Trip to England
Part Six - September 18, 1999
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: ~slips into the scene~
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: and choses the right color.
Jonas Felandris {]Brazen[}: ((remember my name is John too... lol))
Jeremy Reynolds: [[oohh duh! *slaps forehead* uum.. quinn>> should i change characters?]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( hi FJQ )
John Lanser: ((*Lights up a smoke and waits*))
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: let's get this going before people get sick of me *L*...Ok, Those who were there know what happened, those who were not, you know who you are, have not seen the others' an a day. This includes people who have been ontheplane, taking a rest and in geneally, have to to the place in britian, cause the crown of shadows invited you.
Bishop Jonah Malice: ((Malice is sure beginning to itch, Jeremy!*LOL*))
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((hello everybody *waves*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((brb, need coffee and nasty little snack crackers))
Simon Everson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *(was not there)*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( probably got not much of the trip *G* )
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[waves to vincent]]
John Lanser: ((last time was during the hill thing))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Back))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Runs for the coffee*))
~*~Alexis Jones~*~: (*confused*)
Jonas Felandris {]Brazen[}: ((Uhhh... I don't think I'm a part of this story ST and Jeremy...))
John Lanser: ((big 2 liter of mountain dew, ill be up ALL night))
Daisy Mae Everson: (*hello Vincent*)
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((FJQ>whats going on? and may i join?))
Jonas Felandris {]Brazen[}: ((Adios... Jeremy, tsk tsk tsk... Next time tell me it's a Crown story... lol))
Jay Philips: *In walks a man in his midtwenties. He is about 6 feet tall, and looks to be about 200 lbs. He is ripped, His skin is very pale like he has been locked away from the sun for decades. His face could be that of the movies (app 4 Mysterious), he would look better if it wasn't for the large scar that runs from his right eyebrow to below his shirt. He has beautiful deep crimson eyes. Pure white hair that flows like silk down to his ankles. On his finger is a 14 karot gold ring surrounded with diamonds. He has on a plain black shirt, an old pair of faded blue jeans, and a worn pair of airwalks. He moves with great care and silence, the sign of an assassin.*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((hiya daisy))
John Lanser: ((*waves to all he knows and gooses Alexis*))
Christina Andrews: ((*gets the right gosh darned nick.*))
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: the only reason you should be here, is if your Part of the Crown of Shadows, or know whatr the hell i'm speaking about. *LOL*
Bobby Tarquine: [[there better]]
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((well thank god i'm part of the crown))
Jay Philips: ((k my fault justin))
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((whats the setting?))
John Lanser: ((part of crown))
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[feels the need to try the chat boot function soon]]
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((*hopes it won't be him*))
Kestrel Hannah ~*Diamond Visionary*~: [[hmmm..]]
Liz St Augustine: ( ahh damn sprider just bit me shit shit owww)
~*~Alexis Jones~*~: ((*still confused..:)*))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: (( Scene descip, your STness?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (Hi LIZ)
Bishop Jonah Malice: ((testing)
Liz St Augustine: ( hi daisy )
~*~Alexis Jones~*~: ((*no longer confused*))
Bishop Jonah Malice: (9testing))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*Pokes his head outta Finns' cleavage* You know if it was anyone else, I'd stay here. But...*springboards ouuta Finns' cleavage and into Liz's*))
Daisy Mae Everson: (wonder if I should go get my sig)
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: SCENE:: outside of a little Cottage in Britain, if you were there for the last game, your not here now. that leave, simon, daisy, Malice, Racheal, Jason, Liz. [[as far as i can remember]]
Liz St Augustine: ( ohh gee i feel so special lol)
Bobby Tarquine: [[i wasn't here for the last game... so me too...errr.. i'm at the cottage]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Okay, guess I'm not part of this. Later all.))
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((well damn *slaps himself twice* once to get his attention and the other to tell himself he ment busness))
Kestrel Hannah ~*Diamond Visionary*~: *she walks out from somewhere in the forest, this young woman once described to have Aphrodite's beauty and Athena's spirit... She is tall, with long straight silvery-blond hair, and shining eyes the exact color of raw amethyst. She wears a long black lace dress, sleeveless and slit to the thigh. A slight jingling can be heard, from a silver chime anklet on her left ankle. On her left arm, is a bulky falconer's glove, and perched on it is a large beautiful hawk, feathers all colors of gray, gold, and brown*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( okay, I am here )
Kestrel Hannah ~*Diamond Visionary*~: [[or not....sorries, y'all...]]
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[is beging to get pissed off. where are you going finnaual?]]
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((what to do what to do?))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Chillin' in the cottaghe*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *calm, murmuring a prayer*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ST, you said if one was there for the last game then they are NOT here now.))
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Oiling his gunbelt, feet propped up on a stool.*
Bobby Tarquine: *dose his morning work-out and starts cleaning his guns*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[tries again. Everyone, no one post, just SIT, untill i ask you to type again. Thank you]]
Liz St Augustine: * sit like a deer caught in headlights*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[now. simple, if you were in the last game, you are not in this scene, do not leave the room. If you were NOT in the last Scene, you are here, in this PRESENT scene in the "cottage" of which i have pictures for but am too tired to look up at the moment]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((OK))
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: cottage everyone is at this is the area outside of the castle this is the castle where everyone is...
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [][I hope you know why your here, if you don't, then you don't and someone will explain it to you in game. All you know is there was a plane ticket, all paid for, and a car to pick you up at the air port and take you to inland as they say. ok, That being said, all people at the cottage, begin, all others]]
John Lanser: *Looks around at the other people at the cottage with him*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: ((btw this is andrew.entering cottage))*as the enterance way door creeks open and the stench of city air envades the room, a dark figure enters dressed from head to toe in midnight black. as most look over him, they feel frightened, ashamed, desparated and alone. to a VERY few, hope and pureness is found. His dark, shoulder lenght hair sways as each step is taken. on his emotionless face you might lose yourself in his timber green eys, seeing justice in it's most primal form. around his neck is a timber green jade amulet in the shape of a dragon unleashing it's fury on a rageing tiger. woven around the animals is a single stand of poison ivy. he's wearing an old, cracked leather duster that covers most of his body. under the coat he wears a black tank top, and two back holsters containing two desert eagles and extra clips. Around his left shoulder is a black duffle bag that is 5 feet in length. Around the belt of his black fatiques is a black nylon bag. His pants a tucked neatly into his tarnished combat boots. Strapped around his knee is a colt python. The Balencer Wyrm has entered. You ask yourself: SAVIOR OR ANTICHRIST?*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[Begin]]--sorry, one of my hands are in a bandage
Bobby Tarquine: *pops his neck and wonders were his bro went of to*
Daisy Mae Everson: *remebering the last time, she makes sure she is dress appropriately to include a jacket*
Liz St Augustine: * looks around* okay where's the coffee?
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( Rach KNOWS why she is here )
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: *sits at a table* whats going on?
Daisy Mae Everson: ST>>(we do know we are to go to the castle right?)
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Paces around outside, looking at the scenery and waiting. He is a lean old man, muscular in the manner of a wolf- hard and lanky. Seems to be in his middle 50's with long gray hair and a close cropped beard and mustache. Under a long brown duster he wears the robes of a priest, and a pair of antique .44 revolvers*
Simon Everson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *walks down stairs and looks at the new people* "they come from everywhere.
Bobby Tarquine: *thinks "hhmm.. more stranger yea!... bro has really found a odd bunch this time..."*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: ST>> the Night is long and thick, no moon almost*
John Lanser: *Looks over to Simon and nods in agreement* How are you feeling?
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles at SIMON*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: *waits*
Liz St Augustine: * finds a comfy seat and sit back in it and just looks around*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks across the field and onto the lane. She limps, but seems hale. Crosses the yard and comes in* Hello everyone. I have something to show all of you.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Damn that was a pain)) Liz>>Right here, luv.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *murmuring a prayer, calm and comtemplative*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: *raises an eyebrow*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: (LOUIS)Louis C. Lanigan røwn of haðøws *A fashionable red head, so red it causes red to have second thought about it's color. His smile is wide and genuine, his charisma evident. The Light of intelligence is a bit dim some say, but he's not blonde so it can't be true. He is Large, muscular and powerfully built. You can see him in plate mail, he struts and postures, all with a sort of Please don't take this crap seriously, I get paid by the hour face.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((here..))
Christina Andrews: *follows along with Finn, still looking a little awestruck.*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: (LOUIS) looks about* WEll, hell, where due ye people come from? [Smiling broadly]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>So are we going to kept in suspense...
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks up at Finnuala* Where to? *looks around at the others*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Finn > whats it ?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Louis>>May I Introduce my wife, Elizabeth? She flew in today.
Simon Everson Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Touches his chest and looks at JOHN* was that before or after the Nephandi? *Walks over to Daisy and gives her a kiss*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler walks behind Finnuala, only to just now, be noticed..she looks at those assmebled* you..won't's Tyne?
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: *emotionless still waiting*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Well, this is best seen, not told. Come.
Christina Andrews: *nods in agreement with Skyler, eyes shining.*
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Watches Finn limp, a paternal, worried light in his eye. Nods his head to skyler, tilting a wide brimmed black hat* Ma'am..
Liz St Augustine2: * smiles at Jason and just looks around*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Slams the rest of his coffee, tosses on his jersey, and gets ready to follow*
Daisy Mae Everson: *return SIMON's kiss* How is yor chest darlin'? What is a Nephandi?
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Follows Finn closely, buttoning a couple buttons on his duster so the guns don't show, but the collar does.*
Bobby Tarquine: *pulls on his jacket see people are getting ready to leave*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: (LOUIS) turns to Finnauala and winks* Hiya Lass, how's things in the hi land
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles at huggs Malice, nodds to the approaching Tyne, mentally "feeling" her out to make sure she is OK, and looks at Daisy, shuddering slightly, but hides it well, at "nephandi"~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Grabs a quick drink of water and smiles knowingly at the others, drinks, then limps back out the door*
John Lanser: *looks around at all the new people, a long rideing duster around his body*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: *pulls papers out and beginds praying while inscribing them with ancient markings*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: FINN > may I... try to heal that ?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Makes a note to ask Finn about the limp. Later.*
Liz St Augustine2: * gets up and get ready to follow feeling a litle nervous*
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: (FINGALLEN)*Steps out of the dark a 6foot man with bright green eyes, suddenly there*
Simon Everson Çrøwñ o haðøws: DASISY>> never mind hun, Just never mind.
Daisy Mae Everson: Hello Skyler. /// *starts out, following Finnuala*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: *comes downstairs scowling good-naturedly at Skyler* I am fine. stop that.
John Lanser: *Follows behind Finn, staying near Simon and Daisy though*
Bobby Tarquine: *follows finn out. closes his eyes to help them ajust to the lack of light*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *comes downstairs scowling good-naturedly at Skyler* I am fine. stop that. ((hehge, damn multiple windows))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>You took me away from coffee for...this?
Daisy Mae Everson: *arches her brow at SIMON* Nevermind? Okay, I'll forget about it... for now. *grins*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Over her shoulder at Louis* Coming? Or will you wait and we have a talk later. I'm dying for a chat with you, Mr. *Winks*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *waits, feeling kinda useless*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Jason, and when she speaks, her eyes take on that moonstruck glow they get whenst speaking of Starr~ it's..sooo worht it..Jason..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sorry, I got booted to Mars and back))
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws ~Shih Head Priest~: *looks around the room noticing that he is the only one that has changed*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds in greeint to all she knows, having neglected that~ sorry, all.
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: (LOUIS) Finnuala! I kanna do that, Where would a man be without his secreats.. *he eyes Fingallen*
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Skyler and then just looks at everyone else*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks back to a horse that doesn't look quite like a horse in the darkness.*
Christina Andrews: *follows along with the group heading out without a word, just grinning to herself.*
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Stands to Fingallen's side, hands clasped at his waist..*Good night, mah son..
Simon Everson Çrøwñ o haðøws: DAISY>> have i told you your too smart? cuase you are.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Sees "that look" in Skylers' eyes* Oh hell...
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: [[kicks his server to work out the outpipe bugs, grr]]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *waqlks up behuind, and good-naturedly slipps a foot into the area of the back on Skyler's leg, behind her knee, cuasing her knee to go wobbly, and she almost falls*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((booted))
John Lanser: *walks beside Simon and Daisy*
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> No, you haven't...*grins, blushing slightly* Thank you, darlin'.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler catyches herself, anf glares at Tyne, grabbing her hand~ come ON,'s sakes.
Justin Quinn/Storyteller: (FINGALLEN)*eyes malice and then grins toothly*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Takes Liz's hand* Relax...vacation, remember?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Throws a leg up over the "horse's" back and waits for the others.*
Liz St Augustine2: * nervously smiles at Jason and takes his hand* yeah ..vacation
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at JOHN*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Finn>>Okay, you seem to have transportation...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *follows*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Sits atop the "horse" watching Tyne, alive and well with a look of sublime satisfaction*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler mounts her horse, having less difficulty than last time, and pulls Tyne up~
Daisy Mae Everson: *studies Finnuala horse*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around the room and stands*
Liz St Augustine2: * chukles looking at Finn*
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Grumbles about smart ass horseflesh and young'uns not actin' proper to their elders. Then looks away from Fingallen cantankerously and stands at Finn's knee.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *walks out, and sees Finnuala's look. she smiles slightly, not the Tyne-grin that she normally has, but a genuinly touched smile, as her bond to this family has been greatly stregthened*
Christina Andrews: *stops in front of the "horses" and hesitates, looking back to the rest, then back to the "horses".*
Liz St Augustine2: * get a we're gonna ride horses look and she frowns* oo this should be fun
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at TYNE glad to see her 'well' again*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *walks outside*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks up* Boss....I thought we had a planes, no horses....ah well.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Come on everyone. *Smiles softly* They'll take you where we need to go.
Christina Andrews: *mumbles quietly to herself in response to Liz* It is... sorta....
Liz St Augustine2: * slowly walks to a horse* uhh got a step ladder?
