Retrieval of Finnuala and Danny's Souls
Date: unknown (December)
((Comment from Queen Con: Archive of a "classic" Type
Crowns adventure, to rescue the souls of Finnuala and Danny from hell))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): (inside) He spreads salt about the door* And they gathered their brethren, and sanctified themselves, and came, according to the commandment of the king, by the words of the LORD, to cleanse the house of the LORD.
Jason St Augustine: Liz...what would you have done if I did tell you?
Justyne Donnelly: *nodds at Alefe..wherever we are..*
Sabrina Christenson: ((My connection is acting twinky...just so everyone knows if I vanish...))
Jason Maier: *Walks into the church, putting out his cig before doing so*
Franchesca Roberts: ((*Goofs around OOC for a couple of posts because she cant think of what to do with her char*))
Justyne Donnelly: *goes into a room..takes a few mintues, to prepare*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): Hail father Quinn. And the Lord said let there be light, and after light was created, he asked Who will bring my light to them? Whom shall I send? I step forward to follow your light sir.
Liz St Augustine: Jason....what do you think? you knew there was something here * folds her arms over her chest to stop her from hitting him her violet eyes deep with anger*
Sabrina Christenson: *Enters the church, unafraid now that JUSTINE and JUSTYNE are there. Her fellow Crowns and her SHALL prevail, this day...*
Jason St Augustine: Liz...*Looks down, he screwed up and he damn well knows it*
Franchesca Roberts: *Gawks at the Cathedral*What a bloody mess this is.Hey anyone here need help with the clean up?
ST from Hell: ((Back from medicating feverish kid))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jonathon steps to the door to help the father ((TF2))*
Justyne Donnelly: ~Kick the ASS descrip~Standing the same height(5'8) her hair is its aubrun shade, but braided. Rows of braids resembling dreadlocks look simalar to serpents, if she moves fast enough. Her face is painted in warpaint in shades of dark green and black(think Braveheart, Conan) in no apperant pattern, just slashes of dark color. she wears a light leather armor of a very deep shade of green, looking almost balck whern the light falls on it. she carries her trusty chucks, made of a metallic matrireal. she also waers a sort-of cape, with (Tartan, I belive) fastened securely to the armor. on the place over her heart there is an odd Celtic symbol of unknown origion, looking a bit like a shield, made into an endless knot pattern*
Franchesca Roberts: ((*Blinks*Wheres Justine?Only see Tyne*S*Hiya*Waves*))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~he reaches into the vile water, once holy and touches it ~ Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
Dana Mackintosh: *prayers are good. Praying, she walks into the cathdedral*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason and then the church and then back to Jason* I need to go home and rest....despite how angry i am at you ..I still love you and hope you'll return home after this * walks away after kissing him*
Aefle Moxe: -growls a bit to herself and stands about 8 feet from anyone.. touching the sword on her hip, not really sure she is gonna be able to deal with this one-
Justyne Donnelly: ((actually, only Tyne..Jus, is watching the body of Finnuala))
Jason Maier: *Looks up* Ma...make sure Danny doesn;t come back too amazingly fucked up.
Franchesca Roberts: *Steps back from the Mess and starts to get sick*((Thanks for that info Hell.Bleech!!!))
ST from Hell: *The broken circle of summoning, the circle of binding that was cracked, letting in all of this, letting out the corruption that was to have been bound, beckons like a pustule needing to be lanced, the rotten pressure beneath the surface aching for full release.*
Jason St Augustine: *Kisses his wife back* I'll try and explain after I get back.
Franchesca Roberts: ((What happend to Finn?))
Mathew Koch: *walks up to the church singing* .. That's my soul up there.. *opens the little gate, doesn't seem to notice anyone*
Liz St Augustine: * heads for the train and gets on and is gone*
Sabrina Christenson: ((I gotta get a war descrip for Sabrina one 'a these days...)) *She withdraws her Gladius from her back pack and shoulders the pack, blade held at a guard position, as she takes up position next to JUSTIN.* Good to see you, Father...
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~closes the book and looks at dana~ "..let the key of the ceremony come forward and open the ties that bind.
Jason Maier: *Looks around at all the swords and wonders if anyone here knows what a gun is*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): Don't wory Liz, we'll bring him back to you. I swear it.
Aefle Moxe: -turns and looks at Mathew when he is singing.. then looks back around to make sure she is no where near any stray sun or too close to anyone with true faith .. or praying.. or holy water.. -
Sabrina Christenson: *Hears "King of Pain and winces.* I HATE that song...
Dana Mackintosh: *from just outside the cathedral doors, she sees Koch and shudders*
Justyne Donnelly: *walks over to stand near Spader..watching..everything..*
Franchesca Roberts: *Wonders if it was just her imagination and steps back towards the entrance*
Dana Mackintosh: *key in one hand, she steps into the cathedral*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~looks up slowly at the sounds of the song~
Justyne Donnelly: *hears that 10-times damned song..narrows her eyes..*
Franchesca Roberts: ((The Police!!!!Sing it Mathew sing it!!!*L*))
Serena Monroe : * walks to the gates and sees all the people wondering what's going on*
Franchesca Roberts: *Nods to Mathew not knowing who he is*
Mathew Koch: [[outside]] * You wan'da step into my world, It's a sociopsychotic state of bliss, You've been delayed in the real world, How many times have you hit and missed?, You cat-scan shows disfiguration, I wanna laugh myself to death, With a misfired synapse, with a bent configuration, I'll hold the line while you gasp for breath, You wanna talk to me, So talk to me, You wanna talk to me ,You wanna talk to me ,You wanna talk to me ,. You can't talk to me, You don't understand your sex, You ain't been mindfucked yet, Let's do it ,.Let's do it Let's do it Oh my distorted Smile
Sabrina Christenson: *Seeing KOCH, she immediately steps between the Crowns and him, intent on being a human shield, if nothing else...he face is set in a determined stare, focused entirely on KOCH.*
Aefle Moxe: -seeing Justin loose his concentration too.. she looks back towards where the song was.. and waits silently-
Jason St. Augustine: *hears the song, and his singular response can be heard in the soft ~ka-klick~ of his glaive being extended to it's full length*
Dana Mackintosh: *restrains the urge to spit at koch*
Jason Maier: *Looks over at Serena, and his eyes go buggy for maybe half a second before smiling broadly*
Mathew Koch: *every step his make Wings, dark and black rip out of his back, his hands grow to claws and his eyes flash a bright red. hundreads of Teeth flow out of his mouth and he rushes thru the door of the cathedral, turning to Dust as he hits it, dust that scampers and slides to the broaken circle like a storm*
Franchesca Roberts: *Shakes her head at Koch*Ugg GnR *wretchs some more*
Justyne Donnelly: *her nunchuckas come into veiw, from under her tartan*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~HE moves, and twirls, cloak comming up at the same time to sheild others from the dust~
Serena Monroe : * walks a bit thru the gates *
Franchesca Roberts: *Watches that pleasent peice of Info and passes out*
Jason St. Augustine: *Sighs* Some day...I will meet a demon who has decent taste in music.
Dana Mackintosh: *looks at the circle, looks to Quinn*
Serena Monroe : * blinks watching Koch and whispers* ohhh shit
Jason Maier: *Watches Serena's movements very closely, trying to get an opening so he can blitz to her*
Sabrina Christenson: *Resists the urge to run in terror, and shouts in French, hand raised toward KOCH, calling upon her faith.* ((Forces 3, Prime 2..rolling Arete 3...8,7,4))
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~" the doorway,..NOW!
Aefle Moxe: -looks at the dust going towards the circle.. unsure what to do.. let it go.. make it stay.. looking towards the others for thier reaction-
Justyne Donnelly: *her hands move and she says nothing..but the doors, are thrown open*
Serena Monroe : * steps slowly towards the others her eye glued to the opening to the church*
Mathew Koch: *He calls upone the dark faith of the Chapel to counter SABRINA(does so) and The Dust becomes an maddening storm of Howls and angry hisses(-2 stamina)
Dana Mackintosh: *it's hard to describe how much she hopes she's gonna do this right. She begins to dance around the circle, dropping salt along her way, appealing to the goddess to give her strength*
Jason Maier: *Makes the decision- Runs like a wildman, grabs Serena, and brings her with 'em*
Serena Monroe : * gets grabed and goes with Jason* ahh what the?
Simon Everson ~Paladin~ : *is at the doors, amazing you missed him*
Jason Maier: Serena>>Trust me, your safer this way.
Mathew Koch: *the howling wind screams * Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
Franchesca Roberts: ((*Wishes her brother would submit his char Vierge to be approved at Lime**Sigh*))
ST from Hell: *The crusted salt and oil of the circle vibrates, sending up little crystals and powdered ash.*
Serena Monroe : * looks at Jason* uhh good to see you too * looks at the others wondering what's going on*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): ((Sory, on my laptop. It's a litle slow)) *As Matthew dashs he draws a vile of holy water from inside his hakama, and inturn, douses the dust as it passes by him. he then draws his 2 swords, andtakes guard opposite Sabrina The blades are a deep ebony, edged in the purest silver. Goldenruns wend their way along the blades, and if you read enochian, they are the Lord's prayer*
Sabrina Christenson: *Seeing her Effect coutnered, she simply grits her teeth and holds her blade up, knowing it will do little
Sabrina Christenson: *Seeing her Effect coutnered, she simply grits her teeth and holds her blade up, knowing it will do little other then (hopefully) buying the others time.*
Jason Maier: *Runs back to the little group, dekeing Simon again rather smoothly*
Aefle Moxe: -the shadows seem to become even darker as she braces herself from the dust storm. and she begins to chant in Latin, chanting prayers with a devotion that even surprizes her.. and her voice seems to echo in the minds of all present even KOCH as she projects into the minds of all present-
Mathew Koch: Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. *laughter spreads about the room*
Dana Mackintosh2: *she finishes the circle, lighting a fire and burning some dragon's blood, and calls out* Everybody ready?
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jonathon Dashes inside, to try and get to the circles side, prepared for defense*
Jason Maier: *Nods* Baaa.
Justyne Donnelly: *snarls at Koch, remains still, and ready..slat falls from her hands..*
Franchesca Roberts: ((*Is glad her chars passed out outside*))
Simon Everson ~Paladin~ : *Growls, pure inhuman scream and a sword of pure prime it seems comes from no where* "oh Shut the fuck up."
ST from Hell: *A spiritual vacuum forms, and all things, living and non converge for an instant, The touch of unclean things on the living causes them to feel briefly violated, the touch of Faith on the spirits causes them to cry out.*
Dana Mackintosh2: *thinks for the millionth time in her life that she really needs a sword* Give me your faith guys...
Sabrina Christenson: *Glares at KOCH, ready to defend.* You know what I hate most about your kind? You ~~DON'T SHUT UP.~~
Justyne Donnelly: *feels slightly unclean..but nothing she hasn t felt before..she is full of rage, and anger..hostility, and zeal*
Mathew Koch: It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Jason Maier: *Looks at Dana, wodering what the flip she's talking about*
Dana Mackintosh2: *she holds the key out in the wind, into the center of the circle, and plunges it into the ground*
Serena Monroe : * looks at Dana uncertain what to do and shivers a bit *
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jonathon begins an alternating loud/quiet prayer* Yea thought I walk through the valley of the sahdow of death, I shall fear no evil. So bring it on smokey!
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~he is a rock, againt the madness, standing proudly, under the verbal assult from the demonic presence~ I offer my self, for thee.. I am thy sword, guide
Justyne Donnelly: *moves, so that she is in between Sapder, and the other one than herself, who is maybe not all that stable, Sabrina..styays there..waits.*((No TF))
ST from Hell: *Reality cracks*
Jason St. Augustine: *extends his TF (1) to Dana, letting her use it as needed*
Serena Monroe : * she tires to think of the prayer thou i walk in the valley of death something like that and mentally slaps herself for not paying more attention in class when she was in church*
ST from Hell: *The circle fills with deep red light as of glowing embers and a single bat flees through the forming rift at great speed.*
Simon Everson ~Paladin~ : "You know, that just doen's sound right comming from a demon..* Knows better than to try that magic hear unless for defense*
Franchesca Roberts: ((*is definiteley glad shes unconcious reality cracking would mess her up real bad right now*))
Dana Mackintosh2: *rage, rage against the dying of the light*
Jason Maier: *Mutters* And like a bat outaa hell, I'll be gone, 'fore the mornin comes...
ST from Hell: ((TF in Gaia and TF in Monotheistism will not pool unless the merit appropriate to it is used.))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): Thy ros and thy staff they comfort me. And I cary a big stick, so step up!
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~breaks out a old classic~Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Dana Mackintosh2: *she stands, key extended, at the brunt of it all, strong, jaw set*
Justyne Donnelly: *feels reality crack..its normally silken mallable texture outright. cracked..and she STILL looks nonplussed, though a touch of worry might have breifly visited.*
Jason Maier: *And here he thought the weird-shit-o-meter couldn;t go any higher*
Dana Mackintosh2: ((it's hard to explain, but it's essentially a tf in all gods and all goddesses, in the form of the one))
Simon Everson ~Paladin~ : *looks at Justin and nods, pools his ARETE with Justin and Sabrina and Tyne* Fight this *( forces 3 4 success, forces effect)
Aefle Moxe: -fight the urge to puke from all the faith around her, stumbling back a bit, she fights her dizziness concentrating on the only purity she has -love- to keep herself from buckling under the vaccume-
Justyne Donnelly: *hears everyone else dpoing she does* "and seven thunders, uttered thier voices.."
ST from Hell: *Light bathes the key, and the rift opens in the form of a sloping pit into the floor. The cave sides are reminiscent of a bloody birth passage, red and pulsating, but are rocky and sharp-edged with stony protruberances*
Mathew Koch: *pukes!*
Jason St. Augustine: *Stands next to Aefle, offering his shoulder for support*
ST from Hell: ((Okay, Dana. I understand that one very well. *S*))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~adds 1 autosuccess to simon's effect~
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): He leadeth me next to still waters, and maketh me to lie down in green pastures. Well I don't se no grass here, so don't expect mw to lie down!
