After the Testimony
Family Members Talk
(May 3, 2000)
(Note: dated for the purpose of my files.)
Crown Add: [archives on]* in houston, in a room quiet well decorated, statement have already been given, and prepared (for those that have done so, ) *
Jonathon Spader: ((Here))
Crown Add: [is done talkiing]
Tyne Donnelly: *Is, I'm guessing, sitting, waiting to be called to the stand.*
Crown Add: *it's night, courts ajurned*
Finnuala: *Still confused about so much that's happened. She's been totally in the dark on so much since the night Justin was injured and nothing is getting clearer with time. Sitting and brooding darkly.*
Crown Add: *goes about setting more scene., Courts over, your lawyers have basically said wait here a momentthey'll be back, ergo it's free talk time, if no one speaks then i move on with plot *G* sEEE*
Finnuala: *Then looks and realizes she's the only one there in the room who was accused* Thank you all for being here.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon, having got his feet back under him, and now getting focused, is standing off to the side, trying to project his calm into the room*
Finnuala: *Leans forward closer to her companions* Do any of you have the whole story on anything yet?
Crown Add: [No date on this scene, as always schedules makes this wierd, so it's happening, but will be placed apporaitely]
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Finnuala* No. I do not. and this worries me.
Jonathon Spader: *he steps over to Finn* No ma'am, you don't have to thank us. Maybe we've all forgotten it a little bit, but we all go in, and we all come out.......or none of us do. *he holds his hand out for a warrior's clasp* Ma'am.
Daisy Mae Everson: *dressed as per the dress code, no weapon, looking a little tired, Sitting with the others*
Finnuala: *Clasps Jonathon's hand firmly with all the brotherhood they've shared, good and bad times aside.* This is different, Jon. They'll decide for us who goes out. Now we sit back and trust our fellow Knights.
Tyne Donnelly: OOC: assume Justine gave her staement and left shortly after Ang did, when she was stricken against. she intends to return.
Daisy Mae Everson: *speak on a low voice* Finnuala, that... in one of our problems. We as a wholeare not informing others of what is going on.
Dana Mackintosh: *back at the hospital?*
Dana Mackintosh: ((*checking mail now..*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *she was not being cynical, just stating a simple fact*
Finnuala: Daisy> And some of us haven't had the opportunity yet. What bothers me more than this whole trial is not knowing what happened.
Tyne Donnelly: *is quiet.*
Finnuala: ((I think Dana is there.))
Daisy Mae Everson: (OMG!! brb)
Crown Add: *the room itself is Quiet wonderfull. Those who needed to be released are so, and presently the accused are allowed to congrgate*&
Jonathon Spader: *he steps back to Tyyne's side, taking her hand gently and kissing it* I wish I knew some more to tell, but I haven't been able to see it all lately.
Dana Mackintosh: *sitting down crosslegged somewhere and focused on a window*
Finnuala: *Thinks with some irony that at least the room is comfortable and nice. Somehow it would be almost nicer however, to be in a stone cell so the surroundings would match the mood.*
Crown Add: [grumbles about his damn windows]
Daisy Mae Everson: (*shivers*... back) Finnuala.. in how many months have we not had the time to tell inform each other what is happening? This does include my self.
Tyne Donnelly: *smiles at her Spader as he kisses her hand* I thought..that by now..everyone should be informed of everything.
Dana Mackintosh: ((*hugs butterfly*))
Finnuala: Daisy> I actually meant the events of the past week. We're completely in the dark on those.
Dana Mackintosh: *glances back at the others, offering by the action to answer any direct questions placed to herself*
Alex Tarquine: ~sits quietly~
Finnuala: Dana> Anything you want us to know would be welcome.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, and aska only* Are you well. Or, at least better than you were last time I saw you?
Julios Christoph: ~he walks into the door and closes it slowly. He is dressed reasonably well and sits~
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to Tyne, and looks at Finnuala. She answers in a soft voice with little tone* Is there anything specific you have questions on? I don't know what information anyone has been given.
