So Ends One Trial
...and into another we step.
May 8, 2000
Finnuala Rosher: ((Waiting for scene to begin))
Jonathon Spader: *Jonathon paces the "battlements" figuratively. He walks the silent halls, wishing, and schemeing how he can join them or take their place.*
Simon Everson: *he stands in the corner. There are things about being a time mage, and already knowing the future to with in a 60% degree*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Comes back out pf PM)) *Gathers her thoughts together for the night's ordeal and turns to see who else is there.*
Jonathon Spader: *he nods or salutes where appropriate, and for the briefest of moments, considers finding out where the armory is in this building*
Simon Everson: *g. o. l. o .r. i .a .... Gloria!.. Gloria!*
Storyteller: *The slience drags on as they prepare their motions. effort and time flow within these moments*
Finnuala Rosher: *The unmistakable voice of Simon. So cold in speech, so complete and perfect in song. That gets her attention.*
Jonathon Spader: *he keeps walking, never one to really rest when he has a job to do.*
Simon Everson: *continues to stare into nothing*
Daisy Mae Everson: (*as the smoke clears*... tada! here)
Finnuala Rosher: *And now the picture of Simon. How often have they been at odds with each other? Dozens of times, no doubt. How many times have they been willing to die for one another? More than that. She turns her eyes from him before it might make him uncomfortable.*
Jonathon Spader: *Thinking to himself, he needs to be able to defend these people, but how can he do that, and be perfectly honest. He just doesn't agree. Not with all of it. But his opinion doesn't matter, at least not for then. Maybe they won't ask him. He won't betray any one of them, not even by telling the total truth. ~walk, walk, walk~*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~the Sound of Metal on tile prevades the area as he moves down the hall way. He stops breifly to wave to Jon~
Simon Everson: "What is it Finnuala?"
Daisy Mae Everson: *in her room getting dressed* (leave it to be to do the mundane thing...*chuckle*)
Alexander Tarquine: ~sits on the floor, leaning against the wall, calm and patient~
Jonathon Spader: *almost salutes Justin, then stops and makes it a wave* Evening sir.
Daisy Mae Everson: *running late, highly unusual for her*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "Evening Marshall ~his eyes fall on jon, then down~ Stalking the building i see?
Daisy Mae Everson: *or she thinks she's running late*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~chuckles~ I hath done it myself. IT will come to thee and well.
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> Nothing, really. I was just reflecting on how no matter what, nothing changes forever. I would still take on Koch to get you out of a basement in a cornfield.
Jonathon Spader: Ho bout we call it establishing, and securing a perimeter. Then I don't sound so restless.
Simon Everson: "..Be not Faint of heat Matron, the night, is young."
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he extends a hand~ how about something to drink? pointing down the hall~ "...what's thy poison, coffee, tea, orange juice?
Simon Everson: *he shifts his gaze to Alexander* Well Alexander?
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches Justin, happy he's up and about. He waits, ust wanting this stupid trial to be over~
Alexander Tarquine: ~blinks and shakes his head~ Sorry, what was that Simon?
Jonathon Spader: *shakes Justin's hand* I stopped doing caffeine pills a long time ago. I'll take water, or milk if it's available. *will walk with Justin*
Finnuala Rosher: Simon> You're mistaking warmth for faintness. Care isn't weakness. It's strength.
Daisy Mae Everson: *runs a brush through her damp hair, thank goodness she doesn't wear all the much make-up... ajust her cloting as she looks in the mirror to makes sure everything is the it should be, walks out into the hall*
Simon Everson: "..I said, Well?
Simon Everson: *turns to Finnuala. He doesn't even bother to be confused* "..I know that already finnuala *pointz at Alexander* tell him that.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~holds up a hand a moment and walks to where he knows the others are. Opening the door, he glances in~ ".. Anyone care to have something to eat?
Alexander Tarquine: I just can't wait for this whole thing to be over....
Daisy Mae Everson: *half way down the hall and she realizes she forgot her shoes* ...Oh darn it!... *goes back to her room*
Simon Everson: "it will be Alexander, then you can do your best to get lost in the world. *glo-ri-a!*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Was afk)) Simon> I hope he knows it already.
Alexander Tarquine: ~shakes his head~ It's not like that Simon....
Simon Everson: "Shouldn;t that be "HE" knows that already. he is after all in the room with us, hmm?
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> Yes. I'd like to join you.
Simon Everson: *holds up his hand to alexander* Talk to the hand..
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~pauses at the conversation, Turns to Jon~ Excuse me Marshall, It's apparent i've been out of the loop a little? ~slightl confused~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he walks down the hall way with 2 aids/squires with him towards the custody room*
Daisy Mae Everson: *goes in search of her shoes, in the closet, at the foot of the bed, under the bed* ...Why do we have to wear shoe..*she says idly*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sighs and shakes his head~ thats a great way to handle it
Jonathon Spader: Not too much sir. But some. *((I apologize, but I don't have Jon's decription on this PC in a readable format. But it is his full Knightly armor outfit. The one he wore at Finnuala's induction, and the hearins surrounding that))*
Finnuala Rosher: Alexander> *Smiles* Come on, we'll get this over and then deal with what may come thereafter. But no matter what, we'll be okay, dead or alive.
Simon Everson: "Isn't that how you want it handled Alexander? hands off, leave you alone, you know best? *Stands up and stalks over to him. He doesn't pause as he takes a leg and shoves his boot into alexander's chest* Isn't this what you actually want?
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "Simon!" ~his voice carries the unmistakable note of command.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Sighs, half exasperation, half encouraged to see Simon being himself*
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks in the closet again and finds her shoes* How did I miss them the first time i looked in there.. *grabs the and puts them on as she goes out the door... hoping on one foot while putting on a shoe, then hops on the opposite foot to put on the second shoe*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *continues his ambelage down the steps*
Alexander Tarquine: ~flinchs under the boot~ Is this how you answer everything Simon? ~fights to get a full breath~ with violence?
Jonathon Spader: Sir Simon. ~quite but commanding as well. (did that come from Jon?)~ This doesn't help us.
Simon Everson: *gives him a disgusted look* no you idiot, or else Daisy's would be dead, so would you and Dana, that's faily obvious why i'm even here.. Is becuse i refuses to kill those just to stupid to accpet they are on the plant for a higher calling.
Finnuala Rosher: Simon and Alexander, *calmly and non-judgemental* Is there anything I can do here to help you two?
Daisy Mae Everson: *hurries down the hall to that... whatchamacallit... room*
Simon Everson: *Simon turns away disgusted. IT's as if he didn't hear Justin, but does reaact to Jon. He goes back over to the wall*
Dana Mackintosh: *she is brought down the hall, and enters the room quietly*
Jonathon Spader: ((quite=quiet))
Simon Everson: ooc:plant works better as planet i think *G*
Alexander Tarquine: There is a difference between killing and violence, I was just basing it off of what I 've seen ~he stands and turns to Finn~ I believe we'll be fine
Dana Mackintosh: *she pauses in the doorway, as if caught like a fly in the web of tension, still...* (yeah, I know cliche, but I'm really tired. *s*)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Plant works well for CoG's however))
Finnuala Rosher: Alexander> All right, Alexander. *Looks between him and Simon, as if to check the veracity of that, then turns to Dana.* Hello Squire.
Simon Everson: *snorts, near 10 years in indoctranation has told him there is no differnce in a good death and a bad one. Dead is dead, same with violence and killing. Simon is a product of the Harshest machine the warrior people need and refuse to accept when the war is supposedly over*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~feels horribly out of the loop and knows he actually has no control anymore~
Dana Mackintosh: *she bows her head in greeting to those assembled before moving to a chair and seating herself in silence*
Daisy Mae Everson: *stops just before she get to the door and straighten her clothing out, opens the door and enters*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he salutes the people who brought Dana, and gives them a piece of paper. She will not be going to the mental hospital, innocent of Guilty will decide her fate*
Alexander Tarquine: ~is done talking with Simon and makes his way to Justin~ and how are you feeling now?
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~glances at Jon~ Excuse me Sir Spadar. ~a slightly tired voice~
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* It is good to see you well again Justin.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~glances at Alexander~ Until a moment ago, quiet well. thyself?
Daisy Mae Everson: *exhales a breath when she realizes she isn't late after all*
Alexander Tarquine: As well as can be...
Finnuala Rosher: Daisy, is everything all right? You look a bit harried.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~his purple gaze shifts to Dana~ "..It is? .. I would think so, but the world is not so sure. I thank you all however for thy kind words."
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *arrives at the door, and patiently waits for them to enter fully, as few are hanging out outside the door*
Simon Everson: *G.l.o.r.i.a.. GLORIA!*
Daisy Mae Everson: *grins at Finnuala* I thought I was running late... I see now I'm not... I guess is was just an odd feeling. Hello, everyone.
Dana Mackintosh: *equally soft and there is emotion there, you just can't quite define what it is...* I think that..if enough of the world would like to see us..not here, then we had might as well take joy in each other's company for as long as we may.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "I was hoping thee woudl be better alexander. At least well enough tto carry on the traditions i've set forth.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "Only the Fatalistc truely can not see good thing at the ends Dana~ he moves out of the way of MARCUS~
Dana Mackintosh: *she meets Finnuala's eyes, a brave, if sad, smile for her benefit. She then folds her hands in her lap again and tries to keep from staring at nothing. She does not do a very good job of it.*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Spader's browser locked. He'll be back shortly))
Simon Everson: *Turns to look at Daisy and smiles*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: ooc:got it finn!
Finnuala Rosher: *Her return look into Dana's eyes shows one filled with Faith. Calm nad assurance is there, and the knowledge that all things come to a just and good way, even if they do so after death.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~quiets as he notinces Marcus~
Simon Everson: *stands as Marcus makes himself known and slautes, hand over hear, left hand out*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Er, and_ is the word, rather than nad))
Dana Mackintosh: *turns what semblance of her attention remains to Marcus*
Daisy Mae Everson: *hmmm perhaps no one heard me sy hello?... it''s understandable... walks over to simon and gives him a kiss on the cheek*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ooc:calm nads, something you not telling us finn?
