Trip to England
Part Two - September 13, 1999
Justin Quinn: *------------------------------------------------------------------*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *she is a quiet and serene woman in her mid to late twenties. she stands about 5'6" tall, has dark brown hair that is usually up in a bun, but when down falls almost to her knees. She has the dark complexion of someone raised in the Mediterranean and is very fine boned. Her chocolate colored eyes are flecked with bits of gold and are, perhaps, the most stunning feature of her lovely face. she is usually dressed in a simple white cotton dress with a piece of cord tied at the waist and plain leather sandals. she is always wearing an old gold crucifix. she carries a worn canvas bag. Despite her serenity, she is surrounded by an aura of command that inspires confidence. {sidhe grump, no house symbols visible at anytime on her or her possessions} [app 4 sp serene, tf 2]*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((ack, forgot color))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((here))
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *nods to JQ* Good Eve, Father
: I take it Daisy is the one requested here..?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((is here, and many other places..*S*))
: ooc: Lanser here :)
: ((test))
Justin Quinn: *Is downstairs reading the paper*
Justin Quinn: [[Waits for everyone to get here, so the archives make sence]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler comes down, ()assuming it's night/? if not, she doesn't come down) and looks at FJQ~ Sir? what the heck happened, last night?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Walks inside from a brisk jog around and looks around, nodding to Skyler and Quinn*
Simon Everson: *YAwns*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *walks down, looking grouchy, and pale*
Justin Quinn: [[A little info, from last game. If your humanity is 6 and below, you had a very fine night, 7-8, you had a very restless 9, almost near terrible, 10 You didn't sleep, images of war and death filling your vision.]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *come down stairs, starving*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((player got distracted. now that I know vaguely what's going on)) *knocks on the door*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((nodds, at FJQ, I know..))
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *walks in, glancing around*
Daisy Mae Everson: *starving anf looks tired*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *sees JQ, smiles and walks over toward him* Hello Father
Simon Everson: *gets up, looks out the window at the darkness* Ugh.. bad night.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Glances at Adrianna, having never seen her before then nods to Daisy* You sleep alright?
Justin Quinn: [[skyler, that wasn't a roll, It's part of the story]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler seats herself at the table, seeming to be "out of it". she looks haunted, and pale, herself~
Justin Quinn: ~places down his paper and stands, embracing Adrianna~ Dear Child, How nice of thee to join us.
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [Looks over the bar and piles some "breakfast" on the table] "..Damn , ya'll look like Death warmed over. Twas a Good night exploring the Country ?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *nods to John*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((brb))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Lpouis, where she ists, near Skyler* I do not like, these Isles.
Justin Quinn: ~turns to louis and waves a hand~ Twas a fine night Louis. Didst thou sleep well?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Returns to nod politly to Adrianna* Miss.
Simon Everson: *rolls out of bed and Goes to the Bathroom* I'm starving.
Daisy Mae Everson: Hello John. No, I didn't sleep all that well.
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [Laughs hearing TYNE] "..Na, Ye hath to be ready for these Isles, and this is Scotland, not ireland. Ye be all heading up north later. Mi Cousin has a place, ye be there. [Sharing out a heeping Pot of breakfast, and Mead]
Justin Quinn: ~Wonders if he is the only one that Slept well~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Shrugs a bit to Daisy* Slept alright myself, though still a bit cold.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stares at the table, and blinks a bit, then looks up, face a mask~ Louis. good to see you, dear. how was your night?
Justin Quinn: ST>>[The light of mourning, pierced the dark haze, and fought the shadows that were concealing, the tradegy of the night's raze. The hill had been taken.]
Simon Everson: *takes a quick shower, scans the building for Daisy and the others, then walks downstairs* "Ugh, no more castles"
Justin Quinn: ~Takes up the paper he was working on, and looks it over. taking out a map and drawing out of it~
Daisy Mae Everson: John>> I'm glad someone slept well.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *narrows her eyes at Louis* I doubt that last night could be considered normal anywhere, exccept maybe the Cathedral.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((back, had to go meet the new roommate))
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [places infront of skyler a small glass] Just for ye dear, a special mix.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Smiles at Louis, remembering the jolly one from the cathedral*
Simon Everson: *Waves to anyone as he comes down stairs* Hello all. *actually speaking as he takes a seat in the Inn*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *wonders who most of these people are, but stands back and watches, happy to see Father JQ again*
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon>> Morning darlin'.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at the glass, EXTREMLY leery about ever drinking anything anyone gives her, but knowing that she is..already commited in her way to another, looks at Louis, with her stony expression~ what is it?
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [walks over to Justin and drops the Keys to something] "Take my car.." [he walks back to the bar and starts to whipe it down] ".My Wild Irish Rose, The sweetest flower that grows. You may search everywhere, But none can compare with my wild Irish Rose.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the stuff Skyler was offered., and at Loius, quizzicly*
Simon Everson: *Gives Daisy a kiss and yawns, looking at Breakfast* What is it?
Justin Quinn: ~Adrinna~ Sit, eat. We are going to take a trip north, Would thee like to come?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *finds a seat and sits*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Louis*
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [places his hands on his hips] "Now ye all are being insulting. Eat or get the hell out of meh house."
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at breakfast, and goes to get some*
Daisy Mae Everson: *returns Simon's kiss*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Sits down as well*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: JQ> I would be honored, Father. I have not had the opportunity to travel this country much
Justin Quinn: ~picks up the keys, and looks at Louis, shakes his head~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles at Louis, though her smile is laking joy of any iind, she does drink, the preoffered drink~
Simon Everson: *Grumbles and starts to eat*
Daisy Mae Everson: *sits down to eat breakfast*
Justin Quinn: ST>> Breakfast is classic eggs, Potatos, Cakes, milk and a strange, gruel , that taste rather good .
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *eats*
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [Gives everyone an critical eye as they sit, before Humphing and walking to the kitchen]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sits the empty glass back down~
Justin Quinn: ~looks around as people begining to eat and starts to laugh silently~ "..Damn Irish.. " ~still working on the map in hands~ Does anyone have anything to comment about last night?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *eats as well, a bit hungry*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *listens*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *starts to admonish FJQ about his "damn Irish" comment, but her mouth is full, so FJQ gets un unpleasant veiw, but she recalls her manners, and quickly shuts up, going back to food*
Daisy Mae Everson: *Eats like she hasn't eaten in days*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at FJQ, still straight-faced~ last night was horri, anad again, I ask..what the heck WAS that?
Simon Everson: *Finding the food rather good, smiles, looks at JUSTIN*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks over at Quinn, making sure his mouth is empty before speaking* It was interesting, how did it happen?
Justin Quinn: ~looks at SKYLER~ It is what it is. An event focused in time..
Simon Everson: *takes a drink, emptying his mouth* It was a Time loop, that is no longer looping. I think when Lucella Broke the Pearl it broke the loop.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at FJQ~ I understand that..then..~face holds a brief hope~ we didn't actually kill anyone? would they not all have died?
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [The sound of Wood chopping comes from outsdide]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *nods, thinking some as he takes another bite of the food*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *wonders exactly what happened*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *sipps her drink, and listens, looks at Skyler, almost debating that, but shuts up*
Daisy Mae Everson: *eats and listens*
Justin Quinn: ~nods slowly to Simon~ So, the pearl is importnat. I have been reseaching it,and Found out a few things. ~Looks at Skyler~ Nahh, We know that the castle never Fell, we where there, Be will , and safe in the knowledge that thy actions were righteous.
Daisy Mae Everson: **takes a drink then asks* What is a node?
Simon Everson: *looks at ADRIANNA with Crystal Blue eyes* Welcome to Scotland. I didn't see you since off the plane, where have you been staying?
