A Crown Meeting
August 17, 1999
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at tyne~ you are paranoid. now be still. ~skyler goes quiet~
Daisy Mae Everson: ALL>> There's more to this... isn't there... More the just heading another circle...??
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> The children?? You've told everyone?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> There is, but I leave that up to Simon now. He will choose the right thing, I'm sure. *Looks meaningfully at SIMON*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks at Daisy~ Whould there be more?.. that is alot, doth thee not think?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((*Blinks at Ailee Lurker*))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Daisy, but says nothing~
Daisy Mae Everson: QUINN>> Yes, it is alot... What would be expected of me and this new circle??
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy>>Nae, I havn't, but they know about the children.. But we are more.. the main secret we keep, is that we are more than just Family, we are .. Warriors, of Him above, No different from the Crowns, but .. *Looks around* you know, I've never had to Explain this to someone else?
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Simon~ do you want ME to? ~she smiles lightly~ I think you are doing fine. and you should be the one to tell her.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Smiles a little at Simon*
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> *nods* Warriors, I know this... *waits for SIMON to continue*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Grumbles *
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~chuckles at Simon, but says nothing~
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *still watching vigilantly. He appears to be seeing nothing almost, but you can bet he sees quite a bit*
Daisy Mae Everson: Out with it Simon... *almost scared to hear what he has to say*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy>>well, that's about it.. Really, we are warrior of God. *shrugs* except, we are Knight of the Temple, the Original Militia Christi, formed from the Ventrue and saught to smash the Lasombra.
Justyne Donnelly †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: *sits on the ground, seemingly not caring if she sits on the bed, or floor..*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler blinks at Simon~ now that is something ~I~ did not know.
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *is really good at not reacting to "suprise"*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks poleaxed at Simon, having not heard this before, herself.*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks to SKYLER~..Yes, the Malitia Christi, were origianlly and mainly Venture order, amung other things..
Daisy Mae Everson: *face expressionless* Knight of the Temple... Original Militia Christi... What is The Ventrue and why smash the Lasombra... Whatever that is?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Raises her eyes heavenward and shakes her head*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Father Quinn and starts to say something, but doesn't. there will be time for questions, later..~
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *sighs.* The most Infamous of the Knightly Orders, the Knight Templar, supposedly dabbles in magic, satanism and other less than christian pursuits. However, the templars are amung the most diciplined, Most fearsome, and wealthiest fighting force of the Dark world, and Templars are held in high esteem by their musleam opponents
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Utters one single word, barely able to be heard.*...Marcus...
Daisy Mae Everson: *notices the others are surprised by this as well...*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Daisy~ think..way back..in the dark ages. opposing kingdoms fought. one, calls themself Ventrue, one Lasombra. ((yes, she has a slight way off knowing a bit of this))
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at SIMON and then at SKYLER*
Daisy Mae Everson: Okay so this is a very old organization.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: As breaking ranks is grounds for expulsin from the order, Templar troops are often placed in the rear of the crusading armies. This placement became significant because the seljuk Turks frequesntly attack their opponets from the rear, such tatcic being found to be rude in eurppe and not the4 knightly way. The templars, the most steadfast, would command the rear.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~listens softly~
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: The Latin rule of the Templar, which establishes the Basic tenet of the order, date to 1128, Translated and modified into the French rule in 1136-1137, the rules and regulations of the order expanded to 686 articles by the time of the execution of Jacques de Molay, Last Grand Master of the Order* looks around, Supposedly last* Tenents include4, poverty, Chastity, and obediance, as well as commandments reguardign conduct on and off the battlefield
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Quinn~ I wasn't aware of a ceremony, but I realize that at the ..end, that he was..different. and am eterally grateful for that.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~nods to Finnuala~ His time, amungst the flock, who do him well, as he was off us, and honorably burried..
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Well my family, I'm really beginning to drag. I gotta find my bed. I'l see you all tomorrow night. *S* Luv ya.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *fidgets with her bracelet as she listens*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: I didn't even know for several days what had happened to him. I wish I could have been there for the burial. He meant more to me than was probably appropriate.