Finnuala Rosher: *Salutes Marcus from where she stands* Seneschal.
Finnuala Rosher: ((What, you want to see UN-calm nads around here? *G*))
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *steps in, he's gotten bigger since most have seen him during the first tribunal * Great Jones, If you do not have hope, then just change your plea to Guilty now *snorts and takes a seat* We have work to do, gather around.
Daisy Mae Everson: *okay maybe she didn't give Simon a kiss on the cheek... her time is soooo off today*
Dana Mackintosh: *is not sure for a moment, then stands and salutes Marcus as well, feeling that if it was an inappropriate action, this is the best way to find out*
Simon Everson: *AFTER his salute he will give Diasy a hug back*
Simon Everson: heart even.
Dana Mackintosh: *she sits back down and brings her feet up to sit cross-legged in her chair, straightening herself*
Jonathon Spader : ((Back, sorry. Thanks Finn))
Finnuala Rosher: *Walks to Marcus and takes a spot not far away to hear what he has to say.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~his mode is differnt, for who he is, he only places his hand over his heart. Crossed heart and a helping hand to his brother. The symbol of the salute~
Daisy Mae Everson: *salutes Marcus... thinking: oh, pooh I'm way off*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *his eyes pass over them, one at a time, only his eyes picking up their acknowledgements of his pressence*
Alexander Tarquine: ~takes a seat, waiting to see whats in store for them now~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he stares at Alexander, clearly not going to do anything ?*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: [no question mark]
Jonathon Spader : *Jon steps in and closes the door, then does what he does. Out comes the white noise generator, and turns that on. Motion detector outside the door, and his own little black box he suction cups to the door*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ huh? ]]
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *having read their personal profiles he doesn't even blink at Jon, still watching alexander.*
Dana Mackintosh: *glances at Alexander for a brief moment before returning her gaze to Marcus*
Simon Everson: *his own face clearly shows the disgust he has with alexander*
Jonathon Spader : *then he turns to listen*
Finnuala Rosher: *A gaze at Simon, wishing gentleness upon his trained and hardened mind.*
Dana Mackintosh: *feels almost sickened by Simon's hypocrisy before being almost humoured by her own hypocrisy for thinking so*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~his own eyes harden slightly~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *Continues to stare at Alexander* Alexander, have i offended you in some way?
Daisy Mae Everson: *Come on Alexander... You can do it... Please do it..*
Alexander Tarquine: No sir.... but I think in light of my receant actions it wouldn't be appropriate to salute you like a brother, I'm not worthy of it
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he rest his hand on the stack of papers and leans slightly forward.* No.. I suppose not, but please do it anyway. I still consider you a brother.
Jonathon Spader : *can only think "He's wrong"*
Simon Everson: *tempertrature drops a few feet*
Daisy Mae Everson: *shakes her head slightly at Alexanders response*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: ".. and Since you took the same oath as I, i would ask, then for you to follow it. I have a Rank, i have earned it..
Finnuala Rosher: ((Back in a few))
Alexander Tarquine: yes sir ~nods, stands and salutes him, returning to his seat when he sinishes~
Daisy Mae Everson: (brb)
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~takes a deep breath and continues to wait~
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~absently ~ Stand alexander, thou hasn't been given leave to sit.
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: ~waves Quinn off~ "..The Salute is more than tradation, It's life. If you don't believe it, don't do it, such is the natrual of all tradation. We are a hightly stuffy and formalised sect of people, But the meaning of the salute is clear, to me and everyone else, and how you do it is repect in itself.. Hands over chest, ~takes a seat~ my life for yours, my soul, and blood; . Hand outstreached, a hand to help my Brothers, Symbo0lism is important ~motions for all of them to sit~ and that's why you haven't really over come any of your brothers in the other room, you , this trial is not about religion or belief, it's about tradation and belief.
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: "Pretty much everyone in that room, has their own skelentons, Everyone, but they can look back at each and every one of them and walk up to a Knight Templar in afganistan and know, By oath, by words, by Duty and life, they have a Friend in God. It's a trail of Ideals Knights, and at this moment, few in that room believe you are worthy to be called their brothers.. And that was clearly illustrated here, at this momnent.
Daisy Mae Everson: (back)
Jonathon Spader : *if he tried to sit, his legs would cock,a nd spring him through the ceiling. He nods to the offer, but remains standing.*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he opens the papers and looks them up and down* were are at the question part of this trail, mostly. This is where the Court decides to skrew you..
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he takes a seat, only nodding to the words, no other indication~
Dana Mackintosh: *is rather frightened by how much sense this is making to her, as if nothing else was ever so clear, although if she tried to define what had just been said she wouldn't be able to. She shakes her head a little and refocuses*
Daisy Mae Everson: *will take a seat as they have been given laeve to do so, listening*
Alexander Tarquine: ~takes a seat again, just listening~
Finnuala Rosher: ((Grabs name back))
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: "Let's see, Justin Quinn, one of our most decorated Members, compared to Jonathon Spadar. ~simple closes the file~ Not much to say there. We all know what the man is and what he's hiding about now. Dana mackintosh ~he opens a new one ~ sever depression and imminant mental break down. ~closes the paper~ Finnuala Rosher, Serious conflict of loyalty issues, To the point of even doing what must of us all STupid things , and Simon everson. Well, He's Simon, We Built him, we didn't even need the six million dollors, just years of mental and phsyc conditioning..
Jonathon Spader : *he nods to the words, listening, and his mind works, the cogs turns*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~says softly~ All go in, all come out..
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders with some amusement just how much more she can break*
Daisy Mae Everson: *absently bits her lower lip*
Dana Mackintosh: *she looks once at Simon, then to Justin, then back to Marcus.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Wonders what loyalty issues he's talking about with curiousity and a small quirk of the brow.*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *nods to Justin* yes. No Night Templar has ever fled. Ever, *looks around* no reason will be accepted, no words can be enough, only one reason can possible come to light and that is the Judas. Destruction from the Inside, and that, that will kill us far more than anything ever will.
Simon Everson: *gives MArcus a warm smile, like they think he wasn't already screwed up when they got him*
Alexander Tarquine: ~waits to hear what they have on him~
Dana Mackintosh: ((*laughs, and is MORE scared of Simon now*))
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: "I don't name the other, but i name alexander, as the last one on trial* looks at alexander file, then turns it over, shaking the empty file .*looks at alexander* who are you alexander? Where does your Brother get his implants?
Alexander Tarquine: ~blinks at that question~ im.. implants? I sorry, but I have no idea what you are refering to...
Finnuala Rosher: *Blinks at the "implants" question.*
Jonathon Spader : *that gets a "Spock" brow, and his hand dips into his bag to get his palmtop*
Simon Everson: *you just stood there screaming, fearing no one was listening to you. They say the Empty can rattles the most, the sound of your own voice must sooth you... , You, your smothered in tradgey, and your off to save the world*
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders why they don't just bust out of here and go renegade and keep doing what they feel is right based on sheer love for each other instead of rules. That'd be nice. Wonders how long it would take them to kill each other.*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: "...That would be the problem Mr Tarquine. Apprenty during several Hospital Visits, your brotehr has hand a Few ..Extra things installed. His health Suffering? Random damage and coughing up blood? Short temperd? how about those pills he was using? Standard Boster drugs..
Daisy Mae Everson: *is so glad she can't read minds*
Dana Mackintosh: *she would rather have kept missing that*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~closes his eyes, that's somewthing he hoped they woulnd't figure out~
Alexander Tarquine: ~he blinks somemore~ The pills are for his heart condition....
Simon Everson: *your friend of misery.*
Jonathon Spader : *his hand punches in notes as he listens*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: "If he had a heart, care to look at some X-rays?'
Dana Mackintosh: * Marcus and then lowers her head, had to be brought up ~now~*
Finnuala Rosher: *Blank and confused again. But now certain things about Bobby are making more sense.*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *puts away the empty folder* John is .. well two shades of Pissed. That little bit of information will be supressed at trail, so they don't just hang us all instantly. Indoctronation works both ways.
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods slowly~ if you have them... yes, I'd like to
Simon Everson: *flexes his arms, endorphines releasing. *
Daisy Mae Everson: *nibbles on her lower lips as she quietly listens... to this... this... news*
Dana Mackintosh: *no matter how much she learns it is never enough. Jesus.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Mild frown. Bobby, a cyborg? He never struck her as one. He just seemed too...imperfect.*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he looks up at Simon and ..well, turns simon off* Agnus Dei vademecum Ante bellum, annuit coeptis [Lamb of God, come with me before the war, God has favored us.]
Jonathon Spader : *look down, look back up, look dow, look back up. Notes entered*
Simon Everson: *simon looks at MArcus and Relaxes.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he looks at MArcus and sighs, hearing the words , also relaxing~
Daisy Mae Everson: *takes note of Simon and then Marcus*
Dana Mackintosh: *ceases attempting to maintain the thin hold on reality she had been preparing for today*
Alexander Tarquine: ~shakes his head as his mind goes over the information~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *looks at Alexander* as i said, We have more imporant things to consider. That, is what Killed us 300 years ago, the Enemy inside. It will not be allowed to happen Again alexander.
Daisy Mae Everson: *thinks maybe she should remeber that phrase... blinks*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he looks at Marcus, weighing whether he wants to hear this question answered~ do I have any of these implants as well?
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *his hand reaches out and he grabs hold of DANA's mind , avatar actually* To DANA(avatar))~~ MAKE HER LISTEN OR meet her Never AGain. ~there Just isn't words to reproduce what comes out of his mouth. It's angelic, the true script, the Perfect reproduction of the Devine Chorous-[[*g* got to love the celestial chorous]]
Finnuala Rosher: *It seems outlandish that Bobby of all people, that disorderly person, would be one of those. But she remains silent.*
Simon Everson: *Blinks rappdily, it's been so long since he hear the true words he just stands there*
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: "..I don't Know Alexander, and you know what, were afraid to answer that Question. We Truely are, It doesn't just affect you, it affects ~turns to Justin~ him.