Dana Mackintosh: *and silence again as Julios enters*
Julios Christoph: ~he meets each of their gaze evenly as he waits for them to come together. He waves them off to continue talking~
Finnuala: *Starts to speak to Dana but sees Julious and rises* Seneschal.
Daisy Mae Everson: (thanks Dana.. hugs back*
Dana Mackintosh: *takes her cue and rises with Finn*
Tyne Donnelly: *is also on her feet, that fast.*
Alex Tarquine: ~stands as everyone else does~
Julios Christoph: "Sit, Sit, keep talking. Have no fear, i cannot speak, and my memory is already blocked , I only have knews and as Your sponser, purpose to help you along as much as possible."
Tyne Donnelly: *she sits..slowly. in case this is some sort of protocol pop quiz.*
Dana Mackintosh: *sits back down, taking that in slowly*
Daisy Mae Everson: *stands then sits once again as Julios gives leave to do so*
Jonathon Spader: *was standing, Jon still rarely sits, he nods respectfully*
Finnuala: Julious> I'm sure we'd all like to hear your news.
Julios Christoph: "..Due to Natural inability, and purpose, Jon is now Marshall. Tyne is now Preceptor of the ARms, and Daisy mae is Preceptor of the Watch.. *let's them absorb that*
Alex Tarquine: ~will sit when told to~
Jonathon Spader: ((Natural inability? Please say he meant ability. *S* Jon would have a serious fracture of spirit on that one. *S*))
Julios Christoph: [ability, not in *L*] *he continues after a moment* Paul's Will be burried in 5 days, his body will be on display for the next 3. All are welcome to pay their respects. Tommorrow, you are all invited to the hospital, Francis is leading a Spiritual over Justin. "
Dana Mackintosh: *stands quietly, moving behind the chairs near the window and begins to pace slowly there, out of the way*
Tyne Donnelly: *she nodds at Seneschal Cristoph and glances at Dana saying something in gealic.*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon listens. Of course he'll be there, if they'll let him. Hopefully.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Julios in respect to Paul and Justin*
Julios Christoph: *he waits,seeing if they have anything to say. *
Finnuala: Julios> Is there anything more at this point you would advise us to do?
Julios Christoph: *shakes his head, uncommonly silent*
Daisy Mae Everson: *recalls the talk she and Simon had in california, Protector of Watch, Doctor, Interior decorator, wife and mother..*
Daisy Mae Everson: *bring her hand up to mouth to cover a slight grin she has at the thought*
Finnuala: Thank you, Seneschal. Then we wait. *For the circumstances, calm now and rather than fatalistic, puts trust in the One to see them through in just order.*
Simon Everson: [...*kicks browers*] *Scans the silent ones* Well, if that about it, other than you all should proably really talk to each other.. i'll be leaving so i don't intrude. *he stares at Alex and Dana and shakes his head. Such bright young stars, blindly burnt out. It happens, it was the task of the mentors to let them go, to put them down before they got out of hand*
Finnuala: Julios> You aren't intruding at all. You're one of us after all, but I understand. And thank you again.
Daisy Mae Everson: *bites at her lower lip, distracted or in thought*
Tyne Donnelly: *she is silent as well. She tries to think of anything to help and not coming up with much, wonders if there is a lawyer who also happens to be awakened. not that it would matter.*
Julios Christoph: *he stands* no Finnuala, I am your Brother, i am however not one of you. I am Seneschal, One of your Jurors, and like you, have a duty to preform if neccessary. We shall see.
Finnuala: ((15 minute warning))
Jonathon Spader: *silent, absorning the nuances, but with half a mind. The other half is feeling like Jonathon Riker. He doesn't want his own ship.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Simon, worry in her eyes*
Finnuala: *Actually, meant that all there are Templars, but doesn't blame Julios for keeping some distance. A fatalistic, yet not unhappy calm settles over her, looking forward to the end of this no matter the outcome, even death, if it means peace is restored.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~waits, he's not here for himself~
Finnuala: Of course, Seneschal.
