Daisy Learns Something?
March 26 2000
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods back to him, her voice is low.* You asked for anyone who knows the local Deacon, I do. I have spoken with him on a few occasions and things have gone well. Had a feeling we might need something there.
Simon Everson: *smiles Actually* "..Take a Seat. What Tradation is he? *pulling on his pants to sit*
Dana Mackintosh: *she sits on the edge of the chair with her hands folded in her lap* Euthanatos.
Daisy Mae Everson: *after spending much of the day in the Crown chapel she goes up to her room*
Simon Everson: *Frowns deeply* It can be worked with.. His name, background..Anything You may find relevant and Irravlent.
Simon Everson: *glances up at Daisy when she comes in. Smiles briefly then his light blue eyes turn back to Dana.*
Dana Mackintosh: His name is Cary Day and he's the type of person who won't suffer any fools or people he considers weak. Other than a few scattered personality traits I don't know much other than he's not allowed to teach me but I suspect he would like to anyway. I think he's convinced I'm a Chorister-in-Training, although I have explained that I'm not. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, a little gloomy, but it's not hard to lift his mood.
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Simon and Dana and goes over to her desk*
Simon Everson: *absently* You are a,Chorister in Training, as far as the edit is concenred, But anyway. I need to see him.. can you arrange it?
Dana Mackintosh: *smiles a little shyly but warmly at Daisy, returns her attention also to the business at hand*
Dana Mackintosh: I can try, I'm not sure how well he will respond. I will try and see him tonight or tommorrow, and then get back to you immedeatly.
Simon Everson: "Set him up then. You want to see him, and then WE will.. I nothing else i'll say you were forced. I want it done. *his voice a comand of itself*
Daisy Mae Everson: *does not interupt then insteady makes her self busy with somthing on her desk*
Dana Mackintosh: Alright. I don't have his telephone number though, I'll have to go look for him. Should I call you when I see him? And he'll know I'm there, either way. He is able to feel the space around him. *She frowns, because then he will know if she uses a phone* Permission to call mind to mind?
Daisy Mae Everson: (them)
Simon Everson: *Almost smirks* So? [as simon always has a corr 1 field running]
Dana Mackintosh: *also often has corr scan up. She considers trying to explain herself better, but merely says* I'll do my best.
Simon Everson: "It can be defeated, and I am the Best at it. Find him, call me.. I will "wonder by" After all, i'm just another person until i speak.. *turns to Daisy* hello Daisy mae, how are you love?
Dana Mackintosh: *softly, at an appropriate lull in the conversation* Will there be anything else you need?
Daisy Mae Everson: Hello, darlin'. I'm alright. *she's not so convincing on that fact*
Simon Everson: "..My plan is simple.. I will find us Hold ground, then we will do the ritual of Faith there
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods, swallows, but looks generally firm* If there is anything else I can do, let me know. *stands and feels like she should wait to be dismissed*
Simon Everson: *his eyes flicker for a moment to some hidden Simon emotion and nods* actually..Daisy. I'd like you to speak with Daisy.. *looks at Daisy* there's a lot she needs to know, that i cannot even bear to tell her..
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Simon*
Dana Mackintosh: *opens her mouth, closes it again, swallows, nods*
Dana Mackintosh: Daisy> We could take a walk if you like.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Dana* All right.
Dana Mackintosh: ((is not archiving))
Dana Mackintosh: *She stands* The grounds perhaps? Is there anywhere you would like to go?
Daisy Mae Everson: (I will archive)
Dana Mackintosh: ((Thanks, I've traded in, a bitchy comp for a stable modem))
Daisy Mae Everson: *on the grounds will be fine, stands and get her coat going over and giving Simon a soft kiss*
Dana Mackintosh: *stops to get her coat from her room, fast forward to outside. They walk slowly, unless Daisy would like to sit down, because Dana thinks better when she's pacing. This is close enough* Alright, before I start piling things on you, let me explain how I know. I'm just a Squire, this isn't stuff that they've told me but haven't told you. The real reason, the core reason I joined is because when Finnuala was...elsewhere, a few months ago..*Swallows* I was one of the people who went to retrive her. To get her back, I bound her soul into my body. I share all her memories and she shares all of mine.