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks and her eyes focus and she...seems to shake her head for a moment before clearing her throat* Thank you...I think. *she straightens her shoulders again and manages to look coherent*
Finnuala Rosher: *Marcus gets a fascinated, enthralled look.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he takes another breath, his mind is his own and his words are clear~ "..Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he body shakes slightly as a new type of fear creaps in, he might have unknowningly doomed them all~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: -he closes his own eyes, not used to overt power in any form and takes deep breaths- AS I Was saying, This is where we answer the Questions, Your testimonies were good, But as i said, it's a war of Ideals. IF you cannot , do not, delieve those ideals, just be silent, you'll cannot be judged worse.
Jonathon Spader : *"Oh shit" that's how. Jon gets out of his bag a radio frequency scanner, and starts a search of the room for discernable signals, other than the ones he already knows about*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he comes out of his revire, wondering why the hell he decided to speak that at that moment. Focus on MArcus again~
Sir. Marcus Smythe-Justice-: *he stands* Inaction kills, just not as fast as action, You are no less responsible. *puts the papers away* let' go, we have a trail to finish.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he stands as the Marcus does.~
Simon Everson: *eases off the wall and takes Daisy's hands*
Dana Mackintosh: *stands as well, collecting her thoughts...yes...actually ~collecting~ her ~thoughts~*
Finnuala Rosher: *Straightens and brushes her clothing into order in preparation to follow Marcus out.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *silently stands wit Simon, squeezing his hand a little*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~stops then all for a moment~ "..let us pray.
Alexander Tarquine: ~he takes a deep breath and puts his hands on the table to sturdy himself as he stands~
Jonathon Spader : *reading his electronics, a look of concentration on his face.*
Jonathon Spader : *he does bow his head to pray though*
Dana Mackintosh: *reaches out her hands for the hands beside her as she bows her head, if not, she will leave her palms open in a very wiccan gesture anyway*
Marcus Smythe: [repost please]
Finnuala Rosher: Yes. *Joins Justin and the others who will, and again lets her Faith seep forth.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *nods to Justin, bows her head*
Simon Everson : *slips one hand in daisy's and the other he lays on Dana's shoulder, so finn can get the other*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he Reaches for Finnuala's hands and motions for Alexander to move closer and takes a deep breath~Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.
Finnuala Rosher: *Lays her hand on Dana's other shoulder and notes Simon's deliberate positioning. Hopes Dana does too.*
Jonathon Spader : *places the electronics down, and joins the circle*
Finnuala Rosher: *Hand in Justin's* Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.
Dana Mackintosh: *notes it, is..touched, on levels she doesn't have time to consider right now. She's paying attention and there isn't room for much else, thankfully*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "..Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties. Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities. .."
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "..When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet. Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape...
Alexander Tarquine: ~closes his eyes as the prayer continues~
Dana Mackintosh: *both arms crossed, hands up to her shoulders*
Simon Everson : ~adds~".."for verily, i say unto ye, if ye have the faith of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountian..remove ye hence, to yonder place, and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto thee../"
Finnuala Rosher: ((brb))
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "..Amen.. "
Marcus Smythe: -amen-
Alexander Tarquine: ~almost silently~ amen
Marcus Smythe: *with that, he walks to the trail room*
Jonathon Spader : ~Amen~
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~gives alexander Should a Squeeze and then Jons, waiting for Jon to exit first.~ "..So say we one, so say we all.."
Dana Mackintosh: *whispered* Even before a word is on my tongue O Lord you know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Amen.
Finnuala Rosher: Amen...*Keeps the hold on Justin's hand a little longer and then walks out after Marcus*
Daisy Mae Everson: Amen... (darn touch pad is giving me a hard time... I will be very slow)
Simon Everson : *leans, gives daisy a kiss and follows, behind them all*
Dana Mackintosh: *follows Finnuala, looking young and a touch scared, but more brave and ready.*
Jonathon Spader : *Jon leaves his stuff to get later* Please follow me, and in formation. Lets let them know they are wrong. *he turns to walk out*
Alexander Tarquine: ~follows the group, his mind still wondering over the last bit of information~
Marcus Smythe: *he walks quickly to the room with assembled judges. 60 some odd Knight Templars, laboring under the illusion that they are safe. 8 sencheals and the Grand Marshall*
Daisy Mae Everson: *smiles at simon... and follows along... just being the same ol' Daisy*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he waits till the Formation has fully solidified and then walks after~
Daisy Mae Everson: *formation*
Dana Mackintosh: *in formation, assuming she knows it or someone sticks her in the right spot*
Alexander Tarquine: ~formation~
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes a breath of that familiar Templar-scented air and recalls the Tribunal. Hopes that at some point she'll be here for something other than the beck and call of people who want to behead her.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Formation, of course.*
Storyteller: -------------------------------------------------
Storyteller: *the preliminary are Quickly passed thru. Highyl Ritualized and formal, their is much saluting, standing and sitting, but they've been thru it before. As alwayas, only templars and Cary, being full awakend Decon are in this room*
Storyteller: *Soon Enough they Come to SIMON EVERSON, to defend his statemtents* JOHN FRANCIS stands, executior of god, he paces , his silver Crusader glinting in the Light of polish.
Daisy Mae Everson: *inwardly scared to death, outwardly... rather nervous*
Simon Everson : *steps up to the stands and makes himself ready*
Jonathon Spader : *a soft sigh at the sword, and the rememberance of his original sword, and the value it meant to him*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~turns to look at how the other are holding up~
Dana Mackintosh: *blank to all appearances*
Storyteller: [JOHN]"Paladin, Do you trust those peopole? No, don't answeer that. Why is Dana Mackintosh still here?
Alexander Tarquine: ~strugglesinternally with the information reguarding his brother and what it could do if he were the same. Outwardly he's calm and composed~
Daisy Mae Everson: *give a "mona lisa" smiles to Justin*
Finnuala Rosher: *Holding up...oddly well.*
Simon Everson : *His answer is chrisp* I was Orderd to not carry out my Orders.
Storyteller: [JOHN]"Who gave that order Paladin, and Why did you follow it, when the Marshall Nor anyone on this panel gave you that order?
Daisy Mae Everson: *listening closely to the goings on*
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders...if they are honestly aiming for her, having given up on the rest...what would the strategy be behind asking such a question right off the bat? Her Avatar's steel hands almost tangibly holding her Mind in place*
Simon Everson : "The Matron and no , she is not Higher than the Marshall. I did not follow it becuse I felt i owed her for that, My honor is my life.
Finnuala Rosher: *Saves this mentally for clarification, finding a mistake*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~listens now~
Storyteller: [John]*Nods* So, By your own words, you ignored a direct order. I'm done.
Storyteller: [Marcus stands]* Paladin, do you resect your brother and sister? Explain why you didn't carry out theose others.
Daisy Mae Everson: *sitting straight backed, in her seat...she blinks at the abruptness of that "finish"*
Simon Everson : "Becuse I do not Murder people, and Killing Dana would be Murder, further more i trust Finnuala, no matter her differneces and I would know she would do as she said. Dana would pass Full muster,of be terminated.
Dana Mackintosh: *is frightened, because she wishes so much that that were cockiness, and she knows it's not*
Alexander Tarquine: ~listens to the trial as he tries to sort out his life~
Storyteller: [Marcus] * Done also, you May go Paladin.
Simon Everson : *turns and walks down the Stand*
Storyteller: [marshall] "..CAll Jonothan Spadar to the stand.."
Simon Everson : *takes a seat beside Daisy*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~leans over to Finnuala~ what finn?
Jonathon Spader : *in proper fashion he takes the stand*
Finnuala Rosher: *Whispers to Justin* Simon was given cause to believe an order was given, but that wasn't so. Still, he gave a good accounting and did well.
Daisy Mae Everson: *looks at Simon, there is no smile on her lips but it is in her eyes*
Storyteller: [John]*walks up to the Stand* I would like you, Jon, To evaluate the Mental condition of The MAtron. For the court. *the gaze is stern* completly
Dana Mackintosh: *battles anxiety like a huge monster rising within her, continues to win if only because she must*
Finnuala Rosher: *Listens with interest, but trust, to Jonathon's reply.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): "..Hmm, then he should know better ~whispers~
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders grimly how long they've been researching this*
Jonathon Spader : Sir, I have no qualifications to make any sort of accurate evaluation. But I would have to say that other then stress from her losses, she has been stable, consistent.
Finnuala Rosher: *Can't help but smile just a little at Justin's reply.*
Storyteller: [John]*nods at the answer* name an incident of stree, not this trail
Jonathon Spader : Abscence of her husband.
Dana Mackintosh: *can almost feel the misogynists in the room playing with that one*
Storyteller: [John] "Ahh, yes. This same Husband that was, to coin a phrase. "The Demon Scourge that tortured and killed in an effort to undermine this organization?"
Simon Everson : *yuck*
Jonathon Spader : No sir. The same husband who was the redeamed lost soul that her love saved.
Storyteller: [John] Answer my Question Marshall, not your own. Was this the same Demon scourge. Yes or no?
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders how many of these men have gone to hell and returned noble, that they may dare to judge...*
Jonathon Spader : Only in so far as he is the same soul that was was that, until he repented, and became something else.
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks "And with what do you burn witches? MORE Witches!"*
Storyteller: [John] *turns to he marshall* MARSHALL. Yes of no, or you will be in contemt Marhsall "* he looks at JOHN* the Witness is hostile.*
Daisy Mae Everson: *quietly listens*
Storyteller: [John]Then I'd say we have a pattern, she shouldn't be charged with Neglect. *turns to look at Justin and walks over* Justin Quinn seeks the arms of the Enemy, his Squire seeks the arms of the enemy and her squire seeks the arms of the enemy. Why go outside for Judas'?