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [the sound of chopping wood, continues]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at FJQ, and half-nodds~ I suppose if I had not, others would have..thanks you, sir..~sounds like she is trying to convince herslef. more than any, and isn't buying it~~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> *nods her head politely, her accent is soft and almost Spanish, but not quite* Ezkerrik asko, I am glad to be here. I spent some time with a friend of mine who works on a cruise boat that was in port
Justin Quinn: ~looks at DAISY and shakes his head~ I doth not know what a node is daisy. I can make a Guess?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Sets his empty glass down and listens, silent as normal*
Daisy Mae Everson: **goes back to her breakfast*
Simon Everson: ADRIANNA>> *nods* Well, we had a bit off excitement. The Castle up the hill, a few ghosts. *Still eating, ramrod straight, one hand only moving*
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [Walks back in, noticing the silence] "Damn, are you all like this for ever, Geessss.
Daisy Mae Everson: Alright Father QUINN, just thought I'd ask.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> Wraiths? Well, I do believe old castles are appropriate places for them to dwell
Simon Everson: DAISY>>*Seeing as no one else is going to answer* It's a spiritual place. Power lies there.
Justin Quinn: ST>>[Or so it seemed as the evil retreated ahead of the dawn. It crept from the hill, moving only sightly faster than the snail it was racing, revealing broken weapons, and brawn; neither to be ever used again. The mail was shiny, and spotless yet dripping with dew.]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is quiet today~
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at SIMON* Thank you.
Justin Quinn: ~takes a look at his watch and stands, grabbing a small pack and heading out the door~ "..get ready then, i'll explain in the Car.
Simon Everson: *Grins, leans in and kisses DAISY's cheek, almost too happy*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *eats*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods and stands as Quinn heads for the door, walking to upstairs and then back down a little bit later, his riding duster back on him*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *stands, making sure everything she needs is in her bag and follows JQ out*
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [drops some wood on the fire, even thou it's not that cold] "The battle field is [looks up and notices Justin has left]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Follows Adrianna and Quinn out as well*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON and wonders why he's so "Happy"* *finished wit her meal, gets ready to go*
Simon Everson: *Seeing that FJQ is heading out, runs up stairs, grabbing a blanket for DAISY and light jacket, a long londen fog coat*
Justin Quinn: ST>>The Car is actually a Small wagon, easily able to fit everyone if tightly. (JUSTIN) I needst someone to drive, I wilt have to navigate ..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler goes with FJQ, almost morosly~
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at SIMON* Thanks, Darlin'.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *nods at Quinn* I can drive if you would like sir.
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [Steps to the door and looks out] Be well children.. My Wild Irish Rose, The dearest flower that grows. And someday for my sake, She may let me take, The bloom from my wild Irish Rose.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks around, never having learned how to drive*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *goes too*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks back at Louis, wondering how much he knows, and of what..she nodds at him~
Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws : [*waves]
Daisy Mae Everson: *kiss LOUIS in the cheek* Thanks for breakfast. *then out to the car*
Justin Quinn: ~nods to JOHN~ And opens the door for the ladies,m explainging as he goes~ "..The pearl, the Likon is something of mionor legend.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Steps to the driver side door and waits, not having the keys for the car as of yet*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *climbs in the wagon*
Simon Everson: *Eases Daisy into the Shot gun seat, and get's in the back*
Justin Quinn: ~tosses John the keys~ ".. On a battlefield, some days forward, walking that is, It was origianl lost. It left the Castle yonder and was in a Minor Battle
Daisy Mae Everson: *is in her seat*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Climbs into the drivers seat*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~is quiet~
Justin Quinn: ~Hands Daisy the map, and Compass, ~The route is marked..
Daisy Mae Everson: *listens to Father QUINN*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *sits in the back, playing Gameboy*
Justin Quinn: ~before SKYLER get's into the car, Justin hugs her tightly~ "He walkes with thee, and he talks with thee.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *listens to JQ*
Daisy Mae Everson: Father QUINN>>*looks at the map and compass* You want me to give directions?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks out the window*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks over at Daisy and the map in her hands, looking it over a bit*
Justin Quinn: ~msiles at Daisy, and get's in last~ "onword.."
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler returns FJQ's hug, gratefully, and doesn't seem to want to come out of it, but does, stony-faced~ thank you, sir..I know..~a flicker of something like emotion crosees her face and she gets in the car~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *He starts driving away from the house, listening for directions from Daisy*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((that is, as long as everyone is in *L*))
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *glances over at Skyler, smiles softly*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the map* Okay, but don't blame me if we get lost. *looks at John* How do you read on of these theings anyway... *softly chuckles*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *smiles at Daisy at her comment* Oh, this should be interesting.
Justin Quinn: ST>>the party of intrepid adventures, um.. hell everyone sets off, Covering the roads of Back country, beautifual country quickly*
Simon Everson: *uses a litte time 3/forces 2 to make the ride Quick and comfortable*(extended rolls)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles back at Adrinana, but her smile is more of a grateful one, than holding any joy~
Daisy Mae Everson: *mumbles* and I bet there are no road signs..
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *reists the urge to mentally slap Skyler for being moody, and jabs the "B" button on the Gamebiy, rapidly~ hahahah!!!
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Skyler> His love is with us, always
Justin Quinn: ~leans back, still studing a little book~ ADrinna, What hath thou been doing? I have not really Seen thee much. we have mostly moved away from the Cathedral
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Continues driving down the back roads of the country, smiling at the sceanery as it passes by the car*
Daisy Mae Everson: *checks the map, road and compass*
Simon Everson: *Laughs hearing Daisy* oh Lord, were are in trouble now.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks over at Justyne, vaguely amused*
Daisy Mae Everson: John>> Turn here...
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Turns when Daisy tells him to, smiling softly* See, your reading it just fine.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just looks at Adriana, and nodds~ I know..that doesn't mean our own love is with US, always..he's better at it..~Skyler opens something and starts to read~
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> No one told me I had to be a navigator...
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~sits quietly for the rest of the ride~ ((Have to go, for about 15 minutes, guys..FJQ, just NPC her))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *takes a nap*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: JQ> So I have noticed, Father, though I myself was gone for quite some time searching for a missing friend. I continue His fight as best I can where ever I happen to be. And yourself?
Justin Quinn: ST>> the area is misty, only the light of the moon and the headlights Providing any way to go. Daisy Gently pointing the way*
Justin Quinn: ~Chuckling at Daisy, still thinking~ Adrinna, Just providing for those with me. ~moves his hand about~ Tis hard sometimes, in necropolis. I have only invited the Faithfull. I think this pilgramaige is benefical
Daisy Mae Everson: John>> next turn coming up...
Simon Everson: DAISY>> you are doing fine (4 success so far 2 times normal)
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : Daisy>>*nods and turns when it comes up, watching the road carefully because of the mist, not wanting any accidents to happen*
Daisy Mae Everson: John>> NO WAIT it's a little father up...
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: JQ> Well, I am honored that I was invited. This is a beautiful country
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Swerves lightly away from the first turn and straigtens out*
Simon Everson: (3 success, 5 times faster rounghly 300 mph)
Justin Quinn: ST>> ((remember, to the peopl einside, it's normal speed))*Following Dasiy directions, to the best of his ability, JOHN finally come to a small man made bridge where the car will not pass --
Daisy Mae Everson: *studies the map, compass and road making sure they are on the right road*
Justin Quinn: ST>>[The faster the fog fled, the more it revealed, until one could stand on the hill and see, the tradgey it had screened, A civilization to be , would end before the the first sounds of mouning.]
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Stops the car just a bit away from the small bridge* As far as we go in this, everyone ready to walk?