Jonathon Spader: *but he puts that away. He focuses on his duty at hand. Planning frame booting up, he starts to analyze possibil;ities, and looks at the overall purpose of the proceedings, and where they need to go*
Tyne Donnelly: *she is still quiet. She wonders if they actually kill her if she will stay dead this time. Of course, there are no charges against her but she half expects that they may have to kill her in the ensuing violence when they try to lop off th heads of her people.* ((GREAT quote, too, Spader.))
Dana Mackintosh: *pacing slowly, in silence, her face showing a gentle, even...nothing*
Finnuala: Others> Is there anything we want to prepare in the way of a final statement?
Finnuala: As a group, that is?
Julios Christoph: *he nods to all, and heads to the door, opening it and closing it silently* Good night, sleep, Rest is required for this ritual tommorrow. do not come if you have doubts.
Daisy Mae Everson: *With all tis she still doesn't know what happened with Alex, Justin, Dana and Paul... How is there to be a report when no one is saying anything about the happenings... No more. By god this family will work together as a unit once again.... Still biting her lower lip, a little to hard*
Finnuala: *Waves a hand at Daisy.* Stop that. You'll get lip cancer.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he shakes his head, he's here to give testimony on the behalf of others~
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Julius* Good night, sir.
Dana Mackintosh: *thinks it wise that they denounce herself, but doesn't mention it as that would start a whole spiel of things from Finnuala who still believes her potential can be salvaged. She does turn to look at the others out of respect for anyone who chooses to say something*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Finnuala and grins* That news to me Finnuala.
Justine O'Ryan: ~oh but she does. And it may get her beheaded as well but she can't see how it will hurt to be asked to adress the gathering the next day. she reurns.~
Dana Mackintosh: *Will go and see Paul, will not go and see Justin, as she is genuinely concerned for the betterment of his health*
Finnuala: Daisy> Well it's true. *Smiles suddenly, thinking it's good to be carping about a triviality rather than a life or death situation.*
Jonathon Spader: So does anybody want anything? I'll get it.
Alexander Tarquine: no
Justine O'Ryan: ~she walks in and sits next to Daisy and smiles over at Finnuala~ Is all curently well?
Finnuala: Spader> No, thank you anyway Jonathon.
Finnuala: Rather...Marshall.
Julios Christoph: [note, there will be no rants. You will be effectively and even maybe permantly silenced if neccessary. this is the big boys club, and theatrics belong in hollywood] *G* or really, really, really, really, VERY really crafty pc.s']
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Jon* no, but thank you Sug..Marshall.
Dana Mackintosh: *doesn't seem to have heard Jon*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods* I will try to remember that Finnuala. *as the taste of blood fills her mouth from biting to hard on her lip*
Justine O'Ryan: ~well damn. that throws that plan out. she'll shut up then.~
Simon Everson: *looks over from the window, hands crossed and then back at the window*
Finnuala: ((Will this resume at the time you said earlier?))
Dana Mackintosh: ((*kicks Dana and wishes she'd snap out of it and start scheming*))
Tyne Donnelly: ((I'm not clever enough to be very crafty, much less all the other verys in front of it.))
Daisy Mae Everson: No thank you, Jon.
Jonathon Spader: *winces at the title calling* All right. But let me know if anyone needs anything.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he takes a deep breath and speaks rather softly~ I have a small question... ~he pauses to see if they listen initialy~ What is all of this going to determine?
Simon Everson: [send what ever you need to by email, as always, few people can alwasy be online]
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Alex pitingly but doesn't say anything.~
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes a moment to looks at each of them*
Finnuala: Alexander> It will determine the fitness of the leaders to lead, possibly culminating in executions at worst.
Dana Mackintosh: ((*hopes for divine intervention of craftiness...aren't there pagan gods you can call on for that?*))
Julios Christoph: *(Ack, before he goes)* Turns to dana, as he's out tthe door* One Decon Day will be your character Witness Dana MAckinbtosh, *he looks at the others* Good day.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he blinks several times~ execu... ~his jaw drops slightly~
Dana Mackintosh: *smiles a little and continues pacing...why don't they just send Alexander home so he can get on with his life? Poor kid doesn't need to be here...*
Dana Mackintosh: *stop...blink*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon's clever, and is exploring options ((innocent look))*
Tyne Donnelly: *at this. her mouth does crinkle into a smile. the life of thier friend and student..depends on a Deathmage.*
Finnuala: It's too bad no one here insists on challenging. It's so pupolar at times. I mean, someone challenging US, so we can choose the course. Gauntlet even. No one has offered that option.