Dana Mackintosh2: *stands back to let Quinn go first*
Justyne Donnelly: ((5 from Tyne, Simon..*G*))
Jason Maier: *blinks* Demons can puke...thats interesting...*Lets his one lonely dot of TF foat around for whoever needs it or wants it*
Dana Mackintosh2: ((*cheers ST, just cause she knows she's gonna be damning them in just a moment or two G*))
ST from Hell: ((*S*@Dana))
Dana Mackintosh2: *picks up on Jason's faith, giving her a tf of 3, and reextending around herself and the two jasons*
Justyne Donnelly: ((that's like..5 arete, Simon..actuallsucesses , 4))
Aefle Moxe: -without thinking, her hand goes up to Jason's shoulder, using him for support, as she looks over at the mouth of the cave and again utters a soft prayer in latin-
Mathew Koch: *doesn't even bother to counter , is blown out of the cathedral and forms back into a man, blood runnind down his sides* "Fuck a duck, "
Serena Monroe : * watches the others and just kinda awed from it all*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~looks at Simon, then jon and SAbrina~ Paladin's first as is a must, Jon in the rear
Dana Mackintosh2: *smirks at Koch a little, doesn't let him see it*
Franchesca Roberts: ((*Insert opening score to FF8*))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): He setteth a table before me in the prescence of mine enemies..........It's potluck, don't sit if ya aint brought nothin. So just leave will ya.
Simon Everson ~Paladin~ : *nods to Quinn and steps into he hole, putting his sword away*
Jason St. Augustine: *Nods* Game on.
Mathew Koch: *groans, holds his back as he stand like a pregnant woman* i hate faith..
Dana Mackintosh2: *slips the key back around her neck*
Jason Maier: *wraps his arms around Serena* Stick close.
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~conquest of paradise has been inserted. Game on~
Aefle Moxe: -looks at Justin. really wanting to beg him not to go into the cave.. but knows that would be useless-
Justyne Donnelly: ((End of Days sountrack more appropros, if you have it.))
Dana Mackintosh2: *thinks to koch "he..suck it up bitch"*
Franchesca Roberts: *Laying outside on the ground passed out*((Still))
Serena Monroe : * blinks and looks at Jason and nods* uhh okay
Albert Mowatt: *walks up to the Chapel and just looks at the mahaym*
Dana Mackintosh2: ((soundtrack to the Last Temptation of Christ))
Jason St. Augustine: *Looks at Aefle* Let's go.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jon takes rear guard, keeping his senses and mind watching the rest of the group. Ready to jump in with ~PK~ should it be eeded*
Franchesca Roberts: ((Seen the Movie which selection though they're all good Tyne))
Dana Mackintosh2: *sees Albert in her headcount* Goddamnit! What the fuck are you doing here?
Jason Maier: ((Feh. S&M.; One.))
Justyne Donnelly: *copies Jon's position. they are, after all, mirror positions.*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~looks at Aefle, and then the rest of them, they know the crown motto as well as he, all or none, All or none.~
Jason Maier: *Takes Serena and puts her generally in the middle, taking a flank position for himself*
ST from Hell: *The passage winds and pulls at people as if a magnet were drawing hungrily at the iron in their blood. The end comes soon, and...~The air is dry, dusty, and still. The sky is heavily overcast with thready, hanging cloudiness that looks to have almost been spun by millions of spiders. The ground underfoot bears a crumbling crust over hardpan, and is grey-yellow, radiating upward the smell of sulphur. In the distance, off of the plain, smoke rises in black gouts from some sort of a city. Over the edifices of the city stand tall poles here and there, bearing ragged tatters of something that cannot be determined at this distance. A flock of headless, bloated bird bodies flit overhead.
Dana Mackintosh2: ((*beats Jason to a bloody pulp in jealousy*))
Justyne Donnelly: ((None..*S* don't have it, myself, just hear the demo, all night at work))
Aefle Moxe: -looks up at Jason and just nods, straightening up a bit and takes a deep breath like she needs it and walks towards the mouth of the cave after the others-
Albert Mowatt: *is outside and just looking in*
ST from Hell: ((Shall we remove to Dynamic for this?))
Dana Mackintosh2: *moves to stand beside albert, jaw clenched, extending her faith around him as well*
Albert Mowatt: *doesn't really pray and hates it when people pray when their in trouble, but offers one anyway and turnds and walks away*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks around..*
Jason Maier: ((If it's available, sure.))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jon moves with slow, measured movents. keeping his hara low and centered. Balance is key here*
Dana Mackintosh2: ((dlp if he's not in hell))
Simon Everson: [[naaaa..were the only one's using the church anyway]]
Aefle Moxe: -hesitates as she looks towards the 'city' and utters another soft prayer in french.. her sight well beyond any more.. she knows exactly what hangs from the tall poles- And he hung the bodies of his victims to show any that stand against him the pain they shall suffer....
Serena Monroe : * goes where Jason puts her and looks around*
Mathew Koch: *takes his licks and goes to get a milkshake*
ST from Hell: ((Staying in Church))
Mathew Koch: *gone*
Dana Mackintosh2: *mutters a soft prayer* Mother, take care of Albert for me.
Franchesca Roberts: ((Beyond the end there is only Chaos,now cower in fear as I demonstrate my full power~Sado-From my last LARP game back home.))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Jason St. Augustine: *mutters* Bad Demon. No soul for you.
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : [[fran, be quiet, join or watch]]
Simon Everson: *tes his magic slightly, pushing a little withoutdoing*
Dana Mackintosh2: *looks up at Quinn, then back to the crucifix* Okay Lord, time to kick some ass.
Franchesca Roberts: ((*L@Matthew*Got whupped Royal that time ouch))
Aefle Moxe: -looks around at the others.. and moves to Justin.. definately deciding he can get over her wanting to be close right now-
Franchesca Roberts: ((*Shuting up now watching silently*))
Jason Maier: *Brings the combat shotgun from under his trench up and to a ready position, hoping these other people know about fields of fire and all that*
Serena Monroe : * reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small silver cross and holds it in her hand *
ST from Hell: There are gulleys and canyons in the hardpan ground, made not by the flow of water, but sulfrous washes of some sort that have melted the bitter dead soil and left behind long-dried outlines of canary yellow clinging to rocks and the occasional bone that litter the area.
Serena Monroe : * looks at Jason and then the shotgun and then looks up*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks around..scanning the area..* (corr 1, mind 1 scan..looking for other life forms)
~ butterfly ~: (*waves*...shh...)
Jason Maier: Wow. Hell is arizona.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: Too late to at least show up outside the church?
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jonathon keeps a rovong uard, moving in a semicircle around the rear perimeter. Prtly just to do something, but also to kep all views covered* I don't know. Thi place is too.........babylonian. Maybe put upp som office cubicles, try astroturf instead of this dirt. Neds a new look I think.
Dana Mackintosh2: Yeah. *nods in agreeance with Maier*
Aefle Moxe: (eagle sight/Claravoyance =looking around ahead of them.. looking in on any dangers they are gonna come up on)
ST from Hell: (Johann could still come if he has the courage to go down the hole which is still open for a few minutes)
Sabrina Christenson: ((Back...what'd I miss?))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : [[rules you remember so your ST doesn't:: ALL Magic is vulgar with witness, Paradox Lashes are instant. -2 tempory willpower off your PERMANT total. all people with faith or blessed talisman add +2 dice to ALL and EVERY pool, how ever, even a blind demon cannot see you. breaking anything requrires a 10 STR total and 3 success minimum, anything Good, healing etc is +1 difficulty and ..don't die.. you REALLY don't want to die.. save this ..]]
Simon Everson: *nice, i get a +2 bonus to arete to fuck myself over.. I like that. *
Sabrina Christenson: ((LOL Simon))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *closing his eyes for just a second, he extends his senses, trying to find Finn. (Using clairoyance 3. If she's withing the area of a major metropolitan area he should be able to see her, and her surroundings.)*
~ butterfly ~: (*chuckle*...)
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: I knew I should have given him true faith, but ST said no. bic: *He gets off the train, picking up Jason's scent faintly and following it.*
Justyne Donnelly: ((okies then..gimme my Dox.))
Jason Maier: *Sings softly in a low...bass?* Hi ho, hi's off to hell we go...
ST from Hell: Francesca> Ask Admin. I'm not sure on that. // Aefle> (They are demonic forms.)
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *Send the link outward towards Jason.* ~TS~ Where are you, and are the others with you?
Franchesca Roberts: ((Thank you anyways))
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks at JASON M and rolls her eyes, then carries onward.*
Aefle Moxe: IC -she slips her arm around Justin's, for his comfort or hers? yeah.. and whispers softly- The people on the poles are alive.. and.. the things flying are definately not birds...
Serena Monroe : * a wierd thought comes to her head and she thinks about those t-shirts that say been to blah blah and all i got was this lousy t-shirt and chukles to herself*
Jason Maier: ~TS~ Johann, jump down the hole in the church. There's several others here, but I'd be the only Garou. Which is pretty well fucked up, but...anyway.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): ((is that +2 per point of faith?)) *turns slowly, straining his senses. Hopefully they work the same way down here*
Simon Everson: *isn't even going to try magic right now. no way*
Dana Mackintosh2: *from Kades* ~TS~ I love you guys, and for Gaia's sake, come back alive. *a mental kiss on the forehead*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : [[jon that wourl give me a 24 dice pool, with a 12 pool to do anything.. how would you like your miracle?]]
Jason Maier: ~TS~ Huah, mon jefe. Keep the home fires burning...uh, then again..
Justyne Donnelly: *feels the staticness of this place..and is impressed. she realizes she's only human is very leery, and careful*
Simon Everson: *moves toward the city, letting Aefle and Jon work*
Aefle Moxe: -looks around at the group.. wondering when they are gonna start organizing for what is ahead of them-
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): * A growl emanates from deep within Spader's chest* No!! I'm gonna cut those off for that!!
Aefle Moxe: -looks over at Jon and arches a brow-
Serena Monroe : * blinks at Spader*
Dana Mackintosh2: *turns to look at Jon, nods in agreeance with his reaction to whatever it was he saw*
Jason St. Augustine: What;s up, spader?
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks at SPADER* Jonathon...are you alright?
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: {Romani} Goddess and Daenna be with me... *He crosses himself in that weird fashion of his, swallows hard and uses WP to force himself to enter the church, every sense screaming stay out, then taking out a small piece of knotted ribbon and holding it tightly for a moment.* {Romani} May my Father's spirit also be with me.
Justyne Donnelly: *looks conceredly at her Spader*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~he nods to Aelfe, but he kisses her hand, but let's go~ Everyone, assemble and move forward.. Sab and Simon in front, Jon and I in the back. Stay together and with thy faith intact.
Aefle Moxe: -looks up at Justin and says softly in French- we need to get this group more organized right now Renne. Pull them in tighter.. use more caution.. possibly send up a couple scouts?
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He moves towards the hole, swallows hard, then follows Jason's scent the best he can.*
ST from Hell: *All is eerily calm here. Perhaps they feel little need for grand gestures of force and security, after all, who would be fool enough to want to come here?*
Aefle Moxe: (DLP -laughs)
Simon Everson: *looks at Jon but offers no support or comfort*
Jason Maier: *stops and allows the movement to take place, keeping his chunk solid, face not showing his relief that Johann's showing up*
Serena Monroe : * grips her cross tighter it breaking the skin inside her palm and gulps*
Sabrina Christenson: ((ST>>Us, of course..))
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *With a bolt of speed, he slips through the closing hole, muttering another prayer.*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): They're pee.....peeling the skin from her. But she's still alive I think. I'm trying to find the way now. They're with 20 miles from us.
Aefle Moxe: -frowns as Justin lets her go and moves forward a bit, looking around.. then concentrates and attempts to see FINN with her Claravoyance-
ST from Hell: ((How true, Sabrina! *S*))
Justyne Donnelly: *stays near Jon..a bit worried..*
Jason Maier: ((Giggles*))
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~he let's the initital shovck pass and points~ jason and Serean, jason,and Dana.. Tyne, you will keep with Aefle.
Terrence Hardy: *blinks nervously, as if something is very wrong*
Jason Maier: 20 miles....and not a vehiicle in sight.
Dana Mackintosh2: *nods to Spader, face grim*
~ butterfly ~: (*boogies on out* Don't forget Daisy's with you in spirit... and praying her bum off for all of the family!)
Simon Everson: *hey ho, hey ho, it's off to work I go, To kill and to maim and to slay and to lay blame, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He throws his senses outward, making his way unerringly to Jason.*
Terrence Hardy: *Terrence stands perhaps 6ft tall, and is faintly attractive. He has short, blonde hair, and his pale grey eyes are hidden beneath glasses blacker than night. He appears to be somewhere in his late twenties, and is dressed in an expensive-looking charcoal-grey suit, with a similarly costly black overcoat. His silk tie is a dark red. He seems fastidiously neat. When he speaks, his voice is mild, clear, and with a pronounced English accent.*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Sapder, looks a bit outraged* from WHO?
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks at JUSTIN* What about me, Father?
Aefle Moxe: -looks over at JON- if you can.. give me the general direction, I have find the best passage from us to her and back... eagle eyes veiw of sorts...
Terrence Hardy: *blinks in surprise*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : [[terrance dude, were all in hell, none is in the church and only franchesca is outside, unconcious]]
Dana Mackintosh2: *nods to Auggy, moves to stand beside him*
Justyne Donnelly: *nodds at FJQ, reluctant to let Jon out of her sight..but Big Poppa knows his stuff. she moves closer to Alefe.*
ST from Hell: The walk is a rough, dry, and tiring one. Something here hangs in the air that just makes you feel as though you've been through the wringer and the day is only beginning-with no end in sight. The smoke that pours from multiple fires inside the city walls smells like burning tires, garbage, and charred human waste. The reek stings the inside of noses and makes throats feel dry. A taste actually forms inside the mouth failtly after a while. The walls of the city rise fifty feet--various portals, great and small, mark passages where the trails wander. Tracks can now be seen here, tracks of bare human feet, tracks of hooves, splayed beastlike toes, snaketrails, and even the tires of some vehicle.
~ butterfly ~: (*LMAO* @ Simon.. as I go...)
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~smiles at sabrina~ Thou art with simon
Aefle Moxe: -stops in her tracks and chokes, blinking serveral times.. then breaks her link with FINN.. looking even paler for a moment-
Terrence Hardy: ((Thank god for that!!!))
Simon Everson: *pokes SAB* he said, paladins's in front
Jason Maier: Johann>>~TS~ Move it, troop. We're getting march order set. *moving to guard Serena*
Sabrina Christenson: *Nods and looks to SIMON* I'll follow your lead...