John Lanser: *Hops on top of a horse with ease, like he has done it before and smiles, rubbing the horse's neck gently*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *shakes his head and leaps into the saddle, holding his hand out to pull Liz up*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks back toward Fingallen and wonders again, just what the deal is with him, but thinks whatever it is, he's a good guy who deserves her respect and liking*
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Jason* wha? i was joking * takes Jason's hand and pulls herself onto the horse wrapping her arms around Jason*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *raises a brow* i'd rather walk *saddles up*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: All> Those of you who don't know how to ride, just relax, but not so much that you fall off.
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Swings up onto the horses back grumbling.*
Christina Andrews: *hoists herself up and latches on tightly with a sigh and waits.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *slips into the saddle like a skill rider*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just sits, obviuosly talking to Justyne, mentally~
Bobby Tarquine: [[got booted.. and need to leave.. going to a pool party ~EG~ see'ya]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks the horse over* bac seat...dang, just gonna have work around that...
Liz St Augustine2: Finn all i know i fall i'm taking Jason with me * giggles*
Daisy Mae Everson: (skill = skilled)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((I would like to thank those who know who they are for what I received in the mail today. Jeez, I'm like all misty-eyed and happy and stuff.))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: You'll all be fine. *Grins at Liz and Jason, then pats her mount on the shoulder gently, indicating they are all ready now*
Liz St Augustine2: ( me didn't know anything would if i did *S*)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((*hugs* bye, bobby!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *twirls his index finger and points forward* Yoooo.
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye bobby)
John Lanser: *clicks lightly and taps the horse on the side, motioning it over to Daisy and Simon*
Liz St Augustine2: * just holds on and gets that feeling in the pit of her stomach like you get on amusment park rides*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *turns the horse about and begins to have it walk over by finn*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler's horse, follows the others~
Daisy Mae Everson: *gives a little nudge to the horse*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *follows, shivers a bit*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: All> This'll be great. Just don't panic. *Goes ahead at a trot--(Then leaves it to the ST)*
Liz St Augustine2: * looks a litle uneasy* panic?
Simon Everson: [[ww is up for those who care]]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *glances over, noting LIZ's discomfort* you'll be fine. would you like me to impart the anchient wisdom to you? to calm you?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Yes, panic--don't.
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Justyne* anything
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Puts his arms behind him, giving Liz a reverse hug type thing*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Thanks Simon, but I'm settled in for the evening here.))
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *jabs his heels into the horses side and has it begin to gallop*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((I may luirk in the cathedral...but that's it.))
Daisy Mae Everson: (I'm happy where I am, thank you)
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the Sky suddenlyt Brightens up, Bright and wide, like the noon day sun*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *smiles at LIZ, sing/chanting low, and melodicly in gealic..* (Mind 2, life 1, "Calm" Liz..(1, 2, 2, 9, 10)ONE sucess. you calm, it just works)
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon>> (Your either on a horse by your self on he and Daisy are sharing one)
John Lanser: *follows everyone else, looking at the area around them*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at the sudden brightness*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *tougs on the horse to slow her to a steady walk*
Christina Andrews: *is surprised for a moment, then relaxes.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the castle in the distance glows, a bright reflection againt the sky, as boiling mist gatehr about , illumunating the "horse"., unicorns really, Solid colors, black, grey, Red, Purple, ((look at color list)) with odd colored manes all aceents, before the light Dims, they run off, at a even gate so that the most inexperienced cannot fall, seeming to move below them ]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler JUST keeps for freaking out at the "light" and mantinas her stay on the horse~
Simon Everson: *shares a horse with Daisy, cause he's just that cool*
Liz St Augustine : * smiles at Just and sighs a bit* thank you
Liz St Augustine : ( yes it worked i got the 2 out of my name)
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *blinks and puts on some shades*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Blinks as the horse suddenly has a horn in the middle of its' noggin*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks and shakes her head not sure she saw what she just saw*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: jason>iv'e seen worse
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *gasps and controls herself, following*
Liz St Augustine : * ain't looking at nothing stil got her face burried in Jason back*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Shades her eyes till the light is gone, and revels secretly at the pace and perfection of the "animal"*
Bishop Jonah Malice: *Begins to pray silently, wide eyed.*
John Lanser: *eyes open wide at the sight of the unicorn*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *The gait increase, moving quickly, those who know,feel the acceleration before finally, the "horse" leap off a cliff, and keep going HIGHER!!*
Daisy Mae Everson: *leans just a lttle back into SIMON*
Simon Everson: *Blinks once* How did i .. *Aghhhhh, not prepared for that jump*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Now, yes, now all of you will believe in Unicorns. I do so love Shakespeare. *Smiles beamingly at them all.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler grins at Tyne, hearing her menatally shrik a bit, and smiles sernely, as she didn't have time to enjoy this, last time~
Christina Andrews: *knows what's coming up and gets ready, eyes shut tight.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Okay, so now that we're flying, Jason's phobia kicks in. Evil Ass ST....))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nodds at LIZ, and as the horses leap, she gets a death-clinch on Skyler*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *takes his shades back off* jason>well maybe not
John Lanser: *His eyes open wide fright of the extreme hieght*
Daisy Mae Everson: *is use to jumping a horse , but not like this, swallows nervously*
Liz St Augustine : ( ahh no not the phobia)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((yay, 3 successes)) *Jason currently has a deathgrip on the unicorn*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *begins to polish his shades then returns them to there proper place upon his face*
Bishop Jonah Malice: ((Must go to bed. I'll see all of you later.*S* Gonna miss you!))
John Lanser: ((2 succ's on roll))*Holds onto the unicorn's neck, shivering and NOT ever looking down*
Liz St Augustine : * ppeks an eye open a nd just shuts it *
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Hugs dat Malice..miss you too, hun.. walk in beauty.))
Simon Everson: *Holds Daisy a little tighter*
Daisy Mae Everson: (sleep well Malice, good night)
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at his friens and faintly smiles and look to the horizon*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Love ya Malice. HUGS KISSES, and all the best!))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Lates Malice))
Simon Everson: [[waves malice]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( WW is back up )
Christina Andrews: *at the drop, she peeks open her eyes, then takes in a deep breath and shuts them again.*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *barely controlling herself*
John Lanser: *quivers and shakes at the sudden plummer*
Liz St Augustine : * as they dive she gulps and keeps telling herself * don't scream don't scream....
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((later malice))
John Lanser: ((BRB))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Sktyler remains clam, despite the crushing pressure asserted by terrified akashic arms around her ribs~
Daisy Mae Everson: *knows to trust in her horse, even if this isn't a horse... exactly...*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *shuts her eyes, tightly*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Kepps telling himnself* Boss, I don' wanna frenzy right now....
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *wonders after the ride is over where he can get a ticket to do it again*
Liz St Augustine : ( slaps Vincent upside the head hehehe)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *In the rush of the moment, enjoys the momentum and the coming cold*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((rubs head ouch stop that))
Liz St Augustine : * get the feeling of how cat feels and will never squirt a cat with her squirt gun again*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *calms herself, focusing on the inner truths of the Way..she relaxs, and reached out to Auggy woith her mind, chanting low in gealic*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *too scared to scream*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *The crash into the water, breaking the surtface, it's freezing, and clear, then suddenly one is in the air, zoomming over a lake*
John Lanser: *Lets out a VERY light cry of fright*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Relaxes his grip and does not want to look down*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *not really bothered by the cold*
Simon Everson: *Holds on to tdaisy and one to the horse*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks over to jason whispers to himself* poor guy
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles at seeing the castle, recalling all that was brought about last time~
Daisy Mae Everson: *shivers, from the freezing water and is now worried about the babies*
Simon Everson: *looks down over the castle* I .. wow
Christina Andrews: *exhales all at once when out and opens her eyes again, looking around and grinning widely.*
Lucella Missa: ((Here.))
Liz St Augustine : * her teeth start chattering and she sneezes*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ here ]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks in awe at the castle*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Heh heh, "chill", folks.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *The Unicorns land, gracefully and without a jar. Everyone will realise that they are wet, yet warm, then dry.*
Lucella Missa: *waiting with the others at the gates of the castle*
Liz St Augustine : * she is all squnched up her eyes closed and not moving*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at his cloths*...Damn...hum..ahhh
John Lanser: *as the unicorn lands, he can still be seen shaking and quivering*
Alexander Tarquine: ~waiting on the others beside the gate~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Dismounts and whispers "Thank you" to the Unicorn, then limps toward the castle*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Gets off the wretched flying beast*
Christina Andrews: *sighs as they settle, still grinning.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: At the door to the Castle ESMIRILDA WAits (app 8) with open arms*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *gets off the unicorn and looks around*
Liz St Augustine : * slowly opens her eyes and looks around and lets out a scream and them smiles* ahhhh i feel better now
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks to herself... How strange, as she realizes she isn't soaking wet and that she is warm*
John Lanser: *slowls starts getting off of the unicorn, placing shaking feet on the ground and stepping down fully*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler slides down from her unicorn, freeing herself from Tyne's deathgrip. she moves to help chrsitia, then Finnuala, and others, that may need it, repaeing the samn words of gealic she used, last time~
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason>wasen't that fun?
Evil Ass Storyteller: (ESMIRILDA) Welcome friend, wellcome to my home, and the Gate of Heaven. Welcome..
Christina Andrews: *slides off rather ungracefully and looks around.*
Liz St Augustine : * she looks to the ground wondering hmm*
Simon Everson: *Carefully takes Daisy off the Unicorn and nods to it* Not a bad symbol, the crowns have
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Esmirilda> It's good to be back here so soon. Each visit gets better and better.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *climbs down from the Horse ( loves being a Torrie... Blase Merit )*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Vince>>Yeah. A blast. Thrillsville.
Daisy Mae Everson: *dismounts gracefully, sliding her hand over the unicorns neck in a friendly gesture*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *lokks at Skyler, with a withering glance as she dismounts the unicoirn*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *chuckles faintly walks wtih liz and jason*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *she bows, everybit the gracious host(ediquitte 6, cha 6) and turns to the Castle* "..Dear Friends, ?I welcome thee to this place. So rarely do we see any of thee..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler glares back at tyne, and avoids looking directly at the demi-godess Esmaredla, this time~ well again.
Simon Everson: *turns to look at ESMIRILDA and freezes, mouth agape*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *remains silent herself*
John Lanser: *Slowly moves towards the rest, looking around some, finally stopping his shaking*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Esmarelda then to the others*
Lucella Missa: *Slides off the unicorn with a smile then pets its nose gently. Upon turning around and seeing Esmerelda she stops in awe of her beauty.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at ESMIRILDA abit taken aback by her extreme beauty*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Still shaking off the effects of that flying thing*
Liz St Augustine : * slides off the horse and groans* ohh i'm bolegged now *and rubs her legs trying to keep up walking*
Alexander Tarquine: ~still staring at Esmirilda~
John Lanser: *slowly looks to ESMRIRLDA and suddenly the flight and fear is pushed back by her beuty*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Fortunately, is getting used to Esmirilda bit by bit as this is the third trip for her.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *gapes at Esmaredla, slightly in awe of her*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *walks to Esmirilda*
Liz St Augustine : * looks at the females and hears her self estemm being flushed down the toliet and sighs*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason&Liz>if either of you need a hand...*smiles at jason*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[yeah, i know, and if she was using presence, and you went in the middle dreaming, i Might make your blase work, it don't work, and then i have the dreaming attack your banality, directly. ..*loves his Dreamscapes and nightmares book]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *without looking pushes SIMON mouth close*
Christina Andrews: *dumbfounded again by their host, she just stands there and grins.*
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Vincent* grr rub it in why don't you geeze
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Gooses Liz, just because*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( dreaming ? banality ? since when Rach is Changeling ? )
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((*pouts, cuz Entrancement, is the coolest thing about torries..))
Simon Everson: [[thinks about having this dream a night mare, and really is glad he's not blase]]
Liz St Augustine : * she jumps a bit and giggles*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *seeing Esmarelda he notices her profoud beauty but feeling nothing for his heart is taken*
Liz St Augustine : ( oh god slaps vince upside the head )
Alexander Tarquine: ~still standing mouth agape~
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((profound not profoud stupid ass wacks himself with the DHX book))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[oh you think the Flying freaking unicorn surrounded by Mists was vampire??? *blinks* Go back Ic, i am]] *thye spires of the castle climb to the sky and almost like puncture it(*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((arg damnit if i'm not hitting myself someone else is))
John Lanser: *Looks at the woman, closeing his mouth finally*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks up at the castle* Impressive. Most impressive.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc *waves*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler keeps her gaze on the ground, and instinctively finds her wya to Tyne, whom she makes her knee buckle, in turn~
Evil Ass Storyteller: (EMIRILDA) would ye all like something to drink? Eat, The castle is filled as always *her voice smooth and even, her eyes large, her ears.. Pointed!*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: color test
Liz St Augustine : * looks up to the sky and whistles* home .... when are we moving in,,love? * chukles*
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes SIMON's hand in hers and slides the other and over her rounded stomach*
Simon Everson: [[HALLS Claudius icly]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc *waves, now that people can see it.* damn I hate not seeing colors. I can almost see it but...
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((hiya claudius)) *looks to the castle remembering the one he was previously in he begins to feel angered*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: is this a closed scene? If so, I can go and sulk elsewhere.
Liz St Augustine : * looks at the woman and thinks ..stomach way back with unicorn ride*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>I dunno. Patrick might be a little more than this plac could handle.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: EMIRILDA > gentle hostess, I thnak you, but no. no drinking... for what I seek is more... and maybe less.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Hugs cludie..))*almsot falls, but looks at Skyler* thanks..*nodds at the vision of a woman before her* this is most kind of you.
Simon Everson: *grins at Daisy*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[waits]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): oc: ok, Damn, I could see the grey too. *eg*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: no thanks Esmirelda.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Get IC, claud, else it's the Atomic Wedgie Machine for thee...))
Daisy Mae Everson: *still looking at ESMERILDA, noting the pointed ears*
Liz St Augustine : ahh i need to sit down * looks for a chair*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (ESMIRILDA)*Turns to RACHEL and Smiles* Dear one, In this place, here in Avalon, your hearts desires are yours
Alexander Tarquine: ~still stunned stupid by her beauty~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Eat? After that torture ride they call transportation? Suuuurrrrreee*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Esmirilda> Would you have us enter? We're honored to do as you wish.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *yoour all still outside the gates, over the over hand, that leads to the long fall to the ground*
Daisy Mae Everson: (hi Claudius)
John Lanser: *blinks a few times, still not saying much as always*
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Alex and chukles* uhh someone wnat to snap him out of it
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ESMIRILDA > even to carry it out, and back to the mortal lands ?
