Trip to England
Part One - September 11, 1999
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *walks in, looking around. looks at Finnuala, Skyler, John, and Luella* hello Waterfowl, You, New One, and..Luella.
Simon Everson: [[silent]]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods to TYNE in greeting*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((oocly, the ass-kicking Akashic mage over in here. ))
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler walks in, with luggage (matching) and her all steel guitar case. she looks around~ well now. everyone..(because she knows them all)
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Has a large duffle bag in one hand and that is it*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Justyne> Hey, good to be with you as always. *Glances around at the others* Well, we got all our traveling shots?
Lucella Missa: ((have we known about this IC for a week?))
Justin Quinn: sets the scene:: England, About 10 miles from Stonehenge, a little villa, cottage thing, belonging to Louis and family.
Lucella Missa: *Tall average looking blonde woman wanders in. Hair tied up in a ponytail, silver wire rims resting on her nose. she wears a baggy grey sweatshirt and jeans and shoes with no socks.* ((She's wearing my laundry day clothes. *S*))
Lucella Missa: ((DLP She's dressed better but who cares.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Lucella started it!)) ooc: Description: Her long sable hair cascades over olive skin. Hazel eyes, the color of pine forests at sunset reflecting deep sensitivity. Her facial planes hint at mixed Caucasian and American Indian backgrounds. She moves with a common grace, her footsteps quiet yet sure. Her form is trained to the marathon, not the sprint, muscles being smoothly toned, and balanced with Gaia's generous blessing of curves. Clothing: A black whole body leotard covered by a long-sleeved dress of deep green supple material. Low black suede boots. A cloak of deepest Sea Whelk purple held with a silver unicorn clasp at the throat is draped over one arm, Roman style.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((*resists the urge to join the lemmings because he does not want to type up a DD drop right now*))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *her footfalls make little sound to betray her to the normal ear as she enters. a 5'8, woman, in her early 20's. She walks in, silently, a pendant of an ivory carved figure, around her neck. her dark auburn hair reaches to just past her shoulders she has grey-green eyes,. like the scales of a leviathan. She wears a white silk Tai-Chi style shirt, and black, silk pants, which are loose. She wears a white sash, also silk, around her waist..the sash, has Celtic symbols, and designs on it. She wears a brown bomber jacket, that is about 1 ½ sizes too big for her. She seems to measure the room, for potential threats, and dangers..her bearing having a loftiness, an almost noble bearing. Her eyes slowly and calculatingly take in the room and its inhabitants..*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: * In She walks. The first thing you will notice, is her stature (6'1"). When she speaks to you, you do not get the impression she is "looking down" at you, but rather seems to view all as equal. She is lovely, alluring, really..and knows it, but doesn't seem to play that up, or even care if others notice. one of the thoughts you might have.."Oh my GOD! is that JEWEL?!?! the singer?" but it isn't. she kinda looks like her, but ..not, ya know? her hair is a bit longer, reaching to just below the shoulders..and it has darkened, to a light chestnut color. a cross, between blonde, and light reddish brown. She scans the room with her steel-grey eyes, and a titanium chain, disappears under her shirt of sky blue silk. Her biker boots clomp, as though announcing her arrival. She smiles a bit as she enters confidently, her face reflecting a peaceful sort of contemplation. Picture*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around, knowing exactly the area of England they are in, somehow* what are we here to do, again? *looking at Finnuala, who would know before any of them did*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((*Heads for the cliffs*))*Stands about 5'2", he weighs about 130 pounds. His looks are attractive, with sandy brown hair braided with gold wire running down his back, stopping just short of his knees. His eyes are hidden by a pair of white Oakleys, and encircling his neck is a priests' collar. He wears a brown leather vest without a shirt under it. The vest shows off a tattoo of a dream-catcher on his left bicep. Covering his lower body is a pair of black BDU pants and white Asics wrestling shoes. His only piece of jewelry is a simple wedding band.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Justyne> Louis knows.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at Finn, waiting for her to answer TYNE's question*
Justin Quinn: [[fucking connection-talk, there are locals, be active..I have to like reset]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Joun and Tyne> Louis said something about a vacation, but Tyne and I know that a Louis vacation can be a lot more than that.
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sings, mostly to herself, her wonderful ethereal voice, filling the empty space~
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((Did someone knock Jason out for the flight over?))
Lucella Missa: *Looks at the others* So...what are we doing here again?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((No, Jason just had to suffer. Mwa ha ha))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*raises an eyebrow for a moment and looks around some at his surroundings* It has been a long time since I have been back to this land.
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((*blink* A vampire who has a deathly fear of flying. On a plane. I'd rather have rabid weasels shoved down my pants, thank you.))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nods with a "hell yeah, uh -huh" look on her face* this is so. and..while pleasant, it's very well, we'd have more fun than last time, though..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: JOHN>> I was just here it seems. // LUCELLA>> Well, I'm sure it'll be relaxing, right?
Lucella Missa: ((Jason>>Tranquilizing potion. You slept like a baby.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Pulls a rabid weasel out of her cleavage and shoves it down Jason's pants))
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((Ah. Modern medicine does rock))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*smiles and nods* It is a lovely place to visit my friend.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Jason, Tyne would not have wanted to put up with that,. do you wanna just say she used a Mind effect on him?))
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((*Jumps around* Hey! Ya mind, I'd like to use that again someday.))
Lucella Missa: FINN>>Can we go to London and take in a show. Ooo...and I want to shop at the antiquarian book stores.
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((Tyne no like Jason stoned?))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella>> That sounds good to me. When I was here, I didn't
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sits quietly, having run out of things, to sing~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((What's another weasel in the ol' boxers, you wild man, Jason?))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Breathes in the air and smiles, glad he is back here*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> Can you do that one Enya thing---The Celts?
Lucella Missa: *Nods enthusiastically to FINN* Cool, cool. *giggles* I'm excited. What did you do last time you were here?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Collies, then, Lucella's worked..*S* Jason doesn't want Tyne the battery to go using quint..have a lot more than normal stored..))
Justin Quinn: Enters last, carrying various bags
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((*LOL* FINN!!!))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> I,..ah, well. It's hard to explain, but I did a little corralling of a nasty and some Channeling.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Quinn> Hello.
Simon Everson: *Looks about, wondering how many of the crowns are from England*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler grins at Finnuala, and lightly laughs~ well..I don't have my mandolin, or drums..but..I'll improvise..~Skyler does a decent rendition of "the Celts" with her guitar and occasionally pounding on the case as a drum, with her foot~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Well done, Skyler. // SIMON> Aren't you from here?
Justin Quinn: *smiles, looking at all of them* make your selves at home, explore the water and the like.. I have to prepare for our excursions..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((back))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon and Finnuala, and her eyes narrow* we did Riverdance here, once. that was the time Stacy broke her leg.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Quinn>>*Smiles and nods, he turns and starts walking towards the water*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Salutes Father Quinn in a sprightly way and walks a little way off to watch the clouds overhead*
Lucella Missa: *Smiles at the music and nods to FINN* Ugg...sounds yucky. Hopefully this will be more fun.
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Looks around a little bleary* Wow...I remember why I hate this place. Cold, wet, ick.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Chooses to not bring up the Riverdance thing with Tyne again*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> Actually, it was fulfilling and apocalyptic all in one.
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>Umm...I could prepare a few things too if I knew why we were here.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Sits down in the grass near the water, his trench folding around him as he does, a small smile on his face as he looks around*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler grins a bit, hearing Tyne, but says nothing~
Lucella Missa: FINN>>I'd love to hear about it.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> We're here to....well, business? // JOHN>> Good to be back, eh?
Simon Everson: *nods to Quinn and heads out side, checking the place over* It's not been so long for me, is there anyone not originally from Ireland or England?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*nods* Very much so, I have missed being here.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> I would be honored to tell about it some time. // SIMON>> I'm from Canada.
Lucella Missa: SIMON>>Me I'm actually from Kansas.
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler raises her hand~ I'm not from Ireland, per se. my mother was, and much of my family is, but I was born in Ohio..
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: I miss Rio...the warmth, the life...Carnival...
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Simon>>My mother is from England, but I am from Tennessee myself.
Justin Quinn: LUC>>We are here, on a pilgrimage. To secure faith, and to glorify in the knowledge that which we serve is good and wholesome for all. To rest
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon, and grins* you and me, and that's it.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: JASON>> Aww. You'll get to like this too.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Turns and looks back down at the water and the sky above him*
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>Oookaaay. *Smiles*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Shaking off the drugs in his system for a few moments* Uh-huh. I'm gonna learn to like warm beer , cold coffee, and limp bacon.
Simon Everson: *Laughs* Just everyone has roots here.. Bahh..
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler crosses her arms, leaning against a wall, grins at Jason~ aww.. you know you'll love it~!
Justin Quinn: FINN>>Kessa, did you speak with her?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *pulls out a small blade of grass and twirls it in his fingers, watching the group from where he sits*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Simon>> If I did, I wouldn't go telling all and sundry about it...Viva Brasil!!
Justin Quinn:
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN>> Yes, I did and it seems she needed to know what Terrence was hatching in the way of plots and if he could handle some Nephandus problem.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Wow, pretty!))
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ((wow..))~Skyler looks at Finnuala in a mixture of concern, and an ALMOST something like anger at the word "Nephandi"~ really..(said dryly)
Justin Quinn: *shakes his head, looking at the area* Pretty.. not near the Cliffs, but good.. There are some ruins over there.. that is our goal. They hold a Deeply spiritual feeling..
Justin Quinn: [[smacks, the picture are to know what your looking at *L*]]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((Very nice pic))
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ((note, anger was NOT directed at Finnuala, but at the word..))
Simon Everson: *laughs at JASON* Bahh.. I like the old foggy foolishness
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks up at Finn, hearing the word Nephandi* Demons.. *twirls the grass again lightly in his fingers*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((*blink* ))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Quinn, we know..*L*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler inclines her head in John's direction in obvious agreement, but says nothing~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: I've met a Nephandi, Crystal. Insane bugger.
Lucella Missa: John>>Demons?
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *snorts* Remind me to boil your next brew.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks at Jason weirdly and smiles, then walks toward the area indicated by Father Quinn*
Lucella Missa: *Looks at Jason* You okay?
Justin Quinn: --the cottage
Lucella Missa: *Follows Finn*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Lucella>>Umm yeah. I think you mighta used a bit too much of whatever it was that knocked me out.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *listens to Finnuala* she is no longer Nephandi..if she were, she'd be trying to get us too..*walks with the Waterfowl*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Stands up and follows Finn and Lucella*
Simon Everson: *Slide down on of the gradations, not following the path*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Nice place.
Justin Quinn: ST>> as the group moves forward, the sun peek out of the sky, ripping the sky like so many rainbows
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Justyne> Maybe she was just a really piss-poor Nephandi.
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ((ooh, shit, it does? *L*)) ~Skyler runs the hell back into the cottage, and stays there.~
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Shakes his head and follows everyone else*
Lucella Missa: Jason>>Maybe, I thought...well...being what you are it might be harder so I gave you a triple dose. *Smiles* Sorry. I'll know next time.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Moves with a grace, like he knows the right place to set his foot every time as he looks at the sun peeking out though the sky, a smile on his face*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Hey, the weather here isn't bad at all. *Smiles upward at the sky effect*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Sun bad. Jason hide*
Justin Quinn: *Taking up the rear, hand in pockets, casually turns SKYLER around and keeps her walking forward* Oh .. where is louis anyway..?
Lucella Missa: *Approaches the area of 'Spiritual Significance'*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: (inside cottage) hey there, Auggy.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *shakes her head watching Skyler and Jason bug out and continues*
Simon Everson: *checks his watch, it's not like something to forget*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *follows, watching the people leave back to the cottage, still not saying much at all, as always*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Pulls out his sunglasses* Yeah. Nothing to worry about. Just a little skin problem. Sucks to be albino and stuff.
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ((DLP, and hope I'm not melting on Quinn, but trust him))~Skyler looks at FJQ, scared to death, and stutters~ dunn..dunno..~Skyler might flip out at any second, her terror is evident~
Justin Quinn: ST>>But, it's not the sun, it's Something Hi on the cliffs, so bright, like a column of fire shooting into the sky, it brightens the ENTIRE Area
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Watches the effect with more curiosity than anything.* I've heard there are strange lights in England sometimes..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at the cliffs, wondering what is up there*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler clams, looking so visibly relived, and moves herself forward~
Simon Everson: "..what the hell.."
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: A column of fire...a pillar, almost.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the cliff, salt falling from her hand* (prime 1 scan)
Justin Quinn: ST>>the Sky darkens, returning to normal with no more than a passing sounds of owls to indicate anything happened.
Simon Everson: *just cocking his head to look at the pillar, then moving forward* "..Is that what I think it is?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Barn owls...
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Reaches out with corresspondence to make sure of his surroundings as he moves along with the group, silent*
Lucella Missa: What the...I don't think that is a natural phenomenon for anywhere. I don't care if it is England.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Nods at Lucella, and is drawn by strong curiousity.
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Oh dear.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon* yes.
Justin Quinn: *Nods slowly* When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at the others, and moves forward~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks back, listening to Quinn's words*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Slowly turns and looks at Father Quinn*
Justin Quinn: ST>>Evertually, Everyone comes to what used to be a castle, broken and falling, it's spires dancing in the dark ((sorry, lost that picture)
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~stopps, litens to Justin~
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((Last post was sotto voce.))
Simon Everson: *Wonders absently who's node this is*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks up at the ruined castle*
Lucella Missa: *Listening somewhat awed feeling a bit out of her element.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Maybe try this as the pic for the castle?
Justin Quinn: Finnuala>> One of the Spirtual Entraces of the Great Mountain.. This is why i was so secrative,and silent.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Picks up Tenaviel and wears him like a fur stole, while looking at the castle in wonder and intrigue*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *quietly listens, watches..*
Lucella Missa: *Wanders through the ruins trying to pick up impressions.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN>> Well, now I know. What a ....*Looks up again* I wanted to come here some time.
Justin Quinn: ((PERFECT Finnuala, use that, with the water run off))
Simon Everson: *looks at the water with some tipidation* That is a lot of water..
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Stands a little cautiously, never letting his eyes rest for more than a second*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at Finn for a second and then to Quinn, nodding slightly as he turns back to look over the castle grounds, useing correspondence to be sure of his surroundings again*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: SIMON>> It's only water...
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Try telling that to tyne.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the water, shruggs, and starts to walk into the water, unhindered*
Lucella Missa: ((Akkk!! RL BRB))
Justin Quinn: ST>>LUC>>You will walk over the stones , into the castle, the feelign you get are one of sorrow, deep sorry//JOHN>>((i still got you,your corr))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> Simon told her. *Smiles, then thinks back to the night that Tyne was "cured" of her phobia, and what led to it, leap off a high bridge, a Wyrm Incarna--*
Simon Everson: *Sticks his finger in the water, doing Correspondance to test it's depths*
Justin Quinn: ST>>TYNE>>Sinks like a stone in 2 steps
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Finn>>So I see. *He was a little busy that night*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler lets a look of sorrow flicker over her face for a second, then she is fine~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((correspondence of 3))
Simon Everson: *laughs, remembering holding TYNE under the water*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Bloody hell. *Heads for the shore, reaching out to see if Tyne's like...way lost or what*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *SWIMS??*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Tyne?