ST from Hell: *The hole/portal is now shrunk to the size of a trashcan, and looks unstable*
Serena Monroe : * looks at Quinn and moves next to Jason * talk a bout quality time * mumbles*
Justyne Donnelly: *snorts at tjhe dust in her nose, and looks at Alefe..she's not exactly sqeamish, is she* what?
Dana Mackintosh2: *this being a big fucking weakness of hers, she stumbles several times on the walk, exhausted, feeling her strength sapping from her, the anxiety beginning to rise* ((yup, damn st *S*))
Terrence Hardy: *peers at his watch*
Sabrina Christenson: ((Must have missed that one. *S*)) *Moves to the front, Gladius at the ready.*
Jason St. Augustine: *Just nods, readying himself slowly-spinning the glaive, going through some short moves*
Serena Monroe : * looks around looks at the ground and looks up so she doesn't walk into anyone in front of her*
Jason Maier: *chuckles* Yup.
Simon Everson: *he and SAB set a hard pace, moving quickly, no need for weapons, what's he going to attack a demon? where's it going to go when he kills it? Heaven?*
Aefle Moxe: -looks at TYNE and blinks a couple times, then shakes her head- nothing.. nothing I am fine.. -starts walking again-
Jason St. Augustine: *Offers his arm to Dana should she need it*
Dana Mackintosh2: *sticks by Auggy, but well out of the way of his sword, fumbling with a pentacle around her neck. It's silver, with leaves and branches twining through the symboly*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~he lets them speak and move as they will, traveling alway stightly, it helps them thru it, they were not warriors but just the faithfull~
ST from Hell: ((*L*@Simon))
Dana Mackintosh2: *won't take his arm, too much pride*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He activates Luna's Armor as he steps up behind Jason, his nose wrinkling as the scents fill his sensitive nostrils.* ~TS~ It is hard to track in here... shouldn't we try to put something in the hole to stop it from closing? *He glances around for a long stout rod or something.*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Aelfe..shruggs, and moves on. or starts to,. she glances at Dana, in concern, and checks her over..*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Follows along heeping an ear traind for incomming "trafic" Jon puls a micro bionic ear from his pack, and fit sthe piece to his left ear. Sweeping behind them for sound*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : [[by the way that's a NO on the +2 per faith point]]
Serena Monroe : * thinks to herself ..well the priest warned me if i didn't change my ways ..* looks down at her hand some blood dripping from gripping the cross to tightly*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: Delete the first part of that post.
Sabrina Christenson: *Keeps her weapon out as she treks alongside Simon...if nothing else, the blade comforts her.*
Dana Mackintosh2: *to all appearances, she's fine. But the sense of exhaustion without end weighs heavily on her heart and it shows*
Simon Everson: *that's it, no more baby sitting with Jason*
Aefle Moxe: -walking slowly, she continues to use Eagle sight as her 'second sight' making sure nothing is coming thier way-
ST from Hell: Outside the city gates,as the infernal night creeps in, stand the ruins of other cities long since buried in the dust of bones and souls. There sits upon a pillar, a creature of nightmare symmetry. It's wings of thin leathery skin fold around it, and from time to time, it spreads them as it shifts it's weight or fiddles with one of the small objects it holds. It turns and scans the surroundings in bored nonchalance.
Jason Maier: ~TS~ Not sure if we can keep it from doing so, but...*moves to normal speech* Uh, this may be a dumb time to ask, but what's the exit plan? I mean, I think the hole we cam into is closing.
Justyne Donnelly: *helps Dana up. if she likes it or not. but seesm to prefer to want to pull her up the nice way*
Simon Everson: *eeek* "..well, um that's new."
Serena Monroe : * blinks and stops walking*
Jason Maier: Simon>>You guys have done this before?
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: Jason> ~TS~ Nothing around to use...
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Maier* it's starting to be like old hat. except it is different, all the time.
Simon Everson: "i have, but i'm old Celestial chorus.." *looks at the creature*
Jason Maier: ~TS~ Then we'll stress about getting out when we have what we cam here for.
Sabrina Christenson: *Looks at the creature, the hairs on the back of her neck rising, but her face remaining in a forced calm.*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : "Keep Moving ~he commands~
Dana Mackintosh2: The Lord is my light and my salvation, in whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers assail me to devour my flesh-- my adversaries and foes-- they shall stumble and fall. Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though war rise up against me, yet I will be confidant.
ST from Hell: It smells the air with raised wings and shifts more actively on it's pillar-top perch. Then it suddenly spreads its wings and leaps monkeylike outward, gliding in a shallow spiral. It sweeps across the dusty ground, making dust devils spring up in the wake of its wingtip currents. Its eyes pierce the deepening gloom and it lands, walking toward the group in springy steps, wings still outspread in cautious preparation for instant flight. Then, it springs up and flies away, as if afraid to come nearer.
Jason Maier: *Just shakes his head in wonderment*
Justyne Donnelly: *keeps moving..helping Dana, staying near Alefe..*
Dana Mackintosh2: *thanks Tyne with a weak smile, and walks on*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He growls softly, rolling his shoulders, not liking it here.* ~TS~ Who are all these people, Jason? Is someone doing the rite of the stone?
Aefle Moxe: -turns her gaze to the creature.. watching it carefully.. making sure its not a watchmen.. ready to move if it does-
Serena Monroe : * snaps out of it and keeps walking*
Sabrina Christenson: JASON>>I've seen many of these images before, in the dreams my former mentor has sent me...
Jason St. Augustine: *Keeps himself close to Dana, using his glaive for a walking staff*
Simon Everson: *yup, killing them don't make them go to haven and he doesn't like DOOM either, stupid game*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *as they are neering the city, he puts the ear away. Laying his hand to the hilt of the bastard sword. As with everyting else here, he channles his fear, and anger into energy,beating away the lethergy mentally*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~turns to look at Johann and sighs, ther's one in a new and bad place~
Jason Maier: ~TS~ They're...friends of Finn. I don;t know that anyone here can do the rite of the stone, as we seem to be the only Garou in this merry little band. However, Kades did tell me they have abilities similar.
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : "..Ignore the Gargoyle and move onward~!!!
Aefle Moxe: -speaks outwardly, french accent thick as she swallows back even her own fears- We need to hurry.. she might not survive if we take much longer...
Sabrina Christenson: *Is already moving forward, past the creature, as JUSTIN commands.*
Simon Everson: *head to the Gates, squinting againt the dust and the wind*
Jason Maier: *Nods and starts moving forward, no change in pace, staying close to Serena*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~shakes his head~ She's already dead.. ~mental counts everyone every 15 seconds~ Hell is torment, they can kill easisly enough..
Justyne Donnelly: *is still moving, helping Dana, and mirroring Alefe'as movements*
Dana Mackintosh2: O Lord, you hem me in before and behind, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me to attain. Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your prescence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle in the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast. *can't believe she can remember this stuff*
ST from Hell: The gate opens, rustily creaking hinges squeal like pigs being butchered, letting out a wash of effluvia and noxious odors that threaten to make even the strongest person ill. Yet, after the second breath, it seems to become second nature to breathe this, and while it still nauseates and disgusts, it is now just a part of the experience, another factor of the landscape. Despair fills the mind as the stench fills the lungs, and those things left undone come back in little flashes, those you've unintentionally hurt who are now gone, memories of pronises unfulfilled, opportunities lost. A feeling of "if only..."
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Silence reigns in his throat, vigilance in his eye*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He catches Justin's look, and remembers him from the Beach.* Jason> ~TS~ Is he the Alpha then? *Growls again at the gargoyle, but stays with the group, covering Jason and Serena's backs.*
Aefle Moxe: -looks back at Justin.. staring at him though she continues to walk.. then looks foreward again.. if she were any younger she might question him-
Simon Everson: *blinks at the smell and chocks a bit, coughing*
Jason Maier: Johann>>~TS~ He definitely has that air about him. Keep close, bro.
Justyne Donnelly: *looks like she wishes to be ill for a moment..and then, forces her breathing down..slow..* (Do..)
Jason St. Augustine: *Doesn;t blink, doesn;t cough, doesn't even seem to breathe*
Dana Mackintosh2: *swallows hard, hates nausea as well, but the "if only" doesn't even touch her*
Aefle Moxe: -doesnt breathe-
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He gets bombarded with feelings, since they are right on the surface of his mind anyway, and has to forcefully fight them with his will to keep moving.*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~there are many onlys, and many more doublts, but he continues on, drivn by his oath of Loyalty (2 will) and his oath to a fellow crown(3 will) and his own personal code of Honor(3 will) and even more so, his sense of faith and purpose (6 will) ==24 willpower eq.
Serena Monroe : * coughs a bit and tries to breath *
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): My father once told the minister of our church that God wasn't in the church on Sunday morning. God wa out on the lake with my dad, bringing in the largemouth,and just watchin. So I know he's here with me now. Know that if you believe in him, then always does he go with you.
Justyne Donnelly: ((hmm..have the first 2..))
Jason Maier: ~TS~Keep tight, and keep the wolf down as much as possible. Dar briefed you, right?
Justyne Donnelly: *glances at Jon,*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: Inner conviction/Personal Code of Honor here.
ST from Hell: A cart filled with chopped bodily parts is pulled out by naked barefoot humans in a barbed-wire harness. Their eyes are dulled from overwork. Atop the cart rides an ox-headed brute holding a whip that he cracks upon th backs of those he drives. He glances at the direction of the group, but makes no attempt to do anything about it, such is the confidence of those who dwell here. However, the Faith is felt and it looks at the group, then veers away by whipping viciously at the slaves who cry out under the lash.
Simon Everson: *just has a need to live up to his name :simon kills things.*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He quietens for a moment, hesitating before answering.* Jason> ~TS~ He didn't say anything about it, one way or another. I only know we are trying to get Danny and a kin back.
Justyne Donnelly: *snarls at the inhuman sighst..thinks about freeing those slaves..sticking the instrument of torture up the slavedriver's..area, but it will not help..she came for the Waterfowl, she's getting the Waterfowl.*
Jason Maier: *Holsters the shotgun, no reason to get twitchy and have it go off at a bad moment*
Dana Mackintosh2: *winces visibly, clenching her jaw as her faith causes ones to suffer more*
Aefle Moxe: -watches the cart. sighing softly. Then continues to move.. looking around the city.. trying to figure out where Finn would be-
Dana Mackintosh2: *has no regrets whatsoever. What is done, is done, and what will be, will be.*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *Growls again as he sees the cart.*
Serena Monroe : * watches and sighs softly *
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : "Jon Aefle, keep away from each other, i don't want you both to fall, Jon go with Sabrina and Simon, Aefle come with me amd Dana. Johann (how does he know your name?) Stay with SERENA and JASON M. JAson, your' with tyne
Jason Maier: ~TS~ Here's the deal. Don;t breach the veil unless someone'll die if we don't. Other than that, trust these guys to know they're doing the right thing, and if we all survive, we definitely need to talk to Finnuala about this.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He raises his head, nostrils flaring, trying to scent Danny amid all of this.*
ST from Hell: Dark streets,potholes and corners slick with rotting blood and feces await. Small things crawl around in the puddles, feeding and chittering in high squeaky voices in glee as they bathe, happy as little bluebirds in a garden. The sounds of human, and even inhuman suffering begin to filter through the air, deepening the temptation to despair and fear.
Justyne Donnelly: *nodds, looks at Auggy* you and me.
Jason St. Augustine: *Nods and shifts to pair up with Tyne* Lets go Zen babe.
Serena Monroe : * looks at Quinn and looks at the others*
Simon Everson: *nods to Quinn and waits Jon to join them*
Aefle Moxe: -looks back at Justin and Dana, moving over to them.. looking back at Tyne a moment, then moves to Justin's side-
Justyne Donnelly: *looks slightly..put off for a moment..despair might have had her ankle for a second there..but nah..she's fine now..*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He blinks at Justin when he says his name, but figures he had heard it on the Beach that night.*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Eyes watch, the soul twitches, but the holy knight inside sys that most of those here are hre by thieir own design, and the religion allows forgiveness, but also judgement. Using ~PK~ Jon attempts to ret the whip from it's hand (Str 4, and suprise?)*
Jason Maier: *Kepps himself close to Serena and Johann* Keep her between us, bro.
Justyne Donnelly: *tilts her head to the side, glancing at Aelfe* "Be not afriad. The Lord theybGod, he will not fail thee..he will never leave thee.."..*goes with Auggy, shadowing him now*
Serena Monroe : * grips her ears* no stay out of my head
Simon Everson: *hasn't said any prayers, he's not going to die here, daiys would beat him silly*
Jason Maier: *Whirls, looking instinctively for the source of whatever's attacking Serena*
ST from Hell: *The whip is torn from the hand of the driver, and he reacts by lashing with the barbed wire reins, tearing at the ones trying to please him by running ahead of the cart. Body parts spill off onto the ground and the demon raises a shrill ululating call for assistance.*
Aefle Moxe: -smiles slightly at TYNE's words.. perhaps she spent too long in that women's head-
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Moves to Simon's side*
Jason St. Augustine: *Tenses at the call* That does not sound like an invitation to tea...
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He nods to Jason, shifting position to flank Serena, nostrils still twitching.*
Dana Mackintosh2: *calm, hears the voice, answers it*
Aefle Moxe: -looks over at the cart, then to those in her party.. wondering who did that-
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : Oh, that was brillain~
Jason Maier: ~TS~ You smell anything like Danny or the Kin?
Serena Monroe : * breaths a bit and takes her hands away from her ears*
Dana Mackintosh2: *answers it, if even in her own mind*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the driver. like a pit bull perched at the edge of a table..awaitng FJQ's slightest allowance to go..Kick the ASS*
Jason Maier: *Wraps an arm around Serena, whispering, activating a gift*(Resist Pain)
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He growls softly, but if he learned one thing so far it was to not be easily goaded anymore and he attempts to block the voice, and thinking "Get out of my head!".*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : "..we came here to find one person, not save all those who belong here, AM I MAKING MY SELF CLEAR!!!
Aefle Moxe: -stops and looks around, then up at Justin-
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): The hand is dead! I kiled all of them. And I did not break my sword. God sent his fire through it to destroy the demon!
Voice of Reason - Justyne Donnelly: you are a cannot protect the water fowl.
Serena Monroe : * looks at Jason and offers a small smile* I'm okay
Jason Maier: *Lifts an eyebrow, whispering* Death, is not an option.
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at FJQ, nodds empahticly..*
Dana Mackintosh2: *nods once, solemnly*
Simon Everson: *growls and closes his eyes* I did not leave them, and this converstaion is over
Justyne Donnelly: *glares at the sky. voices..again* Hah Hah! it shows, what you know. you can. kiss my ass. clear to the brown.
