The Ritual.. Cleansing of a Node
March 26, 2000
Justine O'Ryan: ~what blissful peace the daylight brings..then comes awakening with night. She looks around her coffin, seeing her Angel andsmiling serenely and laying against her for just a few more minutes.~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she traces her jawline with feather-lightness as she stares at her lovingly. It has been a year and then some time scince she first met her. and yet they've grown so strong together.~
Angelica Dylan: *Stirs a bit, and moves slightly, making a soft sound deep in her throat*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she opens the lid on the non-coffin and gets out. She dresses as Simon described, in the Templar outfit.~
Simon Everson: *does a flip*
Jason St Augustine: *Stands in his room, vaguely disquieted. A sword. The vulgarity and the propriety of it....wonders if he remembers wherre he packed his glaive*
Tyne Donnelly: *in her room, she rises at last, having reached her balance of peace and focus on the way. She looks at the outfit with the red cross in the middle. for a long time. then the Preceptor of the Watch gets up, and dresses.*
Simon Everson: *walks down stairs dressed in his classic blue suit. He waits and the end of the stairs for the others to show*
Dana Mackintosh: *smooths over the dark fabric and takes a deep, slow breath*
Sabrina Christenson: *Kneels in her room, praying to the One to grant them victory, and to bring everyone back safely tonight*
Storyteller: [hope someone archiveving this *L*]
Christina Anderson: *has spent the past nights in one of the guest rooms and is still in there sitting and thinking, trying to mentally pull herself together.*
Dana Mackintosh: *she slips a blue gem around her neck, then brushes her hair back into a bun. She slides her mirrorshades over her hair to rest there, and checks herself over one last time. Ready. She opens her door and walks down the stairs*
Jason St Augustine: *Walks over to his sons' crib, making far too much noise for his liking* ~Portugese~ My son, I hope you understand someday all the whys of this eve. If it goes poorly, I did not go because I wanted to. I went because this is my time.
Angelica Dylan: *Her eyes open slowly, as she shakes off the forced sleep she goes through every day. She sits up in bed and looks to Justine as she dresses* Hey love...
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks over all he's layed out, trying to picture himself with all the garb on before he actually does so~
Simon Everson: *set's down his pack and glances over it*
Finnuala Rosher: *She has been in her room for a _long_ time. Food and drink have been ignored, yet all seems well. Even a sense of energy and well-being seems to come from the doorway as the windows are all opened to let the light stream in brilliantly. It comes under her door with a sound of wind chimes that never were there. When she comes out in full dress as asked for by Simon, the recent mourning and stress are gone; replaced by a fulfillment of Faith and more...*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at the bass guitar case resting against the wall. She lays it flat on the floor and opens it. she carefully assembles the 4 foot katana she has used so many times before. She hasn't the faith of the others. She hasn't the majick. But she is strong, that's all she does have.~
Dana Mackintosh: *she slips the tunic on over her armour when she reaches the bottom, and cinches it with her swordbelt*
Amber Ross: *Lying on her bed in her room, joint smoking in his right hand, as she listens to Jim Morrison's "Riders on the Storm."*
Tyne Donnelly: *she leaves her room, her usual stoic mask in place. Anything and everything can happen. She's ready for one or more of thier deaths, all thier deaths, and worse. She who went unblinking into hell is not afraid now.*
Dana Mackintosh: *She then turns, and smiles up at Finnuala, proud to be the Squire of this Knight*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles at Ang~ hey. It's about that time.
Alexander Tarquine: ~slowly starts to put the armor on, smiling slightly as he suits up~
Simon Everson: *takes up his sword, and his roman jeweled cross, and that's it, kicks the pack to the corner. He needs nothing else*
Christina Anderson: *takes in a deep breath and holds on to it, then stands up and dresses, trying to shut off any part of her mind that isn't helping right now.*
Dana Mackintosh: *a blue gem, some papers, a silver rosary tipped with an ankh. A tattoo, a pair of mirrorshades, a stick of chalk and her voice. A sword, a dagger, a gun, a medkit. She's as ready as she'll ever be beneath all this.*
Jason St Augustine: *Kisses Patrick upon the noodle before opening his closet and reching up to the top shelf. A dagger is replaced by a wicked looking long knife with a very thick hilt*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon comes down from the chapel, solem and slow* ~~Jonathon comes on seen tonight; a new outfit. His hair is still the same clean cut, close cropped flattop, and his smile is still warm, but he's got a new look again. He's serious now. A hard edge has crept into his frame. He's swathed in a full flowing midnight blue body cloak. As it bellows out fom him as he walks, his true garments are revealed. Hea wears the tabbard of a Knight Templar and he is armored from head to toe in quadruple linked chain mail. Coif to ankle, it is a shirted shirt of mail as well. Over this he wears his templar brestplate A silver plate adorned with a blue cross. His feet are shod in high leather boots and are adorned with Knight's Spurs. A weapons belt is around his waist and from it is scabbarded 2 swords. On his left hip is a bastard sword, and on his right a short sword. the first thing noticed are the blood red scabbards bound in a golden metal. The crossgards and hilts wrought in the purest color of cobolt. The blades of the darkest of ebony, Between the ebony at it's edge, the purest of silver, moonsilver. shines brightly. Etched into the blades running full length from tip to hilt are golden runes written in an ancient tongue .enochian., is the lords prayer. The blades feel warm to the touch, And behind his back are holstered his two Beretta's trnasvers mounted with butterfly swords, and spare clips. a pair of technical goggles dangle from around his neck, obsuring the silver crucifex hanging there as well. He moves with purpose, and his stride is that of a knight. The slim web pack with the rest of his ever present gear is carried discreetly on his lower back, within easy reach.~~
Finnuala Rosher: *Tightens the belt of the Templar Sword on her waist and gives the Lance a half twist in its copper and black casing. Walks down the stairs with new eyes toward everything she passes.*
Sabrina Christenson: Puissance le Deus enseigne nous ceci nuit... *Crosses herself, then stands* Amen. *She begins to dress*
Simon Everson: "Dana, Call the Decon, leave a message if neccessary. He always knows the address."
Angelica Dylan: *Nods, and gets up, stretching. She smiles at Jus* So...where's my outfit, unlfattering as it probably is?
Alexander Tarquine: ~pulls the crusader talbard over his armor as he fastens the sword belt around his waist~
Storyteller: *plays the opening scene to the hunt for REd Octobar*
Jason St Augustine: *Repolaces the cross on his rosary with the simple worn wooden one that hangs about his neck. He looks at himself half-amusedly before taking a last long look upon his sons' peaceful face. He then turns and walks out, resetting his face to 'determined'*
Dana Mackintosh: *a slim phone comes from a pocket somewhere and she whispers into it*
Finnuala Rosher: *Steps toward Dana and looks her over* Good.
Christina Anderson: *had gone and purchased a side arm after several things had happened to her here, but has yet to use it. She debates bringing and settles on taking it. Better to have it than regret not. One final thought and a dredge up of a few words that helped her through hard times to echo later on in her mind and then steps out of the room.*
Amber Ross: *She stubs the joint out, turns off the CD player, and walks out of her room, grabbing her backpack as she does. She walks toward the kitchen with a slow, steady gait*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she carefully and reverently produces another Templar tunic, and hands it to Angelica with an odd expression~ Remeber what I said. We both keep moving, reguardless. I don't care. got that?
Tyne Donnelly: *meets Amber in the hall and wordlessly walks with her*
Angelica Dylan: *Takes the tunic from Justine and nods. Beneath her smile is a seriousness...she does understand the seriousness, of course* As long as you do...
Simon Everson: "Don't forget to contact the woman he was with.."-watches them assemble as best they can-
Sabrina Christenson: *Finishes dressing, straps her Gladius to her side, and heads downstairs*
Dana Mackintosh: *hangs up the phone, slips it back into one of the many pockets that line the armour*
Dana Mackintosh: Simon> I don't know her number. *she nods to Finnuala's approval*
Amber Ross: *Nods to Tyne* it zero hour?
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles a bit at Angelica~ I have to. We both do. We have to get him back. Anything else can ccome later. Okay? ~she waits for Ang to get ready.~
Alexander Tarquine: ~exits his room and slowly makes his way down the steps~
Jason St Augustine: *Exsperiments with the armor and finds it vaguely amusing that the back of his hand has less give-walks to the assemblaged*
Tyne Donnelly: It is. *seriuos* be careful, Dove Amoung Ravens.
Christina Anderson: *walking behind Amber, Tyne, and Justine down the stairs without so much as a peep.*
Dana Mackintosh: *rolls her shoulders, ensuring once again that she has full range of motion. She toys with the gem around her neck*
Angelica Dylan: *She slips the tunic on and nods* Okay...
Simon Everson: *When everyone is Ready* ".. The place is far outside the city. Down thru old town, it is the only source of binging faith in the area. It is, or was a Chapel, small, Located no, not in a Cemetary, But in the old Bastment of the Condemend City hall Building. Where thy marry people. It's certainly Gaurded, for we are about to do the unthinkable..We are about to Raid another people's holy Place. We are going to fulfil every sterotype that have been blamed on Mages and Christain in general. We are about to take a Node, Holy Ground, and we going to make it our own.
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to the group coming down the stairs*
Amber Ross: *Nods* Always, Tyne...always.
Simon Everson: *hands Dana Amara's Number from the card* the cafe..
Dana Mackintosh: *gives Simon her full attention, shifts slightly to stand beside Finnuala*
Amara: She seems glad to hear from Simon. "Hello?"
Amber Ross: *Yawns on the way down, and rubs her eyes*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nos to Dana as he descends, looking almost comical in his current garb if it wasn't for the dedication in his eyes~
Alexander Tarquine: ~nos to Dana as he descends, looking almost comical in his current garb if it wasn't for the dedication in his eyes~
Finnuala Rosher: *Listening to Simon, but not yet comprehending fully how this is going to help. yet trust is paramount.*
Dana Mackintosh: *nods, takes the phone out, dials the number*
Jonathon Spader: *has his palmtop out, taking notes, and checking info*
Christina Anderson: *nods briefly to Dana and listens to what Simon has to say, following as much as she possibly can and trying to lock it away in her memory.*
Tyne Donnelly: *silently considers putting Amber to sleep but that doesn't go over well with her, or her mother.*
Dana Mackintosh: (dlp)
Sabrina Christenson: *Sighs inwardly, but outwardly just nods as she listens to Simon*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles and Takes Angelica's heand and heads for the stairs to join the others.~
the others.~
Angelica Dylan: *Once dressed, she heads upstairs with Justine*
Amber Ross: ((Has already Mentally warded herself against it anyway, Tyne... *S*))
Dana Mackintosh: *shoots Alexander a little smile, since if it's his first time in full outfit too, she wants him to know she is understanding fully. For some reason she doesn't look comical though she just looks...right.*
Tyne Donnelly: ((sneaky Minx)) *she waits silently. with the others, sitting ner her Spader now*
Justine O'Ryan: ~arrives at the room, and is quiet. Simon is on the phone~
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods at Simon's words and waits to move out~
Jonathon Spader: *glad she sat next to him, he puts down the computer, and takes Tyne's hand*
Jason St Augustine: *Feels..uncertain about this raid. A holy place is a holy place. There's only one Boss, so all holy places are His. Unfortunately, people keep trying to categorize the Boss...a conundrum indeed.*
Angelica Dylan: *Walks into the room, and frowns immediately upon seeing Amber waiting. She gestures toward Amber, beckoning her over*
Dana Mackintosh: *is glad she isn't Amber*
Christina Anderson: *stands, and waits, really unable to sit right now as she has been sitting since the word "go".*
Simon Everson: [[simon is NOT on the phone]]
Justine O'Ryan: ~she sees her Angel get THAT look, motion to Amber, and winces, waiting for the inevitable explosion~
Simon Everson: *glances at Finnuala* "..The lance Please Finnuala.."
Dana Mackintosh: (alright, if Simon wasn't calling Amara, Dana is) *She hears the rings and waits for the girl to pick up, quietly away from the others*
Amber Ross: *Sighs, and walks over to Ang and Justine. A patented teenage "Oh, GOD" look is on her face* What?
Finnuala Rosher: In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen *Touches Dana's shoulder* The troubles that have plagued you recently are of no consequence now other than what you've learned to make you stronger.
Amara: Well then she's glad to hear from Dana.
Tyne Donnelly: *uh oh*
Sabrina Christenson: *Glances at Ang and Amber for a moment...she knew this would happen. Then she turns back to Simon, listening*
Finnuala Rosher: *Gives the Lance a half twist and flips it crisply, handing it shaft first to Simon*
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks at Finn, not responding to Amara for a moment as she hears the woman's words. Then, she speaks quietly in the phone so as to not disturb Simon*
Jason St Augustine: *Thinks about how cumbersome this armor will be if he needs to Dance...doesn't think the people who dreamt this stuff up did very much dance...perhaos it has something to do with that t-shirt he saw the other night-"Beer: Helping white guys dance since 1864...."*
Angelica Dylan: *Crosses her arms and fixes her gaze upon Amber* You know damn good and well what. You're not going.
Amara: She waits. she's used to people forgetting thier words in the middle of a conversation.
Dana Mackintosh: *shoots Finn a clear look that says "Thank you"*
Christina Anderson: *her eyes dart quickly to Angelica as she says that then back to Simon. That is so not her business.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~gets the look of the parent that doesn't want to be the bad guy and smiles at Amber~ we need someone here to watch over things.
Alexander Tarquine: ~shifts a little as he waits~
Storyteller: [[note, people speak of "armour" unless you got some.. no one gave you any.. Armour to few people is khevlar, some other plate.. others, magic.. so..decide what your "armour" is]]
Amber Ross: *She rolls her eyes* I'm not a kid anymore, Ang...hell, I was with the group that helped get Justine, while you were off doing God knows what.
Amber Ross: *She rolls her eyes* I'm not a kid anymore, Ang...hell, I was with the group that helped get Justine, while you were off doing God knows what.
Finnuala Rosher: *Straightens her flawlessly white cloth over the grey well-fitted kevlar and the ringmail shirt inherited from the old Brother Joshua Nikos a year ago.*
Simon Everson: *reaches out and takes the lance and places it shaft down, point up. It's not a full lance, being a short Spear. Holding on to it, he looks around* "place your hand on the shaft.. "
Sabrina Christenson: *Is wearing a flak vest under her tunic*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Ang for a second, then back to Amber~ and now we are trusting you to watch things, here, while we go.
Angelica Dylan: *Winces...that one hurt*
Dana Mackintosh: *in black fitted Kevlar, her gear slipped onto it here and there, the tunic over cinched with a plain belt holding a dagger and her sword inherited from Finn*
Alexander Tarquine: ~walks over and places his hand on the haft of the lance, as ordered~
Tyne Donnelly: *doing the kevlar*
Dana Mackintosh: *her tiny but capable hand, right under Finn's*
Dana Mackintosh: *she hangs up the phone* Simon> Amara's ready and will meet us on site.
Jason St Augustine: *places his hand*
Christina Anderson: *greatful to move to some degree, closes the space and places her hand on the shaft of the lance.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Amber, and draws in a breath she doesn't need~ Think what you will of it. But respect our wishes, please.
Simon Everson: *he Pauses a second* "Remeber this position, it is the begining, and so shall it end. annuit coeptis -God Has Favored us.. So beging this ritual.. A Binding Purpose, a Binding Faith.. Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blood, one faith.. One Purpose."
Angelica Dylan: *Said in controlled tones* me a favor, and go back to your room. Now.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon steps forward to place his had, leting his faith flow, and directing it to Simon for his purpose*
Tyne Donnelly: *is not getting into it. She's busy watching Spader.*
Storyteller: *With those words the Lance flashes, and for an instant, all know what it's like to "BELIEVE" so strongly, that nothing can over come it, to Hear the Angels above and the devils below. *(+3 Faith, even if you don't have any..for 10 seconds. Power of even a basic artifact)
Finnuala Rosher: *A voice improved by two day's rest and something more* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blood, one faith. One Purpose.
Dana Mackintosh: *wishes that Ang and Jus would shut up and admit that their choice of lifestyle does affect their daughter, and just let her help. At least be quiet and not argue when we're doing a ritual of unity*
Amber Ross: *Glares from Justine to Angelica* You can only keep me sheltered for so long, "moms"...
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles at the Faith. She knows things will be allright. With that she looks at Angelica and Amber, and stopps Amber from moving~ Hug each other.
Christina Anderson: *her jaw tenses at the flash and as the sensation goes through her, not fighting it regardless of how new it feels.*
Dana Mackintosh: *closes her eyes as it hits her like a wall of cloud* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose.
Alexander Tarquine: ~feels the revitalization of his dedication~
Justine O'Ryan: ~silently recalls to have her inner family discussions in private. She shuts up.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Stands fully straight and lets the others regain equilibrium after the effect before doing anything else*
Storyteller: *as the combinded faith flows out to any, the covenet is sealed and the Binding is total. *(faith drains away, and your left with +3 willpower)* The Faith, focued behind one Goal, and one power..links insuch a way so that the health of everyone is felt..or lack of health*
Amber Ross: *Staggers in her anger a moment by the flash of faith*
Jason St Augustine: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose. *It's...a good hurt*
Tyne Donnelly: *repeats.* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose.
Sabrina Christenson: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose.
Justine O'Ryan: ~intones, while watching Amber and Angelica and glancing at her other family~ Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose.
Jonathon Spader: *closes his eyes, and speaks* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose.
Angelica Dylan: *The faith drains all of her anger...but none of her resoluteness in this. Her daughter will never have to have to make the choice she did.* Please go, Amber...
Alexander Tarquine: ~follows suit and repeats~ Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. One Blodd, One Faith, One Purpose.
Simon Everson: *he ignores the arguing, taking his hand off the lance leaving it to Finnuala* At the point of contact Finnuala, it's Point down in the node.. at the center to release the faith.. IF we survive the cleansing.. then we will be done. I'll release Justin now..