Jonathon Spader : No sir.
Storyteller: [John]* walks over to Jon* "..You refuse to anser yes or no becuse it's the truth. You want to talk as best as you can becuse you know she is a whore that would sleep with anything and anyone , as long as they give her enough blood to succkle againt , hmm?
Simon Everson : *double Yuck*
Dana Mackintosh: *thinks this Judas accusation is being thrown around like the word Love in high school...She wonders what they do to ~real~ threats*
Storyteller: [John]*"What was your reacation to Ms Finnuala, inhibreatins? Would you like to see your _own_ secuirity tapes?
Finnuala Rosher: *S-l-o-w blink*
Dana Mackintosh: *carefully lays her hands under the table and folds them together*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~that was ..H.a.r.s.h.~
Dana Mackintosh: *her skin slowly turns as white as her knuckles*
Storyteller: [MARCUS] OBJECTION! [MARSHALL] Sustained.
Jonathon Spader : I answered no, to your question sir. Her husband was not the same thing you ask about. And I don't pry into my superior's private lives, But I will in any way I can deny that accusation.
Daisy Mae Everson: *has a bit of difficultly swallowing at the moment*
Finnuala Rosher: *Replays that over a few times mentally still trying to believe it came out of John's mouth.*
Storyteller: [John]*turns to the defendants* From to the top, to the bottom, Rotten to the core. One Squire on down.
Storyteller: [John]*takes his seat*
Storyteller: [MArcus]* Sit down John I'm not even going to stain both of us with John's accuzations.
Jonathon Spader : Sir, are you calling me a liar?
Storyteller: [JOHN]*Stands again, and points to alexander* to the Stand, and my last witness.
Storyteller: [JOHN]*doesn't even look in Jon's direction, he's done with him* [MARSHALL] You are excused.
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands and makes his way to the stand and waits to answer questions~
Jonathon Spader : *As he is dismissed, he turns, and goes back to his seat. Respect being lost, but tradition observed*
Dana Mackintosh: *prepares herself now for what she was too afraid to contemplate before*
Storyteller: [john]*walks up to alexander* Mr Tarquine. let's make a deal, hmm. When were you last with someone on our Ememies list, this includes vampires, the TEchnocracy , Evil creatures and demons.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~gives Jon a nods, Francis was doing his job far too well~
Alexander Tarquine: I cannot recall sir, it is not a question I commonly ask guests...
Dana Mackintosh: *hopes John got a good big fucking manly urge out of being able to call the first woman Templar a whore...Yes, is still getting past that*
Storyteller: [John]*Smiles* you cannot reacall, and don't ask. *Indicated the Marhall* I hold to use the Press, and make him reacal. We after all do not want to try an innocent man?
Storyteller: [Marshall]*looks down and motions him over* John, is this wise? To force a Recant?
Daisy Mae Everson: *raises her brow at the little tid bit*
Dana Mackintosh: *refocuses with some effort and leans a stiff back against her chair*
Finnuala Rosher: *Truly and utterly impressed by the degree of surrealism and potential barbarity here.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~waits for the next question~
Storyteller: [JOhn [ Walks over to Alexander and looks him up and down. His FULL FAith is like a sword a physical barrier in itself.* "..Look at ME Alexander, and repeat to me, your Sins.."
Justine O'Ryan: *sits quietly*
Justyne Donnelly: *is also sitting there and stoic as always.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~he takes a deep breath and prepares his answer~
Alexander Tarquine: I have taken a life, I have been used as a feeding vessle, been possesed, been sepperated from my body twice all in service
Storyteller: -he nods-" and then stops.]"..You would have to be willing to have being used as a Feeding Vessel Sin Alexander.. Your words, not mine. *he turns away*
Simon Everson : *squeeze daisy hands*
Jonathon Spader : *Sits listening, almost fuming a the insult he was just handed. But that honor is lost to him now*
Storyteller: [John a seat]Said Gentleman, Like Knight, Like Squire.
Dana Mackintosh: *his words...yeah, right*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks, as she was quite intent on the trial... squeezes Simon hands back and glances at him*
Storyteller: [John]".I'm done with this one."
Dana Mackintosh: *scared and angry, she readies herself as best she can to have her mind crucified up there*
Storyteller: [Marcus]"..So, when was the last time you were Fed from, Alexander"
Simon Everson : *Simon shakes his head*
Alexander Tarquine: by my best count, two or three weaks....
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~blinks~
Jonathon Spader : *the hammer falls, and all Jon can do is watch*
Finnuala Rosher: *Wonders how much a vampire had to do with Aleander's leavetakings.*
Storyteller: [Marcus]*stops, stunned, not the answer he was expecting, he was thinking some campaign a while ago* "Was this some campain that was not reported Alexander?"
Simon Everson : *hands Daisy his paddle, doesn;t need it for shits creek*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he was in a coma then~
Dana Mackintosh: *carefully lowers her head and alot becomes seemingly clear*
Alexander Tarquine: No sir, the most receant was on no campaign other then a personal attempt at repdemption for a tortured soul...
Daisy Mae Everson: *brushes her hair behind her left ear*
Dana Mackintosh: *maybe...maybe it was just some big fucking sabbat campaign to get to the crowns through their squires...*
Storyteller: [John himself keeps his expression carefully neutral. He has many a tortoured soul he tutores and he doesn't make himself a vessel]
Dana Mackintosh: *which..would turn it into some kind of ongoing mission for us and therefore..not submissible?...Fighting, fighting with the idea that Jack would do that...*
Storyteller: [Marcus]"Tortured soul? *tries a differn angle * do you know, This, Jack Blood? Is he also a Tortured soul? Can he be redeemed?
Alexander Tarquine: ~he shakes his head~ I cannot say I know a man by that name sir
Justine O'Ryan: ~She carefully glances over at each of her family..Finnuala, Dana, Jon, Daisy..Alexxander..she doesn't need to glance at Tyne~
Storyteller: [Marcus, as he turns to the others] Like it says in our own laws. Save who we can save, redeem who we can Redeem, methods have to shift, for each case , correct?
Dana Mackintosh: *frozen and still significantly paler than she needs to be, she wishes they wouldn't keep the room so cold*
Storyteller: [Marcus]He nods to alexancer , get's him off the stand as quickly as possible, then stops* In your own words, has Justin ever taught you to Bend to the will of the undead? What can you say he's taught you?
Daisy Mae Everson: *absently begins to nibble on her lower lips*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~leans back, it's going to be a long day~
Alexander Tarquine: He has taught me that the world needs people from more then combat backgrounds. Every nature has a role and though it may not make sense to some people helping can be just as effective as slaying ~he turns to head back to his seat~
Finnuala Rosher: *Wishes she could stop thinking of that snickers commercial with "Not going anywhere for a while?"*
Simon Everson : *wonders why alexander doesn't actually FOLLOW what justin teaches*
Storyteller: [Marcus]" are dismissed alexander..[John Stand'] "I am done.. [Marshall] Looks at MArcus and motions] "Marcus , "I reserver the right for recall, but I rest here..
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~nods proundly to alexander~
Storyteller: *the brothers are deathly silent, as the GRAND MARSHALL STANDS* Each defendant-except Justin- has pleaded not guilty to each crime with which they are charged. As I told you at the beginning of trial, an indictment is simply an accusation. It is not evidence of anything. To the contrary, each defendant is presumed to be innocent. Thus each defendant, even though charged, begins the trial with no evidence against them. So the presumption of innocence alone is sufficient to find the defendant not guilty and can be overcome only if the Government proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, each essential element of the crime charged.
Storyteller: Keep in mind that you must give separate consideration to the evidence about each individual defendant. Each defendant is entitled to be treated separately, and you must return a separate verdict for each defendant. Also keep in mind that you must consider, separately, each crime charged against each individual defendant, and must return a separate verdict for each of those crimes charged.
Storyteller: There is no burden upon a defendant to prove that he or she is innocent. Accordingly, the fact that a defendant did or did not testify must not be considered by you in any way, or even discussed, in arriving at your verdict
Storyteller: [MARSHALL]-"And with that , he motions for the preceedings to end and the Jury to retire to deliberate.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~when the Jury has retired Justin takes breath~ Boy, did that suck.
Dana Mackintosh: *she leans back, closes her eyes, and bites her lower lip*
Finnuala Rosher: Justin, I don't think the question was whether the trial sucks, but whether I do...anything and everything.
Alexander Tarquine: ~in his seat his rubs the bridge of his nose~
Daisy Mae Everson: *seems to relax a little*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she glances over to Justin, then at Finnuala supportingly~ Yes, it did. Is everyone holding up?
Cary "Scary" Day: {I am Mr. Fantastic]
Jonathon Spader : *anger flashes at Finn's statement, though he hasn't looked at anyone yet*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Cary can stretch that much? Wow, cool.))
Dana Mackintosh: *she slowly brings her hands up to rub her arms trying to warm herself as she opens remarkably dry, empty eyes and shakes her head a little*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~Gives Finnuala a Squeeze~ Nae, Francis is doing the right thing. He's laying all the blame on Myself, as I have already pleaded Guilty..
Tyne Donnelly: *She looks at her Spader and offers a not-really smile but something like a tiny one.*
Simon Everson : *rubs his hair* damn.
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> That may be, but I don't have to like it. Like I don't like your guilty plea.
Storyteller : [just cause i know jon-spadar, has short time, i'll speed up a bit. k, Jury comes back in 1 hour.]
Dana Mackintosh: *still sitting there trying to get warm*
Jonathon Spader : *he stands slowly, and with a slow draw of his shortsword, walks towards the table where all of the weapons are currently held. And with careful care, he places his with the others.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she watches the jury as they re-enter~
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~kisses Finnuala's forhead, there, infront of 50 odd knights and then looks at Jon~ Stand Fast Jon, , STand fast.
