Simon Resigns and More
April 23, 2000
Dana Mackintosh: *praying again, on her knees in front the far end of the first pew*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~kneels near the altar, preying expansivilY~
Dana Mackintosh: *asks one last time for a strength she has no right for, before glancing over at Justin, sitting back and waiting for him to finish*
Finnuala Rosher: *Steps in and sweeps off her cloak around her shoulders like a draped wing.*
Dana Mackintosh: *glances back at Finnuala, and then back at the cross. Softly* Hi.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): Have mercy O God on those who do not know you. Bring them out of darkness into your light. You are our saving God who leads us in our salvation. Protect us from evil.
Finnuala Rosher: *Inclines her head at Dana silently.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): Bless and praise you O Lord, hear our prayers and answer us. You, our Savior, are the hope of all the ends of the Earth and the distant seas. May your way be known upon Earth; among all nations your salvation. We put the world in your hands; fill us with your love. Grant us peace through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Dana Mackintosh: *pulls her knees up to her chest and leans back against the pew, forcing herself not to look at the watch in her pocket. Anything but a child's watch on those birdlike wrists looks ridiculous*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he stops only becuse he knows their are other minds here~
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes in the pair in different visual foci, blurring past one, then the other*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he stands and walks over to the candels and light two~O God the Father of mankind, who hast given unto me these my children, and committed them to my charge to bring them up for Thee, and to prepare them for eternal life: help me with Thy heavenly grace, that I may be able to fulfil this most sacred duty and stewardship. Teach me both what to give and what to withhold; when to reprove and when to forbear; make me to be gentle, yet firm; considerate and watchful; and deliver me equally from the weakness of indulgence, and the excess of severity; and grant that, both by word and example, I may be careful to lead them in the ways of wisdom and true piety, so that at last I may, with them, be admitted to the unspeakable joys of our true home in heaven, in the company of the blessed Angels and Saints. Amen.
Dana Mackintosh: *listens quietly, even the turbulence inside her has ceased it's raging*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~[sorry, lit 3 candels] ~he blows out one candel and looks at it for a while~ O Heavenly Father, I commend my children to Thy care. Be Thou their God and Father; and mercifully supply whatever is lacking in me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and strengthen and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, faithfully serving Thee here, may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter. Amen.
Finnuala Rosher: Amen...*Echoes*
Dana Mackintosh: *very very softly* Amen.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~stands and turns about. His eyes move over Finnuala and Dana, then settle back on Finnuala with an unconcious love~ "..Evening."
Dana Mackintosh: *averts her eyes and refocuses on something other than them, wondering if she should go*
Finnuala Rosher: Justin, you're looking much better. *Softly affectionate look* Dana, you to. Let's strive to keep it that way for a while.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he is looking. Alive. For those who have actually been checking, Finnuala defiantely, he's healing, but he's also falling violently ill. ~ "I shall survive
Daisy Mae Everson: ~the light out at the stables is on, has been on for a while~
Dana Mackintosh: *she smiles a little* Thanks Finnuala. *and wonders what's going's almost been 48 hours*
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> What's happening. Sit and talk. // Dana, you too.
Finnuala Rosher: ((Did you guys check e-mail? I just sent some.))
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he looks confused ~ happening? Finnuala, thou will have to use more workds in your sentences please.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): [[yup, i read it.]]
Dana Mackintosh: *she stands and walks over towards Finnuala and Justin* ((I get it in digest, so it won't come until later. Finn, do you think you can copy and paste it to my icq?))
Daisy Mae Everson: ~leaning against the gate to a stall, the horse has his head over Daisy's shoulder and she is petting the side of his face, talking to the horse~
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> You're healed, but not at your best. Why? *Takes his arm* Come and have a drink and tell me about it. (I can't because my windows are all full and I can't get back to e-mail now.))