Dana Mackintosh: *pauses, hands at her sides, she closes her eyes and regains composure through perfect blankness, absolute nothing...*
Justine O'Ryan: ~as she fully understands that her saying too much..a final appeal even..could result in that much more death she will not do so. she looks at Finnuala sadly and with not but concern.~
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Alex* Alex why did you leave? (sorry if I should know this but the player doesn't)
Alexander Tarquine: ~he closes his mouth slowly, unable to even say execution. Perhaps he can offer up himself to save his friends, that seems fair doesn't it~
Jonathon Spader: Well ma'am, I don't think many of the knights are foolish enopugh to challenge any of us. I'm sure they would me, but The rest of you would flatten them, and they know it.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he puts that thought on hold and turns to Daisy~ To remove a burden and a weak link...
Finnuala: In fact, I think we should inquire about that. It's a fighting chance for some of us.// Spader> No Ma'am, please, Marshall. I'll go confer with Tenaviel for a while. Rest well everyone. Good night.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she now turns the steel gaze on Jonothan~ That's not true, Mr. Spader, and you know better. ~she throws a glance at Tyne. a good person but terrible with emotions, lacking too many of her own.~
Finnuala: ((Have to go. Nite all.))
Alexander Tarquine: [[ night Finn ]]
Dana Mackintosh: *opens her eyes and almost laughs at Spader. Almost. Her mind drifted a little further away from her ability to access it, but that same calm composure she has had since she returned to the hospital in Fox Park*
Finnuala: *Walks to the resting chamber and closes the door.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~She rises as well and goes with Finnuala.~
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* Sleep well.
Finnuala: ((Gone))
Tyne Donnelly: *she does looks at Spader now, oddly, after Jus's look.*
Simon Everson: *Simon continues to stand silent, listening, wondering what the hell he's doing here, and how less they all would be here if he'd made dana explode in a burst of 100 million red blood cells*
Daisy Mae Everson: *raises her brow at Alex* A weak link? You?
Daisy Mae Everson: Good night Finnuala. (sleep well) (slow connect sorry all)
Dana Mackintosh: *Simon is not the only one who feels that way, but hell if it means anything now.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~simply nods~ yes....
Dana Mackintosh: *From across the room she endeavours to catch Spader's eye, and if she does will subtly gesture him towards a room where they can confer privately*
Daisy Mae Everson: Why do you feel this way, Alex?
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Spader, and sees Dana look at him and her jaw sets.*
Simon Everson: [there is ONE room. you don't sleep here, you leave, if dana leaves she goes back to the hospital. *G*]
Jonathon Spader: *squeezinfg Tyne's hand gently, he quietly excuses himself, and steps over to Dana* Is there something I can get you?
Alexander Tarquine: ~he shrugs~ I've been nothng but a hinderence on every outing
Dana Mackintosh: *she leans in and speaks with him softly*
Dana Mackintosh: *does not have the mental leisure to worry what's up with Tyne, she simply can't afford to right now so it does not exist to her*
Tyne Donnelly: *of course she doesn't.*
Jonathon Spader: *confers quielty with a shake of his head*
Tyne Donnelly: *eyes unarrow. she looks around.*
Simon Everson: *wlaks over to daisy and kisses her cheek* i'm going to go to sleep, I have to prepare for tomorrow.
Daisy Mae Everson: You and all the others have returned... perhap you should look at it differently. If you think you've done something wrong then speak to some one about it. Don't dwell on it... None of us are prefect. I could easily say I am a hinderence... a weak link, but my family believes in me, He believes in me... and so I go on and do what I can. ... I have my bad moments like everyone else, and I will see more of them in the future.
