Dark Demonic Gate, Opening and Closing
December 17, 1999
**NOTE: I missed the very begining
Finnuala Rosher: ((Does the TF block the psychic attacks or not?))
Daisy Mae Everson: *hold her cell pone up to Simon* See, got the message to come here...
Ilevya Kranov: *hears Finnuala's yell....and feeling a slight self-preservative paranoia gnawing away at her mind, reaches her right hand into her coat and leaves it there for the moment*
Daisy Mae Everson: (phone)
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ((the pools faith does block the attackes yes))
Finnuala Rosher: *shudders under the skin as Alexander touches her shoulder, and moves a few inches away.* Yes, we have to, don't we?
Finnuala Rosher: ((Cell pone is like corn pone, but made from cytoplasmic material.))
Simon Everson: *looks at the cell, looks at Llevya, and then daisy* "..You are not comming in"
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~looks around at the demons and the mess and then lays out the ritual devices~
Daisy Mae Everson: (*laugh* sorry, the "h" key on my laptop is very temperamental)
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~~turns to the door~ "..Daisy, get your Guitar, ..You will be neccessary to reverse what was done here..
Ilevya Kranov: Simon> *looking at him, partly intrigued* Why not?
Finnuala Rosher: *Observes Father Quinn closely, but makes no attempt to assist him yet.*
Simon Everson: *Scowls at Justin* Bugger off _renee_ And Leave my wife to me.
Finnuala Rosher - Daisy Mae Everson: ((I have that problem with mine too. *LOL*))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~raises his head~ "..I gave thee and Order Paladin, Step Aside.."
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): ((Sorry, go t stuck in a call)) *Jon stands inside, vigilant, but with pistols drawn*
Daisy Mae Everson: *raises a brow at Simon then looks at Ilevya*
Finnuala Rosher: *Wants to say something to Simon, but can't.*
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> Father, what we discussed yesterday morning. I trust the plan is altered? I don't see Aefle anywhere here.
Daisy Mae Everson: All right Father Quinn. *glances at Simon and goes to her car to get her guitar*
Simon Everson: *his eyes narrow, he almost refuses, but swings the doors wide, showing the fornacating bodies*
Daisy Mae Everson: *comes back with an old guitar case in hand*
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands and waits to help~
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ".Aefle was hurt Yesterday when simon attempted to destroy Jaramilo, who we sent to hell. never to return. Aefle ~pauses~ Turned to ash last night.
Ilevya Kranov: *stands at the steps, looking at the doors, she pulls out a rather sizeable pistol (Glock 22) out of the inside of her coat and holds it to her side in her right hand*
Finnuala Rosher: *Shock/sadness/happiness/guilt/fear.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nearly drops the guitar case at the sight within the chapel, gasps for air*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~looks at Alex~ Please Follow my Words Alexander: And thus shalt thou do unto them, to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purifying upon them, and let them shave all their flesh, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean.
Daisy Mae Everson: *forever Daisy is changed...*
Ilevya Kranov: *cocks the pistol when she catches a glimpse of the bodies*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *intones softly* Amen.
Finnuala Rosher: ((Doh! There goes more of Daisy's innocence.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *... in some small way...*
Ilevya Kranov: Finn> ((what about Ilevya's innocence? *pauses* Erhm....))
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *At the gun cocking, Jon spins and turns low, a sliht moan escaping him as he goes to a defensive crouch, both guns tracking, and pointing at Ilevya*
Simon Everson: *he doesn't look at Daisy, there are few things that would kill or make simon fear, and this is one, he doen't want to know*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): And the priests went into the inner part of the house of the LORD, to cleanse it, and brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of the LORD into the court of the house of the LORD.
Finnuala Rosher: ((Ilevya innocent? BWAHAHAHAHA))
Ilevya Kranov: *her eyes widen ever so slightly when she sees guns pointed towards her...she raises her Glock*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she begins to silently pray as she always does in stressful times, reaching for the cross around her neck that isn't there*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to Quinn and repeats after him~
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~looks at Alex to see if he is following along, or even sprinkling the holy water as suggested~
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *he takes a moment to gague Ilevya, relaxing to turn back to the church. HE moves the goggles to his eyes*
Finnuala Rosher: *Moves the lantern away from the name of Discordian so she doesn't have to see it any more.*
Ilevya Kranov: *doesn't lower the Glock, just aims away from Jonathan....moves towards the doors, looking around before even walking into the chapel*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *Jon sweeps the ceiling of the chapel, where he looks a tight beam of blue light peirces the gloom*
Ilevya Kranov: Simon....I..am going to have some questions when this is over...