Justin Quinn: *justin Curses, does she belive she is moses now?*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is very calm, but looks at the water, reaching into it~
Justin Quinn -> Justyne DonnellyÇrw o haws: ((yes you do swim))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Moves to the water*
Simon Everson: *holds his hands over this mouth* "..What the hell are you thinking.. *taking the stones* You are an akashic *hop* now a fish *hop* starting to laugh
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Becomes friends with a shadow and sends it to grab Tyne*
Lucella Missa: ((Back))
Justin Quinn -> Justyne DonnellyÇrw o haws: ((yes you do swim))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Moves to the water*
Simon Everson: *holds his hands over this mouth* "..What the hell are you thinking.. *taking the stones* You are an akashic *hop* now a fish *hop* starting to laugh
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Becomes friends with a shadow and sends it to grab Tyne*
Lucella Missa: ((Back))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Actually didn't go yet, --follows Father Quinn*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Moves with every one else*
Justin Quinn: ST>> A sliver of darkness moves under swimming TYNE, grasping her and lifting her out of the water
Lucella Missa: *Hops on the stones frowning* There is a very sad story here.
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Tyne>>Drops off a bit sharply?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> How so?
Simon Everson: *TYNE> moat's tyne, Moats
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler lets go of Tyne, shaking her head, and walks the stones~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Aren't moats supposed to have monsters? *Innocently*
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Walks along the stones, keeping the friendly shadow close*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Says very little as he moves with the group, keeping pace with them, near the middle of it*
Justin Quinn: *the interior of the castel is as fallen as it would be. Partially empty, it's obviuosly empty, and the stone's holding up well however**
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *glares at SIMON's levity, but grinns, at last* I am " Landshark" Tyne..I am one with the water..moats, right, forgot..*looks at JASON* a bit..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Turns over a smaller stone, looking underneath for life*
Justin Quinn: LUC>> It does have a sad story. We all know it well..
Lucella Missa: FINN>>I don't really know. It's just the feeling I get and I'm usually right. *sigh* Why aren't these places ever happy? Where are the happy castles?
Simon Everson: *Takes the measuere of the place, noticing that LANSER is also using correspondace, works into his magic as to not interfere with his scans*
Lucella Missa: Justin>>Really? What is the story? Is it in the History books?
Justin Quinn: ST>>FINN>> No sings of life, no grubs or anything of the like..
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Lucella>>All the happy castles are copyrighted by Disney.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at LUCELLA* in fairyland..*knowing Luic won't belive her, no one really does.. so grins to herself*
Justin Quinn: LUC>>Partially *Smiles* ..Until they were betrayed, this was a .. Retreat of Several Knight Templars. A place away from it all. More than a dozen died here in shame..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: How odd, there's nothing living under this stone.
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler appraoches with reverance, and a hidden sorrow~
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: *Nods quietly*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Quinn>>*Looks back to you when you speak* Interesting.
Simon Everson: TYNE>>What were you thinking? Now your cold and wet in the middle of england, and Spadar is back at the cottage *winks at her*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Stands straight again and takes in the scene solemnly, feeling the weight of the Lance on her back.*
Justin Quinn: ST>> there is the sound of waves and water as you enter the castle..
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Simon>>Hey, someones' gotta stay behind and protect Mr Hopsy.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *smiles at SIMON* ahh. but ..*lets the sink in* well..I'll be fine..*huffily walks to the castle*
Lucella Missa: *Smiles as the others comment* Fairyland, like Fantasyland, Neverneverland and Leprachaun Ville. *Listens to FJQ* Figures, People of high conviction die hard and leave behind alot to be reckoned with.
Justin Quinn: *shrugs* But, The Knight Templars are all Gone. Only their memory remain, no.. *Looks about at the people with him and smiles* Where hath all the Malitia Christi Gone... I wonder.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Listens ahead to the water with a small frown*
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler enters, running her hands along the stone archway, staring at it, in silent sad wonder..~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((BRB))
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: Quinn>>Margaritaville?
Simon Everson: *looks at JASON laughing, ever alert however, keeping the trip light. Silently Noticing Finn's comment about the lack of minute life, adds a life 1 scan to his Corr 1 scan*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks back to the castle and walks in with everyone else, frowning slightly at the mention of knight templars being killed here, the weight of something in his duster remind him of someone*
Lucella Missa: *Frowns entering the castle wondering why there is so much water inside...and waves even?*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Taking in as much as he can without any magic to help*
Justin Quinn: *Gazes up at the castle, a slight frown, * yes, they have a lot of conviction.. when they doth leave this hell on earth
Justin Quinn: ST>> the sound of the waves echo, the water rather high, but with stones in places to walk, movstly comming from the far side of the castle
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>But Marcus a Templar and he said you were too.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Doesn't have majick, but opens her senses up to the area around herself..~
Simon Everson: *Whispers* the only thing alive here is us.
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws -> Justin Quinn: ((Auspex1, listening, smelling, hearing..))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Back)) *Looks at Lucella with veiled caution*
Justin Quinn: ~Smiles to lLUCELLA, gazing up aty the battlements~ "..The Knight Templars's are dead Lucellla, I am however, who i am,and what i will be ..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: SIMON> I was afraid of that.
Simon Everson: *Takes the best way he can see, ladders, steps, what have you, to the battlements*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *is quiet..watching*
Lucella Missa: ((Per. 4 Awareness 2))*Looks around in the darkness feeling the sadness wash over like the sound of the waves.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Lifts an eyebrow slightly at Simons' last comment*
Justin Quinn -> Skyler St. Jeraldine irwn of haws: *the sound of the ocean is if you are living in it*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Watches Simon climbing up and remains as cover for him until he's at the top, then follows*
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>Okay...I can tell you don't want to talk about it. I guess I understand...for now. *Smiles and looks around*
Ethan Hunt : *He knocks on the door...
Justin Quinn: *ST>> the Battlements can be reached thru old ladders, not very sturdy, or a a few steps that enter the castle and head up to them*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Follows Finn, saying nothing as normal, though a look of sadness is on his face*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks very confused, but keeps her eyes closed, to better hear~ the..ocean..~Skyler opens her eyes, and looks around~ it sounds like I'm within the ocean..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sorry, Ethan, we're not actually in this room.))
Ethan Hunt : Gonerzzzzzzzzzzzz
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Makes her way up with care in the darkness and unstable footing*
Justin Quinn: *Helps The Ladies get up to the battlements.. slowly*
Lucella Missa: *Shivers and rubs her arms and moves around and through those gathered there, weaving between them, pinpointing impressions and trying to seperate those feelings from anything...external.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler opts for the steps~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *stays on the ground, to make sure none fall. she keeps her hand on the sash around her waist, in case somone DOES start to fall, Forces 2 at the ready to help catch them..*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *climbs a ladder most cautiously*
Lucella Missa: *Climbs up the rickety ladder. She looks to see who is behind her, looking up her long travel dress.*
: ((*Pounces all her Crown-y pals*))
Justin Quinn:
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Gets to the top and helps anyone that needs hep getting up as well*
Simon Everson: *Helps Finnuala up, then JOHN, then anyone after that, before looking out to follow the ocean sounds*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Hello Lurker))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((lurker? who dat?))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks around* Definitely safe to say we are ~not~ in Kansas Toto.
: ((SKY>>You should told me to come in and watch!!))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods as Simon help him to the top* Thank you. *stands, looking around*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Huggs a Sabrina lurker.))~Skyler makes her way to the top, hopefully without incident, and looks around, taken by the beauty of it all~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: (( encouraging voyeurism?))
Lucella Missa: *Smiles at Jason* Was that meant for me? *looks over the North Atlantic and mumbles* It's beautiful country here...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Hello Lurker))
Justin Quinn: ((hey, if sabrina is here, come on in, i'll pm you the "stuff" -icq keeps the structre better however))
Daisy Mae Everson: (Boo !!!)
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *once all are up, she touches her sash lowering her own body wieght by slightly disrupting gravity around herself, so that the ladder won't collapse, and scaels the wall*
: ((For the record, all...Starr is back at the hotel, since Stonehenge has quote-unquote "really wierd-ass memories" for her.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((I bookmarked that one!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Lucella>>Well, if you wanna be known as Toto...
Draven Darrius Tatsel: *walks in. He stands at 5'11" with a moderate build, the muscles proportioned correctly for a gymnast or martial artist. His dark hair is long and tied of in a ponytail in the back, the sides hanging to his chin as the long front bangs hang in wisps, gently blowing in the the wind. His cold blue eyes seem to be as warm as a cold day in Antartica, their gaze piercing and disturbing. He's dressed in a fine black leather jacket, a tight, black muscle shirt, slightly bloodied jeans, black sneakers, a silver cross necklace, and a sleek katana within a dragon-embroidered scabbard upon his back. The only distinguishing mark is a black line that scars from his right eyebrow to the bottom of his eye. Something about him though, seems mildly unsettling, like his very aura is eerie. He flashes a smile, looking attractive, yet dangerous, like the feral grin of a predator.* ((App4, Cha3))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods in agreement with Lucella* Yes it is, beautiful and sad at the same time.
Draven Darrius Tatsel: Jason>> Konnichi wa.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((woo hoo!! brig us our Sabrina!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*Pounces his favorite flower*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Stands and simply lets the view fill her sight, for a moment unaware of anything else*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Jason, she's realy not.*G*))
Justin Quinn: ST>>hell, Everyone feels a certain "Peace"suddennly as if you have entered holy ground, like the Ocean noise starts to fall away
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Er, Draven? The current scene is in England....))
Simon Everson: *look over at the ocean, carefully not to fall into the rocks below.* wow..
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Favorite flower? I don't get it...))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stares, lost..~
Lucella Missa: *chuckles at Jason* That's okay...
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Smiles, feeling the Peace flow though him and looks out across the ground surrounding the castle*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *murmurs*And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Daisy Mae Everson: (morning all... *huggles* Big brother)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *She and Tenaviel are taken by the scene and the feeling much like Skyler gets over Medelia*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Sab..DAISY, is everyone's fave flower, Tyne was referring to Voyuerism, Jason, and we are not in a hotel room, all newer people, but England))
Justin Quinn: [[A) we are not at stone henge b) we are in ENGLAND, 10 miles away from stone henge, Zodiac, get on ICQ so i can give you the information you need to see]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((That pounce was for Daisy, Sab.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Hi Daisy!))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Walks towards Finn, a small smile on his face as he looks out across the area*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *sees that Skyler is lost, and shakes her head, but lets her be*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Okay...I get it. Too many different OOC conversations going on at one time... *S*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((*L*@ Finnuala*//*hugs a Daisy))
Daisy Mae Everson: *outside the cottage after a much too long nap, looking around*
Lucella Missa: It's nice up here...*Looks around to see it it is just the scene or if there is a more obvious reason.*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((QUINN>>Still too close for STARR's taste...the ol' Stoneyhenge really bugs her, for some odd reason...))
Draven Darrius Tatsel: ((Who's an infernalist, lurker?))
Justin Quinn: [[which part Sab, the level 6 celestial caern part?., or the Dossisstep node part?]]
Justin Quinn: ((DAISY and Sabrina will travel together.. everyone else do some roleplaying so i can get them all togther))
Draven Darrius Tatsel: ((Exactly what do you mean by that?)
Simon Everson: *look over the front of the castle and narrows his eyes* I think someone is comming..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Near Finn, looking out across the grounds*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((QUINN>>Former Doissestep node, you got wiped out during the Heylel Toemim saga in the Weinberg trilogy, and that is canon, according to the last book. And that's what bothers her...the fact it isn't a node anymore.))
Justin Quinn: *feeling the well of spiritual energy, looks around, getting a funny feeling*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Finally comes out of the nearly entranced state and turns to John* Have you ever seen the Atlantic like this?
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Anyway, ready to go IC when thou art, Daisy and Master Storyteller. *S*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((just got book one of that trilogy today, Sab))~Skyler "wakes up" looking around still, then at Tyne~ can you get a hold of Sabrina?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: SIMON>> Where? *Looks around below*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*shakes his head* It is beautiful Finnuala, this place is stunning and sad at the same time.
Daisy Mae Everson: Coming Sabrina?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks also, for any intureders, or dangreoud beings*(not using majick, just looking)
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Nods at DAISY* Of course...let me grab my backpack. *Goes inside, grabs her pack, and walks out, one strap slung over her shoulder.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: John> There's a--the many of Faith, the greatness of the Universe is here.
Draven Darrius Tatsel: ((Um no...I'm a member of Jason's church...a vampire turned hunter..Caitiffe...gen 7th...I can't get in this plot though...cause I wasn't forewarned...unfortunately...^^;;; I don't know anything about this ST thing...))
Simon Everson: *points in the direction of Louis's Cottage* Over there.. beyond the third Grade
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*nods in agreement* Yes there is.
Justin Quinn: *DAISY>+SAB>> traveling over the ground, it's not a very long walk to the Castle, small stepping stone lead to the castel,and the water is flat and still..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Turns with her back to the Atlantic breeze and looks toward the direction that Simon indicated*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((7th gen Caitiff?!?))~Skyler just looks around, as if memrozing it all carefully, as if mentally tucking it away to shoe later..~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((BRB all))
Justin Quinn: ((DARVEN, even if you were forwarnded, it's for secific people, crowns mostly.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances toward the castle, then to the water*
Draven Darrius Tatsel: ((*shrugs* I'd just like to get in a plot worth getting into...a random killing of the BSDs gets to be a drag))
Justin Quinn: *well, since simon is using correspondanc/life, i doubt anyone else will see who he's looking at *(
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((back))
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Allows DAISY to lead, watching their surroundings closely for any surprises.*
Simon Everson: "..think it's Daisy and Sabrina *Frowns* she should be a sleep. If she falls on those rocks..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Simon> Then why don't you go meet her. I'll look out from here.
Daisy Mae Everson: *a little excite as this is her first trip to another country, looking around with a child sense of wonderment*
Justin Quinn: (splits time) INSIDE CASTLE*The feeling of spiritual deepness continues to flow up, and up, thickinging like a rubber band. LUCELLA is starting to be over come with just.. Joy, even as in the court yard, shapes start to form, living ghost
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles at seeing the glacier melt, then goes back down the way she came, to see Daisy and Sabrina safely up~
Simon Everson: *Turns to say Thanks to Finnuala and just is frozen *
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *looks down to the court yard as the spirital deepness continues to flow though him*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Smiles at DAISY* Careful...these rocks could be slippery, and Simon will kill me if I let you fall and hurt yourself...
Justin Quinn: (((INSIDE CASTLE- SKY))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Balances calmly, yet filled with spiritual expectation and excitement, letting the wind just wash past, hair flying past her face and Tenaviel's tail looking like a fur piece from where he perches on her shoulder*
Justin Quinn: ((OUTSIDE CASTLE) Getting over the stones, are easy and simple, well taken care off, but even out here, you are starting to feel the spirtual ness deepen (like steeping on holy ground)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks up at the sky* Well, rock me Amadeus.
Simon Everson: *Doesn't actually trust himself to walk actually*
Daisy Mae Everson: Okay Sabrina... I'll be carefull... *still she look around*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon in concern* muttering in Latin* (mind 1, life 1 scan on Simon*
Lucella Missa: *smiles widely then laughs to herself and looks out over the water, still smiling* Wow...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Oooooh! Aaaah! Pretty!))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((glad she isn't looking up))~Skyler reaches Daisy and Sabrina~ hey.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Is even more silent as he feels the peace of the place*
Daisy Mae Everson: *trembles slightly...*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Double checks to make sure Skyler isn;t looking up*
Simon Everson: [[Simon is channeling..]]