Jason St. Augustine: *Looks at Spader, wondering what the hell's gotten into him before the answer becomes clear*
Justyne Donnelly: *glances at Spader, thinking. he is not used to them speaking to him. perhaps this is why he is acting oddly*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He hears Justin.* Na, we comes saves *twos*.
Jason St. Augustine: *Closes his eyes* I will return to my wife.
Jason Maier: *Nods in soft agreement*
Father Justin Quinn (Beatific) : ~looks at AEFLE And JON~ Find her! NOW!
Simon Everson: *white hot nuckles *
Justyne Donnelly: *walks over, into the direction of Spader, approaching with caution* You..Jon. are you allright?
ST from Hell: *The demon lashes barbed wire into the two slaves again and lurches the cart out of sight around the city wall*
Aefle Moxe: -hearing the others, she ignores the voice and steps just a bit closer to Justin, scanning the area again, whispering to herself- Finn where are you?
Serena Monroe : * her eyes become angry* no I didn't wasn't my fault
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *falls instantly in line to the voice of authority* Sir, yes sir!
ST from Hell: (Who's going inside of the city?)
Justyne Donnelly: *is going wherever she is directed. right now, is near Spader, eyeing him oddly, and keeping a general eye on the surroundings*
Aefle Moxe: -jumps a bit at Justin yelling at her, as she always does and stops.. closing her eyes.. using every ounce of power she has to locate Finn- (okay we are talking alot of auspex on this character sheet)
Scarlett Adams: *A young girl steps off the Mag Lev. Her long black hair is up in a ponytail and her glowing brown eyes tell the tail of someone who is to mischevious for their own good. She is wearing a pair of worn black jeans, a black t-shrit, black hightops, an old brown leater coat, and brown cowboy hat. Over her shoulders are a guitar and a almost worn out back pack. She stops and looks up in confusion and horror at th chruch.* Inari...
Serena Monroe : * she soflty sighs and does wonder her mind filling with doubts*
Dana Mackintosh2: *growls slightly, her lips thin into a white line*
Simon Everson: *shakes his head again and responds to the note of authority, instilled in the bond* Yes sir.
Jason Maier: *Whispers to Serena* What's it saying, listen to my voice in your ears...hear what I'm saying...~TS~ Johann, get the sniffer up, I don;t think we have much time to play...
Aefle Moxe: -growls a bit, fingers coming to her temples as she concentrates past the voice in her mind.. looking for Finn-
Justyne Donnelly: *seems all too used to hearing voices. it doesn't even phase her anymore, though it does annoy her. She looks at the city gates, trepidatiuosly..and waits. Alefe is doing her thing..*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He continues, but shakes his head at Jason.* ~TS~ Too many other scents... I can't find his...
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): Tyne> Fine, just someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. *Jon sinkis to a kneeling position. He closes his eyes* Ok, now to try reverse clairvoyance. God, guide my body. ((Lets try this. *S* Using ~PK~ to make him weightlss, Jon pictures Fin in his mind letting his sesnes go to her, but not letting his senses leave his body, it must follow along with them? Got a chance of working? ))
Serena Monroe : * looks at Jason and shakes her head not wanting to discuss it* no I'm okay
Dana Mackintosh2: *mutters* It is not an evil thing to love. It is not something I need to be ashamed of.
Jason Maier: *Nods*~TS~ Keep trying, man.
ST from Hell: A serene, and somehow out of place being approaches from out of the haze outside of the city wall. His black curly hair hangs heavily over his broad shoulders. He walks with a sure and steady step, barefooted over stones of flint and quarts as sharp as broken glass. He wears a serpent skin for a loincloth, and his brow seems to host a third eye, as clear blue and piercing as the other two normal ones. His wings, batlike and immense-proportionate to his human scale, tear away any illusion that he might be a true Angel in the Victorian artistic sense. He waits then, just staring with his soul-touching eyes. Finally-"I have waited an aeon for you. The prophecy is finally to come to pass. Welcome, all ye who were foretold, welcome to the domain of hopelessness and despair, where I am to guide you. My name is Amroth. My Mother has bade me wait these years for you. Will you let me take you to the Rack of the Infidels?
Scarlett Adams: *Puts her backpack and guitar down and looks around outside with curoisty*
Aefle Moxe: -chokes a bit at what she see's and her eyes come open quickly- no no Finn.. you dont want that just hang on ole girl.. -moves quickly to the doors, not waiting on the others-
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *The voice hit on one thing, and he thought he had dealt with it. He shakes his head and continues to try to scent Danny.*
Jason Maier: *Growls softly* You can shut up any fuckin' time now.
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Spader, nodds, knowing of what he speaks. she is silent..he, and Alefe, are trying to concentrate...then..a tiny smile on her face..she gets an idea..she looks very sad, and heaves a heavy sigh..perhaps the voices will flock to her..despair.*
Simon Everson: *Simon moves with AEfle quickly*
Father Justin Quinn: ~his eyes are attentive, bold even, he's heard these words himself and already knows the answers~
Father Justin Quinn: ~loosk at the figure~ Seek and thee shall find truth
Jason St. Augustine: *Looks at FJQ, then Tyne* Follow?
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the demon. looks to her leaders. waits.*
Serena Monroe : * lays a hand on Jason's arm and looks at him with her unbandaged eye*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He growls deeply then.* I don't know what was told to him by others... I know what *I* said... I never meant... *He falters for a moment.*
Scarlett Adams: *attempts to look in the chuch to make sure that no one is inside*
Aefle Moxe: -keeps a connection to Finn this time.. trying to touch her mind.. let her know they are there.. looking around franticly as she pushes herself to enter the city.. looking for the direction.-
Jason Maier: Johann>>You getting the grief I'm getting?
Justyne Donnelly: (at Auggy) Darkness Light. I do not know. I wait, on the FJQ.
Aefle Moxe: -looks at the Demon and growls- where would go to find a Crucifixion?
Simon Everson: *is with Aefle*
Jason St. Augustine: Tyne>>Gotcha.
Serena Monroe : * lays a hand on Johann arm as well and looks at him also*
Father Justin Quinn: ~the crusfixition snaps up his head, that does draw his attention like nothing else~
Aefle Moxe: -blinks and reacts like she was slapped.. looking back at Justin..and blinks.. then back to the demon.. swallowing her reaction-
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *He stands, unable to get his body to follow his mind* Damm. Didn't work. *Looks up to see the big guy* Uh, right.
Jason St. Augustine: *And his hand convulses around the glaive, metal being crushed just a bit*
Justyne Donnelly: *follows Alefe, but stays, with Auggy. hears crucifixion, and even her calssic mask of stoicness cannot hide her horror, and concern..for a second. then she is nor,mal again*
Aefle Moxe: -looks around frantically again.. listening for the cheers with heighten senses- where are you Finn.. scream for me.. scream...
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *His fists curl up, and the wolf inside sees red.*
ST from Hell: (Amroth) Aefle> Dear Lady, there is but one place for the infidels in this city, this one of many cities here. All things are relative, time, distance, even your very experiences here. I am native, and will be tormented as is my Mother if we are caught. Time grows short. May I lead all of you?
Serena Monroe : * blinks and snatches back her hands * noo I am not seeing this * closes her eyes and talks to herself* noo she's gone ..gone gone gone ..buried ...* mumbling *
Father Justin Quinn: ~looks at Dana~ Thou hold the key, what say thee
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Alefe, and back at the demon.* Your Mother?
Jason Maier: *Looks over at Johann* ~TS~ Keep it down...we know what happened and why. Nothing will change it. Not even a voice in our heads persuading us otherwise.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): Yeah, and i n the game of life, avoiding death is cheating. (there, that got the voice, he knoews it. *S*)
Jason Maier: *Puts an arm around Serena* Come on...hold it together, babe....
Scarlett Adams: *closes her eyes* Inari, what has happened here? *opens them again* Help is needed....*nods as if she has made up her mind, picks up her guitar and backpack.*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: {Romani, as was other post) He didn't have to leave... that was his choice... he would have told me to ignore what others say... like Syntax... find strength *inside*... *I* wanted his help, I never thought him too old...
Father Justin Quinn: ~closes his eyes in shear bliss and then gasps~ I so do not want to be here ~pause~ but here i stay until i am free ~looks at the demon ~
Charles "Dragger" Ng: *wanders in on the scene*
Serena Monroe : * feels Jason arm around her and she slowly opens her eye and looks and looks up and Jason and nods and looks forward*
Scarlett Adams: *looks over to Charles* Ummmm, this is not a place for people now.
Dana Mackintosh: For a time, yes. Demon, what can you pledge to us that you will not lead us astray.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: Khul, Daenna... *He screams out, and closes his eyes, trying to block the images.* NA!!!!!!!!
Aefle Moxe: -waiting for the sound of cheers...-
ST from Hell: Justyne> My Mother, she who gave me form. She upon whom I have bestowed another child, whom she was forced to eat. You know her. You're here because of her.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He clutches the little knotted ribbon tightly, shaking his head.* {Romani} Not me... no... *Blows WP to not go over the edge.*
ST from Hell: Dana> I will lead you, and you will lead me to the World above. // *CHEERS like the superbowl erupt from the city*
Father Justin Quinn: ~looks at the demon~ Child of Lillith, thou wert givin and answer, thou art compelded to lead us to a suffering woman.
Dana Mackintosh: *growls* The only weakness here is in your flawed reasoning.
Justyne Donnelly: *just looks at the demon, conbfused as hell* Finnuala? (more of a squeak, really)
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *just waits, for FJQ to give the word* ~ Very quietly, almost unhearable~ Jonathon fought the batle of Jericho......
Jason Maier: Johann>>~TS~ C'mon...block it out...would the Wolf listen? *Guessing that he's catching something similar to what Jason is*
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to the Quinn* I say we go with it, but as always, stand on guard.
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the demon, nodds again* Take us to Finnuala.
Charles "Dragger" Ng: ((Dlp)) *enters Church*
Jason St. Augustine: *agrees most heartily*
Scarlett Adams: *turns to Charles* Ummmm, not good...*drops her backpack and guitar and walks after him* Bad idea.
Dana Mackintosh: *is painfully aware that she is bargaining with a demon. well, it wouldn't be the first time*
ST from Hell: Quinn> *Inclines his head and leads inward* // Justyne> Yes, that was her name many years ago.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He fights to hear Jason's voice.*
Voice of Reason: *[[charles, upon entering the awakend church, please roll a willpower roll of diff 8, and soak 5 agg , never mind, your form is human, you take 5 agg]]
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann concerned*
ST from Hell: CHARLES and SUN> *There's a small glowing, smoking hole in the floor about the size of a trashcan*
Voice of Reason: *[[SCALTET- you too now., upon entering the awakend church, please roll a willpower roll of diff 8, and soak 5 agg , never mind, your form is human, you take 5 agg]]
Justyne Donnelly: *just..blinks..looks at the demon..they lie..they all lie, she knows why is all this information bothering her? something about it doesn't seem right, is all. later for that..get the Waterfowl, everything will be will* yes. lead on.
Jason Maier: ~TS~ Start talking to me, Johann...*raises his mental voice up a notch*
ST from Hell: (Amroth) *Looks at Dana for too long...*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Knows, just knows, that's what he heard wasn't a good thing*
Jason St. Augustine: Tyne...are you certain...
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks, but her sapphire eyes remain steady on the demon*
Serena Monroe : * closes her eyes* No ! covers her eyes wanting the picture to go away*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Auggy..slightly hautedly* she cannot stay here another minute..
Father Justin Quinn: ~walks over and Shovers the demon (6 agg) ~ I said LEAD ON.
Scarlett Adams: *jumps back from the doors letting out a yip* Charles> Get out of there.
Dana Mackintosh: *snrals* Hurt him and you die.
Charles "Dragger" Ng: *Stumbles back in pain, I would think*
Aefle Moxe: YES! _at the sound of the cheers she takes off.. burning blood as she draws her sword from her hip, running the direction of the cheers-
Dana Mackintosh: *looks to Quinn, to Aefle, to the Demon* I vote we follow her.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *His body is trembling with the effort to control and he finally gains it by a thread.* ~TS~ I won't do it...
Voice of Reason: CHARLES SCARLET>> upon entering the church, your souls (like it says ) were attacked by the rather pissed off demons inside. This was immediate and deadly(ergo the 5 aggravated damage) They how in anger and defaince, not wating to kil, but disable
Jason Maier: *Wraps an arm around Serena* Shhh...
Justyne Donnelly: *runs with Alefe. screw wingy boy there. he's slower than moasses, in her driven mind.*
ST from Hell: (Amroth) Ahrrr! *His dark angelic features twist in pain* I'm doing it! *He walks onward through the twisting streets, obviously taking a back route, the long way to avoid traffic*
Charles "Dragger" Ng: *Gasping in pain on the ground in front of the church*
Simon Everson: *moves after AEFLE in the Rush*
Jason St. Augustine: Tyne>>Aye, but will it lead us to her as we know her?
ST from Hell: (Amroth) NO! *Runs after Aelfe*
Father Justin Quinn: ~doesn't follow the demon, follows AEFLE making sure of his HEAD COUNT~
Dana Mackintosh: *starts to say to Quinn "you didn't have to hurt him" then smacks herself upside the head.*
Serena Monroe : * pushes Jason away* no stay away from me * heads with the others*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Begins to move with the rest of them. The voice in his head has t be the devil, and the devil is a liar, so he will ignore the lies*
Jason Maier: ~TS~ That's to me Johann...lemme know how you;re doing...
Dana Mackintosh: *demon, aefle, demon, aefle, demon*
Dana Mackintosh: *can't believe she's trusting a demon here*
Jason Maier: *Pulls his lips back in a snarl* No...Serena's right here, I can feel her...
Dana Mackintosh: *however, she sticks with the crowns, shooting an apologetic look back at Amroth*
Aefle Moxe: -celerity 7 now active, she spins on her heel as AMROTH comes at her and slices at his midsection with the sword, not allowing her momentum to stop, she turns again slicing at his head-
Father Justin Quinn: ~grabs DANA by the hand and looks into her eyes~ There is only one True god, and thou think that's a crock. MOVE
Scarlett Adams: *looks over Charles with big brown eyes, tears running from the pain* We need to get out of here.