Daisy Mae Everson: (night Jon)
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Later, Mr. Spader. *HuG*))
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *he reaches up, and touches the left side of his head gingerly. His fingertips come away red.* My Lords, and Ladies. I must take my leave. Please excuse me. My head is still cut up good, and I need to change tha bandage. //FJQ> Sir, may I be excused?
Justyne Donnelly †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Huggles da Jon* go get sleep! don't be like me..enough caffeine, to power a small island..))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Finnuala for a second, but says nothing~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks worried at Jonathon, but feels that he may be well enough for now.*
Justyne Donnelly †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: *rises, to go with JON, but no, that's not a worried look or anything* I will go as well. to make sure you do not fall down, or anything.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: The order was formed when a Muslin attack on Pilgrams to the holy land in 1119, a group of nine knights, outraged by this attack, responded by swearing an oath and riding for jerusalem. Quartered in what was once known as the temple of soloman, these nine are known as the Military Order of the Knight of the Temple Soloman. Bernard of Clairvaux's support, who drafted the latin rule, enables the order to grow rapidly; the combination of glory and salvation is particualy appealing to young nobel sons, who will inheritnothing, it grows so fast, that only the son's of Knight are soon allowed in
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~nods to John~
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: There is somethings to do with banks, but, they are the most trusted to do such, but here is where it deviates from where you would read
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks to TYNE smiling* I'm fine. But like that phrase would disuade any of you. *S* Come if ya like. *Jon leaves the remote on the table in plain sight. It's a simple switch for each sensor. Active/inactive* Leave the gear here, I'll get it in the mornin. Night all. ((BIG HUGS all around))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Good night Jonathon and Tyne.
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks several time as Simon talks, fidgeting with her barcelet*
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *he walks for the door, opening it, and letting TYNE pass through in gentlemanly fashion*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~tyne((can you archive Simon's words please. I would like to send them to John and LANSER ..))
Daisy Mae Everson: Good night Jon and Tyne...
Justyne Donnelly †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((is there any ICly reason, Tyne needs to stay?))
Jonathon Spader †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> Good night Daisy. Good night all. *out the door* (gone)
Justyne Donnelly †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((FJQ, have been..*s*))
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Historically, The Templar esoteric rule , extreme secrecy and open communication with the Islamic enemy makes them suspect in the eyes f the Other crusaders. In addition, the vast wealth of the Templar banking empire attaracts envious eyes, including philip IV of france and pope Philip, whom Philip IV holds in his pocket. Accusations of Homosexual acts, defication up on the cross, and withc craft are levied at the Knights and the order is broken.. Again, left to believe so., Paris takes all it can. Roumer abound that the Templar dabble in magic, even is proof is lacking .
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler is oddly quiet~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Hmmm..well let Skyler know TYNE~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Ponders her own extensive studies into Demonic and other summoning and thinks a few accusations could be justified.*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: But, But..There is significant occult in the heart of the order, then, many do not know about the Inner Circle, Most Knights are Not aware of the Presence of the Cabal of Pure thought at the heart, and have no inkling of their magical duties, those who would ranks as Master, Preceptor, do however.
Justyne Donnelly †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: *goes with her Spader, watching him and her voice carried back* you must watch that head. I do not think, that sort of seepage is normal. it is likely that unhealthy deit you consume. but that iis fixable.*Gone*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~continues to listen~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((*L*@ Tyne force feeding Jonathon groats and wheat sprouts.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *bites her lip and arches her brow at SIMON*
Daisy Mae Everson: (Nite tyne)
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *eyes narrow* as i said, Ventrue, to defeat the Lasombra. To the Ventrue, wealth and Military power and independace from the -Lasombra infested Churchs, are exceedingly attractive aspects of the Templars. The Ventrue sackes the Order, seeking potential Childer and Financial oppurtunity. While many men and Temples both cannot be reached by the Venture becuse of faith, others become safe house for Venture, herds, whilts they seek travel from europe to jersalem. While stories abound that Templars guard the blood of Christ, In truth most Templars guard that of Caine.