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Nods at SKYLER, smiling...her mood has taken an incredible upswing at the growing spiritual feeling* Hello, Skyler...
Justin Quinn: ((waits for the meeter to be meet and all that]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles, excitement eveident on her face* Hello Skyler...
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles back, in a pretty good mood, herself. she seems to be drinking in each sight, taking it down, comitting it to memeory~ Sabrina, Daisy..I came to see you safely up..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at the rikety ladder, and then to the steps, and Daisy's preggy belly~ uhm..steps?
Justin Quinn: ST>>the sky starts to glow, now it doesn't matter if your inside or outside, the "Sun" ripping out of the sky, A Column of Light Suddenly Shoot's up, Surrounding the Castle, Day it seems has come, as patterns infused with energy and made steady*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: SKYLER>>Thank you, dear. After you...
Simon Everson: "..Wow..!"
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Faces the light, enthralled yet by the feeling of the Faith that infuses this place*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks almost paniced at the light, and calms herself, recalling that it didn't hurt her last time..she has broken out into a nervous swaet though, which she quickly wipes off~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks up as the sky starts to glow, seeing the column of light shoot up*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Almost sound like he's whining* Boss....*Heads for a nice low dar place*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches the light, fascinated*
Lucella Missa: There it is again...((ST how does the fire column affect the energy Lucella senses?))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler shakes her head at Sabrina~ you two, first, I'll guard the rear.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Is in total and utter awe of the light*
Daisy Mae Everson: Skyler>> Yes, the steps... *smiles... Then blinks at the sky* Wow...
Justin Quinn: ALL>>someone just pumped you nitrious. You are standing on a Node someone just tapped and released. trhere is Quientesses everywhere, as the WAter rises sharply, flowing over everything, spalshing WARM, and inviting, and then fianlly receeding, dry, and still ...
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Skyler and starts up the steps, watcing the sky... takes the steps slowly* And me without a camera...
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Feels the power of this place, the quientessence of it, welcomeing the feeling of it*
Lucella Missa: *Laughs and turns to the others smiling broadly.* Wow...that was
Justin Quinn: ST>> and just as suddenly, it's gone, leaving the darkeness and the low sorrow
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Barely thought to keep a hold onto the stone footing as the water overflowed*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Has utterly no clue about the Quintess thingie, and the water doesn;t bug him, but that dang light is getting bothersome*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Smiles in utter bliss, welcoming the flow of that magickal energy into her Pattern.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *stumbles on a step... but catches herself before falling*
Simon Everson: *finally able to actually move, heads over to Help Daisy, giving her a hug first* "..Hi love.."
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Snickers, like she needs it) * a bit of slat spills from her hand as she tries to channel the energy around her, into herself..*(Prime 1 effect..should I roll?))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *He frowns as the feeling leaves, the sorrow returning to this place, wanting the joy to come back, the power of this place to come back*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Staggers as the feeling leaves suddenly, almost falling over*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Comes back up* Irritating. *Looks up, adjusting his Oakleys* A little warning next time, Boss...please?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Is everyone still here?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*nods slowly* I think so...
Justin Quinn: ((explains this in Vampire terms, The water is the qientessence, it's flowing directly INTO your pattern, as a vampire, your 3nd generation at the moment, or it feels like you've drained 50 mortal all at once))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>Well, yeah.
Daisy Mae Everson: *hugs SIMON back* Hello darlin'...
Lucella Missa: *Tugs on her ear thoughtfully* That was...nice. What is that? What went on here? What is this place. More than an old castle.
Simon Everson: *looks about, checking the place*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Oh wow. I knew I was gonna make good with this character, but I never thought I was gonna hit Antediluvian....))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Guess that means I got my full Gnosis rating of ONE *S*))
Justin Quinn: *The castle stands, new and bold agasint the night sky. Work men move about, trying their best to complete the castle and everything in it*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((good God..))~Skyler falls down, overcome with the intense Joy,,she just stays down for a minute..~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks around, seeing the castle brought back to its fullness, people around* What?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Shakes his head as his mind processes all the nifty things that have just happened* Hold that last irritating bit-this is...interesting...*Takes his friendly shadow and starts futzing with it, making it into a shadow version of Teneviel and wrapping it around his neck*
Simon Everson: *eyes a workmand as he goes Past* .. Oookkkk
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Blinks at the feeling of temporal displacement*
Daisy Mae Everson: Skyler>> Are you aright?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Tenaviel may or may not be amused by Jason's shadow, but he certinly is intrested.*
Lucella Missa: *Blink* What the...*Fighting off a feeling of panic she rubs her eyes then slowly opens them again. Afraid of what she may see.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *It's exquisitely detailed-right down to the fleas*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at Dainsy, pulling herself into a sitting postion, sitting on the steps for a sec~ up inna sec..
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at all the...workman... wondering where they came from* SIMON, I am awake aren't I...
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks around and frowns.* Something is very not right here... *She focuses her mind and relaxes, letting her magick flow* ((Time 1...when is it, and where's the temporal displacement located?>>Rolling Arete...7,4,4. 3 successes))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *glances at Finn*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks up* Boss-this is some kinda serious ability you're laying on me here.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Skyler*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: John>> I'm not sure, but we better find out. *Watches to see if they are noticed by the workers*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws -> Daisy Mae Everson: ((Skyler fine, just VERY happy.))
Simon Everson: *Starts his own Time scan, laying it inside Sabrina's giving her help~=1 auto success
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*nods in agreement*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*Looks at the stats for 5th gen...blinks, drools, and closes the book*))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((think I'll get me that book, Quinn..*EG* this'd be fun))* Concentrates for a second, feling the Gardener near her, stronger than she has ever felt him..his damaged side a weak memeory now..*
Daisy Mae Everson -> Skyler St. Jeraldine rwn of haws: (player knows that... Daisy didn't... *grin*)
Lucella Missa: *Looks around eyes blazing in fear...* Oh my God...they'll burn us. *Looks in her purse at the cellphone, dictophone, ballpoint pens, lighter, etc.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *reaches out with mind 1, trying to get the local feelings of this place*(( 2 succ's))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Has probably damn near become "Awakened" again. *L*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler snapees right the heck to, hearing "burn" looks at Lucella~ sorry? huh?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Lucella>>What?
Lucella Missa: ((*Gets no bonus and pouts* *LOL*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> It's all right. You'll be safe. *Smiles reassuringly*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((finnualal if you haven't awakened now..*s*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *notices SIMON get the look of concentration and does not disturb him*
Justin Quinn: [[unless i am mistake, what John's doing is mind 2]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Has an "Avatar" determined to remain asleep, dammit! *L*))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around, seeing other Mages doing things, and gets jumpy that maybe she should be doing some mage things..*
Lucella Missa: *Taking the pens and lighters phone and anything with a battery in it out of her purse and starts to throw it away. looks at her clothes.* Oh my God! Zippers!
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((was trying to get just plain surface emotions, though mind 1 could do that?))
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((QUINN>>That is Mind 2, yes...what about my Time effect?))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Sees the mages doing mage things and gets jumpy, period*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> Chill! *Extends a calming influence of Faith*
Justin Quinn: [[Mortal? Mortal? nahh mortals get CRAP, unless you want the Potent blood flaw ]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Rewinding everything in his mind-fireworks, light, water, power wash, workers...*
Simon Everson: *Stops concentrating and looks at Daisy* um, were not in kansas anymore..
Lucella Missa: *Calms down and considers taking a dose of what she gave Jason on the flight over.* Okay, alright. I'm with you here...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Already HAVE the Frigging Potent Blood Flaw!))
Daisy Mae Everson: (Oh darn nothing special for me... already have the flaw... *grin*)
Lucella Missa: ((That's okay. I'll take crap. *S*))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks around again, wondering what just happened and if anyone has noticed them yet*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Lucella, worriedly~ are you OK?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Simon>>Well, duh.
Justin Quinn: (justin) moves out of their way and collects everyone to a standard place*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Moves to Quinn quickly*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON, chuckles* Well, duh... *wrinkles her nose at him* I know that we are in England...
Lucella Missa: *Smiles at Skylar* Yeah, you guys are awful nice. It's just kind of...well...shocking. Oh my cats...*worries about her cats at home*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Steps aside with FJQ*
Simon Everson: *Thinks it's time to do a little creative masking *
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Goes to the huddle*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Is on the other side of Quinn then Finn is on, looking at him*
Daisy Mae Everson: *moves over to Father QUINN with the others*
Alek Mendleson: Finn>> 'Eh main 'ow you donn??
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Lucella, wondering how the poor, mad girl seemed so normal~ what is shocking, dear? that you have a zipper? ~looks at Sabrina, in utter confiusion~
Lucella Missa: *Collects the stuff she threw, well that which she can retrieve* Man...*shakes head and stands* Okay, how do we get back? Or maybe better, why are we here?
Justin Quinn: (mind 2) These are DEFIANTLE not hte droids your looking for//LANSER>> The castel is not new, it has been , it's old but there is something about it.. something wierd, like, the people arnt real..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Are you in England, Alek?))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *goes to the huddle,dragging Skyler with her*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~now at huddle~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Quinn>>*nods slowly* Your telling me.
Simon Everson: *kisses DAISY and takes her aside*
Alek Mendleson: ((yes I am in fact..... I'm on business ))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Pulls out his FJQ to English dictionary*
Daisy Mae Everson: *lays a hand on her stomach for a few moments*
Lucella Missa: Skylar>>Excuse me? Are you loony? Look around you. You aren't a little surprised? We could be in big trouble for zippers. *Looks to see how much plastic and zippers the others have.* Oh boy...
Justin Quinn: [[Actually, it's a justification for almost any supernatual merit, mages also operate at +1 prime.. As i stated, most of these don't stay.. ]]
Alek Mendleson: Finnuala >> What on earth are you dooing in England???
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles and returns Simon's kiss and goes with him*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Alek> ((I mean, as per in this scene, which takes place in England. *S*))
Simon Everson: *looks at DAISY worriedly* Don't make our children English citizens, ...Please .. *worried*
Lucella Missa: ((*LOL@JASON* Where can I get a copy of that?))
Alek Mendleson: Finnuala(( yes))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Alek> What are you doing here???
Justin Quinn: [[i know for a FACT alek is not where everyone else is..]]
Justin Quinn: --where you huddle
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Lucella, worriedly~ for? plastic is normal, dear? ~confused~
Alek Mendleson: Finnuala>> I'm on business with a firm based in york.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON* Why not?... *grins* They are just very active at the moment, We're fine. *takes his hand and place it on her stomach* See...
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Is still meditating, trying to make her Time effect work.*
Justin Quinn: [[unless everyone can get to an umbural reflection of a hidden node across the english country side, then, i guess he is]]
Lucella Missa: *Hands to her temples as she looks around confused.* Okay...where, or when are we?
Alek Mendleson: Quinn:(( I was told to expect people here ten minutes ago and I was late.)) Has any one seen Johhny Cage today??
Jason St Augustine irøwn of haðøws: ((Damn good place to huddle))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : This place is strange, the people feel odd. *Looks around again*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at the statue, but tears her gaze back to the situation at hand~
Justin Quinn: *takes a look up at the statue and then back to the group* "..Ok, Doth anyone know *smiles at LUCELLA* where or when we are about..
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches, trying to figure out what's wrong, going on, ect..~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Did you get the wrong room, Alek?))
Alek Mendleson: ((Has any one cast any spells that stop mortals from approaching or seeing thourgh the vail??))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN>> It's not within my experience.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: FJQ>>Here's what I know. This castle has some history with the Malitia Christi. We're in England. And there is something in the water that is definitely not normal. Other than that, I'm lost. *"teneviel" sneezes*
Daisy Mae Everson: (brb.. I need some toast and coffee)
Simon Everson: *((Alek is here or not?? i'm getting confused))
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws -> Alek Mendleson: (( you are in the wriong place, then, man..we are RPing a closed game, and I'll have you know, we ae currently on top an Enlgish castle, somewheere NOT in your you shouldn';t really be here..))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *The REAL Tenaviel watches the shadow one with dismay and pulls himself back to settle firmly on Finnuala's shoulders*
Alek Mendleson: Finnualla>> I am int the right room. Now unless the vail has been erected and hedge mages cannot see through it I am here now stop waisting my time adn yours))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Wonder whynthis happenes, everytime we game..Alek, hun, you are not here..))*looks at FJQ* eeeh? when? you mean..*thinks*
Lucella Missa: ((Looking at the photo it's Baroque, early 18th Century. Is that what you were going for?))
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: JUSTIN>>We're both here and in the past.
Justin Quinn: [[No, sorry, especially is Alek is mortal, he is not here, he needed to come across with eeryone else]]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Quinn>>The people feel odd somehow.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Alek, I jus wanted to know if you were part of this scene or not. Now don't get short with me because I just asked an innocent question.))
Simon Everson: *slaps forhead and does a Spirt Scan*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at them, listening for once..~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *"Tenaveil" and Jason appear to be waiting for a coherent explanation*
Lucella Missa: *Pulls out a pack of Tarot Cards sits on the ground and lays them out in a pattern to read the present.* ((Divination 1 Per. 4 + Fortunetelling 2))
John Cage: *Comes running up the stairs and knocks on the door to the room*
Justin Quinn: [[moves on with life and Alek on ignore]] *Feeling spirt from Simon, does a scan , saying a quick prayer and nods* "..We are in the reflection many speak off
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at everyone* We're in a sort of time overlap, if you will. We are both in the modern day and the past.
Alek Mendleson: (gotta go sorry for the interuption ))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Does a life scan, as well as a spirit scan*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Reflection? The Penumbra?
Daisy Mae Everson: (is back)
John Cage: *Knocks again at the door three times*
Simon Everson: "Umbra.. Were in the umbra.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Later Alek))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Umbra? I hate this place.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sorry John, this scene isn't in the hotel actually))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at SABRINA* of those TV;s that have 2 channels, on the same TV?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> You should hate it. full of my relatives.
John Cage: ((Oh...well I feel embarrassed. Where is it if you don't mind me asking and I'll go away.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Scene is in England))
Justin Quinn: "..I don't think the people notice us much, And I Doth not exaclty know how we art here ..
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Smiles at TYNE* Kind of.
John Cage: ((Ooooohhhhh.....well I'll see you later. Delete all my posts (although I'm sure you all ignored me anyway.) Sorry again))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Quinn>>*nods in agreement with Simon*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Lifts an eyebrow delicately*
Simon Everson: *"OK, how do we Get out of here *whispering* before where in too much touble
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at SIMON* The what?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN>> We shouldn't have just come across like that. It should be a concious act unless we're really all asleep.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Later John))
Lucella Missa: *Looks at the cards and frowns* I don't get it. Doesn't make any sense. Looks up. What is the Umbra?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>I dunno. There was some powerful juju happening...We might have been pulled along for the ride.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks worried~ ooh, Starr's gonna freak, when she can't hear me anymore..Umbra? ~looks at Finnuala~ isn't that a bad thing?
Simon Everson: *Frowns* or someone else's concious act.. *looks at DAISY and smiles* A .. Dream place, that reflects the real world
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> It's anothr version of the real world. // JASON>> I know, and it should be easy to leave normally...
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around, thinks* the the spirit world, I guess..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks around again slowly*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> It's not bad, just different. *Not telling her everything*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>But it's not being that way this time?
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Sighs* I've only been on this side of the Gauntlet once...during a failed summoning spell by an...associate of mine's cabal.
