Bonsor and Quinn
March 4, 2000
Bonsoir: (here)
Justin Quinn: --------------------------------------------------------------here------------------------------
Bonsoir: ~the door slams shut behind you, and it is black. Not that this is a change, since you could not see more than two feet in when you walked in~
Justin Quinn: ~he can only remember so much. Naked from the waiste up he stands and feels the hot air and sigh.~
Justin Quinn: ~he however was far from week and with a soft prayer to cut the darkness from his eyes, he pierces the darkness~(darksight.forces1-takes autosuccess)~
Bonsoir: ~the world around you is almost as black when you couldn't see, stones smeared with years of substance that makes them dark anyway, blood, grime, what have you. silent. Not a rat in earange.~
Bonsoir: ~there is only one way to go. Dead ahead.~
Justin Quinn: ~presses forward,kisses his ring, and his plams. He was still a force to be recknond with.~
Justin Quinn: [active speheres. Forces 1, sight, spirt 1, he knows about the wraiths, mind 2 danger sense]
Bonsoir: ~the tunnels seem to be a living thing, as if they knew this already. as you walk, words press at you from the walls. You have to work a bit before understanding the archaic french, if modern french is all you know. "Je veux aller en Ciel, maudis l'obscurité, maudis la lumière, loin loin loin loin de ma lit"~
Justin Quinn: ~Let nothing disturb thee, Nothing affright thee; All things are passing, God never changeth! Patient endurance Attaineth to all things; Who God possesseth In nothing is wanting; Alone God sufficeth.~
Justin Quinn: ~he reads them all, as if they were his present life ~(wits+past lives 4)
Bonsoir: ~you come to a crossroad, you are at one arm or an X. The passage to your left turns back behind you (NE), dead ahead moves to the SE, while one more passage moves to the SW. From a pillar in the center, a little boy crouches and watches you (wraith)~
Justin Quinn: ~but even so, he only reads and passes on, he slinks along wanting to come to his first cross road~
Justin Quinn: ~he glances at the child for a second, then nods his head~
Bonsoir: (Boy) ~He doesn't move, but you can feel him studying you~
Justin Quinn: "..~he has no map, nor anyway to know which way to go, so, he will only make right turns. He will be here a long time~
Justin Quinn: ~carefully he moves around the boy. No doubt he would be speaking with everything he comes in contact with after a day~
Bonsoir: ~the passage to the right (west) continues onwards, the boy watches him go with eyes-that-are-not-eyes~
Justin Quinn: Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. Amen
Bonsoir: ~nothing much troubles you for a time, the tunnels are silent for a long time. You have no idea how long as the sun does not exist to most of the forms who live here. The only things that watch you are the Wraiths, the screaming souls formed into shallow mockeries of life...the deeper you go, the more shallow those mockeries become~
Bonsoir: ~then, the rats begin to resurface~
Justin Quinn: ~he moves on, with his own dimished faith eyes allert and watching~
Justin Quinn: ~glances up and about, only see's bones, rows and rows of bones. keeps driving on, self confident~
Bonsoir: ~the rats are different colours. Some of them trot along beside you for a while, most watch you with as you pass. It might be more comforting if those eyes shone in the light. With no light, you cannot see their depths. You may begin to "imagine" intelligence in some of them.~
Justin Quinn: ~he stops for a moment, slwoly bringing his faith up around him. It's not as it once was, even personal or with his missing items, but it's enough to detect the evil and unclean~
Bonsoir: ~more words, always the words, "Reine de Ciel, Reine d'Enfer, vous mourrez ici avec moi, chienne degoutante (or slang equivalent)". When the Wraiths are not silent, they chant the words, having lost all ability to form their own.~
Justin Quinn: O most holy angel of God, appointed by God to be my guardian, I give thee thanks for all the benefits which thou hath ever bestowed on me in body and in soul. I praise and glorify thee that thou condescended to assist me with such patient fidelity, and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemies.