Simon Everson: ADR>> It can be, i just wish they would stop bombing it back to the stone age
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *opens the door and gets out*
Daisy Mae Everson: what do you know we made it.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Turns the car and headlights off, stepping out of it*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *smiles at Daisy* See, you did fine as a navigater/
Justin Quinn: ~looks around, stepping out of the car~ "..this would be it..
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> *shudders slightly remembering other bombings* Sometimes though, a people rise more quickly after such things
Daisy Mae Everson: John>> Beginners luck... *grins*
Simon Everson: *Helps the ladies out and looks at the moon reflecting off the water* Good County. *looks at QUINN* so were suposed to find this pear here?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *glances around, taking in the scenery*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks around at the scenery, smiling at the beuty of it*
Justin Quinn: ~turns to simon, picks up the pack from the back~ ".. Nah, we are trying to find clues. Where did it actually go from here
Daisy Mae Everson: *stretches after she gets out of the car*
Justin Quinn: ST>>["Silent is the death that comes upon us out Of the endless tranquil of the night" The Captain had told them in a shout, If he had believed, he wouldn't have gottten into this plight, and he wouldn't have been here protecting this hill.]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: JQ> What exactly is it we are looking for?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *moves to stand near the rest of the small gathering, looking the area over some more*
Justin Quinn: "..IT was on the Hill, up that way ~points~ They were encamped, And were surrounded, It was bad ground, and they were backed up against the river and the ridge..
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks to where Quinn points* Who was encamped there?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *starts across the bridge, heading hte direction JQ pointed*
Justin Quinn: ~Turns to ADRIANNA, taking out a flashlight which he gives her one, and a smaller one to Daisy~ "..It is a pearl. *He holds op two halves of a something the size of an orange~ This whole. I double we shall find it here, But this is the last place it was recodred..
Simon Everson: *holds out a hand to DAISY and starts to move actoss the bridge*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *takes the flashlight, and walks up the hill*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Follows behind Adrianna as she walks across the bridge, looking the grounds over around him as he does*
Justin Quinn: ~to John~ the people from the Castle. In the origianl history, something inportnat left the castle, ahead of the army.. They were Halted here.. *points to the ground deeply ahead*
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes the flashlight from Father QUINN, looks at the pearl*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Reaches out with correspondence, to make sure he does not trip of fall over any rocks or branchs*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *shines the flashlight in broad arcs across the landscape, taking in as much as she can*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods at Quinn's comment, wondering if the same thing from last night is going to happen tonight again*
Justin Quinn: ST>>[The hill. Dark it had been, he remembered. Cold too. Too cold to be still. Movement warded against the surruneder to the pain of a sleepless night. Now all but him slept.]
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes SIMON's hand the flashlight in the other and moves across the bridge*
Simon Everson: *Adds a light forces 2 to the flashlights, enhancing then considerably* CArefull Daisy..
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks: with all the cold weater we've seen I sure to catch a cold*
Justin Quinn: ~has Tyne and Skyler Park the Car, then Join them ~ "..Except.. The Union didn't get them. Evidence is that they were taken by somehthing..darkeer
Justin Quinn: ST>> The darkness seems to push against the falsh lights as everyone climbs, the way easy to follow a small pass, The mists moving about think and heavy*
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> Yes, dear... *grins*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *comes out of the darkness, right beside Daisy* I fell asleep. what did I miss?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *walks up the hill*
Simon Everson: *Frowns, not liking that darker comment*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Frowns at the darker comment and the current surroundings of the place, following behind Ardrianna*
Daisy Mae Everson: *watching carefully where she is stepping*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~finishes parking, nodding at FJQ, and scowling at the thought of Tyne, who has snuck out of the car, before parking was finished~
Simon Everson: *keeps an Eye on ADRIANNA as well*
Justin Quinn: ~holds out a hand to ADRIANNA with a smile~ Sister..
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *feels quite comfortable in the mists and in this land*
Simon Everson: *looks at JOHN and nods, knowing somone of his mind and thoughts*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *takes JQ's hand* How are you liking hte entrance to my home, Father?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Nods back to Simon, watching the area around the small group carefully as he does, his large riding duster wrapped around him to keep the weather away*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nearly jumps out of her skin when Tyne come out of the darkness beside her, a yells is fright*
Justin Quinn: ST>>Evtually, you creast the rise, The Hill is more flat, for as the eye can see, a battle field, old a static. Broken men and Weapons, bodies and heavy darkness. *
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Adrianna, unsure if they have met before, or not.. and now wondering about her..Skyler follows carefully~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *pales slightly as a wave of banality coming from the field hits her*
Simon Everson: *Growls at TYNE, having picked her up before*
Justin Quinn: ~looks at Adrianna~ thy home Sister? ~Stops, looking at the battle field, untouched for so long~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sees the bodies, and groans a bit in despair~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *gerins at Simon, looks at Daisy* sorry, Preganat One. I sometimes forget.
Daisy Mae Everson: TYNE>> Don't sneak up on me like that...
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks at the broken men and weapons, the old battle field before them*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks properly chastened, and looks at Daisy all sorrowful*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Tyne as her heart slow down to a more normal beat*
Simon Everson: *Peers at the Battle field* Dear .. *Crosses himself*
Daisy Mae Everson: Tyne>> Don't worry about it, I'm fine. and I know yo didn't mean to scare me.
Justin Quinn: ST>>Darkness hangs about the battlefield, even as the mists cloud vision and the sights
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((booted)) JQ> We are inthe near dreaming Father
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks out over the battles field, and say a silent prayer*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Looks over at Adrianna* Near dreaming?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *grins, hugs Daisy, and looks at Simon then the battlefeild. her face goes solemn, in repect for the many honorable warrorirs who fell here*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler whispers~ Near Nightmare, more or less..
Daisy Mae Everson: Near Dreaming?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((comp is having a fit, need to reboot, brb))
Simon Everson: *Agree's with the Near Nightmare*
Simon Everson: JUSTIN>> Just how are we supposed to find anything in that mess?
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *reaches farther out with correspondence, trying to get the local layout of the place*
Justin Quinn: ST>>["The hill has been taken!" Thoses words he would now never hear. 'The hill has been taken!" there was no need for further fear. He shouted at the retreating Darkness.]
Justin Quinn: ST>>Corr user> the area is Quite large, but there is a Cliff off the back , and there are things out there moveing.
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Turns slightly to Simon and Quinn for a brief second* A rather large area, a cliff off to one side and I think something is out there. *now reaches out with mind/life/spirit*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: No one ever said all dreams were good, but trust me, this is not the nightmare realm
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stares at the carnage she saw, whether she can now see it, or not..a blank look on her face,,then looks at Lanser, and waits~
Justin Quinn: ((i know it's hard to see, but it's supposed to be))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nodds at Adrianna* I know what you mean.
Simon Everson: *nods to Lanser, working with him, over laying his magic, praying under his breath*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *watches those down on the field*
Justin Quinn: ST>> the mist, as a whole, do not go near QUINN, JOHN or SIMON. They envelops Adrianna and Daisy and skyler, moving around tyne*
Justin Quinn: ST>> You know there are people out there, comming closer, but the mist seem to be keeping them hidden even from detection
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *moves out of the mists, worriedly*
Simon Everson: *moves closer to Daisy, Not liking the cituation*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stares at the mists, but doesn't move~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Glances back at Simon again* I dont like this feeling. *looks around at the odd mists and the area again*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *does not seem to notice the mists around her, moving through them as if they were nothing, moves closer to the field, trying ot get a better view of wahat is happening*
Justin Quinn: (justin) ~steps carefully down the side* A buriel mound. It is a mound higher than the other.. That is where we shall find clues
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *Keeps to the side of Adrianna*
Justin Quinn: ST>> the Crack of a Tree, and a LOUD screehS!