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at Simon* All right darlin'... I'll see you later. *kisses him on the cheek*
Dana Mackintosh: *argues softly with the Marshall, big surprise*
Daisy Mae Everson: *tries not to worry*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods~ and how many times have you lost your soul? ~rather calmly stated~
Dana Mackintosh: *she nods her head in acquisance with his decision, softly* Thank you for your consideration.
Daisy Mae Everson: *raises her brow* what do you mean by loosing your soul?
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Dana and Jon*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he shakes his head~ I cannot even protect myself, let alone others....
Dana Mackintosh: *glances at Alexander, once...and chooses to say nothing. She would very much like someone to smack him upside the head, but feels very very sick at the thought*
Tyne Donnelly: *she waits, still.*
Jonathon Spader: It's not consideration Dana, it's caring. I can't say I'm sorry you have to live with it. If I can get you anything please let me know. *he bows slightly to her, and steps back to Tyne's side. Taking he hand again*
Tyne Donnelly: *and all is calm. with her, anyway. She squeezes Jon's hand and mutters something to him*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he glances around the room and can't help but recall all the wounds people have suffered because he couldn't protect himself~
Alexander Tarquine: ~he runs a thumb along the scar across his face~ I have mine as well.... but I think others bare some of mine as well. I know they mean well, but I am an unnecessary distraction for them....
Tyne Donnelly: *adds, the first sound that is heard from her in some time.* And your best is always good enough. The lack comes from the sides not stretching enough to accomodate it.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at the scar across Alex's face... stand in front of Alex, turning around and lifting her tunic to show him her back... which is criss crossed with scars*
Tyne Donnelly: *remembers Daisy's back. or rather, part of her does.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he winces slightly, knowing exactly how that feels~ You best is not good enough if you cause you friends harm....
Dana Mackintosh: *she regards the assembled company* I am going to go now, sleep well, all of you. *she heads for the door*
Jonathon Spader: *almost visibly shudders at Alexander's reminder, but reigns himself in forcefuully*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she stands there for several moment... an eternity it seems*
Dana Mackintosh: *Then just stops, swallows, and bows her head, not willing to leave*
Jonathon Spader: Good night Dana. rest well.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Alexander* Bullshit.
Daisy Mae Everson: *let's her tunic fall back into place and turn to face Alex* Ten years and another six years of running. T would not like for this to happen to you. Your family, yes we are your family is here to support you. Ifonly you'll let us.
Dana Mackintosh: *agrees heartily with Tyne, and raises her head* Alexander...*she pauses as the blankness reasserts it's dominance after that brief flash of emotion. Then her voice is calm* Self-pity is unbecoming. I am learning this..far too late. It can always be worse. Think on that.
Alexander Tarquine: ~shakes his head~ what do you do when you get a burr in your sock? You get rid of it. That was merely discomfort... what do you do to the insect that bites you? That causes pain. Do you keep it around and be happy? no...
Daisy Mae Everson: (T = I) (How I hit the "t" is beyond me)
Jonathon Spader: And you use that scar as example sir. I would point out that it was a failing of mine that you have it. I was the one who gave it too you. And I can never express how much I am sorry for that.
Tyne Donnelly: *does her thing, while watching Alexander* what do you do when the river curses itself for having curves. Do you blame the river, for being a river? No. you do not. You NEED the river. To be a river. Being an ocean is very lonely.
Alexander Tarquine: ~shakes his head somemore~ Its not self pity, in fact it really has nothing to do with me. I really could careless what happens to me... I'm here so that nothing happens to all of you... is it that hard to understand?
Dana Mackintosh: *she has neither the energy nor the stregth of mind to deal with Alexander...she has tried to make him listen and if he cannot, well...Well, she can't make him. She slips quietly out the door, presumably to people there who will take her back to the hospital. She asks quietly if she may be permitted to view Paul's body this evening.*
Simon Everson: [need a WEB page of Tyne'isms.. jesus.. *ROTFLOL*]
Jonathon Spader: No sir, it is not, because we are here to make sure nothing happens to you. Is it that hard to understand?
Daisy Mae Everson: Yes, Alexander that is hard to understand, because we all care about you.