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks and steadies her breathing, kneeling down with the case, opening it and witdrawing her guitar* Guide my hand to be true to the music... *she says softly*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..Finnuala, thee too, follow the words~ ((all ingrediants are there))Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water: As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water:
Alexander Tarquine: [[ sorry having browser troubles ]] ~sprinkes holy water around the room continueing the chant~
Simon Everson: *turns away* not yet daisy
Daisy Mae Everson: *blasted "h")
Simon Everson: *moves to watch with Jon as the others make preperations*
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes a couple of steadying breaths and repeats.* Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water: As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water.
Ilevya Kranov: *only glances around the room swiftly, paying more attention to the group ahead*
Daisy Mae Everson: Okay Simon... *her voice is shakey, she holds the guitar in trembling hands*
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: [[stay]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *very softly* Mother I pray you're with me too... *she doesn't realise she said that aloud*
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -the demons hiss at the pooled faith, keeping back strongly-
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *Jon shifts a little from foot to foot, making siure to cover opposite fields of fire than Simon*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~waits for Finnuala to spread the wood about and then ,kill the bird, and looks at Alex~ Thou broke the Circle, enter it with Finnuala, and use the water to wash it clean
Simon Everson: *looks at Daisy and Ilvya* Stand over there, and there. * "..five points
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -unable to affect the minds of those here, or the spirt, they try a diffent tactic- Daisy's Father Appears, and Jon's Family
Finnuala Rosher: *The materials are spread as indicated, and with complete silence and duty, kills the bird neatly, slitting it's throat and holding the head and feet as it bleeds.*
Ilevya Kranov: *is close to the group now...holding the gun close and speaking very softly to herself in Russian, whether this is out of fear or awe isn't clear..*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Simon and stands where he indicated, though she is having difficulty to get her legs to work properly, and stumbles a few time*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods and follows Finnuala into the circle and begins to wash it clean with the holy water~
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -For Justin, Arma and Aefle Appear and For Alex his brother and For Finnuala her Child, all are then ripped apart by the other demons-
Ilevya Kranov: *doesn't care to argue with Simon right now...doing just as he says*
Simon Everson: *blinks*
Finnuala Rosher: *With a clarity of realization, she knows that the worst things that can happen to her already have, and yet she exists...enters the circle with Alexander.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *gasps at the sight of her father*
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -Simon's children and Ilevya's father-
Finnuala Rosher: *Forces her Will to help her through with actions in the face of the visions.* ((Spends WP))
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *Jon draws a bead on his mom and dad, one gun pointing to each forehead* The only spirits here are the ones from down below. And I know my parents aren't there.
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~his teeth shake and he continies to read from the book in his hand, giving everyone a natural +3 faith of it's own as they enter the ritual~
Daisy Mae Everson: *watches in terror, the image of her father*
Ilevya Kranov: *her eyes widen considerably at the sight of her father*
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks at the image of Robert knowing it to be flase, Robert would have at least said something witty to the demon~
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -all are ripped apart and the other demons proceed to eat-
Ilevya Kranov: *looks, confused, and disturbed...raises the gun in the direction of her father...not believing it to be true*
Simon Everson: *Is so not happy daisy is here, he looks at Justin as if Betrayed*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..Begin the Ritual Finnuala..*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *speaks loudly to the darkness* You have no hold of these people that your images appear to be. Begone from this place, and begone from us.
Finnuala Rosher: *Turns away her eyes, physical and mental from her vision, and tells herself that if he really is dead, his soul will go to Heaven where all innocents go, and not where she went.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *flinches as if in pain closing her eyes to the horrid sight* No... t...t...that didn't happen... no..