Justin Quinn (Beatific): [[At the Crown Home* Paladin Everson, Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum. We have business. I'm aware of your deadline for Dana, but I must insist that if anyone is going to kill my Squire, it'll be myself and no other. And it'll be done when and if she's determined by myself or by a majority of the Templars and Paladins here, to be unfit and unrecoverable. If you intend to press the matter, you may challenge me for the right, but I hope we don't have to come to that, Brother. ]]
Daisy Mae Everson: (just read the "Finnuala speaketh" one that's the only one I recieved)
Dana Mackintosh: ((no problem)) *she watches the two, unsure of herself again. She should probably be talking to Spader or something. 12:30, she does look at her watch. Two hours.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~for some reason he pauses~ Thou art being intense again, and i have no clue why. ~he takes her hand but he doens't move~
Dana Mackintosh: ((oh, okay. *S* Does Dana know about this ic?))
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> Intensity of mine next to yours is as a candle against the Sun.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ooc:yo0u ask for the email, i assume if it's on the list all get it unless they are excluded or not there.
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables, talking to a horse) You don't know how easy you got it... ya know?
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he doesn't respond to dana. No reason to , he could care less if people stay or leave when he speak to finnuala about their relationship, or anything there of.~
Dana Mackintosh: *has always been nervous around couples, just something about her. That, and if she thought she was scared of Justin before...She slips out towards the stables, and pulls one large door open* Hello?
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables, talking to a horse) You have a place to stay food is provides for you, you are groomed daily. and all you have to do is... be a horse.
Finnuala Rosher: *Notes Dana's leavetaking* Justin> I better check on her later, but for now, you haven;t answered yet, and I'm the closest thing we have to a medic at the moment.
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables) ~looks toward the door~ Oh, hi Dana.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~annoyedly~ again, thou assumes i know. We;ve been over this, and i dislike repeat myself, but i'll say it again. I have no secreats from thee. stop pushing me.
Dana Mackintosh: *She smiles a little to Daisy* Hi..*she moves into the stable and closes the door behind her* Hey..I'm sorry I was such a bitch yesterday.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~it ends in an even more annoyed tone than it started.~
Simon Everson: *he pulls up outside and swings out of the car*
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> Very well. Now that this place seems to have begun to fall outside the interest of the more "interesting" types that have harrassed us so much, I hope to begin making it more secure again. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Simon Everson: *heads to the chapel. Even in the slightly drippy rainy weather his foot steps freeze almost instant as he runs his hands thru his hair*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Dana* We all have our days. *petting the horse*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..That thou may do. I trust thee to do as thou will in HIS name.
Dana Mackintosh: far I've had them alot around you, and I just wanted to let you know I don't really mean it. *she shrugs a little, smiles a little, and glances at the horses. She hasn't ridden one yet.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "As for thoughts? I doth not really know. We have had success on various wards, we no do not have t leave a hole for the others..
Dana Mackintosh: (active mind)
Finnuala Rosher: Then I will. Don't expect any mercy on the Leeches. Now that all our members are as they are, there's no need for tolerance.
Simon Everson: *run/walk up the front of the chapel and glances at the stable as he moves. In a moment he finally steps in*
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> And if Simon's willing to assist, I'd be grateful. I'll ask when I see him.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~Smiles at their thoughts expressed, but does naught else~
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables) *slight grin* I was pretty bad myself a couple months ago.
Simon Everson: *walks in and glances about, spying finn he turns to her* Let's go, i have kids to take care of. As the challanged i chose weapons correct?
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> That you do. What'll it be? *Disappointed, but ready.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~turns slightly and glances at Simon. A Small frowns drifts across his face~
Dana Mackintosh: *she smiles a little* Thanks for understanding.