Daisy Mae Everson: Childer?? Herds?? Caine??
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Spine stiffens a fraction at this latest tidbit from Simon. A touch of intolerance for Kindred creeping in again.*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *stops, for there is far more, far more indeed* Ask your questions Daisy, we cannot ansswer all of them tonight..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler hears about the Venture using the Templars are recruting grounds, and an investment, and snorts, not at all surprised they think the Knight little more than a per project..or that they used to~
Daisy Mae Everson: Vampires, kindred... whatever you want to call them are... are... are what this "group" protects and fights?
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Daisy, and simply says, in one quick but comprehensable breath~ Vampires call themselves Kindred. they belive Caine, the first murderer spawned them, and they call the ones that they themselves tuen into vampires "childer" and herds..are what they sound like, but with human beings.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *thinks* the actually count was 300, pilgrams, and in truth, military histiory showed the Templars as being wholy terrible tactiations. They were the first to fight and last to retreat, the Rule actually forbade any templar to retreat even if outnumbered 3 to one..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler summed it up pretty well, Daisy.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to SKYLER* I... see...
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Simon> Thank you for those gems of knowledge.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((C...c..c.cccooooofffffeeeeeee......brb))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nod to Finnuala* That she did...
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks at DAISY..~~ Make the distincton. We are NOT the Inqusiton, One Faith, One Church, One World. Repeat it. it is The moto of the Mailita Christi. We were Destroyed by the CAbal of Pure Thought. We lead two lives now, A Templar merges Knight and monastic into a True Soldier of Faith. Such men of God - Armed with prayer, cunning, and physical might - Protect Hunamity for the myriad Threates posed by the supernatural world. No longer do the we the Knight Templars serve anyone but the Lord. Only HE would master our Swords and Faith.
Daisy Mae Everson: Forgive me FATHER QUINN I misunderstood... Thank you for clearifying this for me... (sorry play misread something some where)
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Back with "More-Than-Coffee" *S*))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Wonders if finnuala's concoction, is somehow related to Tyne's "more than Tea"))~Skyler just listens..~
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: whilst the motavation of the holy land become the work and life dedication of most of the Templar, many never say it, or came close.. In 1307 King Philip the Fair, ordered the arrest of all of the order for Heresy, It was an odd order, for it was for the Inqusition to do so. He of course was manipulated by the Lasombra, amung others to to destory the order, 7 years of persecution continued many renouching their Vows and fleeing. The order died in 1314, the first time, as Jacuque was burned at the stake.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Oh, yes, it is related to "more than tea"))
Daisy Mae Everson: *stands and paces the floor*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((you proably didn't daisy *L*)) ~no problem, We are not of the venture, or the lasombra, we Now hunt them, and their kind, but at our leasurie, not theirs..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Hey Lurkers, you want me to post some fake cyber sex for y'all? Heh heh.)) BIC: Daisy> Now that you've heard so much, what do you think of the post offered to you?
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Father QUINN*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((I know, Finnuala, like Jason said, "people might think we have Templar Orgys, or something".))~Skyler is very quiet
Daisy Mae Everson: Finnuala>> I don't know... What exactly does the "job" intale(sp?)...?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~"..Of the 9 knight, 3 were of the Cabal of pure Thought, Magic Users, Occultist, those that could command the heavens. They praticed Magic even as the Knight Grew in power. They Announched the doctrine, One faith, One Church, one World, and took that with them, while the Celestial Chorus, Christin with a more esoteric style, fougt the Cabal even as they fought the devils amung them, and in the end, it all committed to weakening the order. Member of the Cabal warned JAcwue de Molay, who , before his arress, Abdicated his position, and installed a new Grand Marshall, HEnri Du Marquet, who escaped with the order's deepest secreats, and Fled to Montsalvat.. While the Order Admitted to All the Crimes about it, to give the others time. They eventually recanted all clams, but their brothers we safe.