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *hands the light to someone near her and walks toward a figure on the field*
Simon Everson: *Looks in the direction of the Tree*
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *turns to the new sound quickly, wary of the surroundings*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *shudders at the sound of the tree, knowing how it must hurt the ears of the others out here*
Justin Quinn: *the MIST suddenly Disapear, leaving a tall (6'7ft) man, maybe, with pale white skin and black eyes and lips, dressed in jeans and a dark shirt* LOW voice>> yes.. please. Don't hurt me.
Justin Quinn: ~looks in the opposite direction of the tree sound, dark purple eyes raking over the area~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *moves out of the mists, worriedly*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler takes the light from Adrianna, and watches her, and the other, carefully~
Simon Everson: *Looks at the Dark man with a frown* Who are you?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks to the man in jeans, her voice is calm, not much louder than his, but carrying an air of unmistakeable command* Who are you?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Damn, that was odd))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : *glances from the tree to look at the man* No intentions of hurting you sir. *Eyes him waryly though*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *focuses her thoughts in the direction of the crack, her hand going to a pendant around her neck, and gealic tripping from her tounge* (mind 1, corr 1 scan)
Justin Quinn: (MAN)Turns to simon, as his voice booms out into the area* "..Shhhh. I am right here..* His/her movements slow and soft, almost trapping the eye in motion*
Daisy Mae Everson: *dazed for a moment and then looks at the man*
Justin Quinn: (MAN)Bows slightly to ADRIANNA. "..A commoner, no one of importance. Doing research..
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *growls a bit, looking around, annpoyedly* something was out there, and now is not..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is staring at the Man, watching the poetry of his motion~
Justin Quinn: ~Scans the area, carefully to step well as he moves down the moss coverd walk~
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((sorry guys got to split, FJQ, do whatever you want with John, really sorry about this))
Simon Everson: *lowers his voice, but still watching all around *
Daisy Mae Everson: *watches the man*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *nods her head, crisply, does not drop that air of command* We are here to pay our respects to the leader of those who fell here. Point us in the direction of his grave
Simon Everson: [[waves to john ]]
Justin Quinn: ((no problem john))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Hugs John, it's OK, we understand..go and be well.))
John Lanser Çrøwñ o haðøws : ((*waves back and disappears* Please someone email me on what happens, most of you know it already, thanks and *poofs*))
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((bye John))
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye john)
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((waves))
Justin Quinn: (MAN) ~lowering his eyes softly~ We are as you, searching for the Likon. What is a buriel mound.
Justin Quinn: ST>>["Now, let the maul of the titans Strike. For I am no fool; Nor am I a coward. If Death is to claim me, Then I will gladly elope with her; For I want no onlookers to witness my Triumph!"]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is oblivious to all around herself.~
Justin Quinn: ST>>the darkness moves, comming closer, and further away (Justin) It's a raised Amount of land. In the Days hence, men of great statue were Buried under them
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around, confused*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks at the man, steel creeping into the softness of her voice* Did I say anything about the Likon? I said we were here to pay our respects to the leader of these fallen here.
Simon Everson: *Getting more edgy at the moving darkness, holding on to Daisy's hands tightly*
Justin Quinn: (MAN) His eyes falsh up to her, a rare anger,almost defiance, then down. ".. There are only three piles of Dir Mistress.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *quietly moves to Skyler, placing a hand on her jaw, and forcing her to look down, then looking around, trying to guage the darkness, to see if it is majickal or not..(forces 1)
Daisy Mae Everson: *has a firm grip on SIMON hand, looking around as Adrianna talks with the MAN*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *her voice stays low, commanding* Point us inthe direction of the largest one
Justin Quinn: ~looks at Adrianna, never hearing such steel in her voice,m but says nothing, She is in command here~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler's head moves slowly like a rusty gate then she sees the ground and comes back to the real world, nodding at Tyne..she looks around, wondering what she may have missed~
Simon Everson: *Contines to scan arond*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *a bit of salt falls from her hand, as Prime blends in with Forces..*
Justin Quinn: ST>[Silence asaulted him. A strange reply He wished he could move but he knew he was going to die. All this for love? He wanted to know. The sun didn't answer fools.]
Justin Quinn: *ST>> the man turns slightly, as if to point, then abruptly fades to darkness as the mist Flow back over the area, blocking all sense but ADRIANNA's
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *winces, as all her senses are cut off*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *watches the man*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is still, looking at the man..until she can see him no more~
Simon Everson: *Grumbles trying to fight thru the layers of magic that are flowing over him*
Daisy Mae Everson: *does not like this feeling of "not feeling"*
Justin Quinn: ST>>Man continues to fade as others move out of the darkness, moving in a directin away from the group* (man) Thank you, we have searched for decades, now we know ..*fading to mist*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler moves beside Tyne~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around, to the side of herself, feeling something there*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *mutters under her breath, then stamps her foot, almost like a spoiled child, as a minor bunk for sovereign* Halt right there, sir ((If you want me to role, I ned the highest banality in the area as my diff))
Justin Quinn: ST>> there is something, a Rumble throaty, next to tyne, in the midst of the group (banality, 8)
Simon Everson: *Finally scanning thru the magic, eyes turn and look up*
Daisy Mae Everson: *a bit startled by the rumbling sound*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((ban 8, 1 point bunk lowers it to 7, spend a glamour, lower to 6, spend a wp0 for one success, , 7 dice pool 2,2,3,5,7,7,8 ((amkes a total of 4 successes))
Justin Quinn: ST>>["May the dogs of war sink their teeth into the black pit that is your soul and shread it asunder." He still rememberered Salis's curse. Poor Salis who had'd cursed the fog even as Val had gone under. He, like the other had no visible wounds, to nurse. Death also left no marks.]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler hears Tyne in danger, and burns blood on stamina~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *feels her hit something, and moves back, so as to avoid a counter-strike*
Justin Quinn: ST>>(Man) Haults, eyes now filled with Hate//The darkness peels back, SNARLS at Tyne's pounch, revealing Rows of fangs and massive claws *
Simon Everson: His sword is in his hands, almost immediatly, looking for a new traget*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler moves out of Tyne's way, sees the teetch and claws, and GRABBS tyne, throwing her FAR out of the damn way~(str 4)
Daisy Mae Everson: *stumbles back away from the MAN, upon seeing him*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *yells* there's 4~!! everyone!!
Justin Quinn: (MAN)"..why, do you even work with the prodicals.. they steel what is our *~harsh, but never more than soft~(when he is given leave to speak)
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *her voice takes back on it's steel quality* I said halt
Justin Quinn: [[note, there is the man, in front, and SOMETHING beside you all, meaning 2]]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *chuckles* Because I have been forced to, but that is neither here nor there. Neither you or your friends will hurt any of us
Justin Quinn: ST>> The Snarls increase, a crunch as a 8ft monster emerges and Slashes at Simon//(JUSTIN) starts to climb up to Adrinnna
Daisy Mae Everson: (ok, sorry the one by TYNE I was referring to)
Simon Everson: *movee Daisy behind him and Charges his Sword(prime 2) 4 success) to glowing intensity*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *glowers at Skyler, who is obviuosly trying to stop her from "Kicking the Ass" but takes this oppertunity to rub salt on her hands and feet, forcing Prime energy to fixate around the, causing Aggravated damage that whatever is silly enough to make her hit it*
Justin Quinn: ((no problem daisy))MAN>>"~Sweet smile~ they are not my friends, they are the protecters of this place.. ~locked from moving his eyes lowering against his will~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *does not look anywhere but at the man she is speaking to*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler keeps careful distance from the beast, but sees it going after Simon, and dropps blood for Celetiry, while getting in front of Daisy, to add to her protection~
Simon Everson: *Steels himself agains the hit, (forces2) 4 succes* Daisy, go near Justin.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: What are they and do they work with you or do you work around them?