Simon Everson: *nods only once* Good. *is all he says and heads to the kitchen*
Finnuala Rosher: Tenaviel, tell Dana, and send her away. // JUSTIN> *Can do nothing but meet his eyes silently as she rises and walks to the kitchen door in preparation to go outside*
Daisy Mae Everson: (stable) The bitchiness I can understand... the other thing I do not. *diggs in her jacket pocket for a sugar cube and feeds it to the horse*
Dana Mackintosh: Well, there are no excuses for that. Fear and inexperience, sheer stupidity. Not exactly templar valuse. *softly*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~grits his teeth and reaches out and takes Finnuala's shoulder. He pulls her back~ "..Stay. That is an order."
Dana Mackintosh: *She nods once more to Daisy, and slips out the door before having to suffer the woman's response*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he walks into the Kitchen and closes the door~
Dana Mackintosh: *she takes a few steps towards the chapel, then blinks as a little fox blocks her path*
Finnuala Rosher: *Halts at Justin's touch and command*
Dana Mackintosh: *She ducks around the little fox and dashes up towards the Chapel*
Dana Mackintosh: *she hears Daisy just as she bolts, and prays she is right. She doesn't think on that too much though, she'll probably start crying again.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Tenaviel allows himself to be ducked around and give her the illusion she's as quick and agile as he is.*
Dana Mackintosh: *she darts up the steps and opens the door, ducking in and locking her eyes on Finn*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> I gave an order.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~walks out of the room and let's the door closed~
Simon Everson: *steps out behind Justin*
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables, talking to the horse) Yup... you got it ease. *chuckles*
Simon Everson: FINN>>Justin has Decided to Champian you Finnuala, under the same rules. You are his responisbilty..
Dana Mackintosh: *silence as she glances at Justin*
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables) *pushes off the gate and walks toward the door* Maybe I'll have my horse brought up here.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he looks at them for a moment~ I could order him to end it, But...~ leaves it there.~
Dana Mackintosh: *part of her wishes they'd just kill her and end the whole messy affair*
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> I was reviewing what I said to you and the quote was that YOU could challenge if you wanted to. That changes a thing or two.
Daisy Mae Everson: (stables) *flips off the main lights in the stable and step out securing the door behind her*
Daisy Mae Everson: *heads for the chapel*
Simon Everson: "Don't get Symantics with me Finnuala. Do it, not do it. I'm outside, we use stave's. *he walks towards the door, brushing past them* 5 minutes in the stables.
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> And I didn't ask you to be my Champion.
Dana Mackintosh: *remembering something that seemed like a lifetime ago* Um, I broke..enough Templar codes to deserve death or some really horrible there any way you guys can negotiate what to do without creating..well, you know..strife and..that other word?
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..Ask? ~smiles~ I see ~frowns again at Simon. He could just end it with a word~
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> It isn't semantics, it's tradition of the Order. I expect it to be taken seriously.
Daisy Mae Everson: "April showers bring May flowers" *she says as whe walks toward the chapel*
Finnuala Rosher: Shut up Dana.
Dana Mackintosh: *shuts up*
Simon Everson: *has said enough. His smile is pratically Beatific at Daisy as he meets her at the door* Hi Daisy.
Simon Everson: *glances back at Finnuala* Good. *glances at Justin* she refuse, i'm ready. let's go.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~grits his teeth. That was the point, it was a matter of order. arghhh, Finnuala~
Finnuala Rosher: Simon Everson. if you have no respect for the traditions of the Order, or for myself, I have no more reason to waste tme with you. I spoke clearly and will not accept my words to be twisted.
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Simon* Hello, darlin' *that month in Texas sure brought back her accent*
Dana Mackintosh: *Can't help but feel a moment of pride and adoration for Finn. The one thing out of this entire Templar mess she has never regretted, going after her.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *how ever her smiles fades quickly*
Simon Everson: *he halts. nothing stops him like that. He turns slowly and walks stiffly up to finnala* State your case. *there is just nothing in his voice, it's a close to Fuck you as he's going to say*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~his eyes narrow. Nothing else~
Daisy Mae Everson: *step into the chapel, watches and listens*
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> My case: My Squire is my concern, and poses no further threat to security. She was an idiot, but if we were all killed for being idiots, we'd all be dead ten times over. On what basis do you claim the right to execute her?