Lucella Missa: Umbra...the shadowed side of the moon...*Looks back at the cards and frowns*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : I have never been to this side before.
Justin Quinn: ST>> the workmen continue their work, moving quickly as one shouts* THERE HERE! and people start to scramble
Daisy Mae Everson: this is what it's like... *remembers a friend told her about the umbra*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: John>>You ain;t missed much.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> I've always, well nearly always come with someone else. Therefore we may have been dragged in by another being here.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Slkyler smiles at Finnuala~ what a relief. I guess I can relax, then.
Lucella Missa: ((ST>>Does her Divination on the state of the "Present" reveal anything? Throwing Intuition 1 into the mix.))
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Moves closer to the workmen, trying to see WHY they're scrambling.*
Justin Quinn: *AS a normal person, he 's seen this side a few times, and knows nothign about it really*
Simon Everson: *looks at JOHN* you've heard of it, puts you one up on all most all of our brothers.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Takes a look for what the people are scrambling for*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Skyler, but doesn't tell her everything, either*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at all the people scrambling about*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the workmen with open caution, ready to do that Tyne thing, and go off, if they get all nasty..*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks around* Whats going on now?
Lucella Missa: *Looks back at the cards* There is a massive attack...a siege...they want something important in the Castle.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches..with wariness~
Justin Quinn: ST>> they are Baring the doors, and the battle ments. Men in hastily placed armour and Horses run by, finally one stops and looks at Finnuala and then the others* "..Don't just stand there.. MOVE! get the women to the Dunguens, every able bodied man to the walls
Justin Quinn: [[grrr..And it's COLD, i forgot, i'm sorry all]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Takes a peek out*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *On intuition, gets up and looks out over the edge again, seeing if there's a ship on the horizon*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at the man on horseback and then to Quinn, one hand sliding into his riding duster*
Lucella Missa: *Collects the cards and puts them away in her bag.* We should go take a look.
Simon Everson: *Stands protectively at Daisy's side, his sword hilt suddenly visible*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler absent-midedly gives her jacket to Daisy~
Lucella Missa: *Frowns* The dungeons?
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Withdraws her Gladius from her backpack, unsheathing it and holding it down, but ready to defend any of teh Crowns if necessary*
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN>> stands and makes a Salute, hand over heart and to heels together to the man* "..Yes sir.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *"Teneviel" reaches into the back of Jason's jersey*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the workman in a bit of angst, as she is not going to any dungeoen..looks at the others* who's going, who's staying.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Blinks at all the activity... takes the jacket from Skyler putting it on*
Justin Quinn: --one area of the landscape //NOT the water side
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sighs that she did not have the foresight to bring her guitar case, and looks around, for a weapon~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Has no intention of going anywhere near a dungeon with its confining things...shudder*
Lucella Missa: I'm staying with you guys.
Justin Quinn: ((there are workmen and ther eare KNIGHTS,it was a man in full plate that gave the order))
Daisy Mae Everson: the dungeons?
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Her face is set and determined* I'm not going to any dungeon...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((It got REALLY cold))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Notes the teperature change just barely*
Justin Quinn: *shift mental Preceptions, to full illusion* "I will need help , I want everone to look as, for this Purpose, a Man. Thou may be offended later, but it's a differnt time.. *Takes their hands, and starts to pray, without faith, pulling mind 3 to him and over everyone.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *shivers a bit from the temp change, but looks at Quinn, waiting for an order*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Agrees with FJQ*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((*L* Skyler goes from looking like Alley Baggett, to looking like..))
Lucella Missa: *Judging from the Man's armor she assesses he is somehow impportant and moves towards the others wondering if bullets would go through that platemail.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks offended NOW, but trust the FJQ*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Quinn>>*Puts his hands on his hips* And just what is ti that I look like now?
Simon Everson: *(looks at all * Really is NOT the time to decide women's lib. Just Be quiet and work as What we are one terrible stupid Situation at a time. *Only has barely the required, so will only add his strengths-1 auto success-(*
Daisy Mae Everson: *shiver..* Burr cold... *pulls the jacket close around her*
Lucella Missa: *Shivers in the chill and rubs her arms for warmth.*
Simon Everson: *get's a bright idea and adds forces 2, to make everyone ..warm* 2 success
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Implacable in the face of all these silly temperature changes*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Is glad to have a cloak with a living fox collar, then Tenaviel jumps to the ground and disappears as he is good at doing*
Sabrina Christenson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Nods at SIMON* Understood...but I am not allowing a Crown to go anywhere unprotected.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon, sensing the majick, and wonders why she just didn't notice it's actually pretty warm here. (wishing SHE had though oif that..))
Lucella Missa: *Wonders who the men are talking to. Not in the least bit offended.*
Justin Quinn: "Heavenly Father, We draw upon you in this time of need, to shield us with thy faith and thy love, to shield the eyes of those about us, and protect our souls, in this time of need*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Does a doubletake at the direction of the Sea.* THAT doesn't belong here. *Points at the ironsided ship*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *"Tenaviel" stands on Jason's shoulder, resting an arm on Jason's head*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>Show me something that does belong here.
Lucella Missa: *Now it warms up and she gets an exasperated look on her face.*'s like living in Chicago, hot then cold, hot then cold. *Chuckles*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looking around... nosy like*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> But I mean that REALLY is out of place, like us. It could be empowered like us as well.
Simon Everson: *looks about and nods to Sabrina* Actually, Paladian, There are no Real Crowns here.. *even looks at Skyler and JASON* Only the Militia Christi.. And You Know i have the Same feelings as you do on the matter *Looks at Daisy*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>I hate it when you say things like that.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Stands there, a hilt of a broad sword from inside of his riding duster can be seen, one hand gripping it*
Justin Quinn: ST>>Only notices SIMON adding anyhelp to quinn's prayer..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Simon said something that bears thought.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Sorry Jason. Well, lock and load? *Looks to Father Quinn for confirmation*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds in agreemtn woith Jason, still looking for a weapon~
Daisy Mae Everson: (odd woman out...)
Simon Everson: "Heavenly Father, We draw upon you in this time of need, to shield us with thy faith and thy love, to shield the eyes of those about us, and protect our souls, in this time of need"
Lucella Missa: ((Who is "Tenaviel" I've been mostly ignoring posts about "him" Can I see him or should I be reacting to him.))*Looks out over the sea and shakes her head* This place is some kind of wierd temporal amalgamation. We should look for that thing, whatever it is, in the Castle. There's something here.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Okay...I'm missing stuff....crud)) *Takes a knee next to Quinn* Boss, yer acting right odd all I'm gonna ask is a little help getting us all through this and I ain;t gonna ask no questions.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Missed the post then thought he was done already. Sorry Justin. *S*)) *At the appropriate time, pools Faith with the Father and speaks with him, drawing strength and sharing it back out.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : "Heavenly Father, We draw upon you in this time of need, to shield us with thy faith and thy love, to shield the eyes of those about us, and protect our souls, in this time of need"
Daisy Mae Everson: She prays too..."Heavenly Father, We draw upon you in this time of need, to shield us with thy faith and thy love, to shield the eyes of those about us, and protect our souls, in this time of need" ...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> ((Tenaviel is a Fox Spirit of sorts. Jason's shadow is an imitation of him))
Justin Quinn: ST>> over the crest of the Landscape, a 3000 men crest the hill, lined fall as the darkness streaches, torches dotting the landscape with a maracrbe tale of utter impending distruction.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *pools his one faith with quinn as well at the time that it is needed*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((jason's Tenaviel is an Obtenebration 2 tentacle. Basically, he's there for comic relief.))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stand there, as she cannot add much but her heavenward directed thoughts..~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Be back in a couple minutes, guys))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *If it were not for the Faith they had just shared, the sight of the 3,000 would dishearten her greatly*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sees the scene, and prays herself, ansd with honest ferverence~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ..."Heavenly Father, We draw upon you in this time of need, to shield us with thy faith and thy love, to shield the eyes of those about us, and protect our souls, in this time of need"
Justin Quinn: ((REPOST))Justin Quinn: *shift mental Preceptions, to full illusion* "I will need help , I want everone to look as, for this Purpose, a Man. Thou may be offended later, but it's a differnt time.. *Takes their hands, and starts to pray, without faith, pulling mind 3 to him and over everyone.*//[[Mages can help adding to each other magic, and mortal actuall even can add strength and success.. Simon , not haveing mind 3, added 1 auto success instead of his arete, then got the bright idea to make everyone warm, so that it seems the feelign of faith made everyone warm]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at all of them, eyes taking in the torches, but her face betrays nothing.~ verde...
Daisy Mae Everson: *no TF to add... just her faith in Him and her family*
Simon Everson: *ALL>> before you get the inkling to kill everything.. Remember, this castle is held, Was held by Our Brothers, and *points with a sword now in hand* They are the ..enemy.. Jesus, son of God.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((has mind 3!!!) ~Tyne chants, deeply in gealic, adding her power of the mind, letting Quinn direct and shape it..~ (rolling arete ..1, 1, 7, 10, 10, 9, 9..THREE sucesses))
Lucella Missa: *Is disheartened as she has no faith* Ugg...looks like the angry villagers with torches and pitchforks but these ones are much better armed.
Justin Quinn: ST>>*Everyone now looks like a male version of themsleves*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks to Simon, deadly serious, nods and begins to move to a position of effective visual location*
Justin Quinn: ((um, see, the 1's cancel out the 10's..unless i'm missing someting about tyne's arete))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sabrina got booted, all))*looks out, over the landscape*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Stands next to Quinn still, his hand on his the hilt of his broad sword*
Daisy Mae Everson: *hmm rather chubby man...*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Dammit..))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Simon>>Can we hull yon ironclad?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((*L* Looks like an extra long-haired Prince Valiant))
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks around for something to defend herself with...*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler the guy, is still searching for a weapon~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((dont have mind 3, but adds whatever he can to help Quinn))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Looks like...himself.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Added whatever it took to help too))
Lucella Missa: ((Do I have anything to add to this prayer?))*Examines her new look. Tall Nordic type. Laughs*
Justin Quinn: ST>>The Battle ments are maned, with Knights and men of size and Degree. A chaplin, Carrying and Bloody axe walks around, praying as he touches everyone, his armor Glinting thru the open robes. He prays at Each of YOU, a light touch , moving on. A man in the courtyard, with a charasmatic light shouts into the Air* "..NO Knight of the Temple Ever Retreats, No Knight of the Temple Ever Surrenders. Am I Clear!
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Having tossed his one dot of TF into the pool to make things happen))
: *lurks*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Raises the Lance in salute to the man who spoke*
Simon Everson: *looks at the IRON clad and spits* Technocracy. Order of Reason ..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Hi Lurker))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Draws his broad sword and bows his head as the chaplin touches him*
Lucella Missa: *Nice and warm now and no longer worried about her zippers she smiles at the others* Are we ready? *Trying to act super macho. Failing she laughs*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches all this, and snapps to "attnetion".He grabbs the first person he finds~ I need a wepaon. (summoning his Authority (manpi 3, or Cher 3, intimidation 2..)
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to chaplin... looks at the man shouting*
Justin Quinn: FINN>>Finnuala, *stops as the Chaplin prays, then nods to him* We have there options, and I don't like them , any of them
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Lifts his glaive (shaft not extended)in a salute to the chaplin*
Simon Everson: *bows his head to the chaplin*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *Justyn (with no E, hhehehe) rubbs salt onto his feet, envchanting them effectively (One sucess)
Justin Quinn: *the Startled man Gives SKYLER his weapon* Here SIR. Names Michael Sir. //*the man Looks Abruplty at Finnuala, and Kneels, saulting as he does so. Pretty eveyone is surprised, and then they all Kneel Also in Finnuyala's Direction.
Lucella Missa: *Bows to the Chaplin dispensing last rites and taking final confessions. Looks at her appearance and snaps at a page* Bring me a weapon boy!
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *No one is more surprised than Finnuala!*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at everyone looks at Finnuala*
Justin Quinn: ST>>DAISY see's vairous swords and Knives about the place, rusted, blood encrusted..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn...thy new appearance seems to command respect.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler hefts his browdsword, and watches them all kneel..when in Rome..Skyler knells as well~ sir..
Daisy Mae Everson: *arches a brow when everyone kneel toward Finn*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Recovers wits and makes the sign of the cross over those who have kneeled.* In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo.
Justin Quinn: (justin) Almost smiles* Looks like thou suddenly has an Army Finnuala. Or should i say, Lance Knight..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *follows Skyler's actions and kneels as well, the blade of his own family's braod sword pointed at the ground*
Simon Everson: *Keeps lookintg at the Iron Clad, using Correspondance to view it closer*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *blinks in confusion, then realizes* FInn..igan, sir. is it your loak?
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the choice of weapons...mumbles* oh great..
Justin Quinn: PAGE>> Scared, snaps to his feet and hauls a sword up, dragging it over to LUCELLA
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN> Then I better live up to them. *Looks out over those assembled with a sudden determination to somehow make them not only survive, but victorious as well*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *finds a staff nearby, and gets it.., kneeling at Finnigan like the othets do*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: JustYn (no E!) > *Looks to see what you're talking about*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler grins and rises singing lightly but with solemnity~ "god's got an army, who's not afriad to fight.."
Lucella Missa: *Frowns when the Page ignores her and gets up and gets her own weapon somewhat sheepishly.*
Justin Quinn: *Holds his hand in the air, then Brings it down Sharply,and His Large Crusader is in his hands(and Beatific suddenly)*In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo.
Lucella Missa: ((DLP *L*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Gestures for them to rise after the prayer that was offered, hoping this is what was expected*
Simon Everson: *Looks around, staying near to Daisy* there going to Fire!
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler leaves the area for a few mintues..he probabaly has to go to the bathroom~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((OW! Stamina...2 successes. wow.))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo. *As he bows his head*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Simon>>Oh hell....
Lucella Missa: *The Page hands her the weapon and she frowns when she realises she can wield it no better than the boy. She nods to the boy and when he's not looking she drags it over to her spot.* Ooof...
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks, with Corr 1, to see what Simon is talking about, touching her pendant*
Justin Quinn: (man in ArmouR)RUNS up the Steps, As if it weighed nothing//DAIS>>there is also a row of sticks "staves" on the side
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *As soon as the time seems appropriate, the shaft of the glaice gets extended with a very quiet 'kaclick'*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON* Yes, sir...*tries to salute properly.. moves toward the fire, grabbing a couple of knives on the way*
Justin Quinn: IRON CLAD>> there is a Loud BOOM like the Guns of Battle Ship and A flassh, that Awfully WWwWHhhHhh rrrrRRRiiiiiIIIi nnggg Sound,..and then and explosioon out side of the walls that sprays up tons of Water*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Fear the sound- "ka-click"))
Simon Everson: *Grabs a hold of Daisy and Shields her against the wall*
Daisy Mae Everson: (oops dlp...)
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at the iron clad, looking for a paige or anyone* Does this place have cannons or something, return fire is so.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Simon, we got anything that might help keep that there dinghy outta the action?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Instinctively ducks, then moves for a look at how badly the wall was hit*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the sky* (current weather conditions?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (I was distracted by my crazy cats and missread the post from Simon)
Justin Quinn: *Stands as the water flashes up arond him, the Man in armour Also not Ducking, Kneeling to FINNUALA* Lance Knight, I didn't Know you have come thru the portal. I am Sir Gert Ulrich, *looks up with a wet face, not unhandsome* Barbarians at the Gate Hmm... The Artifact is Safe Sirra
Lucella Missa: *Ducks the water as it sprays through the windows.* Maybe we should get out of here.