Lucella Missa: *Thinks she could go for a bite but since the rest are declining...*
Christina Andrews: *surprised at Esmirilda's comment to Rachel, she wonders for a moment what she could actually want if she could have it and let's it go.*
Liz St Augustine : * plops down on the ground for a min*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks around, and at anything but the lovely owner of the musicval voice, and smiles, as she looks at the ground~ I thank you, noble one.
Evil Ass Storyteller: (ESMIRILDA) Nae, be well, Travel onward.. *she say, bowing and turning to the door, disappearing within* the CAstle is thine.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius enters (whereever here is) shrouded in the folds of his apocalypse cloak. He stands about 6'2" and close to 280 lbs. Beneath the hood is a very faint glowing green light, the color of an emerald. All beings standing within range of him can feel the almost tangible but suppressed True Faith emanating from him. His hands are encased in pitch black metal plate gauntlets. He moves without making a sound. He smells of freshly turned soil, arsenic, and molten metal. A cold breeze follows his entry.*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *walks in, feeling in a dream herself*
Simon Everson: *Diustinctly thinks his faith is a bad idea, so mentally superimpioses Daisy over all images of Esmirilda that come into his mind, and that's alot*
Alexander Tarquine: ~shakes his head and finally breathing speakes~ Wow.....
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *notices claudius then looks back to the gate*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks to the gates and pushes on one*
John Lanser: *follows those that enter, looking around at his surroundings with a gleam in his eyes*
Liz St Augustine : * she takes a deep breath and stands up*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *helps finn*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *a sudden strike of fear, wondering if its true or just a dream, breathes deep, trusting in her faith to regain herself*
Christina Andrews: *once again, follows along without a word.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler keeps her gaze low, and follows Finnuala~
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the interrior of the castle is .. a marketplace of smells and colors* [[note, this game is 6 days old, so it has been buiding for a while, i may not be taking the time to explain like i sould haveing maybe explained something for the others, it's near the end so have patience with me]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks about what Esmirilda said to Rachel--- and thinks I want of nothing for I have all I need... *
Alexander Tarquine: Huh? wheres everyone going?.....~catches up~
Lucella Missa: *Walks towards the gate after finally shaking of the mesmerising effect of Esmirilda*
Simon Everson: *feels Claudius's cold and feels sad for the Unicorn that had to bring him*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at finn wondering how she was hurt*
Liz St Augustine : * follows everyone looking thing over hoping she won't bump into anyone or trip*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *starts singing low to herself*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *follows the ones, inward bound*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>Shall we? I mean...I keep thinking this is supposed to be a vacation and stuff...
Evil Ass Storyteller: (ESMIRILDA) ~to racheal as she disappear~ We cannot hide what is in thy heart child
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Alexander> Come on, we're going in here. *Walks to the door*
Liz St Augustine : * smiles slightly at Jason* well we uhh needed some new surroundings and we are doing something together so you didn't lie or anything * giggles and reaches for his hand*
John Lanser: *Looks at all the new faces here and moves to beside Daisy and Simon, still not saying a word but takes in his surroundings*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: " And I do not want what I haven't got... "
Daisy Mae Everson: *follows the others inside*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~almost woithout thought, Skyler joins in Rachel's song, backing her up, supporting, but NOT overthrowing, her lovely voice~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Looks at the multitude of people present and politely nods a greeting to everyone here*
Alexander Tarquine: ~scratches his head still caught up on the beauty of Esmililda, following the others half consciously~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *stops, deep in thought*
Liz St Augustine : * nods to Claudius*
Lucella Missa: *Looks around the interior of the castle enjoying its vivacity.*
Simon Everson: *gently holding Daisy's hands, moving deeper in the castle*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: ummm, Unicorn? Are we in a horizon realm here? (GACK!! that would be a BAD place for Claud to be)
Christina Andrews: *tries not to stare as stupidly as last time.... and fails.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Claudius> I'm glad you could be here, my friend and teacher.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she smells the air, looks at the colors... trying to see it with HUMAN eyes, not the vision a kindred has, forgetting her Disciplines, rewinding time, to 13 yrs ago...*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Int eh market place a 7 ft blue green man with horns argues with a 3.5ft man with large ears and bright red nose. A stately Man in what seems to be Diamon Armour, courts a Woman who is naked, with hooves.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *hand in hand with SIMON, she walks. a comforting and resting on her stomach*
Liz St Augustine : * rubs her chin and wonders if they got any torture devices as in the old days *
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~I'm walking through the desert.. And I am not frightened although it's hot.... I have all that I requested... And I do not want what I haven't got...~
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *archs a brow and continues on*
Liz St Augustine : * snaps out of thought and looks at the two argueing*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the nekkid one..blinks* this is new.
Simon Everson: "oh boy!"
John Lanser: *Walks along side Simon and Daisy, his eyes drifting to the people but follows the large group*
Daisy Mae Everson: *tilts her head and blinks several time at these new people*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>No, we are not buying a torture rack. It would clash with the trellis Finn gave us for our wedding.
Lucella Missa: *Can't help but stare at the dearth of people* ((*LMAO*))
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *walks over by liz* spooky huh ((no pun intended: spooky))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *relaxing slowly, back years and years in time, 14, 15, 16... remembering herself, before college, before many things... the girl singing with her friends and planning to be a star*
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Jason and smiles a little smiles* oww keep reading my mind and your no fun..but if they got midevil handcuffs? maybe huh maybe?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler waks near Rachel, supportively, but not imposingly~
Alexander Tarquine: ~still trudging along, oblivious to everything~
Evil Ass Storyteller: *they really don't seem to mind who you are, or care, just more people looking out of place[to you all anyway] *Deeper in the castle, one reconizes the floor is made of pearls, not tiles, which claudisu crushes every step he takes.~
Liz St Augustine : * nods to Vincent* just a little ( and none taken *S*)
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~LMAO@LUC~ hey now... ]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>*smiles* I suppose...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Limps through the place and is kinda getting to feel comfortable with all of this oddness. Getting to like it a LOT* ((wow, my name disappeared fast! Had to put it back on.))
Simon Everson: *WAs about to scan with prime, then thinks that a stupid idea and moves on*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *looks about and speaks to no one in particular* This place, it feels distantly familiar, but I know not why.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *going deeper inside herself... looking for... something*
Liz St Augustine : * smiles at Jason* oo goody
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *notes that Claudius, is VERY heavy, and will keep that in mind*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks at the trail Claud seems to be leaving* time for thee.
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around* so wheres the party?
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes it all in*
Alexander Tarquine: ~the fog of Esmirilda's beauty fades as he starts to scope out his surroundings~
Lucella Missa: *Frowns at Claudius destrying the place with every step.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[yeah, the timer is set pretty low finn]]*Amung the Crunch, cruch of the metal Boot of Claudius on the delicate pearls, the Walls are covered with a strage murals, depicing scene of Fantasy and drama, that would make any torrie cry-normally-*
John Lanser: *follows the group, his eyes darting to one thing and then to the next, taking as much in as possible at this stragne place*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ...
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Takes in the room once again with awe bordering--no, crossing over into, reverence.*
Simon Everson: *Tires to Matter 2 the pieces back togther, extended roll* 1 succes to start*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Looks at Jason* child, mine weight changes not. What doth thee mean diet?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler stares at the bueaty of the wall, having not noticed that last time..she walks over to them, and gazes intently atnthem, taking in the fine work, the art, the beauty..~
Christina Andrews: *walking along wide eyed, trying to look at everything that she missed the first time and not run into folks as she walks.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Eventually, the not so silent progression will come to an oaken door, A SOLID , VERY OUT OF PLACE door. Set away from everything, in the heart of the castle*
Liz St Augustine 2: * chukles at Jason and just stares around at everything her eyes wide*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Begins memorizing every little delicate curve, every shade and hue...yep, his wife is way hotter than that pointy-eared chick back there*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *very naturally, walks to the door to open in*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the door*
John Lanser: *Looks at the door and then to the rest of them* So should we open it.
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: Um not to rain on anyones parade but so castles are dark and gloomy and some are well like this one...oh well
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Places a hand against the door and looks up at the whole of it, then pushes.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches.everything..*
Simon Everson: [[3 success]] *Wonder's where they are being led, and says nothing to much, concentrating on the tiles*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *at first tought, or nopt thinking about it at all, tries to open the door*
Liz St Augustine 2: * looks at the door and gets a real bad feeling but just looks at it*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *stands and waits patiently*
Alexander Tarquine: ~lost looking at everything in the castle with awe as he follows the group~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just satys where she is, examining the artwork~
Lucella Missa: *Looks at the others waiting for someone to open the damn door.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *leaves Skyler where she is, and goes to the door*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Now who would use oak for a door here. It just clashes with the rest of the motif.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the door swings open, silently. Inside is a 100x100 room, circualr. that room is unlike the castle, it is DArk, malovelent, and gloomy. It smeels of age and a time long past. The floors have little rivers of water running along the ground. Justin is in the room, Naked from the waiste up, barefoot, all his gear at one side. *
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius looks at the floor and the damage he is causing and stops*
Simon Everson: [5 succews] Wonder's how many people are going to open the door
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( *kicks the damn door open, or blows it open with C-4 *L* )
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *arches his brow again*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Justin??
Liz St Augustine 2: * looks at Jason and grin a litle and looks in the door trying to see from where she stands*
Alexander Tarquine: ~eyes roll to the doorway~ Oh....
John Lanser: *Looks at Justin* What?
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she moves boldly into the circular room*
Christina Andrews: *pauses looking in and darts her eyes back to the rest, wondering if this is normal for him.*
Daisy Mae Everson: Father Quinn?
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *stands in the doorway*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler finally responds to tyne's mental urgins, and walks into the room with her, looking at FJQ in concern~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc sorry, distracted... (just a little)
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((dlp)) stands by the doorway*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Steps into the room, waiting for any sign of ...anything, from Justin*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *at the far end is a structure, that looks very much like a man sitting down.the place is circular, and attentive people will note stone placements in the wall, that will coressponde EXACTLY with stone henge.*
John Lanser: *walks into the room, not waiting for anyone else. Doing a life scan on Justin to make sure he is unhurt*
Lucella Missa: *Enters the room, having been there before, she pulls back in shock at seeing Justin.*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *steps in cautiously*
Daisy Mae Everson: *moves forward looking hime over to make sure he is uninjured*
Liz St Augustine 2: * slowly makes her way to the doorway and has a very uneasy look on her face*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((gotta go in 10min))
Evil Ass Storyteller: JUSTIN>>*Is apprently in a prayer position, something that looks like roseries in his hands*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *walks slolwy AROUND the room, unbraiding her hair*
Simon Everson: *Scans the room visually*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Does the door need opened? *Claud looks at the door and the FJQ beyond*
Liz St Augustine 2: * just stands in the doorway looking in the room*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) *Does not respond in anyway. All scans will show that while he is alive, his is not breathing, all else normal*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks in further, feeling with the inner senses of the spirit* (Faith)
Daisy Mae Everson: *stops before she actually reaches Father QUINN, seeing her is in pray*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Feels a vague sense of familiarity, like he's seen this pattern before*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[Door is OPEN]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *not scanning, not nothing, just walking around the room examining the stones*
John Lanser: *Glances at Simon* He is not breathing but seems to be alive...
Evil Ass Storyteller: There is a man, at the far end, where JUSTIN is. The MAN is quite dead, face and body mumified preserved in age old airless room. He sits like A King, His right hand on a sword, that it pointed into the ground, his left on the arm of his throne. Around his neck is a Neclace, Circualr, with a hollow center.
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *walks quietly around the room*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks toward the MAN*
Liz St Augustine 2: * looks at Jason and looks back at the others*
Lucella Missa: *Smiles when she realises what FJQ is doing and looks around the room again. She checks the water to make sure it's still spelling the same thing.*
Simon Everson: *tiltes his head, looking at the Father, then pokes him*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the pattern, she instantly knows*..Stonehenge..*looks at FJQ, checking him out, with all she's got* (mind, life, prime..all at 1, tryinbg to see if he's OK, and why he isn't breathing)
Alexander Tarquine: ~files in to the room last, looking at the marks in the wall~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *for some reason she pulls the rosary beads BIANCA gave her, knells and starts praying*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks to the necklace, then to Father Quinn, searching...*
Christina Andrews: *walks in after everyone, lips pulled tight into a thin line and hangs back by the doorway again, looking around quietly.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *responds not the the poke, except to take a deep breath, and nothing else*//A sence of.. Calm begings to spread about the room, and the door's close.
Daisy Mae Everson: *studies the dead MAN, without touching him*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at everyone trying to find out something in the hardest way so he looks for the simpleist*
John Lanser: *Looks back at the door closing but feels calm,so does nothing really about it*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Takes in the surroundings a bit more thoroughly*
Liz St Augustine 2: * jumps and looks behind her and gulps seeing the door closed*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Notes the closing of the door with interest, but no alarm*
Simon Everson: "..Meditation? *(askes in question* strange place*
Evil Ass Storyteller: RACHELL>>your Roseries immediatly start to glow, Almost pulsating*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((gotta go in 5))
Evil Ass Storyteller: *IF, and ONLY is your near the throne, and you look back at the door, then you will notice a patern in the ground, made by the running water*
Daisy Mae Everson: *glancing back at the closing door, a bit alarmed they are closing*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Slyler watches Rachel's rosaries with rapt fascination~
Alexander Tarquine: ~walks around the room looking at the pattern for stonehenge, traceing it with his finger~
Liz St Augustine 2: * starts to say something but sees how everyone is looking at stuff she just closes her mouth and folds her arms over her like a hug and looks around*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *her lips moving slowly, the beads clicking lightly as she continues her prayers, not repeatin one on and on again, but making it with her own words*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[later vin,have fun, i hurried last time, i'm not hurring this time]]
Lucella Missa: *Walks over to the dead man and when no one is looking she reaches out a slender finger and touches its hand lightly*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws2: ((booted))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Hugs Vin..later.))
