Patrick's Baptism
A joyful moment in trying times.
April 29, 2000
Jason St Augustine: * A Rare sight indeed, Jason is seen in all of the formal robes and ribbons signifying his position within the church. His short, stocky frame is somehow softened by this, and his cherubic face has darkened quite a bit in the lastfew weeks*
Angelica Dylan: *Walks in with Sabrina. Though she's still looking rather weighed down by everything over the past few weeks, she's managed to dress herself up for this. She's wearing a nice summer dress, has pulled her hair back and combed it out, and is wearing her ever-present pendant and ring*
Liz St Augustine: * walks out from the kitchen area with Patrick dressed in a simple but elegant white dress and dressed in such a way that anyones rarely seen her and heads over to Jason*
Jason St Augustine: *Goes over to Liz, giving her and patick quick kisses* I love you both.
Sabrina Christenson: *Walks in with Angelica, dressed in full ceremonial garb...minues Gladius, of course. Her hair is braided back, as usual, and she's smiling for the sake of the ceremony...a little bit of light in the darkness of the past month-plus.*
Liz St Augustine: * she smiles warmly to Jason and looks down to Patrick as she's actually awake for this dressed in a little black tux with a little tie and dress shoes to boot and Patrick coos at his father and softly laughs* We love you too Jason
Daisy Mae Everson: *arrives with Consuela, Thomas, little Simon and Jasmine all dress tin there "sunday best"*
Angelica Dylan: *She smiles a bit at Liz and Jason, and seats herself quietly in the third to front row*
Liz St Augustine: ( crud he's dressed in the tux not her)
Liz St Augustine: * she turns and offers everyone who arrives a warm smile and is not very talkative as she is nervous and has a queesy stomach right now*
Sabrina Christenson: *Lets Angelica sit, then walks up to Jason, Liz, and Patrick, smiling* Hello, you three...
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Phone rings in the office.*
Jason St Augustine: ((*Giggles, remembering Liz and her tux*)) *takes a lokk around at everyone, smiling quietly* Thank you all for coming.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Consuela, takes a seat near the front pew fourth pew back, with Thomas and Jasmine, Daisy sits beside her with little Simon on his lap*
Jason St Augustine: *Walks into the office quickly* St. Michaels Chapel, Father St Augustine speaking.
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles warmly to Liz and then to Jason*
Angelica Dylan: *Nods quietly to Jason and Liz, managing a smile*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: It's me, Finnuala. I can't be there, but I can take a few minutes to watch if that's okay. Turn on the camera and hopefully I won't get booted. Wouldn't miss this for the World.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (brb)
Jason St Augustine: Ah, which switch is it Val?
Sabrina Christenson: *Smiles at Jason* Of course, Jason...I wouldn't miss it.
Finnuala by Remote Camera: Who are you talking to, Jason? Anyway, it's the one over the monitor on the unit right there. Just set it in the doorway if the cord reaches and I'll focus it from here with some expert help.
Liz St Augustine: Hello Sabrina * she smiles because she fels like she's gonna puke and is trying to forget she is feeling this nervous and thinks maybe she should of took a shot of some alchol to calm her but after seeing the doc she has to lay off the alchol*
Jason St Augustine: Everyone Finn. Lotta people showed up. *Moves the camera*How's that?
Finnuala by Remote Camera: Good, Jason. Thank you and enjoy your son's event.
Daisy Mae Everson: (back) *speaks softly to the little one* No fusing... *she looks at little Simon, then Thomas and then Jasmine* This is Patrick's day.
Liz St Augustine: * she lifts Partick up so he's sitting in her arm and his violet eyes so much like his mothers a re big and bright as he looks around and smiles at everyone and she takes his little hand and waves it to everyone and he's softly laughs * Say Hi Patrick..everyone has come to see you this eve
Jason St Augustine: *hangs up the phone and comes back out, pointing at the camera* Okay everyone say, "Bless thee" To Finn.