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands in the circle with Finn giving her shoulder a reafferming squeeze before she begins~
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~is Rather concentrating to hold a 10 tf pool togher, so hope the other can handel the images~
Finnuala Rosher: *The herbs and the water are placed in their given positions and the living dove is taken in hand and bathed over the earthen vessel, herbs then dipped also.*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *the hand stops in midflight, and gets "tossed" back at the "images"*
Ilevya Kranov: *her grip on the Glock tightens...and she waits for something to fire at, even while she attempts to overcome this*
Daisy Mae Everson: *her grip in her guitar so tight her knuckles are white*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~links everyone's mind, giving them a mind shield as he prays. allowing them to see that images as false~
Finnuala Rosher: ((Spends WP to not flinch at Alexander's touch.))
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -once i was the king of Spain-
Finnuala Rosher: *Concentration and clarity improve after Father Quinn's mental support.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~washes the circle with the holy water~
Daisy Mae Everson: *hears Simon and focus' her mind on HIM, keeping her eyes closed*
Daisy Mae Everson: *her breathing a bit raspy but steady*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): And We have appointed for them comrades so they have made fair-seeming to them what is before them and what is behind them, and the word proved true against them-
Alexander Tarquine: ~resumes a neutral position in the circle unsure of what to do~
Simon Everson: *looks at Iluvya and nods* how you holding up
Ilevya Kranov: *inhales sharply, but not looking around*
Alexander Tarquine: ~resumes a neutral position in the circle unsure of what to do~
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -the circle flows like a river to a bloodly close-
Ilevya Kranov: Simon> *finds herself not quite able to concentrate on her English* Eh...I am... fine...
Finnuala Rosher: *Echoes of the Father's words make a familiar sense.*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *feels that this would be the time a retaliation begins. Spader shifts the goggles to a wider beam, and takes a defensive posture in an alcove*
Finnuala Rosher: *Reaches to take Alexander's arm and guides him out of the circle*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..On the day when We will roll up heaven like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first creation, (so) We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about."
Simon Everson: *Wonders what again the father is quoting, but leave that alone*
Finnuala Rosher: *Lifts a handful of salt from the bowl, and takes oil in the other hand, pouring them over the breached part of the circle*
Alexander Tarquine: ~leaves the circle and takes up a position out side on the parimiter~
Finnuala Rosher: Come winds of chaos black grey and white, muttering your threads of change to bind and snare the one who must be driven back to this place...
Matthew Koch [In St mode]: -the blood become black and flares up, and the circle is cleansed by the salt-
Daisy Mae Everson: *finally sums up the courage to open her eyes and does so*
Alexander Tarquine: ~leaves the circle and takes up a position out side on the parimiter~
Simon Everson: *his sword he take form his coat, the long sword glowing with a white lights, take a small crouch*
Finnuala Rosher: Call to he who is now summoned to this circle unbreakable and trap all within...
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..And He it is Who has made two seas to flow freely, the one sweet that subdues thirst by its sweetness, and the other salt that burns by its saltness; and between the two He has made a barrier and inviolable obstruction.."
Finnuala Rosher: May this call, these bonds be made of flesh and blood, fire and water, earth and air.
Ilevya Kranov: *keeps still...readying herself*
Daisy Mae Everson: *the fear she had for her fathers nothing for what she was feeling from this place*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *looks to simon's sword, and his gaze lingers a moment (the goggles hide his expression) then back the the chapel at large*
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands with his rosary in hand~
Finnuala Rosher: Ahn aah nat hr:k Eua)th fast besUT tohq ellh tevevyn *Yes some of that was Demonic language.*
Matthew Koch: -With a ROAR the Gate opens up and darkeness seeps thru, the 5 heads of and sick sulfur smell assulting everyone-
Simon Everson: *closes his eyes, he doesn't need them, and coughes at the smell*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Now we'll see if the dicebot loves me or not...))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~opens his cloak and flips the pack around, pullingout a air mask handing it to Iluvya~
Simon Everson: *looks at the Father and hands Daisy his Breather*
Ilevya Kranov: *again, doesn't ask, takes the mask and quickly puts it on*
Daisy Mae Everson: *trembling, feeling a bit sick to her stomach... yet stands her ground, unmoving*
Finnuala Rosher: *Breathes it in like it were no more than a stinky outhouse.*
Matthew Koch: -the dark shape hovers over Finnuala, then looks out of the circle, daring anyone to meet's it's eyes-
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *reaches into the bag slung from his back, removing a small respirator, and covers his mouth. Now he looks completly "alien" High tech goggles, and breathing mask*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinking at Simon the takes the breather and putting it on*
Alexander Tarquine: ~seems unphazed by the smell~
Matthew Koch: -on the outside the demons firm up and start their assult, (wp -8) AS they drain the will out of everone.- (if your pooling faith, then you have a +2 left over as faith can be used for will)-
Finnuala Rosher: *All is focused on the task at hand, as she knows on some level, to think of anything else would let in fear and doubt, with deadly results.*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~is the focual point of the pooled faith(10) gritting his teeth~
Daisy Mae Everson: *her mind remains focus on HIm and the music only she can hear*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *Jon takes a step forward, raising the guns to target the head. The blue light lances from his goggles to the middle of the image's forehead* Back off!