Bonsoir: ~several Wraiths flee, a hissing is heard from ahead of you, scurrying, although many rats stay. More are attracted as you speak, and the place seems to hush even more. The tunnels can hear you.~
Justin Quinn: ~holds his faith up like a beacon and moves on. he has the asurity and the purpose to drive on~(willpower eq of 11)
Bonsoir: ~something lashes out to grab his foot~
Justin Quinn: ~attemps to rolls forward, only manages to fall flat on his chest in the uneven ground~
Bonsoir: ~it's pale, with a long face and hollow eyes that are frantic in fear (sensing a theme here?). It yanks you down, and tries to clamp a slimy hand over mouth your mouth~
Justin Quinn: ~keeps his faith up as much as he grabs the things hand and twist sharply. Not to break, but to get it off him~
Bonsoir: ~it goes flying with a hollow shreik that fades like wind, falling against a wall and sliding to the floor~
Bonsoir: ~a fast, pale movement, and it's gone scuttling into a hole you're not sure a weasel could fit itself into~
Justin Quinn: ~rolls into a corner, then attemnts to say hidden there, stealthly, attempting to look as he roll~
Bonsoir: ~nothing. You see..nothing. But you can feel something watching you. There are no more rats, they disappeared with the slimy thing~
Justin Quinn: ~concentrates, forces 2mind 4~ and prepares himself, rising slowly~
Justin Quinn: ~he steels himself. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.~
Bonsoir: ~a mangy emanciated black cat slink around the feet of a cloaked figure, and then leaps to a seat in a niche, crouching behind a skull (a good distance away). The cloaked figure watches you as well, keeping a discreet distance.~
Justin Quinn: "O most holy angel of God, appointed by God to be my guardian, I give you thanks for all the benefits which you have ever bestowed on me in body and in soul. "~steps forward, faith at the ready. No fear in this man, not enough to be healthly.~
Justin Quinn: "..I seek Passage, i disturb nothing here."
Bonsoir: ~the cloaked figure speaks, her voice is like dry grass being hauled up her throat~ There is a fee.
Justin Quinn: ~he advances closer,~ Is there not always. Speak then , I seeketh not battle..
Bonsoir: ~a dry finger, the flesh pulled far back from long, curled nails~ My cat is hungry. ~is the cat grinning? It has fangs~
Justin Quinn: ~doesn't glance at the cat~ however, I am not. ~moves even closer, his faith a shield, he's not foolish enough to live behind it, but he is strong~
Justin Quinn: I seek passage, thou would seek thy own death
Bonsoir: ~pulls back with a snarl that is almost a coo~ You seek to fight, holy man? ~her words are french..and they are not that old~
Justin Quinn: ~he has no doubts she can see in the dark. He his own arms are massaive. The Symbol of Clan Lasombra shines on his left forarm. Never darker than dark~
Bonsoir: ((ooops, kinda forgot to mention that, didn't ya.. *G*))
Justin Quinn: ~he continues,in the darkness his smile is rip~ Blessed art the peace makers, for they shall inherit the earth ~ his voice tinged with polite threat~
Bonsoir: ~backs further away still, hissing. The voice makes no more attempts at persuation~ What are you doing here? ~you can feel eyes narrow, although you cannot actually see them~
Justin Quinn: ~in his right palm is a tattoo of a stylized cross, and across the back on his left hand is a tattoo of the Crown unicorn~
Justin Quinn: ~he smiles, taking the shadows to him unnaturally~ "Can thou outrun me crone? Cannest thou outstrip that which thou cannot hide from.~ almost sings~ I can see thee
Justin Quinn: ~he never stops approaching~ "..I seek an exit. Not the north exit, and thou wilt show me."
