Justine's Leaving... Day Two.
Date: unknown
Alexander Tarquine: ~moves from his pew to one closer to the map, watchin Finn work~ need a hand?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): -looks to the back room, then finnuala and waits, still not moving. somehtings, you cannot do-
Finnuala Rosher: Alexander> Yes. Help me eliminate all the places that our counterparts are NOT. // QUINN> Justin, are you any good at dowsing for Crowns?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): "..MEaning ~intrigued?~
Alexander Tarquine: ~sets the book aside and takes a long look at the Park map~ hmmmmmmmm
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> Meaning, some people can use an implement-brass rods, pendulum, green willow branches, and focus on what they're after. They use the map as a focus and then zero in on the object they want to find with the tool. It might circumvent the usual protections they have against expected forms of searching. Could you use this in any way to find Louis?
Finnuala Rosher: *Basically implying the use of certain Spheres or Numina, but doesn't know how they work*
Alexander Tarquine: ~strokes his chin~ I think the marsh is a good place to rule out..... Tarcher as well....
Finnuala Rosher: *Nods at Alexander* And probably the more public places like Hotels, but you never know. We operated out of one for a while. And often do on trips.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): -he nods, and looks at the map -(having no formal training he's going to "will it hope it works)
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods~ True but there is a difference between public and someone else's back yard
Finnuala Rosher: *Watches Father Quinn with great hopes. If anyone could do it, surely he can.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods~ True but there is a difference between public and someone else's back yard
Finnuala Rosher: *Watches Father Quinn with great hopes. If anyone could do it, surely he can.*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ((AHHH, THAT's EASY)) ~"..Got him.."
Alexander Tarquine: ~thinks for a minute~ someplace rearly used...
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> That was quick. *Impressed* // Alexander> We still are looking for a base of operations however, and Louis may not be at it.
Alexander Tarquine: like a morgue, or a university building... someplace that is useful too...
Finnuala Rosher: Alexander> A place similar to the Crown Home or the Chapel maybe. Like an unused building in a quiet place.
Finnuala Rosher: QUINN> Where is Louis?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): "..Louis is at Columbia..~soflty~
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> We really should either take hjim in or determine whether he knows that YOU know he's involved. If he thinks you don't know, we can use this.
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods~ but I imagine they would go for something one step up... a warehouse would be too obvious... I imagine it would be more defensive
Finnuala Rosher: Alexander> Maybe they really are at the College then.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~for some reason, holds his head at a pain he didn't know he had~ "..I think thee and alexander sould confront him.
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods~ I think its a good choice
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> I agree. You don't look your best. You should rest and we'll keep the subvocals open so you can hear us.
Finnuala Rosher: Once we get there, Tenaviel should be able to lead us to the proper building and room.
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands~ Then shall we ask Spader to join us? It would be bad to walk into their stronghold with just two people...
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): "..sk him, Take tyne (screw mouse)
Finnuala Rosher: Alexander> This can be a social call of sorts. Reconnaissance.
Finnuala Rosher: ((Always duct tape your mouse before you screw it)) *Walks toward the back room* We'll take them both then. *Disappears into the wall*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to Justin and heads towards the backroom~
Jonathon Spader: ((Not overly right now. He's "stiff" "rigid" Still in "soldier/guard" mode))
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks in through the door* Hey everyone, we found Louis. Shall we go pay him a visit?
Alexander Tarquine: ~leans on the wall outside the door, waiting on everyone~
Tyne Donnelly: *stepps back from soldier man, knowing that this is his way..and looks at Finnuala, nodding* let's do.
Jonathon Spader: *the soldering iron smokes lazily in its stand, unused as of yet*
Jonathon Spader: Yes ma'am, what is the environment we're going into?
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~waits~
Finnuala Rosher: Columbia College. Tenaviel can lead us specifically when we're there.
Tyne Donnelly: *nodds at Finnuala..pulling on her jacket..not needing, anything else, really. her chucks are inside.*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon reaches under the counter for a small gunbox. Popping it open theer are 2 S&W; .38 snubbies with hammer jacket. He also pulls a box of thunderzap ammo from the shelf, and loads the gun*
Finnuala Rosher: Thanks you two...and Jon. I really didn't mean anything other than what I said. You got all authoritative and it was refreshing. That's all. I sometimes forget what a hardass you can be and it's a good thing that you are.
Tyne Donnelly: *thinkinf twice..gets on her Kevlar vest, once in the truck*
Finnuala Rosher: *Walks back out into the Chapel*
Alexander Tarquine: ~has his pistol and thats all he needs, he stillhasn't had to fire it yet~
Tyne Donnelly: *goes with Finnuala*
Finnuala Rosher: *Comes back out* We're gearing up now. *Turns on the Subvocal and tests it*
Tyne Donnelly: *putting on her subvocal* testing. test.
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~nods slowly~ It's a 1 hour plane ride. Take the Jet, I'll call to have it fueled. ~walks over to the office and get's a pen and paper~ And here is the address
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes the address from Father Quinn once he's finished* We'll try to make this short and sweet.
Alexander Tarquine: ~slips on his vest and checks his pistol~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): "..Please. I'm going back to get the others, and make sure we are prepared..Incase of ..eventualities.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at the FJQ, nodds*
Alexander Tarquine: ~waits~
Finnuala Rosher: Quinn> *Nods* We'll keep in contact.
Finnuala Rosher: *Checks to see if everyone is ready*
Tyne Donnelly: *nodds at Finnuala, and goes over. and hugs, FJQ*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon comes out of the back room, ready to go*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~he doesn't hug Tyne back, his eyes are flat, without emotion. He scans them as a General would troops, nothing warm in them., There is pride and sentiment, but what ever emotion he holds, if firmly locked away behind a steel mask of darkness ~ ".. Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.