Daisy Mae Everson: What is the task Of the "new circle"?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> Father Quinn is the best one to describe that as it's what he does.
: Yeah I know what you little horny church people do in my hotel. *G*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Smiles~ there is more, for the Cabal eventually become the Order of Reason, who, with their plans, Betrayed Montsalvat, and had it besieged, on their climb to be known as the Technocracy.. ~he says this as if layers of betyarl and unspoken words were at his lips.~
: ((Well normally I'm red but I was too lazy to change colors. *hugs all*))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Wonders what kind of business the lurker means, Templar or Cyber...))
((hey, now.. leave the Marcus-Lurker alone.. ~G~))
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *shuts up as FJQ speaks *
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Listens closely to the history of the ones who fled to Monsavolat*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((You KNOW that we hold meetings in the meeting rooms instead of cybering??? HORRORS and shame!))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Black? eh? your hotel? *S*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Finn and listens to Father Quinn*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Black might be Sallie, Reionen, or Chris M. *S*))
: ((*nods his point made* That right Finn. Now I suggest you stop that awful discussing and get down to business like everyone else.))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((*huggles the Rei-lurker* James, tell Marcus, to get a tag..))
: ((Finn>> Or perhaps a mix of the two.))
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *sighs* 1837, Betrayed 3 time in but moments.. The Templars were the First to know what a Hyper-Intelligence Mark III were, and no more need for the templar. But that is enough history
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Listens with intensifying fascination* ((Hugs to Rei and Marcus))
Daisy Mae Everson: *stretches her back and sits back down*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler hears Technocracy, and is reminded anew of yet another reason not to like them, right along with Starr's many reasons.~
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at SIMON*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~nods to Simon, knowing Much is not said, only hinted at~ Daisy, thee would be a Templar, as they Husband, dedicated to protecting Christinity, But aslo, Humanity, from all the supernatural world that would influence it..
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Grins Stroy time over..)()
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((We COULD do that, but the rest of the lousy cyberers out there would be too ashamed at their past bad performances compared to us. *Ggl*))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((*looks at Finnuala, knowing who she means..*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Father Quinn* I see... a Templar. My skills are limited and well I am pregnant as well. *chuckles a bit*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at DAISY and Sighs* this only get's hard from here..
Daisy Mae Everson: *the chuckles fade to a worried sigh at SIMOn's words*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~SmileS~ Yes, skills, We would not forget that Skill, is not combat, but in what thee does every day, and more so, for The Crown Of Thorns, Thee would be thy greatest asset. A Group, That has the Life of the Templars, ut could never be, for Templars are Human, to the core..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> If you play your cards just right, now you can be dragged into the crypt and smacked around by Father Quinn. *Smiles, half teasingly at Daisy* Seriously, there are many facets to us, and you have already been an important one for months.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Scoff* He's asking 2 things Daisy, Join us fully, No more secreats, that we shall keep anyway, and second, to lead this new Group, Those that you can see who's heart is pure, but we.. Well were zealots.. It don't look good on the resume.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> And, I believe that when combat is to be joined, members of your circle could be called upon who have the necessary skills. //QUINN> Is this not correct?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Chuckles softly at Finnuala~ I didst not hit thee, scare thee, but never did I lay a hand on thee.
Daisy Mae Everson: nods to QUINN, ving to take in alot og information in this "short" time.*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler is taking notes~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~has a mental Image of a Fae, a Garou and a Vampire rushing to protect daisy and closes his eyes, throwing the image away~ ".. um, yess. They would..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at FJQ~ oooooohh, REALLY...I recall being hit on at least one occasion. and it hurt, too.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Turns to Simon~ My Resume is Quite Full, Vampire Hunter is but enough to be infront of thy Name.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks at Simon with dubious eyes* We're not all zealots..yet.