Simon Everson: *Stands after the explosion* It's Priminum reinforced.. na-tra-fucking-ly.. Even now they mass markets the stuff *Wiping the salt spray out of his face*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Lucella>>If I had mine ruby slippers, I'd be clicking heel as fast as I could....
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Shoot, nevermind..grr..))*looks at the ship, thinking..looks at Simon*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: GERT ULRICH>> The Artifact, yes. Very good. What added precautions have you taken? (Trying to be certain of what he's talking about)
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks Simon protecting her(him) must looks a bit strange...*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks over at Simon* If we cant hit it from here, there gonna burst though the wall, we need to get ready to defend a frontal assualt.
Justin Quinn: ST>> AS it comes rather Apparent that These people are not Just your Everyday people, Knights and Pages move to follow their direction. Moving Cannons over to That side of the Wall. * "Sirra, the water,the Cannon's Wont Fire..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Glances again at the ship, guessing that there's not a lot of time before the next shot. Thinking furiously*
Lucella Missa: *Listens to FINN and GERT trying to look casual leaning on the enormous sword too large for her to lift.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *snaps his fingers at a page* Send extra knights to reinforce where that behemoth's shell hit.
Simon Everson: *looks at DAISY and then looks at JOHN * fell like Swimming?
Daisy Mae Everson: *once out form under Simon protection will grab a staff..*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Grins at Simon* Think the two of us could handle it?
Justin Quinn: (GERT) As much as we can. WE fear it was Jacob who told them about it. It pulses, and it drew them after he Open it's seal. I am sorry, but Brother Jacob was Killed by I when he would kill us all.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON like he's crazy*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> How far can you manipulate those shadows? Can you unsettle the army down there with some fierce shadow illusions?
Simon Everson: *moves to the Wall, his Sword Disspearing in a correspondance hole* Water's Cold.. *Grins and Leaps into the SEA*
Daisy Mae Everson: *trying to take in as much of the "happenings" she can*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: GERT> It it stored above the water line now? And if so, where?
Justin Quinn: ST>> People Moves to Do as Their Told, following JAson's command JUSTIN>> Skyler, TYNE, Make sure that CAnnon Fire.. And HITS.. Lucella and Daisy. Watch that Front Gate.. *Getting them away from the explosion*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon* hey! want me to go too?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Does the same with his sword and dives after Simon into the sea* ((correspondence of 3, think that can do that))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn. I am shocked. Truly and deeply. *Goes to work with Obtenebration 1 to scare the bejezzus out of anyone around...*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler stays near Finnuala~
Justin Quinn: ARMY on the hill is still Doing Basic manuvers., Chopping down trees, Building Balastias,and 'pults
Simon Everson: *Breaks Ocean( str 4, Life 2) and Starts to SWim Strongly (Forces 2 for propulsion)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Well, shit, then)) ~Skyler goes to the cannon with tyne, looks at her~ how the HELL..
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks toward Simon very worried... then remember she is a man now... and tries not to look so worried... prays for his and John safty*
Lucella Missa: *Gets moved, wishing she was more help*
Justin Quinn: JASO>>((actuall, they are still a few miles away))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *follows Simon though the water, towards the ship*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Moves along the battlements, Faith given free rein, for now mainly trying to give moral strength and to look for an opportunity to kick major ass.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *moves to the gate as so ordered*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *Justyn looks at Sky* okies, boyo..*lays his hands on the cannon, with, yepeup..salt on it* I'm gonna see, if I can fix it..(putting 2 quint into the cannon..*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Hmm. Obten 1 has a distance limit? I thought that was ob 2. *shrugs* Change of action...))
Justin Quinn: (GERT) Aye, Tis
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the staff in her hands...shrugs...mumbles* Batter up...
Lucella Missa: ((Would try to "dry" the gunpowder with Alchemy Path if Al would answer her ICQ. *LOL*))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((BRB))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: GERT> Well done
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Shadow Dragon, anyone?))
Lucella Missa: ((Int. 4 Alchemy 1))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Thinks that there has been sabotage here, and perhaps even worse trouble from within.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Shadow Dragon! Cool!))
Justin Quinn: SIMON and JOHN>> The Sea is rather horrible, Great under tows and Reefs, ((extended roll, need 5 success at diff 8 Dex+swiming, or dex +ath,))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Tyne as if he were mad~ uhm..OK..~Skyler aims the cannon, using his (auspex 1) better eyesight to aim~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((ath=3 dex=2 0,5,6,8,2))
Simon Everson: ((2 rounds))*Get swallows by the sea(1) and then shoots out, After a Quick Check on John (4)
Daisy Mae Everson: *at the gate... keeping aware of her surroundings*
Justin Quinn: ((you know better than yo send me Icq, it doesn't work))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Still right beside Simon, struggeling slightly*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Scene from the front: A small dot of shadow grows, becoming serpentine and somehow larger, forming itself into the shape of a large, unhaapy, silent, dragon. Said dragon begins to move ponderously towrds the attacking parties*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nervous as she is a song runs through her mind*
Justin Quinn: DASIY+Lucella>> people Jostly you, 2-3 stand close to answer your slightest whim
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *starts humming* Wasting away again in Margaritaville....searching for my, lost shaker of salt...
Lucella Missa: To One Standing by>>Bring me a cross bow.
Justin Quinn:
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((second roll 2,6,8,4,5))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *ius stil, with Skyler doing the cannon thing*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Damn. Best blood point I ever spent in my life.))
Justin Quinn: LUC>>Get's her a crossbow
Simon Everson: *Grabs the Side of the ship, and looks for JOHN, trying not to let his teeth Chatter*
Daisy Mae Everson: (Life Uncommon, by Jewel... if you'd like to know what song)
Justin Quinn: *The other Reason for sending LUC and DAISY forward is apparent as Simon and John Struggle*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((That dragon would be unnerving))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *reaches the side of the ship, not long after Simon does, his own teeth chattering*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>Er...was that kinda what you were looking for?
Justin Quinn: YOUR MEN>>Yell, Looking at the Dragoong.. At least 1 dozen Fire AT it//(GERT) Good. *looks about* We are ..*Eyes wide at the ship* there Going to fire again!
Daisy Mae Everson: *sticks with the staff not knowing how to use a crossbow... any any weapon other that a shotgun*
Lucella Missa: *Takes the bow and takes a moment to ponder it's workings never having actually used one before. Turns to the one who brought it to her.* You wouldn't happen to have an AK47 would you? *smiles* Nevermind.*turns back to the bow abandoning the sword.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: =~Skyler aims the cannon at the ship, with Tyne's 2 quin invested init..Skyler is using her hightened senses, and her dex of (currently 6) and Firearms 2. I'll make the base for Cannon fire 8, unless told differntly, and lowering it to 7, for the Ausepx..2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10..THREE sucesses.* (BOOM!)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Gestures for all to get behind cover for the cannon blast and does so also with a leap*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Feck.
Simon Everson: *when the ship Fires, rocks Stead, *helping JOHN* "..we.. We.,., Go thur.. the cannon holes. CAn.. can you .. Can you climb?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Ducks*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *shivers from the water but nods* Ye..yes...I can...
Daisy Mae Everson: *nervously drums her finger on the staff... in a rhymic pattern...(the song running through her mind)*
Justin Quinn: *IRON CLAD>> Fires, Definately Getting range, BLASTING out part of the Front Wall* (luc and daisy, dex+ath, diff 5))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Now. unless the ship is dodging? I only need one to hit it? 2 Quintessence invested in that shot.., that's 2 to it, plus the normal damage for a connon. plus the extre 2 dice to hit..))
Lucella Missa: *loads the crossbow and steps on the foothold and cocks it. Int. 3*
Simon Everson: *nods.. To him and After it fires, Starts to climb* DEx+ath(3 4 8 4 7 2 )
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *moves to the next cannon, as there isn't time to realod*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *climbs behind Simon after the shot is fired*((Dex+ath= 7,5,6,2,9))
Justin Quinn: Sky and TNYE>> Best Damn Gunners in the world, SOLID HIT., Blasting out on of the CANNON tubes, but Blowing SIMON off the Ship
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Ponders* Lets try subtelty....
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((*L* DAMMNIT!! that';s not what I wanted to do..sorry, Simon, hun..))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *See's Simon fall into the water, dives in after him*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the Dragon and her jaw drops... then is snapped back to the here and now by the cannon fire...Thinks are they NUTS! Simon and John are out there*
Lucella Missa: ((2/2 at least I didn't botch again! *L*))
Justin Quinn: JOHN>> Barely hold on ((both 2 to soak at diff 8 ))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((soaked 1))
Simon Everson: *(no soak) *Lands in the Water, Frezing and Flounders for a bit, not expecting that
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Scrambles up again to see if anyone was wounded*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Grips Simon and tries to haul him back to the ship edge*((dex+ath 5,6,4,2,8))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *The Dragon takes wing and perches upon the ship* ((And yes, I'll dump blood into doing it)) SKYLER>>Aim for the dragon.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *sees Simon is blown off, and her hand movs to the sash whe ears, focusing on the forces around him..*(Forces 2, Telekenitc, thorwein oin corr 2, to make the distance, trying to "catch Simon" and will invest 2 quint..rolling..2, 3, 3, 8, 10re-roll 7..three sucesses)
Justin Quinn: (ARMY) They Shoot.. Lots of things, Not all of them belong inthis centrury
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
Daisy Mae Everson: (dex4 + ath2...10, 7, 3, 7, 2, 6)
Justin Quinn: SIMON is causght and dragged back to the ship by phycial and mundane means*//The Shadow looses cohessionb as it touches the ship, just POOF! //LUCELLA falls over the Gate and to the Moat Below-bruised
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Jason, nodds, and aims at the Dragon with the next cannon~ (same shot, diff 7, Ausepx 1, on 8 dice to shoot..2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 8, THREE sucesses to hit, and normal damage, as Tyne couldn't invest quyint,,trying to save Simon..*s*)
Simon Everson: *Fights his way back to the Ship with help and nods his Thanks to JOHN* "..Lert's Go.. Before EITHER reloads..
Lucella Missa: ((*waits on the results of two failed Dex+Ath rolls*))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Holds onto Simon and the ship, his teeth chattering hard as he shivers* Sha....shall we ..try..again..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Ohmygod! They disintegrated Kenny!
Justin Quinn: *Supper DAISY catches her balance and Props herself up perfectly* (Men Scramble to hold them selves on the Forward Balast*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods and starts climbing again*((ath+dex 7,6,1,8,3))
Lucella Missa: ((Nevermind))*Lands with a splash in the murky water of the moat and pops up, head breaking the surface.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((note..if Simon and John were whereebver Skyler was aiming? she would have waited.())
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Gets upon the frontline again, knowing that's where she...HE's expected and stays among the others, lending Faith and morale*
Daisy Mae Everson: (lucky roll) Men around her get a rope quick..
Justin Quinn: JUSTIN>> moves forward, and looks over the SIDE, Jumping Into the WAter to Get LUCELLA
Simon Everson: *heads for the Gaping hole in the side of the ships, 5 4 6 9 8 6 *
Lucella Missa: *Sputtering she tries to swim to the Castle side, feeling very lucky she landed in the water.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Heads for the same place* 7,5,6,4,8
Justin Quinn: *the Shot Misses the ship Clear, as the Draggon disappaers* SIMON and JOHN Climb into the ship,where, supprisingly, there are very few people, everything seems to be running itself.. *# men however Grab Iron Pips and start forward.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks to see were the "enemy" is*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn, we gotta do something about that friggin boat.....any thoughts?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Is the ship within gun range?))
Justin Quinn: JUSTIN>> (11 dice) Grabs LUCELLA as she SWims, and the ROPE and Swings over tothe Front Door of the CASTLE* "All in a Days Work.. *thinks:: GOD it's cold!*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Seeing that Simon is now iside the ship, she will not fire at it now. she rises to go find the others~
Lucella Missa: *Lousy swimmer but does manage to more or less stay afloat in the calm water of the moat, kicking to the shore.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: JASON>> Yes, we need to mess up the crew. Any ideas?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *runs over, and nodds at Skyler, sa;lutes, and dicves into the ocean, to go help Simon and john*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks Lucella and Quinn over mking sure the are alright...other than the fact that they are wet and cold*
Simon Everson: *BLUE and not happy, down at least to half his Combat pool, Holds his sword out, trying to keep the men Back and Catch his breath, hoping no one else fires*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler goes to jion the others~ (Jason, Finnuala, whereare ya?)
Lucella Missa: *Gets rescued by Beatific Tarzan. Once on her feet she smiles somewhat sheepishly.* FJQ>>I need alot of work. I seem to be more trouble than I'm worth. Thanks. *Hugs him spontaneously*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Walking the battlements))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Brings his swod back to him though correspondence ((I think, its late)) and holds it in his right hand, breathing heavily*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>Well....the only ways I personally can screw with the crew of that bad boy is by getting up close and personal. And seeing what they did to poor Kenny, I don;t think that's a good idea.
Daisy Mae Everson: *keeps in mind to watch Lucella and Quinn...*
Justin Quinn: ((DAISY>> the "enemy": is now advancing, Siege engines infront.. about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes away
Justin Quinn: LUCELLA>> You ok.. *Rubbing his hands together*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks for a catapault for launching incendiaries*
Justin Quinn: ((BOAT CREW))*Advance, wary of men who just swam in blinding cold wwater and can still stand. Finally one produces a "pistol and aim"
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Roling dex 3, + althletics sucess..rolling for round 2..Willpower invested..2, 2, 6, 7, 10, 9..five total suceeses)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler runs up to FINIGAN~ Sir! what do we do, sir?
Justin Quinn: FINN>>Gert Point s out a few catapults, nothing much. the Pitch and stuff reserved for those on the wall..
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks out at the "enemy"...thinks... battles station... no no...ummm... darnit...can't think of the correct term* QUINN>> They are on the move... *points out to the enemy*
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>Umm...yeah, I'm pretty much okay. *Thinks how funny it must have looked hugging him and looking like a man.* FJQ>>If we had that Artifact...could we use it against the Army?
Justin Quinn: TNE>>like Simon, was not ready for the Iniatioal SHOCK of the water, but recovers Quickly and speeds to the point, Is at the edge of the boat when the "pistol" comes into play
Justin Quinn: LUCELLA>> "I doth not even know what It is or Does.. &*looks up at Finnuala as she/he walks the Battlements ((pokes a sleeping John ))
Daisy Mae Everson: *places everyone... no no this is not a play!!*
Simon Everson: *Simon almost Smiles, rememebring how prone things were to backfiring *
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> We have to befoul the ship's crew.// GERT>> All right, prepare those with our best flammable loads.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Holds his sword at ready*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *starts to climb the up edge of the boat, Forces 2 helping her along the way*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: SKYLER>> Can you speak to Simon or John's minds? Tell them that there will be flaming death being capaulted toward the deck.
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>Well...lets find out. I'm not much use her. Maybe it's the freaking Ark of the Covenant or something. It must have some use.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at FINNIGAN~ Sir..~he smiles no less chamringly~ we have a couple good people on that now. turst me..what about the advancing army?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at Finnigan, closing his eyes~
Justin Quinn: *looks over the Wall at the Advancing Army and Grits his teeth * Ministers of Grace, Defend us..