Finnuala Rosher: *Heads out to the Jeep, having Tenaviel check with the tiny weaver spirit in her jeep to see if it was tampered with, then gets in and loads everyone's gear*
Jonathon Spader: **As Jon comes into sight, you almost immediately dismiss him. He's just not remarkable. 5'8" 215 lbs or so. His hair is a bleached brown, cut in a sharp paramilitary flattop. His eyes are maybe the only prominent feature on his face. They show confidence, but also alertness, and are a brown/green in color. His clothing also leads one to overlook him. He wears a simple slack, olivish in color. His feet are shod with tasteful, but nondescripipt black leather lace up men's shoes; Although the rubber sole makes almost noise as he walks. He wears a natural cotton dress shirt. Over his athletic frame is thrown a rather baggy, nondescript trench coat, tanninsh in color, and bearing the LL Bean name tag. On his head rests a sturdy, waterproof fedora colored a middle grey.**
Tyne Donnelly: *goes with the others*
Jonathon Spader: *his bulky atache blends to the side of his coat without appearing in any way out of place*
Alexander Tarquine: ~will ride in the jeep, he still has no car~
Jonathon Spader: *salutes FJQ*
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~chrisp, sharp salute back~
Father Justin R. Quinn (Beatific): ~ninjavanish~(dynamic 1)
Jonathon Spader: *On the plane, Jon will inventory, and check his gear thouroughly. Breaking down and reassembling the guns*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Finnuala, Jon, and Alex* so. we are goin, to get some higher learning
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods~ so it seems... it won't be an easy refresher course either
Finnuala Rosher: Tyne> You could say that. We're going to learn what Louis knows.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Alexander, nodds* I know this. but I do not think, it will com to violence.
Finnuala Rosher: Either he'll be expecting this and we'll run into a trap attempt, or he thinks we don't know yet.
Jonathon Spader: Expect a trap.
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods and reads, keeping his ears in the discussion~
Finnuala Rosher: Spader> I agree.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Jon, nodds* he's right..have all your senses on. I'll be feeling out, and ahead.
Jonathon Spader: *reaches down to his shoes, and pulls up his pantlegs. Both a butterfly knife, and a skeleton handled divers knife there. he takes the butterfly knives and checks the action on the, inadvertantly showing soe skill, but after he sets to oiling them with a small vial from his bag*
Dana: *the black jetta 2000 burns in. She jumps out, throwing her keys and two twenties to a valet, and runs in, using her mind to find her friends*
Dana: *flies through the airport, her very cool trenchcoat flowing out behind her, hair in a bun falling out, sunglasses on, boots pounding she skids to a stop beside Finn.* Yo.
Alexander Tarquine: ~ponders magnitizing Spader but lets it slide from his mind quickly~
Tyne Donnelly: *padds her chucks into place, inside her oversized jacket, hanging fro a catch-loop in there, so she can eassily have them at hand. she takes her daggers out of her jacket..two of them, cheap but effective..and stapss them to her forarms, for easy reach. the holdsteres desingned to release them, into her palms. ((*S* borrows trick, I'll admit))*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana, you just made it. The pilot's warming up the engines. It's good to have you. *Wonders if things are square yet with Jonathon, but isn't going to make him uncomfortable by asking*
Alexander Tarquine: ~continues like the eye of the storm, reading his book as he walks, confident that he's ready~
Dana: Where are we going? *thank god she keeps her kit in the car, she's carrying it, btw.*
Dana: And I should hit a washroom to get geared up.
Finnuala Rosher: Dana>Columbia University.
Dana: Uh...what state is that in? *winces at her ignorance*
Finnuala Rosher: (Don't ask me OOC-ly *L*))
Dana: ((reminds all that the last Dana saw of her crowns phone was peices of it on the floor in the backroom))
Jonathon Spader: *putting the knives away, Jomn moves to his electronics package. palmtop, monocle, thumb mouse. The cables run back into his bag, he runs a diag. thise who know PC might think this one is operating too "quick" and it's only a palmtop. what could it do?*
Dana: ((I think it's in New York City...isn't it? *has no clue, actually*))
Dana: *looks at Spader* I really want one of those.
Alexander Tarquine: [[ I'd assume its the one in NYC ]]
Tyne Donnelly: *doesn't know anything about computers, but does sit beside Jon, even if he is in his famous "Guard" mode. which is fine. she is in "Akashic Stoic" mode.*
Dana: ((Thanks Brian *S*)) *ah, must be that one in new york city that Borna wanted to go to. He said it was a nice place.*
røwn of haðøws: *The pilot warms up the jets, and off they go* LAdies and gentlemen, we will be crusing at 35000 feet, at a steady stream.. We will be landing in Laguardia N.Y. in about 1.5 hours.
Dana: *takes the oppurtunity to get geared up* Finn> We doing sub-Vs?
Finnuala Rosher: *Brushes off the concerns about Jonathon and focuses on the work ahead*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> Yes. Is yours all set?
Tyne Donnelly: *is geared up, kelvar on, chucks at the ready, daggers in specail arm sheathes, oversized jacket on, and hair tied back.*
Dana: Yeah, I think so. All my gear should be here. *digs around inside her bag, her voice muffled* Except my phone, that's fucked.
Alexander Tarquine: ~continues to read~
røwn of haðøws: [thanks god they don't have to go thru customs]
Dana: *emerges from the bag* Excuse me for a moment. *stands and walks into the bathroom*
Dana: ((*ROFL*))
Jonathon Spader: Dana> I'll build one for you. *he makes a note in the palmtop. He continues to check his gear. After a moment, he grabs his cellphone, and runs it to a cable in the bag. It dials, and Jon is running a search on teh web* Waht's this guys full name?
Tyne Donnelly: ((Customs..bah..*waves hand, in gealic* These are not the droids you're looking for."))
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> We'll keep that in mind. *Walks to the bathroom and changes into very civilian looking clothing with the cloak draped over her shoulders like a fashionable wrap*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~G~ like customs could stop us... hell they're not even a challenge for Spader by himself ~L~ ]]
Jonathon Spader: ((Jon would just use ceramics then. *S*))
Tyne Donnelly: *all her gear is hidden by the jacket, except the kevlar. she goes in, and places it on, like a bulky second skin, underneath her tai-chi shirt. she comes back out.*
røwn of haðøws: [waits for permilinaries to be done](wits+acedemics for finnuala, tyne and Jon, or enigma's, intution, which ever is higher]
Alexander Tarquine: ~keeps his pistol in his underarm holster and has the medkit in the backpack and on his person~
Finnuala Rosher: ((What do I use if the sheet doesn't have academics on it?))