Finnuala Rosher: *And speeds the effort* Might of the ONE ensnare this creature to the place assigned it, to this circle inviolate that your will be done!
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): (Jon still has WP left of his own *S*)
Simon Everson: *Is stacked on Dox his hands are Burnts affecting his blade work, but he grips the promel of his sword as his hands crack and bleed down the blade* ~ MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~[iron will comming up, +3 will]O you who believe! be not like those who disbelieve and say of their brethren when they travel in the earth or engage in fighting: Had they been with us, they would not have died and they would not have been slain; ~as he blesses the proceeding~
Ilevya Kranov: ((*having connection problems* What happened?))
Daisy Mae Everson: (WP -8 Leaves Daisy with none)
Simon Everson: ooc:spirt3/prime2(2 success) * the blade flashs hot as he sweeps it out forceing the demons to materalise*
Mattew Koch: -the Demon are suddenly materalise, a few go back, but tohers are caught off guard-
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~takes a deep breath as he release the blessing over the group~
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *as the demons become visible, Spader opens fire, both guns, one target at a time. (heavy pistol)*
Ilevya Kranov: ((WP -8 Leaves Ilevya with no WP))
Daisy Mae Everson: *she stands there statues like* (brb)
Ilevya Kranov: *stands there, the Glock shaking in her hands*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ((and you just got 3 more and even if you have one left, iron will))
lurker: ooc: situations like this, TF adds directly to WP rating...
Mattew Koch: -daisy and Ilevya have +6 will now, evernone with faith has a +10, then subtract -8 please-
Finnuala Rosher: *Silence from her side as she locks eyes with Koch, all will, every atom dedicated to the work-no room for any other thought or it will be all over. Badly.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (back) (oh, my mistakes about theWP thing then)
Simon Everson: *as the Demon's materalise he attacks them(pm's results)
Alexander Tarquine: ~flinches a little at the gunshots but his body stays firm~
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~is holding the outside of the ritual together, reading his scrolls, couting on others to do what must be done~herefore let those fight in the way of the Lord, who sell this world's life for the hereafter; and whoever fights in the way of Lord, then be he slain or be he victorious, We shall grant him a mighty reward
Daisy Mae Everson: *her moment of weakness, restrengthened*
Finnuala Rosher: *Moisture dampens her hair and skin as something unseen and intangible passes between her and Koch.*
Mattew Koch: -"finnuala - Touch the sky"-
Finnuala Rosher: *Focus and grinding determination..she knows what happens if one fails.*
Finnuala Rosher: *His words barely register and she doesn't let them sink in-not daring to even let the slightest chink be opened.*
Ilevya Kranov2: *feels bolstered somewhat*
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands at the ready waiting to see where he is needed~
Finnuala Rosher: *Fear is a great motivator*
Mattew Koch: -the demon disappear-
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..plese daisy..your voice..
Daisy Mae Everson: (sorry momentary crisis here) *Only now glances about*
Mattew Koch: -the bodies turn to ash and blow out-
Finnuala Rosher: Believe, and it shall be so. *Words remembered from what seems to be centuries ago*
Ilevya Kranov2: *turns her head, looking to Daisy when she can*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods, removes the breather and start to play here guitar, focusing on the lyrics*
Finnuala Rosher: Let this be the final gate, Discordian, sealed forever.