Evil Ass Storyteller: DAISY>>the man is obvisouly old, but your history in the CC makes this one almost glaring. The man is wearing roman armour, but even so... he's a roman christian, which is uncommon to nill at the time period
Daisy Mae Everson: (me, me, me...) What's the pattern?
Liz St Augustine 2: * her eyes meets Daisy with the same feeling*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Bye Vincent))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *nudges Liz* What's up?
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws2: ((np ST don't hurry on my account hope all of you enjoy talk to all of you tomorrow well hopefullY))
Evil Ass Storyteller: LUCELLA>>the Sword falls out of his hands and klangs to the ground*
John Lanser: *jumps at the clanging of the sword* What is going on?
Christina Andrews2: *stands back by the door, watching everyone, trying to catch a little more about the group that she's been with for the past few days.*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *not startled by the clanging, she continues her prayers*
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws2: ((by everyone returns the hugs aw you guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy quit that...good night and god speed))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Lucella> Could you fix that? His sword, that is.
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) Takes a deep breath and opens his eyes* ..Amazing.
Lucella Missa: Ack! *Stands there looking VERY guilty and picks up the sword to put it back* Oh geez. It just fell, honest.
John Lanser: *Looks down at Quinn as he finally speaks, standing near him*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: DOESN'T hug Vince. heh heh heh
Simon Everson: *Grins at LUCELLA* I learned my lesson in fooling with the dead.
Liz St Augustine 2: * looks at Jason* i don't know get a bad feeling about all of this why would the doors closed with all of us in here* she looks at the clanging and looks to the old man* oh please don't tell me he's gonna get up
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>Er...I'm not exactly certain that he could move.
Vincent Locke Çrøwñ o haðøws2: ((fine then don't want your hug Claudius *S* *GONE*))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Liz> It's all right. I think we're ALL safe here.
Liz St Augustine 2: * rubs her forehead* hmm maybe i'm overreating a bit
Simon Everson: *looks the writing in the ground* Well,that's.. inspiring.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *is seemingly not at all scared of the dead..anymore*
Alexander Tarquine: ~turns to look at Liz, eyes a glow~ He's getting up? What? ~looks around the room~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Looks towards Simon but says nothing*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just watches all that is going on..~
Liz St Augustine 2: * looks at Alex* sorry just imagining things * tries to grin *
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: JUSTIN> Are you well?
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) looks about and nods*~hello yall.. ~looks at Finnuala~ Hath they seen?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Goes into contemplative mode*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looking at the pattern on the ground... for a long moment*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN> Not yet, but soon.
Lucella Missa: *Tries to arrange the sword the way it was. Tenatively picking up the hand with as little of her live skin touching the dead as possible. Looks a little grossed out.*
Alexander Tarquine: oh darn ~sighs and goes back to looking at the stonehenge markings around the room~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she prays yet, clicking the rosary beads*
Liz St Augustine 2: * looks at Justin and Finn*
Christina Andrews2: *nods to Justin.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: ~(JUSTIN) I am Well Finnuala, A little Meditating never hurt anyone. I felt, unclean with all those on, i had to remove them..
Simon Everson: *Grins, then laughs watching Lucella Play with the dead man*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN> I understand. *Nods, smiling just a little*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ brb ]]
John Lanser: *stands up after reading the thing on the ground and looks around some*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *What ever she does, Lucella, the Throne slides back, and the Runes, sanscript, and those writen before the AD, appear on the walls, near the Stones*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she finally gets up, feeling renewed as always, crosses herself, pocketing the beads*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles at Justin~ sir.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Turns and glances at Lucella with one eyebrow raised.* well...
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the Feeling of calm contines to build. Deep inner spirtual feelings, removing any unlean thought from the minds*
Christina Andrews2: *mouth drops open in surprise as the throne moves*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Lucella* Let the man rest in peace, not in pieces.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Now that was interesting. *takes a look at the magical graffiti*
Liz St Augustine: *
John Lanser: *smiles, feeling the spiritual power of this place*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) "Finnuala, before Lucella breaks anything, please.."
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((At Humanity 10, didn't really have many unclean thoughts any more. *S*))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *walks to JUSTIN, hugs him before taking his hand and kissing it* your blessing, father.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Lucella as the throne moves* Then again I could be wrong*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: QUINN>> I'm on it. *Walks over to Lucella* So, what have we here? *Looks at the script and the area the throne moves from.*
Simon Everson: *Finally erecting a prime scan, then stops, that's about as silly as he can get*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( ditto with Finn )
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks at the "graffiti"~ What the.....
Lucella Missa: *mouth agape first in shock and then in horror her eyes glazing over lost in an unseen sight.*
Liz St Augustine: * inches over staying a bit in back of everyone watching*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at the area all others are examining~
Christina Andrews2: *walks over to the throne area, wondering what they are all looking at.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *walks over to, and hugs, Father Quinn*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) *Waits for finnuala to use the likon, looking at the runes on the stones* .. they are even older than I, Claudius would know I suspect..
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Lucella face and wonders *
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *strangely, she keeps her distance, mind ligth and purified, enjoying the peace*
John Lanser: *stands there, watching and litensing*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Surprised at the first, surprised at the second, smiles to all* I will give no blessing, in this place, I cannot.. I am , as thee a servant.
Simon Everson: *does not join the Throne crowed*
Daisy Mae Everson: *feeling rather calm* (forgive my slow responces, it's quite early here, and I didn't take a nap)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler moves back from the thorne, to allow room for those who can trly achive something, and goes to stand with Simon~
Alexander Tarquine: ~not by the throne, just looking that way~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: JUSTIN > *hugs again* so, Greetings. *giggles* its wonderful to see you again, Father. thanks to HIM.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *nothing to listen to, the air is silent, nothing move, hell, you suspect it's rather air tight*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Examines the dead man and throne and belongings for damage, then, taking a breath in preparation, places the Likon in the place meant for it on the necklace*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Too busy looking at the writings to be bothered with the dead guy in the chair*
Daisy Mae Everson: *near the throne as the others are*
Simon Everson: [[we understnad daisy, that differnet would kill me]]
Liz St Augustine: * maoves back over by the door and leans against it wishing there was some hwere to sit*
Daisy Mae Everson: (thanks Simon)
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *will attempt to read the writings on the wall (bad pun) as well as the glyphs and runes.*
Lucella Missa: *Eyes blank for a moments her jaw snaps shut and her eyes refocus.* Father Quinn. I have seen a vision of you. I need more time to interprete it but right now we have Daylight to contend with and those armoured and ready just outside. We might want to prepare...*voice shaking.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the moment the Likon clicks into place, the room explodes with light, and energy*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at the others and starting to get some wondering questions*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler stands back a bit, and relaxes, having felt this before..~
Christina Andrews2: *turns to Lucella, wondering what she is talking about, then looks back to the rest for signs of understanding.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Love that picture))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *keeps eyes well open, peaceful and still*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *feels the energy in the room shift, and is en guarde*
Christina Andrews2: *winces quite visibly at the light.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *shields her eyes from the light*
Lucella Missa: Anger...there is anger...*wince*
Liz St Augustine: * rubs her eyes feeling bit blinded*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Glances at Lucella*
John Lanser: *winchs fromthe light and looks around, one hand sliding into his duster*
Daisy Mae Everson: (wow nice pic)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Drops his Oakleys over his eyes* Okay, that hurt.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *for the color blind amung you, Light, glorious , divine light pours out of the runes and stone, the place changes, even warps, ((everyone, no matter who, now has a True faith +5 for scene, so your total faith is personal, +5)) Images start to appear, the Spectral images of the dead, Centurain's lying out and in vairous places. Hundreds of them*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *tries not to be appear effected by the lights, and almost succeeds. visably retracts for but a moment*
Simon Everson: *looks at Lucella, then shields his eyes*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Lucella*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: I must say one thing... OUCH!!!!! VERY BAD for claud to have a TF of 11 BAD, BAD, BAD....
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[all who lost permant willpower, gain it back]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *blissful smile, she falls to her knees before the Holy Light*
Lucella Missa: What? Why are you all looking at me? *looks exasperated.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler smiles and enjoys this feeling, she was too nervous to allow to enraputre her last time~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( *does the "I am Beatific" Dance* )
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[it overrised all other Faith talisman's and relics]]
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *feels the first real Faith sh's ever felty, and kneels in aew, and reverance, and appriciation for all that has happened.,.and her own, and other's saftey..*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius drops to one knee and places the fingers tips of both hands upon the floor*
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands in awe of the visions~ this is awesome
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Jason St Augustine...beatific? Oh wow.)) *Looks up* rock.
Daisy Mae Everson: *a feeling of rapture comes over her, with this TF*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Eyes close but for a moment in thanks and the rapture of holiness here, but re-open to drink in the sight of the peacefully asleep ones who rest here, to absorb the fading light and see her friends in it, all here together.*
Simon Everson: *Staggers, visibly, Droping to a knee* ...When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.
Liz St Augustine: * smiles looking at everything not really know how to feel*
Lucella Missa: ((Don't know how faith works sorry)) *Is overcome by the sense of serenity as she is overwhelmed by the TF*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[yup, it's a relic, AND holy ground at the same time]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks pver at Liz and smiles* Hun...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *overhearing Simon's words, she follows, repeating it * "And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them"
Daisy Mae Everson: *kneels as tear of joy fall down her face her hand slide over her unborn children*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *with effort, Claudius stands*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason* yes?
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *not minding if it will hurt her kindred flesh, her soul light and free, growing the the Holy Light*
Daisy Mae Everson: *though the babies are young she knows they feel as she does*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Just kinda loses his train of thought*
Alexander Tarquine: ~holds on to his crucifix and says a silent prayer~
John Lanser: *Is feeling light with the spiritual power and faith of this place*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Whispers quietly, the echo of her Kyrie Elesian no more than a hushed sigh, too enraptured to speak louder now*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN)*Looks around~ Welcome, to the hall of 1000. Those that Converted after Christ Died, the Soldiers that led him to the cross
John Lanser: *He prays silently, one hand over the simple cross around his neck*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler hears the slight, if very soft strains of finnuala's song, and echos it, in joy and gratitutude to HIM~
Christina Andrews2: *briefly snaps out of what is overcoming her to hear Justin's words, then falls back into awe.*
Simon Everson: *stands with Effort* I.. i .. I see the light. and it is Good.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the FJQ, still slightly rocked from the TF feeling*
Daisy Mae Everson: *touches the tiny cross about her neck*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks silently among the thousand, giving them honor in prayer and regocnition*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the Light Fades, and the Likon comes off in Finnauala's hands, But the walls arn't there.*
Lucella Missa: *Awed, her eyes glow with tears of joy.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *tiks of the event in her life that lead her here, and she would not change a thing, all the suffering, the loneliness, the hate her fater had for her... was a small price to pay*
Lucella Missa: ((*glad I didn't break that one. LOL*))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she gets up, crossing herself, having followed FINN's singing, now reciting the Psam 23* "The Lord is my shepard. I shall not want..."
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Infact, Only desert is there, a cold wind, *(SO, for the "game" involved, everyone gain +1 humanity. If your at 10, do with it as you would. you get one real wish.??)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Turns slowly around, seeking meaning to the missing walls*
Alexander Tarquine: ~overflowing with emotions unable to speak clearly~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Uh...weren;t there like, walls here about 3 seconds ago?
Simon Everson: [[Seven days hard playing and all i got was this Stupid humanity 7 tea shirt]]
Liz St Augustine2: * looks around not be able to speak*
John Lanser: *Looks around and stops as he looks at Simon*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks looks at their surrounding*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Humanity 10, ST, PM coming..))
Evil Ass Storyteller: *a HORN BLARES! on the outside, and the walls don't look so finished, but rough, like a cave*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures..."
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( Humnaity 11 ??? )
Daisy Mae Everson: (chuckles at SIMON*)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Can't picture Humanity 11))
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *a single drop of a thick, black liquid falls from within Claud's hood*
Christina Andrews2: *blinks hard and jumps at the horn, eyes darting around, remembering what Lucella said before.*
Liz St Augustine2: ( would you be like god at that level (s*)
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[kicks simon]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: At least you aren't at a road of heaven 10, Finn. *shudder*
Lucella Missa: ((*LOL@SIMON* Akk! Hum 9))
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the man on the Throne sighs, leaning forward, Handsome and Bold, with a Strong Presence, he speaks softly* We cannot hold forever. It is a loss
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Does a doubletake of the man on the throne*
John Lanser: *looks back to the man on the throne as he speaks* What do you speak of?
Christina Andrews2: *and then thinks to herself as the man moves and speaks that maybe Liz wasn't all that wrong the first time.*
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at the guy on the throne* oooo he did get up ....oh my
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks startled at the horn~ What the...where the....whoa... [[ humanity 11 ~G~ ]]
Simon Everson: *looks up at the Guy on the Throne* Damn.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *looks to the MAN* but others come stand in HIS light. and continue the work.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Watches~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Lifts his eyes to the not-dead guy standing in front of the chair*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *is silent, feeling pretty humane*
Daisy Mae Everson: Does a doubt take at the man on the throne*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Wow. Still back at that wish bit. One mo.))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[no, you miss me, if i gave you a humanity increase already, you only get one, unless i give you another. Recount. Skyler i think is one of the only people with a double dose.]]
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((me too, Jason..))
Lucella Missa: *Thunk of her jaw hitting the ground as the man stands*
Liz St Augustine2: * her eyes wide and she just stares*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *walks to the MAN*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Looks at the man on the throne and continues to attempt to read the inscriptions that surround him*
Lucella Missa: ((I got one increase for my WP the other day. Is that what you mean?))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: MAN > *smiles* my sound silly... but I am curious. may I ask your name ?
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches the man and looks to Liz~ you were right....
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI)"Since we were drivin out of Rome, It's been a long Struggle. WE can no longer contine.. I will Die here, on this throne. I will not let Death Defeat me.
Liz St Augustine2: * looks to ALex kinda taken aback* uhhh uhhhh
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[you know, i think pm works]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: USCHI > but death is not a defeat. its just the end. you lived well, served HIM as HE demended you ? is all what matters.