Dana: *in the bathroom...with Finn? She puts on armour under the jeans and gray sweatshirt she was already wearing. She gears up and comes back out* Anybody got a knapsack? *she has put her short hair in two little nobs behind her ears, and looks very much the innocent freshman age kid she actually is*
røwn of haðøws: [reminds everyone subvocals are short range]
Tyne Donnelly: (3, 7, 8)
Jonathon Spader: ((4 dice: 6 0 2 0 ))
røwn of haðøws: or enigma's, intution, which ever is higher]
røwn of haðøws: [slaps all the non-pm'ing people !]
Finnuala Rosher: ((Sheet has none of these things on it but Wits--rolled failure))
Dana: ((shit, at four temp wp. *kicks something*))
Jonathon Spader: *Jon will put aside his gear and get a spare satchel out of a locker for Dana, then move back for his search*
Alexander Tarquine: ~reads quietly~
røwn of haðøws - Tyne Donnelly: [You remembe, a long time ago, or maybe not that long, a priest was killed, for the "key to hell" The key was kept in the CC [magical] archives in new york, supposed to be at Columbia university. Sumbequnt quest have found, lost and what ever the key, but in the end, Your sure that what ever entity had the key. The Same key or thing, broken that Sabrina was holding, the evil that killed the priest]
Dana: Oooh! *jams some stuff into the knapsack, namely what of the kit isn't on her or her coat*
røwn of haðøws: *the landing is perfect, and smooth. A car is waiting as everyone disembraks in the cold NY weather*[welcome to sabbot controled NY, leave your minds at the door. the ride's starting]
Dana: *comes from Toronto, isn't phased*
Jonathon Spader: *works at his PC, a look of consternation on his face*
Tyne Donnelly: *thiniing back, to what she knows of this place..forcing her way thorugh those things, in the back of one's mind that others forget, but Akashics always have acess to..she recalls..something..and stifles a small, surprised laugh* of..course..Not long ago..here..A Preist was killed, for the "Key to Hell" *looks at Finnuala.*..remeber, the Key? it was kept in the archives of the Chorus..at Columbia. I think..that the evil, that was realesed when Sabrina's necklace was broken..was what killed the preist. Maybe, before the nacklace was broken.
Dana: Louis will recognize us, are we still going with the Ramius contingency? If so I suggest only letting him see one or two of us. Not Spader or Tyne.
Finnuala Rosher: ((Gives a Mr. Bill "Ooooooooooo, noooooooooo)) *Heads out to the car*
Dana: *blinks at Tyne* ~THAT~ was what I broke !?!
Dana: *walks beside Finn to the car*
Alexander Tarquine: ~closes the book and listens, clueless as to where they go from here~
Finnuala Rosher: Tyne> Thats' right! // DANA> I think so. // SPADER> Do you agree Jon?
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, thinks* I do not know, but perhaps.
Dana: *sneaks a peek at what her fellow super-squire was reading*
Jonathon Spader: *on the inflight, Jon packs up and is back to being "nondescript"*
Dana: *winces* Ugh... *thinks about what it could have done to her while she was wearing it, and it gets a little more personal, a little more scary*
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks into the car to see if there's a driver or if it was left with keys*
Jonathon Spader: Yes ma'am, sounds fine. I'll be on overwatch.
Dana: *makes a mental note to borrow the book from Alexander and drools at the thought that he probably has more like it*
Jonathon Spader: *does a once around the car looking for trackers, his extending mirror comming out of the inside of his coat*
Tyne Donnelly: *diembarks, first..she is scanning the area.*
Dana: So who are we going to let him see? And what's the general plan?
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at the Car, and at Spader, and does a Froces 1 scan on it..looking for energy, emissions, digital timers, ect..*
røwn of haðøws: *the driver get's out, and hands them the keys* (all know their being watched, the group watching doesn't make any attempt to hide, about 5 of them, a goo 100 ft away)
Alexander Tarquine: ~tucks the book into his backpack and follows, looking like another yuppie nerd~
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> Myself and Tyne should go in to see him as we're more like personal friends.
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes a look at the watchers* (What do they look like?))
Dana: Alright. *looks like a little college kid, the two buns in her hair take any number of percieved years off*
røwn of haðøws: [they look like sabbat. no hiding it to any trained vamp hunter. their a full on pack]
Dana: *her bearing has been slowly changing since the plane, as she stops acting like she's thirty and starts acting like she's 18 or 19 in mental years*
Tyne Donnelly: ~doesbn't look for long at the group watching..but takes in ther features, and faces, and mental patters, for later~ (corr1/ Mind 1.)
Finnuala Rosher: *Grimaces* Aw crap. Leeches at three o-clock.
Alexander Tarquine: ~kneels down to tie his boot, taking the opertunity to glance at the observers~
Dana: Dammnit. *doesn't look, doesn't need to anymore* (mind/corr)
Jonathon Spader: *Jon just gives a small shake of his head. From his bag he pulls a small flat rectangle onlt an inch thick, Six long, and three, and three quartes wide. he flips it on, a low steady hiss comming from the twin speakers ~white noise generator~*
Tyne Donnelly: *naturally, being formost of her mind, makes sure Justine is not with them..then looks at Finnuala* I see. which means, we should get in, and out, rather fast.
røwn of haðøws: [The Quietly observe]
Dana: Who's our contact here? As in who's car is this?
Finnuala Rosher: *Flips open her phone and advises the pilot to be alert for the group on the ground and to keep things locked till they return* // TYNE> Yes, like now. *Gets into the car*
Alexander Tarquine: ~stands back up~ Shall we then? No point in dallying
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at the car, whcih she did scan for bombs, and then at the others* Move back. I will start it.
røwn of haðøws: [signs hangs in the window of the car "Sister Audery"]
Tyne Donnelly: *or..gets in, riding in the back*
røwn of haðøws: [the driver wonders why tyne is opening his door]
Finnuala Rosher: *Steps back out of the car forTyne*
Jonathon Spader: They're just on watch to see who's comming into their turf. Respect folks, keep it in mind. We're the tourists.