Daisy Mae Everson: *crouches down, out of the way*
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN) Comes up to Adrinanna* Garou! *Even as he says this 2 more appear, the smallest 7ft, the largest about 8.5* Silent , but swift, moving in a circle, growls rising in the air*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks toward JUSTIN then heads over to him as quickly as she can*
Justin Quinn: SIMON>> Is blasted down the ridge, driven to his knees by the blow*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *nods briefly at JQ's words, but does not take her attention away from the slaugh*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler stills stays in front of Diasy, trying to keep her safe from all around herself, while encouraging her to move to Justin..stepping with her,,eyes full of fear at the Garou..fighting the urge to frenzy, panic, whatnot~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *Foces her mind on the situation at hand, and conecntraes, summoning the Way into herself..and of herself..she stepps tom the one, that hit Simon, looking at it..but not attacking, upon hearing it was Garou*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *wonders what garou are doing in the near dreaming*
Justin Quinn: (MAN)~looking very worried as the garou make their prescene known, forced to answer~ "..We are not the only ones that search.. ~Outwardly, he is the picture of calm, confidence in his cantrip workign against the garou~
Daisy Mae Everson: *looking back over her should back at SIMON and slows down...* oh my god...
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *considers this* Point me in the direction of the largest burial mound and you are free to go
Simon Everson: *Rolls with the Slash, feeling it hit him, but no claws and comes up in a crouch*
Daisy Mae Everson: *turns know she has three other to think of, and moves toward JUSTIN*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the one, that hit Simon* you. what are you doing here? and whay do you attack us? (choosing to talk, not fight this time, as with the Bug Queen in the sewers)
Daisy Mae Everson: *prays for all of us*
Justin Quinn: (Justin) *Seems unaffected by what is hidding Adrinna and the dark man from sight, looking at the encircling garou*//A silver Garou lands in the area, three paws and one on DAISY holding her down* "Cease!* the only word it even tries to utter
Simon Everson: *Slaseh , turning the blade slightly not willing to Go claw toi sword with a garou who's shown rresratint*(3 to hit/8 damage)
Simon Everson: *Turns To look around and see's Daisy*
Daisy Mae Everson: **looks at the Silver Garou, Fear evident in her eyes ans is unable to move*
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN) Standing about 2 Inches from DAISY and the Silver Garou, not moving or blinking*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *has yet to take her eyes off the man*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler listens to the Huge Silver Garou,. knowing it has the advantage~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon*, moving beteween whatever counter the garou he attacked migh come up with, her hand garzing her sash, trying to increase friction in the area between them, so as to slow thw garou' s counter..* (forces 2..3, 5, 5, 7, 7, two sucesses)
Justin Quinn: ST>>*the GArou around, step back slightly, Growling , then going silent finally, 1 silver, 1 other black as midnight, burning eyes and terrible teeth glinting in the Darkness. the ALrge Silver one looks Justin in the Eyes and then carefully Picks up Daisy into his hands, standing her on her feet*
Simon Everson: Frozen, at least 3 spells in preperation*
Daisy Mae Everson: *watching the Silver Garou the as her "pinned"*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Err..if that was some kinda Gift, Tyne listens))
Justin Quinn: (MAN)~struggles, nothing apperent to any mortal, seemingly only to stand, before finally giving in~ ". 45 paces over the that way..Ma'am "
Daisy Mae Everson: *looking the the Silver Garou, and if any one is close enouhg will see her and are trembling*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *nods crisply* Thank you, good sir. You may leave now *waves him away, though does not turn her back to him*
Justin Quinn: [[no gift, unless your suddenly garou or kin *L*]]
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN)Watches the garou, for any sign of overtmove ment. //(MAN) disappears to the mists, his cantrip leaving with him, ADDRIANNA comming back into view-to the mortals anyway
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sure! why not!? *G*)) *not halted in any way, tyne moves between Simon and the other*
Simon Everson: *DASIY>> A token smile to her, but it doesn't reach his eyes*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *once the man is gone, she turns to study the situation*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler, stanidn near Daisy, does lay a reassuning hand on her shoulder~
Justin Quinn: MS~All>>I am Dreams of Madness, Why are you here* even mental, crip, thick heavy weight of Power an majesty, very apperent to Addrianna and Justin*
Daisy Mae Everson: *her hands clasped infront of her as if to protect her unborn cildren, watching the Silver Garou... watcing for any movement toward her*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *is still in command mode so answers* We are here to pay our respects to the leader of those fallen here
Justin Quinn: ST>>[Garou beside Simon, Lupus watching, Silver Fang beside Daisy, Justin beside Daisy, Skyler beside Daisy Garou behind Justin, TYNE inbetween Simon and Silverfang, and A feeling of more but not visible, Insort, Well out gunned and outmatched]
Daisy Mae Everson: *flinches when SKYLER touches her, she's a bit edgy, does not return the smile to SIMON*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks slightly doisconcerted at the voice in her head, as there are too many on any given day anyhow for her to be at ease with, but she stays near Daisy, pretty sure the huge scary thing will not hurt Daisy, anyway~
Daisy Mae Everson: (now that's one heck of a tongue twister...*L*)
Justin Quinn: MS>ALL>You would Bring an Unborn Kinn to this place? ~the head swivals to Daisy~ It is cursed. The Wyrm has Taken it..~ his breath deep in the air, he only watche ADrinnaa, but his ears rotate slowly~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((GOOD breakdown, ST!))*her hand dropps from her pendant, after getting a sort of measure that things are NOT stacked in thier favor..reminding herself, that backing down in the face of the wenemy IS cowardace, but not if the enemy isn't truly defined as so*
Simon Everson: *Finishing his spell, closes his eyes slightly, then open them. He would not cause the death of his children*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks nervously*
Justin Quinn: (Justin) We doth know nothing of thy wyrm. Only that this place has a spirtual significance.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks at the leader* She makes her own decisions, you will not pass judgement on her, her child, or any of us. We are simply here to pay our respects to those who here fell in battle, something you should have respect for, now letl us pass
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler stands there, nervous, trying to recall to go through the motions of breathing, making her heartbeat, and all the things those nice normals do~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *decides NOT to speak in the mind of the one, who is doing so now* Great One. we came only to honor. I am told your kind, reveres honor.
Justin Quinn: (*the Silver Fang, swing slowly to look at ADRIANNA and his teeth pull back from his lips, a snarl rising* MS>>I do not think so. You do not cammand here, Rememebr that. *even in mind, it's harsh and filled with rage*
Justin Quinn: MS>>Yes, we know, thou art Ignorant..of the wyrm
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the Silver Fang*
Simon Everson: *Silver GAROU>> She is my Mate. WE Make Decision *Lips Tight, almost a growl*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: I know I do not command you, though this place is very near the realm where I do command, but you have no right to doubt my word, were I as filled with rage as your people, such an affront to my honor would cause me to challenge you to a duel
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *notices something, and looks at the leader, bowing slightly* the Phoenix. ressurection. the spirit.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Tyne is if she's gone mad, and at Adrianna, worriedly, and at Simon with nervousness then Daisy, with reassurance she fakes, fro Daisy's sake~
Justin Quinn: (MS>>I see, then so be it *looks at Simon with disdain* And you would endanger her. *turns back to Adrianna* You command here then. *he dissappears, in a falsh of light, Daisy with him*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *she stands there, seemingingly very much in control and command, and, oddly enough, still seeming to be a serene and calming presence*
Justin Quinn: ST>>there are 5 other flashes at the same time.