Justyne Donnelly: *snapps too at FJQ's command, drasticly altering her body so that she manuvers around the stampede, to run side by side with Auggy*
Jason St. Augustine: *Keeps himself close to Tyne, whatever may happen*
ST from Hell: (Amroth) *Halts before reaching Aelfe* LADY, Please, that way is too direct! They'll find you.
Dana Mackintosh: *moves with Quinn, is pretty willing to believe in a True One right now, having fully regressed back into the strength of her days when she led a Baptist youth group*
Voice of Reason: sCarlet and charles>> The demons hover over you both, your entrails seeming to hover on the ground in front of them.. salavating
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He speaks to himself as much as Jason.* ~TS~ No, lies.... all lies.... not *special*, either good or bad... that's how I know its lies... *He stays beside Jason, his gift still activated. A tiny spot on his hip, an old scar seems to burn faintly.*
Father Justin Quinn: ~grabs the demon from behind (6agg) and throws him further into AEfle sword~ Die with the rest
Jason Maier: Now c'mon, happy campers...we do not want to get lost here. *Leads them to stay near FJQ*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *knowing only that they all have to stay together, he reaches out with his mind, grabbing both Aefl, and Tyne of the ground and holding them in the air, pulling them back to the rest of the group. (using ~PK~ str 4 hold on each) He has to concentrate just slightly to hold both*
Simon Everson: *moves in the directin aefle was going*
Serena Monroe : * just moves with the others not looking at Jason but just forward*
Scarlett Adams: *looks up in difance and slowly begins to shift to Koto*
ST from Hell: *Amroth is impaled on her sword in shock and his eyes widen in a sense of betrayal*
Justyne Donnelly: *does not move, wondering why they are killing someone, who might actully be trying to help them..but who knows..they all lie..and where is the Waterfowl. this is not good, damnit.*
Scarlett Adams: *looks up in difance and slowly begins to shift to Koto*
ST from Hell: *Amroth is impaled on her sword in shock and his eyes widen in a sense of betrayal*
Justyne Donnelly: *does not move, wondering why they are killing someone, who might actully be trying to help them..but who knows..they all lie..and where is the Waterfowl. this is not good, damnit.*
Voice of Reason - Justyne Donnelly: ~it's justice, raping Finnuala and your watching, ready to participate..then cecil joins in~
ST from Hell: (Amroth) ...The Prophecy-no, I lead you, you free me.......
Voice of Reason: scarlet, Charles>> The demons seem to want you to try something, anything, they would welcome a fight after all that faith..
Father Justin Quinn: ~when all else fails, takes your anger out on the demon~
Father Justin Quinn: But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Jason St. Augustine: *shakes his head, trying to clear the visions* That...does not...compute.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *he draws his 2 fangs (swords) and moves with the rest of the group.* ~quietly~ I'm sorry.
Justyne Donnelly: *snarls at something, and grabbs her own hed..sheer will keeping her avatar from reacting defensively..and she does..something..anything..think, thinks..trying to block the image out...she never before, on her DO traning..but that seems so far away now..*
Scarlett Adams: *tries to pick up Charles and take him away* Inari help me.
Aefle Moxe: -her eyes narrows and she spits the words in Latin at Amroth- I have no soul to loose, but I will not trust any whom wish to take from me my life.. die... -twists the sword, ensuring the kill and pulls it away... then turns and begins back to the direction she was running-
Dana Mackintosh: *feels bad for betraying the demon*
Dana Mackintosh: *walks to stand by Tyne, grabbing onto her shoulder and concentrating as hard as she can on a calm pine glad in the winter under the midnight stars*
Simon Everson: *his eyes seach out, he riskes the pradox ()2 succs) to do a corr/mind search of the area for finnuala*
Charles Ng: *Grabs Scarlett, and begins to drag their bodies from the church*
ST from Hell: (Amroth) *Doesn't die-as is the toughness of demons, but he doesn't get up, nor does he defend himself.*
Voice of Reason: SCARLET>> *HOWLS in her wear, sweet testiment.. to a benedication of pain . A small demon rubbs your blood over his body*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, from between her fingers, which grip her if to tear it out. her green eyes like an angry sea, maddened..and not just with anger..she mutters, stocily as always..* I am fine.
Charles Ng: *Musters his will together to carry them away*
Scarlett Adams: *Full Koto form trying to get out of the church*
Serena Monroe : * watches Amroth and blinks*
Dana Mackintosh: *whispers* Hear my mind. *and from the forest comes a great bear, a feeling of safety*
Aefle Moxe: -she slows a bit in her running.. hesitating.. -
Charles Ng: *He speaks a few words, calling forth the spirits of shadow to rise and hide them from the hungry spirits*
Simon Everson: *SCREAMS, falling to his knees* Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.
Dana Mackintosh: You lie!!!! *she spits the words out* LIAR!!! I ~tried~..*tears run down a grim and pale face*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *I gues Jon released the 2* Reverts to urban warfare mode, he leaps, and runs up the wall, standing a short distance up. Taking a sentry watch*
Jason Maier: *Whispering to Johann and Serena* C'mon...stay close, we're almost there.
Serena Monroe : * snaps out of it and covers her ears at the screams*
Voice of Reason: Charles and SCARLET >> Get out of the vile place as the demons eat the shadows spirta hunrgyly
Dana Mackintosh: *she collects herself* We're all seeing images, we need some way to block them.
ST from Hell: *More cheering from a central edifice*
Jason St. Augustine: Dana>>and that is all any of us can do.
Serena Monroe : * nods to Jason putting her hands down and stay near him and Johann*
Father Justin Quinn : "blessed at the peace makesr for they shall inherit the earth.. ~Pools his faith~ We must be strong..
ST from Hell: (Amroth) Go on, go on, quickly. The prophecy must come true!
Justyne Donnelly: *keeps walking..her usual backup support gone now..the Bear though, is a comfort, and reminder that she won't be alone for long.*
Dana Mackintosh: *pools her faith with quinn's*
Aefle Moxe: -hears the cheering and looks up again, blinking back her own torment and starts running hard again towards the edifice-
Simon Everson: *he takes the second, as his skin runs like water* (forces, corr light to lead then) *THERE!!!!!
Scarlett Adams: *falls to the ground outside and looks over to Charles.* *DD5'6" 104 lbs. She now has the face of a red fox and the feet of a fox as well, but she still retains hands with fingers, although they are furry and red.* *slowly shifting back as she realizes she is outside*
Dana Mackintosh: *and keeps the bear in mind*
Jason Maier: *Swallows and nods, trusting in this Alpha personage*
Father Justin Quinn : ~he gathers up the fallen and moves them onward~
Jason St. Augustine: Simon>>You positive?
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Amaroth* you. if you..betray us..never mind. you'll find out. *looks at the others, regaining her composure, hears Dana, wishes she could do something..but cannot. Pradox would just lap her up like ice cream* no..we deal with them..
Serena Monroe : * keeps moving with the others*
Dana Mackintosh: *walks with Quinn, keeping pace, jaw set, no more will die for her foolishness*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He thinks about it, thinks of allowing the red haze to come and riding it, instead of it riding him.*
ST from Hell: The arena: It sits in the center of the city, black stench-filled smoke rising from piles of burning materials inside the central ring. The hapless, hopeless ones there are tied to poles with their own extruded intestines. The fires eat at them from the feet upward, and wail as they might, plead and beg as they may, death does not come and kindly take them. A Priest, a Vampire, a woman in a 1950's homemaker's hairstyle and apron-now covered with drying gore. They all three burn over flames of blue and red. The further end of the arena holds a special attraction it seems, as nightmarish creatures crowd around some attraction, all clamouring in jealousy and covetousness over whatever lies therein.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *calls down upon the group* There is but one voice, and that is His. The voice that lies deep within the space that you know to be you. Listen to his voice, and all others shal become as static, and the lies of he deceiver shall crumble before the light of truth. *extends his ~TF2~ to bring th e words to all of them*
Jason St. Augustine: *Moving forward at a solid, unwavering pace*
Aefle Moxe: -begins to pool her blood and activates her celerity once more.. preparing to hit hard and run fast-
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *His head jerks up then, catching a faint scent.* ~TS~ Danny? ooc: Does the TS still work here? If he is within 5 miles...
Charles Ng: *Pulls scarlett further away* Come with me, I have a place to go. *Clutches his innards* *gasp* Car not far.
ST from Hell: *A thousand flies rise up and swarm over Jonathon*
Father Justin Quinn : ~takes Simon in hand and lifts him along~ move onward, we are hhere to save TWO TODAY~
Justyne Donnelly: *goes with the FJQ..staying near Auggy, in front of this..Dana...and ready to ..yes. Kick the Ass.*
ST from Hell: Johann> *There's no answer from Danny, but the faint scent is nearby.*
Charles Ng: *gives his thoughts of thnks to the spirits which aided him.*
Voice of Reason: (Inside church) the demons look around, their prey has gone, they see them outside and almost venture out
Scarlett Adams: *looks over curosly* Not afraid of me? *now a very young asian girl looking back at him and tries to follow him* What are you?
Jason Maier: ~TS~ DANNY!
Simon Everson: *is carried*
ST from Hell: Jason Maier> *No answer, but a feeling...*
Charles Ng: *Looks to the demons, draws a blade from his boot, prepares to do a warding rite*
Scarlett Adams: *looks back and grabs her guitar and backpack*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: {Romani} NO! No matter what, I would leave before that happens! I would die before I became marhime!
Justyne Donnelly: *takes off her sash..hell, she can't use it..and throws Spader to the ground, covering his mouth with the sash, so they they cannot invade his nose, and mouth..she seeming to need little air..*
Simon Everson: *scrambles out of Justin'e hands and thru the people now*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *moves along the walls, keeping high watch, he clings to the sides of the buildings with a touch (think spiderman) and leaps acros to the next one when a break ocurrs*
ST from Hell: *The flies crawl all over both Tyne and Spader*
Charles Ng: Scarlet> *quietly* Move quickly, they are bold, and I am more hurt than I seem. *He stands straight up, and moves as if he were uninjured, only slower*
Scarlett Adams: *silent prayer* Inari protect us *half walks half stumbles back toward Charles* We go now please?
Dana Mackintosh: *reaches out as if she could grasp the bloody hand*
ST from Hell: (Repost for those coming upon it now) The arena: It sits in the center of the city, black stench-filled smoke rising from piles of burning materials inside the central ring. The hapless, hopeless ones there are tied to poles with their own extruded intestines. The fires eat at them from the feet upward, and wail as they might, plead and beg as they may, death does not come and kindly take them. A Priest, a Vampire, a woman in a 1950's homemaker's hairstyle and apron-now covered with drying gore. They all three burn over flames of blue and red. The further end of the arena holds a special attraction it seems, as nightmarish creatures crowd around some attraction, all clamouring in jealousy and covetousness over whatever lies therein.
Jason Maier: *Looks to make sure that FJQ is going in the general proper direction* ~TS~ Danny, we're here...we're here for you, bro.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He tries to shake the voice from his head, and concentrate on Danny's scent, drawing on that inner conviction of his, and letting the anger help him for once, not overwhelm him.*
Charles Ng: Scarlet> I fear little. I am the "Dragger." I know of you.
Justyne Donnelly: *closes her eys..seems not to breathe..and follows Spader..holding onto his shirt*
Serena Monroe : * grimaces looking at the people on the poles feeling sick*
Dana Mackintosh: *gets a bad past life flash, pushes it away*
Father Justin Quinn : ~leaves the other briefly, movign to the crowd~
Scarlett Adams: *stands by Charles and retreats with him* Go inside was really bad idea.
Dana Mackintosh: *sticks by Quinn*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: {Romani} Lies... lies... bengalo lies! I make no difference, one way or another! *Firm belief.*
ST from Hell: Johann> *The scent leads off to the side a little, into a garden of living heads*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He tries to concentrate, moving in the direction of the scent, nostrils flaring widely now.*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -angry, very very angry right now... she draws her sword and with an inhuman speed begins running towards Finn-
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann*
Charles Ng: *moves towards his car* *A purple grand am* *6' Cantonese male, treelike arms and torso, with strength to match, piercing greeneyes that are touched by passion and madness. Black hair in a limp mohawk, hanging to the left.*
ST from Hell: Over the crowd of beings, there is erected a black and polished stone obelisk that reads: "That is not dead, which eternal may lie, and with strange aeons, even death may die." There is a pit, a smoldering pit with something happening inside of it. Unholy water flows out of spigots made of hollowed bones into the square hole, and four figures are surrounded by it, each staked to a dias about which the water flows. One of the individuals is male, one female. All have been skinned and as the water touches their raw flesh, eating at them, sulfur is added and ignited. The screams of unendurable, mindless pain shatter the air and a cheer goes up from the crowd. A few rocks are hurled into the pit in an attempt to strike the writhing, deathless, yet impossibly damaged ones inside.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *as the flis swarm, he leaps into the air, acrobaticaly lands near FJQ again, hopefully back int the range of the rest of the faith*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He moves into the garden, then blinks at the heads, vision swarming for a moment before he growls deeply.*
Jason Maier: *Keeps a close watch on both Johann and Serena* ((Player has to go in about 5 minutes))
Charles Ng: Scarlet> I was on the road, but I forgot to look. Sorry.
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -majesty now activated by the way (with bearing of kings merit makes her pretty freaking scary)-
Serena Monroe : * shakes her head and closes her eyes clenching her fists* nooo I am not that ..
Jason St. Augustine: *Blinks at the Use of Presence* Hmm..I always wondered if that would work...
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: I won't be too far behind you, Jason, I have a Christmas Party to go to tonight.
ST from Hell: Johann and Jason Maier> The heads watch as your feet walk among, in a comatose seeming, is Danny. *
Charles Ng: *They get into his car and drive away*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *The fine hair at the back of his neck twitches and itches, the small scar on his hip burning more, giving a faint heat over his entire body.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~looks at simon and then the other~ Be ready, ~
Jason Maier: *Holds up* ~TS~ conscious?
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: Are the heads on the ground itself, as if the body is buried?
ST from Hell: *The lesser demons and imps and misshapen things part before Aelfe. A few just watch her, torn for a moment from the entertainments inside.*
Simon Everson: *Growls and looks at Quinn and then tyne*
Justyne Donnelly: *glances at Alefe..realizing.that she is VERY impressive..and..she cannot even ever think of Kicking the Ass on her! looks for Finnuala..*
Serena Monroe : * sighs and looks around *
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): ((sorry, slow posting. 486 DX4/100. Not a speedster)) *He follows along, trying to mainain composure*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He drops down beside Danny, trying to now focus completely on him.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~turns to DANA ~ Summon their spirt and Bind them.. To Us.. "Simon, Tyne and I will Attempt to aid.