Finnuala Rosher: *Nods to Simon, eyes bright and straightforward*
Christina Anderson: *unable to do the latin properly, remains silent but intent on what is at hand, feeling closer to those there than before.*
Storyteller: *At those words Justin seems to step out of the air, eyes blazing their is nothing there. Most would call him a soul less monseter, but that would imply he had a soul to begin with.*
Dana Mackintosh: *flanks her Knight and holds herself bravely*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ or we all cut and paste the same typo ~G~ ]]
Storyteller: *(Justin)* Glances about..and frowns, not the scene he rememeberd* "..What happens here?
Dana Mackintosh: ((*winces* Okay, okay, I'm sorry!! It's Blood, look I ~can~ spell it!))
Christina Anderson: *swallows as her hand leaves the lance and goes back to where she stood before, no going back now.*
Amber Ross: *A flash of anger resurfaces, and she does something she's never done...she reaches out and slaps Ang* Fuck you, Ang. Just...fuck you. *SHe turns and storms out, like the teenager she is*
Justine O'Ryan: ~and is not willing to watch that twice. she looks lovingly at Amber~ You know you can do it. thre's just no reason ypu should have to.
Dana Mackintosh: *decides not to speak this time*
Christina Anderson: *turns to the appearing Justin, waiting for someone else to explain this as she certainly can't and odds are isn't expected to.*
Finnuala Rosher: JUSTIN> We're to cleanse a Node. *Extends her hand beckoning* Will you be with us? We need you.
Justine O'Ryan: ~winces for her love's sake, and looks at Justin~
Simon Everson: *Simon Smiles, and say* we are going to claim an Area of FAith.. Your Challange must wait.. You are to be the focal Point of the ritual, so you cannot attend.
Angelica Dylan: *Stunned. Just...stunned*
Storyteller: *every SINGLE person feels AMBER's travels thru Angelica and thru every person, leaving a red mark on all faces*
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks to Father Quinn, and listens silently*
Dana Mackintosh: *frowns and remains focused*
Tyne Donnelly: *mutters something in gealic, quietly*
Christina Anderson: *her head jerks as the "phantom" slap strikes her, beffudled by this.*
Storyteller: (Justin)*Eyes narrow* STop me Simon.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she is a bit shocked at that and blinks~
Finnuala Rosher: *Stiffens and looks at Amber*
Alexander Tarquine: ~blinks as he fingers rise to trace the red mark~
Simon Everson: *flicks his eyes only indication of being hit* Aye MArshall..
Dana Mackintosh: *forces herself to stay focused on Justin. As a teenager who throws tantrums, she knows how to ignore them for things more important right now.*
Jonathon Spader: *stoically accepts that as part of the ritual, hurting no more than when he draws the pain out of someone else*
Amber Ross: *The front door slams, and the sound of Amber's car tires squealing can be heard as she speeds away*
Tyne Donnelly: *fels the slpa, gives no change, watches Amber go. her mind is closed to her. But she knows something is up. no time now, though. she looks at the FJQ and is silent*
Simon Everson: *With only a look, the turns and walks out the door to the waiting cars* Minimum Cars.. 4 in each.. Don't fight over where, just get in a car
Justine O'Ryan: ~looks at Sabrina for a second while still keeping an eye on things~
Angelica Dylan: *Hasn't moved since that...her daughter and her have had some huge arguments in the past. But they have never, EVER hit the other person.*
Storyteller: (Justin)*frowns again and moves to leave and slams into something at the door* ugh..
Dana Mackintosh: *does a quick headcount before they walk out*
Christina Anderson: *shakes off the strangeness of that and looks at Simon as he speaks while heading out, moving to leave herself.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~She rises, motioning Tyne Angelica and Spader to be in hers. She looks at Ang just before though~ You don't have to go. Maybe you should look after Amber.
Sabrina Christenson: *Returns Justine's look, no answers in her eyes*
Simon Everson: *doesn't Turn to the door* unfortunately Justin, you will not be attending, until your mind is clear.. Good night..and Focus.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon follows after Simon, getting to a car, he holds the door open for other passengers*
Jason St Augustine: *TAkes his position, to the rear and the right*
Finnuala Rosher: *Pauses by the door and lays a hand on Justin's shoulder* I promise. just like you did, to return.
Alexander Tarquine: ~follows the group and wiats to see who has a car, since he does not~
Justine O'Ryan: ~catches on to Simon's workings and begins to go, but waits for Ang~
Dana Mackintosh: *waits discreetly for Finnuala to be finished, then follows her out*
Angelica Dylan: *Shakes her head* No...I'm coming. *Goes with them to the car, lighting a cigarette on the way*
Jason St Augustine: *Takes Liz's hand, leading her to their Hummvee*
Storyteller: (Justin) looks around, as Simon calculated he cannot focus on his faith or his magic at the moment confused at the door*
Sabrina Christenson: *Gets into a car, looking sadly at the skidmarks from where Amber's car was parked*
Tyne Donnelly: *goes without hesitation*
Finnuala Rosher: *Steps on by and out the door, into a car.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she in turn, touches the skidmarks, for a minute before getting in thier car~
Paul Stephens: -Holds open a door -(sorry, forgot *L*)
Dana Mackintosh: *into a car with Finnuala, looking back at the house and praying that Paul is safe wherever he is*
Christina Anderson: *piles into one of the available cars, leaving hers behind as they've already hit the four car limit.*
Dana Mackintosh: (or she doesn't pray *G*)
Storyteller: *The Groups walks with out fail to the cars, assembling and getting in. Simon in the lead car they pull out*
Dana Mackintosh: *seems to be singing under her breath, but only her mouth is moving*
Finnuala Rosher: *Hearing song, but isn't moving*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sits quietly on the ride~
Angelica Dylan: *Chain-smokes on the way*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she blinks at something but wipes her eye fast as they drive off. Her face of stone, like in the old days~
Storyteller: *the drive is long and winding. It's not in a convinent place. Past the poshness of Fox into Deep into old town, far deeply past decrepit buildings and things, to a darkness that litterly hangs as one get's near until the old, old City Hall Building shows. 3 stories with various carvings of Gargoyles and angels look down and stand gaurd*
Simon Everson: *Works on maintiain the ritual he set up. He is only one mage and Using Himself as an anchor is hard enough with this many mortals in it*
Jason St. Augustine : *Softly singing* Ammmaziiing Grace...How sweet, the sound...
Dana Mackintosh: *slips her mirrorshades down, her mouth still moving* "Standing on the corner in winslow arizona and I'm quite sure I'm in the wrong song.."
Sabrina Christenson: *In Simon's car, lending her quintessence and Arts to his efforts*
Christina Anderson: *toys absently with the crystal about her neck as they drive out, not saying a word unless spoken to. As they come up to the City Hall, she leans on the door and looks out the window staring up at the building.*
Storyteller: *There is a parking lot, and the wind blows lightly, paper moves across the old marble steps. Visibly. One of the Stone Gargoyles turns it's head, green eyes glowing to look at the cars that approach*
Tyne Donnelly: *is if in concert, she also lends Simon..whatever she has that he can use. She more or less supplies the raw power, letting him direct it however he wants..that's the only way she can describe it*
Dana Mackintosh: *a peice of chalk in her hand, she draws a rune on the car door*
Storyteller: *The Stone Gargoyles, a seeming lartge dog like thing turns it head and looks at one of the Angels that hisses, the crunch of stone lound and grating. *
Christina Anderson: *under normal circumstances, would pretend that she didn't see that. This however, is not normal, and waits to see if anyone else caught that.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Slowly looks upward at the Gargoyles and watches with surety that they can't harm her compatriots*
Simon Everson: *he never seems to pray or do more than concentrate, but he does have his effects up and working. *
Dana Mackintosh: *from behind the shades she allows her eyes to unfocus as her other senses kick in*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she saw it, and blinks. ~
Alexander Tarquine: ~his eyes shift to the movement and stay focused on the stone figure~
Finnuala Rosher: *Lines of something barely visible occasionally cross her vision, but what it means is beyond her as she lets Faith rise to surround herself and friends nearby.*
Tyne Donnelly: *is concentrationg so she missed that but she leanres of it soon*
Dana Mackintosh: *when she doesn't stop to think about it, it honestly doesn't surprise her that gargoyles should move*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon sees the movement, and his hand falls to the hilt of his sword*
Jason St. Augustine : *Feels nothing of the usual discomforts and out-of- placeness that accompanies things like this-they are one*
Storyteller: *The world changes those with spirtual feeling and basis know it's changed, The world of mortality falls behind. This magic is static..weaker, but it ripples thru reality. It rips away all rotes that float out to it, shattering them in the Tempest that springs up from the building.. This is a dark power. You may not believe in god, you may not care, but you will believe in the devil as the font of souls shoot up off the back of the building.. screaming to the sky the the macarbe twister reaches intot he sky and the wind, the howling wind spikes*[willpower diff 8]-don't clutter my screen oocly. Pm.]
Dana Mackintosh: *kicks her Faith into Finn's*
Dana Mackintosh: *her eyes come back into focus sharply as her effect dissolves. She mutters softly* Fuck.
Simon Everson: *Simon is the last out, and he looks up at the sky, his face held in silence*
Christina Anderson: *with great difficulty, she holds her ground, staring at what just happened, mouth agape.*
Dana Mackintosh: *keeps her scans up, the thought of natural passing doesn't bother her. It's the unnaturalness of this place that pisses her off* (mind/corr/spirit)
Storyteller: *The howling childs the soul and dares anyone to defy it.. litterly, the bones in your bodies are quivering, trying to reach a resonace to shatter themselves. As the level of Faith Rises, so too does the darkness as the attunement happens.. Dark as it is, it's is of your faith and your will*
Dana Mackintosh: *swallows, closes her eyes momentarily to collect herself*
Finnuala Rosher: *Braces, but knows physical effects of this are likely to be fatal if it reaches them. Yet believes (Faith 4) that it cannot bear them infernal harm.*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon stands trying not to whither under the sight he is beholding*
Dana Mackintosh: *rubs her arms, shivers, then opens her eyes again*
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands motionless as he swallows hard~
Tyne Donnelly: *just barely,.maintins herself. She gripps Jon's hand*
Christina Anderson: *slams her mouth shut and tries to pull herself together, telling herself that she can't flip out now or later or ever, too late for that.*
Sabrina Christenson: *Shrinks away from the sight, looking away* One above...
Jonathon Spader: *takes Tyne's hand, and holds it, trying to lend her strenght, and faith*
Angelica Dylan: *Gasps, and buries her head in Justine's shoulder, not wanting to see* Goddess...
Jason St. Augustine : *Looks at it-he's seen stranger things before his morning coffee. Liz is a bit perturbed tho.*
Simon Everson: "shit.."
Justine O'Ryan: ~she Does not shrink an inch from it but in fact finds it almost nastily beautiful in it's horror. She touches the top of Ang's head, reassuringly~
Dana Mackintosh: *she flanks Finn and says quietly to her* It's all dead in there, all decay, death without rebirth. Passages, roads, I'm not sure, that's all I'm getting for now.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon awaits, alternating his vigil between the gargoyls, and the spout/twister. As musch as he wants to, he really can't make himself not look at it, and accept it*
Storyteller: *the male strom pulses slowly and then just like that the game has changed. Thhose in the bond feel things enter it.. oily substances and darkness.. You are no longer alone*
Dana Mackintosh: *corrects herself and gives her Faith to Simon if he wants it*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> Like an undead soul.
Christina Anderson: *gives a whole body shudder as the new thing enters, fighting wretching and running.*
Dana Mackintosh: *one hand on her lower back, she kicks life into the scan, her mind attempting to locate, identify, and take number of the new force or forces* (mind/corr/spirit/life)
Tyne Donnelly: *she feels the presence, but is still. She doesn't know what it is, and isn't sure she wants to. but she is ready*
Dana Mackintosh: Finn> Yeah, if only we could make it understand how much it wants to be free to be reborn. *very very quietly*
Alexander Tarquine: ~closes his eyes and shudders~
Jonathon Spader: *Jon takes a moment to crack his neck just a little bit, releasing that tension*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> We'll have to somehow.
Simon Everson: *simon stares blankly at the wall and swallows*
Jonathon Spader: *still holds Tyne's hand, he looks about, just watching. He can't afford to send out his senses unless ordered. He needs to be able to se here*
Dana Mackintosh: *still softly* Finn, I think you should concentrate on watching out for Simon. That's my one suggestion, now where do you want me...*still trying to get a lock...*
Tyne Donnelly: *watches..everything..shuddering*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> I want you right with us, but looking ahead if you can to tell us what's there moment by moment. Can you do that?
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods* I can do that. *eyes unfocused behind the mirrorshades*
Jason St. Augustine : *Stands, a solid rock, waiting*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he rubs the bridge of his nose and scans his companions~
Finnuala Rosher: *Pools Faith with Simon, going nearer to him in the process*
Angelica Dylan: *Tenses, and straightens, looking at the group. Her eyes pass over each Crown and Crown-affiliated, then she nods at something*
Simon Everson: *Whipes off a bit of Sweat and scans around* "..Ok, were already up a creak so let's finish it.
Christina Anderson: *wants very badly to do something, anything, soon.*
Dana Mackintosh: *swallows* ~SV~ I believe Alex possesed or under attack, Ang the same, anyone know where the hell Amara is?
Jonathon Spader: *as they start to organize, Jon kisses the back of Tyne's hand, and falls back to his customary rear vanguard position*
Dana Mackintosh: *focuses her eyes on Alex*
Storyteller: [Amara should have driven up by now]
Sabrina Christenson: *Straightens herself, pops her neck, and nods to Simon* Shall we go, then?
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes a quick assessment of Ang and Alex to sense for the strong touch of the Infernal through Faith*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles at her Angel, seeing her resolving to be at one with the family~
Alexander Tarquine: ~blinks at Dana~ I'm fine, it was weird for a moment but I'm in control of myself..... lets just hurry up and do this
Simon Everson: *his eyes focus on them and nods* Let's go..Walks up the marble steps without another word
Jonathon Spader: ((I hate to say it, but work is done. I'll get back on when I get home for an hour or 2))
Christina Anderson: *in complete concurance with Simon and Alex, done is good.*
Angelica Dylan: *Heads out with Simon*
Dana Mackintosh: *ducks down and traces something in the dirt, watching Alex the whole time* (detect position 382)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Later Spader))
Amara: Oh, she's been here. She just isn't advertising. She moves to jion the group without announcing herself.
Simon Everson: "Jon, takes the back, when we need tyou, we'll contact you."
Dana Mackintosh: (Later Jon)
Simon Everson: *leans in and whispers to Finnuala*
Christina Anderson: *follows Simon up the steps.*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ see ya in a few Spader ]] ~moves up behind Simon, ready to do this~
Finnuala Rosher: *Keeping within "feelable Faith" range of Simon to give support where needed*
Storyteller: ------------------------------THE ENTRANCE_---------------------
Dana Mackintosh: *moves with the group, all scans active*
Jason St. Augustine : *Waits for the gathered to move forward, placing his wife near the middle, before taking rear position*
Storyteller: *the door of the building lies closed and solid oak. about 10 ft tall doors it is like a brace against the world*
Tyne Donnelly: *smiles at her Spader, as she goes with the group*
Dana Mackintosh: *extends her mind for dangers on the other side of the door*
Finnuala Rosher: *Nods to Simon and continues as before, yet more watchfully.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~With her sword stapped onto her back she moves with the group, holding Angel's hand~
Simon Everson: "I'm in first, Sabrina up front.. Finnuala with her.. Dana and Paul move with Alex ander.. The rest are in Ready reserve..
Dana Mackintosh: *or not. Her rotes stop suddenly and she blinks back to her five senses*
Christina Anderson: *nod to Simon at that and hangs back with the rest.*
Tyne Donnelly: *frowns a bit, not liking the line up but does not question Simon and falls back into reserve.*
Sabrina Christenson: *Nods to Simon* Got it...
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to Simon, accepting his position~
Dana Mackintosh: *she moves back with Alexander and Paul, no expression, eyes darting around her as if they could replace her scans*
Finnuala Rosher: *Steps aside for Sabrina to come and join her*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds at Simon, watching Sabrina worriedly then the others, just as worriedly before falling back near the others~
Sabrina Christenson: *Moves up to join Finnuala*
Angelica Dylan: *Waits in the back, looking to Amara*
Storyteller: -makes it clear the doors are closed-
Amara: She isn't surprised she's being left outside and she hangs back, not aquianting herself much with the Inquisition. Although she does see a few she knows.
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to Amara, gives her a quick, tense smile. In tight black armour and the white tunic, her hair in a bun, wearing...mirrorshades*
Simon Everson: *"..Ok.. Sabrina, your the paladin.. Let's go.
Jason St. Augustine : *Stays in ready reserve as ordered*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at the chick that her Angel is looking at maybe a bit jealously but not really. She sees Dana also glancing at her and figures that she must be important. She gives a little tug on Ang's hand~ a friend of ours?
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks sidewise at Simon and continues facing forward*
Dana Mackintosh: *walks right over to Alexander, leans up to whisper in his ear*
Sabrina Christenson: *Nods to Simon, and moves forward, looking at the doors. She tries to open them*
Amara: Is just there and quiet. She nodds at Dana and smiles a bit at Angelica.
Alexander Tarquine: ~leans in to hear Dana as he waits to fall into formation~
Christina Anderson: *affords Amara a quick glance, still unnerved by the current situation and goes back to waiting.*
Angelica Dylan: *Looks at Justine a moment, then nods* Yeah...yeah, she is.
Storyteller: *the doors open at a touch and no bats come out, nocob webs, just the dirt of years of unuse and death. It has it's old metal decotrs and dirty red carpet. Marble stairs and fake elevators.. *
Simon Everson: *points at Arma and Jason and Tyne * Go..! Secure the Stairs..
Simon Everson: *he holds tightly to his cross*
Dana Mackintosh: ~SV~ Guys, hold on a minute, I really think there's something wrong with Alexander and Ang!
Amara: Does as the Inqisitor orders but not happily. She moves.