Tyne Donnelly: OOC: *s* thank you.
Simon Everson: [no,-the body is not prepared yet- and from a look at a few of their faces, they find it.. "not with the good" _SHE_ of all people would ask, for such a thing. Sufice t to say, their a little "rougher" in getting her back to the hospital and under gaurd.]
Dana Mackintosh: ((*agrees with Simon*))
Alexander Tarquine: I can take care of myself, I have for years.... I resigned because I cannot handle the situations I was placed in while in service. I -cannot- watch you take hit after hit for me and pretend I'm helping or doing good
Dana Mackintosh: *And yet she did ask. And she will again. She takes the roughness with the demeanor her current status merits*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Alex, and would sigh if she was given to such fits of display of annoyance. but she does not* You are. You remind the ocean what it is like to be a river. You also, guide rivers who cannot find thier own path.
Tyne Donnelly: *she thinks of something else she was told once. By one of the Hedonisitc ones* Scales are different. song scales. there are some that are higher. some, lower. They are all on the same damn bar however.
Daisy Mae Everson: And you job was what? To be there for Justin, that hits of him... and because you were not there Justin is in the hospital. *her voice still calm*
Jonathon Spader: *thinking, he tries soe other tact* So Alexnader, how do you define doing good?
Dana Mackintosh: *gone*
Alexander Tarquine: No, I force your ocean to worry about the rivers when it should be accomplishing what it is supposed to. The ocean has a purpose just as your rivers do, and any ocean I'm near has to do both its and the rivers destiny
Tyne Donnelly: *smiles a bit at Alexander* silly One.the Ocean IS the river. Many parts, one body.
Daisy Mae Everson: Normal unskilled person. You have been training under Justin have you not? Do you know how to use a weapon? Or someting like Tyne.
Alexander Tarquine: I know where the safty is and I know how not to stab myself.... that doesn't mean I can use them... or want to
Jonathon Spader: *bows out gracefully, knowing no man can stand against a Crown woman, let alone two. He steps off tothe side, and finally sits*
Daisy Mae Everson: What... Alex ...have you seen me do?
Alexander Tarquine: Raise children, cook, not walk into combat.... I can go on... ~he's voice is level, this is something he's spent some time on~
Daisy Mae Everson: Do you truly think the others want to do harm? They do what they must, there is a difference.
Tyne Donnelly: *points at Daisy* She is a river. and Do you know what. Rivers can widen. She has become a strong river. So can you. But watching the ocean and being annoyed that you are not one will not help. You will lose your course.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he takes a deep breath~ Does it matter... what does it cost to be that desensitized?
Alexander Tarquine: ~he shakes his head~ I don't wan't to be an ocean and I'm not a river.... I may be biologicly made of water but that does not mean I have to run down a mountain and jump into the sea to make my life complete...
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Tyne*
Tyne Donnelly: *she looks at Alex, and blinks* Have you not met the one like me who is not. She who weeps even as she swings a sword. Part of making the choice to do right is to do it even if it hurts you and others, at times. and not to shrink to safety. You will never find your own course if you so fear discomfort. You cannot forge if you baby your arm.
Alexander Tarquine: I remember England.... all to well... I'll never be able to forget it... ever...
Tyne Donnelly: *then why did he join, she wonders?*
Daisy Mae Everson: We all return from England... How does the saying go...*thinks* ... "United we stand, divided we fall"
Alexander Tarquine: physicaly.... ~is all he adds to Daisy's words~
Daisy Mae Everson: (returned)
Tyne Donnelly: *she doesn't say anything. She's going the route of Dana now. She has shown him all that she can, and he sees it, but no longer cares..or wants to. that must be a specail kind of hell.*
Alexander Tarquine: I did.....
Jonathon Spader: *he sits in thought, looking down the myriad paths, and trying to find the light of the warm inn that heralds the end of a safe journey*
Daisy Mae Everson: No Alex you have not. If you had you not have left.
Daisy Mae Everson: (correction: If you had you would not have left.)