Dana: *slips in beside Finn, takes out a peice of grape gum and pops it in her mouth, the guise complete. It takes some time for her to be just a 19 year old college kid again (considering it's doubtful she ever was 19) but she's managed it*
Tyne Donnelly: ((*L* though he handed the keys off to someone. sorry.))*just simply gets in*
Dana: And are we sure this is our car? ((hooray for mind1))
Jonathon Spader: *takes a back seat spot, checking to see what "accessories" the car has*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sits where no one else is, he could care less where he sits~
røwn of haðøws: *driveer waits till everyone's in, then peels out slowly, aroud the circle that is Laguardia and up the 94street ramp and unto Grand Central Parkway. It's late, so not much traffic as thy hit the Triburough for NY, NY.*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Gotta love Alexander))
Dana: ((*G* He's the super squire))
Finnuala Rosher: *she's always wanted to see NY, so the trip has it's pleasures for all that it's business.*
røwn of haðøws: [contimplates why Justin get's the super squire's ]
Dana: *New York reminds her a little too much of Toronto...always had.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~hates big cities, hates the problems they have~
Dana: ((Hey, Dana will be a super squire some day, it'll just take her some time *S*))
Finnuala Rosher: ((Because Justin's the Super Templar))
Tyne Donnelly: *recalls a Riverdance show here, but that was before she got the part by default.*
røwn of haðøws: *the skyline over the bridge is amazing, with it's running yellow lights and rythmic rickity sounds, then it's like a plunge and it chages. This is a city under siege. The trained can see it, it's darkness enveloped in the soul.*
Dana: ((*ROFLMAO@Tyne*))
Dana: *feels like she's coming home.*
Tyne Donnelly: *swallows, hard..for the first time..a palptable reminder of what is happening, the world over. or at least here..but sometimes, it feels like the whole world.*
Alexander Tarquine: [[ ~thinks Dana has more skills the Alexander~ ]]
Finnuala Rosher: *Watches the faces, the positions of hunters of all things, the atmosphere and sees a larger version of where they came from.*
røwn of haðøws: [shortly enough, then come to 164 and broadyway, Columbia University. Pulling into the parking lot, it's a descreate blackness]
Dana: ((Yeah, but Alex has more of clue *S*)) *waits for orders*
Alexander Tarquine: ~steps out of the car slowly, streaching as he does so~
Finnuala Rosher: *Places a quick call to Father Quinn* We're on the campus. I'll call you when there's news. *Hangs up and gets out of the car*
røwn of haðøws: [the driver steps out and points down to a set of steps, decending into a corner announcing that classes will not be canceled for snow, and that the Limelight has Dj Rex wed thru Sat.]
Tyne Donnelly: *her senses go up..feeling, looking..in all directions.* (mind/Forces/Corr/Life/Prime all at 1. to be specific, other than her group(and them, too) she wants to know, when somethings getting close to them, if it is sentient, has energetic emissions, is alive, or has prime energy)
Dana: *lets her mind range out, closing her eyes behind the mirrorshades, popping her gum, toying with her necklace* ((mind/life/corr as far as she can reach 5 3 1...damnit, blows a wp))
Jonathon Spader: *steps out, and opens the door for Tyne and Dana*
Dana: *lets her mind range out, closing her eyes behind the mirrorshades, popping her gum, toying with her necklace* ((mind/life/corr as far as she can reach 5 3 1...damnit, blows a wp))
Jonathon Spader: *steps out, and opens the door for Tyne and Dana*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Jon, and smiles just a hint.then gets out*
Tyne Donnelly: *nodds, moves to the Waterfowl*
Jonathon Spader: *pus the hat low, but keeps eyes wide, he scans the thoroughfare, looking for the tail that should come by*
Dana: *nods to Finn* I can do that. *tosses her knapsack onto one shoulder*
røwn of haðøws: [fox]*looks up at finnuala, gives her a scathing look cause he has to touch the cold snow, then sighs and hops down, moving towards the doors heading down*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to Finn and looks to see if there is a bench imeadiatly inside the doorway~
Jonathon Spader: *nods* Yes ma'am. I'll take high ground. Alexander. Keep an eye open. To those guys that are watching us from the airport, we look like oputside talent. They'll be along.
Dana: *smiles over at Alexander, the other one who looks like a student* Heya hon. *and slips her hand into his*
Finnuala Rosher: *Immediately follows Tenaviel because she knows he doesn't like to be kept waiting*
Tyne Donnelly: *moves, with Finnuala..*
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to Spader and pulls out his book again, thinking he could pass for a grad student~ Well hello there ~the good side of his mouth smiles slightly to Dana~
Dana: *chuckles as Alexander now looks like the grad student preying on the freshmen, and pops her gum again*
røwn of haðøws: [inside] *the door opens eaisly, revealing the stone work of an underground built during a war that never happened. Radiation signs that say bomb shelter hang in the corners at the exits. On the left is a computer lab, closed, on the right, the coke/venda machine and the hall way continues*
Finnuala Rosher: *She knows there's no way she can ever look like a Freshman. She has too many qualities of maturity for that. Maybe not physically, though the statuesque form is hardly that of a youth, but more in the demeanour. Someone who's gotten their education and been around.*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon moves to the side of a building, and in the shadow makes his way up the side* ~SV~ Keep in touch, and keep alert.
Finnuala Rosher: *Continues following Tenaviel closely, getting ready to be charming, rather than warlike*
røwn of haðøws: [outside] The driver, lights up a smoke.*
Alexander Tarquine: So whats you area of study miss....? ~the right side of his mouth grins at Dana~
Dana: *slips her arms around Alexander and lays her head on his chest* ~sv~ gotcha.
Finnuala Rosher: Spader> ~SV~ Line is open and I hear you.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon lets his sense of hearing pass with Finn and Tyne. His eyes remain in the outside, always scanning*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sv~ affermative...
Dana: *she smiles at him* Business. *it's the only thing she's sure Columbia has thanks to Borna*
Finnuala Rosher: *Continues following Tenaviel closely, getting ready to be charming, rather than warlike*
røwn of haðøws: [outside] The driver, lights up a smoke.*
Alexander Tarquine: So whats you area of study miss....? ~the right side of his mouth grins at Dana~
Dana: *slips her arms around Alexander and lays her head on his chest* ~sv~ gotcha.
Finnuala Rosher: Spader> ~SV~ Line is open and I hear you.
Jonathon Spader: *Jon lets his sense of hearing pass with Finn and Tyne. His eyes remain in the outside, always scanning*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sv~ affermative...