Daisy Mae Everson: **chuckles as she is bombarded by everyone at once*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((We don't have any Fae, FJQ..*s* Banility would keel them))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Smiles softly at Skyler~ I siad i hath never Hit Finnuala, I have never Kissed thee? ~sticks out his tounge~
Daisy Mae Everson: Alright... Ummm...
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Frowns to FINN* Really, Lance Knight? I rest my Case.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles fondly at FJQ~ fair enough.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((i am not banal, 9.. is not so bad..8 with association))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Chuckles* Skyler was smacked, I was given a nasty draft up my nightshirt in the crypt after doing somehting vrey stupid with Justice, and we love to use it against you whenever we can, Father.
Daisy Mae Everson: *ponders what kind of secret cold they have kept from her*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Holds Daisy in his arms* WEll, it's tipical Malitia Christi Information..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Daisy, and grins a bvit~ you get used to it, very very fast, dear. I'll take you to spend a week in my home. there is one crises a week, bare minimum.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((FJQ, not just you..but the rest of us?? excepting Finnuala and Tyne.))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Mutters a grudging admission that Simon COULD be right*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks Directly at DAISY and then uses telepathy ~Tele~ WE have kept much Daisy, ..~speaks~ including what our abilities are to their full extent..
Daisy Mae Everson: I believe in my family and what they fight for. I should be no different and give what I can to the family and there cause.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((you die, you go to hell and you die))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks at Daisy answer and Thinks~ Well, she shounds like Spadar, that we should clear up right away..
Daisy Mae Everson: All of you, *stops at SIMON* believe I can do this and do it well?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((What Simon??? *S*))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> We do.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((*looks at Simon* Cartmann voice** bitch! get in the kitchen, and make me some pie! you WILL respect my Authority!))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Nods to Daisy~ I believe, that thee are strong, and when push comes to shove, Thou WILL always do the right thing, no matter the consequences..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles at Daisy, confidently~ of COURSE I do. and I'm never wrong. I mean, really.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((*LOL*@Skyler))*looks at the others and Grumbles* I think you can do it, don't mean i cannot NOT like it..
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *grumbles at SKYLER*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Booted so hard, I now have three buttocks))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks at DAISY and in a Skyler's voice.~ ~ of COURSE I do. and I'm never wrong. I mean, really.
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> Sooner or later I would have started to ask question of you... that you would not be able to answer, or not want to answer. At least this way there will be no lies or secrets between us...
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Quinn*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Quinn*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: I would still like to voice the words of the male Chovnistic pig.. ... that's all..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks upward, thoughtfully~ I have..a family, too. much like yours. different, yes. but just as dear to me, and beloved. they at times do things, I don't feel is safe for them. but. as ..A...Starr, made me see..you can either put them on a shelf, to be safe..or..you can let them be WHO they are..and do the good they want to. Somone, should Be there to try..and there is danger, yes..but we ALL face that..and it's not fair to ask them to watch us walk into hell and back, helplessly, and they stay where it is safe..
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon>. You can voice them but I don't have to take them to heart. *grins*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Father Quinn, altering her vocal chors slightly, sounding like a guy a bit, but nothing like FJQ..that;s a bit beyond her~ "Child, thou art the most wonderful thing thy earth hath been blessed wtih, this we know"..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler, you have a point.
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Skyler* well put...
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Blinks at SKYLER* that was marvalous.. But i like my opinion better, not put the pregnat woman near supernaturals is enough for me.. they KILL, we know they do, look me in the eye, and each of you tell me that something horrible hasn't cross your mind when Daisy has said the causal words. "I'm going to the Cathedral now.." *Turns to Daisy* Gods above i love you, and I would let you do anything, and everything in this world or the next, but that doens't mean i can't worry..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles a bit sheepishly at Finnuala and Daisy~ I'd like to take full credit, but I can't. it's mostly ~hre~ words..and what I have come to realize on my own, from listening to them.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Child, thou aret the most wonderfully thing _Thee_ earth hath bless _us_ with.. ~chuckles, but does not look at Simon~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Simon> That's the thing,..Daisy is already in the middle of heaps of shit like that every day. Why not educate and arm her against it?