Simon Everson: *he sighs, and goes back to writing,k hating his life and the loss of his Daisy mae*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* Yes, I remember the retrieval of Finnuala. *walks with her, showing no signs of wanting to stop*
Dana Mackintosh: Alright, now, here's where it gets tricky. I'm not sure how much you know and I don't want to sound like I'm patronizing you, because I'm not. *she sighs* So...what have you learned so far.
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks on that* What have I learned... let's see... I know a little of what Simon can do. I know a bit about Shapeshifters, vampires..*shivers at the thought of when she was kid napped twice by one*....
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods* Alright, that's a start. The reason Simon can do what he does is because he can bend reality. There are other mortals who can do that. Some of them work for good, others for evil, the same way as everything else. One who works for evil is what got to Paul. *her voice is gentle and soothing (merit), she keeps her words calm and slightly detached. Any reaction she might have to what she is saying, well...Daisy doesn't need burdened with it*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* Bending of reality... I'll not ask how it's done... I can grasp the jist of what is done.
Dana Mackintosh: *She nods* Those of us who can do that, to my knowledge, are Simon, Justin, Tyne, Amber, and myself. ((Please smack me if I'm forgetting someone))
Simon Everson: ((pss..justin!))
Dana Mackintosh: ((He's in there.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *She shows no reaction to the people she mentions* (I think you got them all)
Dana Mackintosh: Oh, and possibly Spader, but I'm really not sure about that because it doesn't feel the same.
Daisy Mae Everson: You can feel it?
Dana Mackintosh: *Doesn't mention Rose because all she has to go on is Justin's word, and she'll wait till Rose tells Dana she's Chorister* So that takes care of that...Jason, Justine, and Angelica are vampires. Finnuala has Shapeshifter blood in her, but isn't an actual shapeshifter herself. To my knowledge, Paul doesn't fit into any of these categories.
Dana Mackintosh: *She nods* Part of being able to bend reality is being able to feel it. Sometimes I can feel when other people are bending it.
Daisy Mae Everson: I know about Jason, Justine and Angelica as well as Finnuala. I am kin to the shapeshifters.
Dana Mackintosh: You are? Neat, I didn't know that. *she smiles a little* Alright...presumably you know about Demons. *She frowns, and wonders what else she needs to know* Is there anything that hasn't been explained to you that you've been wondering about?
Daisy Mae Everson: I know demons exsist... *wonders what it is she has been missing all this time* Perhap explain these different ...creatures are in order?
Dana Mackintosh: ((alright, Dana doesn't have lore on either vamps or mages, but from finn's and her own experience, i can still explain to daisy?))
Dana Mackintosh: ((or shifters, doesn't need mage lore I would imagine. *bangs head*))
Simon Everson: [[lore, there is phantom lore.. mostly dana has about a 1 phantom lore. unless he's actually spent her xp at 1 per week..]]
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks* I've heard mentioned Sabbat... and Camarilla in reference to vampires.
Dana Mackintosh: ((I don't have enough exp to spend on what Dana would be learning to do, much less learing to know. *S* I did give her a dot of vamp lore though, but it's more like "I know behaviours of various clans but I don't know what they're called" kinda lore))
Daisy Mae Everson: (racks brain for things Daisy has heard and doesn't know what it may mean)
Dana Mackintosh: Yes, to the best of my understanding those are the two main factions in their society. I think the Camarilla is less vicious. The Sabbat work...like we do, in a lot of ways. Packs in a larger organization dedicated to some purpose although I don't really understand what it is. Most of my vampire experience comes from Finnuala. They can enslave mortals by having you drink their blood while you're still alive.
Daisy Mae Everson: *remembers being asked if she has drank from athe vampire the fed upon her, runs a finger over the scare on the palm of her left hand* (I think it was the left hand, I'll have to look it up again)
Daisy Mae Everson: *she is quiet for a time as she thinks*
Dana Mackintosh: *remembers being asked if she drank from the vampire that fed from her and moves on to what Daisy might want to know next*
Daisy Mae Everson: Can you tell me more about... what... you, Simon Justin and the others can do.