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *Takes a defensive posture, and quarters the are with his eyes, expecting a resurgence of demons*
Daisy Mae Everson: and siging the only thing that come to mind*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~listens to the words still praying softly~
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes the three foot Lance from inside her "walking stick" and passes it over the circle* It is finished. *Steps back and nearly falls over.*
Simon Everson: *falls to a knee tired*
Daisy Mae Everson: Gentle Shepherd, Come and lead us, For we need you, To help us find our way,
Mattew Koch: -only a chuckle comes from the circle-
Alexander Tarquine: ~mouths a silent prayer as he scans for demons, knowing that was too easy~
Daisy Mae Everson: Gentle Shepherd, Come and feed us, For we need, Your strength from day to day,
Ilevya Kranov2: *shudders slightly, nearly dropping her gun to the floor in the process....shakes her head*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Spent the required WP with each roll and barely made it within the limit, but no botches this time at least. *BFG*))
Daisy Mae Everson: There's no other, We can turn to, Who can help us face another day,
Finnuala Rosher: *Cannot help but wonder if Koch "threw" this fight for some reason and only now does a trickle of doubt come in.*
Daisy Mae Everson: Gentle Shepherd, Come and lead us, For we need you, To help us find our way.
Ilevya Kranov2: *looks around quickly now, not sure if it's over, or if it even began..*
Alexander Tarquine: ~lets out a relxing sigh~
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *Slumps up against the wall, still wary, but catching his breath, it comes in rasping shallow breaths*
Finnuala Rosher: *Leans against the wall and slides down it, lance across her knees.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *and she repeats the old song, her fingers work the stings keep the music true...*
Ilevya Kranov2: *gets to her knees slowly, letting out a long breath*
Mattew Koch: -the ground slowly bleed away, as the song moves about the area, it applifised by the magics of those present-
Daisy Mae Everson: *she plays on...*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~keeps praying, adding to Daisy's song~
Daisy Mae Everson: *se softly sings again*....Don't worry mother, it'll be alright- And don't worry sister, say your prayers and sleep tight- It'll be fine lover of mine- It'll be just fine--
Simon Everson: *Stands to his feet and sighs*
Daisy Mae Everson: Lend your voices only to sounds of freedom- No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from- Fill your lives with love and bravery- And you shall lead a life uncommon-
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them
Bianca North: *Shimmering in the corner of the cathedral she stands. Hair flowing red like fire around her form. A soft sound of courase pipes up with the sound of bag pipes sweetly echoing softly through the air as she watches*
Daisy Mae Everson: I've heard your anguish, I've heard your hearts cry out- We are tired, we are weary, but we aren't worn out- Set down your chains, till only faith remains- Set down your chains--
Simon Everson: *Sighs and slips his sword away*
Finnuala Rosher: *Realizes her butt's getting cold and stands again*
Ilevya Kranov2: *slips the Glock back into her coat, unsure of how many saw it, but not worrying about that just yet*
Daisy Mae Everson: And lean your voices only to sounds of freedom- No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from- Fill your lives with love and bravery- And we shall lead a life uncommon--
Mattew Koch: -all signs of "demonic" feeling and taint have fled the area-
Simon Everson: *blinks, then grips his sword again at Bianca*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..And man asked for light, so he may be out of the darkness, and know what is around him. So God gave him the light he needed to see, He looked apon the newly lit world and wept for what he saw, then begged forgiveness..."and asked to be sent into the depths of the unknown once again..
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Bianca, but does not faulter in her own music*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~closes the book sharply~, ending the ritual~
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks at Bianca not recognizing her~
Bianca North: *Her form shimers softly but her features are well defined even through the distortion. She smiles softly upon Finnuala. Still the bag pipes play beautifully in the back ground as she stands there. Her hair flowing around her as if cought upon the wind in waves of fire and light. Her voice is soft and echoing* Finnagain...
Ilevya Kranov2: *Looks at Bianca*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *keeps guard on Bianca, wondering almost if she is real or a last image*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he looks at the clean chapel and blinks at Bianca~
Simon Everson: *(spirt1/life 1* scan on Bianca* "Knight Seargent.
Daisy Mae Everson: *words forgotten for the moment she just hums as she plays her guitar*
Finnuala Rosher: *For the first time since the retrieval her attempt at a kind of a smile pays off and the result is more than a wry twitch, actual sense of wonder* Bianca...this wasn't your fault.