Daisy Mae Everson: *is very quiet for that hour*
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* I love you guys. *shrugs, and looks back at the jury*
Jonathon Spader : *obeys what in any other instance would be an order* Sir?
Finnuala Rosher: *Has faced down an equal number of demons with less adrenaline hitting her bloodstream.*
Simon Everson : *watches Jon and nods slowly, but grins at alexander* Stiff upper lip alexander. Were almost home.
Alexander Tarquine: ~sits and waits, too much on his mind, way too much~
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~stands and says to jon(obviously before jury comes in) We need people, not Martyrs, I know thy heart, Stand Fast and Hold the line ~using the ancient words of the Templars.~ Nothingh will break us.
Dana Mackintosh: *turns to look at Finn*
Storyteller : *the Grand Marshall indicates the Chief Justice * The Chief Justice stands and the Forman stands. As they do so the Forman stands and hands the Verdict sheet to the Grand Marshall. The Grand Marshall stands and reads the notes and then hands it back to the God Executor-John Francis- Who opens it and begins to read without preamble.
Dana Mackintosh: *stands and continues to watch Finnuala through the verdict*
Storyteller : *(EEP)* motions for the accussed to Stand.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches John read the decision, but his mind is elsewhere~
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~[stands, ] and waits for jon's post *L*~
Finnuala Rosher: *Watching in concern not so much for herself, but the others.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~her gaze is not on any of them. any one of them. Her gaze rests on one of many visable red crosses~
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~slips a stands in there~ ]]
Storyteller : [yes, i know i'm doing this at two time scales *L*][JOHN FRANCIS] Alexander Tarquine -You are charged with - Dereliction of Duty., We the Knight Templars find you Guilty of these charges
Finnuala Rosher: *Stands drawn up at full height and formal stance.*
Cary "Scary" Day: [Is here..?] Stands, unconcerned
Jonathon Spader : *still hasn't sheathed the sword. Not to mention he still wore 3 more* Sir, either I was just called a liar, and in that case I should be charged with purgery, and proven I am a liar, or even though I am not charged, I am being courtmartialed as well. *he will slowly sheath the sword* If I had madethat accusation in examination, I would have been challenged.
Tyne Donnelly: *stads at the same time Jus does. watching the man reading the verdict.*
Jonathon Spader : *And of course as my typing catches up, Jon will stand at the same time*
Dana Mackintosh: *Everything happens for a reason...there is a method to it all...there has to be...*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~shakes his head~ there was no Challange made Jon, and Brother Francis is not going to force a challange where there isn;t one. You cannot lie on the bible, you know that more than i, it's a relic, press what you may, but the facts are facts as he wants them to be seen, as he is charaged to have them seen.
Alexander Tarquine: ~accepts that~
Storyteller : [John Francis]Simon Everson: Charged with Dereliction of Duty , we the Knight Templar's find you Guilty of Dereliction of Duty.with Special Circumstances.-And limit you to time Serverd and a mark on your Record..
Storyteller : [JOHN FRANCIS]Finnuala Rosher: You are Charged with Simple Negligence, Incompetence . We the Knight Templars find you Guilty of Simple Negligence, in the manner of care of your Squire.
Storyteller : [JOHNNFRANCIS]Dana Mackintosh: -You are charged with Dereliction of Duty, Negligence, Breaking her Scared Oath, Gross Incompetence and Contempt of the Knightly Code of Honor and Justice, Murder of a Fellow Knight and Cowardice in the Face of the Enemy. In subornation 3 strict Violations of the Rule of Shade and The Judas Edict Primary law: That of Secrecy, Adding an Abetting the Enemy and Conspiracy to Commit Treason Guilty of All Charges. We the Knight Templar's Find you Innocent of Negligence, Breaking you Scared Oath. We, The Jury, Find You Innocent of In subornation. We Find you Guilty of the Violations of the Rule of Shade, Ading the Enemy and direct violation of the Judas Edict. Gross Incompetence and Contempt of the Knightly Code of Honor and Justice, We Find you Guilty of Cowardice and Murder with Special Circumstance -manslaughter
Daisy Mae Everson: *silently listens*
Dana Mackintosh: *bows her head*
Storyteller : [JOHN FRANCIS]Justin Quinn: Charged with Dereliction of Duty, Incompetence. Gross Negligence, and 2 Counts Failure to execute his office as Marshall of the Knight Templar, the Cabal of the Crown of Shadows. Violation of the First Law of the Judas Edict,and Therefore, Treason under the Laws of the Militia Christi. We the Knight Templars find you Guilty of All Charges. And found are criminally responsible for the acts of his subordinates and failure to Carry out his office as Marshall, Paramount to Treason and a Direct Violation of the Judas Edict. We however find you Innocent of Conspiracy to commit Treason itself.
Tyne Donnelly: *watches Dana with what could be concern*
Finnuala Rosher: ((brb))
Storyteller : [JOHN FRANICS]walks over to the MArshall and hands him the Charges.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he ssays nothing, he did after all pleade guilty~
Simon Everson : "..Call of count.." *he says, wating to the vote on the verdicts*
Dana Mackintosh: *closes her eyes*
Storyteller : Silence Falls over the court for a time before Simon Speaks up.The Marshall nods and cast about * The Accused calls for a verdict count, God Executrior will read them" John Franics stands and reads the Verditcts.:: Justin Quinn: Unanimous verdict. Finnuala Rosher: 5/4 Guilty Simon Everson: 1/2 - All others Abstaining. Dana Mackintosh: 8/1 Verdicts. Alexander Tarquine - 4/1 all others Abstaining.* he takes a seat after words*
Storyteller : [um, simon should be 2/1]
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~He winces at that.~
Storyteller : The Marshall continues".. We shall continue to the Sentencing phase without pause. First, Simon Everson. Time Served, and a Mark on your Record Paladin..."
Finnuala Rosher: *Slow burn*
Simon Everson : *he nods to the GrandMarshall*
Storyteller : Second: Finnuala Rosher. Time Served and More training, it's obvious you need to fully learn what it's like to take a Squire, Your Marshall will carefully review any such request. Also, The Lance will stay here, in the Hands of John Francis until you become worthy of it again
Daisy Mae Everson: *nervously swallow*
Alexander Tarquine: ~waits for sentancing~
Storyteller : Third: Alexander Tarquine, You have been found guity of Dereliction of Duty with Special circumstances. That is in failing not us, or your Knight, but God HIMSELF. IF you believed for an instant that all of us are as Militant as you would believe, then I am truly sorry for you. You are dishonorably discharged and None of our number shall offer you aide, even thou they may associate with you, as a Normal sheep of Abraham flock.
Tyne Donnelly: *she glances at Simon. She wonders if she can vote..not that it'll help much in some cases..*
Dana Mackintosh: *feels herself very slowly losing it...*
Cary "Scary" Day: He bends and begins writing in his book once more
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods slowly, more to himself, accepting the sentance~
Finnuala Rosher: *Yep, expected that*
Storyteller : Forth: Dana Mackintosh. - You have been found Guilty of Most serious crimes, that we have words for, If only you were the only ones to suffer for your crimes, then such would be it. You are to be drawn and Quartered, the Gift of the One to ensure that you are delivered straight to HIS Judgment, but not before you are is cast out into Hell, to atone for Your Sins. By the Testimony Given here, your Soul[read avatar] will be spared and may your next life be indeed, sweeter. You will be Hung in Disgrace and left for a day . Your Sword is to be broken and your Name Stricken.
Simon Everson : *h.A.R.s.h... times two.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~is silent~
Finnuala Rosher: *A quiet little snap somewhere deep in her mind.*
Storyteller : Fifth: Justin, ~pauses~ You are untimely Guilty of all the charges that have passed beyond. As Marshall, you are their Father and Just as much their conscience. You were in a coma when few of these events happened, but your strict In Subornation of our laws have finally caught up with you. ~he pauses with a sigh~ You are to be Crucified in Honor, you will be buried with your sword in Full ceremony, for your exceptional service.
Cary "Scary" Day: For whichever reason, the flow of his pen does not alter at those words
Justine O'Ryan: ~She nearly..VERY nearly stands when Dana is sentanced.~
Dana Mackintosh: *speaks, yes, doens't give a fuck how out of turn it is right now* Then I may I in my next lifetime, have the blessing and honour to work with all of these people again.
Storyteller : *The Marshall slams the Gavel down So say I. *the room responds * So say we all..
Finnuala Rosher: *Slightly greater second snap, heard only by those sharing mind.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~and at the words of FJQ's sentance, she makes a descision in the back of her mind. And she watches him. He who potected all of them and glares at the man reading the charges though she knows it isn't his fault~
Alexander Tarquine: ~his jaw drops at the sentancing of Dana and Justin, he flounders as he searches for words~
Tyne Donnelly: *silent. VERY still*
Daisy Mae Everson: *she was silent before... now even more so... *
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he makes a tired Sigh~
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he lays a hand on Finnuala~
Dana Mackintosh: *Hey, at least she'll get to see Paul again soon, maybe she can tell him how sorry she is, and he might even forgive her*
Cary "Scary" Day: With all the silence, the scratching of his pen might seem very loud
Justine O'Ryan: ~she does stand up and adresses the benc. like Dana, she doesn't care if they listen or not~ Then Execute me as well.
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> *Quietly* This is below the Noble Order.
Tyne Donnelly: *she glances at Jus but stays silent for now.*
Simon Everson : *he waits for them to disgrance themselves in their last days. shakes his head, what can he truly Expect*
Dana Mackintosh: *She does not respond to Jus, what can she say? She would do the same if she had not already been sentenced to such a fate*
Jonathon Spader : *stands and turns to Justine* Miss O'Ryan, I would request that you sit. *more an order, and is obviously so*
Storyteller: *As one, 60 Knight Templars Stands, each places a hand on weapons and far too much magic blankets the room. They also wait to see if those accused will disgrace themselves. It's been known to be tried*
Alexander Tarquine: ~closes his mouth and saves his words, these ears will be deaf to them~
Jonathon Spader : *turns to the Marshall* If I may speak my Lord?