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Jon in concern then back to Alex* you chose foolishly. Now you can learn from your mistakes in life and go on or continue to kick yourself in the ass.
Jonathon Spader: *he continues to listen. now woth more devotion to the conversation again*
Daisy Mae Everson: *sighs*... there are no guarentees in life Alex, bad things will happen whether you are here or not... but with you here there is a better chance that those bad things will not happen.
Alexander Tarquine: I'm not kicking myself, I never have.... and if I could offer my life for the rest of you I would, unfortunatly I can't. I'm here to aid the rest of you I really could care less about me trial and will abide by whatever they decide
Tyne Donnelly: *someone needs to pull his mind out, fix it, put it back and send him on his way.*
Daisy Mae Everson: The Hell your not Alex. mistakes are made, people get hurt... we heal and go on.
Daisy Mae Everson: *shock Daisy cursed*
Alexander Tarquine: Are your Scars are healed Daisy? Or deep down inside in the middle of the night do you relive those... ~closes his eyes~ hear the whole thing again....
Jonathon Spader: *Jon needs to stand again, and walk. He paces slowly a little*
Daisy Mae Everson: My scars are with me for life. Scars my father gave to me because he could not deal with the death of my mother. ... *her voice cracks with emotion* ... Yes, I have the memories, theytoo are with me for life. Would I trade them away. No. They are apart of me, I have accepted them, I no longer hide them... Throught everything my father did to me, I never hated him. and I came to forgive him. And I didn't do it alone.
Alexander Tarquine: The body heals, the mind never does.....
Tyne Donnelly: Not if you do not have the strength of will to make yourself heal.
Alexander Tarquine: The body heals, the mind never does.....
Tyne Donnelly: Not if you do not have the strength of will to make yourself heal.
Daisy Mae Everson: You will always have your memories, but you should not let them keep you from moving forward. I know this from expirence... I was ready to just give up.. and came very clost to it *holds her left hand out palm up... on the palm of her hand in another scar that look like a cross* A vampire gave me this...
Alexander Tarquine: Well sometimes it takes more then us sleepers can do. I know most of you can't or won't understand what I'm trying to say... and I can accept that... but the human mind is a frail thing and sometimes it gets scarred a little more then it should.... people have to live with these scars and some of us don't have a way to deal wiht it
Jonathon Spader: *he paces some more, pausing to place his hand on Tyne's shoulder*
Daisy Mae Everson: (I think the scar in on her left hand, I'll have to check)
Tyne Donnelly: *is glad for the hand. rolls her eyes a bit. She KNOWS all this. She knows very very well how fragile the mind is. And she wasn't referring to his being a sleeper. but she says nothing and glances at Jon*
Jonathon Spader: *steps forward, also placing a ahnd on Daisy's shoulder* So, Alexander, did Justin know he was asking a coward to be his squire before you agreed?
Alexander Tarquine: I'm sorry to hear that Daisy, I am... I'm not saying you all are wrong and I am right... we both are... but your way isn't mine, I'm sorry
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Jon, grateful he stepped forward*
Tyne Donnelly: *fuck it, nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.*
Alexander Tarquine: Perhaps, that is a question better suited for him to answer.... ~if the words caused any pain the emotion is supressed long before it gets to the surface~
Daisy Mae Everson: *bites her tongue, literally*
Jonathon Spader: Ok, then let me rephrase the question. When did you become such a fucking coward, before or after you decided to be squire to a serious knight? *temper building*
Daisy Mae Everson: *glances at Jon them Alex*
Jonathon Spader: So where's the made in the USA, Four Forty Stainless steel backbone that you came installed with?
Alexander Tarquine: ~he's had enough, very few people have seen him loose his temper~ Listen Mr. Spader, there are two types of courage... one is a pig headed and borders on stupidity. The other is having the balls to stand up for what you believe in. I'm standing up for my beliefs in the sanctity of life.... -all- life. not these few over those... good and evil exist in every thing Jon. I've learned that peole can change and things aren't black and white. Becuase of this I will not harm another individual through a direct action of my own... wht can you peolpe not accept that and leave me the hell alone?