ST from Hell: Johann> *Body is buried* // Jason Maier> *He doesn't answer, and appears to be unconcious. A tube protrudes from the corner of his mouth*
Voice of Reason: *The person you all want to see more appears at your sides*
Serena Monroe : * looks to Jason and Johann and collects herself and walks to them*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -the demons parting like the red sea for her (quaint, no?) and she runs to Finn. Raising her sword ready to battle anything that tries to step in her way-
Simon Everson: *gives Quinn a "WE will" Look*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at FJQ, raises a brow..* aid who, and how?
Dana Mackintosh: Okay, if anyone can block my mind so I my concentration isn't broken, I would ~really~ appreciate. *begins to prepare to cast the circle*
ST from Hell: *As all of those seeking the Arena top the rise they can see...Over the crowd of beings, there is erected a black and polished stone obelisk that reads: "That is not dead, which eternal may lie, and with strange aeons, even death may die." There is a pit, a smoldering pit with something happening inside of it. Unholy water flows out of spigots made of hollowed bones into the square hole, and four figures are surrounded by it, each staked to a dias about which the water flows. One of the individuals is male, one female. All have been skinned and as the water touches their raw flesh, eating at them, sulfur is added and ignited. The screams of unendurable, mindless pain shatter the air and a cheer goes up from the crowd. A few rocks are hurled into the pit in an attempt to strike the writhing, deathless, yet impossibly damaged ones inside.
Justyne Donnelly: ((Finnuala, with apologies to Danny.))
Jason Maier: *Kneels down, trying to aascertain the reason for the tube* ((Have to go now, sorry...))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Standing guard to FJQ, and Tyne, he readies both his mind,and body. In the small space he is in he begins a kata, to meditate* On your word father.
ST from Hell: The skins that were removed are being auctioned during the proceedings, by a creature with a long beaklike head reminiscent of the plague doctors' costumes of the middle ages. The bidding is in terms of favors and acts, sometimes artifacts are flashed, or a particular tempting soul is offered as payment. In another spot, the bidding begins for the victims of the pit themselves. Nearby, a demon waits in stocks of steel for some undefined punishment. (Auctioneer) I offer you these despicable persons! Who will make a bid? Who will take over the purification of these tainted things? The punishment of infidels?" The offers begin, and everything from the lowest imp, to three competing overlords raise voices in a clamour to have the ones in the pit, the ones whose voices have torn out from the screaming of unimaginable pain till now all they can do is rasp in desperation.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: Khul Daenna... Dan-knee...? *His words are whispered anguish as he looks at the man, then looks to Jason, not knowing the first thing about medicine.*
Serena Monroe : * grimaces looking at Danny*
ST from Hell: Johann> (Mortal ST) /Jason and Johann> It's a feeding tube through which he's been force fed feces.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~turns to look at the image and smiles~ nae..
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the Finnuala next to her, and loos relived..but looks at FJQ, nodding anyway. he knows what's going on..she will listen to him..*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -moving to the pits-
ST from Hell: Aelfe> The crowd stirs, and two larger demons chuckle and move for you*
Dana Mackintosh: *speaking in sign luangage, cast the circle*
Serena Monroe : * kneels down and looks at the tube and touches it and smells her hand and makes a retching noise*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He growls and jerks the tube out of Danny's mouth when his nose tells him what is inside of it.*
ST from Hell: ((You're all still a little way off except for Aelfe))
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: *Waves to Jason.* Great, leave the poor stupid boy to try to handle it :op
Dana Mackintosh: *pulling her faith around her, she raises her head, closes her eyes, and begins to summon Finn and Danny's souls, pouring wp into it*
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann* we need to dig him out of here ( he is buried yes?)
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jonathon takes a step forward, placing himself in the vanguard. Trained both in kenjitso, and florentine, he has a nonstandard stance, but nonetheles loking deadly enough*
Simon Everson: *waits for the circle to be cast* hedge magic is not Vulgar ..*Smiles*
ST from Hell: The bidding breaks out into a fight and one cruelly beautiful, princelike man merely looks at the disruption and all calms suddenly. The bidding continues, but at a quieter level.
Dana Mackintosh: ((5 suxx on summoning danny and 4 suxx on summoning finn))
Father Justin Quinn : ~looks to the othes not called~ jon, Stay and protect the others, Aefle will do what she must..
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -stops and growls at the demons, celerity still burning.. she moves with a swiftness and strength she knows they are not expecting, her age and potence of a vampire coming into play as she moves to slice at them-
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He growls, beginning to look around for the body that goes with the head, his mind in shock but that's all he can think to do.*
Justyne Donnelly: *waits, at the ready..*
ST from Hell: *The large demons (2) draw swords and move in on Aelfe with glee*
ST from Hell: *Danny's body is attatched to his head below ground. (*S*)
Father Justin Quinn - Justyne Donnelly: ((roll arete, diff 10 -spend Quint))
Father Justin Quinn : ~looks at Johann ~ Go, and Help Aefle.. now!
Simon Everson: *takes his +2 dice and get's ready to go town*((3 success to the summon*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He jerks his coat off, and looks at Serena.* Helps me... *He tries to form a sling for Danny's head, pushing the unreal situation from his mind for the moment as he just reacts on instinct now.*
Dana Mackintosh: *gestures for Jason Maier to come into the circle, cutting him a door,and will close it immedeatly behind him*
Dana Mackintosh: *gestures for Jason Maier to come into the circle, cutting him a door,and will close it immedeatly behind him*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): In him do I pray, an in him do I see the ight. That light leadeth me on, and it leaeth me here. Today I stand as the tide flows ever on. Stand a a breakwater. The dam to which evil will thrust itself upon. None shal pas, and none shall turn. I shall be the rock that the house doth stand on and I shal be the damm that shall not burst.
Father Justin Quinn : ((5 success)) Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He hears Justin and his head swings around to where Aefle is. Growling he shoots towards her, burning WP and knives appearing in both hands.*
ST from Hell: *One of the skinned bodies in the pit, amid boiling flaming sulfur, strains to free itself from the spikes that hold it to the block of polished basalt*
Dana Mackintosh: ((fuck, he's not here! Okay, who wants Danny's soul bound to them?))
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -doesnt even hesiate, she charges at the demons, her rage guiding her-
ST from Hell: *Amroth staggers up behind the group.*
Justyne Donnelly - Father Justin Quinn : ((3 quint spent. diff 7 now. rolling.2, 2, 5, 8, 5)
Serena Monroe : * starts to dig into the ground trying to get Danny's body *
Father Justin Quinn : ((dana, jason would do it)) JON! thee and SERENA free the others..
ST from Hell: *Demon 1 swipes a sword at Aefle (5 successes)*
Dana Mackintosh: *she holds firm in the summons, hands raised, head back, eyes closed, concentrating* (another wp burned)
Simon Everson: *just stands and concentrate, feeling the push of the realm sthey add to the magic alreay building*
ST from Hell: Serena> *The ground is hard, as if undisturbed for centuries. But as you pick at it, you can see that Danny's body is infested with maggot-like things.*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): His light is the light of truth, and the light of purity. In his purpose are we here, and pure is the felings that bring us together. Yea verily demon, do I stand as thy judgement, for in comming aains me doth thee ome agaiist Him. Seek not your own judgement. *diging in, both mentally, and physically*
ST from Hell: *The struggling form in the pit tears free one hand.*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He sees where Aefle is and hurtles both knives towards one of the demons, his body now seeming to glow slightly as the fire element grows stronger.*
Father Justin Quinn : (20 success even ,just what we need)
Justyne Donnelly: ((I'll take Danny!! Tyne is like a spirirtual storehouse!())
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -barely blocks the first demon and kicks at him to get him away from him- (6 successes to block)
Serena Monroe : * looks at the ground grumbling looking around for something to dig with but still continues and slowly fress Danny's body really trying hard to ignore the crap on his body* shit!
Father Justin Quinn : "Never Again" "In the Light of Death " "Be Afraid " "Worry" In the Light of Darkness you shall find Truth" " Scared" In the Begining, We were Gods, so We Shall in the End "Two souls, alas are housed within my breast." "Thou dost frighten me with dreams and terrify me by visions." "Every man before he dies shall see the devil
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: (second him = her of course)
ST from Hell: Johann> *The demons don't see you yet, and you can hit* // Aefle> *The other fiend raises his fists and lets out a gout of fire toward you*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *Johann threw the knives at whichever demon she isn't directly fighting, keeping her out of the line of the incoming blades. A Romani prayer and dedication is engraved into the blades. (Not TF though)*
ST from Hell: *The fire wielding demon is cut off by Johann's knives in his back, and he screams as the fire washes back over himself*
Serena Monroe : * takes her jacket off and then takes some bandages out of her pockets and tires to wips all the stuff off danny's body holding down the urge to puke*
Simon Everson: "Never Again" "In the Light of Death " "Be Afraid " "Worry" In the Light of Darkness you shall find Truth" " Scared" In the Begining, We were Gods, so We Shall in the End "Two souls, alas are housed within my breast." "Thou dost frighten me with dreams and terrify me by visions." "Every man before he dies shall see the devil In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo...
Father Justin Quinn : ~waits for Tyne's prayer of addition~
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jon uses ~PK~ to accellerate his charge to the pit, swords and faith leading*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at FJQ, muttering along with him, tracing the places on herself, where such things were written, wishing..she were not so alone in her head right now..that her other, was with her..* " My sheep hear my voice..and I know them, and they follow me.." " for my Father, which is in heaven, gave them to me..and NO ONE..can take them from my Father which is in heaven's hands..for I, and my Father, are ONE.."
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: (4 successes to dodge the fire and glares at him) - Dread gaze- before swinging the sword at him- (5 successes)
ST from Hell: Serena> *The maggots keep pouring out of his various wounds, but he's still alive.*
Justyne Donnelly: : "Never Again" "In the Light of Death " "Be Afraid " "Worry" In the Light of Darkness you shall find Truth" " Scared" In the Begining, We were Gods, so We Shall in the End "Two souls, alas are housed within my breast." "Thou dost frighten me with dreams and terrify me by visions." "Every man before he dies shall see the devil In Nomine Domine Dues Adiuva me, Adiuva me, uti vestra animositas, vestra ira Aboleo...
ST from Hell: Aefle> The dread gaze makes him hesitate...
ST from Hell: SUMMONERS AND HELPERS> *Something holds back what you are after.*
Father Justin Quinn : "Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum
Serena Monroe : * grimaces and retches and thinks of what else to use and looks at her flannel and takes it off her t-shirt under it and uses it to continue to wip the maggots away* you stuipd headstrong idiot why didn't you listen to me
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -takes the oppertunity to swing twice, motions of an X over his chest, burning blood for successes in strength to cut him down-
Simon Everson: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
ST from Hell: *The demon that Johann struck wavers, then comes after Johann, bleeding in his back*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He is back far enough that the fire doesn't bother him at the moment. He assesses her position before doing another action, feeling the element strongly now and smiling slightly.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~keeps chanting, he has to wait until thier free and they cannot break the circel~
ST from Hell: *A dry and desperate voice from the pit* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum
ST from Hell: *Aefle's demon, in overconfidence, is wounded, having been too complacent in his secure realm.*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He blinks as the demon moves towards him, suddenly knowing what to do. He concentrates, staring at him, and creates water, willing it to flow over the fiery demon.*
Justyne Donnelly: *mutters, with fear, and relief in tandam* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum ..."NO ONE, can take them out of my Father's hands.."
ST from Hell: *The crowd of demons around the pit begin to notice things...*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): (let me know when Spader can get to the pit)
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -she strikes one more time at the demon.. not killing.. because for some reason she pushes past him.. letting her merit and majesty clear her bath... moving towards the PRINCELIKE man- (yeah you all know who she is going towards)
Father Justin Quinn : ~doesn't cry, even thou he wants to, leaving Jon to get finnuala free~
ST from Hell: *The water hits Johann's demon and steam hrieks off the skin, making flakes of flesh explode off of it*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Spader looks for the opning that will allow him to leap into the pit*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He yelps in both disgust and triumph, and tries to dodge any of the flesh.*
ST from Hell: *Spader reaches the pit in the confusion that comes now* // Aefle> *The Princelike one watches calmly-he has nothing to fear here.*
ST from Hell: *Johann's demon keeps coming in frenzied pain.*
Serena Monroe : * she covers Danny with her jacket and stand up to watch what's going on*
Simon Everson: *sheep? Sheep, Who the hell cares about sheep,*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -she pushes her way up towards the Pincelike one and then stop.. Staring at him. having no idea why she needed to look at him.. but now she doesnt want to look away-
ST from Hell: *The skinned female in the pit frees another hand from the spike, bones breaking and more blood flowing, then tears frantically at her feet, trying to free them too.*
Justyne Donnelly: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.."
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He growls and does a spinning back kick, aiming for the demon's chest, to kick him away from him, burning WP to move with extra speed.*
ST from Hell: Johann> The demon rushes past you. // Aefle> The Princelike one smiles elegantly and offers a hand for you to join him at his seat overlooking the scene.
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann and then Aefle and wonders what she's doing*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *dodging throuh the confusion, he leaps down into the pit, using ~PK~ to kep him from entering what they call water in this region. He "runs on the water" *G* tying to get to the middle where the souls are*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He blinks as he misses the demon, but nods then and moves back to where Serena is.*
ST from Hell: *Johann's demon is kicked and falls, shattering into two halves*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -just stares. not able to move, blink, smile, or frown. entranced by him-
ST from Hell: Spader> Soak 4 agg from the flames.
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann* you okay * looking him over*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: Delete other post then, got abit confused.
Dana Mackintosh: ((GODDAMN FUCKING BITCH MODEM FROM HELL!!!!)) *she continues to summon, calling, power flowing through her hands, latching onto Danny and Finn and calling them to her*
Justyne Donnelly: " In Thee, o I put my trust..bow down thy ear to me..deliver me my strong rock..for an house of defense to save me.."
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He nods, checking her out, then gently picking up Danny's head.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~isn't noticing anything excet that his total concentraction is on this circle~
ST from Hell: Aefle> He guides her toward his seat of fine silken cloth. Two wine glasses fill with rich vitae.
Serena Monroe : * looks at Aelfe wonder why she's not doing any thing*
Simon Everson: "..hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.."
