Simon and Daisy Talk at Home
April 27, 2000
Simon Everson: *sitting at home, watching the game, having a bud*
Simon Everson: *wasssuppp*
Simon Everson: *actually having a bud, feet crossed over another, watching CNN and finding it as always , a useless excercise*
Daisy Mae Everson: *back home from the training thing as it was cut short with the family emergency... after some time with the children she goes in search for Simon*
Daisy Mae Everson: *raise her brow when she see Simon drinking a bud*
Simon Everson: *he emphasis his displeasure by tossing his newspaper at the screen*
Daisy Mae Everson: Hello, Darlin'... *walks over and sits down beside him*
Daisy Mae Everson: Wouldn't it just be easier to turn it off? *looks at the thrown paper*
Simon Everson: *he chuckles lightly * "Yes dear it would" *leaning over to kiss her lightly. He putts down the still quiet full and not touched beer* what's up? your in a Daisy mood. BAck from training already.
Daisy Mae Everson: You've been a hard man to find, it seems. What have you been doing? *rubs her temples a moment*
Daisy Mae Everson: *returns his kiss* Yes, I thought I should be here while Justin is in the hospital.
Simon Everson: *Stands with a sigh and walks over to the TV* that won't help him you know.
Simon Everson: *ambles back to the chair* how are the children?
Daisy Mae Everson: Hmm... Finnuala was unable to reach you, or find you. to tell you about Justin.
Daisy Mae Everson: No, I suppose it won'thelp him... but it may help the family to be together, moral support for each other. The children are find, they were playing when I left them with Consuela.
Simon Everson: "I heard about it eventualy" * he leans back into the chair and closes his eyes for a second*
Simon Everson: *nods to himself* i should spend more time with them, lots more. I will, were privilaged, having anyone that can handle tripplets. Bout time i helped.
Daisy Mae Everson: I was worried when Finnuala said she coldn't find you. Are you going to go see Justin? No one seems to know what happen.
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* You've spent alot of time with the children.
Simon Everson: "He'll live. I've made sure of it already. MY Physical presense is not needed to watch finnuala's have a brain freeze and be unable to make coherant decision.
Simon Everson: "He'll live. I've made sure of it already. MY Physical presense is not needed to watch finnuala's have a brain freeze and be unable to make coherant decision.
Simon Everson: *opens his eyes and stares at nothing* you notive, we speak of them so abstract. The children, our children.. sometimes i think we forget their names.
Daisy Mae Everson: That's rather harsh, Simon. Was I so different when you were in the hospital?
Daisy Mae Everson: *she hadn't thought about it before* We... *she speechless..and make a mental note to start using their names*
Simon Everson: "I am Harsh Daisy. I've always been. No, i wanted you to be there *a tear flows suddenly out of his eyes as if it just instantly sprang a leak* but still, we lost a child *he reaches out and takes her hand* One , lead to the other, where will worry lead her, what will it do to her? and eventually us?
Daisy Mae Everson: I think Jasmine will be the first to really get the hang of crawling.
Simon Everson: *he takes a big breath* Children, yes we have them. And their ours.
Daisy Mae Everson: *wipes his tear way* Worry is a natural process. It may not be good for us at times, but it can not be changed. That is where family and friends come in...
Simon Everson: IT is a natural process. *sighs again* too much, leads to too much pain *turns to look at her fully* I went to the Dr. a few days ago
Daisy Mae Everson: I wanted to be with you... just as Finnuala wants to be with Justin.
Daisy Mae Everson: *he has her full attention* What did he have to say?
Simon Everson: *nods slowly* I know love. I know.
Daisy Mae Everson: *waits for him to tell her what the doctor had to say*
Simon Everson: *he pauses for a second* I have a heart infection, caused by the surgery. It's been a long road but..., *sighs* if it doens't get better, my heart will enlarge and i'll need a new one.