Alexander Tarquine: ~he frown at Jon~ I gave it to a cripple so that they might have a better life... I don't need to polishit to stroke my own ego....
Jonathon Spader: Mr. Spader? Yo uused to call me Jon. I had respect for a man who would hold that life sacred, and walk into combat without a weapon to prove it. I respected a man who would give his opinion, and stand by it. I respected a man who devoted so much of hjis life to learning how to heal other's injuries. Who do you use those skills to heal now?
Tyne Donnelly: *she shakes her head but then looks at Alex* Good. Then we are done. *she turns. he has his own path. she gets ready to go*
Jonathon Spader: Wh y don't we leave you the hell alone? Because it wasn't us who turned our backs on you. I'm tired of listening to you sit there and say you understand us, and you accept us, and we just can't understand you. I understand that you've been hurt, and don't want to be anymore. And I understand needing privaxy and solitude to learn how to deal with it. But I don't understand walking away from people who want you around, because you don't want to feel like they have to protect you, ewhen you say that you don't need to be protected.
Daisy Mae Everson: *just feels tired*
Alexander Tarquine: And I see how fickle that respect is, are you done?
Alexander Tarquine: My life is my concern ~he stands and makes his way to the door, wanting to go to bed~ I appreciate yours... but it is unwarrented
Jonathon Spader: No, I'm not done. If that respect were fickle, I wouldn't have come myself to ask you to come here. I wouldn't have offered you my habd or called you sir. I just don't know who you are anymore, and what I can respect about you. You seem to have given up everything that defined you. You took an oath, and now you're being judged on it. I told you we were here to stand with you and for you, but if you won't stand for yourself, there's not much we can do. Your my friend, and every one of the Crowns is my family. And I won't let a brother down. Not even one who wants to be let down so he can be vindicated to himself. *al just controlled temper* Now I'm done. *he turns to Daisy, and Tyne.* Ma'am, I apologize for cursing in front of you. I will be available to escort you back to your quarters when you desire it. Tyne, Luv. I apologize. I will be outside. *with that said, he turns to go*
Daisy Mae Everson: Your life is our concern as well... the moment you became a part of this family.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he walks away, fist clenched, reigning in his temper, tehy don't deserve this~
Tyne Donnelly: *she nodds at Jon and shruggs..Alex wants to go she will not stop him..she only chases down members of her family that are being controlled or stupid and forcibly brings them back. Alex is making a choice. she respects that*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon will stand guard, as he feels most comfortable doing, till Daisy is escorted back to her room, or Tyne comes out*
Justin: ~bleep,bleep~!
Tyne Donnelly: *she goes.*
Justin: [will send , stuff, email stuf later tonight.. cause trails are mostly you listen, without interaction.. I'm trying to get the YOU listen part done by mail.. alright? have a nice night, i'll send it by 3 am i think] or 2 hours]
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Tyne* Thank you. *kisses her cheek* I tink I will go on to bed. I want to be there for Justin tomorrow.
Tyne Donnelly: *she nodds at Daisy.* This is good, Gentle River. go your way. (and Daisy gets her name)
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~waves~ damn fine scene ~S~ ]]
Daisy Mae Everson: Good night Tyne.. *gives her a hug... walks toward the door...* (coolies! Daisy has a Tyne nick name now *smiles*)
Justin: [[yup... Still like justin's method.. " you want to jump? Want a push"?]]
Daisy Mae Everson: (*waves to Alex*... was good indeed)
Tyne Donnelly: ((Hugs Alex. and grins at Daisy. have to give Dana one soon. and yes, now she has one. people get them at odd time..Justine O'Ryan still doesn't have one.// JQ..*G* okies. beep!))
Jonathon Spader: ((Hey, it was Jon's forst Lime rant. I think I'm starting to climb him back up to the good ol days on WW. *G*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *stops gives Jon a kiss on the cheek* Thank you.
Daisy Mae Everson: Jon> I'm going to rest. Good night.
Jonathon Spader: *nods* Good night Daisy.
Daisy Mae Everson: *heads off to her room... just wants to be close to Simon now*