Daisy Mae Everson: Silver Garou>> Thank you for telling us of the taint of this place. I did not realize...
Simon Everson: Fuck! *rounds on ADRIANNA* Thank fucking you. Next time, keep your big mouth shut.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *notes Daisy's dissappearance with the garou, though does not seem pahsed by it, starts in the direction of the burial mound*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sees the Garou go, and Daisy with him, and immeditaly grows worried, and a bit pissed~
Daisy Mae Everson: (dlp since I disappeared)
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN)*Turns to Simon* Appologize. Right now! *his voice cracks with command*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Simon* Be at peace..*she sits, for s econd, recalling Daisy, and what she looks like..touches something around her neck, while speardaing a bit of salt onto the ground..muttering in Gealic* (mind 1, corr 1, Prime 1, trace on Daisy(5, 5, 7,9, 10,..reroll10, reroll2)
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> *turns to him* I said I wasn't in command here and while I understand you are worried about your mate, I doubt she is in any danger, very probably less danger than if she were to continue with us. I believe she will be returned to us when we leave this place
Simon Everson: *GRowls at JUSTIN* I will not. That's why i left, there attitude, her attitude. I don't have to bow to anyone, But i don't have to put up with the Fucking ..*Calms himself* Holier than thou attitude.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *looks to JQ* There is no need for him to apologise, Father, he is under the control of his own rage, quite rightfully, but the sooner we finish here, the sooner she will be returned. It is very possible that they will even try and cleanse your child of taint. *turns and starts walking toward the mound again*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Simon, teripidatously~ Simon, please calm down..I know how you feel.
Simon Everson: *Sits down* I know they wont hurt her, But they may not give her back *He ends softly* Such is the garou way..
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> I am not holier than anyone, much less holy than some. I never claimed to be in command, you simply assumed I was taking that position as you were unwilling to take it yourself *said as she walks*
Justin Quinn -> Daisy Mae Everson: ((bahh, cannot get my damn ICq to work so i'll PM ))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Tyne, knowing she will catch up when she wishes, and looks at Simon, goes over to him~ let us go on..
Daisy Mae Everson -> Justin Quinn: (okay) Repost:*blinks disoriented and looks around* Wh-where am I?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: If they do not give her back, we will getr her back
Simon Everson: ADRIANNA>You arragont Little Bitch. I'm a Fucking Paladin, I don't take command. *At this moment, he looks the very Image of his Own Silver Fang Herritage, the cold eyes, the silver hair*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *ignores Simon and just walks*
: *a kid comes in and puts up a sign. the sign says "Wanted dead or alive, preferably dead." It has a picture of Marcus Symthe and a picture of Misha with their names under their respective pictures. "anyone with information about theses persons, plesae call 260-8574" ((**Note: e-mail delete by b-fly))*
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN)~Softly, puntuating it~ Addrinna. Listen to thyself, Is this how thou comforts one who is in distress? Hear thy Sin in thy voice. ~eyes move to Simon~ ".. And thee, Whoould thee forget thy honor and pleade, and contine to disrespt that which thee loves. Silence, Both of thee.
Justin Quinn: ST>>[Val used to say to him, "Fools are dead heroes." I suppose that's why he died on the rim. Trying to climb into the many burrows. Another fierce memory burned into his mind.]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Still performing that Mind 1, Corr 1, Prime 1 search for Daisy, with..I think about 6 sucesses?))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler listens to them all, looks at Simon and Adrianna~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *turns to look at JQ, something in this has triggered her unseelie nature, though he could not know this* For everything there is a season, Father. When it is time to repent, I will repent of this, for now it is the time for action, if you wish your clues and his mate back *does not stop moving toward the mound*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler inadvertendly knocks over the sign, and kicks it somewhere~ oops.
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN) Waits. On Simon and Andrianna. He does not follow Adrianna, nor does he stand beside simon, only making sure that everyone is not scattered. He stands waiting on them both to come to terms with themselves. He has all night*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((and unless something happens to trigger a change back to her seelie nature, he will have to wait all night and even longer))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *rises, stopping the Majick, looking at Simon* we cannot find her, let us go on..then, if they won't give her back, we WILL take her back. they do not know what is nest for her, though they are arrogant.
Simon Everson: *Doesn't just stand and leap up, waiting, slowly trying to get himself under control, has to think, he'd forgotten about the moon bridge. His own mistake*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches Adrianna, deep in thought~
Justin Quinn: ((grins evilly at Adriannna, yeah, mind 5 will do it*LOL))
Daisy Mae Everson: (got booted)
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((alter last post, I misunderstood) *Tyne stays where she is, still keeping her majick going*
Justin Quinn: ADRINNA>> moves on into the Battle filed, a starnge song pulling at the mind, filled with sorrow and longing, thickening as it continues*
Justin Quinn -> Daisy Mae Everson: ((had sent icq) There are 2 women and two men, and a female wolf,turns out the one you were wpeaking with was a Silver fang Female* "..You will be fine ..Are you ok?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Adrianna, then at Justin, with concern~ Justine., she doesn't feel. she's I go into my..fuege.
Simon Everson: *Still silent, waiting, then stands, composed*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *breaths deeply and hardens herself against that song, focusing only on where she is going and what needs to be done now*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sees FJQ going to the song, and she herself, goes to..Adrianna~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: *waves from lurker ville*
Daisy Mae Everson -> Justin Quinn: *looks at the woman speaking to her* I'm alright. Where am I and why have you brought me here?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((hey Claud))
Justin Quinn: (Justin) She is Different, yes, I know. I cannot think about that now. I must think of what HE would do. A prayer for the masses. (forces 2) so he is heard about the Field. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Huggles dat Cluad!!!))*keeps majicking*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((has she reached the burial mound?))
Justin Quinn: ((hey claud, you are supposed to be here you khow..))
Daisy Mae Everson: (hi Claudius)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Adrianna, oddly~ are you..OK?
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Skyler> *very natter of factly* Fine
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles knowlingly~ ahh..but you can be fine, yet cold..~Skyler winces at hearing the prayer~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Skyler> When I must be
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *blinks, looks at Simon* she is not too far..
Justin Quinn: ADRINNA>> there are 5 of the light skin people there, the song rises , driving into the mind, An angel dying. *One start sto Draw on the ground*
Simon Everson: *Starts to move forward* Can't let her go alone, *going after skyler and Adr*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler listens to the song..immediatly paying close attention to it..her eyes nearly tearing up a bitl but that is fast stopped~ it's..the song..I have heard it before..when the pearl was broken..and..
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *her voice is low so as not to hurt their ears, though the steel has returned* By what right do you disturb the dead?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler gowsd with Adri too..and hears the song listens, walking in total distraction to all around her~
Simon Everson: TYNE>> Far enough
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nodds at Simon, moving ever-quietly* I know, Paladin. and we will have her back.
Justin Quinn: ST>>["War is the means to an end." The Captian used to say "That is why they never accomplish anything." Now he will only decay. He missed his swearing. Then he saw the Captian.]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *reaches out and grab's Skyler's arm to stop her, not let her wander off*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler is stopped by Adri, listening to the song~ (can Skyler see the dying angel?)
Justin Quinn: (MAN) Winches, hearing the song~ We Do what must be done mistress.. (banality goes to 9)
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: And in the process destroy yourselves with the cold fires of banality. I ask again, by what right do you distrub the dead?