Dana: *she smiles at him* Business. *it's the only thing she's sure Columbia has thanks to Borna*
Dana: *slips away as she realizes they're supposed to be just getting to know each other. At 2 am. On a dark campus.*
Dana: ((dlp))
Tyne Donnelly: ~SV~ online. *moves, with The Dame*
Dana: I think so.
røwn of haðøws: [inside]* they wind down a flight, getting from one door to another, checking finally 3 levela down, there is a solid red Fire door. and the Fox stops.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~chuckles~ can never have enough business personel ~keeps his eyes wondering~
Dana: *winds her fingers with a chain around her neck, toying with it* ((mind/corr/life 7 8 2 yay!))
Dana: What kind of medicine do you want to go into?
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at the Fire door, and around, Prime sensing*
Finnuala Rosher: *Lowers an arm to allow Tenaviel back onto her shoulders and tries to open the door by simply using the knob (or bar)*
Alexander Tarquine: Well I'd like to be a sergeon, but I'm also geting a pharmacology degree, that way I'm gaurenteed something
røwn of haðøws - Tyne Donnelly: [[doors real, what's behind it is not.. it's an magicalk illusion]]
Dana: Any areas of specialty beyond that? I mean..you could make a lot of money in private practice with specialised forms of surgery. *damn us private health care system*
Dana: ((us=U.S.))
røwn of haðøws: [inside] *doors opens slowly, creaking like it's not been used, a solid brick wall behind it*
røwn of haðøws: [oustide] *The Driver get's in the car and turns on the heat*
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Finnuala, smiles..and walks through the brick wall*
Alexander Tarquine: ~chuckles~ I'm not in it for the money
Dana: *keeps her scans active so as to know when anything or anyone is approaching*
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks at Tyne's passage* Okay smartass. *Smiles and walks forward*
Dana: Really, one of those altruistic types, eh? *guides him towards a nearby bench, not too suspicous to be standing or anything*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Last post was ~SV~ mode))
Dana: *snickers internally at Finn's lovely assessment of Tyne*
røwn of haðøws: [outside] *a few studdents start to walk towards the building, after crossing the street*
Alexander Tarquine: ~gets lead towards a bench~ Thats the general opinion, the money is just a nice perk
Dana: *smiles* That's cool. Some people are like that, I guess. *Shrugs, pops her gum*
røwn of haðøws: [secreat room] This opens int an area of darkness and pipes, Just like a boiler room, it's metal, floors echo loudly as one walkes, [fox] travels quickly, moving down the steel steps , as steam jets out over head]
Tyne Donnelly: *grins*
Alexander Tarquine: ~smiles and cast a gaze at the students~
Finnuala Rosher: *Moves along fast after the little fox, taking in as much detail as possible along the way*
Dana: ~sv~ group of students entered campus from the (insert direction here). scanning...
røwn of haðøws: [outside']*one smiles at Alexander, but tosses a look at Dana as they continue to huddle to gether to get downstairs*
Jonathon Spader: ((Sorry, was booted))
Dana: *watches the students, just some kid chewing gum* ~sv~ students coming in after tyne and finn, orders?
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to the one that smiles and shifts his attention back to Dana~
Finnuala Rosher: ((Are the SV's still in range of those outside?))
røwn of haðøws: [yes, their short rage, about 1/2-=mile depending on interference]
Amber Ross OOC: ((Hey, all!!))
Tyne Donnelly: *adjusts hers, and Finnuala's siubvocals, to give them an added boost.* (Forces 2)
Tyne Donnelly: ((Hugs An Amber)) ~SV~ they are coming, where WE are?
røwn of haðøws: [secreat][fox] Continues on another 2 levels, the radios feeling the strain or underground, before comming reaching another door. A man steps out infront of them, looked them over, more importantly Finnuala's cloak, then steps aside, opening the door]
Jonathon Spader: *scans the croud, and rooftops*
Dana: ~sv~ into the same door you guys went into
røwn of haðøws: [forget the straining]
Finnuala Rosher: *Nods to the man and steps inside*
Tyne Donnelly: *goes of course, with Finnuala*
Alexander Tarquine: ~snuggles with Dana and waits~
Finnuala Rosher: *Tries to get a good look at the people and surroundings for purposes of quick escape if necessary*
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Possible company on rooftop opposite me. A, D maybe it's time to go to class. The one those other studens were going to seems to be interesting.
røwn of haðøws: [secreat] in the room is about 5 people, one on a gerney. Louis, A old nun, a young father and a older father, and a 10 year old.
Dana: ~sv~ don't know anywhere that holds classes at 2 in the morning.
Sara Conners (Beatific): *Sara is about 5'2" and her faith (8) Shines like a light from her face. She carries a Cross, nodescript than any with faith can feel holds a boound and trapped evil, her faith alone keeping it within. She is radiant,her red hair spilling out to her shoulder, and wearing a skirt, that accents her shapely legs, a bracelet, delicatly adorns her hands. She bares a Gladius resting across her chest, looking strangly like the one Sabrina carries. she is whispering prayers.
Tyne Donnelly: ~SV~ you be careful, Jonothan..*also taking in thier surroundings, commiting them to perfect memory*
røwn of haðøws: [outside] *the students continue and down the steps, disappear inside*
Finnuala Rosher: *Observes to see if it's appropriate to speak*
Alexander Tarquine: ~sv~ roger that ~stands and helps Dana up~ Shall we head inside then?
Dana: *she grins to herself, as if humoured by something, and hugs Alexander*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] * STands* Hello Finnigan, Tyne..Took yeu seuwt time.
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Yeah, so it must be interesting. Perhaps just a look at the door to determine what it is. The buildings of a college have always been a bastion of educational defense.
Dana: Sure. *she stands and walks hand in hand with Alexander* ((see, she's clueless, totally misinterpreted that from Spader *S*))
Sara Conners (Beatific): *she lies on a cot , not really paying attention*
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> We missed you, Louis. Can we talk?
Tyne Donnelly: *says nothing, yet. but rather flaytly* Louis. my countryman.
Alexander Tarquine: ~walks down the steps and into the building with Dana, trying to see where the other students went~ ~sv~ Dana and i are in the building
Dana: *one hand holds Alex's, the other reaches across and rubs her side as if scratching it, reaching out her mind to the corridors around her*
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Understood. I'll be comming to class in 3 minutes.
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Gives Tyne a flat stare.* If you come to passjudement, get out.
røwn of haðøws: [secreat] other havn't said a word.
røwn of haðøws: [downstairs] They walk to the computer lab, use their key card and opens the doors, flipping on the light.