Simon Everson: *there and silent*
Sabrina Christenson: *She smiles at Patrick softly, waves to him, then smiles and goes to sit down right next to Angelica*
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Liz and waves Little Simon hand's back at Patrick*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *slips in with MJ*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Is an intermittently fuzzy image on the computer screen in the office while the intake camera sits in the doorway.*
Angelica Dylan: *Smiles a bit at the camera and waves to it*
Liz St Augustine: * makes sure Patrick waves at Finn also*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Remains silent, wanting so badly to have been there for the one good thing that her family has been together for in so long*
Daisy Mae Everson: *waves to the camera and Finn*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *smiles at all those assembled, and takes a seat in a pew. MJ is asleep in her arms. She smiles widely at all the babies there*
Jason St Augustine: *Makes sure the baptismal font is properly filled and that the temp is good before turning to everyone, looking down, and then looking up to veryone again* Dearly, no wait...wrong page...uhm...well, I guess it works. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the bringing of a new soul unto the fold of Christ our Father.
Daisy Mae Everson: (brb)
Angelica Dylan: *Listens quietly, her thoughts heavily distracting her*
Liz St Augustine: * gets a quick d'ohh look as she should be standing near the alter and walks over to it holding Patrick*
Sabrina Christenson: *Watches quietly, a smile on her face as she does*
Daisy Mae Everson: (back, I think)*little simon sqirms in her lap wanting down*
Liz St Augustine: * Patrick closes his eyes and coos a bit at something and then opens them again and he gets a bit excited and does a little hop in Liz's arm*
Jason St Augustine: This is no small matter before us this day, as with it, we honor all three of the Trinity and the child as well. Thus is this an important day for him, and one that all will be able to speak of to him when he reaches mature years.
Liz St Augustine: * she looks down at Patrick and whispers to him* what you so excited about and he looks at her and she smiles and nods* ah you miss your aunty Dana * whispers back to him*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *smiles and watches and holds her own son, so happy at recent events she could cry* ((sorry, really slow tonight))
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Turns off the camera on her end so no one can see her face on the office computer screen.*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Patrick and he suddenly calms down and looks at His father almost looking as if he is listening to him his eyes just fasinated by hearing him speak*
Daisy Mae Everson: *consuela hands Jasmine to Simon without a word, Daisy grins at her and Simon*
Jason St Augustine: And so, I ask all of you, Patricks' godparents, to take a moment and ask the One above for faith in Patricks name. *Bows his head for a moment*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *The screen comes back to life as her staticked features are seen, now better composed, bowing in prayer for Patrick.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Jason then bows her head, ttrying to keep little simon from squirming off her lap* ... *Consuela bows her head, Thomas behaving him self* ... *Jasmine pulling on her father's shirt*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *bows her head*
Sabrina Christenson: *Bows her head and asks the One to bless this child's life*
Jason St Augustine: *After he raises his head, Jason steps down and breathes upon his face* Thus is the original sin of this child exorcised from his body. *He then makes the sign of the cross upon Patrick's forehead and chest*
Liz St Augustine: * Patrick looks at his father and reaches for his robes and grabs a part of the robe and pulls on it he smiles at him*
Angelica Dylan: ((BRB))
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *grins at Patrick, then takes a moment to smile softly and encouragingly at Finn via camera*
Jason St Augustine: *Takes a small amount of salt from a brazier nearby* With this blessed salt, by the doctrine of faith and the gift of grace, he shall be delivered from the corruption of sin, experience a relish for good works, and be delighted with the food of divine wisdom. *places the salt on Patricks tongue*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *MJ, thankfully, remains deep asleep, having been completely exhausted by his step-daddy's enthusiasm with him. Bears...who knows.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (back) *quietly watching the happenings*