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He glances back over to where Aefle is, taking Serena's arm to get her out of the hellish garden.*
ST from Hell: *As Danny is exposed by Serena, and maggots fall away, his body can be moved from the ground*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks at the glasses and then looks up at him again and whispers- Let them go?
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann* i cleaned up Danny a bit i covered him with my jacket*
Father Justin Quinn : And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
Dana Mackintosh: ((yes, this is all just an issue of sandman))
Simon Everson: And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: ooc: Getting more confused, sorry. Delete the part about him picking up Danny and replace with trying to dig his body up.
Serena Monroe : ( opps let me try this again) * looks at Johann and lifts danny's body up to him to get out of this place*
ST from Hell: Aefle> *He smiles, that devilishly beautiful smile, the smile that is the light of the Son of the Morning* My dear, I cannot do that. All I asked was that they bow down and worship me, but the poor stubborn things just can't learn.
Dana Mackintosh: ((only this time, I've got the key to hell instead of morpheus...eeek))
Simon Everson: And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): (Mortals can't soak agg. *S* Spader spends the point of humanity to stave off death 10 minutes, and 1WP to ignore his wounds) *Spader getting burned as he moves gets to he center of the circle, he takes a milisecond to judge his strike, then tempts to slice the spikes holding Finn in place. Also trying to catch her with ~PK~ starting to ned to concentrate little*
Father Justin Quinn : The Cross-is evident. The C is all eclipsing and point inthe direction of the path we follow, the shadows. That of Mystery and secrecy. The Slashed o, is that of The Circle, there is no round table, is tis not a democracy. The S, the Shadow, and the Crown, for we are Knights. The d, is the deep effect and Family, and the closed Cross, is that of enclusion, the totality and that, There is a beginging, and an end. One.
Charles "Dragger" Ng: ((Can I be Dumas?))
ST from Hell: *She skinned female tears her feet off of the spikes, as pain-filled cries tear from a throat too damaged by screaming to vocalize well any more*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks over at her companions, then back to him- they will get out on thier own...
Dana Mackintosh: *concentrates, remembering Jesus who went to hell for three days and battled Satan, and so he came out triumphant. She coaxes the souls towards her, tugging at them, her hands flying faster and faster in a signing appeal to God*
Simon Everson: MY blood to Yours, My life To yours, MY Soul TO HIM Forvers we stand against the Darkness, forever we pass Together into the Light. One.
ST from Hell: ((DLP SPADER got it--and I didn't know if you had anything that allowed you to soak AGG Jon. *S*))
Justyne Donnelly: ((peh. Sandman's writer, needs to come to US.))" but..if I with the finger of God cast out doubt the kingdom of God is upon you".."Fear God..and give glor to Him..for the hour of HIs judement, is come."
Dana Mackintosh: ((Tyne> um..*struggles with the blasphemy*))
ST from Hell: Aefle> *He touches gently her jawline and gazes into her eyes.* So lovely, and such a paradox. I could with a word, keep them all here. You know that. This is no more than a nuisance. What do you offer me for their safe passage?
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): (the stave of eth part was for when he reaches "dead" I figured Spader would be taking more damage in the pit)
Father Justin Quinn : ~continues where tyne left off ~For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
Dana Mackintosh: *feels the chanting of her company, draws strenght from it, asking for their faith to bind the souls when they come, calling them still*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He carries Danny's body out of the garden with Serena, glancing around and trying to get a location on the others.*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks over at them again.. then back to him and actually offers him a charming smile of a nobel women- I offer you nothing. HE will guide them out.
ST from Hell: *The femals skinned figure looks at Spader in confusion, and he can see that the eyes do not recognize him. Then she attempts to answer the summons be stepping toward the burning water.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~keeps chanting to bind the souls, as those are not bodies~
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann* we got to free the others in the pit...that's what Quinn said i don't know what the hell i'm doing
ST from Hell: Aefle> *He smiles, intrigued* Are you making a wager with me?
Dana Mackintosh: *she starts to glow a little, a bright royal blue*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He looks at Serena, completely baffled.* Me na knows...
Serena Monroe : ( can we get to the pit somehow? am kinda confused)
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -shakes her head slightly- No. I have nothing you would want. -reaches out and takes the glass of vitae, and sips it- They will get out on thier own.
ST from Hell: (The pit is surrounded by the horde of demons approaching you guys)
ST from Hell: Aefle> I can grant you what you want most. *Looks at Justin*
Serena Monroe : ( ummm ohh okay thanks *G*) * looks at Johann* ummm got any suggestions?
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *using ~PK~ Jon soars Finn out of the pit, and over the heads of the waiting hoard. While doing that he turns to cut the bindings of the others in the pit* Take heart that he watches over thee, and that in acepting him as your saviot that he becomes your savior, and that thee are saved. *tears flow, and he knows the pain will grow*
Justyne Donnelly: "HIS eyes were as a flame of fire..and he wore on his head..many CROWNS.."
ST from Hell: *The others in the pit instantly flee up the walls, through the water, taking more damage as they go. Jon and Finnuala will arrive at the rest of the group unharmed as the Princely one waves down the demons in the horde*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -smiles at him again- I know you can. But I am not asking you for it.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He looks at the demons and then Serena.* Leaves me thinks, but...
Father Justin Quinn : on your guard against a day when no soul shall avail another in the least neither shall any compensation be accepted from it, nor shall intercession profit it, nor shall they be helped.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko: *He steps in front of Serena as the rest of the group emerges, backing them up from the demons for the moment.*
ST from Hell: Aefle> *He drinks a sip of the blood* Then at least, give me something to remember you by. I have been a good host. I've given you demons ti kill, I've given you brimstone, violence, pain,..all those things that your kind thrive on.
Father Justin Quinn : And let not those who disbelieve think that Our granting them respite is better for their souls; We grant them respite only that they may add to their sins; and they shall have a disgraceful chastisement.Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities.
Serena Monroe : * watches Johann and back up with him*
Simon Everson: *doesn't remember those in the bible*
ST from Hell: *A horde of flies rises up and swarms over FAther Quinn*
ST from Hell: *Spader and his charge are now at the circle.*
Father Justin Quinn : But those who were unjust among them changed it for a saying other than that which had been spoken to them; so We sent upon them a pestilence from heaven because they were unjust.
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -reaches into her coat and pulls out a handful of beads as she stands and hands it to him- These lost thier meaning the night I became cursed. One day you will have me back here to manipulate as you will... but for now.. I need to go back.. -her rosery from when she was a mortal-
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jonathon stumbles along, dropping and rolling to try and douse the flames burning his pants away. Jon wears burgendy boxerbriefs (Just in case you wanted to know)*
Serena Monroe : * turns to look at the flys wthinking a big can of raid would come in handy now*
Simon Everson: [[be quiet NG, for quinn is quoting the koran, NOT the bible -SHEESH i don't feel like arguing theology while ROLEPLAYING a faith]]
Father Justin Quinn : ~he doesn't react to the flies, scares or nothe burns a faith point~(6 agg each fly)
ST from Hell: Aefle> *He takes the rosary and holds it to his heart. A brief lonliness, a pain crosses his face* Oh, Father. You have left me in darkness without love. Aefle> My dear, may your unlife bring you back to me at it's close.
ST from Hell: *Both of those you all came for are at the circle now*
Justyne Donnelly: " the great winepress of thr wrath of God".."and the Winepress was trodden without the city..and blood came out of the winepress.."
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jon turns back to stand against an advaning hoard* God so lovethe the Earth that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believeth in him shal not perish, but have everlasting life...........I know I'm going to walk awy from this fight, but how bout you?
Serena Monroe : * grabs Johann arm* come on let's get back to the others
Dana Mackintosh: ((YARGHHH!!!!)) *calls the spirits into the circle, beginning the binding of Finn's to herself, and Danny's to Jason Maier*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -actually smiles again and leans down, kissing his cheek- not if I can have anything to do with it... -turns and starts walking towards Justin-
Father Justin Quinn : ~keeps chanting, only the most studius would know these passages are not what they seem~
Justyne Donnelly: *wiats, for the circle to let out..*
ST from Hell: *The Princely One leans back into his seat and watches Aefle depart. He gestures and the horde of demons leave her room to walk uninhibited. Then he waves a hand and the entire scene is vacant. Everyone is in the empty city-not a demon or unbound soul can be seen. The sudden silence is astounding*
Justyne Donnelly: *blinks at the silence*
Serena Monroe : * she blinks* wow
Dana Mackintosh: *her concentration is not broken, her body soaked with sweat as she ties Finn's soul into her, and Danny's into Jason*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -doesnt even seem to notice that chaos has disappeared.. she just walks over to the assembled group-
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jon stands there, just iching for the emptiness to reach out for him. Silent himself, he waits*
ST from Hell: *Amroth has been watching nearby. He walks to the edge of the circle* Bind me also. I will come with one of you, and serve you for a space of time for your assistance. *He's still bleeding*
Justyne Donnelly: ((AS SOON as the cirlce is allowed to break..))*looks for Spader..*
Father Justin Quinn : ~there is only one god and muhammad is his messanger~
Serena Monroe : * looks at Amroth out of curiousity*
Claudius Koine: ooc: yeah! it's working again. *eg* *oocly peeks in and waves to everyone*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He is still with Serena and Danny's body.*
ST from Hell: ((Hiya CK! *Waves*))
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks up at Justin, to see if they can leave now-
Dana Mackintosh: *her concentration is not broken, her body soaked with sweat as she ties Finn's soul into her, and Danny's into Jason*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Seeing as Amroth is the only Demon in sight, Spader swings around the circle to him* Waht's he word father?
Father Justin Quinn : ~waits tillt the circles can be broken before turning to the demon~ "..come here..
ST from Hell: (Amroth) I am the fourthborn of she who you have come for. Let the prophesy be fulfilled by taking me with you.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He looks to the others, hoping that they are leaving...soon.*
ST from Hell: (Amroth)*Walks to Quinn when the circle is broken*
Justyne Donnelly: *immediatdly goes, and fusses over Spader*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): ((Greets Claud))
Claudius Koine: CDN ooc: thats about the only way Claud can get any kind of warm feeling, fuzzy or not...
Lime@HELL: ((am going home now.))
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -crosses her arms over her chest and hugs herself. looking back up to where the princelike one sat.. just thinking while she waits-
ST from Hell: ((Gives Claudius a snuggli-poof huggli-doo))
Father Justin Quinn : ~reaches to the demon~
Dana Mackintosh: *she waits for Quinn's call on Amroth*
Simon Everson: *looks at Aefle* nice talk *doesn't add the words he wants to*
Justyne Donnelly: ((Lime! don't leave us!))
Serena Monroe : * looks to Johann* i'll take Danny's body to Caern
ST from Hell: *Amroth isn't entirely sure about letting FJQ touch him again, but will stand still, trusting to his own faith in the words of the prophecy*
Dana Mackintosh: ((um...are the souls bound yet?))
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks at Simon- It worked didnt it?
ST from Hell: *Souls are Bound! *S*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He has no idea what prophecy they are talking about, he just wants out of this hellish place, still managing to keep the wolf down by sheer will.*
ST from Hell: *Danny and Finnuala disappear, yet their presence is felt in those who bound them*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks around, hugging her Spader* let us go?
Father Justin Quinn : "..the 1000 years has ended, the dark angel is loose upon this earth.. ~Suddenly hugs AMROTH~ I forgive thee
Serena Monroe : ( umm maybe i won't take the body *G*)
Simon Everson: *well, that's not my choice of an answer *looking at Quinn.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He blinks as the body disappears and he growls.* Whats...?
Dana Mackintosh: *she releases the circle, and falls to her knees, exhausted*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the FJQ, utterly confused*
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *Jon's legs are burnt terribly, it's almost a wonder he can walk*
ST from Hell: *Amroth embraces Quinn back* It is as she spoke. It is complete. *Takes his place among the group and reforms into a normal looking human*
Serena Monroe : * she walks over and helps Dana up having her lean against her*Come on Dana time to go home
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -doesnt even hear Simon.. just stares at the place he was.. and waits silently-
Dana Mackintosh: *she sniffles, and whispers* God, don't let him be dead...
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at this exchange..shakes her head..she doesn't really give it any more thought. she actually picks Spader up,a dn carried him out, looking for somone to get Dana*
ST from Hell: *The sky is dark and closed. No sound breaks the deathly silence now, except the sounds of the group*
Sun Yu: *approaches the scene, dressed in his dark gray overcoat and deep red scarf. His coat and scarf are tossed about by the wind. He seems very pleased by what's going on as he stands, observing, with his hands in his coat pockets*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He watches Amroth, not liking what he doesn't understand.*
Father Justin Quinn : "..we leave.. Now!
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *nods in some undrstanding of FJQ, as he forgave recently as well*
Dana Mackintosh: *smiles a little at Amroth*
Justyne Donnelly: *nodds at FJQ, carried Spader to wherever it is, they will be leaving from*
Simon Everson: *looks for a door, then looks at ARMOTH* make door.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He blinks as he gets a faint, familiar scent and glances at Sun Yu.*
Serena Monroe : * stands with Dana helping her a bit till she regains her strength*
ST from Hell: Dana> (Amroth) *Smiles back, infernal parentage not showing any more*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He hears Justin, and thinks that is the best idea he has heard thus far, but they *don't* have Danny and he looks at Serena in confusion.* We leaves, na Dan-knees...?
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): Uh, Tyne? I can walk. I'm fine. Woul you put me down please? Think of everyone watcing. Please?
ST from Hell: *Amroth nods at Simon and raises his arms over his head, the words that utter forth purely demonic and almost painful to those with Faith*
Sun Yu: *is avidly watching the goings on. Doesn't seem too perturbed by the demonic forces at play. Seems to be paying strict attention to who does what*
Dana Mackintosh: *regains her strength and smiles full out at Amroth* I always wondered if demons could be saved...
Dana Mackintosh: ((sun yu, we're in hell))
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Jon, mutters quietly into his ear* ifyou continue to resist. I will also..sing rock a by babay, while I carry you. and pop goes the weasal. you look bad. do not make me lay the smackdown onto you, sugarmuffin.
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He listens to Amroth, just knowing that something is *wrong* about him.*
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann* no Danny's okay ( danny's body was gone with finns?)
Simon Everson: *grumbles* make door in silence
Dana Mackintosh: *then shudders at the demonic, and takes it back a little. She takes the key out from under her shirt, and looks pointedly at Quinn* Please take this thing from me, I am a weak soul and the temptation for knowledge is too great.
