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Jublain's Rite of Passsage * * * I tell you the tale of of great Fenrir who has gone to Gaia's embrace not that long ago. I tell of the rite of passage of Hjarta-Villtnur, the Fenrir born as Jublain Wade. Jublain Wade was 15 when he underwent his First Change. He was taken to a sacred site in Minnesota known as the Split Tree Varthi. There he was taught in the ways of Garou & Fenrir. *smiles playfully* At first he rebelled against, he wasn't used to taking orders, see. *chuckles* Naturally this made every all difficult, especially since Split Tree is a Fenrir caern. *She pauses for dramatic effect to take a drink from a bottle of water she brought with her* So... They eventually knock some sense into his head & he started getting acquainted with surviving members of a couple of packs who got in the shit in Desert Storm. He got along quite well with them as well as the other cubs there, so well in fact, that they'd form a pack once the cubs completed their rites of passage. He would spend hours & hours listening to the old legends of the glorious deeds of Fenrir of yore. Well, of course to a teenager with raging hormones & the ability to turn into a walking, talking blender he thought these were incredibly boring. *smiles* Course now he would regale the sept with these same tales because he realized that his elders were right...or maybe he thought that us "young cubs" could stand to listen & learn from a few of his tales. The glorious day came for Jublain's rite of passage. The elders followed Fenrir tradition & sent him out with other cubs. The elders gave the cubs the task to go to Lake Superior, discover what was there in the area attacking the kinfolks' fishing boats, kill it & being it back as a trophy. They get to the lake with little incident. They talk to the kinfolk & get any information they can. They stood on the shoreline & Begå-Ohövlighet-med-tält-påle, in typical Ahroun fashion, shouts at the top of his lungs & issues a challange to the critter. They wait around awhile, the others started messin' with him when the creature clearly didn't "respond" to Bega's challange. They stand around on shore for a few hours, kicking around ideas before deciding to borrow a boat & use themselves as bait. *pauses* Hey it was as good an idea as any. It sure sounded a lot better than issuing challanges that went unheard. For 3 days they went fishing. As they waited they drank a shit load of brewskies & exchanged stories of their own. But Fenrir bonding time was cut short on the 4th day. It was early & the sun was a painfully bright ball on the eastern shore. They had run outta food & were debating whether they should take a break to get more food to eat or fish for some fish & eat those when all of a sudden the boat tips over onto it's bow & sinks, like it decided to take a dive. Well the hero of our story, as well as Bega & the other cubs, were inside the boat when this happened, & when they tried to get a better look at what was doing the rocking, the boat was already flying through the water, shaking as violently as a 7.2 earthquake. The boat finally came to a stop at the bottom, upside down & with Jublain & his compainions underneath. Naturally everyone was a bit concerned, because they didn't know if Lake Superior had enough water pressure to crush poeple & objects. Plus there was the air thing too. They didn't know how much air they had since they didn't bring the scuba gear. After some quick thinking they all shifted to lupus except Jublain. With his bare hands he tore through the upturned boat & took a peek. He was surprised to see the ship being eaten, fiberglass, steel & all, buy something with 4 mouths. And it was making short work of the boat. Quickly they all got to the shore. Some of the cubs considered getting the fuck outta Dodge & Bega just wanted to swim back in & tear the monster a 5th mouth & 2nd asshole. Thankfully, Jubes was the voice of reason -or else there wouldn't be much of a story to tell- and he spoke with convincing words to swim back to the boat & wait in the boat's cabin in lupus form. They breathed as shallowly as they could as they waited for monster. It wasn't even a minute later when they saw the lips of the monster cover the hole Jublain had made. They waited a bit longer as they watched a ridge of bone & flesh pass. He went through the whole first, as he was the smallest & the others soon followed. He felt better once the others were with him, that's how tight they had become. They quickly set to widening the hole. Initially they intended to injure the monster so they could get away from it, but by the time the whole had been widened, they had dug a hole into the side of the monster. They when to shore, washed off, swam back & did it again. Finally they went into town & got some scuba gear. But by the time they got back to the monster & what was left of the boat, the monster had died from its wounds. Or maybe the monster drowns because of the wound. In any case, the monster died. The cubs "borrow" another boat & spend about an hour underwater, hacking the monster's head free. They use a winch to tow the head, underwater, to where the elders can get a good look at it. The elders were pleased & announced Jublain & the cubs as garou worthy of Fenris. As promised, they formed a pack. Tush's Strength was 11 strong, & had Hjarta-Villtnur among their number. They had many glorious deeds in the Amazon...but that is a story for another night. * * * Told by Honovi Choise, Howling-Sky, Cliath, Galliard, Black Fury Back | List of Tales | Next
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