Finnuala Rosher: *Breathes carefully, knowing that there may be harmful spores or other things in the air, till it seems to smell and feel all right*
Sabrina Christenson: ((Wouldn't Ang and Alex have the SV mikes too?))
Tyne Donnelly: *not iunlike a dog waiting to pounce, she dashes ahead of the other two *
Jason St. Augustine : *Hustles to the stairs, trusting solely in his skill at this point*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~nods~ has a SV mic and used it earlier ]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((If they put them on, and yes, Dana is saying it despite that))
Justine O'Ryan: ~she seems satisfied with Ang's answer but looks at her when Dana speaks~ are you allright?
Dana Mackintosh: *kicks something into the gravel*
Alexander Tarquine: ~blinks at Dana~ I'm fine, I said that ~SV~ its all right
Simon Everson: *frowns and sighs naturally pissed off* Dana, for the love of god woman, who gave you a fucking brain.
Angelica Dylan: *Nods* I'm fine, love... *Smiles in that Ang way*
Finnuala Rosher: *Holding position and adjusting to the darkness inside.*
Storyteller: *the stairs are eaisly secured*
Storyteller: *it's DARK, so unless you all brought something to see, you arn't seeing anything*
Alexander Tarquine: ~fishes out his pack flashlight and turns it on, scanning with it~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she sees the smile and all is right with the world~ ~SV~ Angelica is fine.
Simon Everson: *As his sword has alot of prime in it, he uses that to see enhancing the prime about him so others can see, giving a total of ambient torch light*
Finnuala Rosher: *Bends down and lifts Tenaviel under one arm* You can see better than I can, little friend.
Tyne Donnelly: *she seems accostomed to seeing in the dark. she touches her sash.* (Forces 1)
Dana Mackintosh: *Shakes her head and wonders if she's going insane*
Amara: She of course didn't bring anything. She sticks close to Tyne and Jason.
Jason St. Augustine : *A Lasombra. In the dark. Novel concept, that*
Christina Anderson: *still waiting on pins and needles for the most part.*
Simon Everson: *nods* go up stairs.. EVeryone..
Angelica Dylan: *Heightens her senses to preternatural levels*
Christina Anderson: *at that, heads up the stairs, following whatever lightsource is available.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to Simon's order and files up the stairs when his turn comes~
Sabrina Christenson: *Heads up the stairs, drawing her Gladius as she does...just in case*
Storyteller: *beyond the fact that your all walking around in the dark.. There is nothing beyond that. it's Quiet. Nothing leaps out and attacks you, no strange sounds beyond the ones you , yourselves make. Just silence.. Totally silence..but that seems to be growing*
Dana Mackintosh: *loosens her sword in her sheath and sticks with Alexander and Paul*
Storyteller: (PAUL)*moves along as his window is screwing with him*
Dana Mackintosh: *shakes her head and decides that this is the worst fucking time to go insane that she's ever seen in her life*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Christina and smiles a bit~ "Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness;HE is graciuos, and full of of compassion and roightousness"
Finnuala Rosher: *Parallelling Sabrina, and listening to all sounds, especially those Sabrina's making*
Storyteller: *Sabrina's swords starts to sing a soft song that suddenly falls to a screeching, as the faith in the very blade itself rebels against her&*
Angelica Dylan: *She curses a bit under her breath as she grips her Gladius, then lets go of it, leaving it in her sheath*
Christina Anderson: *leaves her handgun in place in its holster, having the general impression that it is going to do precious little good here. Then turns to Justine with a grin. Regardless of whether she knew it or not, that was one of the best possible things to say right now.*
Angelica Dylan: ((Crosspost the first...))
Sabrina Christenson: *She curses a bit under her breath as she grips her Gladius, then lets go of it, leaving it in her sheath*
Amara: Moves up the stairs, trying not to fall over things. oh, hey yeah. wait..she can see. She runs her hands over her eyelids and it becomes slightly brighter. OOC: forces in effect.
Dana Mackintosh: *pulls a light from a thigh pocket, tests to see if she can scan again*
Jason St. Augustine : *Finds the screaming sword to be...bothersome*
Simon Everson: *doesn't say a thing to Sabrina just looks up* The target is onthe thrid floor
Justine O'Ryan: ~her senses also rise to the level of light in the building for when they go in~
Alexander Tarquine: ~has drawn no weapon yet and continues to scan the light about~
Dana Mackintosh: *jerks her head up at the screaming, at the third floor, and her scan fails at the sinking in her stomach*
Finnuala Rosher: Sabrina> Is there anything I can do to help that? *Indicating the sword problem.*
Jason St. Augustine : *Waits, continuing to look around, taking a headcount every minute or so*
Storyteller: *the floor is marble and clear and sharp*
Dana Mackintosh: *lets go of her sword, it falls back into it's sheath fully*
Amara - Alexander Tarquine: (specter noetwork) ((OR my ICQ..)) "What are we doing with these..fools?"
Sabrina Christenson: *Takes a deep breath and nods to Simon, moving along. The sword is in the sheath now...silent*
Storyteller: *slowly.. very slowly, Fist tyne, JUSTINE, then JASON notice the bubbling red that leaks out of the floors.. *(strawberry jam)
Storyteller: *Now, you cannot even hear each other foot steps, only the words*
Justine O'Ryan: ((Jus is inside?)) ~looks at the Jam, wrinkles her nose~ what in His name..
Simon Everson: *Pauses on the second floor banister to take a look, He doesn't like this at all*
Tyne Donnelly: *has noticed it first, but hasn't said a word*
Sabrina Christenson: *Shakes her head to Finnuala* It's...reacting badly to the evil here...
Simon Everson: *calls down* ok Reserves,..Move up...Were on the second..
Christina Anderson: *turns her head to Justine and then to where she is looking, unable to see it clearly until one of the lights hits it.*
Dana Mackintosh: *sticks close to Alexander in general, and frowns when Simon pauses* "All the world just stopped tonight..."
Jason St. Augustine : *Looks at it curiously, sniffing*
Storyteller: *the walls are ligned with offices and a man steps out of one. he turn and blinks rappidly in confusion* What? * he says. It takes everyone a moment to realse he has a hole the size of a foot ball in his chest, dripping blood*
Finnuala Rosher: *Extends Faith to Sabrina to give bolstering to the sword*
Finnuala Rosher: *Blink*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looksat the man in conern~ are you allright?
Simon Everson: *stares at the man then ignores him right now*
Tyne Donnelly: *she takes a defensive stance against the man, but doesn't move. just in case*
Dana Mackintosh: *hmmm, walking dead people. This is good. She wonders how to help him rest, and wishes Cary would hurry up and gets his ass over here*
Alexander Tarquine : ~follows Simon's orders silently~
Jason St. Augustine : *Blink-that's gotta hurt*
Storyteller: *Dana's sword falls out of it's holster and unto her foot*
Dana Mackintosh: *her breath catches momentarily, but she recovers her wits and continues in silence*
Sabrina Christenson: *Dismisses the man...he's already gone*
Storyteller: *the man backs away from them and then points and runs*
Finnuala Rosher: *Glances around toward corners where other things might be that the man is a distraction for*
Justine O'Ryan: ~in concerned~ wait!! let me look at that! ~moves to floow, relasing Ang's hand~
Dana Mackintosh: *leans over and picks up her sword, examining her booted foot for damage*
Finnuala Rosher: Look to the rear and be ready!
Justine O'Ryan: ~realizes, mostly thanks to tyne, that if he were Hurt, Finnuala would have already done something..and stopps~
Simon Everson: *pushes the people near him Falt to the stairs*
Sabrina Christenson: *Lets Justine run after the man, watching her go*
Justine O'Ryan: ~and turns around, looking behind the group~
Dana Mackintosh: *whirls around, her sword already in her hand*
Jason St. Augustine : *Loud command tones toward somehting in the rear* Step into the light, my friend.
Tyne Donnelly: *has tured to face behind the group the second Jus stopped*
Sabrina Christenson: *Continues on*
Storyteller: *Behind the group as those who turn notice a man with a Military assult rifle and grenda lancher. he fires at the group laughing*
Christina Anderson: (( back from boot ))*at the alert, in on the ready, for what who really knows, but hand resting on the butt of the handgun, waiting.*
Amara: She continues as well.
Dana Mackintosh: *ducks and tries to roll into one of the offices that line the hall*
Jason St. Augustine : *Whips that dagger at the weapon*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she moves...trying to get in between as many of the mortals and the bullets as time will allow with no celerity active~
Finnuala Rosher: O-shit! *Drops down and to the side*
Christina Anderson: *hits the dirt as quickly as possible when the commotion starts.*
Storyteller: *the Grenade, with a face and teeth opens up and laughs, especially as JASON's Dagger goes thru it, thru JUSTINE and to the running man that just exited the office, biting out his mid section in a minor explosion*
Simon Everson: *spings to his feet and Forces his faith at the ..IT*
Storyteller: *the MACHINE GUN MAN Laughs again and prepares to fire once more*
Alexander Tarquine : ~dives down on the ground, away from the grenade~
Dana Mackintosh: *suffers a moment of disorientation*
Tyne Donnelly: *dropps down, touching a pendant at her nack as she does* (correspondence 2, Forces 2..trying to "Move the bulltest" so that they don't hit anyone..if only y a fraction of an inch* 5, 5, 8, 10, 5)
Angelica Dylan: *Turns to run at the man, but slips and lands flat on her face*
Storyteller: *the strawberry jam that covers the floor is now blood..thick and powerfull, rich and pure. the Entire hall way is blood*
Justine O'Ryan: ~sh stands stock still as she is run through by an animate grenade. She looks. well, confused~
Finnuala Rosher: *Pulls herself back up* This is, *Shakes her head* I don't know.
Jason St. Augustine : *Well that certainly sucked* Boss...little lotta help down here if you got it....*and then aims the mighty adaidasat the weapon*
Dana Mackintosh: *pools her Faith with Simon's and at the IT*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she kneels down to pick up Angelica, and sees the floor. she stares at it for a second~
Christina Anderson: *on the ground, completely horrified at this new change, tries to hold her stomach together as well as her head, staying down mostly but keeping her head up as to not touch the bloodied floor.*
Storyteller: *The MACHINE GUN man Backs up a bit from simon as Tine's Magic rebounds, Dana having used up all the coincidentility of the area *
Dana Mackintosh: *she pulls herself up, now soaked in blood, she spits out any that may be in her mouth. In the doorway to an office now*
Alexander Tarquine : ~pulls himslef off the bloody floor looking less then confident now~
Simon Everson: "Back, Back to Rest in the Night that Spanwed you, back to Peace..
Angelica Dylan: *Tenses as she's surrounded by the smell, sight, and taste of blood...trying to keep from going crazy on it*
Tyne Donnelly: *she feels paradox numb her bones and knows she isn't running scot free anymore and will have to rely on mundane skills. She rushes the man, kicking at him*
Dana Mackintosh: *pulls herself up on the doorjamb so as to not slip, she keeps her Faith with Simon's. She can't even imagine, what a horrible way to die*
Christina Anderson: *crawls to her knees and to her feet in a general squatting position to remain out of the line of fire of anything, doing her best to try and not be a liability.*
Storyteller: *The machine Gun man seems to Ignore Jason, Firing his bullets at the walls and the area.. The stairs and the walls explode with the shots, but they Go THRU JAson and SIMON, PAUL and JUSTINE without pain, or hurt as if not there*
Jason St. Augustine : *Not blood-notblood, it's just yucky jam....*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she grits her teeth, unaware that her feeders have dropped, and picks Ang up..slowly. and praying~ "Grant us strength.."
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* Tyne, he's already dead.
Simon Everson: "BACK! "...
Dana Mackintosh: *watches the bullets go through Paul and feels that unreal sensation of not-shock begin to take her over*
Storyteller: [waits for Jason and Tyne's attack]
Alexander Tarquine : ~stares at his now bloody hands, the image etching itself into his memory as he stays still~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she gains control of herself and notices that the bullets don't hurt.~
Alexander Tarquine : ~stares at his now bloody hands, the image etching itself into his memory as he stays still~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she gains control of herself and notices that the bullets don't hurt.~
Finnuala Rosher: PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
Christina Anderson: *waits for one of them to fall from the gun fire or something, surprised that nothing is happening, then snapped to by Simon's shout.*
Dana Mackintosh: *rubs her hands of what blood she can and extends one to Alexander* C'mon, let's roll.
Simon Everson: *stands resoulte, his roman cross held before him*
Dana Mackintosh: *she keeps her Faith with Simon, he needs it now*
Jason St. Augustine : *Okay-attack not work. Stops, walks up to Machine Gunner Joe, resting his hand on the forehead, extending his TF* Move on to your reward, my SOn.
Alexander Tarquine : ~stands slowly and follows Dana~
Angelica Dylan: *Loses control to the Beast, and lets it take control. The Beast shoves Justine away and tries to suck the blood off the floor, growling...*
Dana Mackintosh: *backs up from the machine boy, her now-blood-soaked sword never having left her right hand*
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks at Ang* shit.
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks a bit embarrassed for Angelica's sake*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks unsurprised and waits for Ang to finish..eating..~
Christina Anderson: *in the flurry of action, barely catches what Angelica is doing, barely has time to process it beyond "The hell here?".*
Storyteller: *The Combinded Faith in the area cause the man to twist and warp and twist. He Screams as Tyne saild thru him , over into the wall*
Simon Everson: *takes deep breaths as Angy goes insiane on the floor*
Dana Mackintosh: *tears her eyes away from Ang, only to gasp when her mentor hits the wall*
Storyteller: *the Blood, start to burn and smoke..*
Tyne Donnelly: *the only sounds heard from her slamming into the wall is a gasp of surprise and and slight whimper as she hits*
Alexander Tarquine : ~blinks and looks at Dana, his eyes loosing some of its edge~ why.... why are we here...
Christina Anderson: *notices the smoke first before the heat creeps up through the soles of her shoes, looking down to the floor.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she makes herself stronger and lifts Ang from the floor, when she sees that~
Jason St. Augustine : *getting there is supposed to be half the ~fun~? Turns and grabs Ang lifting her up off the floor*
Storyteller: *Suddenly people burst out of the room, as a Canistor of something is throw up the Steps * HALT POLICE.,. ..
Dana Mackintosh: *her eyes meet Alexander and she takes strength because he needs her to be strong* We're here to get Justin back to us.
Simon Everson: *looks around and commands* TO THE Thrid FLOOR~!! NOW!!
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Jason in a bit of alarm as he too tries to handle a frenzying kindred.~
Dana Mackintosh: *then throws her head back for a moment when she hears the cops, she mutters to herself* They're dead, they're dead, it all happened long ago, they're all dead, they're not really here...
Justine O'Ryan: ~she hopes Jason's seen this trick. She grabbs the arms, he gets the legs..~
Christina Anderson: *.... Police? She shakes this off as Simon shouts, turning quickly to the exit to the next level.*
Sabrina Christenson: *Moves to the third floor*
Tyne Donnelly: *gets up, Simon's command rallying her..she dashes, waiting to see who needs help moving*
Storyteller: *Teh Canister ignight the floor, the blood, and the entire hall way erupts into Flames as people start to burn and scream*[[willpower, diff 8]]
Jason St. Augustine : *Damn them that can command a Magister-blitzes up the stairs with unhappy angie in tow*
Angelica Dylan: *Is picked up, flailing at Jason as she is*
Amara: Is with Sabrina.
Finnuala Rosher: *Drops to the floor and radiates Faith cleanly amid the blood*
Dana Mackintosh: *is snapped out of it by Simon's yell, God bless the man. She checks automatically on Paul and Alexander to make sure they're heading up with her*
Simon Everson: "MOVE..MOVE. noW!!
Jonathon Spader: ((Back)) *Jon would turn to face the police, sliding one sword under his arm to pull out his respirator*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Amend that--to the THIRD floor, not dropping))
Simon Everson: *Without pause he moves people off the steps* Go Go..To the thrid floor Landing..
Alexander Tarquine : ~follows up the stairs, silently~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she stopps at the flames, seeing Jason has her Angel and shoves Tyne~ move!
Dana Mackintosh: *after Paul and Alex, covering their backs, to the third floor*
Simon Everson: *Shoves Jon along* I gave you an order Preceptor, i have no time to battle an Army of Ghost.
Storyteller: *All in the blood before, you are on fire, it stays with you, buringi at your spirt, it seems to encapsulate you, take you inside it, only shear will forcing it out*
Tyne Donnelly: *she moves beside Jon at Jus's shove*
Jason St. Augustine : *gets to the third floor landing, restraining Ang with a strength that is well, disgusting. Whispering words of calm and peace*
Finnuala Rosher: *Maintaining the Faith around and through the others who can pool it desperately.* Almighty God, Who delivered Your people from the bondage of the adversary, and through Your Son cast down Satan like lightning, deliver me also from every influence of unclean spirits. Command Satan to depart far from me by the power of Your only begotten Son. Rescue me from demonic imaginings and darkness. Fill me with the light of the Holy Spirit that I may be guarded against all snares of crafty demons. Grant that an angel will always go before me and lead me to the path of righteousness all the days of my life, to the honor of Your glorious Name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon will move as ordered, climbing the stairs, pushing Simon past to keep his back protected*
Storyteller: *the CRowns run up the steps, the Escaping people run up the steps, the police come from below it's a macarbe scene of distruction *
Dana Mackintosh: *snarls as the ghost flames that dress her*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she winces at the burning of her knees, but she goes on. Her Angel needs her. Justin needs her. the group needs her.~
Angelica Dylan: *Snarls at Jason and bites into whatever she can reach on him* ((Rolling...))
Jason St. Augustine : *Lets Finn use the TF any way she wants*
Christina Anderson: *sucumbs to the flames almost immediately, unable to shout out as she tries to fight whatever is dragging her back.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she gets to Jason, staring sadly at Ang~
Dana Mackintosh: *and ignores the police to the best of her ability*
Simon Everson: *Simon cannot afford to pray at this moment, cannot afford to spligt his faith between magic and faith and people so he just continues, making sure no one is left behind in the struggle up the stairs*
Jonathon Spader: *he mantles this end of the climb in faith ~TF3~sheilding from below as best he can*
Jason St. Augustine : *Whispers* Boss, I'm asking muchly this penitent...