Simon Everson: *curses and head to the opening of the cave*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Tries to regain orientation and looks at Uschi* we'll do what we can.
John Lanser: *listens silently*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Death is not one's enemy. It is mearly a way of passage to become closer to HIM.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at the one to whom they speak, willing to help in any way~
Christina Andrews2: *has thousands of questions running through her head but is too stuipfied to ask any of them, just standingn there frozen.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *quietly observes*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she glances around, feeling so alive, so purified, so... human*
Liz St Augustine2: * she snaps out of it and looks at the one on the thron curiousity overcoming her but she stays queit*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) *scoffs, fixing his breast plate* you have no idead how i lived [you al lrealise he's speaking latin, and you understand ] I will not die as i lived. *Growling* I will Die Human and with a soul, not the monster who pretended
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Stands a bit closer to Liz*
Simon Everson: *"Near the Door* So, who wants to see the bad news..
John Lanser: *tusn to Simon* Bad news?
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Jason and smiles and then back to the one speaking*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at simon, feeling serene~ I will see this news..~goes to Simon~
Christina Andrews2: *looks over to Simon and doesn't ask cause she just doesn't wanna know.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Tilts her head at Uschi, wondering what he means by "Monster"*
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Simon* oh please don't ell me there's dead bodies out there
Alexander Tarquine: And it is a noble ideal for which to fight....
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) *turns to the one in ARMOR* Hmmm, a northman, We do not see many of you. Well, Stand Fast.
Lucella Missa: *Looks at USCHI wondering what he is talking about.*
Simon Everson: JOHN>>Indicates the open door way*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: USCHI > I do... *she does not sob or anything, just her eyes fill with her tainted tears* God Granted me so much... now, right now, I would gladly die, if I had the chance to be human again... living flesh, ridden from my curse... all I would ask is a chance to say goodbye to my huband, then I would go.
John Lanser: *Looks towards the open door way, not really wanting to but does*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *sobs, but smiles, filled with a complete peace*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) *nods to Simon and laces up his Boot, taking up his sword* A north man gave this to me. *says nothing else just starts to walk out of the cave*
Liz St Augustine2: * heads to the open door curiouisity overtaking her she slowly looks out*
Liz St Augustine2: (opps cave not door ugh)
Lucella Missa: *Follows Uschi so facsinated as she is.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *goes with whoever, whereever*
Alexander Tarquine: ~slowly shifts his gaze to the door, wondering what the commotion is about~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Nay, Mine heritage begat in the east. To the north I have travelled as well as the south. To all corners of this place have I been and beyond.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: "and those who wish to keep theirs lives will lose them. but those tho lose their lives in MY service, will be reborn to eternal life"
John Lanser: *slowly starts to follow Uschi, one hand inside of his duster*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Glances at Rachel, concerned, then follows behing Uschi to see what may be done*
Christina Andrews2: *quietly wonders if now she's seen everything, and really hopes she has.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler stays with Rachel, concerned as she is~ uhm..don't be hasty..
John Lanser: *His eyes open WIDE and speaks in just above a whisper* Dear lord...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *follows Uschi, tears rolling, she chants a soft prayer*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Digs around in the back of his jersey, pulling out a wicked looking long knife*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *OUTSIDE*there is aobvioiusly a battle field but.. it's rather nasty.. they are crucifying people by the hundreads outside.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius does a quick but indepth look at the blade but will follow once all others have exited*
John Lanser: *draws forth a large broad sword from seemingly no where from inside of the duster*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *blinks* Holy Mary...*crosses himself*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *sees them crucifying others, growls under her breath, already preparing to use the WAY, of needed*
Lucella Missa: *Stops dead in her tracks at the sight of those being crucified.* Oh dear God no...*Looks at FJQ*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Reaches over her shoulder and brings the Lance forward*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI)*nods to those he hears* Such it is. they Say, that is not useless, that .. he , *waves a hand* he listens. Is that True? Can he hear my Men scream and Die? If his Son which we killed going to save us, Or will he just forsake his killers, and why do i now fight in his name when i do not care a wits end.
Christina Andrews2: *not pleased with the sounds of everyone's reactions to what is outside, she swallows hard, and moves to look slowly.*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius silently shakes his head* Such was the way of Rome.
Alexander Tarquine: ~as he looks outside his jaw drops with horror~ Oh no....this is not good.... ~does the sign of the cross~
Liz St Augustine: * her mouth drops as she takes it in looking*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Rachel, they are still inside, I thinl~ Rachel..are you OK?
Simon Everson: *Takes Daisys hands, and takes out his long sword* "..This is going to be rather Ugly
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): HIS way is to forgive. Even those of thine who took HIS son.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: USCHI > he offered us hope, not a bargain. he can he cares. he suffers. but this all happens by OUR choices, us, the humankind, as a whole. and so be it. those who stand with HIM will prevail in the end. becasue even falling, they fall to go to HIM, and live forever with HIM.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Uschi>>He hears them, and weeps for them. He doesn't forsake those who come to Him, as all are His children.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: People do this, not the One.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Skyler > I am. *smiles brightly* I am with HIM.
Lucella Missa: *Hurries to FJQ* Itismyvisionyourwerecrcifiedallburnywithfangs! *Blurts out in a nonsensical stream, gripping his lapels with fear in her eyes.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Ah, well, DLP, I'm lost..*S* sorry))
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Simon speechless*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) ~slowly putting on his gear, looking at the outside of the cave~ "..No war that HE will have us make on our brothers, is without pain, but , if HE is to have us win,then we shall, and if we are to lose, then it will be so.
Alexander Tarquine: ~mutters~ The War is eternal, The battle Forever, The army Stands on the ready to do HIS bidding. War is evil, and those that wish it are it's evil servitors.Those that art evil and desire not redemption, are Judged. In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Uschi > he forgives us ALL... *smiles brightly, tears still rolling* THAT is the biggest of the Miracles. no matter how far we go away from him, the instant we reach back, he reaches ofr us, and guides us to HIS light.
Simon Everson: *hugs daisy, and kisses her forhead*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): With mortal eyes, I saw HIM upon the cross. I watched in disbelief at the cruel acts performed at the blessings of the Church. And yet, he forgave even them as well.
John Lanser: *crosses himself* Watch over us and let us do HIS bidding to the best of our abilities for we do these things in HIS name.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Wraps his arm around Liz*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *The Armies form up, Desert manuver in the low night light, it's obvious those your with have an oasis at their control. A low hum of death floats over the area*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: and gives us hope. and gives us peace. thru the words of HIS Son, we are guided. to the rigth path, the hard path, that makes us stronger...
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((BRB all. Coffee run))
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason and puts her arm over his *
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Watches in silence, wanting nothing more than to make the suffering end*
Christina Andrews2: *listening to everything being said, makes mental note to ask a ~whole~ lot of questions if she gets out of this alive, all most to the point of hyperventalation.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler nodds at Rachel~ I know..we all are, some more than others.
Lucella Missa: *Shakes FJQ* Did you hear me!
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks nervous, confused*
Liz St Augustine: * she rubs her forhead with her free hand and looks at the scene with sadness* how could he forgive this? * she mumbles*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Christina> Are you all right?
Daisy Mae Everson: *tries to recall the words on the ground and if they have any meaning to this situation* *returns Simon hug*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Christina> Are you all right?
Daisy Mae Everson: *tries to recall the words on the ground and if they have any meaning to this situation* *returns Simon hug*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) Stops, turns to look at those who speak* "..Are you all then Believers in something. For i do not believe in a Man, who died. But something .. I .. *waves a hand* never mind, Tis time to Fight and Die with one's head up.
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN)~looks at the Army, then Back to LUCELLA~ I hath been Crusifed before.. It is just an Act. ~looks at Claudius at his words~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: USCHI> It's all right. Belief is personal. I'll do what I can to help. *Looks out the entrance once again*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: they suffer. they are in pain, they are my brothers and sisters...I could heal... *sobs* but I dont want this power to me... I am a simple woman... all I ask is having my home, and my husband, and a family... I know, I can do great good with my abilities, but... *she falls to her knees* GOD... sweet Jesus... I want to be human again, flesh and soul, and walk under the sun, and not fear the touch of holy, and no more have to drink the blood of the living... God, let me live again...
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Liz, and smiles~ "For we are saved, by GRACE, through faith"..understand.,.,that though they did it..HE knew..HE knew, and pryed in the garden of Yethsemene.." not my will, but thine, be done"..I could go into it, but all you need to know, is that he can forgive ANYHTHING.
Christina Andrews2: *opens her mouth to answer Finn then stops, just horrified and turns away from the scene.*
John Lanser: *whispers the only part he can fully remember* And death shall have no dominion. No more may gulls cry at their ears Or waves break loud on the seashores; Where blew a flower may a flower no more Lift its head to the blows of the rain; Through they be mad and dead as nails, Heads of the characters hammer through daisies; Break in the sun till the sun breaks down, And death shall have no dominion.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Then you understand what it is to have Faith in that which you cannot see. In thine Faith, ye shall find HIM.
Simon Everson: *Kneels, and Starts to sing a small tune, low, to Daisy's stomach* Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes... the pipes are calling, From glen to glen and down the mountain side. The summer's gone and all the leaves are falling, Tis you, Tis you must go and I must bide.
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Rachel and realizes how precicous and special her mortality is now*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Rachel, wishing she could ease her pain~
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Simon* /// *whispers* Envy in death you shall return...
John Lanser: *whispers the only part he can fully remember* And death shall have no dominion. No more may gulls cry at their ears Or waves break loud on the seashores; Where blew a flower may a flower no more Lift its head to the blows of the rain; Through they be mad and dead as nails, Heads of the characters hammer through daisies; Break in the sun till the sun breaks down, And death shall have no dominion.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Then you understand what it is to have Faith in that which you cannot see. In thine Faith, ye shall find HIM.
Simon Everson: *Kneels, and Starts to sing a small tune, low, to Daisy's stomach* Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes... the pipes are calling, From glen to glen and down the mountain side. The summer's gone and all the leaves are falling, Tis you, Tis you must go and I must bide.
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Rachel and realizes how precicous and special her mortality is now*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Rachel, wishing she could ease her pain~
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Simon* /// *whispers* Envy in death you shall return...
Simon Everson: ..But come ye back, when summer's in the meadow, and all the valley's hushed and white with snow. And I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow, Oh, Danny Boy, Oh, Danny Boy, I love you so!..
Liz St Augustine: * looks at the way they are cusified and looks at her hands and rubs her plam*
Lucella Missa: FJQ>>*tears rolling down her cheeks* Buuu...*looks at him confused* What?
Alexander Tarquine: ~focuses on the events at hand, preparing himself and concentrating on his beliefs~
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Shifts the Lance in her hands and takes a grim compassion, if such a thing can be pictured* Deus Vult!
John Lanser: *sticks his sword blade in the ground, kneeling on one knee and prays softly for there safety and for HIM to lead them though this, crossing himself, he stands again and brings the blade out fo the ground*
Daisy Mae Everson: *caresses Simon cheek as he sing to the babies*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *mirrors the "grim compassion"*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) Looks about him, and nods slowly* A Prayer then, Please. Together.. *kneels, laying his hand on his sword, looking about at the faith full about him* I ask this of you all.
Simon Everson: But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying If I be dead, as dead I well may be. Then come and find the place where I am lying, And kneel and say an Ave there for me.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: has yet to take his combat stance*
Simon Everson: And I shall hear, though soft your tread above me, And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be. And you shall bend, and tell me that you love me, And I shall rest in peace until you come to me.
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Simon and dasiy and smiles warmly and look to Quinn*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *nods at Uschi, first those who need, leater her, if there is time...* a prayer, yes.
John Lanser: *Looks at Uschi and nods, once againkneeling in pray, his blade handle held in front of him*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *ka-klick*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler kneels, having no wepaon, not having brought one..and unwilling to use one, if she did~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *He removes his sword from beneath his cloak and plants it into the ground. He then drops to one knee in silent prayer.*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((NEWS FLASH Alex is out of the coma!))
Alexander Tarquine: ~kneels, bows his head, and holds his crucifix tightly~
Daisy Mae Everson: * a tear fall, one hand resting on Simon face the other on her stomach*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *palces her hands together, bowing slightly at the waist, in prayer*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Spins the glaive, planting the blade in the ground, and kneels in prayer*
Lucella Missa: *joins in the prayer, kneeling head bowed, tears rolling down her cheeks*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: (Finn>>FUCK YEAH BABY!!!!!))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Goes to one knee with Uschi, Lance planted before her*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((YES!!!!)))
Christina Andrews2: *not knowing what else to do, she drops her head and joins in the prayer.*
Daisy Mae Everson: Finn>>( that's GREAT news!!!)
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the horn blares again, and the Yells of men comming moving over the desert, *(USCHI) It begins. ...."Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid " Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: *marvels that no one has brought a gun to this sword fight...*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Alexander Tarquine: [[ didn't even bring a sword ]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness ofour nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[Leaps for freaking JOY!!!!!!!]]
Alexander Tarquine: "Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid " Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Guns? We don' need no steekin' guns...))
John Lanser: Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Simon Everson: *With Daisy, holds her hand, and kneel* Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid " Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Daisy Mae Everson: *has not a weapon... only her faith in the ONE and her family*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: : "Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid " Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance. ((Doesn't have a damn wepaon))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: (( I Have a gun, actually *S*))
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *continues after USCHI ends* Worry in the light of Darkness ye shall find Truth
Liz St Augustine : ( brb)
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *waits, gorwloing softly.the Way in her mind, and surrounding her..she prepares to Kick the Ass*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she repeats every word after Uschi, calming down, resigning to her fate, entrusting herself to the Lord's mercy, to do as HE wants and not as she asks*
Daisy Mae Everson: *kneels wit SIMON hand in hand* Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid " Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Cranks up the phyisicals to battle mode*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: : "Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid " Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Lucella Missa: Never Again In the Light of Death Be Afraid Never will I seek to break that which is above me. O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches the battlefeild, in turmoil of having to hurt anyone..~
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) *looks up at the sky that he cannot see* In the Light of Darkness you shall find Truth. *stands and takes his sword, and walks out side. In a shout that seems to carry across the battle field* ".. Lay Down your Arms, We shall fight no more this day.."