Dana Mackintosh: *Slips over to Daisy and whispers*
Daisy Mae Everson: *listens to Dana's whisper*
Simon Everson: *he pauses it's a long pause* "Your Squire .. poses no futher threat. Security? ..Your Squire willing allowded herself to be Ghouled to a Vampire , I assmue it's the Sabbat. To protect you r life hmm? I don't blame her Finnuala, I blame you. I say that you are incompetent and Have no right to be teaching anyone anything."
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~closes his eyes briefly, takes a deep breath~
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks, opens her mouth in outrage, but manages to stop herself from speaking*
Dana Mackintosh: That's not why I did it!
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> Dereliction of duty then? Is that what I stand charged of? Do you mean to bring this to tribunal?
Daisy Mae Everson: ~winces, as if in pain~
Simon Everson: *his glacial blue eyes lose all color* further more, Lance Knight, You have failed to keep an accounting of her, Just like Justin has failed to keep an account of Alexnader, or Paul. In short, She is you, and you are she, and so, you refelct on this Order, in such, You are a living disgrace to it's pratices of Rule and Law who if we didn't have to deal with your constant failures and mistakes, we would not have this Stupid squire to deal with in the first place. Ultimately, all this falls on Justin's shoulders, he is the one truely at fault and answerble to all.
Dana Mackintosh: *blasted silent*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~vlinks a few times at that, totally shocked~
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> However, before that point, I have failed in your eyes as a Knight, and so if the sins of the Squire are the sins of the Knight, you must mean to see me executed as well?
Daisy Mae Everson: *stares at Simon in shock*
Simon Everson: *his lips pull back into a snarl* Tibunal? You would honor your self so much. Execution was never an option, Do not presume to tell me my job. You do not know it. I am charged with educating all punishments of this cell, be they partianl or Final, Her Stupidity excceed your authority Finnuala and there for that is wher eI come in.
Daisy Mae Everson: *this is hard core "whipping them into shape" not what she expected, but perhaps the quickest way to show them, us, our faults and finally bring this family back together*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "..Paladin..~his tone is level, with blind warning~
Dana Mackintosh: *gives up her life for lost and just starts praying Finn comes through this alright*
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> Then do what you must, Paladin. But remember, judgement awaits us all. And ask yourself, do you _want_ to handle it like this? Or can you do better?
Simon Everson: *barely glances at Justin * Don't bother Justin. I resign.
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> Oh stop that. You're no quitter.
Simon Everson: *And with that is a physical Snap of something invisible as Simon rips apart the oath holding them firm* FINN>> I Just did. *turns and heads to the door*
Daisy Mae Everson: *that floors Daisy, she stands there gaping at Simon*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~winces slightly, his head hammering~
Finnuala Rosher: *Just cannot add anything to that. Would almost rather be dead than to have driven Simon away.*
Daisy Mae Everson: S..Simon?
Simon Everson: "None of you have any real idea of Responsibily. CAll me when you actuall have become responisble.
Finnuala Rosher: *There are a thing or two with which she could retort, but lets it go.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~grits his teeth, he never actally thought it could be broken~ "..Simon Everson. You cannot leave. that's still a firm rule.
Finnuala Rosher: *Gives Daisy a sympathetic, and annoyed for Daisy's sake, glance.*
Daisy Mae Everson: Damn it people, get off your high horses, and the self pity... and all that stuff. My self included byt the way. and work together as we should.
Simon Everson: *scoff at Justin* Stop me if you can. *he knows he is stronger than 2-3 of them put together eaisly*
Finnuala Rosher: *Because Daisy is right, she really would like to tell her to shut the hell up.*
Simon Everson: *he only glances at Daisy, and walks past her*
Daisy Mae Everson: *steps in front of Simon*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~flicks his eyes to Daisy, and then Simon , taking deep breath~ Simon. Damn it, how the hell is this helping?