Justine O'Ryan: ~she ses Angelica flipping out and looks at Finnuala~ Do you have, a stake?
Dana Mackintosh: *through sheer power of un incredibly untapped will she keeps her Faith with Simon instead of pulling it back to help herself* (blows wp)
Dana Mackintosh: *checks on the state of Paul and Alex*
Finnuala Rosher: Justine> No, but if she were to come close enough to me it might help.
Alexander Tarquine : ~throws himself out of a window~
Dana Mackintosh: *grabs a stake from the outfit and tosses it to Jus*
Dana Mackintosh: *catches Alex tossing himself just after she throws the stake* ALEX!!! *rushes to the window*
Jonathon Spader: *as Jon runs, he slides the shortsword away, and draws a small metal vial from inside his cloak. He unstoppers it with his teeth, and does a whipping motion with it circling the stairwell, basicall setting a quick circle of wetness (holy water)*
Jason St. Augustine : *Starts working an arm underneath Ang's chin, pulling her head back to restrain and lock eyes with this psycho hoseBeast*
Justine O'Ryan: ~at Finnuala as she catches the stake~ if you mean as I think, Swan, it might make it worse..Jason, will you hold her down? ~valiently keeps her voice from cracking~
Tyne Donnelly: *sees Alex go, and runs to the window. oooh, she's gonna pay for this. IF she gets there in time.*
Angelica Dylan: *Bites, but doesn't get a good grasp on he runs, her mouth slips away from him.*
Storyteller: (PAUL)*grabs at Alexander, forcing away his surprise*(up that diff ya)
Dana Mackintosh: *looks desperately outside the window for some way to get down that doesn't involve the stairs*
Finnuala Rosher: *Adds herself to the pile-up on Angelica*
Angelica Dylan: *Snarls and tries to bite again, but is being held quite nicely by Jason*
Dana Mackintosh: (init 13)
Storyteller: OUT OF ANGELICA (only JAson can see) comes a force, of darkness, it flies out of her and into JASON*
Storyteller: ((sorry, finnala can see that)*JON spreads holy water about the area, the mystaical flames halt at the holy water*
Jason St. Augustine : *Closes his eyes and seems to be concentrating*
Justine O'Ryan: ~while Jason holds Angel, she shuts her eyes, offers a prayer and places the stake right abover her heart..and she pushes it in~
Jonathon Spader: *Jon seeing the pile up, halts to hold the stairs*
Storyteller: *Alex is already half way out the window when the sight of him catches, as he breaks the window and leaps out, from the landing, a dark shape ZOOMS out and streaks at SPADAR only to slam directly into the holywatter and Faith shield. It snarls and turns, leaping at Christina. Alex seems to SSSLLOOWWW ddooowwnn ass hhee lleeaappps.. *(tyne and dana at the same time)
Jonathon Spader: I only have 2 vials left. *facing down the stairs to give them time*
Dana Mackintosh: *grabs for Alex, anchoring herself to the window frame*
Simon Everson: [16]*Hold up the CRoss at the Thing going at Christana, FAITH like divine light a shield as he carries her to the Thrid floor landing*
Storyteller: JUSTINE does a good job of Shatter's ANGE's Rib cage*
Jonathon Spader: *he lashes out with his sword as the dark blur rushes him*
Christina Anderson: *unaware of entirely everything but what is happening in her head, is quite easily carried.*
Finnuala Rosher: Jason? *Cautiously with Faith as a shield*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she winces at that and shakes her head, and lifts the stake up and looks like she wants to try again, but she can't. She looks at Jason~ I can't do this..
Storyteller: (1 dox tyne)*ALEX ander fall becomes ZERO as he comes back to himself and not knowing what's going on except the ground is facing striaght down, DANA grabs him and PAUL grabs DANA*
Angelica Dylan: *Snarls in pain as the stake stops at her breastbone, and whips her head around to bite at Finnuala's wrist*
Jason St. Augustine : *Silent, attemting to ascertain whether the Darkness is a Good Darkness or a Bad Darkness*
Dana Mackintosh: *tries to yank Alex to her*
Justine O'Ryan: ~seeing her love try to hurt her Fellow Crown crates quite a conflict in her, which she quickly fights, increasing her strength, and she tries again~
Simon Everson: *Hauls Christain to the Steps*
Storyteller: *The moment Jon let's his faith down to use his sword, the dark ness SCREAMS*
Christina Anderson: *struggles to regain herself in the midst of all of this.* (( blowing wp ))
Alexander Tarquine : ~blinks as suddenly hes looking at the ground and then himself covered in blood and is confused, he realizes falling is bad and tries to climb back up~
Christina Anderson: *struggles to regain herself in the midst of all of this.* (( blowing wp ))
Alexander Tarquine : ~blinks as suddenly hes looking at the ground and then himself covered in blood and is confused, he realizes falling is bad and tries to climb back up~
Angelica Dylan: *Recolis suddenly at Finn's Faith...and goes at Justine. Anyone that's holding her down is fair game right now...*
Tyne Donnelly: *she draws back, seeing all are allright. well, except the vampire mess over there. she walks to jion herSpader, wincing at the scream, pushing her hands over her ears*
Storyteller: *ANGELICA BITE stops centeimeters from finnuala's face, the glaring teeth held back by the power of faith*
Simon Everson: "EVEryone, stop Fighting apart.. Damn it, Together! Focus.!
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> Listen and cease!
Storyteller: *DANA and Paul Dragg ALEXANDER to the landing steps and onto the floor*
Sabrina Christenson: *On the third floor, waiting for the rest of the group*
Dana Mackintosh: *She releases Alexander, her chest heaving as she takes in air. She's not a very strong girl*
Finnuala Rosher: *Hears Simon, but hasn't figured out how to detatch safely from Angelica*
Jason St. Augustine : *Dropkicks the Bad Thing out, smiling weakly at Finn while reacquainting himself with the headlock on Angelica*
Alexander Tarquine : ~shakes his head~ where are we? And why am I soaked in blood? ~his voice has a nervous tinge to it~
Christina Anderson: *currently doing her damnedest to focus although it's painfully hard.*
Storyteller: (PAUL)"Where is a good nuke when you need it..*laying in the ground*
Jason St. Augustine : *Puzzles over what a 'Good Nuke' is*
Finnuala Rosher: You're with us Jason? Good. *As he seems clearer and more himself*
Storyteller: *the bad thing flies out of JAson, hovers over the groups and then pull on the life webs of the those in the pile, litterlaly stealing their very soul*[-2 willpower, Finnuala, jason, Justine and Angilica]
Simon Everson: We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died, and was buried.
Dana Mackintosh: *soothing voice as she extracts herself from the tangle of Paul and Alex* Alex> You were possessed, it's over now, and you're covered in blood because there's lots of it lying around. You didn't hurt anybody.
Finnuala Rosher: *Winces at the moral weakness that washed through her for a moment*
Storyteller: [temp]*JON's sword passes harmlessless thru the creature as PANDIMONIUM strikes him full in the chest*
Alexander Tarquine : ~blinks, absobing the information and trying to get his bearings~
Justine O'Ryan: ~waits to see if she stakes Ang or not~
Storyteller: *JUSTIN drives it part way in, but not all the way inm as angelia Bites her*
Simon Everson: On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Alexander Tarquine : ~furrows his brow~ I remember... getting out of the car... and then I was looking at the ground as I was falling
Justine O'Ryan: ~is bitten, and her eyes seem to glaze over in wake of the loss of will she just suffered.~
Storyteller: *The HORDE of Stinging bee's flies out of it's mouth and over JON*
Christina Anderson: *digs deeper, trying to pull herself together, listening for the voices she recognizes in all of this.*
Simon Everson: DANA>> ALEX>> "SHUT UP and FUCKING HELP!
Jason St. Augustine : *Whispering sweet nithings in Ang's ear* B ecentered, cage the beast, for you are more than it. Insinct will never triumph over Intelligence. The Father, we are here to bring him back to us...
Tyne Donnelly: *attacks the thing, attacking Jon, but avoids Bees. she can't fight an insubstatial swarm*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon falls back a step as he is hit, grunting as the pain washes over him from the attack. "mental note: Sword didn't work"*
Finnuala Rosher: *Smacks Angelica with her cross to get her to release Justine* In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo.
Justine O'Ryan: ~is sitting there, enraptured by the Kiss with a stake halfway into Ang's chest.~
Simon Everson: *Steps to the side of JON to make sure he's not hit and FOCUS his faith at the creature*
Dana Mackintosh: *opens her mouth to answer Alex, then closes it again as she registers the rest of the scene around her.* Holy shit...*wants to go to Finn, but steels herself. She takes a vial out of her pocket as she runs to Jon*
Alexander Tarquine : ~blinks at Simon's yell as the surroundings seem to flood into reality. He grabs his cross and begins to pray~
Tyne Donnelly: *avoids hitting Simon*
Dana Mackintosh: *throws holy water on the bees*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon lashes back wit hhis faith htis time, weilding the word like a weapon, he treis to drive it back* ~growled through clenched lips so as not to swallow a bug~ Your word is my sword, and thy light my sheild!
Storyteller: *the bees are very substantial, your opponet is not*
Angelica Dylan: *Ignores Finnuala's thwack, and drinks from Justine as fast as she can*
Jason St. Augustine : *Sighs and gently pushes the stake in from his position*
Justine O'Ryan: ~the flesh of her forarm is pulled partailly off quite grotesquely~
Alexander Tarquine : Almighty God, Who delivered Your people from the bondage of the adversary, and through Your Son cast down Satan like lightning, deliver me also from every influence of unclean spirits. Command Satan to depart far from me by the power of Your only begotten Son. Rescue me from demonic imaginings and darkness. Fill me with the light of the Holy Spirit that I may be guarded against all snares of crafty demons. Grant that an angel will always go before me and lead me to the path of righteousness all the days of my life, to the honor of Your glorious Name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
Christina Anderson: *pulls herself together finally and takes stock of all of this insanity.*
Tyne Donnelly: *stopps when she hits nothing..again, and looks at the bess, at a loss. how do you hit a group of things so small..*
Finnuala Rosher: Deus Vult! *Smacks Angelica harder* ((Soak 2 this time Ang))
Jason St. Augustine : Singing 'Amazing grace' as he finishes what Jus started* Thaaat saaaved...a mee..
Storyteller: *Holy water spalashes Simon and Jon as TYNE sails FIST Sails past her opponet again and narrowly missing dana. ALEXANDER and SIMON and JONS faith pulling in three differn directions bubbling against each other*
Justine O'Ryan: ~is being drank from..~
Angelica Dylan: ((DLP)) *Is trying to chew THROUGH Jus's arms...* ((SOacking...or not. Takes 2 Agg, plus if Jason staked...))
Dana Mackintosh: *her phone rings as she narrows her eyes and yells* In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command you away from here! In His Name by his Holy Grace I command you, leave this Family be, Go from this place, and never return!!! *tossing it in with Simon, she becomes rather formidable saying this*
Dana Mackintosh: *every single bit she has to give is backed behind Simon now*
Justine O'Ryan: ~or not. is being chewed upon, and hisses, trying to dientagle herself from her love~
Storyteller: *ANG is staked, adn quiet well as the Dark form is ripped apart but the faith around it*
Angelica Dylan: *Falls down, not moving*
Simon Everson: *Gasps and forces himself to hold his feet as the creature disappears*
Dana Mackintosh: *takes a deep breath as the form is ripped, then pulls out her phone, opening it* Tell me you're Cary.
Alexander Tarquine : ~continues to hold his faith and moves to check on Christina~
Storyteller: *Quiet decends, horrible silence.. so quiet, no other sounds, only breathing and words*
Storyteller: *The bee's disappear*
Justine O'Ryan: ~holding her amr togather she crawls over to pick up Angelica and move on. if she even still can. She ripps the bottom hem of her tunic and makeshift bandeages to hold her arm together~
Christina Anderson: *lets out a breath she had been holding on to as thing leaves for now.*
Simon Everson: *Simon looks up at Amara and Sabrina* Well.. You two have seen two of yours Destroyed.. want to challenge us?
Jason St. Augustine : *Weakly* Cleric...
Dana Mackintosh: Cary, we're on site, the second floor, moving up to the third. If you're still in, get here as fast you can. Can you get a lock on me here?
Finnuala Rosher: *Gets off of Angelica, breathing hard* Sorry, Ang.
Christina Anderson: *as Alex comes over and starts checking, speaks in a voice that sounds as if it had been dragged for miles.* ...I'm fine....
Sabrina Christenson: *Glares at Simon, then looks to Amara with a desperate look*
Amara: She scowls down at Simon. "I don't know what you mean."
Dana Mackintosh: *her breaths are ragged and deep because she forces them to be. She glances over at Finn as she is on the phone*
Alexander Tarquine : ~nods to Christina and moves over to Jason, hearing his call~
Jonathon Spader: *again throws up his faith, visualizing a bubble filling and blocking the stairwell. then he pauses to take in Simon*
Amara: She looks at Sabrina.
Simon Everson: We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come
Finnuala Rosher: *Shakes her arm to get blood off it*
Alexander Tarquine : ~nods and will make his way to Justine~ What can I do to help?
Dana Mackintosh: *She covers the mouthpiece with her hand* Simon> There were two demons, I don't know where the other one went, the Ang one. *back into the phone* Then you can see the hell I'm in. Alright, come up to the third floor, ignore anything you see on your way, fire, blood whatever. I don't think any of it can hurt you, they're all dead. But be careful anyway, okay?
Sabrina Christenson: *Spits at Simon* The dead are all destined to Oblivion, as you are, one day...see you on our side soon enough. *Sabrina drops unconscious, as the thing inside her flees*
Dana Mackintosh: *then blinks at Amara* And something's up with your kid.
Justine O'Ryan: ~is gazing at Ang for a second, then looks at Jason and Finnuala resolute depite having a very very bad off arm. You can see bone.~ we have..a mission..
Dana Mackintosh: *She shudders*
Christina Anderson: *gets to her feet as Sabrina drops and Amara breaks.*
Sabrina Christenson: ((And I'm outta here... Huggles to all, and see ya later!!))
Amara: She looks at Simon. "This place is ours."
Simon Everson: *Runs up to Grab Sabrina and hold her up, looking at AMARA* Well?
Dana Mackintosh: *hangs up, muttering* It was just cause I didn't want to be rude, jeez Cary...
Jason St. Augustine : And you Jus, are not really with it yet. lket the man give a go at some healing.
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks at what's going on, and just keeps her Faith with Simon.*
Cary "Scary" Day: [*Stab*]
Jason St. Augustine : ((Hugs da 'brina*))
Dana Mackintosh: (laters)
Jonathon Spader: *Jon continues to concentrate, he's made one mistake, he won't make another. HIS weapon is the only weapon he needs here*
Finnuala Rosher: *Wipes blood off her solar cross and moves toward Simon again.*
Alexander Tarquine : [[ BRB ]]
Simon Everson: AMARA>>Leave her or be destoryed.
Amara: Her face is a mask of rage and she shouts at Simon as she does so her voice gaining that hollow noise behind it that sounds like one is speaking in a cave or hollow, and overlapping, OTHER voices behind it "Yeng ugh nu No wair wray vest ness!"
Jason St. Augustine : *rubs the blood into his cross* This is my blood, drink of it, and be nourished..
Dana Mackintosh: *watches exorcism, Simon style. She looks over at Finn with a brave little smile. She then focuses her eyes on the top of the first flight stiars and waits for Cary*
Christina Anderson: *shivers fully as the tandem voices in Amara run down her spine.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Jason as if he were mad.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Directing to pool with Simon again*
Dana Mackintosh: *her first exorcism was at fourteen, she doesn't even flinch*
Storyteller: *the keening explodes out of AMARA's mouth rippling like a force down the steps trying to drag all within to the depths of hell*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she too hears the creepy voices and looks at this woman and then ather Angel and understands. she looks at Jason, holds out her hand~ we have a mission. I'll do whatever it takes.
Jason St. Augustine : *Looks up at Jus* Sorry. Old habit.
Christina Anderson: *clutches her ears with both hands at the sound, trying to block it out and remain in the here and now with those she is with.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Pushes at her sleeve to extract a vial of Holy Water*
Storyteller: [soak 8 all, diff 6]
Amara: Continues to scream with rightous indignity. "voosh ne no gear no! vooosh le mein no gier no!"
Simon Everson: *lean over and punches AMARA in the mouth*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she feels the voice pulling at her, hurting her worse~
Jason St. Augustine : *New Pain, I say!* ((Took 4))
Dana Mackintosh: *doubles over, raising an arm to shield her face*
Christina Anderson: *gasps with a squeek and doubles over and drops to her knees, hands still to her ears.*
Amara: Is silenced very effectively as Simon belts her one.
Christina Anderson: *quite throughly stunned.*
Jonathon Spader: *gets wracked with agony, but grits through it, not breaking, NOT EVER*
Finnuala Rosher: *Flinches and remains in place*
Dana Mackintosh: *remains doubled over, trying desperately to catch her breath*
Justine O'Ryan: ~is fine for now, but looks with concern at Finnuala, then Christina, then Dana~
Jason St. Augustine : *Not stunned, just pained* What in the name of the Boss...
Dana Mackintosh: *doubled over, but still standing*
Jonathon Spader: *shudders as he forces himself to function*
Simon Everson: *Grabs what seems to be a dark shape inside AMARA and rips it out, twisting it until it shatters in his hands*
Jason St. Augustine : *Stands over Ang's body, almost kneeling*
Dana Mackintosh: *shakes her head at Simon, coughs out* I need to learn to do that...*winces*
Storyteller: *slowly the shared pain shifts and turns... spreading out.. along the group like a ripple...*
Finnuala Rosher: *Breath still knocked out of her a little* Yeah, Simon! *Faith still strong*
Amara: The otherworldy voice Roars as Simon pulls it out, with Amra's own voice behind it, leaving her to wail alone when he destroys it. She twitches a bit on the floor.
