Simon "Orders" Daisy Home
April 20, 2000
Simon Everson: *stands waiting for Daisy. No, he wasn;t there a moment ago, and he's a touch unhappy about it*
Sashi: *turns and looks at him, but keeping walking, now backwards. Her hands at her back. Her expression just questioning. Not cold, not warm, not enygmatic hiding. Just asking*
Brad Tellinar: *rolls his eyes* Ok... I'm never going back there again.
High Eagle: "When.. *then he hears jason and blinks at him too, the back to sashi * What!
Allison White Saldaré: ~walks quietly through the grove, she stays clear of the people as she strolls along, her senses alert to what may be lurking around~
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks when she see Simon and stops for a moment...then walks closer to him* Hello, darlin'.
Allison White Saldaré: ~in her hand, is a bouqet of lilies as she makes her way through the grove, heading towards the water~
Sashi: High>>what would be reasons enough for you to stop loving me? it is a simple question, isnt it?
Daisy Mae Everson: *raises her brow at Simon... is about to say something but has lost the ablility to speak for the moment*
High Eagle: *he growls, he's not one to growl but he does* I refuse to answer.
Simon Everson: "What are you doing out here?"
Rachel Storm: *she walks back through the woods, headed back toward the place she was before, sees an even larger group than before, tilts her head*
Daisy Mae Everson: Just taking a walk. *gets worried* Are the children all right?
Sashi: *keeps walking backwards and looking at him. SHe steps carefully though, not wishing to loose her step* Why?
Rachel Storm: ((actually not larger, just a different person added)) *waves to Val, then recognizes Brad and smiles widely* ((I think she knew him from meeting Tatsuya right?))
Brad Tellinar: Jas, I saw you were talking to a young woman earlier. Rachel Storm correct?
Allison White Saldaré: ~she continues to walk towards the water, not near the docks, she moves quietly, a soft expression on her face, the bouqet cradled in the crook of an arm~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((Actually, Val went to the parking lot))
Brad Tellinar: (yup)
Simon Everson: "Finger again* don't chage the subject..What are you doing here?
High Eagle: *he closes his eyes* I refuse to answer. I absolotely refuse for i will only get Angrier than i am now.
Jason Maier: *Nods*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at his finger* I told you, I was taking a walk. Is there a law against that? *her texan accent just got thicker*
Sashi: *stops suddenly, placing her hands on his arms* ok, get angry then but answer me. Now that I am thinking about it, you've never get angry at me, it would may be healthy if you do for once
Allison White Saldaré: ~she reaches the waters edge and removes her shoes and rolls up her pants and walks into the water a few feet, and then places the lilies on the water's surface and watches them for a moment~
High Eagle: *he turns away, becuse the answer that approched him was too unthinkable for him to contimplate* i refuse to be bated.
Rachel Storm: ((OK drop all my last posts and I'll rewrite some of them)) *sees The guy from before, nature boy, talking to someone, squints, recognizes Brad and smiles. approaching them*
Simon Everson: *this growl is not human, and he's strike her if she were anyone else. He really hates full moons* "..Daisy Mae Everson, Don't start with me.,
Brad Tellinar: *nods to Jas and grins* Hello again Rachel.
Sashi: *ponders for a moment and then whispers* I've been....flirting with another man.
Allison White Saldaré: ~she continues to watch the lilies as they seperate slightly and float further out into the lake~
Rachel Storm: *smiles at Brad, gives a small wave, nods to Jason*
Daisy Mae Everson: You started it. Giving me the third degree. I just went out for a walk. *that sounded really childish, but he ask for it*
Sashi: *looks at him, then looks up at the moon. An inner voice telling her may be she chose the wrong time*
Simon Everson: "..That was Rather childish don't you think ?
High Eagle: *he rubs his ears* "..Flirting.. *nods* matter not, your intentions are to have fun. He will lose to me so it makes no differnece.
Brad Tellinar: So Rachel I take it you've met Jason here?
Daisy Mae Everson: *almost laughs, and tries to sound mad, but not really succeeding* Yeah, well... it was the first thing to pop into my head.