Daisy Mae Everson: oh my god... Simon.. *she brngs her hand up to cover her mouth...plain and simply shocked*
Daisy Mae Everson: W..what should we do, I mean what has the doctor recommended? *tears well up in her eyes*
Simon Everson: *he says nothing, not for a while, before speaking* I can attempt to fix it myself. Failing however, would probly mean instant death. I'm not sugar coating this DAisy, i can fix it, i have the ability. 3 year s ago i would have scoffed and done it in 30 seconds. I have a family now, the doubts are there, I just don't want to try and fail.
Daisy Mae Everson: You should be resting... medicine you have medicine right? do you have to be hospitalized? *she is rambling now*
Simon Everson: *he waits till she runs her gambit of emotion*
Simon Everson: "I'm fine Daisy. Yes i have medicine, yes i take them even thou i don't want to. I'll be getting a cat scan soon. * rubs her shoulders and pulls her into him* i 'm fine..
Daisy Mae Everson: *she speaks softly* Either way we go...there are dangers...
Daisy Mae Everson: *hugs him tightly* simon you're not fine... this is very serious... you... could... *se can't bring herself to say that word*
Simon Everson: "Yes Daisy" * He says plainly* But it's still our pain. They don't need to have it mixed with theirs. Ill have to call my parents *smiles* no doubt the'll have the best doctors flying in from five diffent places. I'll be moved to sevarl transplant list only money can buy. *shakes his head* it's doesn't have to be like this. I pushed my self. I did this and there is nothing I want more than to make the pain go away.
Daisy Mae Everson: (oh dear look at all my typos)
Simon Everson: *almost laughs, hugging her back* Die? And how is this less than scaling the Andies to combat some demon, or standing one on one vs a horde of vampires. No, this is only differnt becuse it's seems so out of your hands. Maybe that's the problem, what we have to eventually tell finnuala. Its not the end of the world, just a differnt one.
Simon Everson: [stupid sony vaio i'm on *L*]
Daisy Mae Everson: I want you well... I..I don't want to loose you.. *do we take the chance the medcine with work or do I let him try healing him self?*
Daisy Mae Everson: *tears still fall, flinches when he says "die"*
Simon Everson: *Laughs lighty* Do you think i want to lose me enither. I am rather selfish about this life
Simon Everson: *his chuckle falls away to a sigh* Dasiy mae, stop crying. Crying won't solve anything and it just makes me into a useless man. no man I know really knows what to do with a crying woman.
Daisy Mae Everson: *laughs a little through her tears* Yes, you are..
Simon Everson: *grins and holds her tightly*
Daisy Mae Everson: So we have to make a choice here. See if the meds work, or you heal yourself.
Simon Everson: "I Thank the Lord for everyday i married this emotional woman, becuse she's made changes in my life. good ones. *pause* have you thought about our anniversiry
Simon Everson: [gives up on te vaio]
Daisy Mae Everson: The longer we wait...if it gets worse, the hard it will be for you to heal yourself... *the greater the chance is of him dying in the precess*
Simon Everson: "*nods slowly* I say we see, and we avoid more surgery. If they don't then we move to option two,*caresses her cheek lightly* ok?
Simon Everson: *he frowns* your playing what if's again. Your right, but that doesn't make it anyless dangerous doing it now.
Simon Everson: "Everything is a risk. Everything, and we should enjoy it." *checks his watch and sighs*
Daisy Mae Everson: No,I haven't thought about it much... You're changing the subject.
Simon Everson: "YEs, i'm chaning the subject. let's take a walk ...
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* Okay we see if the medicine works..
Simon Everson: [names himself sony type king.]
Simon Everson: [typo even]
Daisy Mae Everson: A short walk... te you are going to get some rest.
Simon Everson: *rolls his eyes playfully* yes mother, only if you promise to spoon feed me later.
Daisy Mae Everson: (then).....(I'm the typo queen on this day)
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles* I that's what it takes to get you to rest.. I will. (okay see you later)
Daisy Mae Everson: (I = If)
Simon Everson: *stands and goes to get their coats*--runs off -GO
Simon Everson: ooc:wavee to all, and the lurkers. *gone*
Daisy Mae Everson: *bye simon...*hugs*
Daisy Mae Everson: ~* gone IC*~