Flashback to Father Quinn's Past
August 28, 1999
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~in chair, but somehwere~ It is a burning.. Castle rising up in the distance, smoke assulting the nostral, people screaming
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((someone grab Finnaula *L*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((here.))
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((here))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Took my server a while to get here))
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (I'm here....was just AFK for a few)
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: /Horses, opeople running, war his obviously here~ EVERYONE looks different, but the same, closthing changed to match.. Looks of crosses burning inthe Distance
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Damn your server))~looks around..castle..burning..Skyler smells the stench, and the acrid smoke~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *blinks and looks around... wondering what the heck happened?*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Snaps around, looking to see if everyone's there.* Come on, we need cover.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *pinches herself to see if she is asleep* Oh ouch!
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks across the distance..not sure where they are..(wits + enigmas2,9,2)*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~ knight tired thru the area, bressed in black armour, in a black horse, power exuding from him~ ..it's the lord.. The lord.. ~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> Are you hurt? *Glances worriedly at the skyline* Whatever this is, we need to get out of it.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *looks at Finn ans moves over to her*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks hard at "The Lord" trying to get the others to move out of harm's way with a hand motion.*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: Finn>> Umm. no I just pinches myself is all... *looking around nervously*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~looks at the guy on the horse, looks at Finnuala, Daisy, Tyne~ Finn's right..let's move...~starts to try to herd the othes to some shelter.~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Checks for a hedgerow or other unoccupied cover for their travel*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *moves out of the way*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~he rides thru, movign with a troop of men as a goup of knight move thru~.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks down at the grass * Yes, Tenaviel, I know its weird.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *glances at the Knights in curiousity*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *hides, with the others*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *looks at Finn* To whom are you talking too?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Watches from as much cover is available*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> Tenaviel, my watch spirit.
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~skyler is unnaturally quiet~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: There are ditches to the side~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *thinks you not in Texas anymore Daisy*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Is behind the scrub and weeds of the ditch*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *nods to Finn and decide to ask later*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *is with Finn, ans Skyler..and Daisy, most likely..* (typos..damn beer..))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> (Whispered) He's a fox.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: * There is a slight rain and the smell of dirt, horse and people, all of yor are dressed similair, but still like workers, dirty and dingy*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *nods to Finn, understanding*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~skyler looks a bit horrified when she realizes what she's wearing, and how marred she miust look, but shuts it, and hides well~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Really really hates the dirty dingy clothing*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *her state of "filth" reminds her of being on the ranch, but the clothes have got her completely puzzled*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Has no real problem with dirt as long as she knows where it came from*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at the Fjq, confused* ..uhm..man..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Blinks at this sight* FJQ> Would you like a hand out of there?
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler checkes the fallen man out..with (med 1)~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *whispered* Father Quinn?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Still laugh~ Good time, (heaving french,~ then you realise your alspeaking french. ~ Renee, nice to meet you.. ~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks around for a Renee*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *nodds at FJQ, * Renee..hi..I am..Tyne.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *goes to help Skyler with Quinn.*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks back at Justin* Oh.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: I'm Finnuala...*Looks troubled* Are you all right,..Renee?
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: Renee? *thinks when did I learn French?*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Tyne like she is buggy, then looks at Finnuala, Daisy, and back to FJQ~ hell good sir..we were..working, it seems. might I ask what is transpiring, that this road os so traveled?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~nods to them~ come with me ladies, the I may not be the king anymore, but i can control the roads`
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *nodds, and goes with Renee* come on, you all. it will be OK..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Steps out of the ditch to join him*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> There are burning objects over there. What's going on?
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *arches her brow at Quinn, thinks the French food her Simon had earliy must have been bad*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks very very confused, but goes as well..recalling the little she knows of French nobility from her father's side~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *follows the others*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((*L*@Daisy))
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (*grin*... thought it was fitting since the did go to a french resturaunt atfer the movies)
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~turns to the burning cross~ The ionqusition has come, mving along the tunnel ~.. WE need to gain ground, while the king is distracted but his victory of the Venture..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> Do you remember us at all? *Walks swiftly along*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *noddas at Renee, still not having a clue* will the king seek to hrm us? *as they move..tying to make good time.*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~moving with amazzign stealth, eventually breaking out of the tunnels and to the road. In the darkness he point to the warehouse~ ..go there.. I'll be right behind you.. Midn the watch
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *keeping pace with the others*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Renee, and shruggs, and goes to the warehouse..~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Slows ever so slightly, wondering of a trap*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at Renee* can't I stay with you?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Laughs~ The death warrent on my head say he will ~ looking at daisy~ Your preggent..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Looks at the warehouse in indecision*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Looks at them~ You can stand here in the open, or you can go to the ware house.. ~ Hustles off, pratically carrying daisy at a briff walk
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *goes with Renee*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Grits her teeth and goes to the warehouse*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (sorry got booted) *grins at Renee*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~arrives at the warehouse, looing around, trying to detect a trap, anything..but goes inside..trying to scope the place out, safely for the others..~ (per+ investigation 2, 3, 10)
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *studies Renee... as the theme to "the Twilight Zone runs through her mind*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~the door tot he warehouse are thown upen, and Swords are displayed.. WArrior, ((looking like youselves)) Are there, Finnuala looks at Finnuala, Daisy at diasy, all battle worn, callosed, and hard~
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at Daisy and Finnuala's clones* hmm...