Justin Quinn: (JUstin) heads intot he Pasture, the Bodies outlaid in a defensive position
Justin Quinn: (MAN)~Almost goign to his knee~ "We have to ..Hurry. The Darkness comes.. ~More sureal as there is no inflection most would ever note, no fear in the voice of face,but urgency~
Simon Everson: *MOves quickly, carefully to watch his steps*
Justin Quinn: *one of the Dead, moves slightly*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: You bring the darkness closer to the Dreaming by your actions. I tell you, do not disturb the dead
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler moves TO the moving try to "help" it~(med 1)
Simon Everson: *RAies up to the mound, and looks at ADrinna and the others cowering there*
Justin Quinn: (Justin) looks at Simon* Ready? Lord, I am calling. Hurry to me, listen to me, I am invoking you. My prayers rise like incense my hands like the evening offering.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *is with Simon, looking on, with determination*
Simon Everson: *nods to Justin* Lord, I am calling. Hurry to me, listen to me, I am invoking you. My prayers rise like incense my hands like the evening offering.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Justin and Simon, wondering what they are doing~
Justin Quinn: (MAN)~looks up at her, Only the pale dark eyes regestering any fear~ "..The Likon is ours, it sould never have been lost. The key to heaven, Arcadia lost..
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *stands, staring at the slaugh, trying to fight off the waves of banality washing over her*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: The Likon is not here, and banal actions would never lead to the reopening of her gates, they only serve to hide them deeper in the mists, I pray you, in Arcadia's name, do not disturb the dead *her voice has taken on it's more normal serene and calm quality*
Justin Quinn: *The mists, start to roll forward, slowly, almost acreaping, forward, this, not the mist of the dream, but something else, something far more dangerous*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Adrianna, knowing this is more of that Fairy stuff that Amber mentions of late. she notes the mists, and watches them..~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *sees the mist coming towards them* You are playing a dangerous and losing game. I pray you stop
Justin Quinn: *Invites Adrianna and Skyler into his circle of faith and Shields the mound with FAith, A barrier aginst the darkness* //ST>> the song rises, growing louder and louder, now pulling at the everyemotional cord it can find.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looksnat Simon, but stares at the mists, salt slipping through her hands, to the ground, concentrating on finding the strands of Prime in that mist..(prime 1 scan)
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *just about every emotional cord she has has already been pulled tonight, and she fights to keep in control*
Justin Quinn: (man)~turns to look at the mist that approach and of the five 4 leave, they do not ove fast, they are just suddenly not there, Pain in their eyes~, with a strangled whisper, the man finally leaves.~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler goes to Justin's circle, holding her hands over her ears..the song sending her emotions spinning into overdrive, elation, sorrow, hope and intense angst at the fore~
Simon Everson: *O Holy Spirit of God, take me as Your disciple; Guide me, illuminate me, sanctify me. Bind my hands, that they may do no evil; Cover my eyes, that they may see it no more; Sanctify my heart, that evil may not dwell within me. Be my God; Be my Guide. Wherever You lead me I will go; Whatever You forbid me I will renounce; And whatever You command me, in Your strength I will do. Lead me, then, into the fullness of Your truth. * Starts to glow as he channel's prime, prayer his focus*
Justin Quinn: ST[And the others too. They had come back to protect the hill, and pay their due. But they were still at a lack. Being dead and all.]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *is calm as always, blinking a few times at the emotional intesity of the song, ut steeling herself against it, by strengthing her own mind*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *stares at those mists, as the slaugh leave, her voice can be heard softly after them* Go with God
Justin Quinn: ST>>A hand , spirtual, moves in the mound, looks up, over the Hill. The sight of them brought back Captains decree "One must always stand, or all will fall." Strange he thought, for that to be me I, the savior of us all? What a joke.
Justin Quinn: *It's words becomming chrisper, clearly, words flowing forward from no where* But he had to save them all , or thousands would die. He had to find an answer, no matter how small, he could no longer cry. He stared at the dead as they reached out
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *does not enter Justin's circle, but stays where she is, falling to her knees, hands at her sides, palms up, she watches the mists approach*
Simon Everson: LIGHT of Prime 2 success, Faith Illuminated, as he Channels (prime 3, to the Dark Node of the Mound)
Daisy Mae Everson: (sorry people got to go... I had fun and hope i didn't do anyting stupid... *huggles to everyone*)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just..stays in the circle, trying to get her insane emotions under control.~
Justin Quinn: (Justin) Adrinna, what art thou doing!
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((Bye Daisy))
Daisy Mae Everson: (g'night...) ... ~* gone *~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Skyler who she knows is feeling like a pregnant woman on anti-depressants, with PMS, and sees Adri, and dashes out of the circle, at her*((Daisy, never..*hugs* be well)(
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *does not seem to hear Justin, tears have started to run down her face as she whispers in her native language (basque)*
Justin Quinn: (Adds more success to Simon)*looks at TYNE saying something, but lost to concentration.*
Simon Everson: [waves and huggs]
Justin Quinn: ST>>[To those they could no longer protect. Then a thought stuck him that had made him quesy Another of the capitan wise selects. "Killing what's living is easy Killing what is already dead is harder done than said."]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *is saying traditional prayers for the dead*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *gets to Adrianna, tugging on her* Come ON!!!
Justin Quinn: (JUSTIN) Contines to Pray , even as the SPIRT keeps trying to free itself from the Burail mound.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *tries to shake free of Tyne, not willing to break the prayers. her kind disturbed these souls, she must lay them back to rest*
Justin Quinn: ST>>[He knew he had it. And thanked the dead then he propped them up, each in a slit every single one, exposing only their head. It seems the dead are indeed wiser than the living.]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *grits her teeth, and give Adri a few more mintues..((when the mists start to get dnagerously close, inform me)*
Simon Everson: *Keeps chanelling His free Quientessence into the Mound, attempting to cleanse it and it's darkness*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *her own true faith starts to come into play* ((straight roll 5, 9 if that helps at all))
Justin Quinn: ST>> the Mist Advance , a boiling sea, slowly , slows, a crawl, held back by prayer, faith and Magic, But it comes in a Circle, and Soon, like a Shield, the Hill is surrounded by a wall of black boiling mist
Justin Quinn: [[oh please, continue to rollplay, this is fine]]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *stays on the mound, praying, switching occasionally from Basque to Spanish and Latin*
Justin Quinn: ST>> Like a Cylinder, the DArkness halt, Boiling up and over and around, The Weight of a Spirtual Battle engaged
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *keeps looking at the mists, then fells Adri's fatih, and though she can't add to it, hopes it is enough..*
Simon Everson: *(3 more succes)
Simon Everson: Watch Thou, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give Thine angels charge over those who sleep. Tend Thy sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest Thy weary ones. Bless Thy dying ones. Soothe Thy suffering ones. Pity Thine afflicted ones. Shield Thy joyous ones. And all for Thy love's sake.
Justin Quinn: TYNE>> a Piece of paper, falls
Justin Quinn: ST>>*Howls Break the night, loung and mournfull, and the sounds of Battle engaged, physcial Battle, screams of the dyin*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stays low to the ground, holding her hands over her ears to block out all sound, trying to remain quiet and still~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *picks up the paper*
Justin Quinn: *ST>> Time goes by, mintues, near hours, Fatih and prayer against .. the enveloping darkness(stamia, 2 rolls, Full stamina, then -2 stamia please)
Justin Quinn: ST>>[The moment he finished he'd taken a moment to compose a letter. Revising and rewriting, even though he didn't sit he never gave up trying to make it better and even as he worked he would read it. He rememered it now. He remememdered now he'd never signed it. Later that night the fog had come back. In silence it had killed the dead. His writ he held clutched in his hand. Trying not to scream, as it would bring the haze back. ]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *as she finishes the prayers for the dead, she starts reciting psalm 22* My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the word of my roaring. Oh my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not, and in the night season, and am not silent, but thou art holy, othou that inhaitest the praises of Isreal....