Dana: *tries to take note as to where Tyne and Finn are with that cool scanny stuff she picked up while she was blind*
Tyne Donnelly: *shakes her head at him, that wasn't what her tone implied at all* You know better.
Sara Conners (Beatific): -she doesn't seem to notice anyone, just praying-
Finnuala Rosher: Louis, old friend, we only came with questions and concerns for you. Tyne and I have never forgotten the things you've done for us and we'd just like this to be a social call if possible.
Dana: ~sv~ students in comp lab
Alexander Tarquine: ~watches them enter the lab and waits to see what Dana finds~ ~sv~ the other stdents went into the lab
Dana: *smiles to Alex, softly* okay, you talk.
Finnuala Rosher: *Offers her Faith toward the pool of that of Sara*, letting it free like the light inside a hurricane lantern*
Alexander Tarquine: ~chuckles~ I just realized I forgot my lab card ~steers them towards the hallway Finn and Tyne went down~
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Noted, I have a spotter in sight on opposite roof. My prescence is noted here. Comming down in one.
Tyne Donnelly: *stands very still, and quiet, all that she has to contribute, for now.*
Tyne Donnelly: ~SV~ that'd better be one peice, Jon..
Dana: *walks with Alexander, scanning*
røwn of haðøws: [[love=lore]][louis] Teh foct yeu con stond there 'an say such, and neh give meh a hug speaks for itself -kneels beside Sara-
Dana: ~sv~ not picking them up..*her brow furrows*
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> Enough. You didn't offer one either. Now let's cut through the hurt feelings buulshit and talk. You need something, don't you? What is it?
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Most likely wards, I hear praying, perhaps the faith suffuses the stone. Comming down now.
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Yes, well ' Dis be Sister Andrea, and Father Mike and Steven. The child is , honestly I don't know.
Tyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis, sighs* well..as you're a bit busy, right now..and I'm sure it's been a bad week for you too, by the look of things..I did not feel, it was appropriate..*looks at Finnuala, nodds in agreemtn*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -seems to accept Finnuala's added faith, but doesn't stop praying-
Finnuala Rosher: *Nods toward each person introduced*
røwn of haðøws: [inside] alex and dana will run out of room
røwn of haðøws: [secreat] each person will nod back, smiling even
Alexander Tarquine: ~stops and leans against a wall and waits for Spader to catch up~
Dana: *opens the firedoor* ((if it's still there))
Dana: ~sv~ Finn, Tyne, tell us where you are.
Jonathon Spader: *walking to a point that will be out of sight after Jon goes over the side, he will scan the ground below, and if it is clear, give a slight salute to his opposite, and hop over the side. ~PK~ to keep him on the wall and descending safe*
røwn of haðøws: [the fire door is 3 levels of corridors down from the main floor. Then you have to travel another 2 levels to get to Finnuala and Tyne]
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ I hear that there is an unknown in room with Finn and Tyne, and the others. Might be a plant. Caution everyone. Tyne, keep an eye out.
Tyne Donnelly: ~SV~ through the wall, Dana..) *looks at each introdused, and nodds, respectfully
røwn of haðøws: [louis]"Thot is hos been, thot it hos. "
Dana: ((drat))
Tyne Donnelly: ~SV~ understood, Jon.
Jonathon Spader: ((Spader make it to the ground?))
Dana: *blinks as Finn's remark doens't help her. There are a lot of walls.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~leans on the wall waiting for Jon~
Oracle: *Watches Finnuala and Justyne curiously*
Jonathon Spader: *Passing back around the corner, keeping top the shadows. (dex5 stealth3) Jon makes his way to the door. Eyes continually scanning as he can't here up here*
Dana: ~sv~ Finn, try to be more specific if you can, Tyne, I can't find you with my mind's eye.
Oracle: ((Color change, so as not to be confuzled with Alexander))
Alexander Tarquine: ~waits being of very little use right now~
røwn of haðøws: [ok all]
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> I know these symbols from elsewhere. *Hopes that'll help Dana*
røwn of haðøws: [the weather in NY at this time..]
Tyne Donnelly: ~SV~ Dana. go behind the fire door, through the wall..and close the door behind you.
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *glances sharply at Finnuala* Yeu deu?
Jonathon Spader: *passing into the darkness of the doorway, Jon slaps one of his laser tripwires on the wall inside the mantle out of general eyesight, and continues on in the same motion down the hall* ~SV~ Comming inside for warmth now.
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> Yes. But I'd like to know how they got here.
røwn of haðøws: [upstairs] One of the girl almost runs into Jon , Smiles and ducks into a bathroom
røwn of haðøws: [preist] go to attend on Sara
Alexander Tarquine: ~sv~ waiting on you Jon...
Jonathon Spader: *Jon evades easily, and smiles back, then continues on*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] "..Where did yeu learn them? they are of the Ones that came before.
Dana: ~sv~ what firedoor?
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ comming down behind you now. Just passing the bathrooms.
Alexander Tarquine: ~sv~ roger that, still trying to trace Finn and Tyne's path
røwn of haðøws: [makes it easy, for the readers of the archive. Everyone, state simply, what floor of the bastment your on, Finnuala's and tyne's being 5, spadar's being 1.]
Sara Conners (Beatific): [5th]
Oracle: *Sitting down, listening to the conversation between Loius and Finnuala, legs hugged to his chest and chin on his knees*
Oracle: ((5th))
Dana: ((1))
Finnuala Rosher: (5) LOUIS> I can't really read them, but they're old and were part of a seal that held back some absolute terrors of things.
Alexander Tarquine: [[ 1 ]]
røwn of haðøws: [1st]*a few corridors, and many doors*
Oracle: *Turns his gaze over to Justyne, and tilts his head to the side a bit, considering her*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] "..It did, and does so. Why are yeu here finnuala?"
Jonathon Spader: *hurries on slightly as he continues to try and catch up* ~SV~ On first, comming straight along hall.
Dana: *looks for a map that indicates fire exits*
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> I came to find out why we've been harried and to ask you to come back with us if necessary. (Utter and total truth)
Alexander Tarquine: ~sv~ your almost to us JOn
Tyne Donnelly: *just looks back at the one looking at her. not hostile. not challenging.*
røwn of haðøws: [bingo]Fire exits for the entire building are all marked.