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at Uschi* huh?
Lucella Missa: *quietly wonders how these enemies are going to take her shooting at them with her gun.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks up* Boss-if I do wind up discussing the Good Old Days with the saints...lemme watch over Liz and Patrick. *Stands, and hopes his Avalanche jersey doesn't look too out of place*
John Lanser: *Looks up at Uschi as he walks outside*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at USCHI, for she was think the very same thing*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: In the Light of Darkness you shall find Truth... *crosses herself, completely relaxed and peaceful once again*
Liz St Augustine : (okey back)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Listens for the response of those Uschi addressed*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *is content that his cloak hides his armor that wouldn't exist yet in this land of forgotten time.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (boy o boy does my spelling go out the window when I'm tired)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: In the Light of Darkness you shall find Truth. *Whispered*
Liz St Augustine : * looks around*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) Looks at CLAUDIUS.* In the Begining, We were _with_ God, so We Shall in the End, even if he dost frighten me with dreams and terrify me by visions But Alas, two souls.. *past his brest plate* A warrior, and a Servant.. *looks across the field as his men comply, and stil die.*
Simon Everson: *looks at USCHI and start to frown, the paladin in him rising*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at the others, attacking,,.~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *lifts face, sighs wiping the blood tears* Thou shall not kill.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Feels the pang of dissapointment and pain for the ones who are killed as they stand defenseless*
Lucella Missa: *Looks at USCHI now confused*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. "
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) "Every man before he dies shall see the devil, and know that he looks at himself, lost to eden. *Sits on his Throne, Points to the back* a way out beyond the throne, not of 1000 men, but for 10 well enough. I die here.
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks out across the slaughter as his heart cries out for mercy~
John Lanser: *watches the sceen unfold in front of them, his eyes a bit wet from it*
Christina Andrews2: *she looks out, eyes glassy and whispers.* It's not right...
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches all this, realizing that at times..the motals are bloodier than the harshes kindred~
Daisy Mae Everson: *the "nightmare ends when they accept their fate* /// *she cries as the men die*
Simon Everson: *Growls as he watches the slaugher* And they say barbarians are bad.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): He speaks the words that surround his throne.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *just watches..hardened a bit..*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Looks to the escape route, then back to Uschi, the Templar in her desiring never to retreat, but knowing that the battle is lost already.*
John Lanser: ((enough for 10, how manyt of us are there?))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[13]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): I shall stay behind that others may go. I shall return. Through HIS will, it shall happen.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks like he's going through slight emotional turmoil*
Lucella Missa: ((13 or so...uh oh...))
John Lanser: *Looks around some and then to the rest* Move it people.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius looks to the other kindred present*
Alexander Tarquine: ~still at the mouth of the cave~ How can a group of people be so cold and unforgiving....~tears form around his eyes~
Liz St Augustine : * walks over to Jason and stnads next to him and slips her arms around his waist*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI)"..Go.., There are other battles. *Leans back on the Throne, there are no more cries from outside, but occasinaly to all too sickening sound of Bone grating against flesh*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *smiles at Claudius* you are not stayng alone.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Just nods*
John Lanser: *stands next to Claudius* I will stay behind as well.
Lucella Missa: *Not looking at the battle knowing it would be to much to bear. She looks at the ground.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches all this..and looks at Claudius~ I'll stay..
Simon Everson: *l;ooks at Daisy and looks at The Escape route* Go..
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Looks to FJQ* Father, what year doth this time be? Not long past HIS passing, I assure thee.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: We all leave, or no one leaves. *Stated simply*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the Claudius*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>*Gives her a ligering kiss* Go. Please.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: we 3, its enough... *to FINN* tell Oracle I love him, and how I was blessed for knowing him.
John Lanser: *Looks right at Finn* He said enough for 10, no leave, I will be with you after I learn more.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((DLP))
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN)I willt not leave. I hath never left anyone behind, I will not do it now...~stands fast~
Liz St Augustine : * returns the kiss and blinks* ...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Finn > dear... its not time for silly bravery. you are needed. go.
John Lanser: *turns back to Quinn*Never retreat. *places his blade in front of him, blade down to the ground*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Nay, this place is for mortals not. Ye should return to thine own time and place.
Lucella Missa: *Looks up at FJQ and the others*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Rachel and John> I am what I am. *Stands beside Father Quinn, steadfast*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON anguish in her eyes, not wanting to leave him*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) to claududis>> Looks at USCHI* About 5 maybe 7 years after HIS son's death. I doubt more..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at them all, and can't find a way to reconcile any of it~
Simon Everson: *says nothing, his decision to say should already be known*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: FINN > please... I am asking you. GO. and... if other kindred comes looking for hope and light... tell about me.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): FJQ: I travelled to Damascus following HIS passing. Mine first teachings of blademaking begat in the now, then.
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands at the mouth of the cave, never having been exposed to something this horrific~
Christina Andrews2: *looks around, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, listening as they all in turn vow in one way or another to stay.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: " I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. "
Lucella Missa: *Looks back and forth to those discussing*
Daisy Mae Everson - Evil Ass Storyteller: correct me if I'm wrong, but we all have TF right... soor I'm very tired right now
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) *turns to Lucella and Christina.* Go, thou too liz, and Alexander, This is not about thy sex, Thou are innocents in this conflict, ..*turns to daisy, but would never ask her to leave, she was one of them*.. thou will make it.. Death is not a Reason for Failure..
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Rachel> *Hugs her one armed, the other holding the Lance* Go and tell for yourself. I'll see you later. Believe and it shall be so.
Liz St Augustine: * blinks and looks at Justin*
John Lanser: *motions to those here*Leave quickly, for imsuire this gate will not stay open forever.
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius stands in the entrance to the cave overlooking the horrific actions of humanity and strives to keep slumberling emotions in their place*
Liz St Augustine: * then looks at Jason*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler blinks rapidly, then waits ~
Christina Andrews2: *looks to those that Justin said to leave, waiting and hoping for the first move to come from someone.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) ARt you all Mad. Go, you have women, Get them hence. This fight is over, You Pilgrams , if you don't leave, no one will hear your message... Go on. *the sounds of men and armour, closer now*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Finn > dont ask me to leave you here, Finn... you were the one... the first to give me shelter in the house of the Lord...
Lucella Missa: *Looks shocked as FJQ askes her to leave but not the very pregnant Daisy.*
Simon Everson: *ignores claudius's cold, an test his magic a bit, before taking up position at the door*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Rachel> And I was blessed in the chance to do so and see you grow in the Light. GO!
Daisy Mae Everson: *lets her TF Flow, not knowing wht it will do*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *not all are killed on the spot, a few are taken then killed, on the cross, a few commanders drawn and quartered.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~turns to FJQ~ No one is innocent when crimes like this are committed. If you wish me to go I shall never question your judgement, but this has served my well and I wish you to wear it as you fight for our faith ~removes his crucifix, kisses it and gives it to FJQ~ Fare thee well....and my God lend you his strength
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Thy war is eternal. Liz...please. I'll catch up in a few.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Draws her gun and mutters* Spent Uranium slugs.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Finnuala, and Rachel, and Daisy and Simon and FJQ..~ this is madness. those who were told to go..please do so..
Lucella Missa: *Watches Alex*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she fights with herself, looks into Finn's eyes, and to Skyler, and to Claudius, her heart ripping in two, then she remembers her oath to Oracle, and the memory of her love makes her decide... she hugs Finn tight, Crying* blessed be you, sister.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler watches the horro, and closes her eyes, singing low~ " the wind..all we are is dust in the wind.."
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Has no more to say in the argument, as her place is beside her Brethren*
John Lanser: *stands near the entance*Never retreat, always stay your ground. *almost a low chant*
Lucella Missa: *Stands finally looking around, confused.*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius removes his cloak and stands there a horrific (for enemies) yet awe inspiring sight. He continues to stand there, unmoving, unyielding, as he looks upon the field of battle. His jet black Titan's plate armor gleaming, his physique being enlarged to monstrous proportions. Every seam, every joint, every plate handcrafted to perfection with impeccable care. Those who take the time to look upon it's surface can see etchings covering it completely. Mounted in the forehead of his black sculpted lifelike helm is a large perfectly smooth emerald. It pulsates with a beat that is almost akin to a human heart. In his left hand, a great sword, it's steel blade black as pitch, golden runes running from tip to hilt. In it's pommel, a large, perfectly smooth emerald can be seen. (To those with any aura detection at all, the sword seems ablaze with a icy blue flame) Mounted to his right arm, a kite shield, Crimson in color, emblazoned across it's facing is a raised moonsilver cross. It's edges thick and solid, forged with black, cold iron. * This battle in HIS name, shall come to an end.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason and bites her lip and takes a deep breath and gives Jason one more kiss and looks and him and heads for the exit *
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she hugs Skyler, and Claudius, damn the frostbite, then Father Quinn*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Nods to Rachel, grim compassion*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she remember something Father QUINN once said* "What good is a castle without a king, a woman without a man, and Faith, without belief..."
Lucella Missa: *tears welling up in her eyes as she watches the scene recalling her vision of FJQ*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Gives Liz a smile* Dear god I love you.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler embracws Rachel, handing her a letter~ you know..where to take this..
Simon Everson: *feeling the latent feelings of faith, and not really asking it to do anything, just letting his faith flow, outward* MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *nods to skyler, heads to the exit, crying*
John Lanser: *repeats what Simon sayed, his family's broad sword in hand*MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at simon*MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *holding the letter tight to herslef*
Liz St Augustine: * turns and looks at everyone and then Jason* i love you *and smiles as her eyes well up*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Simon, standing her ground and repeating his words* MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Grips the Lance, waiting for it all to come to them* MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
Christina Andrews2: *wanting to say something very badly, but doesn't have the words at all, she takes one last look over the group assembled, pointedly to those there who helped her and mouthes the words "Thank you" and moves for the exit.*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Starts singing lowly* There's no chance for's all decided for us...this world has only one sweet moment set aside for us....who wants to live forever...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she runs past the exit, now seeming to be a thousand times easier saty and die than leave her friends*
Lucella Missa: *Feeling the other let loose their faith she attempts to do the same thing. They have worked their magic on her and her belief has been borne forth from the crucible of doubt.*
Alexander Tarquine: Bleesed be those who without care for themselves set out to defend their beliefs. My the Lord strengthen your resolve and lend you the stregth to triumph over your foes. My the Lord bless you and keep you, may the lord make his face shine upon you and grant you his peace...
Lucella Missa: MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
Daisy Mae Everson: *her chosen "weapon" her faith*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler says with solemnity~MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One. ..~looks at Jason~ who live..forever...*sadly*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason once more and slowly turns and walks out*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forver we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Both USCHI and QUINN Turn to look upon Daisy, and Just stay there, USCHI picks up his weapon and Looks at it, then places it down* I will not fight, I cannot ask my men to die, and then forsake them. *his eyes travel about the room* Die Well, My Brothers.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Smiles at Christina, hoping that none of those who leave will suffer uncertainty that their action was the right one*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius looks to the man on the Throne* Ye who art to die, I give unto thee HIS blessings. May thine sword strike true and may evil scatter, frightened by thy beliefs.
Alexander Tarquine: ~backs into the exit, remembering the sight of those brave men and women who sacrificed all for their beliefs~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just watches all of this..wondering why it has to be...she huggs Tyne, then picks up the first blunt instrament she can find~
Lucella Missa: *Eyes red and swollen as the tears flow freely she follows Alex knowing there was nothing she could add to this tragedy but her own death.*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she stops, looks back, and repeats the words* MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forever we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One. *swallows* I will be damned before God if I let your sacrifice be in hand. Then she turns and walks away, trying herd to not look back.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the battle field, is not much of that, it's a .. hell it's slaughter. Wholesale slaughter of surrendered warriors. Any of you who have taken histoy or a good amount of theology know this. This is the death of an Idea, Idealism, this is how Christinty, Faith, and many more things are dealt with. The end of every man, woman and child that supports it, reading it, is diffent than watching it.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *forces the WAY oif herself, and around herself..taking place to guard Daisy*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Uschi>>They may wound me. They may kill me. If such happens, they will have my body. But my spirit will never be theirs, and that is what they fight against.
John Lanser: *picks up his sword, the blade pointed out in front of him, a light whisper excaping his lips* Watch me father and see what I have learned. *Watches the door, his magick and faith brought up*
Simon Everson: *Is silent, just silent really*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Tosses her hair over her shoulder* This is a good day to die.
Evil Ass Storyteller: (USCHI) *Nods to all, then looks at the door, taking his "pose" * Forgive them father, they know not what they do.." *He takes a breath, then another.. then a third, and no more.*
John Lanser: *Looks at those near him and nods sligtly to each one, his word raised*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *knowing that nothing they can do will change the past, Claudius waits*
John Lanser: ooc: word=sword
Evil Ass Storyteller: *(JUSTIN) Looks at USCHI* And we never knew thy name.. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. ~ Said while making the sign of the Cross by moving the right hand from the forehead to the chest, to the left shoulder, then to the right shoulder. ~
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just watches, trying not to see the horro of the battlefeild, yet knowing that this should never be forgotten.~
Daisy Mae Everson: *she light touches simon and Whispers the words she spoke to him on their wedding day* On this day before God, and our family and friends, I give freely my heart, my body, my love&ldots; to you. You captured my heart, gave me love and respect, like no other man has. You brought me out of my darkness, and showed me the light of love, yours and His. My Faith was weak, but through your guidance, and His love, my burden was lifted. I am ever grateful for your guidance&ldots; It showed me that I am indeed worth loving and I too could love another in return. I shall give you everything that I am from this day forward&ldots; we as couple can overcome anything life throws our way&ldots; I stand at your side ready to face our future together&ldots; whatever it may bring&ldots;
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Watches Uschi, wondering what he has just done*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Amen
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *waits, near Daisy, defensive position at the ready*
Simon Everson: "Barbarians at the Gate, they said, if they only knew."
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: amen..
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Amen.
