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A Trip to the Sept of the Black and Blue * * * Well, reckon ya'll wondered where I was for a period of time I was missin'. I kin' tell ya, might make a good story. *Scratches her chin, thinking back* Well, it started back 'round the holiday seasons for the humans I reckon. Figured I'd head home to my home Sept fer a lil while. Dunno if'n ya'd call it a gut fellin', instinct er what nots but I went a headin' off back to ol' North Carolina wheres I was born. In a place called Swannanoa...Means Meetin' Place I believe to the Pure En's. There is a Sept up on the Mountains. S'called Sept of The Black and The Blue and nah, s'not to big of a war Sept. Reasons it's named that is a Lupus was the first to find the area and wasn't sure if the humans called them mountains the Black Mountains or the Blue Ridge Mountains. All looked the same ta him. Or so thats how the story goes. Any way, I head there, taken me a few days cause I really dont moon bridge a lot. Learned runnin' is just better and ya see n' learn lots more that a way. Well, when I get there I aint treated to friendly even though near alla em's Hillfolks. They hated the fact I had run off n joined some Sept miles upon miles off when they was so low in numbers. Seems the one that didn't like me most was Erik Crusher-of-Taint. An Ahroun Metis of the Fenrir who was sent there to help the Sept right after I left. He was Warder and Wyrmfoe of my Rank and didn't much care for my city stench so I sorta avoided him best as possible. Now, Sept of the Black and Blue aint that big. Say, maybe around 15 Garou...Less now. Couple a kin and a cub er two near their Rite. I went and seen the Grand Elder, who was the same as when I left. Ambushes From The Brush. He's a Lupus Ragabash Athro and a Lupus like me. Told him I was vistin' and he looked at me kinda funny, bein' my Pa and family was killed years ago. He asked me if'n I hadnt been sent to help. Turns out, they were knee deep in Hunters. Not'cher every day "Bang! Shot me a der!". Nah, these guys werent scared and packed silver. Maybe thats the instinct I was a talk'n about. So me and Ambushes Rhya sat and had a little talk. Told me the Hunters came nearly every night up into the Mountains and get closer and closer to the Caern and when they go to fend em away fore' they get close, many end up dead. I told him I'd remain awhile. Thought it out awhile and went and seen Crusher of Taint Yuf. At first he still didnt trust me but finally he realized I was desperate to help. He explained to me which ways the Hunter's came and there were exactly four of them. I asked him how many werent currently injured, bein I seen a few injured around. Werent many Theurge to do the heal'n. He pointed me to three others. Ambushes, a young Cliath Ahroun named Bear Tangler and a Fianna Philodox Cliath named Bryce Truth of Justice. I really didnt like that number, but figured it would do if Erik and I could figure out a good plan. We set out and he showed me nearly every inch of that area. He showed me where three Garou had fell dead from the deadly silver and he also showed me the area they came from. So that night, he and I took the two Cliath and got ready. They never came. The next night we repeated the process and you could say we got lucky there. But only three came through the passage. Bryce we had placed on a clay ledge beside the passage. Figured he'd blend in well due to his color. His job was to make sure they couldnt escape. Bear Tangler, Erik and I waited ahead for Bryce to creep from his spot in behind the Hunters before we charged out. But something was wrong. They kept comein' and we never saw Bryce. Finally we heard a snarl, and Bryce and a man came tumbleing off the tiny bank. Some how, the man or all of them musta seen him! This caused the Hunters to turn and take aim. Well, this didn't take well with me. MorningStar ready in my War Form hands, I belted out a charge howl. Erik did as well as the three of us charged out. The Hunters whirled and fired just as I set MorningStar in on one of em's head in a bloody arch. Got me in the shoulder with a silver bullet but not as bad as they got Bear Tangler. Bastard shot him square in the face. But he got his paw on the bastards throat before he was finally shot down. The man died chokein on his own blood, or atleast I think so. Just know he was dead. Erik had been shot in the chest twice, but he was tearing through flesh and bone before they could shoot him down. I moved for Bryce, who was down on the ground in his homid breed form. Blood pooled around him like a tiny red lake. The man who had shot him moved for his gun in a crawl but I swung MorningStar and she put a stop to that, makein' sure the man never shot another of Gaia's Warriors. The four men dead, I knelt quickly by Bryce, who was luckily still breathing. Healed him some, but couldnt do much. But atleast he could walk. Erik nodded to the Lupus form of Bear Tangler. I knew the young Ahroun didnt make it and I gently scoped him up, ignoreing the sting of the bleeding wound on my shoulder. We returned to the Sept and later performed The Gathering for the Departed for Bear Tangler. Everyone congradulated us for the victory and sent a few out to take care of the bodies. The day I left, I was pretty sad. Most had started to grow use to me...Even Erik. But before I left, I looked at Leash Biter who was also with me. I had noticed there wasnt many a Fetish about and with 11 Garou around...They probably needed some. With a grin, I offered it to who could beat me in a fight. Sure enough, Erik Crusher of Taint was the first to step up. We faught and we faught for what seemed like hours. But his true Warrior nature eventually got the best of me and with many a wounds and bleeding, I said goodbye to Leash Biter...The Fang Dagger I had inherited from my Pa. He's in good hands now. Like a lot of the Fenrir, I respect Erik and I know Leash Biter will enjoy his new companion. So after that...I headed home after sayin bye to everyone. I'll miss em', but my home is here with ya'll. * * * Told by Flea Bitten Mongrel, Fostern, Ahroun, Bone Gnawer Back | List of Tales | Next
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