Daisy Mae Everson: *makes sure the ROPE is NOT still hanging over the wall*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: SKYLER> When we're about to launch, tell them to get off that ship.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *gets onto the boat, the WAY running through his mind, channeling his majick..then he hears something, and nodds*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>Er...permission to make a sneaky move behind enemy lines and kinda slow 'em down?
Kane Bloodsoul{Elder Bloodsoul}(with 5 body gaurd and 2 servants): any help needed here?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> As long as you can get out again.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Thanks Kane, but we're in the Umbra in England))
Simon Everson: *Grins at the man with the Gun* Don't fire that, the salt water 's gotten to it
Lucella Missa: I want a look at that Artifact. How else shall we defend against these invaders?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Gives Finn a little grin*'s me.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *moves to find Simon, using a simple mind 1, corr 1 rtrace on him*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Nods to Jason* The One be with you.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Bows quickly to Sir Finnigan, and heads out to flank the enemy lines*
Justin Quinn: LUCELLA>>let's go look at the damn artifact then why don't we..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Holds the braod sword in front of him and concentrates for a moment and then opens his eyes*
Simon Everson: *standing right at the edge TYNE*
Daisy Mae Everson: *listens to Father QUINN and Lucella*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((And once again, Jason flies ~in~ to the asteroid field...))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~He looks at Finnuala, and looks out over the battlements~ shoot..leeme think, lemme think..
Justin Quinn: *Man See's TYNE and Fires at her, but his Finger's slip suddenly holding his stomace in pain, the gun falls and the powerder, HIGLY experemental, blows knocking him off his feet*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((God love Jason))*looks at the man with the gun, sneaking up behind him without a sound., Forces 2, being VERY nice to her taoday..not even the water makes a souns as it hits the deck..attempts to grab him* (dex 3 + athle 2..)
Lucella Missa: *Nods to FJQ and instructs one of the knights to lead them to it.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((DLP,m then, sees the man fall, walks right past him, to Simon..* I need to get in there..I have an idea..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *On the way, looking for anything that might be considered a key point to attack. Officers, assault teams, siege engine crews, etc. Running OBten 1 to make himself really hard to find*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Turns to face the other men here holding pipes and grins, speaking to TYNE and Simon* Try and get this thing aimed at the army over there, ill hold these chumps off.
Simon Everson: *force2/forces 3/prime 2/time 3-will and 3 quients*, strikes the near est cannot with his sword, Creating a gash of Fire sparks, (forces 2), has it jump from one cannon to the other in times telayed explosions(time 3/forces 3/prime 2)To chain the reaction about the ship* 3 succes-8 damge
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nodds at John, with a grin* you GPO, boy! Simon? lets get control of this damn thing..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Still moving among the others on the wall, extending Faith and helping make it easier for them to hold to their resolve*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watyches Simon, feeling familir majick* oooorrrr.. we could do that..
Justin Quinn: BOAT::A) hole in boat b) Simon John and TYNE are RIGHT aat the hole in the boat, no where else not in the boat, not out of the boat, right at the hole looking IN TO the baot. c) you can only see the castle, from the boat at the moemtn
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *sneaksneaksneak*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Finniagan~ that ships going bye bye, sir.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *smiles, expecting a backlash from paradox but gets nothing right now and slices at the nearest man with a pipe, screaming a battle cry in latin as he does*((Melee4 dex2 6,8,7,4,7,6 damage=0,5,4,9,8,2,0 str+4))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> Can you tell if our people are surviving?
Simon Everson: (forgot will, actuall 5 success 10 damage))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at Finnuala~ so far.
Lucella Missa: *Presumably being led through the Castle to the Artifact.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *loks at Simon* well..then..*looks at hwo Lanser is fighting* John? maybe we should go now?
Justin Quinn: ((sometimes, all those numbers mean nothing to me.. If it's a normal situaltion.. It's normal difficualty, that's why i only get your pool, if i need it willask for a roll, or do it myself))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Slowly backs up from the one he attacked and nods* Yes, lets.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((alright man, sorry *S*))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at simon* after you, Glacier..
Justin Quinn: (Justin) Looks at GERT* the Artifact, ..where is it? *GERT doesn not spill this info right away mind you
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *fires up Celerity, figuring he's gonna need some time to do some serious damage to these yahoos*
Simon Everson: *Time 4* holds explosion static.,(3success)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks around, and decides to wait until Tyne Simon and John get back, to try something~
Justin Quinn: *the man, no expecting an the gun to back fire is surprised and then is chopped in half*
Justin Quinn: (JASON >>Starts to approch the Army, keeping a fairly good cover, can see that they are well "diciplined"
Daisy Mae Everson: *watching... and listening*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *And then dumps blood into strength, bringing it up to ((gulp)) 9 for the scene* ((He's motorin' folks))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Waits for TYNE and Simon to jump off*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *Tyne looks at Lanser* Go. I will go after you, and don't damn arugue with me.
Justin Quinn: ~!looks at GERT and Fowns~ The Artifact, now! ~gert jumps at the sound of the command presecen and heads off into the castle, Justin following~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks to TYNE for a second and then nods, sending his broad sword away with correspondence like he did before and jumps back into the freezing cold water*
Lucella Missa: *Figures it couldn't hurt pulls out her pack of cards and asks them about the Artifact, specifically, what is it. A very short divination two cards...*
Simon Everson: *looks around& Ok, now what do you want with the ship? It's not going anywhere *Casually grabs the other man and throws him over boards* Dex4brawl4
Daisy Mae Everson: *wonders if she should stay or follow Father QUINN*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Hmm...good discipline....usually falls apart when the leaders get damaged....*
Lucella Missa: Alright, now we're on our way. *Follows FJQ and Gert. She tries to comfort Gert.* We have reason to think the Artifact can be used to win this battle.
Daisy Mae Everson: *feeling very much out of the "loop"*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *stopps, blinks at Simon* uhm..Skyler says there is an army, hence..can we use the ship against them? I can try to confuse some of them, we can try to get the mass of the armyt to approach the ship, then let it explode..but we have to get it to shore, frirst.
Simon Everson: *cat about the ship, moving further in*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *seeing the other two are not coming, grumbles lightly and starts climbing back up to the hole in the wall*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Finnigan~ I'm scared.Tyne has a plan..
Simon Everson: *looks at TYNE* Oh, i'm sorry, you took Iron Clad one o one in 20 centry European Class? I can Barely see the castle much less the Army on the other side of it..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*LOL@ Simon))
Daisy Mae Everson: Oh heck... Looks to see if there are enough people to guard the gate... then runs after QUINN, LUCELLA and the other guy*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Finally reaches the edge of the hole in the hull and pulls himsself up* As much as I just love that ocean water. *stands up, shaking some*
Lucella Missa: Gert>>We will decide that.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> Are they getting off before it sinks at least?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *smirks at Simon* it was an idea, dammit. if we can't use the ship, blow the damn thing up, and lets get back to be of some use, then?
Justin Quinn: (JASON> talk to me"?//Justin and LUCELLA wind there way into the bowels of the castle, finally stopping infront of a steel door. Gert Takes out a large key and unlocks it. In side is a chest about 112 inches long and 6 inchs wide
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Finnuala~ it will blow up in time, but not before thry get off of it..
Simon Everson: *throws his hands in the air, looks at JOHN* "Back inthe ocean!! * and heads back kicking the guy who's trying to climb back in*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *looks at TYNE and Simon* Lets just blow this thing and go for another dip *shivers again*
Daisy Mae Everson: *comes to a halt behind FJQ, LUCELLA and GERT*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Upon reaching the army, hits Obten4, and then begins incapacitating the leaders in Celerity 3 speed.*
Justin Quinn: (12 inches long)) DAISY comes up on the scene, GERT spinning quickly almost dangerously* "..(GERT) Sirra, Here is is. The liknon, of ST Paul
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *smiles sweetly at Simon, touching her sash to bring Forces around herself so that the ocea isn't so damn cold, and doing so for the other 2 as well(froces 2, corr 2, life 1.)she dives in*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> All right. // *Turns to the catapaults being loaded* We can direct these at the army. The ship is out of commission.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *And dropping many witty lines in the process*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Dives in, feeling the ocean not as cold for the third time and hopes he is not getting used to it*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at GERT* woah, sorry man...
Simon Everson: *Rolls his eyes and releaase his spell and Pushes TYNE in the ocean, before jumping off*
Lucella Missa: *Approaches the chest waiting for Gert to open it.* Gert>>it depends on how it heals maybe the action can be reversed. *reaches out to touch it.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *swims, swims..*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *swims back with the other two*
Justin Quinn: JASON>> you hit about 3 before the Army realises, then about 3 more then 2 more after that. And realise your surround byt lot of people
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((that's it, Glacier, your mine, later, pal..*g* ))*falls, as he ass is pushed*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Smites, kicks, Dominates into sleep, and looks for a tasty horse or something*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler chuckles at something~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Stands quietly before those who have surrounded him* I am prepared to accept your surrender.
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at what she sees*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Can Skyler see Jason from where she is?))
Simon Everson: ((kicks someone else)) *Jumps in, And Swims back, god it's cold=, sinks like aa stone, then has to STRUGGLE back, taking a long time*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Helps Simon back to Shore, his own strength embing though* ((sta 5))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *also tries to help Simon, once she sees he sinks*
Justin Quinn: ((jason cannot be seen, no)) GERT opens the chest, and there is a large oragnge sized pearl in the Box, coushined in a velvet bed of cloth*
Lucella Missa: Gert>>The Artifact heals...does it inspire fear and wonder? Wraps a hand around it. ((What is the Artifact? What is a lignon anyway?))
Justin Quinn: JASON>> They raise swords, one man Raises a cloth *"..I don't think so, myu good fellow
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *swims, swims*
Justin Quinn -> Daisy Mae Everson: You have a feeling someone else is in here
Justin Quinn: ((you know it,s diff 8, STA+ath now))
Lucella Missa: ((Nevermind))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler paces, his hands folded behind him. he realizes he'd make a great, if prissy, guy. he looks at Finnigan~ sir..where are our people? Tyne Simon and Lanser are en route..
Simon Everson: *Gladly take the Help, damn water is really cold*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Drops Obten2 and scoots*
Justin Quinn: *the Boat Apruptly EXPLODES outward and showers the Sea with chucks of Iron fire*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((Sta 5 Dex 2 = 8,2,5,9,9,1,1))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((how many rounds? rolling for 2 rounds..good God..Botched. 1,m 1, 3, 3, 5, 6,..willpower, so as not to die too bad, so it's only a single botch)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Skyler> Father Quinn went after Lucella and Jason is behind enemy lines.
Daisy Mae Everson: *the hairs on the back of her neck brisle and she looks around... staff in hand ready to... well to defend herself if need be*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((anyway, that was round I get to roll for round 2 now?))
Justin Quinn: *JASON >> Skoots.. A catapult fires, then another and then a third, LArge Rocks ARCHING over head, disappearing int to eh darkness of the night, before Crashing down with TERRIBLE force into the court yard* //MEN scream at the darkness
Kane Bloodsoul{Elder Bloodsoul}(with 5 body gaurd and 2 servants): dude this room if for people who are cybering duh
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Circles around, heading for a collection of animals*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *If no one else does so, gives the order to fire the flaming catapault loads into the army and prays that Jason is out of there*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws -> Kane Bloodsoul{Elder Bloodsoul}(with 5 body gaurd and 2 servants): ((Uhm,'s a general purpose room, and there are MANY rooms, ripe for cybering))
Bloodsoul}(with 5 body gaurd and 2 servants) -> Daisy Mae Everson: ((**NOTE: Vulgarity Deleted by b-fly))
Justin Quinn: ((swiming, like you got TO the boat, is an extended roll, means, you keep rolling till you get to five, or die))*TYNE almost dragges everyone down with her, going down just like simon
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Fiddles and diddles a bit in her middle...There, I cybered))
Simon Everson: *Fuck* as TYNE disappaers, and swims slowly after her*
Lucella Missa: *Takes the Pearl Artifact in hand and tries to disern it's power and the source of this power. Is it driven by faith? Sorcery? a Talisman?* ((Umm...don't even know what kind of stats to give you for that. Per. 4 Int. 3 Enigmas 2 Culture 1 Cosmology 1 Occult 2 take your pick ST. *LOL*))
Daisy Mae Everson: KANE>> OOC BUGGER OFF !!!!!!
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Self abuse counts, right?))
Justin Quinn: ((no animals jason))
Kane Bloodsoul{Elder Bloodsoul}(with 5 body gaurd and 2 servants) -> Daisy Mae Everson: ((**NOTE: Vulgarity Deleted by b-fly))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Blinks at Daisy. Wow!))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Dives under to grab TYNE*((2,1,3,6,7,0,9))
Justin Quinn: ((answers Lucella's question, yes , yes, yes,.. um, Daisy??))
Kane Bloodsoul{Elder Bloodsoul}(with 5 body gaurd and 2 servants) -> Daisy Mae Everson: ((**NOTE: Vulgarity Deleted by b-fly))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((rolling again then*1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, sucess..rolling for next round..1, 3, 2, 5, 5, 8..ONE sucess, for 2 rounds)
Simon Everson: *Threads water, keeping rtrack of both of them with Corr, the only thing he can manage in this cold*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Dammit.)) *Lacking animals for a stampede, we go to plan B. Bowling with siege engines*
Justin Quinn: Tyne is gotten//
Justin Quinn: JASON>> You are hit with a Super concentrated bolt of energy, reflected of seveal Candles.. soak 8
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *spit out slatwater, holds her sickness, thouygh but is doing BAD swimming* got..cocky..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((rolling for 3rd round 2,8,7,5,2,2,3 1 succ's, rolling for 4th round2,2,9,4,2,0,7 2 succ's))
Daisy Mae Everson: KANE>> OOC GROW UP...
Justin Quinn: (Justin) looks at the Aritifcat., I have know idead what that doth do.. *looks at GERT*//GERT>. It Heals, that is all I have ever seen it do, With a Touch.
Daisy Mae Everson: *studies the wall*
Lucella Missa: *Blinks at the thing.* It's got to do more that heal. Healing is wonderful but can it awe and frighten? *Looks at it a moment then hands it to FJQ* What do you think?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Kane> Do ya mind?!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Soaked 5...Kane, that's just gross.))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((dear god *shakes his head*))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: (rolling again *DAMNIT! 1, 1, 2, 7, 7, 4, 2..blwoing ANOTHER willpower..)
Simon Everson: ((who hoo, the maturity factor, it's going WAY down everyday))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *see's TYNE go down a second time, dives under once agian to get her hoepfully* (( 6,5,7,8,1,9,3))
Skyler St. Jeraldine irøwn of haðøws: ~Skyler on the battlements, looks very worried about something. He looks at Finnuala~
Justin Quinn: ((can only spend willpower once TYNE)) *Cocky or not, tyne is not looking and get's slammed by one of the pieces of metal, knocking her unconcious*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Healing-Next attack goes at the source of those canles, cutting them with the glaive*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: What is it Skyler? Can you reach Jason?
Simon Everson: *Goes to Help JOHN with TYNE *10 5 6 8 4
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Tries to grab TYNE and get her back to shore*((diff?))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((*sniffs, nodds*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks distraced, and worried~ uhm..where is he..~Skyler looks for Jason, with (ausp[ex 1, trying to look out, see Jason)
Justin Quinn: JASON>> It's the Guy with the Cloth, holds a mirror towards you, and Fires again (dodge 4 success diff 8))
Lucella Missa: Fine then. We find out what it does. *Walks out of the room holding it reverently* ((I have no idea what I am doing here.))