ST from Hell: (Sun Yu was given the ok to be here, but better leave with the others or he'll be trapped.)
Father Justin Quinn : [[still in hell yu!]]
ST from Hell: (Danny and Finn seem to be gone, Serena)
Sun Yu: *listens to the dark words of the demon, Amroth, and shakes his head at DANA's thoughts about demons and salvation*
Father Justin Quinn : [[(LOL( L@ own pun sorry]]
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -waits for the door to form, and moves to get out quickly-
Serena Monroe : ( okay just clarifying it thanks *G*)
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): *shuts up*
Father Justin Quinn : *well at the moment, everone is standing around looking at the demon* ~takes the key of Saloman and puts it around his neck~
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He looks at Serena, wondering if somehow Danny was now in the caern or something since she seems convinced he is okay. He rubs his arms, more than ready to get the hell out of here (no pun intended), and he thanks the Goddess, Daenna and anyone else he can think of that he is still breathing.*
Justyne Donnelly: *waits, holding Spader*
Sun Yu: ((Sure thing, ST. Sun isn't keen on being stuck in Hell. After all, he didn't really prepare for this trip. *BG*)) *deciding that he should make his exit, he gathers his thoughts and prepares to leave*
ST from Hell: *The sky parts as reality cracks again, sending a painful shudder and the sound of beaches whales, dying soldiers, squealing pigs...and a door from Hell to the World above is made.*
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to Quinn, relief smoothing her shoulders*
Simon Everson: ooc:only the crowns make tripe to hell, well, that's what you get when your a mage game *L*
Serena Monroe : * looks at Johann and smiles a bit* let's go shall we?
Sun Yu: *taking a final look around, like a man trying to remember as much about a place as he can, he steps out of Hell*
Justyne Donnelly: ((*L*@ Jon))*Tyne seems fine. almost too fine for one who is about to leave Hell. Her stoic look is in place, as always. but her eyes, are a little ttoo calm. ther calm of one..who might be a little unglued.*
Dana Mackintosh: *steps out*
Sun Yu: ((Simon>> *shrug* Whatever. Sun'll just be waiting at the Chapel, then. *S*))
Jonathon Spader ((Clear Sighted merit)): ((Ok, Sapder of course gets carried of into the susnset by Tyne. But the phone is needed here. So I gotsta pof. *S* *HUGS, and Luvs ya all*))
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He nods quickly to Serena, wondering why she appears so calm. He takes her arm, and tries not to rush to the door the moment it opens.*
Serena Monroe : * leaves the place *
Sun Yu: *standing on the corner, watching the Chapel with extreme interest* ((Is the Chapel still "tainted"? Does it still ooze evil?))
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -goes through the door and looks around as soon as she steps into the church, trying to determine the time-
ST from Hell: ((Thank you very much NG))
Justyne Donnelly: ((Hugs good having you Jon...and GREAT job, STs!!))
Serena Monroe : * smiles a bit at Johann* don't worry things are okay
ST from Hell: (Chapel is still tainted)
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He goes through the door with Serena, and into the chapel, knowing that a trip to Clarice's is needed - the wolf wants to run.*
Simon Everson: ooc:excuse me sun? ??? *tries to figure out where the shrug comes from *
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He gives Serena a "Are you kidding"? expression, but nods.*
Justyne Donnelly: *stepps into the church..immediadtly frowns, at the mental barrage of questions. she answers as fast as she can, but some normal words still slip out* (annoyed tone) yes..fine..of COURSe..
ST from Hell: Thanks Justyne
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks around, waiting for Justin to come back into the temple before she makes her retreat.. not wanting to be around them right now-
Serena Monroe : * she walks with Johann in the chapel and knows she's gonna lose it and break down when she's alone but shoves her feeling she has down deep*
Dana Mackintosh: *in the chapel, in demonic, her voice taking on every tone and inflection of Finn's* Who are you people?
Justyne Donnelly: *sets Spader down, and goes over to Alefe* you did well. this is good. *turns, and walks back to Spader*
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He takes Serena's hand, and leaves the chapel with her and Jason (assuming he was still there, and unless Serena wants to stay, I gots to go.*
Simon Everson: *heads out of the hole*
Justyne Donnelly: *goes outside, leading Dana/Finn*
Serena Monroe : * walks out with Johann * ( yeah have to be going myself*G*)
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He crosses himself again in that odd fashion of his as he steps outside, knowing he has to turn it loose soon and preferably where no one can see.*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -arches a brow at Tyne- um.. merci.
Sun Yu: ((Simon>> You said that only the Crowns were in Hell. That's fine, I'll just assume that Sun was at the Chapel, in Fox Park, the whole time. Just disregard the posts suggesting that Sun was in Hell. *S*))
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He doesn't want to think about any of it at the moment, he will think later and he heads to the train station.*
ST from Hell: FJQ> Please repost question. Sorry. // Johann> It was a pleasure and an honor.
Simon Everson: ((*chuckles* nope, i mean that in an esoteric way. AS in were the only ones stupid enough to do it..and TWICE now *BOL*))
Johánn Eryk Dátsko (booted & just has afew minutes left): *He boards the train.*
Justyne Donnelly: *mind scanns Dana. she is glad to be back..back where all her senses are back in use..she is not bound, much*
Sun Yu: *watches the return of the Westerners and he strains his senses to determine what effects this trip to Hell has had on them*
Father Justin Quinn : ~still in hell~
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks around- Where is Renne?
Simon Everson: *tired*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Aelfe, switches her scan of Dana, to look for FJQ..(mind 1, corr 1, or 2..)
ST from Hell: (Bye Serena)
Dana Mackintosh: *both Finn and Dana are detected in Dana's mind*
Demon of the Chapel: *only the fiath keepsthem from attacking*
Sun Yu: *takes an extreme interest in the DEMON, after making suitable preparations*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -notices the demons still in the temple, and majesty is activated again and she looks at the door and yells- RENNE!!!!
Justyne Donnelly: *concentrates.*
Demon (S) of the Chapel: the swril around*
Simon Everson: *looks around, where is Justin*
ST from Hell: *Amroth launches into his demonic form and flies above with the same speed as the Bat and shouts joyously as he's freed, then wings out of the chapel at great speed into the night, becoming invisible as he does.*
ST from Hell: *The portal begins to close...*
Father Justin Quinn : ~walks out ahead of Armoth~
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -eyes go wide and Aefle runs at the door, going back for Justin-
ST from Hell: *The portal slams shut after Justin, resounding like thunder*
Father Justin Quinn : ~Dlp~ ~simply entends his hands out toward the sky and cleanches his fist.
Claudius Koine: *A good sized elderly man walks in the front door, slightly bent over, but appears insistant as he walks to the front of the church.* ooc: yup, Obfuscate 3 working overtime here, thanx to a little help (and instruction) from the Nos...
Father Justin Quinn : ~fixes post, walks out before Armoth and then did above post~
Sun Yu: *seemingly delighted with the number and variety of demons present, he hungrily examines as many as he can, using his trained scholar's mind to archive each one*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -looks at Justin.. staring at him for a long momet.. then around the room.. then walks over to Justin and kisses him.. turns and walks out-
Claudius Koine: *He is dressed in dark grey slacks and sports jacket and is wearing a green polo shirt beneath. He moves without a sound, the presence of True Faith being almost painfully evident*
Justyne Donnelly - Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: *gently, reassuringly touches the out fringes oif her mind..not intruding..*
Father Justin Quinn : O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.
Claudius Koine: *He leans on a cane as he stands before the alter in silent prayer.
Father Justin Quinn : ~stands amidst the demons and the chruch, his own faith moving about the area, eyes calm~
Justyne Donnelly: *just grins at the sky, much childlikwe* you Kick ASS! thanks!! *takes Spader for home..*
Simon Everson: *aids FJQ as he can*
Sun Yu: *seems quite irritated by JUSTIN's praying, convinced that it will disperse the demons before Sun's had a chance to study them*
Aefle Moxe -pissed and booted-: -doesnt give thanks.. she feels dirty.. and tired beyond anything she has felt in some time.. goes to her waiting limo and is gone-
ST from Hell: *The combined efforts bring the demonic mind to control*
Claudius Koine: *after a quiet couple of minutes he turns and looks upon the people presently gathered, perhaps searching for a familiar face?*
ST from Hell: (Bye Aefle! You were Fan friggin tastic and made a HUGE difference!)
Dana Mackintosh: *asks again in demonic* Who are you people?
Simon Everson: *is standing, concentraing silently as he lends his magic and faith*
Dana Mackintosh: ((bye Aefle, it was great to play with you))
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the Dana, seems to thqt same language*
Father Justin Quinn : ~one crisis at a time~
Justyne Donnelly: ((Err, hold off. first she helps Simon, and FJQ*
Sun Yu: *perhaps recognizing something familiar in DANA, he watches her*
ST from Hell: *Amroth wings into the Chapel in all his dark angelic glory, bat wings outspread, his third eye lambent green in the low light.*
Dana Mackintosh: *She speaks again* Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum
Claudius Koine: *He appears to have a soft smile upon his face as he slowly makes his way to the rearmost pew along the aisle and quietly sits down.*
Father Justin Quinn : ~starts to glow, an familiar, unhealth to evil, very vulgar, almst spectural glow, as he seems to reach into the deapts of heaven and calls forth ...~
Dana Mackintosh: *hands shaking, she lights a cigarette*
Dana Mackintosh: *she drops the cigarette suddenly, and moves towards Amroth*
ST from Hell: *Amroth waits impatiently, wondering why he came*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, nodds..smiles a bit..then turns back, to help the FJQ..*
Claudius Koine: *The old man sits and observes the events as they unfold.*
Father Justin Quinn : He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
Father Justin Quinn : ~if it's a demon, (soak8 agg) AS the Chapel erupte in flames from Justin~
Justyne Donnelly: *nodds at the FJQ, tunrs to Dana, speaks..seemingly in the same language, but anyone closely listening, will realize it's not*
Dana Mackintosh: (repost pms please. *her modem has beaten her down, she is calm and weak now*)
Claudius Koine: *won't hear the odd language being to far and hard of hearing...*
ST from Hell: (Yes, he's technically a demon-along the line of Nephilim of Fallen Angel parentage) *Amroth blazes into flame* (Takes 7 agg and falls to the floor as the air screams cacophanous music*
Sun Yu: *dashes across the street to escape the sudden inferno, hunched over and snarling*
Dana Mackintosh: *Strong will leaps at the fallen Angel burning on the floor*
ST from Hell: *Amroth's wings beat spasmodically against the floor as he screams out in agony*
Sun Yu: *puts his hands over his ears to block out Amroth's screams as he continues to watch the Chapel*
Father Justin Quinn : "And the fires of the Ritueous (an old rote, everyone knows it by now) shall consume them and lay waste to them ~nods to the crown to finish the demon~
Father Justin Quinn : [[total 3 dox from this trip to hell]]
ST from Hell - Justyne Donnelly: Is Tyne gonna have Jus bring the body?
Justyne Donnelly: *gets in front of the demon, looking at Dana, and FJQ* no!!
Claudius Koine: *doesn't seem to alarmed by the sudden appearance of Fire but will work to extinguish it if it begins to spread*
ST from Hell: *Amroth's scream fades into words as he reaches out* Mother, I have served you well. Take me back!
Justine O'Ryan: ~She comes walking up..Finnuala is carried by her. she approaches the area, and lays Finnuala down, gently, then goes to see to the thing..that is hurt~ what is going on?
Dana Mackintosh: ((st, npc me, i'm getting booted like crazy. i'll still hand around, but there's no way i can respond quickly enough))
Father Justin Quinn : ~good or ill, his soul forever cursed of freed, he will suffern NO demon upon the earthand simple touches Armoth~ "..sleep ~(12 agg from faith) and Know thee art forgiven
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at FJQ* no! wait!!~ Treis to keep him from touching it*
Justine O'Ryan: ~Feels the Faith, and moves back..FAST, from Quinn~ Father..
ST from Hell: ((My three year old just painted her pet partridge with marshmallow creme!))
Justine O'Ryan: ((hown sweet! in more ways than one!))
Dana Mackintosh: ((woah..that's gonna be a bitch to get off))
ST from Hell: *Amroth, spread out in a position of crucifiction upon the floor looks up at Father Quinn, as he himself did into the face of a priest long ago and sees the forgiveness, yet iron implacability there, and he dies.*
Dana Mackintosh: ((of course, ~now~ my modem works))
ST from Hell: ((Gonna have to bathe the damn bird. *L*))
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, worriedly*
Dana Mackintosh: *she sniffles, dropping to her knees beside the body, tears running down her face*
Claudius Koine: *Seems to almost relax some as the fire (and demon) dies*
Claudius Koine: *silently speaks a prayer for the extinguished demon*
Justine O'Ryan: ~Looks utterly confused~ uhm..Finnuala's..body..*points*
Dana Mackintosh: *moves towards Finnuala's body*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, and at FJQ* be back where she belongs.
ST from Hell: *Something invisible, intangible, the soul of something that was not meant to be, slips away to freedom harmlessly, peacefully.*
Lotus ST: *he looks into hell his eyes go wide and hair goes white. his body trembles with a fear he never knew before, and slowly he raises his hand and wave not know what else to do*
Father Justin Quinn : "..suffer no demon, to walk upon this earth..
Justine O'Ryan: ~seemingly with a sort of specail undertsanding..feels something..and bows her head for a moment. she watches all else, that transpires~
Dana Mackintosh: ((*ROFL@lotus st))
ST from Hell: ((This one's getting to FJQ's concience just a teeny bit though, huh? *S*))
Dana Mackintosh: *moves towards her body, almost at a run*
Father Justin Quinn : ~sighs and steps out of this demon infested place.~ WE shall excercoise Finnuala in our home and then do what we can there..
ST from Hell: *The final flames die down*
Father Justin Quinn : ~sighs and steps out of this demon infested place.~ WE shall excercoise Finnuala in our home and then do what we can there..
ST from Hell: *The final flames die down*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she kneels and gently picks Finnuala's body back up, as though she were merely a child.she takes her to her Chevy Suburban~
ST from Hell: (Amroth was a very young demon. Inexperience led to his demise. How tragic! *S*)
Dana Mackintosh: *sticks right by her body*
Father Justin Quinn : (their prime /spirt flames, they really dont burn)
Justyne Donnelly: *she helps Dana/Finnuala up..and tries to guide her to that same care..mutterinf reassuring things*