Rachel Storm: *nods to Brad, Raises a brow questioningly and nods her head slightly toward Jason*
Allison White Saldaré: ~continues to watch the lilies as the float further and further out onto the lake, she then turns and walks out of the water, she reaches down and unzips her bag, she pulls out a towel and dries her cold feet and then puts her shoes back on, she then puts the towel away and shoulders the bag~
Sashi: *she turns around and start walking again, very slowly. This moon is certainly not good for him as it is not good for her* I have...*cuts the phrase.*
Peter London: *Steps over a blackened tree and looks at the people across the way gathered* What the fuck? Looks like some kinda loser convention.
Simon Everson: *takes a step to the side*
Jason Maier: ((*Startles his roommate by cursing loudly and longly that the avs lost by one freakin' goal which they wouldn;t have if the refs wouldaa actually called some penalties on the friggin coyotes*))
Simon Everson: "Walk.. .*points* were going home young lady.
Rachel Storm: [[DD: 5'9", shoulder length unruly brown hair, brilliant green eyes that shine with intense curiosity, her looks are somewhat wild seeming, she moves with the smoothness of a dancer's grace, Wears: green short waisted hooded jacket, dark brown long waisted turtleneck, tight black leggings, knee high leather boots, large rucksack, on her right wrist is various pewter and steel bracelets.]][[PB3]]
Peter London: *Drops a crushed cigarette into wet burned foliage* Huh, well would ya look at that chick. There's a decent...hey, I remember her.
Sashi: *thinks "what the hell? why not?"* I have been pondering to turn to evil...too.
High Eagle: *he stride over to her and spins her violently* WHAT!
Black-in-the-Grass: -steps out of the shadows, and defiantly in the way of Simon and daisys walk to the lot. -
Daisy Mae Everson: *softly so only Simon hears her* It's not like I'm dancing about nude under the moon.
Black-in-the-Grass: she stands a 5'11 and lithe. Darkly tanned skined and wearing jeans, black fisherman's tunic and plaid shirt, chopped length dark hair and still very light amber eyes*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Simon* An order?
Allison White Saldaré: ~she then turns and starts to walk back through the grove, eyeing the people around a little as she makes her way through~
Sashi: *even when she had considered his reaction, she steps back, not frightened, rather challenging* It seems appealing...
Simon Everson: *laughs, and can't stops, Glances at the figure of black and frowns slightly*
Peter London: Hmmmmmm, yeah. Outdoor meat market.
Black-in-the-Grass: -hands in pockets she moves down the path-
Tarah Kevynsa: ~stalks the grove, near silent~
High Eagle: *his eyes narrow, his fist clench and he back hands her*
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Black, it tke a momnet for her to recognise her* Hello, Black. *looks at Simon, quizically*
Peter London: Nah, I bet they all have VD anyway. *Turns and walks away*
Allison White Saldaré: ~continues to walk through the grove, headed in the direction of the path that goes to the university, she glances around her as she walks~
Black-in-the-Grass: -grins at Daisy, winces at the sound of flesh on flesh that her sense can pick up-
Sashi: *looks at High in a most serious way* We are talking so please keep your hands off of me. *glances at the moon, then back at him* you may regret it if you do not control yourself
Rachel Storm: *waits for Brad to say something to Jason, looks at JAson with her head tilted slightly*
Tarah Kevynsa: ~also whips her head around to the sound, heads towards it~
Rachel Storm: ((doesnt hear any sound *G*))
Peter London: *Stops and looks back* Who the hell?
High Eagle: *he spits at the ground and turns and walks away, the Cry of the Eagle sharp in the night as it Races over his shoulder* ", I am angry..*striding away&
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks concernly at Black* Are you all right Black?
Simon Everson: [has normal human hearing, hears nothing]"You know her *moving closer to Daisy*
Black-in-the-Grass: ~sense unmaker(wyrm)~
Black-in-the-Grass: -w3aves to Daisy again- "I'm well - American indian accent-
Rachel Storm: ((heh, none here, better not be *G*))
Tarah Kevynsa: ~is a silent, Camouflaged dark dark gray wolf~
Jason Maier: *Nada Wyrm*
Silver Kane: ~steps into the grove, ready to spend a peace full night~
Rachel Storm: ((ok, now what is an american indian accent sound like? I know cherokee, I know Mohawk, I know tuscarora, but they all have a different accent))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Simon* Yes, I meet her shortly before the babies were born. I thought I told you about her she blessed the babies.