John Lanser: Amen
Daisy Mae Everson: *letting him know she is with him not matter what*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius lowers his sword and turns to the others.* HE has left, and taken HIS chosen with him. An army of souls for use in a later time.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *A group assemble, easily seeing the horror at the door, and the movement beind. Setting up a shield phallnex, they are ready to move forward, then they charge*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Claudius> You're right. *Lowers the Lance*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( I am glad rach is not here to see it )
John Lanser: *Brings his sword up as the group charge's towards the door*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *turns to Claudius, Nods, *
Daisy Mae Everson: *trembling uncontrolable tears streaming down her face at all the deaths*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Aims the gun...*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius turns back towards the door and shall attempt to deny them entrance, at the end of his sword if necessary*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~sees a charge in progress, and dropps blood for celeirty 2~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Stands at the front of the happy little group*
Simon Everson: *Still watching the wall come closer*
Evil Ass Storyteller: ELSE>> the hole dropps into a Tunnle, made by the rushing river*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Waits to see the whites of their eyes*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *dumping blood into celerity*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Pumps Celerity*
John Lanser: *Moves to beside Jason, needing swinging room for his sword*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *begins a chant*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *reaches the tunnels, follows it, using auspex to see better, guides the others, being the last one in the retreat*
Daisy Mae Everson: *just prays... letting the faith flow*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[combat, should it happen, will be modified, i will tell you how when it comes up]]
Simon Everson: *Braces againt the Charge, letting Claudius have the door*
Alexander Tarquine: ~follows the tunnel, trying to bottle his rushing emotions~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius focuses his Faith and projects it into his sword, his armor, even the very ground upon which he stands*
Liz St Augustine2: * follows the others looking back every so often but moving forward*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the Shield Wall hit's the Door way of the cave, and a few othe places, A wave of men, who have a purpose*[[all vamps roll for frenzy, controlo/inst diff 6, one roll please]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Liz > GO... quick, lead on.
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((1, 5, 7, 8.))
Evil Ass Storyteller: ESLEWHERE>> the Sound of Battle above is amplified 100 fold by the water and hollowness of the area. Sliping and occasioanlyly sliding*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Looking outward, Claudius activates Gleem of the Red eye, and his eyes begin to glow a stark red behind the black helm*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Rachel and just keeps going*
Christina Andrews2: *scrapes her hand along side of the tunnels, moving as best she can with the group.*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *watches all this..*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[oh i REALLy don't want to see every roll, just know if you make it or fail, and roleplay accordingly]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: someone roll for me pls. Effective self control is 10? (or 12, if the Faith bonus is still active)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Frenzy check:8 9 3 4 3 3 ))
Simon Everson: *(looks at JASON and burst out laughing as the rush comes, the one time he's heard him be straight with a prayer*
Liz St Augustine2: * reaches the end of the tunnel and fights the urge to go back and lets the others emerge* ( i'm hoping i'm right about reaching the end)
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler just stands there, having already said her goodbyes..she seems to almost lose control of herself, somehow, but keeps herself controlled, looking at the others, wondering if they felt that~
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: nevermind, that can be taken as an auto success...
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Liz > dont. if you go I will go too, and everybody will end going. we have work to do.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Simon>>I heard that....
Liz St Augustine2: * looks at Rahcel* this is all a dream right i close my eyes and open them and everythign like it was before? right?
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[the faith "bonus" disappear as the come in-everyone is using their nomal faith again,# actions are egual DEX+Celerity, per turn. -normal dice pool each one, and each success at 7 is one person eliminated.]] remember this and just count them up, cause i just need to know who many die, i'ss send all else i cq]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: if they try to overpower, Claud's effective str (before blood) is 11.
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks of Oliver and what he said about tying up women for their and their unborn childs own good, and touches the milsone he gave her-- thinking if she lives through this SIMON may get another talking too, may be she'll get a talking too*
Alexander Tarquine: Dream or not they are doing what they know in their hearts is not take that from them ~silently moves on~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Liz > I dont know. If I stop to think about that I will go mad. lets go.
John Lanser 2: ((back from monster boot to the head))
Simon Everson: *Waits for the wall to get to Clauius, then when it does cause the sand under then to flow over it self, making footing undtable.*Matter 2/corr1[3 success
Evil Ass Storyteller: ELSE>> Eventually, you are Spit out at a little under water gratto, about a mile from the scene, but still in the think of it... there doesn't seem to be an exit
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *chants in Gealic, staring to bild a spell*
Daisy Mae Everson: *standing I'm guessing in the middle of the "room"*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *examines the blocked way out*
Christina Andrews2: *muttering under her breath as they enter the grotto, her words echoing back to her.* This can't be right....
Liz St Augustine : ( booted grrr)
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Christina > lets go. there is a way out... slow and careful.
Lucella Missa: *Follows* ((sorry guys got lost for a sec. Grr...))
John Lanser 2: *waits for them to come further, his broad sword ready in front of him*
Christina Andrews2: *nods to Rachel's response, trying to keep her wits about her.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler frowns in thought, this..can't be right. missing something~
Liz St Augustine : * looks around trying to figure this out* no this can't be right
Evil Ass Storyteller: *AS daisy touches the stone, it flashes a bit// They hit CLAUDIUS HARD, and HEAVY, But he doesn't go anywhere, not at all, then Simon's rote goes off, and they falter at the door, the shifting sand causing the foward wall to colapse.*
Liz St Augustine : lead....
Rachel Ariadne Lee: go go, quick. dont look down, just be careful.
Liz St Augustine : * sighs and leads going slow*
Evil Ass Storyteller: ESLE>>*The water starts to rush down a litle, going thru a small hole in the wall, too small for people*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *waits for anything to come near Daisy..round 1, One sucess one for round two)
Rachel Ariadne Lee: Liz > no YOU lead. I dont need disciplines to know you plan to run back at the first chance*
Simon Everson: *Steps back, allowing other to have room*
Lucella Missa: *Pulls out her deck of tarot cards* What are we missing? *seeking the Present.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler waits, not really willing to hurt anyone..~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *examines the hole, seeing if she can enlarge it with brute force*
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Rachel* can you blame for wanting to do that.....* looks at the hole* shit now what?
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Eliminates 7 through firearms*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: (( goes. If I read those instructions right, Jason takes out 53 in the first turn using that obscene martial arts.))
Evil Ass Storyteller: ELSE>> You are at the Wall, where the water goes out the under the rock*
John Lanser 2: *Waits for any to pass by Claudius, if they can get by him even*
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks at the narrow opening~ This don't look quite as useful as it was billed to be....~looks back up the passage way~
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Lucella arching a brow*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sorry, that was *Eliminates 9* not 7))
Evil Ass Storyteller: ((yup, that's about right Jason))*ELSE>>RACHEAL>> you startt to smacsh thru the wall and it's pretty soft, falling away easily, then WOOSH everyone is out side lying in a little stream*
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Rachel*
Christina Andrews2: *turns to Rachel as she asks them to wait.*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~the first foolish ones to come too clost to Skyler are nailed..7 of them..~
Daisy Mae Everson: (got booted).... (OMG) *is disoriented as she looks at the scene over everyone head*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *makes sure she is the last one to pass* everybody okay ? no injuries ?
Liz St Augustine : * looks around and just lays there for a min.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[everyone else where, go to DYNALIC SCENE 2]]
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius begins to silently pray and attempts to stay as close to the center of the cave entrance as possible*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: move, move... we need to go.
Christina Andrews2: *moves through and nods to Rachel, muttering low.* Fine.... I'm ok....
Liz St Augustine : * nods to Rachel and get up and moves on*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((Rouynd 3, three sucesses/))*the first wave to come too close to Daisy, are hit, eniies only, with "sleep" Mind 2, life 1 effect, 5 sucessses)(
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( us elsewhere, going to dynamic 2, roger that )
Christina Andrews2: ((Going to DS2))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[justin does stuff]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *stand there where Daisy was.. is an 8ft tall fury thing with big teeth and claw*
Liz St Augustine : ( gone)
Simon Everson: [[did his one magical, take all my other actions why don't you action]]
John Lanser 2: *Any that are coming close to him have prime 2 directed at them "rubbing of the bones"*((2 succ's))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Thinks what it would be like if there were 9 Dynamic rooms here...DS9))
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Like Ants the some, falling and twisting intothe bottle neck, no one getting past claudius in the first 3 charges, fianlly, they get a hold*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *blinks at the Huge Furry thing, that was her charge..*
John Lanser 2: ((well that should scare the living crap out of them if there mortals *LOL*))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[2nd round]] As all the stragelers are taken out by the efficent, move come in, a wall start to partially colapse*
Daisy Mae Everson: *growls... feel wierd about it but growls*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler notes tyhe collapsing wall, still feeling bad about the 7 she has downed..hoping they are not dead..~
Simon Everson: *∈ the second round he glance's at what USED to be daisy*
John Lanser 2: *Makes sure he is out of the way of the falling wall*
Daisy Mae Everson: *crouches at the ready to defend herself, tooth and nail*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Notes the beastie and thinks this could be good OR bad, depending*
John Lanser 2: *Looks back to where every one else is looking and his eyes go wide* Good lord...
Simon Everson: *Daisy?... *looks up* We've got a problem..
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler looks at Daisy, and almost falls~ what in Earth..
Evil Ass Storyteller: * a Few more come thru, the tireless work of the swords they face cutting them down in spades*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Notes the beastie and thinks this could be good OR bad, depending*
John Lanser 2: *Looks back to where every one else is looking and his eyes go wide* Good lord...
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at SIMON and arches what look to be her brow* *What problem? other then the obvious?
Daisy Mae Everson: *feeling very disoriented*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Opens fire on the incoming wave of frenzied humanity*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler tries to fight, but honestly doen't want to hurt mostly she blocks them, pushes them back, tries to keep them away..(( sucesses)
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: no Jason, that is 'Boot to the head' Damn it if you are going to do it, do it right.
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Those who are sensetive to it, the level of magic goes up sharply, suddenly, and one of the walls colapse, *
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): Begins calling upon LotF 5 and places his Faith into it.
John Lanser 2: *Looks to the wall colapse, trying to see whats behind it, reaching out with correspondence/life/mind*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Hey, Jason's doing the Humanity 10 thing. him booting to the head generally means the bootee hath no head afterwards.))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *feels the majick spike, and looks at Simon, then the wall*
Daisy Mae Everson: *feeling very disoriented*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Humanity 10...lessee, thinking a selfish thought loses you humanity. Hmmm.))
Simon Everson: *forget's looking at Daisy and spins, WAdding into that hell that is Combat, Sword rising and falling with murderous intent at those who would slay the defenseless* [10 eliminated]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Eliminates 7, firing full auto over Claudius' shoulder into the attackers*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[justin 25]]*thy Quickly set up a wall and obove and behind head, swords outward*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *49 more fall to the feet of ouchmaking*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *unless stopped, the while/gold flames roar into existance just ouside the mouth of the cave, making a bonfire appear rather small*
Daisy Mae Everson: *trying the intimidatiom thing with a roar... (intim0 chr4)*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [SIMON] Is slashes slightly by an erant sword, but he doesn'y seem to notice as he stands at the forefront of the caved in section*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sighs, and fights again, going for incapacitation rather than killing..hit one..)
John Lanser 2: *slashes at any that come though with his large broad sword, bring it down upon there heads with quick and sure slashes*((4 fall))
John Lanser 2: *wads up to stand next to Simon, covering his back*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: first round, claud takes down 29 (VERY bad rolls)
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *gets back from hte falling wall, going at the enimeis, with DO..* 4..*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[next round] *The fall back from the flames, cause their Smart, A new area starts to tremble and rumble. They arn't really looking so most miss daisy in hte Chaos*
Simon Everson: *Growls a bit as his force shield wavers*&
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Hopes they'll stop making us kill them soon, because, dang it, they're prople too.*
Jonas Felandris {]Brazen[}: (((WOW! Unholy Jesus shit! Is this the same story that started back in the afternoon?)))
Simon Everson: [8]*Goes into the middle of them, No fear, no pain, A chop suy of death*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks to where the wallis rumbling*
John Lanser 2: ((7 killed))*Covers Simon's back, his sword a whirling blade of death*((yes lady's and gentlemen, they slice, they dice, they make french fries out of old roman people))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Sure is, Jonas))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler also notes the rumble, but cannot move away from the fight to investigate~
Jonas Felandris {]Brazen[}: ((jesus christ... lol))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *70 more are in desperate need of kneecaps*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ((when he has the chance, he will spend 2 bp to heal wounds))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [*Simon, Runs into a Shield trap, and is hung up on them, and Fine so, Severl swords comming out of his back, but still he keeps going*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ((watches Jason take the Terminator approach))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ~Snap~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *attacks with Do, pounching and kicking, trying to stare at the wall at the same time*((3 down))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: (("They vill liff"))
Evil Ass Storyteller: (Justin moves to Back up Simon* FINN > the other wall..
Daisy Mae Everson: *steals herself against the sight of SIMON, really getting pissed off at the odds*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler sees Simon get hurt, and blinks, knowing it was likely some majickal thing..((GRR! no sucesseas..))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Positions to the other wall quickly*
Simon Everson: *USes his third round to fall back, and heal, vulgar, but who cares*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: Simon, don't forget, some things vulgar now were coincidental back then...
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[rounds are alos like 15 minuetes long]][[next round, They are fully upon JHOIN and JUSTIN
Daisy Mae Everson: *growl looking at the rumbling wall, not sure of what she can do in this form... and knowing for damn sure she can't communicate with anyone here*
Daisy Mae Everson: *flexs her claws and snaps her jaw*
John Lanser 2: *Sneers as he is set upon, bring his sword up and around, trying to clear a path back to the other, slicing, slashing, chopping*((6 killed))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Then opens fire with maniacal deadly intent. (Spending WP) to help Simon get free, shooting at those around him*(10 killed)
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Whirls and dances amongst the heathen* ((55))
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler winces, and dropps blood for celertiy 2, whilst attcking any nearby, trying not to kill them..((Botched))
Evil Ass Storyteller: *thy FAll back, Moving out both Passages, even as the Defensive pilles up, leainvg their comrads for now*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *in a malitious last move, the ones around skyler pick her up and slamm her into the ground, stabbing her repeatedly, before withdrawying*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Shudders not in fear, but barely held back agression. *Shakes her head in a quick snap..* Simon?