Daisy Mae Everson: (*chuckle*)
Dana Mackintosh: Well...we can do anything. I mean, not all of us can do anything...but with enough strenght and knowledge we could do whatever we wanted. Except sometimes reality bites back, but that's another story altogether. I am strongest in the Mind and the space around me. Tyne is strongest in the Mind and the energy around her. Justin...well, I know he is strong in the Mind, but I'm not sure what else he can do. And I know Simon can do more than heal, I just can't understand it. He can heal though. However, we can all use our knowledge to hurt someone...*Swallows, remembering her first own experience with Simon hurting someone*
Daisy Mae Everson: Or what you know about Father Quinn?
Dana Mackintosh: What I know about Father Quinn. Well, I know what I heard from Simon the other day. That he was Lasombra, Lasombra being a kind of vampire that can control shadows. Alot of what I know about Father Quinn are things he told Finnuala in confidence. And I won't repeat them.
Daisy Mae Everson: Realitly bites back... interesting way of putting it. *is reminded of "nursing" simon back to health shortly after they met*
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods* Do you remember when I didn't have eyes, just before Justine attacked the house?
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks... a time for explaining things and yet secrets are being kept*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* Yes, when you couldn't see.
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods* That's an example of reality biting back.
Daisy Mae Everson: Lasombra You mention it was a tyoe of Vampire... Obviously this mean there is more than one kind...what others do you know about.
Dana Mackintosh: Very few names, just characteristics. Some are better at fighting, others are better at social games, some can shape flesh, some look like animals...Alot of visions, alot of memories, alot of dreams. Very little actual scholarly knoweledge on the subject. I'm just a stepping stone, but I'm sure Jason or Justine would know. *doesn't really know Ang*
Daisy Mae Everson: *time to go to school and learn more about the supper natural.... Jason that little bugger.. keeping his secret from me for a year... though he did a good job of keeping the truth from me even when I asked him a few unusual questions* Dnan, I don't know what else Simon wants me to know so if there is something I have not ask about, just tell me.
Dana Mackintosh: *hesitantly* Do you know what Simon does within the Templars?
Daisy Mae Everson: I know he is a Paladin, but please do go on.
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders about the exact definition of Paladin* Which to you means...
Daisy Mae Everson: *I don't have the exact definition of a Paladin* He follows a strict code he defends and protects us... (sorry I'm not ver articulet(sp?) my brain is about fried)
Dana Mackintosh: (np) *thinks back to Orwell's Politics and the English Language* Yes, he does protect us. He protects us as a group of Templars from any faction that wants to hurt us. That means that he terminates anything that threatens our existence, and we're not a popular group. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks a moment* Simon kills things.
Dana Mackintosh: Yes. Alot of things.
Daisy Mae Everson: *sighs... still does not think of Simon as a killer... it's just not the way she see him...*
Dana Mackintosh: *quiet, letting her digest the knowledge on her own, wondering if there are any more questions* He protects us by doing that. That's how he takes care of his family.
Daisy Mae Everson: Okay so we have establish that Simon killes thingsto protect us.
Dana Mackintosh: *will not believe later that she is actually justifying murder*
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods*
Dana Mackintosh: Is there anything else I can do for you?
Daisy Mae Everson: *she knows Simon doesn't kill without reason*
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Dana* Teach me how to read minds... because I do not see what it is that everyone has been keeping from me.
Cary "Scary" Day: [*L* If only it were that easy-]
Dana Mackintosh: To be honest, I don't either. I'm not ever sure what I was supposed to tell you tonight.
Daisy Mae Everson: *As and after thought she remembers something Father Quinn once told her* Simon is a killer... not a murderer... there is a different. *she says softly*
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods once*
Daisy Mae Everson: (Yeah, yeah... Mr. Day...*chuckle*)
Daisy Mae Everson: Sorry Dana. I don't know what more to ask you.
Dana Mackintosh: *waits to see if that will be all*
Dana Mackintosh: *she shakes her head* Me neither. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Tyne Lurk: ((I'll teach you, daisy..*EG* ))
Daisy Mae Everson: I guess I'll find out soon enough if I've learn enough of ...whatever. I do have one more question... what can you tell me about the ritual Simon spoke of at the meeting. (Hi Tyne)
Dana Mackintosh: That it's beyond my experience, and we're never going to be the same. I heard what you did, and I didn't know anything before that.