Dana: *looks for the closest fire door*
Oracle: *Simply stares back...a 10 year old boy, moderately dirty (as 10 year old boys are wont to be), in a striped T-Shirt, ratty jeans, and Keds.*
røwn of haðøws: [Louis] * Cause yeu hod the first seal, But now thot's lost, only 2 left *points at Sara* Sara Conners, celestial Chrous paladin.. She's a carrier.
røwn of haðøws: [matching the map to the door and so on, (wits 3) will get you to the 3rd floor, it only shows 2 floors]
røwn of haðøws: (um 3 floors)
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> How long do you think she can hold out?
Sara Conners (Beatific): -groans-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] she's held out for 5 years, she con hold for a feu more days .
Tyne Donnelly: *nodds at Louis* I see. *looks back at the Oracle*
Dana: ((um..wits 2)) *scratches her head*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] just isnt his jovial self.] And I cannot "go back" I have to get the others.
Alexander Tarquine: [[ wits 3 ]] ~gives Dana a hand when Spader catches up~
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> *Shakes her head* You have to get the seals? Why? And couldn't you have just asked, rather than go through all this expense and pain?
Oracle: *Furrows one eyebrow, and raises another, staring at Tyne* What?
Tyne Donnelly: *at the boy, shrugs a bit. no unfreidndly* You were looking at me. I looked, back.
røwn of haðøws: [Louis] I dinna ove to ask nothing. I'm nae getting nothing teu do with this foolishness. The others, as in other brothers. Yeu hyave no clue where ye bumbline deu yeu?
røwn of haðøws: [after reading the map, 3rd floor eaisly]
Jonathon Spader: ((CAught up yet?))
røwn of haðøws: [big read door obvious, Brig brick wall behind]
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> No, we don't. But I trust you to explain it and to let us know what you want us to know. *Still pools the Faith with Sara*
røwn of haðøws: [louis]"what are the questions?"
Oracle: *Scrunches his mouth off to the side as he considers her answer, then nods* That will suffice as an answer, I suppose...
røwn of haðøws: [Brick, bricks..--and the weather in floridia]
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> What do you want from us?
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks at the wall~ You think this is what they ment? ~reaches out to put his hand on the wall~
røwn of haðøws: [louis] "Nutting. " -softly-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] standoffish that was indeed and with good reason.
Dana: Yeah, through the wall they said.
Finnuala Rosher: *Knows damned good and well that if Louis had wanted them dead, at least one of them would have died already--remembers that none of the attacks or traps so far have really seemed meant to kill. The timing was off or the puzzle solvable, as if the talents of the Crowns had been taken into account for survival*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis, then Finnuala, then back to the Oracle, and nodds* it is, as it is.
Jonathon Spader: *switches hearing back to bodyspace* ~SV~ Ma'am, we're down three at brick wall. Squawk once if you want us to continue. Twice to hold position. ("squawk" just in case you need to know means the "Call attention noise" there is a small depresser on the throat harness for it)
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> *Softly* Louis, you could have killed us at any time. You wanted our reactions instead. Why?
røwn of haðøws: [louis]-looking more than vaguely hurt- What _are_ yeu talking about?
Oracle: *Smiles at Tyne* I like how you speak...
Finnuala Rosher: *Rubs the back of her neck and sets off the call once*
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> Tell me I'm wrong, and you didn't do any of it. Better yet, just tell me what you're doing now with gathering the seals?
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Understood. Comming on. *slaps a laser emitter on the wall 6 feet up the corridor from the "wall"*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the Oracle* and I, you. Very little waste, with such words.
røwn of haðøws: [loius] *looks pained, sits down* I was saving my bothers from them selves. I'm not collecting teh damn seals. Donna yeu git it?
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Yeu said yeu knew. Yeu know what happened if even _one_ of them get's out.l why whould i wont 3?
Oracle: *Nods to Tyne in agreeance* Too much to say to waste words.
røwn of haðøws: [inside the door] is a maze of walkway and steel. where tog go now?
Alexander Tarquine: ~steps slowly through the door and can't help but remember when this cost him his soul in england~
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles a bit. a genuine smile, for the frist time scince yesterday* This is so. *looks at Louis, worriedly, then at Finnuala*
Dana Mackintosh: *pops her gum, feels for the trace of Finn's worry and Tyne's combat mode* ((mind 2 to pick up on their psychic trails, 7 5 3))
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> *Tiredly* No, frankly I don't get it. I don't know what you were saving anyone from and why it was necessary that missles be fired at us in the Chapel parking lot, and why a lot of things have happened. I don't even know why a Nephandi and two werewolves invaded our home to get Sabrina other than that she could have been the vessel of some disembodied evil. I don't know any of these things, and that's why I'm ASKING you, you insufferable Celt.
Dana Mackintosh: ((mind 1, actually, I think))
Jonathon Spader: ~SV/SL~ D A slow and steady. no rush yet. D in the front, see if you can pick up their trail. A middle, keep watch so D doesn't need to. I'm behind. 3 feet apart.
Oracle: *Smiles at Tyne, then looks at Louis suddenly, listening to him intently*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -prays-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Is everyone ok? are you all right?
Alexander Tarquine: ~nods to himself~ ~sv~ understood
Dana Mackintosh: ~sv~ gotcha, working on it
Oracle: *Blinks at Finnuala* Need they any other reason?
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Finnuala, brows furrow* you, too, are an insufferable Celt. *looks at Louis*
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> Physically, everyone's still standing. But that's been debatable at times.
røwn of haðøws: [louis] yeu realise I donna know nothing about what yeu are taking about. I'm talking about The Zigg'raugglurr
Lurk: ( Crown > you spelled Realize wrong..hehe )
Finnuala Rosher: Oracle> You think it's okay to do that? // *Gives Tyne a "don't start with me" look*
Jonathon Spader: *pulls one of his UV strobes from his bag, and clips it to his belt. turning it on. (hopefully interferes with low light surveilance)*
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> You have no reason to lie now I suppose.
Dana Mackintosh: *heads towards where she "feels" them to be*
Justyne Donnelly: *is silent, then, seeing the look.*
Alexander Tarquine: ~follows behind Dana and silently wonders why Spader chose 3 foot intervals~
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> You have no reason to lie now I suppose.
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *jumps up and slug finnuala solidly*
Oracle: *Looks at Louis* Ziggys are bad. *Looks back to Finn* Okay to do what?