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~gorwls a bit as she goes down, feeling anger tat those whome she tried to have mercy on..~
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((*LOL @ Claudius*))
Simon Everson: *Simon Lays down and Breath's rather hard, A few holes in him*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Don't feel bad Daisy, I did that a few nights ago.))
John Lanser 2: *Gets slashed and tries to break out of the crowd, slashing with his good arm*((damnit, none killed))
Daisy Mae Everson: *will try to defend Skyler, wit a bck hand to the guy*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler freezes up, and her eyes flutter closed, and she isnks into torpor~
Daisy Mae Everson: (sheepish grin*)
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius will go over to skyler and use Valeren 3 to heal her wounds*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Springs over to Simon and touches him, praying fast and furious, healing 4 levels*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: brb
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *attcks, furiosly..if here's anything left..*
John Lanser 2: *Moves back to the others, a deep slash in his left arm from a sword*
Daisy Mae Everson: *feeling rather useless at the moment*
Simon Everson: *looks up at FINN and Grins*
John Lanser 2: *Looks around for any sign of Quinn*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *(JUSTIN)*walks over to LANSER and Kneels beside him* We Are one, and HE is with us..4 levels healed
Daisy Mae Everson: *first Aid on John, and hopes I won't hurt him in the process*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Simon> What're YOU grinning about, Mr. Kills-Things?
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks around..goes to Skyler, muttiering in Latin*
John Lanser 2: *Looks at Quinn as he is healed and nods grimly, hefting his sword back up with both hands* Thank you father.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Makes his way back to the main grouping*
Daisy Mae Everson: (dlp) *stands there looking at everyone*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: I wonder if the others are safe yet?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Sits down heavily* No More.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Jason> That'll do, man. *Nods in respect*
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): *Claudius briefly touchs a couple of the dead, moving them to in front of the cave entrance* ooc: some minor magic MIGHT be felt
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((does Valeen 3, allow them to come outta Torpor?))
John Lanser 2: *reaches out with mind/correspondence/life/spirit, trying to figure out when they will come again*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Ew, Claudius playin' wit' dead things.))
Simon Everson: *looks at Finnuala and grabs her and gives her a BIG kiss, amung the death* Thank big sister.. *checks* yup, I would says so, they disappears after they left the caves
Claudius Koine-Cappadocian(Beatific): ooc: nope, but Valeren 2 does...
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((okies, so is she out, awake, what..))
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks about the cave see if there is a way to block them (the bad guys) out*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Cannot help but to share a bit of Simon's upward mood swing* Well, are we about done here? *Looks out at the army*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Looks at everything around him, silent*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at the army* why ARE we fighting them, again?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Tyne>>Cause.....we're just as dumb as they are?
Daisy Mae Everson: *moves about the cave/room, making sure she doesn't hit her head on anything*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: We needed to help the innocent get to safety.
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN)for verily, i say unto ye, if ye have the faith of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountian..remove ye hence, to yonder place, and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto thee"
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nodds at Jason* agreed...does this mean we stop now?
Daisy Mae Everson: *growls and grumbles as she speak*
Simon Everson: *looks around* Yes, Now, No stop fighting. *&looks; at TYNE* They didn't take our oath, They Do not know us, what we do. They are safe now.
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Tyne>>Yea. *Stands up and begins walking toward the encampment*
Daisy Mae Everson: *and on and on she grumbles and growls*
John Lanser 2: *Looks and watchs for the army to come back, if they come back*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *nodds at Simon* okies...*sits, waitinf on someone to decide what to do*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~Skyler lays there~
Simon Everson: [[err, now we stop fighting]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Daisy> Take it one small word at a time till you get used to this.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Thank you, Simon. that makes a LOT more sense. *S*))
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) *looks about as they Examine their souls* I Know why i picked up the sword. 1. Protect the weak and the innocent. 2. Their Lord can do no wrong. 3. Actions without thinking are for the foolish and the dead. 4. Losing to a more powerful enemy is regrettable but unavoidable. Losing to a weaker is dishonorable. 4. Women and the weak are to be protected 5. Never attack an unarmed foe without warning . 6. Never attack without warning. Warning given before are warning enough s 7. Respect and honor is due to all equals and above. 8. Those below one station should know their place. 9. Death is no reason for failure. 10. Death Before Dishonor.
Daisy Mae Everson: *shift back to her normal self (I hope with clothes on)*
John Lanser 2: *Looks over to JUSTIN when he speaks those words, nodding slightly and saying nothing*
Evil Ass Storyteller: (JUSTIN) ~looks about and nods at the dead~ There were innocents at stake, that have no part in this, and for that, i Killed to protect them, AS Before, as Always. That is now Past, and this sword, Rests.
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *looks at FJQ, waits*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: JUSTIN> *Nods* (Failed the Humanity check and am back at 9)
Simon Everson: Swords Do not Move by themselves, They are Guided to a Worthy Foe and When the Foe is Vanquished they are then Returned to Rest. ..*Turns to Daisy* ..It is done.
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Okay, lets go.
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinking disoriented again*
John Lanser 2: *With the words spoken by the others, he says nothing and his sword once again seems to disappear into the folds of the now torn, ripped, sheded riding duster*
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *walks over to, and with some slight help from coincidental Forces, picks Skyler up*
Simon Everson: *nods to Finnuala* Let's
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Sheathes the Lance, but keeps the gun handy with a fresh clip just in case*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Made the Humanity roll, but damn, does he feel like shit))
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks to the escape route entrance and waits*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *turns to the Pile of Bodies then to USCHI* "Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum *moves out*
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ((Skyler will make her humanity roll, later when she wakes up..))
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: *shakes head at Lanser* I goter
Evil Ass Storyteller: *the mill sone around Daisy's neck goes black and stays that way*
John Lanser 2: TYNE>>*nods slightly and moves off towards the rest of the group, once again silent as normal*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Walks down the tunnel with the others* (I assume Claudius will be able to read the writing on the wall when he comes back. *S*)
Simon Everson: *helps Daisy to the exist* Come Claudisus
Skyler St. Jeraldine røwn of haðøws: ~carried out by Tyne~
Justyne DonnellyÇrøwñ o haðøws: ((too stay..))*carried Skyler out..*
John Lanser 2: *follows the rest of them, taking up the rear just in case of any surprises*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Nite Tyne.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *does not move from where she is the realization of and emptiness inside her*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Follows in a slight daze*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Daisy, now! We need you.
Evil Ass Storyteller: ~Stops and looks at those who have fallen, then to his people~ Examine within they self, thy path today. Know why , every time thou draws thy weapon, and End the life of another, thou knowest why, and be sure in thy belief.
Daisy Mae Everson: *her hands go to the stomach* Oh my... ...what have I done?
Daisy Mae Everson: (dlp)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: Quinn> I know why I did it, I know it needed to be done, but they were each of them precious to someone...
Evil Ass Storyteller: *moveing out the escape route, will take you out the hole in the castle, near louis home, and BAM, i'm DONE!*
Daisy Mae Everson: *move to the exit*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((WOO HOO! Thanks. Another great one. When you put on the ST hat, you really PUT IT ON!))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[all free roleplaying from here, ST job is over]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Thou rockest))
Simon Everson: [[hope someone archived that.. *L*]]
Simon Everson: *picks up Diasy, and carries her home*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Looks at the time and pictures passing out on little kids in the church tomorrow , later THIS morning))
John Lanser 2: ((VERY good Quinn))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[god my hands hurt, damn it all to hell]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Damn, I may have to boogie up to Finn's place and cath her. Wouldn;t want her squashing the kiddies.))
Daisy Mae Everson: (my tired little bum archived this, but I missed a few post when I got booted)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Limps to a bed, any bed, and collapses there till much sleep has been had*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((What happened to your hand, dear thing?))
Daisy Mae Everson: SIMON>> And this is your idea of rest and relaxation?
John Lanser 2: *finds a bed as well, tossing the remains of his duster over the end of the bed with a light thump and passes out cold*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[ hey, arnt the mass combat rules just a little sick? at least for those high level vamps like jason and claud, and apparnently Quinn *L*]]
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( wait wait wait, ALEX is at front door of the cottage, everybody else in front room )
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((I might just squish YOU, then, Jason. *S*))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((No joke. Finn takes out 7, Simon hurts 5, and Jason goes through 40 or 50...yick.))
Simon Everson: *Comes staggering thru the door and barely nods high, before passing out with DAisy* No, this is the father's idea of relaxation..
Liz St Augustine : ( pictues Jason geeting squshed ewwww)
Simon Everson: [[hey, it was a steady 10, sniff]]
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[steady 25]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Squished by Finn....there are worse ways to go.))
Alexander Tarquine: ~sitting outside on the ground leaning against the cottage~
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( so we have a nice touching scene with hugs and tears, and somebody notices Rach is crying NORMAL tears ? )
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Tries to remember to ask if someone could help her with that gunshot wound in the leg before it goes septic* ((*G*))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[GIVES DAISY the BIGGEST DEEPEST HUG!!!! thank you hun, 6 hhours, and world tour is over]]
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((YAY Rachel!))
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles very softly and passes oout*
Simon Everson: [[thought justin healed that leg?]] *stagger's in, and eyes his bed right now*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Score one for Rachel))
John Lanser 2: ((cya all later, need some sleep))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( and besides, Obeah went POOF... Rach does the best she can with NORMAL healing techniques )
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Goes over to Liz, and gives her a hug most fierce*
Evil Ass Storyteller: ~stagger's in, sits in the chair~ ".. I have seen the darkness, and the light, and they are the same face of evil as good.
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( and SKYLER ? what happened with her ? )
Daisy Mae Everson: (*sleep well John, *hugs*)
Lucella Missa: *slumped in and overstuffed armchair by the ifre, sleeping*
Liz St Augustine : * smiles and retunrs the hug and then smothers Jason's face in kisses*
Evil Ass Storyteller: ~Stares at ALEX and lays a hand on his soulder~ .. "Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( so what about Finn right now with a carying Rach, and noticing her tears are normal ? )
John Lanser 2: *Watches everyone for a moment and then nods to Quinn, walking away and upstairs to a bed, passing out quickly without another word to anyone*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: ((Nobody healed it. OY, I MUST go now. Disgustingly cute gestures of affection to all of you. Good night.))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Dives into Finns' cleavage, retrieves the hot tub, and parks it in Liz's before diving in*
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Greatly gratified by Rachel's watery eyes.*
Lucella Missa: *Stirs at some noise and pops open a sleepy eye*
Daisy Mae Everson: (g'night Finn)
Christina Andrews2: *looks from her seat with a relieved, surprised smile as they return, not saying a word.*
John Lanser 2: ((*hugs a daisy and everyone else*nighters))
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>*Gives a weak smile* Toldja I'd be along in a few.
Liz St Augustine : ( hugs everyone leaving)
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *crying out loud holding on Finnuala*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Nightie Finn))
Liz St Augustine : * smiles* Jason.. smartass
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks up relieved~ Its good to see you too
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>Yeah. Coffee still warm?
Lucella Missa: *Sits up a little surprised to see them all there she smiles widely and counts heads.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (any place special you want me to sent the archive?)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Pets Rachel's hair, completely at peace with the World after seeing her human again.....((May almost have basis for buying more Faith over this.*S*))
Liz St Augustine : * nods * as always.......... i'll get you a cup * head to the coffe pot and pours a cup and walks back and hands it to Jason*
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[night everyone..the site works i guess, it like booting people, don't know why]]
Simon Everson: [[le BAMF!]]
Alexander Tarquine: ~walks inside with the others and takes a seat at the table~
Daisy Mae Everson: (g'night ST)
Finnuala Rosher Çrøwñ o haðøws: *Falls asleep eventually holding Rachel.* ((Bye. Gone))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *Rach carries Skyler, to feed her from the stock she got*
Lucella Missa: ((G'night ST. *waves*))
Evil Ass Storyteller: ALEXANDER>> Well, Thou art going to see a lot more of me. ~nods to himself~ Thou will indeed. ~Pats him on the back, Get's up and walks over to LUCELLA~ Rest Dearling, I will see the on the morrow
Christina Andrews2: ((Night ST))
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *goes to Justin, red watery eyes, smiling brightly*
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: *Takes and sips his coffee quietly*
Alexander Tarquine: ~smiles to FJQ~ I'll take that as a good thing...
Lucella Missa: *Tearfully nods to FJQ just so glad to see him back she wonders about that vision she saw. Wiping it from her mind she stands and hugs each in turn and retires for the night, emotionally and physically exhausted.*
Evil Ass Storyteller: *Rest a Patient hand on Christina, and a Warm smile, before Turning to RACHEAL*
Rachel Ariadne Lee: *she hugs FJQ long and tight, before going to sleep*
Christina Andrews2: *as everyone reunites, she curls up in the chair and falls asleep.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~hugs Luc~ goodnight sleep well
Evil Ass Storyteller: RACHELL, >> leans in, and Rubs his cheack over her clear tears, before Smiling, and heading up to bed
Liz St Augustine : * looks at Jason* so this is your ideal of a vacation?
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: Liz>>Well....not exactly.
Daisy Mae Everson: (okay everyone I'm outta here, before i collapse right here... Good night and sleep well... *hugs to all*)
Liz St Augustine : * sighs tiredly and looks at a chair a plops down in it rubbing her eyes*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ see ya daisy ]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Nighties. Are you leaving me here with Liz...all alone?))
Liz St Augustine : * waves to Dasiy and everyone else who she didn't say night to)
Liz St Augustine : ( mhp ..well i can leave *s*)
Rachel Ariadne Lee: ( simple and direct. GONE )
Alexander Tarquine: ~sits at the table drinking his coffee~
Lucella Missa: ((G'night! *Huggles all and Poofs*))
Christina Andrews2: ((*waves to all leaving* Night folks....*s*))
Evil Ass Storyteller: [[leans back.. yup, now has no real reason to go fishing about WW when the twinks expand, just can come back here.. and work on it]]
Jason St Augustine røwn of haðøws: ((Liz....I meant that if it's just me and thee...this room may get a makeover....something like a drive in...or a long Bible study session....))
Liz St Augustine : ( well you didn't mean it that way *g*)
~ ~ End Story ~ ~