Jason St Augustine: *Smiling at Patrick and hopingn he doesn;t cry or react badly*
Liz St Augustine: * Patrick starts to babble quite loudly * babbb daa daaa
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *The face in the office screen blinks hard a few times and silently nods at Kades, not that she can see it happen.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *little Simon is quiet insistant on getting to the floor giving Daisy a run for her money to keep him on her lap* ... *Thomas is chillin', behaving him self* ... *Jasmine is fascinated with her father's shirt, pulling and twisting the buttons*
Jason St Augustine: *Smiles broadly, his son just said Dada...places his stole over Patrick* Thus, I welcome you to the One Church of Jesus Christ our Savior. *Guides Liz and Patrick up to the baptismal font*
Daisy Mae Everson: (quiet = quite)
Simon Everson: *he picks up little simon and holds him*
Liz St Augustine: * partick druells at the salt but smakcs his lips and kinds frowns at it and Liz kinda get a eww faces as the salty dreull starts falling on her dress*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *What little she can see of Simon and Daisy brings a distantly wistful warmth. Simon doesn't have to like her, nor she him, to still feel the familial loyalty and love, and this thought carries back to her testimony just given before this baptism.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Simon, watches a moment to see if he wants her to take Jasmine from him*
Liz St Augustine: * patrick sticks his hand in his mouth and then sticks it on his mother's face and Liz just shivers at it but doesn't say anything to intturpt the cermony as she is guided up to where Jason wants her*
Simon Everson: *he holds both children and gives Jr a firms look.* shh.. watch. *not that he will listen, he's going to be worse than his father, *
Jason St Augustine: *Once at the font, Jason licks his finger slightly, dabbing it upon Patricks' ears and his nostrils* as sight was restored to the blind man mentioned in the Gospel, whom the Lord, after having spread clay over his eyes, commanded to wash them in the waters of Siloe; so also he may understand that the efficacy of the sacred ablution is such as to bring light to the mind to discern heavenly truth.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Ah ha Jasmine has something else to occupy her attention, she tugs on little Simon's ear, little Simon pulls his head away fron his sisters hands*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *holds her son to her, and smiles broadly at Liz*
Sabrina Christenson: ((Back)) *Looks back at Simon and Daisy briefly, smiling...then back to Jason and Liz*
Jason St Augustine: *Dips his finger in oil, dabbing it on patricks shoulders, and intoning* By the grace of the holy spirit, he may shake off negligence and torpor and engage in the performance of good works; 'faith without works is dead'.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Thomas behaving at the moment so Daisy leaves him on Consuela's lap* ... *Little simon squirms in his fathers lap still wanting to get down on to the floor... Jasmine goes back to pulling and twisting the buttons on her fther's shirt* ... * Daisy smiles and then turn her attention to Jason, Liz and Patrick*
Liz St Augustine: * then Patrick pats his daddy's face with the same druelled filled hand and coos at him and babbles loudly somemore* baaa baaa dooooooo
Jason St Augustine: *And again on Patricks' chest* That by the gift of the Holy Ghost, he may cast off error and ignorance and may receive the true faith, 'for the just man liveth by faith'
Jason St Augustine: *Smiles softly at his Little Miracle, whispering,*Patience my son.
Simon Everson: *tosses Little simon into a whall and jumps up and down on him..jhmm was that my outside voice ? *?
Simon Everson: (LOL) *allows the small one to slide down*
Liz St Augustine: * the Patrick sees something that he really wants to get his hand on and reaches out to grab his daddy's glasses and Liz pulls Patricks arm down*
Daisy Mae Everson: *Jasmine suddenly screeches in frustration, cause the button won't come off her father's shirt*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: ((Can we do that to big Simon too? *L* Silly male-tart.))