Simon Everson: *glances up at Daisy, clearly trying to back her down, his eyes rippling , almost white*
Daisy Mae Everson: Simon, please sit down.
Daisy Mae Everson: *does not look directly into Simon's eyes, she know he can scare the living daylights out of her, even though she know he wouldn't hurt her*
Daisy Mae Everson: *places her hand on his chest* Please Simon.
Simon Everson: "*over his shoulder* REsponsibility. MATRON acts like it's all better, that Just becuse she;s "cured" dana, that's it, opps. damn it, i'll punish her and were' all better now. It's A total disrespect of the rest of us and all our feelings. It's for the organization and all the people in it, and for a 2 week period ALL their lives and every thing the've ever tried to do, stood in the jeapordy of One Question of Location or apperation. She neglects to see quiet that Magniturd, just that It's all better now. *turns around* it's about me leaving to go do sometong, and comming home and having my children's blood on the wall...
Dana Mackintosh: *floored, she just stands there completely empty*
Dana Mackintosh: *Sees exactly that magnitude now*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~blinks rapidly, trying to accurately absorb the passion in Simon's words~
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> The matter is being dealt with between myself and Dana. If you wanted input all you have to do is speak up. I'll listen.
Dana Mackintosh: *jams her hands into her pockets*
Daisy Mae Everson: *the comment about their children, nearly makes her loose control of her legs, yet she remains standing*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she now looks up into Simon's eyes*
Simon Everson: *his scorn is bitter* "Dealt with.. I think the response is usually being dipped in the Abyss of dreams or 75 lashes, but where a bit above that ..and more civilised. *snorts and turns around*
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> I'm waiting for your help in this. I'm no Paladin. Tell me what you think would cure the problem other than execution with no trial. I'm listening.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~finally he speaks~ Simon , your concerns are evident, how ever do thou think this is the right way. ~the struggle to place that in the niceest possible way is evident on his face~
Daisy Mae Everson: *good they are talking, step one*
Jonathon Spader: *the sub sonic rumble of Jon;s bike comes in as he arives from the house. He parks outside, and walks up to the doors of the chapel*
Simon Everson 2.0: *leans in and kisses Daisy softly and points at Dana* she's the problem. She has to fucking Grow up and realise were here for her, not a VAMPIRE. NOT A GHOST, or a god damn Garou. US. Fuck them, were here and we'll die for her. They may, they may even love her or care, but WE don't damn well live forever and were only trying toi live our livces. *snorts* your problem is right ther Finnuala, and you Coddle her.
Dana Mackintosh: * believe that, she really is*
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> In this you're right again. She and I have shared too much under the skin. And therefore, if you'll have her-my failure, I give her over to your training. Unless we can find a better alternative.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~counts the willpower uses so far *L*, um. STands still under Simon's unslaught doesn't even realise he's inching towards finnuala~
Daisy Mae Everson: *a slight smiles crosses her lips at Simon kiss* ... *yes, this is good for all of us*
Dana Mackintosh: *her eyes stay locked on Simon as Finnuala speaks. It's only one lifetime, and if she's not strong enough, well at least he'll kill her before she can fuck up anymore. She drops to one knee slowly and bows her head*
Simon Everson 2.0: *looks up at the bike and then back to daisy, holds her hand * I'm not retaking my oath Until you all take your hands out of your ass. I am not solution oriented, i am the Final solution *glances at Justin* and You, everything i've said to Finnuala applies to you too, everything. Go get alexander, don't order us to.
Jonathon Spader: *he steals his breathem and pushes a door open to slip in. This isn't Jon. He doesn't have any weapons on him. Not even a place to conceal a weapon. Plain blue Hane's pocket T, and Jeans. And simple Nike sneakers*
Finnuala Rosher: *Fucking damn Paladin is right. Harsh, but right. And that's irritating.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *we all needed to hear this whether we like it or not*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~picture of simon's head hitting a brick are not condusive to neogations~ Ok..