Bonsoir: ~she laughs, a bitter, aching sound~ You will die down here, you will starve...~still backing away~
Justin Quinn: ~smiles deliciously~ I can feed.., On thee.. ~seems to move with the unnatural speed of the supernatural~
Justin Quinn: ~reaching for her, NEVER does he forget the cat~
Bonsoir: ~good, cause the cat if flying at the back of your neck even as she shrieks, lashes out at him, booting him in the stomach~
Bonsoir: ((*bats herself and sticks with first person grammar*))
Bonsoir: ~the foot that kicks is bare and stained permanently with grit, the skin scaly~
Bonsoir: ~she then crumples to the floor as all the lights go out~
Justin Quinn: ~he takes tthe shot to the chest, mildly suprised she was able to advance thru his faith, but doesn't matter, a light touch, and his touch is death, his prayer releeased into her brain, the spinning back hand to the cat as HE lets HIS power flow thru him, lighting the darkness~
Bonsoir: ~the cat squeals and writhes, and hits a wall much like our little friend from earlier. It then gets bigger~
Justin Quinn: ~he _IS_ HIS warrior, and few can stand againt him. his hands glow with the power to destory with a touch and his body glows with the HIS prayers and powers. He's doesn't even breath hard~
Bonsoir: ~and bigger, it grows into gaunt man covered in grime at he squeals and runs~
Justin Quinn: ~he doesn't wait on it, like the lion, he pounches it, his hand, deadly, his power and belief in HIS power absolute, , he cannot sutain the faith, but he can damage~
Justin Quinn: ~he leaps on it, his hand living fire of purple darkness, and twist it's neck like a rip cabage~
Justin Quinn: [rip=ripe]
Bonsoir: ~squeals and shrieks through the silence that has cocooned FJQ since he set foot in the labrynthe~
Justin Quinn: ivine Eternal Father, in union with thy Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg thee to destroy the Power of thy greatest enemy
Justin Quinn: ~he twist, and his hands continue to deliver HIS death, for Justin is HIS wrath, and these are to be Judged in HIS name.~
Bonsoir: ~claws at FJQ with long, hard toenails even as the scream starts to trail off~
Justin Quinn: [delete the drop thing, kills it]
Bonsoir: ~it's very dead~
Justin Quinn: ~backs up, his chest laid open, lung can be seen, heart can be seen fluttering in chest.. ~
Bonsoir: ~a pale whisper~ Come, fool!
Justin Quinn: ~sits .. for only a second.. Life 1/forces 2/ Mind 1..~ to keep his blood, and body moving, and in his body. Buy his skill (wit+first aid) he'll be dead in about 4-7 hours.~
Justin Quinn: ~ignores the voice, not a threat. ~Lord, I am grateful for all thou hast given me, for all the gifts that I have. Help me not to be critical or scornful of those with different gifts. Help me not to despair when it seems I've been given more than I can deal with. And guide me, so that I may use my gifts for the increase of Your glory. Amen.
Bonsoir: ~the pale child from earlier, and that is clearly what he is, shrinks back deeper into the shadows, shaking~
Justin Quinn: ~he shakes at the backlash of magic, but it's that or death. Standing, feeling no pain, he advances on the nos and rips it open with his knife.~
Bonsoir: ~dark, sunken eyes rake over the bodies of the vampires, then dart back to Justin, he creeps back further still. Several Wraiths drift back in and begin to examine the bodies~
Justin Quinn: ~checks it's pockets, , and slips on it's rags, before decapitating it. ~ let thy soul rest in peace..
Bonsoir: ~the small boy jumps back very suddenly about 15 feet, the Nos is quite dead. Justin is now clothed in a long, dirty, smelly gray cloak with a full hood. That's all she was wearing~
Justin Quinn: ~he makes sure voth bodies have fully turns to dust before looking at the boy~ Yes child. I know what is here. How may i help thee ~smiles thru his words, even thou he's been laid open like a tin can. ~
Bonsoir: ~15 feet in one leap, with a choked sound that may have been a burp~
Bonsoir: ~stares at him, shuddering. He speaks in a timid hush, one who knows nothing but the silence of the tombs~ F-f-f-follow me.
Justin Quinn: ~he seeks malice from the child, testing him with faith, love and HIS power. follows just the same~
Justin Quinn: ~he moves slowly, even thou he knows his power will last until death there was no need to stress himself and hasten his own death~
Justin Quinn: ~moves in a way as to not get the dirty cloth in his wounds, aware that the power is keeping such things out. He stops briefly and pokes a foot of his entrails back into his chest. He may need those~
Bonsoir: ~keeps a very good distance from Justin, trusting him to keep track on his own power. He moves fast and silent, often pausing at a crossroad and sizing Justin up to see where he will fit. He never comes within 10 ft. of him, and seems to grow even more pale and gray as time passes~
Justin Quinn: ~looks at whats in the pockets of the creature, now aware of how HARD it is to concentrate with e sight(darksight) keeping himself alive(funky rote number 109) and Danger sense. ~[+1 difficulty]~
Justin Quinn: ~barely glances at the paper. Examines the coins and the ivory chip~
Justin Quinn: ~stops again, removes the dirty rag from over his beating heart. Fully aware he's supplying his own eletrical impulese from brain to heart. Would laugh, but cannot~
Bonsoir: ~shakes his head a few times, as if clearing it~
Justin Quinn: "Boy..thou hath a name? ~he says~ ~spirt2
Bonsoir: ~the trembling, spindly-legged thing whispers~ Samson
Bonsoir: ~he comes to a hole in the wall, that looks to be 1 ft. across, and stops~
Justin Quinn: (ignore the spirt 2)~keels walking, Just pulling himself togheter. He would panic when he is dead ~ I Am ..Ju... Renee Samson. ~he speaks in french~
Justin Quinn: ~falls to his knees, and coughc up way too much blood for his own good. Wishes it would all stay where the good lord put it~
Bonsoir: ~he bows to Renee, and looks from him to the hole, and back. His voice is always low, eyes always moving from corner to corner~ ~french~ You won't fit.