CK ooc:: ooc: hmmmm, Glad Claud ISN'T here... *eg*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Blink*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *her jaw drops at the sight of themselves in front of them*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~as he steps into the light, assume a more direct stance, full one, standign stright~ One of these set are imposters.. and which one is that~ Voice aged and cold~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((I think so too, Claudius. *L*))
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (*waves to CK*)
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((Caludius..you'd just be a young pup, wouldn'tcha? *L*))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: There may be no impostors here at all. *Looking at the "reflection"*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler is quiet~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *closes her mouth when she realizes it was open*
CK ooc:: *waves back, feeling a little better*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *says a silent prayer for their safety*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Glad CK is feeling better))
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Does Tyne have a clone? if so, she is loking at it)) You. One Who is I. hello.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((waves))
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (glad to hear that CK... *smiles*)
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: TYN#2 SHOVE a daggar at your thoust " (irish galic) She is na me, and i will ha er blood te prove it
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *bites her lower lip*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *looking at the other Daisy*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Tyne 2> Now please take it easy. No one needs to hurt anyone.
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler merely looks at the other her, considering. Skyler says nothing, seeing the violent reaction of Tyne's clone~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: To the other Daisy>> You can't be real... cause I am.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: DASIY>> She's almost exoticly amazonian, and Finnauala, her irsh blood not hidden amung this mess of a woman, dirty, but cleaned, a woman,, and a dangerous one.. No copy of slkyler
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *shuts her mouth when she speaks French*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Finn 2 > Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler notes that there is no copy of herself, and smiles sadly..havinf figured this out. still, she looks at the other Tyne ~ Justyne(2)..listen to me..you know me, yes? there is no need, for violence.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *notices a Skyler clone is not here... and the smell of stuff burning... and Renee's mention of the inquisition comes to mind*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> Where's yours?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: RENEE watche sthem,.. then break them~ Why do you look alike, and why were you onthe kings road, don't you know, no one for the Ildes is allowed in this part of the city..
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~skyler looks at Finnuala, and the sadness that is in her eyes is surpassed only by the fear for Justyne's life~ Finnuala..I lost her. a long time ago. ~looks back at Tynes~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> What is "Ildes"?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> *A pause* Your life essence..
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: isles=brittaina
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Dp concerning Ildes))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: I maintain that somehow, there are no impostors here.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *notes never to eat at that French restraunt again*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((*G* Daisy))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~FINN~ Then explain?..
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler says nothing in reply to Finnuala, but looks at Renee~ I don't know what we aere doing here..can I ask..what are YOU..doing? maybe we can help?
***(missed a few post here I believe)***
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Finn 2> We see each other perhaps in different phases of life, or as one another's seperate parts. We may not like what we see, but we each are a part of the whole. I don't understand why or how this is happening, but I do know myself when I see me and we are one, flaws and all.
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *is still glaring at the other Tyne, wanting to kick the ass on that one, for daring to thrreaten herself, not really even thinking about that paradoxical situation*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *discreetly check to see if se has anything (items, paper etc.) on her somewhere*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((?))
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((he was booted, I think..))
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((no, he's still on ICQ..maybe sabbat game, eating him up))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((He's on icq, but that don't mean much))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Sabat headache may have made his head explode))
The Hooded Avenger: *A frenzied yodel/yell comes from outside the building*
The Hooded Avenger: I'mmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy... AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *was booted again*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Is a hooded Avenger one that isn't circumcised?))
The Hooded Avenger: *With an explosion of broken glass, a figure wearing a skintight blue bodysuit with a hooded yellow cape, boots, gloves and those little superhero underpants-on-the-outside things sprawls headlong into the room, landing face first between Finn and Justyne*
The Hooded Avenger: Finn> OOC> Oh, you've heard the slang `The hooded avenger and the dynamic duo', have you? ;-)
The Hooded Avenger: *Climbs to his feet and shakes his head rapidly, more than a little like a dog shaking off water* Wudda wudda wuuh... I'm okay, citizens, I'm okay!