Dana Mackintosh: *now she floats slowly to her knees, looking for Paul and Alex to check on their status*
Alexander Tarquine : [[ back ]] ~drops to his knees and falls to the floor~
Jason St. Augustine : *Thinks for a moment* We share each others' boo-boos...I vote we share each others' joy...soon.
Justine O'Ryan: ~feels the Shared pain, and clenches her teeth, taking it. She will not cry.~
Storyteller: *Paul, like tyne both lie shattered on the ground.. Hovering in death, yet not deaD*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon watches his eyes fluttering as he fight it, fights to keep his body inder conntrol*
Christina Anderson: *hyperventalates as the waves of pain leave and return, forcing herself to stay aware.*
Tyne Donnelly: *lies there. she knows this place. She's been here before! *
Dana Mackintosh: *shaking, she crawls towards whomever is closest to her of Paul, Tyne, or Alex* (ST call)
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks to Paul and Tyne* I didn't see what happened to them..
Simon Everson: "Idiot.. *brushing off his hands, looks at the others* we don't have much time.. My Rote cannot stand up to this much.. before it colapse..*points to the others* Give them your strength.. *he litterly moves part of his own life essence to Tyne *
Dana Mackintosh: *closes her eyes and is behind Simon 100%*
Storyteller: *now it is apparent, you are all sharing one life force and what is gone seems to float away and never return.. but pooled you exist as one entity..hurting as one or dying as one*
Finnuala Rosher: *Kneels to touch Paul, praying*
Jonathon Spader: *catches sight of Tyne for the briefest of seconds, and LOCKS it away, he does NOT feel that. He will NOT make the others feel that.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she fights back the urge to weep for all that's gone wrong, and upon hearing Jason's words, starts to intone~ "and the rain descended and the flood came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell NOT: for it was founded upon a rock." ~her love of Him and all these gathered is shared,~
Dana Mackintosh: *gets to Alex, kneels beside him, lays a hand on him*
Jason St. Augustine : Boss watch over me and her as I yank this chunka tree out...
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* In the name of the father and mother who give life to all...
Simon Everson: *Knows AMARA is just brain frazzled right now, moves down to Jon, and lays his hand on him*
Alexander Tarquine : ~stirs a little as Dana touches him but remains a heap on the floor~
Justine O'Ryan: ~and she reassures Jon because she's been there before too, and it's not that bad, and She can still feel Tyne..she's not gone yet. and never really will be~
Simon Everson: ~then he walks over to tyne and Touches her face*
Christina Anderson: *forces her eyes open to look on the rest of the group.*
Amara: It's like another bad trip. If they keep up she may have to go straight and never touch hallucinogens again.
Jonathon Spader: *yes, he'll give his life for her. He directs the last of what can can give Paul and Tyne. But he will NOT go DOWN!*
Dana Mackintosh: *smoothes her hand over Alex's face because that's about all she can do right now. She looks up and around at the others*
Simon Everson: *Stands, that as much as he can do..twice as his faith will allow*
Justine O'Ryan: ~looks at her Angel, sharing that love that is all but unspeakable~ "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to turn from following thee..for wither thou goest, I will go. where thou lodgest, I will lodge..."
Dana Mackintosh: *her eyes seem to focus on Paul and Tyne and they stay that way*
Finnuala Rosher: *Checks Paul again for healthsigns*
Jason St. Augustine : *Looks to Jus* We ready to help her and us?
Storyteller: (paul )_* gasp and leans up..*/./*as Simon and finnuala lend their faith to healing, Energy infuses the link... flowing thru everyone&
Jonathon Spader: *Jon nods to Simon but keeps his post*
Dana Mackintosh: *she pulls herself to her feet with difficulty*
Justine O'Ryan: ~loosk at Jason, and noidds, without hestitation~ Yes.
Dana Mackintosh: *kicks her faith into healing as well, when it's finished there it goes back to Simon*
Finnuala Rosher: *Reaches to offer Paul a hand to steady him and help him up*
Tyne Donnelly: *she sucks in air, and shakily sits up her eyes going right to her Spader*
Christina Anderson: *uses a wall for support and staggers to her feet, promising herself later she can hurt all she wants.*
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* And your people will be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried.
Jason St. Augustine : *Places his hand over the stake with a nod, letting the energy course through him and into Angel*
Amara: Ugh. A Thrill Kill Kult song screams into her head.."I live for's's great..I'm the white rabbit"
Dana Mackintosh: *she turns back to Alexander*
Simon Everson: *Forces AIR to his lung and looks at Jon* each Weapon has it's place.. Do not believe too much in the sword, not too much in mystic art, Just in your abilty to find a solution..
Justine O'Ryan: ~she places her hands on the stake, her eyes never leaving Jason's, trusting. In hin and in HIM~
Storyteller: *AS he comes up he tries to offer alexander some help*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she blinks back a taer as she hears Dana finish her scripture. It always went without saying but it it good to hear~
Storyteller: (PAUL) "Thank You Finnuala.."
Jason St. Augustine : *Pulls out swiftly, extracting a tooth, keeping Ang pinned to the ground as he shifts blood into healing himself*
Finnuala Rosher: ((How bad are the wounded now?))
Christina Anderson: *working on breathing evenly as the pain lessens and focusing on getting this done.*
Simon Everson: *glances at Finnuala feeling something wierd, then says nothing* Everyone on their Feet.. We have work to do..
Tyne Donnelly: *pulls herself from the floor and stands, badly almost falling over. She shambles toward her Spader.*
Alexander Tarquine : ~slowly opens his eyes and continues to draw shallow breaths from his heap on the ground~
Simon Everson: [6boxes]*walking dead*
Dana Mackintosh: *"Thank you Finnuala." She focuses on Alexander, assessing the man's condition*
Finnuala Rosher: PAUL> It's my honor. *Assists him up and checks over the others visually*
Tyne Donnelly: *she looks at Finnuala* I can walk..barely..
Dana Mackintosh: *then she looks over at Simon, then to Finn*
Jason St. Augustine : ((0 boxes)) *walking undead*
Alexander Tarquine : [5boxes now]
Dana Mackintosh: (4 boxes) *leaning against a wall*
Alexander Tarquine : ~using the sword he tries to stand after that crippling blow~
Storyteller: (paul) 1 box*
Dana Mackintosh: *braces herself and extends a hand to Alexander*
Jonathon Spader: ((Current: 5 boxes)) *But standing defiant*
Finnuala Rosher: *Halts Simon* Not yet, Brother. *Whispers a supplication and affirmation on his behalf*
Justine O'Ryan: ~has been slowly healing all but what she can't.~
Christina Anderson: (4 boxes)*keeps on trying to stay with everything and blocking out the hurt.*
Simon Everson: *With unnatual strength he heft Sabrina and AMARA to their feet* let's go.
Dana Mackintosh: *a heavy weight comes off her when she sees Finn go to Simon, she looks back down at Alex*
Amara: Whimpers as she is lifted but gets up. Moves her ass.
Dana Mackintosh: Cary?
Simon Everson: -----------------------------THIRD FLOOR\------------------
Amara: Oh fuck she hopes not. This time it really wasn't her fault.
Finnuala Rosher: Justine> What about you? I can never tell with people like you.
Storyteller: *beats simon, ok everyone on the thrid floow. SCARY on the second*
Jonathon Spader: *still solidly anchors the end of the line. Jon continues to fill the hall with his bubble visualization. He moves forward*
Jason St. Augustine : *Raises a thin brow* May I move...first?
Alexander Tarquine : ~waves a hand at Dana~ I'll be fine... ~tries to walk, using the sword and sheath as a walking stick for now~
Dana Mackintosh: *arm around Alexander, she walks with him to the third floor. If there's one thing she's good at, it's blocking pain*
Simon Everson: *he staggers feeling life flow thru him and into the link* Ugh..Thanks Finn..*glancing around, he lends 1 to Jon* One blood, one goal, one purpose...
Dana Mackintosh: *or she makes her own way*
Simon Everson: *smiles at Christaina* Ok so far?
Christina Anderson: *gimps along silently, placating herself with thoughts of painkillers at home.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she Lifts her Angel and smiles at Finnuala a bit~ save it Swan. For those who really need it.
Christina Anderson: *nods without a word to Simon and a small grin.*
Dana Mackintosh: *visually checks over Paul and Tyne again, and keeps a close eye out of any injuries Finn is artfully hiding*
Finnuala Rosher: Justine> You'd best be sure, because there is infinite miracle for all in the One.
Amara: She doesn't get far before pulling the wooden thing from her back pocket and slipping something from it into her mouth.
Simon Everson: (PAUL) keeps moving, he no longer has guns in hand, useless in here*
Finnuala Rosher: *Seems a little stiff, but not badly injured*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she holds up her mangled arm~ Can you fix this?
Dana Mackintosh: *moves slowly, stumbles occassionally, but does not stop until she reaches the third floor*
Jonathon Spader: *pauses to turn and place his hand on Simon's shoulder as they turn onto the floor* *God be with you.
Storyteller: The Third floor. Does not exist..There is only a street a LONG street and at the end the end of the hall way. The chapel , marked on the door. "Marriges. Enter here."
Dana Mackintosh: *"weird"*
Storyteller: (yes, i did say STREET and hallway)
Christina Anderson: *blinks at this, squeezes her eyes together and reopens them to see if this is some sort of visual trick.*
Finnuala Rosher: Justine> Let me see that. *Gently takes the arm as they walk.*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon then goes to plug the door with his faith, and again goes to hold the rear*
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders exactly where the reality comes from, whichever one is being cross imposed on the one that ~should~ be here*
Storyteller: *the DEfinate feel of Holy ground ebbs able to be felt by all. But something else ebbs there..Held in check*
Justine O'Ryan: ~is carrying Angelica with the good arm and so simply allows Finnuala to take the mangled one~
Jason St. Augustine : *blinks* I think Public works should be informed.
Simon Everson: *Takes a Deep breath, trying to keep magic down to a minumim. * Ok..Is that a Door, or.. *his eyes squint* what?
Justine O'Ryan: ~her brow furrows but she leaves the weirdness for those who may have a clue. She doesn't.~
Simon Everson: *Looks better all ready and manages to smile at Jon, then set sabrina down*
Christina Anderson: *purses her lips into a grin at Jason's suggestion, far too strange to find that as funny as it ought to be.*
Alexander Tarquine : ~raises a brow at the street~ efficient use of space...
Finnuala Rosher: *And of course, makes a visit to Tyne, moving along nearly distracted from the surroundings while healing others*
Dana Mackintosh: *waits for Simon to appoint someone to scout, or if they're all going in. Well, they'd might as well all get married while they're here and bonded so*
Tyne Donnelly: *walking slowly and stiffly with Jon* it seems to be, a door. or, maybe not. Is this good, or. not good. I cannot tell. *for once she doesn't have an answer*
Dana Mackintosh: *with some hoarseness* I don't want to risk the scan.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles at Finnuala. Wow she's gotten good at that.~
Christina Anderson: *finds cold comfort in everyone's general confusion on this one.*
Storyteller: *Finally..the door opens and nothing short of Devine light shines thru*(willpower diff 6-8 if you have faith)(evil laugh of ST)
Jonathon Spader: *places a hand on Tyne as she gets close* In HIS faith in you do I trust, and in his light do you walk.
Finnuala Rosher: AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. *Brushes Tyne's hair out of her eyes and looks at her carefully afterwards*
Amara: She doesn't seem bothered by the light. she glances at the others.
Amara: She doesn't seem bothered by the light. she glances at the others.
Simon Everson: *remember something and goes over to tyne and says* "Give me your hands ..I'm going to risk this one.."
Tyne Donnelly: *smiles at her Spader, looks at the door oddly*
Christina Anderson: *blinks and squints her eyes tight at the light, seeming only to be effected by the brightness.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~stands firm, holding her Angel still in one hand. the other poised over the hilt of her sword~
Tyne Donnelly: *without hesitation like Justine trusting Jason, she gives Simon her hands.*
Dana Mackintosh: *She blinks at the light, feels it washing over her brain*
Storyteller: DANA eyes sudden enfoldinthemselves as she see's the light of HIM himself and suddenly she's at the other end of the hall way, Angelic hands reaching for her*
Finnuala Rosher: *Faces the light, torn from her ministrations of the wounded, eyes wide, but observant rather than overwhelmed*
Storyteller: (make that Dana and Alexander)
Dana Mackintosh: *That's cool, takes a step forward*
Jonathon Spader: *eyes wide, the light reaches past the silouettes of his family*
Jason St. Augustine : *The light...the Boss*
Simon Everson: *turns toward the light, forgetting He's holding Tyne's hands for a moment*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she holds her limp Angel closer, lovingly while watching the light. but carefully~
Alexander Tarquine : ~is awed by the vision of beauty~
Justine O'Ryan: ~nad much like Tarquine but in a deeper sense seems to have lost herself staring at it~
Storyteller: [Dana and Alexander, go to the other dynamic]
Christina Anderson: *a quick glance at Dana as she takes a step forward then back to the light, watching for something more, as if this isn't enough.*
Storyteller: *and just like that the light is gone and the door closes*
Alexander Tarquine : [[ goes to other dynamic ]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((*wincing, cringing in general, goes to the other dynamic room*))
Finnuala Rosher: *The afterimage remains for a while, held by will to remember it*
Christina Anderson: *rapid fire blinks to remove the tracers of the light from her retinas.*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon blinks in the lack of light, trying to figure out what happened*
Simon Everson: *Trunds to look at SCARY his eye only falling on the blade to be sure, then blinks* where;s Dana and alexander.
Justine O'Ryan: ~seems almost annoyed at having lost the light.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Shakes her head to clear her sight* Dana?? Can you hear me?
Amara: She now notices Scary not having done so until simon spoke.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Simon and wonders why they are holding hands*
Christina Anderson: *realizes just then after others point it out that Dana and Alex are gone.*.......... *this might be bad.*
Jonathon Spader: *almost react badly to Scary comming up, but recognizes him before that occurs* They must have gone ahead, I lost depth perception of the silouettes, but I thought I saw someone move towards it.
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary is there- he does not answer the question as it should not be he who realizes where they were gone to- instead his eyes quickly seek out his Ecstatic- yes, he thinks of her and many others as |his|
Amara: She nodds in greeting to Scary and mutters before he asks. "I'm fine."
Simon Everson: *Empowers Tyne's fist to hurt the spirts, and shakes as the paradox of the realm shivers inside of him*
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> Explain.
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary takes his gaze towards the door with a hevy scowl and then looks to the others, hefting his blade at his side- he moves towards Amara immediatly and placing his hand over her face- oddly his gaze is draw to Finnuala, but now is not the time for that question
Jonathon Spader: *reaches into his bag, and draws out a compact piton gun. He kneels quickly to drive a piton into teh floor. ~bang!~
Jason St. Augustine : It would seem...correct. I...recall things. From before. I remember a light, and wanting to go to it, and it being denied...
Amara: She stays still as Scary is wont to have some really odd methods of greeting. She looks confused but takes it all with an 'uhm, okay' attitude.
Finnuala Rosher: *Watches the nasty man who visited Father Quinn one evening in the Chapel and was told stories about the Inquisition do funky things with the nice red haired lady*
Storyteller: [Aagin, everyone is at the LANDING, the door is WAY down the street and stuff]
Christina Anderson: *recoils at the sound of the gun fire, not expecting it as it shatters what Jason was saying.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Jerks in startelment at Spader's shot*
Tyne Donnelly: *she nodds at Simon, knowing she can hurt things she couldn't before. this is good.*
Jonathon Spader: *he then puts the gun away, and draws out a coil of very fine, but high tensile rope, and straps on a simple rope harness, which he ties off too*
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary tilts his head to the side to glance at Spadar, though he did not have to- He runs his hand over Amara's face before pulling it away and pulls himself into a crouch, closing his eyes to concentrate upon the Landscape instead of actually looking
Tyne Donnelly: *smiles at her Spader* Sugarmuffin. what are you doing.
Christina Anderson: *affords a quick look at Scary, then back to Jon as he does... something that she just can't quite follow.*
Simon Everson: *Blinks at the shot, waits until Jon is done*
Amara: She just eyeballs him like she used to the deadheads that she saw around back before she understood them better.
Justine O'Ryan: ~through this all she is just silent~
Jason St. Augustine : *Jon has a plan. Uncertain whther to run away now or wait for a few*
Storyteller: *the door opens again, and Dana and alexander are standing there, facing the group. Their faces outligned with evil intent and malatiousness. That look you've seen before. Justin had that look*
Jonathon Spader: *looking up to Tyne* Well, we're gonna have to walk that way, and I really don't feel like being drawn against my will towards anything I don't want to be. So I'l tie off, and when I run out of rope, I have 200 feet of it. I figure I can do the same thing as I run to the end of the riope, and make it a safe route to the end.
Cary "Scary" Day: He scowls as his senses reach outwards "If anyone is going to tell me anything- I might find it useful- just because I have a window on Amara does not mean I was able to track it every moment I've had"
Christina Anderson: *tears her eyes away from what Jon is up to to look at the door and the pair.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Rapidly goes over what she knows of the two and then the possible demonic abilities and sends forth a shield of Faith around her and those nearest*
Tyne Donnelly: he nodds at Jon and darkens, seeing Dana. something screwing with her friend is gonna get the ass Kicked on it. but not Dana herself.
Dana Mackintosh : *blinks a few times as her gaze rests on her friends*
Alexander Tarquine: *stands there, waiting*
Finnuala Rosher: CARY> *Has time to point at Dana and Alexander and say* Posessed!
Jason St. Augustine : *Then again, maybe not going to the light when he was Embraced was a good thing*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at the man who carried himself like a warrior and speaks~ Several of ours were possesed. and one of yours. ~steel grey eyes flit to Amara, then back to Scary.~ And two of our were taken..oh, they are back..!watches them, warily~
Simon Everson: *shit..* No their not.. Decon, your of the dead, what's going on?