Tyne Lurk: ((Runs off to finish what she's doing and leaves her "Don't have kids" sign up))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* Just thought I would ask...
Dana Mackintosh: No problem. I should really go find Cary, but...Daisy, look. Whatever I did to upset you before you left, I'm sorry.
Daisy Mae Everson: It wasn't all you, Dana. I wasn't myself. I don't remember everything I may have said.. and I too am sorry if I upset you.
Dana Mackintosh: It's okay, no hard feelings. *she smiles a bit* I get like that, I just take it out on Paul. *she turns to walk to her car, then turns back* You're gonna be okay?
Daisy Mae Everson: Please do go and find Cary... that's more important them me. *she says sincerely*
Daisy Mae Everson: I'll be fine, Dana. *smiles a bit*
Dana Mackintosh: Nothing's more important than us staying healthy. *she smiles a bit* You're a great person. If we dont' tell you things that hurt us, it's because we want you to stay that way. *she smiles for a second then darts back to her car*
Daisy Mae Everson: *almost chuckles at Dana's comment, as that is what everyone says to her* *just nods to dana*
Dana Mackintosh: *gone to look for Scary, checks occult shop first*
Simon Everson: *is at the from of the house, wating on Daisy to return*
Dana Mackintosh: *pauses to nod at Simon before driving off*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she doesn't look any worse for ware, as she walks up to the house... smiles a little at Simon when she see him*
Daisy Mae Everson: *walks right up to Simon*
Simon Everson: *he reaches out to Daisy and smiles* let' go upstairs
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods and goes with him quietly*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she would have taken his hand in hers*
Daisy Mae Everson: (brb)
Simon Everson: *he enters upstairs and closes their door* "..DAisy... how do you feel about this
Daisy Mae Everson: (back)"this" being what Simon?
Simon Everson: "This, me, not the man you married
Daisy Mae Everson: You're still the man I married.
Simon Everson: *looks at his pager and doesn't move * Ok.. i'm being called..But i'm not leaving yet.
Daisy Mae Everson: Yes, you are. *softly touches his cheek* We will be stronger... *and she is scared to death*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the pager then him* You're needed elsewhere, darlin'... *she doesn't want him to go either, but...*
Simon Everson: "I have already gone.."
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks very confused* You have?
Simon Everson: *he nods and rest back* "..What have you done for our children..
Daisy Mae Everson: I've sent them back to the ranch with Consuela... They will be provided for should anything....go wrong.
Daisy Mae Everson: I have offered to Finnuala, Liz and Jason to send their kids there too if they want.
Daisy Mae Everson: *sits on the edge of their bed*
Simon Everson: "Ok..
Simon Everson: "Daisy..I love you, and I don't want you to be alone, or our children..But i caused this, and I will end it.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* I don't know what it is you wanted Dana to tell me...
Simon Everson: "Daisy..I love you, and I don't want you to be alone, or our children..But i caused this, and I will end it.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* I don't know what it is you wanted Dana to tell me...
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon, did what you had to, I know this. *swallows* ...I don't want to fail you... fail our family... I will do my best what ever that may be...
Simon Everson: I ..nothing Daisy, i just wanted you to understand, becuse i think your special too, without "fancy" powers
Daisy Mae Everson: *her eyes get misty* thank you, Simon. *she stand and moves closer to him* Thank you *she lightly cups his face in her hands*
Simon Everson: *Grins lightly* Any woman who has done what you have, our children..is very special.. *kisses her throat* and as wonderfull as they come
Daisy Mae Everson: I've don't nothing but love the people I care about. *slips her coat off tossing it on the bed*
Simon Everson: "No more needed to be done..."
Daisy Mae Everson: *kisses his cheek* I'll continue to do just that. Love you, our children, our family and the one above.
Simon Everson: *nods and stands.* now i should go..
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* Alright... I'll be here when you return. I love you..
Simon Everson: *kisses her boldly, and hurries out*
Daisy Mae Everson: *returns his kiss in kind... Stares at the door after he's left for a while**
Daisy Mae Everson: *after a long while she picks up her guitar, the one Simon gave her and begins to play...*
Daisy Mae Everson: *there she stay... taking comfort in the music... and finding strength in it as well*
Daisy Mae Everson: *poofles for now*