Simon Everson: *Now swimming to sure with TYNE and JOHN*4 7 1 10 3 -and Not helping in the least
Justin Quinn: ((same diff, need only more success, total 7 now))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Exactly 4 successes on the dodging-mirror go byebye?))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *swims with TYNE on one arm*(( oh hell yeah 3,9,8,0,9,9,2 4 succ's))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((I don't roll do I? ))
Daisy Mae Everson: *still studying the wall*
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN) jumps, as daisy Touches him, and LUCELLA is GRABBED by something, that Bust out the walla and heads into the Snows.
Daisy Mae Everson: *reach out to touch whom ever is closest to her*
Simon Everson: ((2 more rounds of NOTHING!))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((second roll, spends a WP 6,3,9,8,6,4,5 3 more succ's, we are BACK))
Justin Quinn: SUPER JOHN>> Takes off for Shore and hauls TYNE unto the Bank!
Daisy Mae Everson: (wasn't sure if you got that ICQ... but I see you did)
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((life such a nasty bitch at times)) *is being rescued by Lanser*
Simon Everson: *Almost makes it, then botches on the reef wblowing a will and holding on right there, not moving, too cold to even think about magic*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Pulls TYEN onto shore, breathing hard and heavy from the toll of the coldness and swimming*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Waiting to see if the catapaults are ready to be launched*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler still looks worried, but can't help that now..she tries to see if she can see Jason~
Lucella Missa: *Attempting to establish some kind of spiritual link with the Artifact if that is even possible* ((Int.3 Per. 4 Empathy 2 Intuition 1 Medium Merit and Ephemera 1))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks back from the shore to find Simon, uses correspondence to help and finds him, seeing if he needs help*
Daisy Mae Everson: *was gonna move closer... but it moved on her*
Justin Quinn: (GErT) dashes outside, and GRAB the things leg, it an Lucell'a Fall in the water outside and Snow* (JUSTIN) barely Get's his arms up as another things Dives at him.. the metalic clan of swords meeting
Lucella Missa: ((DLP)) *is grabbed* ((Did I take the Artifact with me?))
Justin Quinn: (CATAPULT are READY to GO) Jason is being fired upon
Daisy Mae Everson: *shocked for a moment...*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler takes his sword, and prepares to go find Jason~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Silently praying that Jason comes to no harm from friendly fire, assists in the operation of the catapaults.*
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN) Daisy, Get LUCELLA, and ..* Ducks a Swipe*//in the snow in the hole in the wall, GERT is tryinf to hold ddown this monseter of armour
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Dumps blood into Dex for a ~holy shit~ dodge pool*
Daisy Mae Everson: *goes after LUCELLA*
Simon Everson: *Small hand wave to LANSER but doesn't move*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *smacks clothboy one time in the knee (Capoeira, pulling the shot so as to incapacitate), then goes back to creating havoc and chaos*
Justin Quinn: *Barbarians at the Gate*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Lays TYNE down flat and turns to Simon, motioning for him to come, not really wanting to go back into the water but will if he needs to*
Daisy Mae Everson: *making her way out the hole in the wall, mindful of the "armor thingy* and Gert*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Lance in hand, gets ready to lay the smackdown as Tyne would say.*
Justin Quinn: (Cloth Guy falls, on one knee and roll about in pain*)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler dumps blood into Celerity 2, and he stopps short, at the gate~
Justin Quinn: (Outside is Freezing) Gert and another are almost rolling around, LUCELLA is fallen, brused Ankle holding the small pearl
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *lays there.*
Simon Everson: *Grits his Teeth and Surges to the Bank finally falling on shore*(2 success)
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Does a life scan on TYNE, to make sure she is not near death*
Daisy Mae Everson: *shivers in the cold, helps LUCELLA out of harms way...*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Picks up the shards of the mirror and starts moving about, lighting things on fire, upending anything that looks large*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((*L* I hoenstly have no idea how she os doing, but she's uncoscious*
Lucella Missa: *Still holding the Artifact in the snow trying focus and not break her concentration even as she is tossed around. Having faith that the Artifact will heal and protect her. Using her connection with the Artifact she attempt to unlock any of its secrets any hidden powers.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Clasps a hand on Simon's shoulder, helping him the last bit to the shore* Remind me friend *shivers a lot, his teeth clanking together* to never go for a swim again.
Justin Quinn: (down stairs) the metalic clang of Weapons and men ring out//Jason creates more havock as the Catapuls FIRE both ways now, oils and pits falling from the sky //
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks about to make sure no one else is gonna attack them... staff at the ready*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler waits at the gate, hoping Jason just gets the hell out..~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *In, his, left hand, draws the pistol, the right holds the Lance. Faith radiating about and pooled with any that might be active nearby* Glorious St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, who standest always ready to give assistance to the people of God; who didst fight with the dragon, the old serpent, and didst cast him out of heaven, and now valiantly defendest the Church of God that the gates of hell may never prevail against her, I earnestly entreat thee to assist me also, in the painful and dangerous conflict which I have to sustain against the same formidible foe. Be with me, O mighty Prince! that I may courageously fight and wholly vanquish that proud spirit, whom thou hast by the Divine Power, so gloriously overthrown, and whom our powerful King, Jesus Christ, has, in our nature, so completely overcome; to the end that having triumphed over the enemy of my salvation, I may with thee and the holy angels, praise the clemency of God who, having refused mercy to the rebellious angels after their fall, has granted repentance and forgiveness to fallen man. Amen.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Sky is taking GREAT pains not to get burned, bioled, ect..))
Justin Quinn: [[all frozen BOAT peole are effectvly at 3 health levels down]]
Simon Everson: *Sits on the bank* Gods alive i need to be warm
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *In celerity, looking up, judging where the flaming bits are going to fall, and staying out of the way of them-All incoming fire has the right of way*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks LUCELLA over for injuries oter than the bruised ankle*
Justin Quinn: JASON>> A man steps forward, looking at him. Steps down from his place and advances toward you.. //DAISY>>The "man" Shoves GERT out of the way and Advances toward you.
Justin Quinn: ((that's a rostechk roll boy, courage diff 7-five success needed))
Daisy Mae Everson: *freezing her bumm off... as no one told her to pack winter clothing... grateful for Skyler's jacket*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Skyler is near the gate, or battlements, whereever Finnigan is. who is visable to him?))
Simon Everson: *Uses Life 2 forces 2 on his self, rubbing his arms and shoulders, Also praying for warmth*4 succes
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Advancing personage>>Sorry. Didn;t mean to break yer army...honest. *now dropping blood into Stamina*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the guy advancing toward her* Alrigt bub... meet the world of baseball... taking aim at his knees*
Lucella Missa: *Opens her eyes and tries to direct the power of the Artifact at the Advancing and menacing man.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Is at the catapault launching area, soon to be neeting the horde at the gate--booking for there already.))
Justin Quinn: TROOPS-YOURS.>>Rally to FINNAUAL's Prayer, Getting their Shots out JUST a bit faster, as distruction rains on the castle..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Not successful in that Rotchrek thingie-I think jason's going to be running around roughly like a chicken sans head))
Simon Everson: *moves over to Tyne,and slaps her a bit* Come one, come on, your fine.. Wake up.. Your not that bad or cold.. *rubbing her arms and legs*5 sucess all healed
Lucella Missa: ((I hope this works I have no idea what I'm doing here. *LOL*))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at Simon* So how are we gonna get back up there. *points to the walls*
Daisy Mae Everson: *trying to protect LUCELLA*
Justin Quinn: (LUCELLA) Nothing seems to happen . *Daisy*(skills? ) *winds up and aims at his knees(he looks to be wearing armour*//JASON>>Charges he does,
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *her head rolls with the first slap but she blinks rapiidly and looks around~ I ..thanks..*looks around trying to gauge what's going on* thansk, Lanser.. Simon..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods slightly to TYNE, trying to think of a way to get all of them up there*
Daisy Mae Everson: (watcha need? str2,dex4,ath2,brawl-1...)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Where Skyler is relief floods his face, then he concentrates, worried about Jason~
Justin Quinn: (it's an extended roll, technically, you cannot fail the first roll or you run like mad, but eer success is a round you can resist running till five success or no success and no back up, or botch)
Daisy Mae Everson: Well darnit looks for a good place to hit him then... or trip him...
Simon Everson: *looks at the wall, and looks around* WE need rope *looks at the castel(force2) Throw down a rope
Lucella Missa: *Frowns and looks at the Artifact. Near tears.*
Justin Quinn: SKYLER>> A horde of men Come Charging at you but they have to come across the stones
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Rolls again-5 succ accumulated in two rounds-Spending a WP to act coherently this round)) *Drop, spin and kick to the back of the knee*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Hears the sounds of battle and stands up slowly* I think we are needed, atleast we wont be cold this time.
Daisy Mae Everson: *if I had a lasso i'd hog tire his bum... though that would be difficult with his armor*
Justin Quinn: Dex+brawl(5) for daisy>> Who hell, goes for the Trips, and why not?(8 8 5 9 2 9 ) and Trips the man in armour like a pro! //LUCELLA>> Nothing seems to be happening with that DAMN egg.// FINN>> people follow you to the battlements..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Anyone reading Jason's mind gets "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" done by a 1000 angel choir at about 80 db*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~sees the horde, Stamina at 6, Star at 6, Dex at 6..clerity 2 active..rsies his Broadsowrd, and mutters for forgiveness..~ gets ready. let me know how many, from what sides..~
Simon Everson: *get's pissy* Damn it!
Justin Quinn: JOHN and SIMON and TYNE, hear the sound of battle closer, like, at the side of the castel
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Turns to Simon* I could teleport up there and throw one done I think.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks up at the castle walls, God help whoever is up there..* (mind 2 "THROW ROPE") whoever is up there, will suddently therow a rope, to the errant knights..3, 5, 6,
Justin Quinn: * directly from the front, they have to come over the stones of swim, these are here without the extended boat's or planks. about 19* ((jason, send me your rolls over icq please.))
Lucella Missa: *Screams at the pearl and stands. Tempted to try and brain the man with it. She runs at him and trys to beat the guy in the head with the damn thing.*
Justin Quinn: (GERT) Grabs the man From behind as DAISY trips him and Jams a Sword thru him and to the Ground, The man keeps Moving, trying to claw his way for2ward
Daisy Mae Everson: *stunned are just a second that it work, blinks and looks for and "weak spot" in the armor about his head or neck... to strike and knock him out* (per2, int3)
Lucella Missa: ((Umm...Dex 2 Brawl nothin'))
Justin Quinn: LUCELLA>> Beats the man in the head with the Artifact, leaving.. A broaken pearl..
Simon Everson: *looks around, and heads to the Side*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((they should have a "bash the bad guy in the head with a artirfact* ability I think))
Daisy Mae Everson: *startled by GERT action... but stays composed*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((then they can only cross, so many at a time?))~Skyler meets them near the stone,. ready to take a few out at a time../but feeling BAD doing so..~
Lucella Missa: ((Akkk!!! No! Shit!!! *Sobs*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Aims at the approaching hoard leaders*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Moves with Simon carefully, summoning his braod sword back with correspondence*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((no one threw odwn a rope? those bastards!))
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN)Staggers out of the door way, looking for what's happening.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Wishes he had a nice, big AK-47 right now but keeps his broad sword at the ready*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *goes with the other 2, looking antsy*
Justin Quinn: ((Skyler, i siad it like 3 times, they come, one at a time, across the water, 19 in total.,. gess))
Lucella Missa: *looks at the broken pearl in her hand and the tears really do well up now. Really pissed off and frustrated she kicks the man while he is down.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *bring the staff down on the man in armor's back*
Justin Quinn: JASON, Preformes his manuver flawlessly,as he hit, he crush the man leg in the sweep, as the armour glows with energy and shoots out, shocking JASON, picking him up and throwing him back, bounce twice.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((damnit, BRB got to reboot people*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((If near the same ones as Skyler))*-opens fire on the approaching men, full auto scatter fire.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *stands up as that fear thingy goes away* Ouch....hate it when people cheat like that.
Justin Quinn: *DAISY>> the man Suddenly Stops when you hit him, //SIMON , JOHN and TYNE come around the back or the castle, to see the end of the Fight, Daisy Knocking guy out, Lucella kicking someone..//
Simon Everson: *Looks at DAISY, frowns and then looks about* let's go everyone..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler almostr weeps but tears into the first few he can get to, with forced ferocity~(splitting forst, regular action..(hits, Damage ist hit, 6 dmamge. 2nd action perpetuates Celerity .hit, next one, 5 lethal, last action, hits, 5 lethal
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((back))*Looks around, his sword at ready and moves along side Simon and TYNE*
Lucella Missa: *Holds out the shattered pearl to John, tyne and Simon as they round the corner. Tears streaming down her face.* Bah...I broke it. *Sobs* Can you fix it?
Justin Quinn: 3 ropes fall over the side of the castle
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at the guy laying still... not believe she just did that... *
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Right then. Grabbing a handy wagon, catapult, or similar large object, flings it at the tankboy*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *runs forward,mall pissy like, ready to kick the ass, going to LUCELLA's aid~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at Lucella and walks over to you, his broad sword pointed down and looks at the broken pearl, shaking his head* It is beyond my power to do so I think.
Justin Quinn: *Skyler, like a Man holding a PASS, Sweeps men from the stone with methodical moves, falling into the water, then Finnuala opens up on them and the rest fall , those few left, falling into the water on Purpose.*
Simon Everson: *looks at the ropes and Flips the castle off, looks at the broken pearl* what was it?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Right then..) ~Skyler immediatly moves back inside to wherever Finnuala is, and looks sick~
Justin Quinn: ((don't think JAson would do that,.as tank boy has crushed legs and isn't moving*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Remains there to keep any more men from advancing*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *jions in Simon's motion, adding vigor to hers, with Gaealic curses*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks around some, making sure no other surprises are heading this way*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Oh, though he was still mobile and stuff. My bad.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Looks at the clock and thinks work is gonna be hell. *L*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Stays with Finnuala, trying to look stony-faced~
Justin Quinn: *Suddenly the two haves of the PEARL glow,and The Entire AREA is Filled with a haunting song, one that would rip the sorrow from a man's heart and departs, the flash of light evident as the Castle is STill.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Finnuala, I'll call your work log distance from mine, and we will laugh..*L*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *moves any weapon,(if there is any) away from the unconsciencous guy*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Stops wreking havoc for a moment*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *A glance at Skyler, the look of sickness at having to kill, tells Skyler she's not alone. Yet the determination is undiminished.*
Simon Everson: *Goes over to DAISY, scaning her nine ways from sunday, then kissing her rather Roughly , says nothing*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Feels the heart ripping sadness of the pearl and blinks, looking around at the sudden quiteness of the place*
Justin Quinn: (Justin) uigh.. *shielding his eyes* damn i'm cold..
Lucella Missa: *Cradles the pieces of the pearl, tears running down her cheeks.* Oh...I broke
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((I'll be too groggy to talk, Skyler. *LOL*))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *blinks, at the sudden stilness*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Stills, hearing the pearl's song.*
Justin Quinn: *All around, is the Empty castle and the soft stillness of the England night.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *stands there, soaking wet from the 5 little dips into the ocean and shakes from the coldness*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: (( everything back to normal?))
Simon Everson: *Glances up then around* "I think.. It's over..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *nods in agreement with Simon* I believe it is.