Christina Anderson: *looks between the pair and the rest, not sure how to handle this, if it is like what the other ones were.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~rubs his nose and watches the group, smiling a little to himself~
Jason St. Augustine : *Adds his TF to the shield being chucked up*
Jonathon Spader: *ties off, leaving what he would geuss is a ten foot buffer between end of rope and door, using a slip system*
Cary "Scary" Day: He does not need to look, however, to see- His eyes remained closed and his grip upon his blade tightens- but he latches it inside his coat once more- two needlethin daggers erupt in his hands, he holds them there and runs a finger upon the length of each- liquid dripping, just to be certain
Dana Mackintosh : *rolls her shoulders and waits for her friends to advance*
Amara: Looks at the possessed ones and waits a second. She's new at this game. she rolls her tounge over the back of her teeth, tasing whatever it was she swallowed ealier.
Cary "Scary" Day: He doesn't argue with the vulgar term, instead- his Entropic senss mesh with the rest once more and he directs them towards the two
Finnuala Rosher: *Gives Dana and Alexander a cautious look, feeling for a counter to her Faith*
Simon Everson: *Raises his voice* Dana, Alexander..Are you ok?
Jason St. Augustine : *Looks at Simon* This is new to me....
Alexander Tarquine: ~slides his hands behind his back. He doesn't mind anymore that they're covered in blood~
Storyteller: *the room itself both adds and counters the faith being put out*
Dana Mackintosh : *her lips curl into a small smirk, she ignores Simon*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Scary with all but anger* do not hurt them. More than you have to.
Finnuala Rosher: DANA> Just tell me Dana, as a friend, what do you intend here?
Christina Anderson: *waits for them to answer Simon, eyes darting between the two of them.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she is silent. she doesn't know Dana well enough to get into this one.~
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches the girl beside him, looking down on her~
Cary "Scary" Day: He seems to pretty much ignore everyone- that isn't much differant than normal, though
Jason St. Augustine : *Feels the add and the counter...concentrates on it, trying to discern the diffeernces*
Simon Everson: "who want's to live forever..*steps out into the street and heads down it*
Simon Everson: *his faith he pulls up and concentrates, walking wairly down the street he looks to the left and right* like i said Decon, i know as much as you do.. I've never been in a darkness like this..
Dana Mackintosh : *she looks to the side and blinks at Alex before turning to Finn* What are you trying to accomplish?
Christina Anderson: *has a thought then dismisses it. That would be stupid, very very stupid, and probably hurt a whole lot. However, waiting for them to answer is nearly as tedious as battling this out mentally. She turns to Simon as he starts down the street, blinks once then looks to the rest.*
Storyteller: *The Street is plain as day*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> To help a friend. *Steps out after Simon*
Storyteller: *it's about 100ft long to door of evil and strife*
Cary "Scary" Day: He pulls himself up after that and follows after Simon, pulling to his side and waving a hand-holding-dagger before him "Careful- I do not want to live forever, and do not fear Death- but that up there, is something worse"
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks after Simon. she hefts Angel with her and moves to follow him. There is no point in himn dying alone.~
Jason St. Augustine : *murmurs* Where's a Giovanni when you need one...coulda talked to that one guy, but noooo...he had to be all big and try and shoot everything. *Following down the street*
Simon Everson: *glances back at the others* walk in a staggered V line..People in the back, carry Sabrina..
Christina Anderson: *that seals it. She steps forward and follows those heading down the street. They knew what they were getting into. *
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches the interplay between Finnuala and Dana with some amusement on his face, then swings his gaze to the rest of the group~
Tyne Donnelly: *looks after Big brother Simon and looks at Spader*
Dana Mackintosh : *slowly draws the pistol* go away....
Tyne Donnelly: *stepps out of place to carry Sabrina*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he steps to one side, muttering to Dana~ Come on, out of the way...
Finnuala Rosher: No can do, Dana. Sorry hun. *Keeps to the side and in back of Simon, determined to go forward*
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary- being the freak that he is [*G@ST*] actually smiles at that, pulling just to the left and behind Simon "She is going to shoot me- again?"
Alexander Tarquine: ~he then glances from Dana to Finnuala~
Jonathon Spader: *Jon follows, still trying to "guard the back" by visuilizing the space filled with his faith lie a plug in the hall*
Amara: Wow. The blonde girl who went off on them now has a gun. This sucks. she looks at Scary. "what is that? that worse than death thing, I mean."
Alexander Tarquine: ~then scowls at Scary, mutters to Dana~ Not her, him.
Simon Everson: *he doesn't even blink at the gun, of all the things that seems so normal to him now*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she doesn't slow either. She doesn't belive that Dana will really shoot them. ~
Storyteller: DANA will suddenly be pulled to the ground, pinned*(unless she can muster a STR4)
Christina Anderson: *purses her lips and seriously tries to believe that Dana would not do that hoping beyond hope that where ever she is in there, she won't let it happen either.*
Finnuala Rosher: *HAS to believe Dana won't shoot them*
Simon Everson: *he walks rather steadily, sure their is more here than their people*
Dana Mackintosh : *shifts her gaze to Alex briefly* Why him? *cocks the pistol*
Cary "Scary" Day: The smile fades after a moment as he continues to scan the two of them "I should have tiaght her more of the Dead- too late for that..." He doesn't answer Amara, all too scare her more- a kind of death that a Euthanatos would fear is before them
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks down at Dana, then back at the group, keeping his hands folded behind his back~
Jason St. Augustine : *Looks at the not-Dana with some sadness*
Dana Mackintosh : *gets pulled to the ground, struggling to no avail*
Tyne Donnelly: *walks onward, with Sabrina and is trying to hold her in the best possible means of being able toi sheild her should bullets, accidental or*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sneers at the thing he always knew was worthless~
Jonathon Spader: *Jon still hasn't drawn a sword yet. His hands are empty, the rope sliding along the grounds quietly behind him*
Alexander Tarquine: ~simply stands between them and the door~
Amara: Is scared and doesn't need any more convincing of that. She wonders how the hell she can get out of here but they might just kick her ass if they caught her later so she might as well stay. Just freaking great. like..dead. That will suck.
Storyteller: *behind Dana and Alexander the Door open again, Just that light shining thru, as if waiting for them to step in*
Jason St. Augustine : *Near the front, readying himself should a bodyblocker be needed*
Cary "Scary" Day: He watches with dark glittering eyes, his senses still active in an atempt to find out what exactly dropped her- his thumbs slide over the moist needledaggers slowly
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks back to make sure they all arrive, hoping Dana and Alexander will somehow also.*
Simon Everson: *Growls as the door opens again*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she is confused but resoulute. she walks carying her Angel just as her twin carries the choruster.~
Christina Anderson: *watches Dana go down and assumes, correctly or not that one of the group might be responsible for it, not really wanting to think of whatelse might have done it.**
Cary "Scary" Day: He simply commands it "Alexander- shut that door"
Alexander Tarquine: ~he steps over Dana, to the other side of her, and raises one arm with a flourish towards the door~ Enjoy your trip...~his eyes focus for longer on Scary, Paul, Simon, and Finnuala~
Justine O'Ryan: ~and if Jason has managed to get in front of some of the humans, you can bet she has too.~
Storyteller: *Music starts to play, softly as they approac the door of light, like a bad B rated movie*
Dana Mackintosh : *her face contorts in intense concintration as she forces her way back to er feet*
Christina Anderson: *fails to enjoy the warm welcome Alex is offering them.*
Jonathon Spader: *gets a look, and you know Jon is thinking hard, he holds his hand before him, palm down*
Storyteller: *ALEXANDER goes down ontop of DANA as she stands*
Storyteller: (same str 4)
Finnuala Rosher: *Feeling more urgent now, certain that even Dana and Alexander might be helped if they succeed*
Simon Everson: *Releases the rote he's been building, focus the Beam of Spirituality and Faith at the door*
Cary "Scary" Day: Has a feeling he is really going to need it soon- he firms a sheild about his Mind
Tyne Donnelly: *luggs Sabrina while keeping as close to her Spader as she can*
Alexander Tarquine: ~goes down on the girl, then pulls himself away from her, his face straining~ Thanks a lot.
Alexander Tarquine: ~grunts as he pulls himself back to his feet~
Amara: Not knowing what's going on but seeing people acting loopy she keeps her distance only moving to or where Scary does.
Christina Anderson: *blinks as Alex drops but keeps moving as long as the rest do regardless of the sinking feeling.*
Dana Mackintosh : *rolls her shoulders as she regains her feet, resuming her position in front of the door*
Storyteller: *Teh wave spreads out, like a place of energe towards the door, slicing thru it like butter a s the paraodx howl back towards simon*
Cary "Scary" Day: Normally he would reach back and take Amara's arm- but deins that she would not like that with the dagger he holds there
Storyteller: *the windows on the street startt to shatter, and warp even as the world around starts to crunch*
Justine O'Ryan: ~Still she carries Angelica. Still she stays with her group.~
Alexander Tarquine: ~really couldn't care less if they made it to the door or not, let them go in~
Cary "Scary" Day: While stepping away from Simon- his face a mask of utter tranquility, even faced with this
Simon Everson: *Shields himself ocvering his face as it comes back at him*
Christina Anderson: *jumps inside her skin as the windows and the world around them shatters, forcing herself to keep going.*
Jonathon Spader: *reverse direction, Jon will try to press hi agains the ceiling now that he knows his strength*
Justine O'Ryan: ~looks at Simon in alarm~
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Simon, in terror*
Finnuala Rosher: *Turns a shoulder to the debris as she's fairly close to Simon*
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks as if he's going to laugh, then doesn't~
Storyteller: *Like a bubble, something is colapsing it ripples like a drop in the water as it expands and shifts outward, ourward outward.. forces expanding and spinning until release*
Jonathon Spader: *wil raise his other hand to draw the goggles up to shield his eyes*
Dana Mackintosh : *watches the forces in play with a slight smirk*
Amara: Is staying behind Scary for sure.
Cary "Scary" Day: His eyes close as he can still see without them and he hovers about Amara protectively, pulling the both of them down
Jason St. Augustine : Yea, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no Evil. Thy Rod and thy staff comfort me...
Simon Everson: *Screams, but words of the Lord not pain and as the links shares the pain about, but only the pain*
Amara: Goes down rather easily scince right now he could tell her to hide in a greasepit and she'd listen.
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches the weaklings with disdain and welcomes what pain will come that will cut him clean from caring~
Simon Everson: Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish
Jason St. Augustine : *Lets his voice grow in strength and volumetrying to drown out the pain that he feels*
Finnuala Rosher: *Shudders under her breath*O Lord, You who steadied the hand of Peter as he began to sink on the stormy sea, if you are with me, no one is against me. Grant to me the shield of faith and the mighty armor of the Holy Spirit to protect me and guide me to do Your will. The future I put into Your hands, O Lord, and I follow You to a life in Christ. Amen
Christina Anderson: *is doing everything possible to ignore this or not let it bother her, failing, but trying none the less.*
Jonathon Spader: *shouts the pain out along with Simon*
Justine O'Ryan: ~her teeth grit as the wash of pain comes over her and she clutches Angel more tightly~ "I will never leave thee...nor will I abandon thee.." ~ please let it be true..~
Storyteller: *simon has always been a terror and even a now when he is ground Zero, the world about Ripples and blows, before finaally colapsing in on itself, *
Cary "Scary" Day: He shudders gently for some reason as he holds himself about Amara, lifting his head to speak softly in sanskrit- almost singing it, like a long an howled death march- a funeral hymn maybe
Alexander Tarquine: ~falls to his knees with the rest of them, snarling~
Tyne Donnelly: *feels the pain and almost goes down but she's holding Sabrina and this is not good. she forces her knees to lokc as she offers her kind of prayer.* what they all just said.
Jason St. Augustine : *Blending and adding his voice to Simons*
Storyteller: *then BOooOoOoOOM and pieces of reality itself explode away in formation revealing a large chamber cavernous in it's simplicity, a LARGE omega on the ground, and the Trad Symbol, along with that of the Ali-Batan and CC..over it, is a large bulbous creature.. with about 9 arms undulating. It's mouth open..spreads a divine light that slowly closes*
Dana Mackintosh : *doubles over in pain, her lips curl and a low snarls slips out*
Jonathon Spader: *shudders, staggers, but doesn't allow himself to lose focus*
Amara: Is now worried that something worse is gonna happen. Scary is singing. and ghhey, not doing too bad. Mostly she's just trying to ride this for all it's worth. It'll be the last time she sees this kinda shit.
Simon Everson: *stands almost instantly, his timed rotes having kicked in as they always do.. *for verily, i say unto ye, if ye have the faith of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountian..remove ye hence, to yonder place, and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto thee"
Storyteller: (Soak 1) mostly from falling *
Jonathon Spader: *now his hands find his sword hilts, and he draws in reflex*
Alexander Tarquine: ~twitches~
Finnuala Rosher: ((Makes the Cthulu sanity check.)) Simon...*Still nearly breathless* Look.
Christina Anderson: *it hurts, quite beyond other pain as she struggles to push out and away what comes up and over. As the explosion comes her arm flies over her face, missing the creature's appearance at first, blessedly.*
Jason St. Augustine : *Takes out a mustard seed from his pocket*
Cary "Scary" Day: [Soaks with ease] Lands in a heap with Amara- not even his grace saved him that fall
Simon Everson: *his shield , that like DUNE, blocks of time, forces and spirt , shake within around him and he flexes his fist* "Let's get it on."
Alexander Tarquine: ~gets some satisfaction from Scary's fall as he pulls himself to his feet once more~
Justine O'Ryan: ~simons' words seem to bring back an almost memeory of something..herself saying them to Milo him saying them to her, FJQ saying them to them all, Finnuala saying them to her..~for verily, i say unto ye, if ye have the faith of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountian..remove ye hence, to yonder place, and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto thee"
Storyteller: [hey, room exploded in a spirtual mass, you fall damn it*L*]
Jonathon Spader: *(soaked) he rolls with the force, and comes back slowly but surely to his feet*
Cary "Scary" Day: He pulls himself up quickly, however, and yanks Amara up with him., his eyes opening though they need not and peering about quickly- resting on the obvious attention garnerer
Justine O'Ryan: ~that's after she thuds~
Dana Mackintosh : *manages to cacthherself at the end of the fall and rolls to a crouch, she looks out at the others*
Tyne Donnelly: *falls, unhurt, and takes the brunt for Sabrina. looks at the thing that cannot be*
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks back down at Dana again and shakes his head slightly~
Finnuala Rosher: *Starts pulling herself up, half expecting another blast*
Simon Everson: Jumpin Ji-hjo-safat What the hell is that!
Amara: all she has to add to the flying scripture is. "ow fuck."
Christina Anderson: *pushes herself back up after the fall and drops her arm, looking at the thing, pauses for a moment before her mind tries to decide for her that nope, that ain't there and her eyes go wide.*
Cary "Scary" Day: "Kali be damned- that is three too many arms"
Jason St. Augustine : *Seems nonplussed at the end of the fall* We there yet?
Simon Everson: *never think he's thank paradox for being good*
Amara: Okay, and that doesn't make her feel ANY better.
Cary "Scary" Day: A low growl erupts from his throat and actual fear laces his dark eyes as he gazes upon that thing- Hands clenched tight about the daggers in his fists "Amara- -that- is the End"
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks over at the thing slowly, and raises one dark eyebrow~
Storyteller: *The Creature arms flex and wave.. A hovering of souls and Spectures about it, feeding it their life essence*
Amara: Her voice is whiny, like she's about to cry. "aww, no.."
Simon Everson: *Turns to Scary* A Node, A simple node.. WHAT is THAT!
Christina Anderson: *several words want to come out and they all tumble out at once, leaving her to just stammer nonsenical syllables.*.... Gah... uck....
Justine O'Ryan: ~the end is the beginning is the end, she thinks, but she sees Simon's fear and is worried, only then~
Dana Mackintosh : *her gaze lands on the creature*
Finnuala Rosher: *Stands up fully again and takes the Lance from the copper and black casing with a half twist. A vial of Holy water in the other hand*
Storyteller: [[and pause here for the night?]]
Cary "Scary" Day: He simply drops one of the daggers and grabs Amara by the chin, pulling her to his side- his version of comfort "Shut up" His gaze never leaves the thing "The End, that which -will- not be. You know Oblivion, Inquisitor? It's one word for the breaking of the Wheel"
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks it reminds her a bit of her former Father In Law*
Jonathon Spader: *thinking now the threat is in fron, Jon begins to move up towards a forward flan position. both swords at the ready* ((15 minutes before I really need to evacuate.))
Justine O'Ryan: ~she needs no further convincing then Finnuala's so she places her Angel down, carefully near Christina and shucks out her sword. waiting~ Chrstina, dear. do me a favor? watch her?
Christina Anderson: *nods after a moment to Justine, going to Angel's side.* (( I'm good ))
Tyne Donnelly: *puts Sabrina down beside Angelica and takes sabrina's sword. she can use this..She rises and waits.*
Cary "Scary" Day: And the one thing he =truly= fears
Simon Everson: *Screw it. He turns back to the creature* Well, get vulgar..
Christina Anderson: *strategically moves herself to be able to both block and move the two women if need be as they are laid by her.*
Amara: She nodds dumblky at being told to shut up, terrified and fighting fear for spite of it. "right"
Storyteller: [[oh.. the static hold on magic disappears.. entropy is -3 diff -and dangerous to use, prime is automatically vulgar, and works really well too *L* all else coincidental]]
Storyteller: *the creatre may talk, who knows. what it can do actually..but it just undualtes*
Justine O'Ryan: ~her blood moves through her, increasing her speed. she waits~
Storyteller: [it does talk, but hell, can anyone here beside milo understand it?]