Finnuala Rosher: *A fine thin glare* We, the sentenced do not require this countermeasure. Your lack of trust defines your practices.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Jon in nearly helpless anger and frustration and reminds him. She does not sit, but is silent.~
Cary "Scary" Day: A guess at what he is writing is impossible unless one were to read over his shoulcer and know Sanskrit- a guess as to what he is thinking even less so
Storyteller: *The marshall open his mouth to say no, he's Going to say it, but doesn't* Speak Jon, *waiting for last words.*
Dana Mackintosh: *wishes she had enough deaths to take Justin's punishment for him*
Tyne Donnelly: *she watches the whole thing with a sort of curiosity.*
Finnuala Rosher: Justin> *Quietly* I'm not familiar enough with this. Is there any challenge that can be made for your lives at this point?
Storyteller: *he looks at Finnuala he will not trade words with her. he motions for Justine to be removed, Violently if neccessary, she is not one of them*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she goes without force. No, she's not and never was. and Never will be.~
Jonathon Spader : At the time I was promoted to Marshall of this unit, there was no guilt among it's members, and since I have not had time before the trial to correct these agregious errors, I reqest that I be allowed to challenge the court for the right to take the scentences upon myself. As marshall, and has already been pointed out, I am ultimately responsible for the actions of this unit.
Justin Quinn (Beatific?): ~he is silent~ "..New evidence.."
Tyne Donnelly: *she's quiet still.*
Storyteller: *the Gavel comes down* You may stand with them, but you may not stand in place of them. This court martial is Ended.
Storyteller: *Marcus Smythe taps his lips with his pencil and then writes, handing it to the GrandMashall the Grand Marshall reads it to the court WE have an Appeal Hearing based on New evidence ..
Finnuala Rosher: *Waits for an answer from Justin.*
Jonathon Spader : *what more can he do? He will not let them see defeat, not even in his eyes though*
Dana Mackintosh: *is simply...not there. At all, really.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Flicker of a memory from hell where something a lot like this happened.*
Simon Everson : *he stands, he doesn't have to look at them, their clearly not strong enough to continue and if everything were revered, their too mentally screwed to be allowed to continue*
Cary "Scary" Day: An small ironic smile curves his lips- his eyes still lowered to his page as he continues to write. Cary smiling appears quite wrong
Storyteller: Marcus stands and reguards the room Brothers, I prayed it didn't come to this, but it must. Here, I look upon our brothers, the best of us, who have faught far too long and too many things in our name. WE have all taken the oath of office and it's even a part of this trial to show just how important it is to us. ~he pauses~ Then I call the 10th act to power ,and I name Paul Stephens as Witness
Dana Mackintosh: *head snaps up as she is pulled back into her body and NOT happy about it*
Finnuala Rosher: Eh?
Storyteller: *the Marshall opens his mouth to speak with Jon, clearly he wasn't in charge at the time of the charges and cannot be held accountable as marshall, he did say so after all, but the jsut starts at MArcus instead*
Daisy Mae Everson: *blinks at Marcus' comment*
Jonathon Spader : *definately a little confused on that, but he'll go with it*
Justin Quinn: "..Eh.."
Storyteller: MARSHALL>> Marcus, what are you saying. MARCUS>> I am charged with providing a defense for My brothers, and My own feelings make no difference. I charge Paul Stephens, Knight Brother with Failure to Discharge his Duty, and as such, I recall his Spirt to attone for his actions. *the room erupts in anger, and even disbelief. The Grand Marshall tries to keep some sembelance of Order. * "..Quiet down. Quiet..
Alexander Tarquine: wha... ~blinkblink~
Finnuala Rosher: *Winces..this is harsh too.*
Cary "Scary" Day: And still- not much of a reaction from Cary- except that the small smile lives it's life breifly and fades away just as it appeared
Storyteller: MARCUS>> Further more, you cannot refuse, as His testimony IS important. he points at SCARY We have the means, and the necessary ability, the oath is binding in this world of the Next. I call Our Brother, as I would call the Spirt of any of you, to Give witness
Dana Mackintosh: *covers her mouth with one hand as it sucks in air, not...that he should be called back, although that in itself is crime enough, but that they should charge him!!!*
Tyne Donnelly: *grins like a nut*
Dana Mackintosh: *it is so clear to Dana now, she is not the one that is insane, it honestly ~is~ the world around her...*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Tyne's scaring me. Make her stop that.))
Storyteller: *The Grandmarshall Sputters and looks at John Francis who nods slowly I concur.* "Death is no Reason for Failure, and he has to explain his actions. I however subint if our Brother is resting peacefully, that Marcus Be removed from his Position and be Demoted to Stable boy for his insolence". *Marcus nods and sits, as The Gavel hits again. * "..So ordered. The Death Mage shall inform us of what he needs, the others may retire until we are ready to begin. Court dismissed.
Simon Everson: *oOOOoO K.. Future reading sucks.*
Storyteller: *looks at Jon* JON, you want to help Your brother, then you will be the Vessel for this spirt.. FI you agree
Justin Quinn: ~he turns to look at Scary, it's pretty much shear unbelief on his face~
Jonathon Spader : *steps forward* I would ask no other.
Cary "Scary" Day: And he still does not look up as he write, though he speaks quietly- enough to be heard, just quietly "Cary Day- Cary Day, not the Death Mage"
Storyteller: *he nods* And there in lies your challange Jon, Incompetant council. *glares at MArcus* We shall talk about this MArcus, weather this is usefull or not.
Daisy Mae Everson: *her mind is opened even more as she learns of things she didn't know ws possible*
Finnuala Rosher: *The wrongness, ugliness, and nastiness of this is getting more comfortable. Like when you jump into icewater. The shock wears off.*
Storyteller: *Marcus will bow to Scary* ".. I am very sorry Decon Day. Excuse my Slight."
Dana Mackintosh: *This means...altogether too much to her. She realizes very slowly that even her foundations are shifting.*
Cary "Scary" Day: He shows no reaction to the apology, for now, he only continues to write- he does not write as fast as he wishes, so he needs time to catch up
Storyteller: [makes scary types faster as he has to sleepfor work] "..When you are Ready Decon.."
Tyne Donnelly: *she silently wonders if Finnuala and Dana become mad together, if they will share a common madness as some she's seen. that would be interesting, if sad.*
Justin Quinn: ~he grits his teeth, and turns back around. Do you sacrifice the living for the dead or do you scarifice the dead so the living can continue~
Dana Mackintosh: ((*Chuckles@Tyne, winks@Finn*))
Sabrina Christenson: ((Sneaks in, pretending she's been here da whole time.))
Justin Quinn: ~he looks at Finnuala, and clearly wouldn't want to have anything to do with a mad finnuala, he's had enough of slightly snapped women in his life~
Cary "Scary" Day: He looks up finally, setting the book to the side. He glances across at those adressing him- never those currently being accused "I will be able to do it better with a possession of the dead"
Alexander Tarquine: ~just waits, he's useless now~
Daisy Mae Everson: *daisy is ever silent*
Finnuala Rosher: *Not mad, just potentially so. More "angry" than "mad" Tolerances have been crossed.*
Storyteller: "As Stated Mr. Day, Tell us what you need..
Cary "Scary" Day: "Give me something that belonged to him"
Dana Mackintosh: *getting past the point of recovery*
Storyteller: *the marshall thinks ,then looks at MArcus. Marcus points at Dana* her.
Dana Mackintosh: *saw that coming a mile away*
Sabrina Christenson: *Has been wherever directed, silent the entire time, but agape at the events occurring*
Simon Everson: *is about to start a chain reacation*
Cary "Scary" Day: Cary rolls his shoulder's gently, whatever they find sufficient. He steps forward- as if he expects Dana to come- to the area that no one currently occupies. Taking incense and book with him. "If I cannot find him it is because he has already moved on to the next Incarnation"
Alexander Tarquine: ~might as well be a piece of furniture, no, furniture is usefull~
Storyteller: *they listen, it's not something the normally do, so they listen*
Dana Mackintosh: *steps forward to join Cary, he'll glare at her or something if he wants her to step back*
Simon Everson: *moves closer to daisy*
Justin Quinn: ~sits, i his pew~
Dana Mackintosh: *is...a whole mix of emotions that not even she can begin to untangle, so she merely stands there*
Finnuala Rosher: With sudden insight, realizes that she too could learn to behave completely shockingly if only she would spend more time here.*
Cary "Scary" Day: Cary does not glare at Dana, but he does not look at her either, slowly, he begins to set up his small cones of incense in a circle upon the floor. Setting his book down far to the side, as it has nothing to do with this ritual
Daisy Mae Everson: *almost jumps when Simon moves closer to her... she is so tense*
Cary "Scary" Day: He reaches over and takes Dana's shoulders, cirecting her to the center of the circle and lowering her to her knees. Leaning close to her he murmers into her ear before he stands "Close your eyes." And once again he moves around her in a clockwise circle, following the incense he's placed. A light is taken from his pocket
Tyne Donnelly: *she is still an silent as she watches.*
Cary "Scary" Day: His movemtn becomes dynamic and erratic, and it is soon clear that he moves in some sort of dance pattern, something so low and mournful in appearance that it is clearly a dance designed for the eyes of the dead. He bends and swoops the light down as he circles, lighting eah incense in turn
Dana Mackintosh: *kneels, closes her eyes, and is still*
Justine O'Ryan: ~continues to pace outside the building half considering trying to storm or sneak back in~
Sabrina Christenson: *Watches Cary's been a long time since she's seen a Euthanatos perform their Art...and never one such as this*
Cary "Scary" Day: A low him emits from his lips- mimicking in almost perfect precision a funeral dirge. And soon words are added, quiet, low, ululating, reverberating a deep bass voice throughout the room- just not understandable in any way.