Sashi: *looks at him as he walks away. She was almost sure he would end leaving but may be this was too soon. She starts to walk again. Next question would be, what with the baby?*
Black-in-the-Grass: -lakota-
Allison White Saldaré: ~she continues to walk through the grove, meandering quietly, her mind in thought, her senses of things around her alert~
Jason Maier: *Starts packing up his stuff* ((Leaving in 5))
Peter London: ((*Spits on Jason in farewell, because Peter's a jerk.*))
Rachel Storm: ((I'm gone, sorry Brad, I'm not gonna take that form someone else))
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Black* Oh, good. I saw you kind of wince and I was worried.
High Eagle: *cursing in lakota* Lakota speaks to me of honor and Insultes and then flirts with another man while carrying my child.. I should gut her and take the child.. leave her to rot..
Sashi: *takes her hand to her belly. What would become of him if she turns to evil? He'll die most surely. She walks towards the lake*
Tarah Kevynsa: ((Brad goe booted)) ~perks up her ears~
Simon Everson: *makes a face* Bless the babe?
Allison White Saldaré: ~she continues to walk, her arms swinging slightly by her side, she glances at the group in the moonlight, and thinks about going home~
Peter London: Ah, fuck 'em all. *Leaves*
Silver Kane: ~limps on in, only slightly preturbed with the slightly rainy weather and his joints~
Tarah Kevynsa: ~moves slowly, carefully towards the man speaking Lakota~
Tarah Kevynsa: ((*winces at Kane* You have no idea *s*))
Black-in-the-Grass: ".IT's was a sound that startled me.. I have to check something.. -Smiling again-
Jason Maier: *Makes a final sweep of the area before going home to move the boat out onto the lake in the nightly ritual*
Sashi: *she kneels close to the water and smiles faintly. Now she knows the answer to the first question*
Daisy Mae Everson: Yes, Simon. I'll introduce you. Well, I'll try to introduce you to her. *turns to Black* Black this is simon, my husband... *looks to Simon* Simon this is Black-in-the-grass, my friend *lower her voice a little* and family.
High Eagle: *Tarah moves slowly, He doesn't. He stride at maximum human efficency with a vigor and purpose as he continies to cure about every random thing*
Jason Maier: ((*waves night, passes out*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods and smiles at Black* All right.
Simon Everson: *he actually extends his hand*
Black-in-the-Grass: -she stops to say hello to simon properly- "Elizeth Ross actually. Few people use my Indian name."
Daisy Mae Everson: (night Jason)
Silver Kane: ~stops at a bench and sits, Wishes someone usefull were around, but can't do everything your self~
Finnuala Rosher: *The rolling thunder of gigantic hooves herald the arrival of a large slow draft horse bearing a rider. She looks over at the little groups of people talking with a smile, guessing from her research that Daisy and Simon are there and keeps her distance, seeing that all is well.*
Tarah Kevynsa: ~slipping along through the darkness, High Eagle loses her attention. There are a lot of people in the grove tonight~
Allison White Saldaré: ~continues to walk towards the university, she pauses and sets down her bag as she leans over and ties her shoe~
High Eagle: *he doesn't go far.. just to the length of the grove and then back, turning sharply so and straiding back*
Silver Kane: ~wonders who's about, scans the night, mostly those near the blue emergency lights~
Simon Everson: *nods * ok Elizabeth.. Well, I should let you go, and Daisy should be getting home ..
Sashi: *looks up at the moon. She'll give the child away so he doesnt be affected by a decision that only concerns to her. SHe'll wait and when the time comes she wil just cut this last link and then she'll take the other path*
Daisy Mae Everson: *knows the sound of a horse galloping/running anywhere, looking toward the sound*
Black-in-the-Grass: -she nods to Simon, but her attention seems stileted as she tries to follow something. she passes beyond a tree and disappears as she steps -
Finnuala Rosher: *Thuds off on the massive Shire happily into the night toward the beach*
Tarah Kevynsa: ~too many people. She is not stupid, like Garaak-who-will-die. She will wait and bide her time. They no longer need to fight the Gaian scum on their own turf..they've decided to come to hers. She slips back towards the beach.~
Daisy Mae Everson: *was about to wave at Finnuala, turn and looks at Simon* Is there an emergency at home?
Allison White Saldaré: ~stands up, shouldering her bag once more, she glances at the direction of the horse, and pauses, watching it in the moonlight for a moment~
Simon Everson: *scans in the direction of the horse and nods to himself* Finn ..