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary drops the other dagger as well- despite his sudden pang to slam it into Alexander. The blade removes itself from his coat once more, shimmering dark and wet- pure and utter black.. he latches onto his command of Spirit and Entropy and races the two along his blade into a potent weapon- against the walking dead a least. Familiar Rote of Dim Mak coming up
Finnuala Rosher: In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo.
Amara: She hopes she doesn't have to fight it. that'd be bad. She looks at Scary then at the creature.
Jason St Augustine: *Is not going to waste blood without there being a real need*
Alexander Tarquine: ~leans over to whisper to Dana~
Dana Mackintosh : *turns to Alex and listens*
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ The altar is directly behind this thing.
Simon Everson: *Glancces at Dana and Alexander and shakes his head* what ever yo are, you cannot actualy want to stay here and feed this thing your essecence?
Dana Mackintosh : *turns and whispers back*
Simon Everson: *Flicks his eyes to Finnuala* the Goal Finnuala, were not here to die foolishly
Storyteller: *Is it moving, what IS it doing, just waiting to be attacked, waiting to die? What! what!?*
Christina Anderson: *as Simon speaks to Dana and Alex, she turns her attention to them. Let the rest deal with ....... what ever the farg that is.*
Simon Everson: *nods to Jon and whispers.* go..
Cary "Scary" Day: That does it- with one free hand he reaches down and takes up the needle dagger- perfect for tearing through the air- and flings it at Alex
Alexander Tarquine: ~has no desire to do such a thing, but for the time being ignores Simon~
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> Where is..? *The sense of location in flickers as she senses for it with the as of yet not understood sight of the Node*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon dashes forward, angling in close to the creature*
Justine O'Ryan: ~her determination flaters a bit and she looks at Simon and Finnuala~
Simon Everson: "Everyone spread out and surruond it.. Get what ever weapons tyou think you need .. we have work to do...
Storyteller: *it doesn't seem to move with Jon comming at it*
Jason St Augustine: *Has all the weapons he needs*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon goes for a sidelong attack, not straight at it, but as he passes by, and draw it around towards him dso that it exposes itself to the others*
Justine O'Ryan: ~has her sword and does as Simon instructs while looking a bit confused~
Simon Everson: *looks at Scary a moment, then at Alexander slightly confused&
Jason St Augustine: *Takes a deep and wholly unnecessary breath and steps forward slowly, nothing in his hands*
Finnuala Rosher: *Lance in hand, smiths' muscles tensing for the throw*
Alexander Tarquine: ~tries to dodge the knife, but fails miserably. It catches him an inch of its target~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Jason. her forhead furrows.~
Storyteller: *one of the nine flashes out towards spadar the rest of it's bulbass mass doesn't move*
Christina Anderson: *keeps her spot beside Sabrina and Angel, eye out for anything coming at them.*
Dana Mackintosh : *she raises the pistol and fires at Cary, defending Alexander*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks confused. the Auggy, has gone mad, perhaps*
Cary "Scary" Day: Whether his dagger lands or not [as I need to post] He turns back towards the End once more, the mockerie with it's many arms, mockery of his Fate and god- and leaps to battle- fear lacing his every motion as he does indeed face what most others believe to be Death
Simon Everson: *Grumbles as Alexander is hit, but now expecting that, a price of his rote he only warns scary* kill any of us and I'll feed you to myself Scar..*pulling his sword finally*
Amara: Her head perks up at that. "Hey!"
Alexander Tarquine: ~he stares down at the knife in his chest in shock, and pulls it out~
Storyteller: *SPADAR dart forward cutting off the one of the Bulbass pieces as it wriggles on the ground, dodging the arm as it goes at him*
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary, seeing everything- bends and rivulates his body- barely avoiding taking a bullet in the back. He ignores Simon as he knows what he is doing- never having expected him to have any faith or trust in his actions in the first place- the blade meets one of the nine
Christina Anderson: *blinks as Alex took it in the chest and is standing. Shakes her head to clear that, far too many impossibilities for one night and keeps up her watch.*
Storyteller: *The creature spins and focus on a randome person and unleashes more pandomium as it's arms flail*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he throws the knife away from him, it skitters across the floor and far from anyone~
Dana Mackintosh : *she looks over Alexander* how bad is it?
Finnuala Rosher: *Hurls the vial of holy water at the thing, any part*
Storyteller: *one arm seeks AMARA and the other SIMON as the other defend aganst scary*
Tyne Donnelly: *waits, for an opening. she inches closer to the thing, moving closer to Finnuala.*
Simon Everson: *doesn't move * FINNUALA, there more of us than arms, EVERRONE GO in!!... Fin you'll be clear!
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks back at Dana~ I think it's poisoned. But I don't feel anything.
Amara: She doesn't move as the arm grabbs her. Yet. But she looks wholly pissed.
Jason St Augustine: *Nods finalyy, and a sound, unheard for quite some time can be heard faintly* 'ka-klick'
Dana Mackintosh : *frowns* then find what you need in the pack and fix it...
Justine O'Ryan: ~as soon as Jason is decided she is and her sword at the ready. Celerity is being called upon~
Alexander Tarquine: What, are you stupid or something, I don't even know what kind he used. You do it, you're the fucking doctor. ~and he turns slightly to give Dana access to his webpack, wincing~
Tyne Donnelly: *looks confuesdly at Dana and Alex but waits to possibly defend Finnuala*
Storyteller: *it arms move out, Slamming into ALEXANDER and DANA from behind as they have a casual converstaion ..(soak 5, crushing), slaps into SIMONS's shiled and cracks it, flips CARY away*(soak 4) trying to CRUSH AMARA soak 5*
Dana Mackintosh : *frowns more and digs through the pack* fine, I'll do it *she takes out some supplies, guessing as to the toxin*
Simon Everson: *It pisses him off their taking so fucking long to simple do what he's odered, and charges with his sowrd, gladd for forces shields*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he slumps to the ground, unconcious~ (soaked three)
Cary "Scary" Day: IS flipped away, his senses and almost unatural grace focsing to make sure he lands well- ending with a crunch as he does not land perfectly, but he simply stands quickly and wipes blood from his lip with the back of hsi hand- [Soaked 3]
Finnuala Rosher: ((Miss my post?))
Storyteller: *When it's done moving, almost nothing is next to him it's strenth (12) enough to flip even the strongest to the far corners of the chamber.. Then the specrtes slowly start to cirle, reading their attack*
Dana Mackintosh : *slumps as the arm takes her from behind, she falls on Alexander*
Amara: She feels ribs pop and a lung pucture possibly before she takes it seriuosly. then she's hotly pissed and hurt. Not again. She focuses on the pain and calls forth raw creation, lyaing a weakened hand on the arm.
Jason St Augustine: *Watches and decides it's toime to drop blood for making tougher*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she moves back a bit, waiting for an opening~
Simon Everson: *Flips a will, into making sure he can keep moving thru the pain of others getting hurt, his sword charged with Quientess*
Tyne Donnelly: *she looks at Simon* Tell me what to hit!
Cary "Scary" Day: His hand bushes across his rings as he attempts to further the power of the Rote in his blade- of course he knows that he is unable and only his sense of the Prime is active, the Quintessence within him unable to move itself to the blade- He leaps into the fray quickly again, Entropic senses guiding him as Fate to that place where he would have the most chance of dealing harm
Jason St Augustine: *Looks at Jus* Follow my lead...*Tears off into it, doing nasty things with his gliave*
Storyteller: *AS Scary's blade sinks deep, light pours out, then Simon's BLADE also BITES more light, Oblivion, is bright and devine indeed, or is it entropy, it comes as life, loving life.. But everyone did not attack at one and that leaves two arms free, one of whick Grabs the LANCE out of the AIR*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds at Jason, having celerity this round. She blurrs for a second and after that is still~
Christina Anderson: *screws up the courage and pulls out the hunting knife she had boughten, not even close to being any thing like the swords and other weapons here, but will have to do.*
Tyne Donnelly: *she sees her purpose, and leaps mightily for the lance, trying to grab it with a little help from her majick*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Why does this keep happening when I hie Everyone and it goes to PM??)) *Takes a javelin thrower's dash toward the thing and hurls the Lance with all her strength*
Storyteller: *the terribleness of it is the silence. The effortless silence of it all, no yells, no nothing, just the beatific sound of silence*
Dana Mackintosh : *is slumped across Alexander*
Cary "Scary" Day: [ooo Tyne is even better than most mages magic, to magick, to majick]
Simon Everson: *Stands ready seeing Tyne going for the lance to glance at Dana and Alexander. How stupid to be arging at the feet of a demon*
Cary "Scary" Day: Hates silence, only he is allowed to be silent- he frees the blade once more and prepares to strike again, closing his eyes against the light as he can see better without them noe anyhow
Finnuala Rosher: ((Doesn't trust the mouse any more.)) *Sinks lower as the expectation of a harsh return of the Lance occurs*
Alexander Tarquine: ~is unconcious, being further squished by Dana, who isn't so small when she's on top of your already battered body~
Cary "Scary" Day: [noe = now]
Christina Anderson: *squints her eyes tight against the light and tries to keep up with the motion around.*
Storyteller: *The harhness of reality sets itself up. Timing is everything, and missed commands cost lives, as the last ARM smalls into Tyne, knocking her away from the lance, as it holds the lance above itself it's bullbas body spreading with more light as JASON and JUSTINE slice into it*
Simon Everson: *Simon Hold up his hand, still moving quickker than most and Freeze's time, Freezing himself solid, the perfect picture of a frozen super hero&*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she feels bad for hurting another creature and reconciles this by allowing herself to assume this is the creature who led to her angel being hurt. yep, that'll do it. her blur of motion is quick like a vacr on fast forward~
Storyteller: *AMARA is dropped like a stone as her power spreads thru the arm holding her, withering it, light bursting out of it*
Simon Everson: *Freezing HIMSELF solid*
Amara: She lands with a thud and starts to crawl away, ignoring the pain for now.
Jason St Augustine: *It slices it dices it makes julienne fries, it's the Lasombramatic. New from Ronco. Order yours today.*
Dana Mackintosh : *out cold*
Storyteller: *JASON's blade bites deep again as Justine's is quick, but the creature is strong and powerfull, and it (can you tell, i know i cannot) doesn't seem worried*
Simon Everson: *Looks like a FRozen Dune shieled, Jon traovalta*
Tyne Donnelly: *gets up from being knocked down and looks at Simon, utterly confused*
Cary "Scary" Day: Mutters silent curses, his eyes closed dhut as he slices with the blade yet again- he yells something out in Sanskrit- likely the only word understandable would be Akashic
Simon Everson: *Figure is he lives, he's going to personal speak with each crown memeber on what the words "Now" mean. Maybe.. Now..and in Today.. Or "All togehter" Not, some now, not some later.. Not some tomorrow." *
Christina Anderson: *has not noticed Simon yet, still staring at the creature and what effect they've been having so far, nearly at a loss.*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Scary in annoyance as she clue..but hell. She sees the others slashing and sts up for an attack away from the blades. She meditates and throws herself at it, offering a spinning backhand.*
Jason St Augustine: *Celerity kicks in and wow-the Lasombramatic has a frappe' setting*
Simon Everson: *other thing about being a time master, the ability to move your self forward in time till a point you were not an idiot and dox yourself*
Amara: Has crawled to where all the passed out and injured seem to be. Near Christina. She lays flat on her back for afew minutes, regaining breath.
Alexander Tarquine: ~unconcious beneath Dana as the poison begins to work on his system~
Christina Anderson: *turns a quick look down to Amara, having low to nil medical skills, she asks quickly.* Ok?
Storyteller: *It cannot be described.. The Frappe JASON the usually docile Finnuala opens up the BIGGEST can o whopp ass, TYNE who seemed unable to actually hurt anything .. Justine who tried and steady.. SCARY was scary.. the thing EXPLODES as it takes damage from all sides.. *
Amara: She smiles, hearing an explosion. "I feel better now. fucker."
Finnuala Rosher: ((Biggest can o whupass this character has ever done))
Storyteller: *it was litterly shreaded as it's spirtual essence was ripped apart *
Alexander Tarquine: ((Usually...docile? ~scratches head~))
Christina Anderson: *recoils at the explosion, dropping to a crouch to cover the injured and turns just a touch to Amara with a small grin.*
Justine O'Ryan: ((YEEEESSS, Finnuala!!)) ~she stopps at the explosion and hits the ground, sweatybloods forming all over her~
Finnuala Rosher: *Falls back, stumbling, but recovers*
Alexander Tarquine: ~is well shielded by the midget with tits~
Dana Mackintosh : [[ I think I was useful like usual ~G~ ]]
Storyteller: *the resulting spirtual explosion stripping away all the barriers held on the world around, and the city hall comes back with a vengence. Reality?*
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary does not really care about grace at this point, ending the end- which will never end because there is no end- Ah, to be a Euthanatos- paradox in your own Paradigm "Kali's saving grace" He mutters gently "Kali's chaotic destruction" He opens his eyes "The Wheel turns"
Simon Everson: *staggers back, having unfrozen himself and looks around for the creature* what happend?
Amara: Tears fall out of one of her eyes as she painfully laughs wheezily and wetly. She tastes her own blood in the back of her throat and knows she can't afford to screw around much longer. "hey. can you find..ugh..a med kit?"
Finnuala Rosher: *Scans quickly for the Lance*
Simon Everson: *his mind is fast, but he looks for something to kill, and stare at Alexande and Dana and shakes his head* Natrually.. Wonders if they's like to have another casually converstaion in another battle?
Tyne Donnelly: *is on the floor, blinking*
Christina Anderson: *stands up and nods to Amara, going to check on Dana and Alex, knowing at least he'd have one, and to see just how bad off they are.*
Simon Everson: *the lance is the wall next to jason. The Creature having been also ripped apart for holding the artifact*&
Amara: As soon as Christina has left she closes her eyes and forces herself to really try.
Cary "Scary" Day: He stands quickly, focusing as he can- He stalks towards Amara, glancing once at Tyne "The Mind, Akashic-" He says no more
Alexander Tarquine: ~breathing grows more shallow all the time. He's stable, but won't be this way for long~
Finnuala Rosher: *Respectfully works the Lance out of the wall.*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Scary, warily* what about it..
Simon Everson: *Glances at SCARY* Fix Alexander Scary! *moves to look at the plate covering the marriage area*
Dana Mackintosh : *is more stable then Alex but still in bad shape*
Simon Everson: scary=cary
Jason St Augustine: *Looks at the Lance with an amazing expression* Finn? Your poky stick. *Starts reaching out to everyone, letting them draw upon him for whaever they need*
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary reaches down and holds his hand over Amara's face speaking quietly to her before standing and glancing back at Tyne- he didn't need to say any more. He moves to Alexander and Dana, simply looking them over
Dana Mackintosh : [[ ~thinks Alex's WP rolls are worse~ ]]
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> It is indeed. ((Is Alexander by Jason?))
Justine O'Ryan: ~she rises, slowly from the ground like a panther uncoiling and sheakes her hair back and replaces the gore coated sword. or maybe no gore. she doesn't care.~
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary hefts Dana over one shoulder, lifting her from Alex
Alexander Tarquine: ((*Snorts and thinks Alex should try having Dana's wp rolls*))
Storyteller: [[+3 willpower back at "success" Like a good st i remembered]]
Dana Mackintosh : *gets hefted*
Alexander Tarquine: ~breathing more easily now that she's no longer on him~
Simon Everson: "let' move people.. We have a ritual to complete..
Cary "Scary" Day: [*goes to fill it in, looks at fullWP and sighs* Next time]
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks over the injured quickly to see if anyoine is in particularly bad shape*
Storyteller: *The plate. "In God we Trust, is not very large, but large enough so a bride and groom can stand on it..*
Amara: She breathes easier now. She must not have been hurt as bad as she originally looked. She listens to Scary but merely shakes her head. she struggles to her feet.
Alexander Tarquine: ~dying~
Christina Anderson: (kicks connection)*standing by Dana and Alex, not at all pleased with how they both look.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she goes over to where Angelica and Sabrina are and smiles at Christina~ my gratitude. ~she hefts Angel and looks oddly at the man who confused her cousin before moving to again follow Simon~
Simon Everson: *he's used all his Faith healing for the day.. And scans the others.. * EVeryone hands on the lance.. The origianl people..Let's move!
Finnuala Rosher: *Kneels by Alexander and puts a hand on his forehead*
Tyne Donnelly: *story for another time she decides. She goes and lifts Sabrina.*
Christina Anderson: *nods with a brief grin to Justine at that.*
Cary "Scary" Day: He looks at Alex a moment, his Entropc senses all he needs to see "What I did is not what is killing him- in fact, he may be living longer for it."
Dana Mackintosh : *if anyone was suited to be live-action swiss cheese, its Dana*
Amara: She looks at Scary. "Do they still need us?"
Finnuala Rosher: Heavenly Father, physician of our souls and bodies, Who have sent Your only-begotten Son and our Lord Jesus Christ to heal every sickness and infirmity, visit and heal also Your servant from all physical and spiritual ailments through the grace of Your Christ. Grant him patience in this sickness, strength of body and spirit, and recovery of health. Lord, You have taught us through Your word to pray for each other that we may be healed. I pray, heal Your servant and grant to him the gift of complete health. For You are the source of healing and to You I give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. *And then wll join the Ritual*
Cary "Scary" Day: He looks to Finnuala a moment and then with Dana over one shoulder he moves after Simon
Tyne Donnelly: *puts her free hand on the lance*
Justine O'Ryan: ~also places her hand on the lance~
Simon Everson: *looks at scary and then scans dana and Alex with spirt and prime and life a light prayer under his lips*
Christina Anderson: *swallows hard as two of the original ritual group are out cold and goes to join it.*
Jason St Augustine: *Hand to the Lance*
Cary "Scary" Day: He still follows- he told Amara from the start that she did not have to come- and she does not have to stay
Finnuala Rosher: *On her way to Dana, but sees Simon has things in hand*
Cary "Scary" Day: He is not the original group, he simply follows as he knows when and can, reaching out and taking Dana's hand- placing it against the Lance
Christina Anderson: *places her hand on the lance.*
Cary "Scary" Day: Dana over Scary's shoulder
Amara: She was asking in confusion as the Inquisitor asked for the "original people" then remebers she is one of those and holds back the urge to flip him off as she goes with them.