Cary "Scary" Day: [him = hum]
Dana Mackintosh: *still, feeling the hum in her bones as if her body was amplifying*
Alexander Tarquine: ~is lost~
Cary "Scary" Day: His movement continues to grow in it's eratticism, one who recognized the arts might almost begin to realize that there is a tinge of dance that could be better defined by th Cult of Ecstacy than the Euthanatos, but still that overlaying measure of doom and decay and, simply... death, takes his every step as he continues to circle about her
Cary "Scary" Day: The scent of juniper and orchids emits from the incense that breathes in it's smoky circle about her, with him... Entrpoic enrgies only begin to define the spark of his Resonance
Storyteller: *as the ritual hits completion the ghostly shape of Paul Stephens Comes into view. He stands proudly, helmet under hand, Armour shiny and white, the only thing out of place, the splash of blood, as its blood over his face, running down his hair and over his perfectly white Armour. It never seems to stop, nor does it ever become too much to obscure the red stylized cross on his chest. Those that saw the body will not that the blood comes from not the wound Dana gave him, but something else. * as his form solidifies his face takes on a deep restful look and he says* "..The power of Christ Compells you, the Power of Christ compels you.. then breaks into a grin "..Always wanted to say that. "*he speaks in Latin ,and will only speak in Latin*
Finnuala Rosher: *Leaning forward a little to see the remarkable thing Cary is doing.*
Cary "Scary" Day: He slows his dance, but does not stop, he continues to circle about Dana slowly however, now hunkered low upon the ground as he continues his dance in a less than distracting manner, he does not break his circle
Sabrina Christenson: *Bows her head in respect as Paul appears*
Dana Mackintosh: *kicks herself into gear so that she can understand latin and opens her eyes, lips parted slightly as she looks up at him*
Finnuala Rosher: *The sight of Paul is at the same time heartening and tragic and she wonders how Dana is holding up, opening her mind's eye to view the silent little Squire.*
Tyne Donnelly: *she understands Paul.*
Storyteller: Julios does that's "Give me strength" Paul curiously Tries his best not to look at Justin, but he does look fully at Dana* "..Hi Love, miss me?"
Dana Mackintosh: *softly* More than anything.
Justin Quinn: ~the emotions that could possibly come out and immediatelty swamped and closed off, he doesn't want anyone to feel these~
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches amazed~
Storyteller: *Marcus clears his throat and JOHN, get's to Business* " Brother, Forgive us our transgression, but we have a matter of your death and among all, the many things that happened to your Cell. We ask that you.."
Cary "Scary" Day: His voice continues to ululate softly- it does not so much as echoe around the room now as simply support his quiet movements
Storyteller: *Paul cuts him off.*"It was Sucide. Normally known as Sucide by Cop. I Forced Dana to kill me, as I played her off and used ever trick in the book I could to drive a wedge between her and this family. There are things that are her fault, as all decisions are the fault of the person that makes them, but I did my best to undermine her confidence, her life and purpose because I resented everything that she knew, did and lived. I resent how close she was to Finnuala, who is closer to Justin than any of us, I resent the fact that she was a woman and clearly received special treatment.* he stands stiffly and straight, purposefully*
Justin Quinn: ~he stares at Paul's ghostly form~
Cary "Scary" Day: He opens his eyes to look upon the spirit of the dead, but does not alter his dance. He now knows why he was findable at all- suicide.
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks up at Paul's word, which she does understand, brow furrowed troubledly*
Storyteller: John Face hardens and even marcus seems Surprised. "Why?"
Sabrina Christenson: ((word=words))
Tyne Donnelly: *she watches the ghostly templar. She hopes this confession will allow him to go to peace now.*
Dana Mackintosh: *her eyes remain locked on him, her expression does not change*
Alexander Tarquine: ~blinks~
Storyteller: *He (PAUL)Paused* Because they left me at the door&ldots;* hes eye twitches* They left me with.. that creature and he did things to me only Justin can ever know, and still not fully realize. In an instant, I lost everything and I felt it was her fault. I wasn't Aiming for the Nephandi, I was Aiming for Justine, because Killing her would make Angelica be filled with Anguish. I don't need to here the charges, I've been listening to the trail all along. Your all wrong. .. I was Cured, but the memories were still mine. For years I served, I did all that was necessary, just to have you all throw that all out because his hand goes out to points Women deserved a break, They don't, they want to be like us, the should be like us , all of us. I could care less if they piss standing up.
Sabrina Christenson: ((Somewhere out there, Jeyson is cheering...))
Storyteller: *his face contorts in seeming anger, even turning slightly demonic, pulling back as the skin tightens over his face, his eyes get sunken in* "I loved you all * he turns to look at them* Only to watch as you each individually betrayed me" *the bitterness in his voice is apparent* ".. Alexander, you are one of the worst, you lament about how you cannot heal me? You are stuid, You and your high morals, you realize you Wrong it is, to help someone that doesn't want it? Your vaulted self sacrifce? You're the Devil's toy, one good Templar down the drain cause he refused to fight. The Fight is not with swords , It's in the heart and you've given up the fight. No eveil in this world can force a man to do anything he doesn't want to , carry that to your graves.
Dana Mackintosh: *had accepted this, inside of her, some time ago...and if it did not change how she felt then, it will not change how she feels now*
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks away, wincing, as she realizes that once again, her God damned dark side, her former Mentor, has destroyed lives*
Tyne Donnelly: *her brow furrows for a second when Paul revals he intended to kill Jus. But listening to him at the end, her face loses all emotiona again*
Dana Mackintosh: *continues watching him at this, her face ever the same*
Alexander Tarquine: ~listens~
Storyteller: *he scans the court * I stand and spit in contempt of this preceding, boys club looking for someone to blame, I wish I'd lived longer, to bring you down from the inside. *his face his drawn, the red blood now black icor, his face contorted in an evil mask. His Cross however remains untouched.*
Daisy Mae Everson: (back from the boot)
Dana Mackintosh: *her hand twitches, as if she could reach out*
Storyteller: *Marcus takes a breath as the Ghostly outline stops speaking* "Defense Rests."
Finnuala Rosher: *Raised eyebrows at what the man is doing. Almost leans back from the sight.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~he has to breath thru his mouth~
Tyne Donnelly: *her face now has not so much a lack of sorrow. not all of it hers alone.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~has no reaction, or rather can't decide on one and sits tunned~
Storyteller: *Grand marshall seems to have to recollect himself in the ensuing silence * "..Brother, as Admitied by you, your crimes are numberous and absolute. We cast you out and Into Oblivian, never to know HIS service or comfort, never to know HIS joy. We remove you entirely from our minds and bodies and commit your memory to disgrace.."
Daisy Mae Everson: *watches and listens... doesn't know what to think*
Dana Mackintosh: *drops her mouth open as if to scream, but her breath is stuck in her throat and nothing emerges*
Sabrina Christenson: *Her lip curls as she hears the Grand Marshall pronounce sentance on Paul, and looks up at him...silently offering apology for what Jayson did to him. That which she wishes she could have prevented...*
Finnuala Rosher: *Closes her eyes in pain over Paul's sentence.*
Storyteller: *the gavel starts to com down and hits with a resounding and final sound. Darkness reaches up and pulls at Paul, ripping at him, and twisting at him. He smiles, the darkness of his face passing and Salutes, his Family* ~he projects his final words with his very essence, itself~ "..Death Before Dishonor, ~he smiles, ~ What happens when your already dead.. Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum"
Tyne Donnelly: *he deserves mercy. she speaks silently.* No. end his unlife, but do not say he does not deserve the love of your God.
Cary "Scary" Day: His dance stops.
Dana Mackintosh: *watches, her face frozen in the now silent, but present scream of horror and defiance*
Finnuala Rosher: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum Paul!
Dana Mackintosh: Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum!!!!!
Tyne Donnelly: *and Paul knows his God loves him..even if deth is unpleasant. she belives he'll be there with him.* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum .
Daisy Mae Everson: *wipes away the tears that have fallen down her face*
Cary "Scary" Day: Cary lowers himself to his knees directly in front of Dana and stretches out across the floor, his fingers tracing unreconizablesymbols [or maybe just tracing over] the groundwork
Sabrina Christenson: *Echoes Finnuala and Dana's words* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum Paul...
Finnuala Rosher: *Casts her Faith after Paul as far as it can reach.*
Dana Mackintosh: *grits her teeth as her body begins to shudder with silent sobs, no pauses between them*
Daisy Mae Everson: *softly* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum
Alexander Tarquine: ~he doesn't blink or breath, watching everything happen in slow motion~
Cary "Scary" Day: "Vanti ce du Chakra"
Tyne Donnelly: *she looks at Dana, then at Finnuala. though she likely doesn't need to.*
Storyteller: The Marshall stands* thank you Decon Day, We shall not forget this service. *he's obviously shaken and looks at JUSTYNE and says nothing, Julious stands and waves his hand* As our spells are unable to work on anything past it's life, we cannot attone the true level of his crimes, or the _truth _ of them, but for a Depareted brother, i keep his menmory and his words as Truth, So say we one? *the answer is slow but in unison.* So say we all. It is so entered in the REcord the Testimony of Paul Stephens.
Dana Mackintosh: *chokes out the words, loudly* If I ascend to heaven you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol you are there! IF I take the wings of the morning and settle in the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, your right hand shall hold me fast!
Dana Mackintosh: *then she simply sits back where she is, raises her hands to her face and is silence itself*
Cary "Scary" Day: He seems oblivious to any thanks, to even Dana speaking so loudly so near to him, he continues to trace fingers along the groundwork all about her, moving in the circle still, crawling, as his dance has stopped
Storyteller: *MArshall* Finnuala Rosher, Innocent of Charges, applied to her [meaning they found her guilty of something, but it wasn't a charge so it's a nonsequitor]
Storyteller: MARSHLAL* Alexander Tarquine - Guilty of Dereliction of Duty - No specials circumstances., sense commuted.