Dana Mackintosh: *3 months. She almost laughs. But..not really.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *squeezes Simon hand*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks back at Jonathon, as she, Simon (and I think Dana too) are right there near the door*
Simon Everson 2.0: *ignores dana where she kneels and turns to the door* I'm going home now *nods to Jon* I won't even start with you, I'm just not willing.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~his lips quirk a bit at simon~
Dana Mackintosh: *had inched back, but yes, is rather close. Is also still kneeling.*
Jonathon Spader: *he stands inside the door, his investigator's instincts kicking in, he takes in the scene*
Simon Everson 2.0: *shakes his head* This is why we can't leave. They get stupid over time beyond all that politeness. They seriously need to be told the damn truth every so often *To daisy he speaks*
Daisy Mae Everson: *stands where she is, pulls on Simon's arm* No walking away, Simon.
Finnuala Rosher: Dana, I hope you understand that if you ever again willingly drink Vitae, I may have to kill you myself. It would be a mercy.
Finnuala Rosher: *Notices Jonathon and feels somehow better.*
Dana Mackintosh: *She nods to Finnuala* Please.
Finnuala Rosher: ((Arrgh, I have to go soon. He's back.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Simon* As I need to hear it the other night.
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> Then stand and attend. We'll discuss more about all of this later.
Dana Mackintosh: *she stands, and moves to stand beside and slightly behind Finnuala, as "at attention" as she knows how*
Jonathon Spader: *nods to Simon* Yes sir, as you wish. *thought so. Strike one Finn*
Simon Everson 2.0: *Chuckles , he's still cold and totally without feeling, that of the wind over hollow mountain cannons. There are other uses to his percularities. *
Daisy Mae Everson: *then again, perhaps enough has been said this nigt to get everyone thinking*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~glances at Jon~ Preceptor, since the matron stayed for over almost a hour in the noon day sun, I would have to say she's past Gods test. Maybe, Just like Dana, thou should be aware of ALL of our abilities and not leap to conclusions before doing something as disruptive as that?
Finnuala Rosher: Spader> Will you take Dana through your best drills this week? She needs them, and so do I. I'll be there too.
Simon Everson 2.0: *only snorts*
Finnuala Rosher: *Catches herself assaulting Spader at the same time with words as Justin*
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks if she had the same rotten and rude demeanour as Simon, she would ask someone to slap her and make her stop.*
Daisy Mae Everson: Justin, Jonathon was doing his job. Would you rather he not question or test someone he suspects of something, and from what I've heardhe has some kind of proof.
Daisy Mae Everson: Jonathon was protecting the family, as he should be.
Jonathon Spader: Justin> Yes sir, the report has ben passed on. I was distraught after the thought that one of my family had been atacked, and turned. It was not meant to be disruptive, and would not have ben had Dame Finnuala not felt that the unit's belief of my present status warranted it.
Finnuala Rosher: Spader> I already explained what was on my mind right then and if you think I was lying, I'll have to thwack you heartily.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~only an eye at Daisy~ "..His Job is to ensure security and train everyone. There are others unsaid. If one of our members had been turned, it woudl be to his best interest to A) Inform me. B) Observe the member to be accurate, a simple day light walk would have proven the "Vampire" theory wrong. c)When said memeber was obviouly trying to prove they were not, to also work with them if so skeptical and not have this entire family fighting at the door way to the chapel
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jonathon, then Justin*
Simon Everson 2.0: *get's bored*
Jonathon Spader: Finn> Yes ma'am, you stated that you felt it was possible for me to make a tragic error, and warranted witneses.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "clearly were off the topic of Dana.. anything else comming up?"
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Justin* A lesson learned the hard way, but learned none the less. Not a single one of us is perfect, and so mistakes will be made. We will learn from them and not make the same mistake again.