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Simon with compassion~ I know. I have the same feeling when Amber or Starr says.."I'm going to Shadows now"..or, in a,mber's case, doesn't even say it, just sneaks out. I caught her there, this morning. I'm glad Jason was nearby. that place is soo violent..Simon..as for her, at the Cathesdral..we will all watch her like a hawk. and trust in HIM..and yes..you CAN worry, and I know exactly how you feel.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: the earth, blessed us..
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *softly, so very softly* Cause, you can never go back..
Daisy Mae Everson: *caresses SIMON's cheek* And I love you all the more because you do worry about me so... And I want to be able to protect out children and myself... I've be fairly lucky thus far.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Simon> She's already in deep water--teach her to swim.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Father Quinn, in gratitude~ thank you. ~Skyler then thinks for a second~ "Not even a sparrow.." Marcus said that to me once..
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: "..And man asked for light, so he may be out of the darkness, and know what is around him. So God gave him the light he needed to see, He looked apon the newly lit world and wept for what he saw, then begged forgiveness..."and asked to be sent into the depths of the unknown once again..
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon>> I have seen alot already, somethings I do not understand and could never even begin to rationalize... *sighs*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Again blinks away a worrisome image of Subject Zero choosing to tear Daisy open and feast upon her unborn children on some dark whim.*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at them all, and then looks at Daisy* Innocene lost.. can never be found again.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Pictures Daisy pumping thirty rounds of Dragons Breath into Subject Xero...*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Smiles wickedly*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ..We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon darlin' I understand you don't want this for me, but te others are right. I am part of this family and in the middle of things. I tink I need to be in the "know"... Not just for my sake but for the family as well.
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Takes Daisy's hands and kisses them* Then so be it.. We move forward
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler tries not to think on how very very true Simon's words are..and how she has seen that with her own eyes..but then, pictures~ " Be not afraid. for I am with ye, even unto death"..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon> I'm not as innocent as you may think, then again... There's obvioously things I don't know are you wouldn't be so... worried for me.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Simon* Forward...
Daisy Mae Everson: ( I've got to get going soon)
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler glances at Daisy~ there are things he knows that you don't, yes, and things I know, that he doesn't, and things Finnuala knows, that I don't, and things that Father Quinn knows, that she doesn't..and so on..you see? we must also trust one another, to share when needed. and leave the sloopy less important stuff out. for it would only serve, to confuse, unessicarily alarm, ect..~Skyler decides not to make a "rocking boat" motion with her hand~
Daisy Mae Everson: (and I might add I was NOT expecting this to happen... *grin*...)
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Neal Page: Del, why did you kiss my ear? Del Griffith: Why are you holding my hand? Neal: Where is your other hand? Del: Between two pillows. Neal: Those AREN'T PILLOWS!
Daisy Mae Everson: Skyler you do have a point there.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at FJQ~ eeh?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((HAHA I want it to be IC!))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((DLP..*L*))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Finn, you would..*L* we all know about your gutter mind..heheheeh))
Daisy Mae Everson: (sounds like some thing from Train, Planes and Automobile)
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((CK!!!! HI!))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Pounced DAS claudius!!!!))
Daisy Mae Everson: (hi CK)
CK ooc:: having fun are we?
Daisy Mae Everson: Yes, SIMOn we do have a lot to talk about. Good night every one... *give each of them a kiss on the cheek* ... beside I am so hungry...
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Huggles dat Daisy))~Skyler rises to properly obeserve the leaving of a Knight, and a soon to be Knight~ Simon, and Daisy..walk in beauty..and in the Light. be careful.
Daisy Mae Everson: *leaves with Simon*
Daisy Mae Everson: *huggles all around, nite*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy and Simon> Be careful out there. Both of you. *Recalls Simon once getting annoyed at that sort of thing*
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Jules: What country you from? Brett: What? Jules: "What" ain't no country I know! Do they speak English in "what?" Brett: What? Jules: English motherfucker, can you speak it?!?