Storyteller: Dana, Innocent of Murder by reason of Tempory Mental Defect Purposefully Scripted. Guilty of Contempt of the Knight Code, The Rules of Shade, and Cowardice. -Sentence Communted.
Finnuala Rosher: *The Marshall's words are barely heard, still staring at the spot where Paul disappeared*
Dana Mackintosh: *doesn't hear a word*
Storyteller: Justin Renee Quinn: Failure to execute his office as Marshall of the Knight Templar , This sentence will be uphealed as Paul is his Squire. Sentence to be 100 lashes at 30seconds apart. Sentence to be deviced betten his Cabal as they see fit.
Tyne Donnelly: *she's glad she's so..mentally fortified. the others will need her.*
Justin Quinn (Beatific): ~blow his 9 th willpower of the night~
Finnuala Rosher: *Twitch, ~ala~ Mel Gibson.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~remembers to start breathing~
Storyteller: -the gavel, that damn Gavel is painful- This is at an end. [and ST REST! *passes out* ]
Justine O'Ryan: ~still pacing outside.~
Cary "Scary" Day: [*Claps for the ninety mile an hour typist*]
Finnuala Rosher: ((YAYYYYY ST! ST kicks the Ass!))
Dana Mackintosh: ((*STANDING OVATION*))
Tyne Donnelly: ((WOW))
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~golf clap~ ]]
Storyteller: [sorry, work, god i'm going to be unable to move tomorrow]
Justine O'Ryan: ((Echos Tyne. kick ASS.))
Lord Kin Lurkie: ((*claps from the cheep seats*))
Daisy Mae Everson: (archive will be posted later today)
Sabrina Christenson: ((GREAT work, ST...wish I could have been here for more of it. *Kicks computer*))
Storyteller: *glares at Brian..GOLF CLAP!! *grumbles at a weeks worth of research down the drain*
Bobby Tarquine: [[*sighs as he misses it all* damn the man ~L~ ]]
Cary "Scary" Day: [[I say we lynch him. Brian needs some lynching- don't let him say goodbye to his sheep either]]
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~pouts~ golf clap is a good thing... ~sulks~ ]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((*LOL@Cary, more of a nervous, strained, shock laugh*))
Daisy Mae Everson: *Daisy will go to her room after giving everyone a hug* (are we done this the IC stuff or at least what should be in the archive?)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Offers Brian a Labrador Retriever for his sheep.))
Bobby Tarquine: [[ james... i think you need to go to therpy for you sheep problem ]]
Dana Mackintosh: *Dana will...God, I have no idea what Dana will do. Dana will sit there until someone moves her, I guess*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ hey, I don't breed labs ~L~ ]]
Bobby Tarquine: [[ ~LOL@ FINN~ some nice crinos sex eh? ]]
Finnuala Rosher: (ROTFLOL)
Storyteller: [[you can all get back IC later, You'll hav to clear up the SERIOUS mess that i created.. and Alexander, who shocked you all *G* and me too]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((*chokes on her cereal*))
Cary "Scary" Day: Cary'll move her. Out of his damned circle so that it can be broken properly
Tyne Donnelly: ((Tyne will carry Dana out and home))
Sabrina Christenson: *Upon the end of the trial, she stands up and immediately walks to Dana. She kneels next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~whistles and pushs all the bones back into Alex's closet~ ]]
Tyne Donnelly: ((After Sabrina, that is))
Storyteller: [[hmm, sufice it to say, i suspect a few of tou will be sporint whip marks to match daisy very soon]]
Cary "Scary" Day: [Yeah, only bring out your bone for the sheep. We see how it is]
Cary "Scary" Day: [*Has whip marks already*]
Lord Kin Lurkie: ((ROTFLMAO))
Dana Mackintosh: ((oh, right here! Whipped like the icing on somebody's cake, although I wish I knew whose))
Finnuala Rosher: *Will, of course help with Dana, and then remain in the area of Justin and let it be known through demeanor, how utterly reviling she finds the degradation being forced on him, but won't do or say anything that can be used against her or the others.*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ Alex already has whip scars ]]
Daisy Mae Everson: (At least it won't happen over a 10 year period)
Sabrina Christenson: ((All my chars have plenty of emotional whip marks...inflicted by their evil player. No physical ones, unless Jus bought a whip lately... *S*))
Justine O'Ryan: ~she goes and gets the Suburban. so that the othrs can just sit back and she can drive. she can do that much.~
Cary "Scary" Day: Will Arcanify after he clears his circle properly, and try to stay away from all the lovey dovey huggy crap
Dana Mackintosh: *removes her Templar thing..the cross thing, as soon as she is exited from the room, rips it off in fact. And shows no other inclination to do anything after that*
Justine O'Ryan: ((you know full well she could never ue such a thing on Ang after the torture. or even before, really..*S*))
Bobby Tarquine: [[*was probly kicked out and well flogged some time ago*]]
Dana Mackintosh: *responds to nothing*
Finnuala Rosher: ((No whip marks *G* Only some faint sword wounds))
Sabrina Christenson: *Helps Dana out, to the Suburban...offering no words. Just her support, physical, emotional, and mental...for she is one of her Family*
Cary "Scary" Day: [Oh yeah, sword wounds to. And a stabbing scar on my gut]
Dana Mackintosh: *if taken back to the house, sleeps in Paul's bed*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~has sword wounds too, as well as WP gun wounds~ ]]
Tyne Donnelly: *tucks Dana into Paul's bed as per her request and leaves the room silently.*
Storyteller: [oh, something improtant] "Dana MAckintosh at the request of the decon, you are her by discharged from your office under the knight templar, may you find a higher calling.
Dana Mackintosh: ((*S* One big fucking scar and otherwise perfect. *S* They're always nice enough to heal her...))
Sabrina Christenson: ((Oh, yeah...well, on second thought, Amber might have some...or would, if Jayson had his way...))
Dana Mackintosh: ((*S* Thanks for remembering ST, I was wondering how I was going to work that out))
Finnuala Rosher: *Knew that they would have to have SOME sort of token unpleasantry, especially with how many Templars hate Justin's guts, and realizes that this is nothing next to crucifiction. Still, her eyes tell the thoughts--this is low, lower than a Nosferatu's crotch lice.*
Storyteller: [grumbles about more thing forgotten] Justin is somewhere in there promoted to Senschel and will be forced in the comming month to move to Texas, and i know there may be more, but i'm tired.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she will find a higher calling, too But not with this order.~
Alexander Tarquine: [[ Paul shot me in the back... now I wonder if it was on purpose ~L~ ]]
Tyne Donnelly: ((LMAO@ Finnuala))
Finnuala Rosher: ((A couple bullet scars, run through on swordpoint *Kicks Jack* ))
Cary "Scary" Day: [Go to bed- oh, and jolly good job, chap]
Cary "Scary" Day: [*Kicks Jack too* That bastard- run through twice]
Dana Mackintosh: *will for the rest of her life despise the Knights Templar, although she will never act against them.*
Bobby Tarquine: [[ how much longer till this archive is put up? ]]
Daisy Mae Everson: (sorry folk my tired bum needs sleep... if you continue and want it to be a part of this archive... then archive it and then e-mail it to me... starting after I post that I'm gone)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Not run through totally twice. Just once. The other was just a DEEP cut to the torso.))
Finnuala Rosher: ((Thanks Butterfly. Your archives rock))
Tyne Donnelly: ((No, daisy, go to sleep!!!! you do so much without ever saying a word. *HUGS*))
Dana Mackintosh: ((Yeah, thanks B-fly!!))
Cary "Scary" Day: [Nets, poisons and pins the B-Fly to styrafoam]
Finnuala Rosher: ((Going to bed now on Dr's orders. See you all later. Fantastic hugs to all, but hits Cary with a Labrador Retriever for fun. Cast party at my place.))
Storyteller: [snorts at Dana, man, you think THIS is harsh? ha, i think mage players are coddled into what they like has taken characters thru the hermetic and Euthanous trails and even a Umbral court one.. Thsoe left Marks that will NEVER heal, this was tame.]
Cary "Scary" Day: [Stabs Finn with cyanide coated daggers* Sleep well]
Cary "Scary" Day: [Should indoctrine Dana Euthanatos- she can hate two groups *L*]
Bobby Tarquine: [[*kicks magetype into doing some mage stuff* ~S~ ]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((yeah...but something about Paul I think made it harsher than most anything else you could do to her. I mean, look at her motivations as a human being))
Justine O'Ryan: ((nighty, Finnuala. I have to go soon too.))
Finnuala Rosher: ((MMmmmmmm, cyanide! *Drool*))
Dana Mackintosh: ((*sighs* You know...Euthanatos is an option for her right now, she can't be an Orphan-about-to-turn-Marauder forever))
Cary "Scary" Day: [Oh, note for all! I have actual unblurrified pics now!]
Sabrina Christenson: ((*Still thinks Dana would make a good Ecstatic*))
Daisy Mae Everson: (Thanks everyone... *HUGS*... and good night) (butterfly is safe and sound away from Cary-p)
Finnuala Rosher: ((Nite all. *GONE*))
Tyne Donnelly: ((No Mauruaders..ugh...))
Dana Mackintosh: ((Sab> Not anymore))
Justin Quinn: ~for hsi part is silent. Proud of his Squire and his apprent sacrifice, he's proud of the Knight Templars and even prouder of himself. To him, it ends .. now.~
Cary "Scary" Day: [Oh, the tortures of Time Two- Okay, Toby, where too?]
Daisy Mae Everson: *here ends the archive*
Bobby Tarquine: [[ some where Ray wont harass me agian ~LOL~ ]]
Alexander Tarquine: [[ night all that are leaving ]]
Sabrina Christenson: *Goes home and stays up all night, praying for the first half of the evening, and working out for the second half*
Dana Mackintosh: ((ugh..Dana sleeps in Paul's bed tonight, and I'll take care of what happens tommorrow..tommorrow))
Daisy Mae Everson: ~* gone *~