Bonsoir: ~he jumps as Renee coughs, and shudders again~
Justin Quinn: ~throws off the cloak, his body formless, healed , with ragged claw marks where his heart, chest and side were. He waits right where he is and prays~ Lord, Thee invite all who are burdened to come to thee. Allow thy healing hand to heal me. Touch my soul with thy compassion for others. Touch my heart with thy courage and infinite love for all. Touch my mind with thy wisdom, that my mouth may always proclaim thy praise.
Bonsoir: ~he blinks, and jumps back yet again, a reasonable distance of four feet this time~
Justin Quinn: ~he looks at Samson~ " Samson, why art thou here? ~he doesn't ask where the passage leads. ~keeps the coin and ivory~
Bonsoir: ~rubs thin arms, and looks to the hole again without answering, then back at Renee. He whispers~ I don't know.
Justin Quinn: ~glances at the one foot hole and nods~ Do thou know samson, If thy head fits, thou can indeed fit thru anything? ~steeling himself~ Lord, I call thee, thy power, to my hand, thy love to my soul ~life 2, -contortion~
Bonsoir: ~watches in astonishment~
Bonsoir: ~sure this man does not think he can go through~
Justin Quinn: ~bows his head to the ground, and then again, then again, spending about 15 minutes doing this~(sta+alth)Relaxing his muscles, just breathing~ Samson, thou help people here?
Bonsoir: ~whispered, fearful at every sound he makes~ People?
Justin Quinn: ~slowly he moves to the tunnel, head first, then POP, dislocats shoulder, and slip it in., Firms it up.. Breathe, breathe, then slides up to chest, POP, ARches and twist~
Justin Quinn: "..others, like Myself.. ~Set, breath, breathe. and Shimmy, losing some precisous skin cells, but at least he's not a tin can as before~
Bonsoir: ~wrikles his nose, but his eyes widen. His hand slips to something in one of his many pockets~
Bonsoir: ~shakes his head~ None have come before in my remembering.
Justin Quinn: ~pulls thru with a Grunt, and a slidding over sharp rocks. Days when rock hard abbs suck, falling out the other side ~ no one ~panting~ At all ~panting~
Bonsoir: ~slips through with ease, his body deforming into a slug-like consistency and reforming on the other side~
Bonsoir: ~hushed french~ Not for a looooooong time, so say the Grey Ones.
Justin Quinn: ~stays on the blasted ground and just remember what it's like to breathe~ ok Samson.. Grey ones? ~glances around, Now concentrating on keeping his body fit and health. ~
Bonsoir: ~cranes his neck to look at Renee's face from a good distance away~
Justin Quinn: "now , which way to go, ~standing and seems as if he could keep this up for a while. He has no feeling of time, so he let's himself forget it, only the goal matters~
Bonsoir: ~shudders again, and a rag-wrapped bundle is pulled from his pocket~
Bonsoir: ~he takes a peice of hard waybread/bannock stuff from the rags, and hands it to Renee~
Justin Quinn: ~looks at it wary, but takes it, and stands~
Bonsoir: ~he winces and takes in a sharp breath as he gets close enough to hold it out to the man~
Bonsoir: ~makes a motion for him to eat it~
Justin Quinn: ~sniffs it, then eats, figures what's the worse, he dies?~
Justin Quinn: ----------------------------------end-----------------------must