Simon Everson: 4, 8, 8, 8//6,10
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Stamina roll 1, 4, 6, 10, re-roll 3, specaility "tough"))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Stamina at 4, for the scene1, 5, 8, 9,//1, 6))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((opps, 1, 5,))
Justin Quinn: ST>>As the night takes it's toll, as the Battle of the Spirt, wages with the battle of the mind, finally the song breaks, and halt, Clearn male voice"..My dear wife. The night can be as passionless and unforgiving as death, and death can be as black and still as the night. With death comes piece, tranquility and sometimes even power. With night comes only fear, terror and endless torment. It is far eaiser to succumb to the stillness of the night than that of death. But if you ever have a choice My dear wife; let the demons hand clutch your heart and claim you as its own. For what awaits in the dark, still of the night will not only claim your mind but your very soul.
Simon Everson: *Struggles thru the night, Keeping up his cleaniing of the buriel Mound and fighting to stay on his feet*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Our fathers trusted in thee, they trusted and thou didst deliver them, they cried unto thee and were delivered, they trusted in thee and were not confounded. But I am a worm, and no man, a reproach of men, and despised of the people all they that see me laugh to scorn, they shoot out the lip, they shake the head saying He trusted the Lord that he would deliver him, seeing he delighted in him....
Justin Quinn: ST>>*John stands guard, Tyne, feeling her enegy leeching away, finally just passing out*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((stam 4,5,8)) But thou art he that took me out of the womb, thou didst make me the hope when I was upon my mother's breasts....
Justin Quinn: *For the first part of the night, Justin Stands Valiently and before finally falling to his knees*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *mutters, swaet rolling, off of her, and her stamina does not hold, she falls to the ground, out cold*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler, feeling her energy ebb slightly, forces it higher (stamina now at 5, and I hate my dice..)~
Simon Everson: *notice TYNE go down, then Justin, but contines his work*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: I was cast upon thee from the womb, thou art my God from my mother's belly. Be not far from me; for trouble is near for there is noe to help
Justin Quinn: ST>>[The night was long the silent battle longer it went until the crows broke out in song for this was a battle like none other. Then he heard it]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks worriedly at Tyne, and holds her ground~
Justin Quinn: (*Justin and Tyne are on the gound, and the Mist retreats, slowly, moving quickly as it passes*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: many bulls have compassed me, srong bulls of Bashan have beset me round they gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and roaring lion. I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint, my heart is like wax, it is melted in the midst of my bowels, my strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou has brought me into the dust of death....
Justin Quinn: ST>>[The sounds of the crows were shouted down by the horns, followed by men comming to blows. Soon they all died But from his angle he could see, two men]
Simon Everson: *looks at the Sky and Takes a deep breath, then remembers somthing and cast a forces shield over Skyler, * 4success
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Willpower rollvs 8..2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 10, 3..just made it))~Skyler Feels a void..a black emptiness where something was, and screams with rage and sorrow, her grief tore from her very soul itself..she sinks to the ground, sobbing intensely~
Justin Quinn: ST>> the Light of the Sun, cracks the ceiling of the world, and pierces the clouds, the night over*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((skip to the end of the psalm)) All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord; and all the kindreds of the nations sahll worship before thee, for the Kingdom is the Lords and He is the governor among the nations......and none can keep alive his own soul. a seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generations. They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this
Simon Everson: *Stands back up, looking at ADRIANNA and Sighs, the looks aat Tyne and Justin, scaning them life\spirt\prime*
Justin Quinn: ST>>[braced again't the freshly falling snow. What happened asked one to the other. He looked at the proped up men and not wanting to bother answered "Only God knows." But I've found another Hero.]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws -> Simon Everson: ((Dead))
Simon Everson: *Looks up at Adrinna and sighs* "..Tyne's dead, Justin is .. *says nothing else*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((player considers moving on to another psalm, but the type in her Bible is just too small to read right now))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler crawls over to Tyne, stopping just short of her, and looks at her, sobbing..she huggs her, like a child~
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> *lowers her head in acknowledgement* So is the way of the Lord
Justin Quinn: [[THE END! -: chapter 2 over]]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *moves over to JQ, finding heatherbalm in her bag*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *to any who look at her, she seems "faded"*
Justin Quinn: (justin) is lying on the ground, breathing shallowly.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: *just stays there, cradling the limp Body of Justyne, almost in a kind of shock..perhaps the same shock she's been seen in before..the one that usually resluts in frenzy..~
Justin Quinn: :AS if a tell tale, clutched in TYNE's hand, is the note.: My dear wife. The night can be as passionless and unforgiving as death, and death can be as black and still as the night. With death comes piece, tranquility and sometimes even power. With night comes only fear, terror and endless torment. It is far eaiser to succumb to the stillness of the night than that of death. But if you ever have a choice My dear wife; let the demons hand clutch your heart and claim you as its own. For what awaits in the dark, still of the night will not only claim your mind but your very soul. :: on the back is a Map, showing the a path down the clifs and to the sea::
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: *opens the small bottle and pours it inot his mouth* ((heatherbalm heals, and while at this moment in time, I don't remember the exact art needed, I know hse has it cause I've used it before and the realm in this case is actor, he vile is just hte bunk))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *on Tyne's body, there are strange ritual markings..they are simalr to the ones found reported by the Crowns, who went into the Field..Amber, Skyler, FJQ, Alexander and Bobby, and Lucella. her skin is of a blueish tint*
Simon Everson: *ADRIANNA>> He's Sick, His Soul is afflicted, Tyne has no soul, what ever that was, took it. WE're going to have to get it back.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> of course we will *continues the heatherbalm, it helps fae souls, so why not human ones, is her current theory*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler doesn't even notice the sun come up, doesn't notice the mornning pushing her down into a deep sleep. Simon's Forces sheild keeps her from burning, but she seems to almost not care as she falls into a dark slumber, which she may not want to come out of..~
Justin Quinn: (justin) drinks involunatrly, but we shall see.
Simon Everson: *sighs, looking up* We have to call the others, From here, the Likon Must be found, it is no longer an option.
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> Was it ever? We must get them to the car *stands*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~isn[t puting up resistance, but her arms, even in sleep, are wrapped tightly around Tyne~
Simon Everson: *Carefully takes the note From Tyne's hand and fold it, picking up TYNE, letting John carry Skyler*
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> and we will get your mate back as well, that was also never an option
Justin Quinn: [[good it ends here. as simon give the come here signal,and you all get to the car..]]
Simon Everson: ADRIANNA>> I know.. I am allowed to get angry, i am not allowed to curse at you.
: ooc; was nice seeing Claud the center of controversy again in the forums. *sigh* *waves to everyone again*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((GREAT adventure, ST!! *G*, huggles*))
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: Simon> And while I am allowed to seperate myself from my emotions, I am not allowed to disregard those of others
Justin Quinn: [[let's see, daisy captured by garou, Tyne soul less, Justin Avatar less, and the first likon Broken.. and it's the second day]]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((lots of fun, ST))
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: I take it I missed another good RP huh? Damn, I need to start playing Lewis again, or Jason Smith even...
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((and Adrianna so badly in need of glamour that even ravaging isn't looking all that bad right now *g*))
Simon Everson: [[Finnuala is NOT going to like this, Tyne, Send that Archaive to her mail and Auggies and Sabrina's please, for me hun]]
Adrianna Ithcasun Myrmiddia de Verena: ((poor Claud))
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: FJQ: ICK! lost a soul AND an avatar in one sitting. Tis most nasty.
Simon Everson: [[Simon at -2 two quientessence, cleansing that stupid node]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: Adri & Tyne: it isn't that bad. Tomorrow, I will be posting another comment to the peanut gallery....