Simon Everson: *Simon is not standing near the others, just reacing out to scan them.. and he blinks* oppp sorry.. Everyone arund the lance, Finnuaal will drive it, and when hopefully, then we shall hold on to it..and so cleanse the node..and Then I will release the ritual i built at home..Ok?
Cary "Scary" Day: "Get it done" Is all he says
Christina Anderson: *nods, following maybe a bit of that.*
Amara: oh, yeah, and does what Scary does.
Alexander Tarquine: ~his colour returns and his breathing eases, his eyelids flutter but he does not move~
Finnuala Rosher: We'll see you there, Simon. *Gently, sure that they will now.*
Jason St Augustine: *Nods
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds at Simon~
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Simon for a second* Be careful. *and back to stoic*
Simon Everson: *Checks his watch and nods * Concentrate on ME, i'm your focal point..
Finnuala Rosher: Will do, Paladin.
Simon Everson: *Then he heads out the door.. moving faster than he should be able to*
Christina Anderson: *does so, locking in Simon after he finishes stating that.*
Simon Everson: *takes the steps two at ta time, falling out of time*
Finnuala Rosher: *Activates Prime, still not sure what it is, but that it leads to that thing she seeks*
Cary "Scary" Day: Time Mages always seem to take even longer to get things done- he closes his eyes, focusing on Simon with his magickal senses, focusing every part of them, his bracelet rattles- the sound of dry bone rattling and every Sphere he knows is focused in sensory upon Simon- being all but the three of Pattern
Amara: She of course is well attuned to Everything. Time, foremost. She concentrates on the Choruster.
Tyne Donnelly: *she stregthens her own Mind to Simon before reaching out with her mind and touching Angelica's and Sabrina's so that they, too in that place in the back, focus thier dreams upon him*
Simon Everson: *those actively tracking simone will sense a Jump, time spehere obviously and then he's 40 miles away in an instant, but is it your instant or his instant*
Storyteller: *Finnuala's phone rings*
Alexander Tarquine: ~focuses on Simon senses she knows she has, because they belong to her, not her body...~
Finnuala Rosher: *In the middle of tending Dana, picks up the phone* Finnuala here.
Jason St Augustine: *Is attuned to magick like a ferret-"oooh, shiny, oooh, priity, oooh, what does this do?"*
Simon Everson: (phone) "Do it Finnuala.. "
Cary "Scary" Day: Oblivious- seemingly- to Finnuala tendind Danas body over his shoulder
Christina Anderson: *closes her eyes and tries to shut out everything else that is going on and causing "feedback".*
Cary "Scary" Day: [*laughs cause Dana cant use Life]
Justine O'Ryan: ~knows majick very well. she's been around so many mages. She holds Her Angel but her thoughts are on Simon~
Finnuala Rosher: *Holds Dana's hand onto the Lance under hers, knowing this can't wait. Makes sure again that this is the spot and waits for the others to join in*
Dana Mackintosh : *still out cold*
Alexander Tarquine: ((*sticks her tongue out at Scary* this is NOT the kind of thing you foresee when you take unique foci as a tattoo!))
Alexander Tarquine: ~trying so hard to move his fingers, and can't~
Jason St Augustine: *Holds on to the Lance*
Christina Anderson: *hand still on the lance, waiting for the sensation of movement.*
Finnuala Rosher: Help those who can't do it alone. We all have to together.
Justine O'Ryan: ~tenses, waiting~
Cary "Scary" Day: already was- he glances back at Alex' a moment , but he is already holding Dana
Justine O'Ryan: ~takes one of Angelica's hands and places it, holds it onto the lance as Tyne does the same with Sabrina. assuming this is what Finnuala means~
Christina Anderson: *pops one of her eyes open and looks at the lance, then reaches a bit and wraps her hand around Alex's.*
Simon Everson: [home]*locks on to the lance, collecting the minds and souls and energies focused on him.. Activing Prime/Matter to clease the node, using himself a a Spirtual chanell he waits, Justin before him*
Jason St Augustine: *Looks and grabs Alex, arming him up like a little Raggedy Alex doll*
Amara: She touches Christina's arms briefly, muttering "Concentrate."
Christina Anderson: *has given up on getting to the surface of things for the time being and will just chill out for a while under it all. Later on, giant whiskey bender.*
Finnuala Rosher: *When everyone's ready, repeats the words given by Simon at the outset* ((Damn notepad lost it)) *And raises the Lance as high as everyone can manage*
Amara - Christina Anderson: Mind 2, "concentrate" so you can do this..10, 8, 6.))
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches Simon, watches...~
Cary "Scary" Day: His sense focus once more- Through the nonexistiential Crosrodas they relay upon both the Inquisitor and those here- and the mad Father as well
Alexander Tarquine: ~completely limp~
Christina Anderson: *feels Amara's hands on her arms and does what she does relatively well, what she is told and focuses.*
Dana Mackintosh : *who knows where his mind is*
Simon Everson: [home]*unlocks the forces around the house and in their chapel, sending them at the lance, in a dangerous cross manuver*
Jason St Augustine: *Focuses and lifts*
Finnuala Rosher: *Pools Faith with Simon across the distance as it's the closest focus of him she has and drives the Lance downward with the combined strength of many.*
Tyne Donnelly: *lifts, helping Sabrina do so as Jus is doing with Ang..*
Christina Anderson: *takes the extra support given by Amara and concentrates lifting and driving in tandem with the group.*
Simon Everson: [Home]Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum -One mind, one blood, one Goal...
Justine O'Ryan: ~Simon~
Cary "Scary" Day: Crushing Entropy fules forth from him in the same instant- his own personal touch as the Cleansing commences- his Entropy true, not foul as it was
Storyteller: [JUSTIN]*mind comes online instantly as it's flooded with Faith* //*the combined Faith that went into the ritual is released at the point of contact, Finnuala(4)Dana(1), Alexander(1) Simon(1), JAson(1)(Sabrina(1)Spadar(1)=(10).The Lance Point Drive in, and to the node. It's a small node but the energy released is instant, *[[willpower diff 6 or willpower to hold on]]
Finnuala Rosher: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum -One mind, one blood, one Goal...
Jason St Augustine: *Holds on, throughout*
Justine O'Ryan: ~her will is strong, and she doesn't let it falter~ Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum -One mind, one blood, one Goal...
Dana Mackintosh : *is still out cold*
Jason St Augustine: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum -One mind, one blood, one Goal...((Look Ma! No typo!))
Tyne Donnelly: *forrows her b0ow and holds on too*
Cary "Scary" Day: Not currently thinking about how similiar that is to the Technocratic Paradigm, he'll do that later- His Will is strng and he holds true
Tyne Donnelly: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum -One mind, one blood, one Goal.
Christina Anderson: *dredges up whatever she can inside to hang on to the lance as the energy rush comences.* (wp spent)
Simon Everson: *using the link he throws Prime and matter and staggering under the entropy, but streeks it with the light of a Chorisotor.. The goal is not faith at the moment, it's clearning a node..*
Alexander Tarquine: ~"Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum...One Mind, One Blood, One Goal."~
Amara: She doesn't know what the hell they are saying but she'll be damned if she's letting go.
Storyteller: [[asks all the mages to roll...]]
Christina Anderson: *able to say it the second time around* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum -One mind, one blood, one Goal...
Storyteller: * aSubtle shift..a tear in the very nature of reality. As the node is opened and darkness treatens to spill out, but it's held at bay by the faith attunded to it, the power of believe overwhelming and things..Fall apart..*
Cary "Scary" Day: Things always fall apart- His eyes open, glittering with darkness and shining with light all at once- His lips parting gently as he breathes outwards slowly
Storyteller: [20 success, successfull opening of a node]*And Just like that, a shape pulls out of the node, but unlike before, this is a clear shape.. s spirt Khali to some, and angel to others, Light to even more, it rises above the group as a miracle happens and a devine Bless happens, as it steaks away, following a link to a far place...To simon, even as a Those spirtual selvs people call Avatars float behind those here, standing in this midst of trapped reality*
Christina Anderson: *still concentrating on holding on to the lance and other things, trying to let the "sensation" flow around her without overreacting.*
Dana Mackintosh : *still out cold, with a hand on the lance*
Alexander Tarquine: ~his eyes open~
Finnuala Rosher: *Weathering the surge through belief, belief adding to the power. Inward the journey goes and through her mind, body and soul, the experience complete and blindness forever banished.*
Jason St Augustine: *Lets the Divinity flow through and around him*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she blinks at that and holds Angelica a little closer. Ang's eyes open just enough to see then she falls back alssep~
Simon Everson: *Accepts the "representation" of the Rote in this form and lays his hand on the beatific* "..Believe.."
Justine O'Ryan: ~is still concentrating, however, closes her eyes again~
Finnuala Rosher: *A whispered name* St. Joan...
Christina Anderson: *watches in utter amazement.*
Jason St Augustine: *And you have never seen the casual ultracool face of the Deacon be replaced so swiftly by complete shock*
Cary "Scary" Day: A gigantic steel and iron golem stands behind Cary- mouthless, eyes glowing like black burning coals- his chest the only part unarmored in those thick metal plates- a red and bloody beating heart there, vibrant with life while tinged with darkness all at once
Tyne Donnelly: *she records this moment for all time in the one record she has. her mind*
Finnuala Rosher: *Amid all the rest, the addition of one more power surge is hardly noticed.*
Storyteller: *And Just like that it's gone, no longer silent, a sense of complete wholeness and power over flowing the group as well, all the awakened have quietessence and all the humans feel like they are on Oxide*
Alexander Tarquine: ~smiles at Finnuala, a slow, incredible smile~
Cary "Scary" Day: And just as Kali is gone, so is the iron golem
Storyteller - Justine O'Ryan: *Even as that happen, you are broken down.. fleshed out, remainde and the body fails abrutply only to be consumed in a divine light.. to be flesh*
Alexander Tarquine: ~Danu fades back into the mists~
Tyne Donnelly: *Chuhulian looks down at Tyne, with his arms crossed. His braided hair and celtic dress all green. the tourque around his neck is a never ending circle*
Finnuala Rosher: *Slips to the floor, too ecstatic in this revelation to remain in full control, but her hand never leaving the Lance*
Simon Everson: *Cuts the link as soon as it's done..all they need is the technocracy homing in on either place*
Jason St Augustine: *Smiles just faintly at his patron saint* Thank you. *Whereupon he falls*
Jason St Augustine: *Still touching the lance*
Justine O'Ryan: ~nearly falters, and looks at Jason and blinks..and allows a tear to free itself. and she does not weep blood~
Christina Anderson: *the general feeling of wanting to "explode" comes over her. If anyone had told her that this would have been the cumulation of all of this, it would have been doubted. Just goes to prove.*
Amara: The woman with no face bhind Amara looks like Amara, then leaves.
Alexander Tarquine : ~blinks several times as he regains conscienceness and looks out through his own eyes~
Storyteller: [+3 willpower back again..success number two]]
Finnuala Rosher: *Sanity, clarity so great it almost hurts.* Time to go home.
Dana Mackintosh: *out cold, again*
Simon Everson: *makes phone call, circle dials all their phones, forcing himself to concentrate thru the euphoric feelings that are threating to blind him*
Finnuala Rosher: ((I have to go now. Good night everyone.))
Storyteller: [[good night all...]]
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary glances towards Finnuala once more and murmers softly as he is directly at her side "Seeing with Awakened eyes, now..."
Storyteller: [[all leaving, just "tiding up" the scene"]]
Dana Mackintosh: *crushed, beaten, broken, god knows what else*
Alexander Tarquine : [[ night Finn ]] ~he slowly lets go of the lance and looks over his body, his mind realing from the mental trauma of this night~
Christina Anderson: *cannot move even if she wanted to, which she doesn't and does all at the same time. She pushes herself to come back to reality with several blinks in rapid fire sucession.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Gives Cary a gaze too intensely gentle and understanding in this moment to let him have his usual distance*
Tyne Donnelly: *she smiles at Justine.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Will after this heal "Dana" also*
Finnuala Rosher: ((And Ang))
Tyne Donnelly: *then watches Jason for a second. him too? looks at Ang..all of them?*
Alexander Tarquine : ~drops to the ground as his numb body suffers the dreded pins and needles~
Cary "Scary" Day: Scary turns away afterwards- now setting Dana on the ground, he is no healer, if she dies now, she will be reborn again, if they want to heal her, then let them. He makes his way to Amara to check her once more
Christina Anderson: *reluctantly releases her grasp of the lance and flexes her hand several times as if it is not really hers.*
Jason St Augustine: *Doesn;t answer his phone, eyes open, blank. Chest moving regularly*
Justine O'Ryan: ~is in shock. then she remebers..she has to breathe and her body mechanisms kick in~
Simon Everson: *wonder if someone will get the phone, sitting at the floor back at home*
Amara: She looks at Sacry then points to Jason. "what's up with him? and why are they all acting like they just got the good shit?"
Justine O'Ryan: ~picks up the phone~ hello?
Cary "Scary" Day: He does not answer her, or the phone, he hardly cares- His hands search over her gently as does his eyes along with the aid of the Crossroads and his own medical knowledge- he checks after his own first and foremost
Christina Anderson: *would like very much to ask exactly what just happened but is rather enjoying the moment a bit too much to talk.*
Jason St Augustine: *small twitch*
Alexander Tarquine : ~is dealing with the after effects of poison induced paralysis~
Amara: Winces, seeing Dana and looks at Scary and sighs. "I'm fine" she lies.
Justine O'Ryan: ((DLP)) ~hands Scary the phone~ it's for you, Good sir.
Cary "Scary" Day: And then glances back at Jason- whom senses as- differant and says non-chalantly "That one will go when the Wheel turns- which will be soon"
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Jason in alarm, touches him and speaks in latin*
Christina Anderson: *starts to connect to the rest of the world and takes stock of the rest.*
Cary "Scary" Day: [Oh well] He takes the phone and continues to look Amara over, even holding her down if he has too "Day"
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Justine, without having to say a word, and looks at Scary* You. we need..your help.
Simon Everson: "Mr. Day..Get your ass out of there or secure the node. Were still in a war arn't we, and if not, then were attraction attention.
Alexander Tarquine : ~is dealing with the poison~
Justine O'Ryan: ~has laid Angel down and is touching Jason, reassuringly~ It will be allright..have faith..~sounds a bit panicky~
Christina Anderson: *looks between Justine and Tyne.* What's wrong? *indicating both Alex and Jason.*
Cary "Scary" Day: He hands the phone to Tyne as he moves over to Jason "For you. I cannot help him- the Wheel turns. It is time we go, 'less you forget the Union"
Justine O'Ryan: ~looks at Christina~ he has no heart. He can't breathe.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks up at Scary~ not on my watch, it doesn't. please. Help him.
Christina Anderson: *so lost on that one, she blinks at Justine's answer.* ........ What's happening?
Jason St Augustine: ((He can breathe hunky dory. Just that pulse thing is still a problem.))
Tyne Donnelly: *takes the phone* Simon? help.
Tyne Donnelly: *she looks at the cultist.*
Cary "Scary" Day: "If you have a Life Mage than you can force the Wheel to slow- Otherwise- the Union will take us all, we go. Now." He looks to Amara "You're fine? Walk"
Christina Anderson: (( *waves back* Catch a few for me... ))
Storyteller: (phone) What? .. you have to leave, or secure the node..
Simon Everson: (phone) What? .. you have to leave, or secure the node..
Alexander Tarquine : ~Alex remains incapcitaed from the poison~ [[ ~poof~ ]]
Cary "Scary" Day: [Now my question- Did Brian leave? Or Dana?]
Storyteller: [[both]]
Tyne Donnelly: (into phone* Jason is dying.
Amara: Sighs again but can do nothing and so as Scary says, goes.
Simon Everson: *would roll shis eyes if he could* Give jason the phone and then come home..thank you..
Jason St Augustine: *Takes Liz's hand and gives a gentle squeeze*
Tyne Donnelly: *gives Jason the phone, while hoping Sabrina wakes up*
Cary "Scary" Day: "He is dead" It is not a bad thing to him- it happens. He takes Amara's arm because he knows she is hurt, and supports her as they make their way out "Best be quick- I am not pulling chains"
Christina Anderson: *looks at Tyne, waiting to hear what is to be done next.*
Jason St Augustine: *takes the phone* We did it?
Simon Everson: *Freeze's JAson the moment he get's the phone*(again, independely rolled) * Now..COME HOME!
Justine O'Ryan: ~she says nothing to Scary because she doesn't expect him to understand what it feel like after so long. and Jason..for him it's been ever longer.~
Cary "Scary" Day: [Prime2/Life3 Med3 or Prime2/Life4]
Christina Anderson: *appearantly, it's going. Moves to help carry out Alex as they start rousing the rest.*
Tyne Donnelly: *seeing Jason freeze she takes no further time and since it IS a node, she uses Forces on him, and Sabrina and Ang to make them light enough to carry home.*
Storyteller: [i concur with scary..right spheres, and right combonation ]
Simon Everson: *now poofles*
Jason St Augustine: *Frozen, croaking, smiling. Course, any man would die happy if the last thing they saw was Liz's arse*
Justine O'Ryan: ~taking no more time she lifts Ang on one saide, half of Jason on the other, and links arms over backs with Tyne. she and Tyne becoming the only two working links in a human chain.they get them to the car*
Storyteller: [[Thank you all.. i hope you liked it.. ]]
Cary "Scary" Day: Out with Amara- doesn't expect to be invited to the home they are going too
Christina Anderson: *drags Alex out as best as possible to the car and heads home.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she of course would think to if her frind wasn't dying and she wasn't lugging three inanamate bodies to a car.~
Tyne Donnelly: *let's say they all arrive hom without incident, and Tyne right away goes to find Amber.* (gone)