Daisy Mae Everson: *completely taken she was not excepting SIMON to do that*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at the sword that is no longer there, and disgustedly leaves her place, going to find Tyne~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Blinks at the displacement*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws:
Lucella Missa: ((DLP Man I'm slow)) *Blinks and looks at the pieces of the pearl (if they are still in her hands) and feeling so lightened like the wieght of the world has been lifted from her shoulders.*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Smiles, still having his family's sword in his own hands*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks arpound* is everyone OK?
Justin Quinn: --Thank you.. * a soft voice on the wind and then gone*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Nothing a warm shower and about 5 pots of coffee wouldn't fix.
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks several times and looks around*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Only a little disoriented, wonders briefly about her Knights and takes a second to let them go as a thing of the past, long dead, no matter what the outcome was.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Nods* Ouch...
: ((so this is where the cathedral crew is hiding...))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Almost wishes he could have stayed in those times but then shivers again from his soaked clothes*
Justin Quinn: *but you all sense , it is not over.. (and if sabrina was here, i'd tell her the time look buble, wait , simon is, moves over an puppets simon) "the Loop is gone, now.. only uncertanity exist.. The Key is broken, But Fredome is paramount..[[ergo, your ST didn't expect the key to be broken *LMAO]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *is disoriented...*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Reaches into his pocket, wondering if that mirror is till there*
Lucella Missa: *wonders if something was trapped inside the pearl and therefore released when it was broken. Hopes that is the case then she wouldn't have to feel like such a heel.* JUSTYNE>>I'm fine, a little bruised up but all in all, fine. *shrug*
Simon Everson: *Looks at the hole in the castel and start to lead everyone thru*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Raises an eyebrow, contemplating the words spoken*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Follows el Simon*
Lucella Missa: ((Ugg...Sorry ST. I didn't think it was that delicate. You couldn't bust a real pearl by whacking someone over the head with it.))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler goes off somehwhere, to be alone~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at the castle and then follows Simon*
Justin Quinn: ST>> the Castel is differnet, Signs of the Battle are there.. but foot prints, Holes, but nothing overt, just reminders.. (JUSTIN) "..That was.. Interesting..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Knows as a certainty that when she comes to the British Isles, she will be taking a trip into otherwheres and dreams of surreality. This is a given.*
Simon Everson: (is puppted) a nd adds. "And We still do not know, who was accessing the Node.."
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *floows the others*
: ((Adrianna Itchasun player waves to all, esp. Justin who she hasn't seen in a while*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Simon> No, we don't, but I think we should figure it out another time.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Hi Adrianna))
Daisy Mae Everson: *goes where she is lead...silent...*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Finn>>*nods in agreement* Now is the time for hot showers and even hotter coffee.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((huggs lurker. gets ready to go catch an hour of sleep before work))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks up* Boss....would you mind terribly if I asked for an explanation someday? Not today, mind you...
Justin Quinn: [[it's wasn't a real pearl,and you shouldn't hit hitmarks with it *L*. yup, still have mirror jason]]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Seems more lively and talkitive for some reason*
: ((Hey Finn, hope ya'll don't mind me lurking))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Holsters the pistol, cases the Lance, calls Tenaviel, looks over the others to seek any sigh of excess distress or real injuries*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON* Node?
Justin Quinn: [[*waves to AD, and waves even more , then waves again]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is off, alone, and will reamin so until near dawn.~(Hugs. leaving all)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks at the mirror* Yup, still handsome as the day I was born.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((I don't mind at all *S*))
: ((hugs skyler back, go get sleep))
Justin Quinn: [[all injuries are real]] "..We'll have to come back.. later.. It's almost Dawn, and we all need to sleep..
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *seems to be off on her own little world, and will hang out with the others* (going with Skyler)
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *nods in agreement with Quinn*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Among other thingies.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Still feels a little responsible for the men in the Castle and feels as though there's unfinished business*
Simon Everson: *pratically Carries daisy* Turns to JOHN>> Good Work Knight..
: ((*lol* @ JQ & *hugs*))
Lucella Missa: ((What are hitmarks?))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Smiles up at Simon* As with you.
Daisy Mae Everson: (sleep well Skyler)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Lucella. that kinda..))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Quietly walks in some fatigue with the others, thinking too much to express much in words*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((but a hella lot worse most of the time))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Anybody wanna look at a mirror? I mean, it did manage to stay with me through this mess..
Justin Quinn: *the Crusader disappears, and he brushes off his cloathing* it's a night.. [[So..what did everyone think?]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Waits for you all to stop, sos I can quit archiveing))
Daisy Mae Everson: *gets wisked away by SIMON*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((*claps and wistles and then claps and wistles more* It was great man *G*
Simon Everson: ((throw the mirror away JASON, it's now a plot device.,. Throw it awaY!!))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((I stayed up all night when I have to work. What do you THINK I thought of it! *S*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((GOOD GREAT JOB, FJQ!! this is a "make me grin at work" one!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Someday, Jason will figure out why attacking when outnumbered is a bad idea.))
Lucella Missa: ((Uggg...K. I'm sorry I broke it guys.))
Justin Quinn: [[Hit mark 1's not very good, but scary enough]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*LOL@Simon))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Echos, qwith Finnuala I have to open in 1 1/2 hpurs.. but WHO in thier right mind could leave?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (*L* had an encounter with a Hit Mark and doesn't even know it...*L*)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((*Throws pearls at the ST*))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Walks off towards the house there staying at for a change of clothes and a good nights sleep, humming a small tune as he walks off*
Justin Quinn: [[Calls an offical HALT at the cottage.. Louis is like.. Um, what the hell happened, but everybody just crawls into bed.. cold and tired]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*Does the "I get to sleep today" Dance*))
: ((lurks out. bye all))
Simon Everson: [[Lucella, you did a good thing, Making the ST think , like he makes us think!!!]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Louis, that bastard, he KNOWS dammit. I just know it! *LOL*))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((*joins in with Jason's dance, glad he has a day off for a change*))
Daisy Mae Everson: (it was great! FJQ... Daisy first real taste of "battle"...)
Lucella Missa: ((Thanks FJQ I just can't get over the fact I broke that damn thing. *LOL* Oh well. Thanks a bunch though. *huggles*))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Will be seeking replenishment of the blood pool till dawn-egad, did he burn a shitload of BPs tonight*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Bye Adrianna))
Justin Quinn: ((BYE AD lurker i'd love to have you on one of thesse))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: (( will be tossing in guilt, rolled HIGH on conscience roll..*sniffs* poor Skyler..))
: ((JQ> I'd love to be in on one of these. do you have my actual e-mail addy?))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((Well one charcter doing good, the other half in harano, so not to bad of a night at all *G*))
Justin Quinn: (LUCELLA, you did fine babe.. i broke it.. i could have left it intact, but, hell, i was adding someting to it for my self did fine love.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Good night everyone))
Justin Quinn: ((catches pearls, Grins at FINNAUAL))--NO AD, No i don't one is um, tommorrow, or when people want it.. like after sleep..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Hugs to all))
Simon Everson: [[HUGGS daisy, and what battle, a Castle storming))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Can be on, tomorrow..*s* need nap at 4 pm, when I get done, but other than that..going NOW..))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((nighters all,my bed is calling my name now))
Justin Quinn: ((FINN..-louis- nahhh,m,, *EFG* he knows nothing.. nohting at all *Coughcough*lier*couchouch))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((should be on tomorrow afternoon or night EST, mail me if you guys start another one up or send me an ICQ IM please)
Lucella Missa: ((Thanks FJQ *LOL* I feel much better as a player but Lucella is still going to be kicking herself for that one.))
Justin Quinn: [[ugh..have to be at the inlaws]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Louis? knows nothing? *hackwheeze*bullshit*coughkaff*))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((oooh, no..not In laws..*hugs out of sympathym is REALLY gone now))
: ((JQ> (**Note: e-mail deleted by b-fly) probably won't be able to make one tomorrow, have a Feng Shui or Big Eyes Small Mouth game tomorrow afternoon and a char creation workshop for LARP going over the revised rules tomorrow evening))
Daisy Mae Everson: (*huggles Simon*... Now I have to really learn ow to use a staff...*L*)
Lucella Missa: ((Have to work tomorrow night. Should be off early but I'm PST so that tends to be late for you.))
: ((ahh, and forgot, now have ICQ, my number is (**Note: ICQ number delete by b-fly) for anyone who needs/wants it))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((well gone as of now *poofers*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Bye all. Gone))
Daisy Mae Everson: (depends on what time it happens)
: aww shucks I always miss the fun
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((I'll try and be online, most likely I'll manage something.))
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye finn)
: ((will now lurk out. bye again))
Simon Everson: ((kisses and Hugs daisy and poofs out* ))
Justin Quinn: ((ERIN, if you see me online, ping me until i answer you ok))
Daisy Mae Everson: (*hugs and kiss to SIMON... Later darlin')
: ((sure thing JQ))
Justin Quinn: ((waves to all my peeps, Love you dearly .. le POOF!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Lates bro. So anyone sticking around, or is this where I wander hither and yon?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (night Justin)
Daisy Mae Everson: (I'll be a round for few)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Nifty. Is this the part where Daisy gets a clue on what Jason is?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (perhaps after she comes to terms with what she did... She's never actually hurt anyone before...)
Lucella Missa: ((I can hang out a bit. She's not great company though. I have to write up an IC report about some things that happened earlier today so I'll be around.))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ( we were)) *jason wanders back into the cottage a short time later*
Daisy Mae Everson: (sure Lucella... stick around)
Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy has not gone to sleep instead she is sitting by the fireplace...(if there is one)*
Lucella Missa: *Sitting in the kitchen of the cottage sipping a cup of tea. Wearing a dressing robe, reading a book with her wire rimmed glasses perched on her nose.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Heads for the coffee* Mama mia...
Lucella Missa: *looks up at Jason and smiles, peering over her glasses* Hi there. Can't sleep either I see.
Daisy Mae Everson: (sorry window locked up on me)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Lucella>>Sleeps' for sucks.
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Jason and Lucella*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Hey sis. I don;t think they have a waffle iron here.
Lucella Missa: *Smirks at Jason* You want some tea? It always helps me relax.
Daisy Mae Everson: It's okay big broter... I'm not all that hungry anyway...
Daisy Mae Everson: (broter = brother)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Lucella>>Tea? You're kidding, right?///Daisy>>You wanna talk about what's bugging you?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Lurker>>Grab tag?))
Daisy Mae Everson: Jason>> *grins a shrugs a bit* I don't... I... dear god did I really hit that guy..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy>>Yeah. you did. It sucks to have survival instincts soemtimes.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jason* I've never really done anything like that before.
Lucella Missa: *shrugs and goes back to her tea* ((Slow, slow slow. Trying to do that mail.))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy>>*Looks at a big brother would* I know. And it's something that scares you.
Daisy Mae Everson: Jason>> roped a cow or a horse, yeah... but not beat on someone...
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Jason* Yeah it does...
Daisy Mae Everson: Jason>> I knew one day I may have to do it but I just didn't know... didn't exspect to feel like this...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy>>It's supposed to. I is something special. Taking it isn't supposed to be thought of lightly. I mean...defending your friends or loved ones, when there's no other option...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: And even then, a person with morals is gonna feel like shite.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jason* Do you really think I killed the guy... I was just tryng to knock him out, the grief in eveident in her eyes*
Daisy Mae Everson: *pulls a blanket around her to ward off te cold*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy...*Pauses for a moment and takes her hand* I really don;t think you did. I think his life went on, until it truly was time for him to be called home.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jason tear welling in her eyes* I did the right thing... I know this to be true, but it is still hard to accept..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: I's hard to accept that out of all the options there were at the time, hurting him was the best one. But look back, not with hindsight mind you. Tell me what the other options were.
Daisy Mae Everson: Jason>> The only oter thing was to let him harm Lucella and myself... not to mention the babies.. I did the only thing I could do... the only thing...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Nods* were in a terrible situation tonight. No matter what happened, you were going to lose in some way. is this going to affect you in the furture?
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jason thoughtfully, blinks* There is more to me that I ever imagined... I can do what is needed of me when the time calls for me to do so... Something I didn't think I could do... I will have to learn to accept what I did, live with it... and I am trying too...
Daisy Mae Everson: If put into the same situation i would not change what I did...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy>>Accept it. Just...don;t enjoy it.
Daisy Mae Everson: I am trying Jason... I am trying...
Grim Reaper (Ethan's): ((You just got pounced by a Grim-p))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy>>I know you are. It's something that's going to take time, and a lot of thought. You've barely scratched the surface of your capabilities. You just have to know how to use your abilities with-caution.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Ah. Whassup Grimmy?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (hi Grim-p)
Grim Reaper (Ethan's): ((hello Daisy-p))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods slightly* Yeah, time and thought...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy-does what happened change the way you feel about the rest of us?
Lucella: *loud slurping noise as she finishes her tea. Standing she puts the cup in the sink and rinses it out.* Umm...g'night guys. *Wanders off with her book. Off to bed.*
Daisy Mae Everson: No, Jason it doesn't. I knew somewhat what you all do... I just surprised myself... I couldn't fight back with my father, for ten years I took what he dealt me... and five years after that I ran from everything...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Lucella>>Night you.
Daisy Mae Everson: Lucella>> Good night...
Lucella: *Smiles and is gone with a swish of a cotton dressing gown.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy>>And you;re afraid of becoming your dad?
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Jason.., it hadn't dawn on her until he voice her greatest fear... and a single tear falls down her cheek*
Daisy Mae Everson: Oh my goodness... I do fear that... very much so... *thinks about her unborn children and what kind of mother se will be*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Leans forward, almost hesitantly, and kisses the tear away from her cheek*
Daisy Mae Everson: *a touch of fear in her eyes, blink when Jason kisses her check*
Daisy Mae Everson: I cannot become like him... I will not let it happen...
Daisy Mae Everson: *trying to convince herself of this*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy Mae. I don;t know what the future holds...but I don;t want you to become like your father.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Daisy....I wish I had something wise and intelligent to say, but all I've got is...well, as long as you hate it when you have to hurt someone, there's not much chance of becoming like your dad.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jason* I won't let it happen... I'm stronger than that... *the words almost get stuck in her throat* ...I've come to far to go back... I'm not my father... *the determination is strong in her voice and mannerisms*
Daisy Mae Everson: What I did today is nothing like what my father did... I did waht I did because I had too... my father did what he did out of anger, a sense of lost... he was empty inside...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Observes the rounded belly* Nope. You are not your dad. And you are smart enough to know how much it hurts to do that sorta stuff.
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles for the first time since the incident* Thank you Jason... for listening and your wise words... *kisses his cheek and gives him a tender sisterly hug*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *blink* I said something wise? Wow...
Daisy Mae Everson: You help me see myself in a new light... Throug it pains me that I hurt another I know it was the only thing i cold do... an I will be able to go on... So Yes, they were wise words. *grins*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: wonder if Yoda ever felt like this?
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles*
Daisy Mae Everson: Well, big brother I should get to bed or I'm gonna get a lecture from Simon again about not relaxing...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: You will relax, you will enjoy yourself, and you will not worry thy beloved husband.
Daisy Mae Everson: *gives him another hug and kiss upon the cheek*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *He would damn near be blushing*
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles... salute you* Yes, sir... *walks toward the room Simon and her are using*
Daisy Mae Everson: Good night, big brother...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Night Sis.
Daisy Mae Everson: (*huggles* catch you later)
Daisy Mae Everson: ~* gone *~