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..Bianca? ~wonders of all the women he's ever lovd are going to haunt him and die~
Bianca North: *She smiles softly upon Daisy as her eyes meet hers. Her mouth opens slightly and a wonderous sound of angelic singing comes out as if she was blessing her somehow.* Daisy Mae
Simon Everson: *hears Finnuala, and starts to chuckle..then laugh, then laughs harder*
Bianca North: *She smiles lovingly at all she knows* (She is a wraith hun)
Daisy Mae Everson: *trembling, she manages to smiles back at Bianca... continues to play...*
Bianca North: *She bows her head at Finnagains words for a moment.* It motters no' Finnagain..
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): *salutes Bianca*
Ilevya Kranov2: *tilts her head finally to gaze at Simon..noticing him when he laughs...also noting now that she has a -very- strange cousin...father never mentioned this*
Ilevya Kranov2: *blinks at Bianca again, nodding her head to her in a sort of acknowledgement*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~Walks over to Bianca and slowly touches her face~(spirt 2 to be solid) Then Kisses her forhead~ "..Knight Seargent..
Alexander Tarquine: ~drops to a seated position, sleepless nights catching up with him~
Bianca North: *She looks back up and her form shimmers softly as she moves forward. Her voice echo's softly through the air in musical notes as the bag pipes play in the back ground* Live... learn... tronsend.. le' no' the pain consume yeu os I hod.. tis a time of rejoyce.. tis his time..
Simon Everson: *Follows Jon 's Method and Salutes one of their Fallen, amung Many*
Bianca North: *She looks at FJQ and smiles softly at his kiss.* its olright Fothar.. thare is no more pain thot ken beh hurten meh now.. only silence.. *She touches his face gently then kisses his cheek* Olweys the bearer of mah light..
Daisy Mae Everson: *her resolve fading, and she play off key*
Simon Everson: *looks at Daisy* Daisy, this is where you come in, we cannot do this now, you have to sing, so the angel can sing with you..
Daisy Mae Everson: *weak in the knee, she kneels down on the floor*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he cannot say Much to the spirt, it's really too much, so he just addes it to his resolve and nods~ Aye Bianca.
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes a deep breath, steadies herself and and continues to play, with a shaky voice she sings again*
Bianca North: *She leans down as she concentrtes puting form to her hands and pulling Daisy up. She begins to sing with her as she catches her eyes holding her gaze*
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Bianca and a light returns to her eyes*
Daisy Mae Everson: *stands with Bianca sings from her heart... her very soul*
Finnuala Rosher: *After watching Bianca assisting Daisy, she lights a leftover cedar branch to use as purifying incense.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~fights to remain awake with all the stress and tension lifted~
Ilevya Kranov2: *looks to Bianca and Daisy, wondering for a moment, exactly what part -she- played in all this...if but just to witness it..shrugs to herself in an attempt to clear any confusion*
Daisy Mae Everson: * a tear falls as she is reminded of that day long ago,when she heard her mother sing to her*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~walks over to Alexander and touches his head, healing any latent wounds~ sleep ...
Simon Everson: *will sit beside daisy*(must go)
Bianca North: *She continues to carry the tune as she sings with Daisy as if touched by some inner light that bears itself to all around her.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye Simon *hugs*)
: -as long as Daisy's resolver never falters, this chapel will have a cleansing presence- (Infernalism-path of screams, song of concencration)
Alexander Tarquine: ~crashes hard after three sleepless days, a light snore escapes his lips~
Ilevya Kranov2: ((*waves to Simon*))
Finnuala Rosher: *Moves to the side of Bianca for additional solidarity while watching Father Quinn, numb after that exercise in heinous immersion, but not displeased.*
Jonathon Spader ((At Work)): ((Have to run for a few minutes, have to lerave my cubicle for lunch)) *Spader turns to walk out of the church. Using his unique abilities, he rises into the air outside the stained glass windows, and using his 2 flashlights, he shines the light into the window, giving the church back mopre of its sanctity for this short meeting*
Bianca North: *She looks over everyone with an adoring gaze filled with love and loss as she sings with all her heart and soul along with Daisy.*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Bye Simon))
Daisy Mae Everson: *will sing till her voice is raw... Bianca has bosltered her spirit*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Nicely done, Spader.))