Silver Kane: ~speaks to Allsion thru the phone nearest her~ Ring ring Dear.
Black-in-the-Grass: -the now invisible feline steps out right infront of TARAH, making the instant Den Realm Transfer, and SHOVES into her-
Sashi: *stands up and begins to walk, the direction is reallly not important*
Allison White Saldaré: ~almost jumps, she turns and stares at the blue lit phone and then smiles and goes over to it as she glances around the grove in the moonlit night, to try to pin point where it could be coming from, she lifts the phone and places it to her ear with a smile~ good evening.
Tarah Kevynsa: ~is shoved to the side abruptly, and bites back a snarl, trying to figure out where that came from~
High Eagle: *strides his way back towards sashi*
Silver Kane: ~low, so he he looks like a crazy old man~ It's kane, your out late.
Sashi: *keeps walking, looking at her steps, not really caring who is around*
Allison White Saldaré: ~scans around, trying to spot him, wondering where he is and speaks into the phone~ yes, I had the urge to bring lilies to the Lake...I was heading home. Is everything alright?
Black-in-the-Grass: -ROARS at Tarah,the sound comming from just to the front of her, but back. Still not visible- [all in fifty feet of the roar] ~Unmaker. Come here again, and I will kill you with out even blinking.
Simon Everson: *slips a hand around daisy and holds TIGHT at the roar*
High Eagle: *not close enough to translate, but close enough to be strartled he suddenly glances about, holding position*
Sashi: *looks up for a moment, then smirks and keeps on her thoughts*
Silver Kane: "Everything is fine." ~then the roar makes a lier out of him~ Ok, maybe not.
Daisy Mae Everson: *jumps at the roar, and doesn't yet realise Simon has a hold of her*
Tarah Kevynsa: ~takes this oppurtunity to slink away from the hidden coward, noting the voice and remembering it, even as her ears ring~
Allison White Saldaré: ~blinks a moment and speaks into the phone again~ where are you? I'll be there in a second.
Simon Everson: "I'm here Daisy. Maybe we should take you home.. Hmm."
Black-in-the-Grass: ~voice = roar, note that *l* less you have some wave meter i don't know about..~
High Eagle: *moves even Quicker towards SASHI now*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks* I'm guessing everything is not so okay here. *is now glad she isn't out here alone*
Tarah Kevynsa: ((yeah, as's a roar. Not a snarl, not a bark, not a growl..a roar))
Black-in-the-Grass: ~waits till TARAH is out of her land, silently now moving parrallel to her~[gift]
Tarah Kevynsa: ~and..beach~
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods, now not in the mood to argue the point* Yes, home is a good idea.
Silver Kane: ~he checks something, ~ Don't wory about it, I think someone just realise that the GRove has protectors.
Sashi: *she suddenly had an idea that makes her look up and around.*
High Eagle: *unless SASHI ran off, hell find her, and draws nearer* ~lakaota~"..What the hell is wrong with you.
Simon Everson: *walks toward the lot on high alert*
Daisy Mae Everson: *walks with Simon, as alert as she can be*
Allison White Saldaré: ~smiles and nods~ Ok, if you say need anything? I could drop by the store and the house on my way home if you do...
Sashi: *since it was not High what she was looking for, and actually she didnt expect he would come back, this time she really startles. But then looks at him more calm* why? because I want to help the Unmaker?
Silver Kane: ~he stands and starts limping in that direction~ i'll come and follow you home..
Simon Everson: *passes intot he night..Someone's going to get a stern lecture.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she will drive home with Simon*
High Eagle: -has no clue who the hell the unmaker is- What? You .. -holds his teeth - why are you trying so hard to insult me. Do you want us to be togther? Our child? .. If no, then I will remove the child and go on my way and Curse the Day the Great Spirt made me love you.
Daisy Mae Everson: *avoids it for as long as she can* *gone with Simon*
Black-in-the-Grass: -pads back in, and shakes her head, leaping to a tree to sleep-
Daisy Mae Everson: (good night everyone)
Silver Kane: ~when he get's close to Allison he puts his arms around her and walks towards the university~
Silver Kane: (&wave..night)
Simon Everson: (*passes out..i havn't eaten today *looks at the shrimp in the fridge* aND They are still iced over)
Daisy Mae Everson: ~* gone *~