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Simon, YES!!!! "say what, say what one more time, I dare you..I double dare you, fucker!"))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: QUINN> There's another one who is desirous of joining with us. But I don't know...Tell me what you think. His name is Ivan Borbas and he's as Human as you or I. He's around nineteen and is in the process of the final stages of kicking off addictions to Vitae and Heroin. The one who was his master has a contract out on me currently, and Ivan wishes to serve in capacity as Hunter and Squire of sorts..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Does Marsellus Wallace, look like a Bitch? Bret: "what"..*BLAM!* " does...Marsellus..Walllace...look like a bitch?"))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Finnuala~ who is his domitor. and what clan?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Marselles looked like a bitch to Maynard...))
CK ooc:: well, Claud is just Claud. He is about as far from being Male as anyone can possibly be.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> Chris Marshall, Clan Setite.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Claudius is technically male, just not all there,...EWWWWW!))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks at Finnuala~ kill his master, ...dust off, nuke it from orbit.. only way to be sure..
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((waves at Claudius)_)
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: QUINN> Barring that, as he's hard to find, can we clear Ivan so that the Master has no more hold on him? Can we break that bond?
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Yeah, alright you primitive screwheads listen up. See this? This is my BOOM stick. It's a 12-gauge, double barreled Rimington; S-MART's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right! This sweet baby was made in grand rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right, shop smart, shot S-MART... YOU GOT THAT?! Now, I swear, that next one of you primates even touches me... (BOOOOOM!)
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at finnuala oddly~ is that not the elusive one, you told me to ask about., whom I could never seem to get any info on? hmmm...~Skyler looks at FJQ "they mostly come out at night...mostly"..
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: "..it is worth the try, but I can use the bond to lead us back to the dominator.. and destroy him..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> That very one. But he's a lot worse than I expected. He uses as well as sells the laced Heroin.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Simon, I have no clue on that one..Goodfellas? and Grand Rapds, is a scary WoD town..lotsa lupines.., hence, Skyler silver-coated sword))
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler thinks on this~ Finnuala. really? hmm...want bait?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Quinn> That's a possibility. First I need to make sure he really is bound to him. After he's free, where should he be placed?
Simon Everson †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((ARMY OF DARKNESS!!!))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> He wants me dead, so I'd be good bait, however as bait of another sort...What do you have in mind?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Thinks, trying to place all he needs~ Then..we shall see.. we shall indeed see..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler raises a hand~ we have..a good actress, unbondable, who is also..~smiles a bit~ very very uneffected, by drugs.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Quinn> I hope he could become a Squire. We'll see, though, eh?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> The drug is about half Vampire blood. You might be affected.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Finnuala, then back to FJQ~ I'm unsure. Father?
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler thinks about something, and that her Blazer needs a new hood ornament~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~keeps thinking~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: All> And I should go do my daily check for him at Shadows. Who wants to come?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: It would affect i believe.. we should contact Ivan, and I can give him the oath, if he would betray us, we shall know his true intentions..
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler nodds at FJQ~ I don't want to find out..once, was enough...~Skyler looks at Finnuala~ you know I'm in.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Quinn> That works for me. Ivan is already attending Seminary and trying hard to become something more. He's doing well. I'll talk to him soon hopefully.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: QUINN> Want to come have a casual beer and stalk Setites?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~nods evenly. and stands~ I have work to do ((stuff to write.. ))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Quinn> Very well. We'll be careful as always and keep low. Good night, Justin.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles at Finnuala~ as opposed to this morning, having expensive wine, and talking autarkis? I think there's a very accurate paralell there.
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler goes to hug FJQ(assuming her lets her)~ be well, sir.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Embraces Father Quinn* I'll talk to you soon. Take care and say hello to Arma and the little ones. *Walks out*
Skyler †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler goes with Finnuala~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific) †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Hugs both women, and heads off to work~