dead and half skinned on the ground and to the Caern that I had become to hold as dearest as any. I grabbed for that back of his ankle, to yank out the tendons, but I merely grabbed his pant leg and toppled him. He feel, the gun landing a small distance away. I set on him, right for the throat. The taste of its blood was vile, I wanted to vomit but omitted it. When it was over, I leaned up and was ready to bolt and help the others when a web of the weaver pined me to the ground. It held fast despite my strength. I saw a Fomori who had lifted the dropped strange gun. Now he was lifting a different one, aimed on me. My Rage flowing, but not enough to frenzy, I strained." "Then, he was standing over me. In his Warform. The Elder Ragabash of the Red Talons, Treads-Autumn-Leaves, had come to my defense which I hold in guilt as any I ever have. What I saw was the Elder craning his neck and jaws wide. Then the blast that sounded like thunder. The smell of smoke. The smell of blood. The sound of tearing and rending flesh. Then a small thump. Then another, beside me." "I looked from the webbing that entangled me and saw Treads-Autumn-Leaves in Lupus. Breathing heavily, he looked at me with the gaze of someone who knows they are dyeing and accepts it. I also saw the Fomori laying in a pool of its own blood, head no longer connected. I looked back at Treads-Autumn-Leaves and he spoke softly." "He said, "I have protected Gaia and my wolf brethren for many many moon cycles, I go now to be reborn to keep the cycle alive." "I blinked. He had known a gift that let him take silver as if it were a mere punch. Yet now he lay dyeing. Why? The question wasn't answered until I was free of the web." "I lay close, watching. Nothing I could do. No healing, as I know how to not. I struggled with the web, maddened with guilt and rage. Then he spoke again, saying, "Around my neck is a Fetish. Take it, you deserve it." "Then, he closed his eyes. His body shuddered once and I nearly Raged. I grew into Crinos and after some rending, broke from the webbing. I kneeled by the old one. On him, I smelt the vile poison of the Wyrm. Black ichor was about a wound shot into his neck. It was not the silver bullet that killed him but the foul poison. Showing, that one must be careful despite ones boons." "When I looked around, the battle was over. Six only stood now. All the Fomori dead and a fire starting now to burn them and their tainted weapons. An old Galliard made his way over in Ancient Form and sat by me. I took the form as well and we both sang our mourn to Luna for what seemed so long. When my throat was sore, the Gallaird still sung and I forced myself to keep going. Then, we both stopped when it seems all was calm. I looked at the Galliard, whose name I never caught, and stated what Treads-Autumn-Leaves had told me. He nodded his approval and said to wait til after the Gathering for the Departed." "We walked back to the hunting grounds. In my Crinos arms I carried Treads-Autumn-Leaves. On the way there, the Galliard said he smelt my guilt and mentioned that Treads-Autumn-Leaves had lead for many years and that their was talk the old Elder was going to preform a special death rite to honor Griffin. But he died in battled against the Wyrm, which is just as the old one wanted." "We got to the hunting grounds and the Pack was assembled, having heard our mourning of the fallen. All were silent under the light of the moon. A Crinos theurge who was the Master of the Rite, was making a circle in the dirt. He outlined it with a few bones, small stones and sticks. He motioned me to lay Treads-Autumn-Leaves in the ritual circle. I did so and stepped back out. The Gallaird spoke, telling the Rite Master that the Fetish was to be handed to me and so was it. The half moon pendant is a sacred item and gift. After the Rite, I thought I saw the spirit of the old wily Elder but it may have been a trick of Luna's. After all....There was no moon that night........." "I left the next morning, never having seen the Sept again ever since. What has become of them I do not know. Perhaps one day I will vist again. But that will be another nights tale..." * * * Told by Nephi ~Faster Then Leech~, Cliath, Ragabash, Silent Strider Back | List of Tales | Next
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