Jason St Augustine: ((*Snickerfits*))
Angelica Dylan: *Seems, as usual, just a touch uncomfortable at the religious overtones...but she hides it well, as she watches*
Simon Everson: *moves his ear, looks sheepish and touches his daughter, a tiny and stuff a pacifer in her mouth*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *MJ begins to stir, hearing new pitches of noise around him. He opens his eyes and focuses on his mother. Kades appears to be oblivious, watching the family before her.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (oh man...) *blinks and Jasmine, look apologenicly at everyone* ... *little Simon, finds "freedom".. and he scooches along on the floor under the pew*
Simon Everson: *thinks strongly this is why god let him awaken*
Jason St Augustine: *Places a white stole around his neck and guides Liz to place patrick in the baptismal font*
Daisy Mae Everson: *Jasmine suckles on the pacifier, still intent on that button* ... *little simon has disappear un the pew* ... *Thomas still behaving him self but he does look at his sister*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *The wistful and admittedly sort of self pitying feeling gives way to amusement at Simon's expense, watching him deal with annoying little people that he can't just kill.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (un =under)
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): *MJ reaches up...and pulls an amber pendant around his mother's neck into his mouth and begins to suck on it. Kades glances down at him, and shakes her head disapprovingly, even as she hides a smile. His namesake would not be too pleased. She extracts the fetish from his mouth, and digs around in her babybag for a pacifier*
Liz St Augustine: * doesn't know what in thw world she's doing but trys to do it sucessfully*
Simon Everson: *CAn';t kill, fcan't beat, resigns and pops off the button and gives it to Jasmine*
Daisy Mae Everson: *little Simon has found his fathers legs, little hands tug on Simon's pant legs going straight forthe mouth* ... *Jasmine loose interst on the button and fixate on her father chin*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Thinks this must be a truly new and bothersome situation for her Brother Paladin and will call in any other Templars who are nearby and who know Simon who might want to see this.*
Sabrina Christenson: *She stifles a laugh at Simon's predicament and continues to watch the ceremony*
Jason St Augustine: *Helps Liz place Patrick in the font, dipping his left hand into the water and pouring it over Patricks' head while making the sign of the cross* Patrick William St Augustine, I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. *Jason repeats these actions twice more, his Faith shining brightly each time*
Kades Nuada (and Dana via Corr2): ((Yargh! I'm fighting my browser, and it's not submitting! I'm sorry guys, I would love to be here...*s* Let me know when the archive's up, but I give up on this lame excuse for technology))
Angelica Dylan: *Simon's "problem" manages to bring a genuine smile to her she's dearly needed for a while*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: ((Sorry your browser sux, Kades. *Kills it for you, and installs Explorer.))
Daisy Mae Everson: *Jasmine looks at the button her father just gave her, and the pacifier get shot out of her mouth and the button is about to take it's place* ... *Daisy get hit by the pacifier and look toward simon and Jasmine see the button in Jasmine's and quickly takes it from her ... Jasmine makes a pouty face and is about to start crying, Daisy quickly put the pacifier into jasmine mouth*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Yea, though her situation may once again be dire at the hands of her most beloved Templar Brethren, she laughs silently while sharing this scene through the camera and somehow knows that come what may, all will be well.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy gives Simon a look of "Don't give her this kind of stuff she'll choke on it"* ... *Thomas has fallen asleep* ... *little simon is chewing on his father pant leg*
Jason St Augustine: *anoints Patricks forehead with chrism* From this day he is united as a member to Christ, his head, and engrafted on His body; and therefore he is called a Christian from Christ, but Christ from chrism.
Liz St Augustine: * patrick blinks at the water and squirms a little*
Simon Everson: *hands the kids to Conseuela and leans back* Who's idea was it to have tripplets? &*looks up at "god"*
Jason St Augustine: *places a white veil over Patricks face* "Receive this white garment, which mayest thou carry without stain before the judgment seat of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that thou mayest have eternal life. Amen."
Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy will take Jasmine so Thomascan remain asleep* ... *littl simon furrows his brows, boy did that give little simon the right name, he's going to be just like is dad* ... * Daisy surpresses a chuckle and watches the happenings*
Daisy Mae Everson: *softly* amen.
Simon Everson: Amen.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Consuela on the other hand does chuckle*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *A soft "amen" from the comp speakers in the office.*
Sabrina Christenson: *Quietly* Amen...