Finnuala Rosher: Well, all that being said, I need to go home and sleep because worrying about all of you has kept me from doing that for a couple nights. Are we able to go forward from here?
Daisy Mae Everson: *wants to smack her self for sounding like a politician*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "~sighs~ you know Daisy, your rather preachy. None of us are perfect. That was clearly out of character for Jon, that';s the damn problem ~!shakes his head~ I have done things out of character too, since i have to answer to you all ~falling to a relaxed voice~ He can answer to us, just like Finnuala has to answer to us, and Dana has to answer to us, and Paul, and Even Alexander and Simon.. We are all accountable to each other, and you know what, it's jsut the way it is.
Jonathon Spader: *almost gets sarcastic, but holds his tongue again*
Simon Everson 2.0: *grits his teeth, squeeze's daisy's hands ans forces himself not to say anything*
Dana Mackintosh: *seems to be trying to disappear*
Daisy Mae Everson: *slight grin at Justin* Just speaking my mind Justin, if that makes me preachy, so be it. *there is no malice in her voice*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Really really must go)) Good, and good night everyone. I'll be in my room if any of you need anything at all. Never hesitate to talk to me. *Walks to the doorway and looks back at all of them with fragile, but unbending affection.*
Dana Mackintosh: *moves to go after Finn, slowly in case someone decides to stop her*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Good night everyone.))
Jonathon Spader: *that does it now that Jutin falls out of "comander" mode* Out of character sir? Thae last time I was lax about the observaion os Dame Finnuala, she was at the time possesed by a demon, and I was nearly executed for negligence. Responding immediately to a possibly perceived threat is my job.
Daisy Mae Everson: (good night) Good night Finnuala.
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> You should stay and learn.
Finnuala Rosher: *Yes, yes, she's the one who always gets posessed or blood bound, at least she doesn't turn loose demons like Bianca, good ol Bianca, misses her badly.*
Finnuala Rosher: "Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum" *Goes to her Jeep.*
Simon Everson 2.0: *bows lightly , lays a relaxed hand on Jon's shoulder and pulls daisy along, doesn't give her a chance to speak*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Gone))
Dana Mackintosh: *a quick, solemn bow to Justin then into her audi, she goes home with Finnuala*
Daisy Mae Everson: *get pulled away before she can speak* ... *I wasn't roasting anyone*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~invites Jon to sit.~ I have never appologized for my own actions involving Simon. I should, i don't and shouldn't ever ask someont to do something i will not do.
Daisy Mae Everson: *I think I found my voice at the wrong time*
Simon Everson 2.0: *slings Daisy over his shoulder and walks towards the gate*
Dana Mackintosh: ((night all, I'll be on icq for a time, but I really should sleep soon...that was one kick ass scene))
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles* What are you doing Simon? I can walk you know..
Jonathon Spader: *moves forward taking a place in the aisle next to Justin. At attention*
Daisy Mae Everson: (what to title that scene for the archive page??)
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~shakes his head at jon~ hell jon your not even in uniform, can we just talk, damn it.
Daisy Mae Everson: (g'night Dana)
Jonathon Spader: *still emotionally, and physically spent, he sits* As you wish sir.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "~runs his hands thru his hair~ wehat's going on Jon?
Simon Everson 2.0: ((night dana))
Jonathon Spader: Sir? If you're refering to why I have not been at the house ir hre thae last two days, it is due to my report, and the subsequent response from this unit. I wil not endanger this family, and if the Matron's fear of me is any indication of the general feeling of the househol, I felt it necessary to remove myself till the posibly perceived threat is releived. I have not been complacent imn my duties, I have still maintained curent security and surveilance levels.
Justin Quinn (Beatific): "I havn't seen the report, sorry. ~shrugs~ I've been busy getting gutted at the bridge
Simon Everson 2.0: *fade to blue*
Daisy Mae Everson: (here ends the archive)