Bianca North: *She smiles softly at Finn and runs a translucent hand over her hair for a moment as she continues to sing with Daisy as if lending her what strentgh she has to offer and sanctify her very soul with her own light. The bag pipes sing softly in the air echoing through the halls of the catherdal with the tune of god in their very depths*
Ilevya Kranov2: *looks around at the others, most she does not know...the rest she barely knows...*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~walks to the now clean alter and bows, he will not move for hours~
Bianca North: ((*Huggls spader* bye huneys))
Alexander Tarquine: ~curls up on the floor and sleeps peacefully~ [[ ~must sleep as well~ ]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Simon as she leans her voice to Bianca's*
Daisy Mae Everson: (*waves to Jon and Alexander*)
Finnuala Rosher: *From beside Bianca and Daisy, watches Father Quinn for a long time,.then finally rises and quietly joins him. No words are uttered, merely the presence of his Faith being enough for now. Besides, the words haven't yet returned, but now there's a place for them to come back to.*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Nite, Alexander.))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific): ((must go get lime's keyboard repaired *runs off*)) lvoe you all, thanks B. A good end.))
Ilevya Kranov2: *stands up, uncertain of what to do now*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Bye FJQ))
Bianca North: ((*S* Your welcome.. it was my pleasure.. call me anytime *LOL*))
Bianca North: ((*huggles FJQ* An we love you too huney *G*))
Simon Everson: *walks over and squeexs Llevya's shoulder* ..this is my family..this is what we do. * then back to diasy's side *GONE
Simon Everson: ((get a character B.. play for a while..i'm out))
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye FJQ)
Bianca North: *Her form eventually fades but the memory of ehr song and voice reamin in the minds and hearts of those she loved so dearly*
Bianca North: ((*S* There is no toher like Bianca.. eventually i will again play another hunter.. but i doubt it will be soon))
Finnuala Rosher: *Bianca's form shimmers even moreso in her eyes from the water therein.*
Bianca North: (*Waves* bye all.. see you later*S*))
Daisy Mae Everson: (don't think Daisy will have a voice for several days...but it was worth it... to be able to help)
Ilevya Kranov2: *Only quirks her right eyebrow...not completely understanding what Simon just said...but then again, not understanding most of what just happened either*
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye Bianca)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Bye Bianca!))
Ilevya Kranov2: ((*waves to Bianca*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *feeling drained and really wanting to get cleaned up and spend some time with her children and her husband... packs her guitar away*
Finnuala Rosher: *In practicality, habit, and unrest, gets a broom, dustpan, mop, oil-soap, etc, and begins cleaning every trace of dust or any other mark away.*
Daisy Mae Everson: Ilevya, thank you... *her voice is soft anf raspy*
Finnuala Rosher: Daisy, well done. Thank you.
Ilevya Kranov2: Daisy> *looks at her* I......*blinks, pauses* It is....no trouble.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks over to Finnuala and decides to help her clean the chapel, before returning home*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Finnuala* you're welcome... *she doesn't say much more than that as her throat is sore*
Finnuala Rosher: *Will do the cleaning details, including fixing the sign outside with Daisy's help, and then call in a "rent a cop" firm to watch the place until it can be re-established with wards or other protections.*
Finnuala Rosher: ((I have to go, too. Thanks everyone.))
Ilevya Kranov2: *stands there for a long moment...then moving over to Finnuala and Daisy..to help them clean the chapel....either this is by some miracle, or a practically forced obligation that she makes a kind gesture...but one thing is certain, they're not likely to see it often*
Ilevya Kranov2: ((*huggles Finn*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *After the cleaning is done she goes home... looks in on her children showers and soaks in the tub where she cries... *
Finnuala Rosher: ((Am suitably impressed with Ilevya's gesture. *G*))
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye Finn)
Finnuala Rosher - Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy will be brought tea and a cookie in the tub and is told it'll never happen again, and that she never has to see anything like that again.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (Daisy is OOC now)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Gone also))
Daisy Mae Everson - Finnuala Rosher: *she only nods in response*
Ilevya Kranov2: *continues until everything is finished.....leaving for home, to bathe and then likely sleep until noon tomorrow*
Daisy Mae Everson: ~* gone *~
Ilevya Kranov2: *GONE*