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((sorry, sometime server resect, on 2 computer))
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *wonders if this is what it's like to have a twin sister, as her sister dies short after she was born*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((I prefer the "Ambiguously Gay Duo" *S*))
The Hooded Avenger: Never fear! The Hooded Avenger remains... *Fails onto his back again* Oww... not a problem citizens, just regaining my heroic balance...
The Hooded Avenger: Finn> OOC> Well, whatever dingles your dangle, I always say. Anyway... back to RPing.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: (('SOkay, man))
The Hooded Avenger: Just continue about your business... *Attempts to climb to his feet, manages to make it into a sofa*
The Hooded Avenger: Flex must have hit me harder than I thought... *Glances around, his eyes settling on a lamp... he seems to tense, staring at the lame, blue eyes widening beneath the mask*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: "Bahh.. ~Looks at the door~ My brother Legolas has taken the thrown, and I have to.. ~Growls, snapping the wood on the door, Fangs exposed~ Tired of this.. I must go on..
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Waves at hooded..is he part of this adventure?..or...is it just Lex, the Hottie? bored?))
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((waves))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> No! You're not..or is a part of you, this?
The Hooded Avenger: OOC> *Waves to Justyne* BIC> *Climbs out of the chair with difficulty, and begins to stalk towards the lamp, hands raised in a `kung-fu' style poise*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler noites FJQ with Fangs..and takes a step back~ Justin..
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *her eyes go wide at Renee, she takes a step back stumbles and falls to the floor on her bum*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *slowly helps Daisy up, as if none of this surprises her too much..*
The Hooded Avenger: Lamp> *Points an accusing finger* YOU!
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> I know Legoals, I've met him. Let him have the throne. You don't need it.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *helped back up by Tyne, but still looking at Renee*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Eyes darting over the place~ It is the buring times, Are you all not.. ~suddenly most notice the room has fangs, everyone in the room~
The Hooded Avenger: OOC> Fine... ignore me. *Pouts* Maybe they'll appreciate me in Shadows. *Takes his crusade for justice elsewhere with a small tear* But seriously, how _does_ one join the Crown?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: If there's one thing that I'm not, it's this.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Later Hooded, and you have to be asked to join. *S*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~skyler looks around, at all the blatant breeches of a masquerade, that doesn't yet exist and recalls Simon's story..Skyler looks at Renee~
The Hooded Avenger: *Leaves with a sniffle* OOC> Have fun then.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~they don't seemm to care if anyone is afriad of them or not, packing there things
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *looks at the others in the room, hands shaking*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Feels the fangs with a desire to tear them out, as Cecil would like to have placed them there, himself*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks around.,.wondering if her other her..has fangs..*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~DArk shadow move ahead of the Father, he looks both way into the city~ "..My Brother reside in the castle, and that is were I go, but my dreams are filled with failure.. Unless..
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Renee, hopefully~ unless?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> Unless what? *Getting irritated at having fangs*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Turn to SKYLR ~Becuse it was mine, and he stole it, is there another reason, I have those loyal to follow. ~~he stops,as if that answer was wrong.~ No, I was a bag King, used my People, now, I beg them.. ~!looks at the castle~ Now I ask, as the Burning times come.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: bag=bad
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> Leave it. You don't want it any more.
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at Finnuala* if you try, they may retract.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Steadies concentration and tries to retract the fangs*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((clear, YOU all don't have fangs, only your counter parts do))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((DP all statements concerning the fangs))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~sweeps his eyes over the crownd~ And leave my childer, never.. ~The decication rings thru~
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (thanks FJQ, Iwas just going to ask about that)
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at the othe canites, and looks at the castle, and looks at Renee~ what would you have of us? I'll help you.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> What gain is there truly in going back? *Looks at her "reflection" again*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at her vampire other, and the very sight of herself with fangs, makes her..want to be violent..but. she is not..*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: Renee> *whispered* You don't need a throne to help your people.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~Standing, looking at the caslte~ I don't even know why your hear.. ~turns to Daisy~ But.. she.. You all, actully, ~sword stopping at Finnauslsa~ Are importnat to me in some way, for differnet reason, that is why i could n't leave you all beind
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Finn 2> Do you want to be a Vampire? If so, I'll have to accept that, I suppose.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *she point to herself* Me?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> We're your friends, more than that, really. Come with us as you did before.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~DAISY~ I know that, but it's a nice place to look when you need to find one who can help. Like a church you go to see a preisst, you don't go to a whore house to find a priest
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Daisy, and Finnuala~ your charge grows and waxes all the time..