Angelica Dylan: *Bows her head* Blessed Be...
Daisy Mae Everson: Consuela says, Amen.
Jason St Augustine: My Brothers and Sisters, I present to you Patrick William St Augustine. You may now chuckle at Simon's predicament, as all things have a place in His house.
Jason St Augustine: *Takes Liz's hand and kisses her wedding ring* I love you.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Jasmine start to pull on her mom's hair, Daisy winces and pries her hair out of her hand* ... *little Simon gives his father a look, not unlike one simon has given at one time or another* ... *Thomas snorts and wakes him self up*
Liz St Augustine: * lifts Partrick up so he's sitting on her arm taking the veil off of Partrick*
Daisy Mae Everson: *chuckles*
Simon Everson: *makes a slight bow, and picks up his son*
Jason St Augustine: *SMiles brightly*
Liz St Augustine: * looks over at Simon and Daisy to see this perdicamint Jason spoke of as she's been too nervous and busy with Patrick to notice and chukles to herself*
Daisy Mae Everson: *little Simon squirms in his father arms* ... *Thomas looks around curiously* ... *Jasmine is getting md cause her mom won't let her have her hair*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Thinks she'd be irritable too if she had triplets.*
Simon Everson: *touches each of his children with his faith to calm them*
Liz St Augustine: * walks to the kitchen as she is thirsty and pours herself a glass of water and sips it*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Wonders if anyone will remember to turn off the equipment in the office afterwards*
Simon Everson: *he doesn't stay long after .. He has to be up eairly in the morning but he does congradulate those he came to see. He leaves Daisy if she will stay, *
Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy looks at Simon and grins, oh yeah use your "magic" touch... cheater. she thinks to her self* ... *all three of them calm down*... *Consuela, is amased by Simon's ability to calm his children*
Liz St Augustine: * Patrick yawns and lays his head on his mother's shoulder and Liz holds him and kisses his head*
Jason St Augustine: *Walks into the kitchen and hugs Liz* Can I get out of these now?
Daisy Mae Everson: *daisy gets up and goes to give jason and Liz a hug and kisses Patrick on the forehead* Congrats, little guy.
Liz St Augustine: * she walks back into the main room and hands Jason.... Patrick and Patrick lays his head on his father shoulder and her yawns real big *
Daisy Mae Everson: *Consuela will do the same* .. *Daisy doesn't stay long either she doesn't was to stay out too long in this weather*
Finnuala by Remote Camera: *Shuts down her end of the camera and calls for a shutdown on this end* ((Off to another scene now. Bye *POOF*))
Liz St Augustine: * she nods at Jason* sure let me take Patrick back first * Liz gives Daisy a hug back and Patrick half smiles at Daisy and then rubs his eye as he looks soo sleepy*
Daisy Mae Everson: (bye simon, bye Finn)
Daisy Mae Everson: Jason> Big brother that was beautiful bastism... To both Liz and Jason> I'm going to take Thomas, little Simon and Jasmine home... Good night.
Liz St Augustine: * liz genlty sways Partick back and forth as she stands there and holds him as he slowly drifts off to sleep*
Jason St Augustine: *Smiles broadly* Thank you...*watches his son fall asleep* Thank you Liz.
Daisy Mae Everson: *Consuela and Daisy bundle up the children and head out to the van, that Daisy parked as close to the door as she could*
Liz St Augustine: * smiles at Daisy* thanks for coming ..good night
Daisy Mae Everson: *once all are buckled in Daisy drives home*
Daisy Mae Everson: *before she walk out* Wouldn't have missed it Liz.
Liz St Augustine: * arches a brow* for what?
Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy, Consuela and children disappear in the down pour*
Jason St Augustine: To go home. It's almost 5 feet to the truck from here.
Daisy Mae Everson: (that was very nice!)
Liz St Augustine: * ahskes her head* no Jason I meant why did you thank me?
Jason St Augustine: Well, you could have said no to Patrick being baptized.