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FINN2>> Renee embraced us, and we trust him beyond measure, You would knoe that if you were us..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> YOU are the priest. See yourself whenever you need.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> YOU are the priest. See yourself whenever you need.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Finn 2> And he embraced US in a different way, and we trust him beyond measure. But we remained Human.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~there is genreal laughter~ I am not a priest, I am a King. Knight Templar, I fell to know Walker of the night, i did this myself, so that I could keep fighting then,
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks at Renee in a bit of anger, at having made her one of these ..things..then recalls that..in a way..as it is so here, so it is, in thier time..that he has made them all something..and that that turst hasn't changed. looks at Tyne(2)* you. I accept that. can we not all take him, and leave?
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: And I know you as a Knight Templar and a priest. Get thyself a grip..*Hates it when she slips into Elizabethan like that. Too much time with FJQ and Claudius*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *realizes there are 9 poeple in here..(there are nine of us right?)*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((I have to bail in 10 or so))
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~skyler is quiet..~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~bout 25 to be exactm guaring door and the like, but 9 group~ ME? A preist? I was sorcerer, but never a preist, have no time for book foolishness
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: FJQ> You taught me this..In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo...
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles at Renee~ not yet..but someday..you will be a mighty warrior for HIM..trust me..in the meantime..whant can we do to help you, here, now?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~most of then being High Born are starteled at the latin, he looks at SKYLER~ Join me, If it is war then, then war it be..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((Go in 5))
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler nodds at Renee~ I will. I can't speak for the others..
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~looks around at all of them~ Join or now.. Tis war, and it is Hell.
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *nodds at Renee* it is always. I'm in.
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: I'll not do it. It's wrong. *Unsupresses Faith around her*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skylar winces, in pain~ Finnuala..please..
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> would you follow him to war? Shouldn't we be getting out of this nightmare?
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: I am not skilled in the "art" of war.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~the moment Finnauala says not, Quinns eeys open and the world snaps back into view.~ .. He stands, holding his ehad, and staggers to the door~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Blink*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~skyler winces as reality comes rushing back..and looks at Finnuala, from her pkace in her booth~ I don't know..I didn't know..I only wanted to help..
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *blinks*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Skyler> I know, *Putting the lid on Faith again* We all do.
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *looks around, non-chalant..haveing had many interestingmmental experiences..this is all not new to her. she sipps now cold more-than-tea*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Shakes her head*
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks visably releived, and nodds at Finnuala~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Quinn> *Goes to him* Are you all right?
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: Did that just happen?? *looks at the others*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Daisy> I think so.
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *blinks..feels...and..slamss her hand down, shattering her glass in frustration..she rises, looking around, looking..despaired..and storms out*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *sits down before she falls down*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ~without a word, heads out the door~
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Goes out the door to see where he goes*
Justyne Donnelly†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *a tear can actually be seen falling from her eye, which she hastily and vehamently swipes off, with her jacket sleeve..then she is gone..*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *rubs her temples trying to clear her mind*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific)†Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: ((actually))..What good is a castle without a king, a woman without a man, and Faith, without belief.. ~!(then gone))
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: Damnit, anyone else to disappear?
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *watches Father QUINN go*
Finnuala Rosher †Çrøwñ oƒ Šhaðøws†: *Sighs and goes to her room, not so paranoid any more, but concerned about some of her friends. ((Gone))
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler looks at Tyne and FJQ and blinks, and looks at finnuala and Daisy~ that was..~frowns~ confusing.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *watches Finn go* (Bye Finn and Quinn)
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (bye tyne)
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ((*L* poor Daisy..I need to go to bed too, anyway..*hugs* ))
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *repeats Father Quinns words* What good is a castle without a king, a woman without a man, and Faith, without belief... to her self*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (It's okay Sklyer... I got to go too)
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles lightly to Daisy~ Faith, is beliving, when you don't feel..it's just..beliving. recall that, Daisy..~Skyler gus Daisy~ can I drive you home? I don't want to leave you here..alone.
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *stands up and heads home..... alot on her mind*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *nods to Skyler* I don't think I could drive right now.
Skyler St. Jeraldine †€røwn of Šhaðøws†: ~Skyler smiles reassuringly at Daisy, and goes and holds all doors for her, on her way out, and to the car~ (Gone)
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: *is gone with Skyler*
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: (good night)
Daisy Mae Everson †Çrøwñ øƒ Thørñš†: ~* gone *~