Dana Mackintosh: *keeps moving towards the general area* (lemme know how close I get)
Justyne Donnelly: *glares at Louis, immediatly on guarde* what the HELL?
Alexander Tarquine: ~does his best to steer the group towards the steps, knowing that they need to go down~
røwn of haðøws: [louis]*glares at Finnuala*
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes the hit (soaking 2)* Feel better Louis?
Jonathon Spader: ((damm good thing Spader pulled his hearing out of there. *S*))
Justyne Donnelly: *just..WAITING..for Louis to try to swing, again.*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] "I do not. Calling me a Lier , Aftter i gave you shelter and ../-he just stammers-
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis, hurt* Damnit, Louis! we don't know who is on the right! we don't know who to trust! all we know is that we are..walking targets! we're tired of it!
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> After I stood between you and something unspeakable, and everything else, yeah, I know. We have history. But now you won't come clean. I did. Full disclosure. But you're still "Protecting people from themselves" What the flak is that supposed to mean?
Dana Mackintosh: *walking*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] "Why don't you all leave.
Alexander Tarquine: ~following, watching, steering~
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> Because we came to help. All we need is to know how. We're waiting for you to just tell us.
Dana Mackintosh: *moves towards where she knows her friends to be, picking up pace*
Oracle: *Frowns, his question ignored, and sulks a bit*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Missed Oracle's question. Must heve been drowned out by the sound of Louis' fist hitting Finn's face))
røwn of haðøws: [louis]*blinks* What a fuck up.. There are 3 -hold up hands- Three things going on here. Me you , and them. 3..-his irish temper tjust exploded.- Me, Im insearch of a Ziggy I summonbed, 2. one Dark one is Hunting for 3 seals to release one of his masters.. You, have no clue what your doing and 3, our brothers are Forcing you to do their dirty work.. and find all the lose ends, cause they want to resurest the damn thing _to kill it!
røwn of haðøws: [again, your on the wrong floor dana]
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Oracle* You asked something? *still on guard*
Alexander Tarquine: ~continues to steer Dana towards the steps, knowing they need to go down~
Justyne Donnelly: *hears Louis, and about staggers.*
Jonathon Spader: *moves along nearly silent behind Alexander, but does let enough sound to be made to let him know he is still there*
Oracle: *Looks at Louis* They're just trying to help...you don't have to yell.
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> Well then. We don't want that, do we? They might not be able to kill it, and then it would be loose. If we don't know what we're doing, it's a good thing you're here to tell us so we'll know! *Temper getting the best of her too, considering the recent past*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *shouting, so even the people onthe 4th floor can hear* I have no IDEAD WHAT I'm DOING!!
Dana Mackintosh: *gets steered by Alexander*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis* and? what do you want to do with it? (hoping that he's not really on either side. this whole thing just got much bigger than she'd thought)
Dana Mackintosh: *hears Louis (I think) and thinks that boy needs a good voice of irish folksongs again*
Jonathon Spader: ~SV~ Finn? Tyne? Everything Ok?
Oracle: *Cringes at Louis, and frowns* You're not a very nice man...
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> Then stop yelling! *Pulls herself back before she hits him in repayment and breathes deeply* All right. First of all we should help her. *Points to Sara* Then we need to get together and really talk. All of us.
Dana Mackintosh: *goes DOWNSTAIRS*
Jonathon Spader: ((Like hell he will. He might stand NEXT to Spader during said action. *S*))
røwn of haðøws: [5th] finally the other reach.
Alexander Tarquine: ~follows orders from here on out~
Justyne Donnelly: ~SV~ fine, Sugatrmuffing. having an elightening conversation.
røwn of haðøws: [loius] bet yall live in a vacume, where everthing that goes wrong revolves about yeu? bet yer Spader fella prably thinks the guy on the roof is a look out,or the driver's a plant. regualr people with regualr lives live in this regualr damn city
Dana Mackintosh: *kick ass. Walks in...?*
Justyne Donnelly: *laughs a bit, at that, nodds at Louis..not mocking, or condescending..but..real laughter.* You're right..*sits down, at ease*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *goes back to Sara, holding her forhead* This Her connection to this, is that she was with me when the damn thing attacked, and THAT's how it got the first necklace. I reported it, and here 's where we are.. So much for heigher leadership.
Finnuala Rosher: *Lets her head rest against the wall with a heavy sigh* LOUIS, all we want is to HELP YOU!
Dana Mackintosh: *regular people..regular lives..on rooftops in the winter in the middle of the night. Sorry, not buying it*
Oracle: *Looks at Tyne, and points at Finnuala* She said, Do You Think It's Okay To Do That, and I say, Okay To Do What?
Finnuala Rosher: Louis> We might, all of us, be able to rid her of it.*Quietly*
røwn of haðøws: [[he he.. columbia's star watcher club..got to love the crazy cookes.]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((that ~still~ doesn't explain why he knows about it *G* and he said "regular" people *G*))
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Finnuala, for her to answer the boy's question, then at Louis* are you suggesting that things may be a bit misguided at the top?
Finnuala Rosher: *Is too focused on Louis and trying to not whack him back to notice poor Oracle just yet*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *rolls his eyes at Justyne* you'r the ones that left the damn nephadi in the vatican. Remember.. [old plot likes NEVER die]
Sara Conners (Beatific): -prays-
Dana Mackintosh: *enters, dead cute* Oh, hello Mr. Lanigan. *ooh, who brought a kid in here?*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *glances at then as they enter and sighs* .. no Finnuala, nothing I can try..
Justyne Donnelly: *thinks about that* Allright..*shuts up, seeing that no question is a good one right now*
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> Hey, the world doesn't revolve around us, so we didn't get the Vatican dealt with between Mages poling holes in Justine's brain, and Gypsies stabbing me, and monsters attacking Justin, and everything else. Now that you've pointed out how lax we've been, I suppose that should take care of the problem at hand? Will criticising us keep that woman from being consumed be the evil within?
røwn of haðøws: [louis] throw dana a smile, sits dejectedly]
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> Sorry. *Looks away* So sorry about this. I never meant this to get ugly.
Dana Mackintosh: *winces, walked into a good one. Smiles at the kid, kids are safe*
Dana Mackintosh: *walks over to sit beside Louis*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -continiues to pray-
røwn of haðøws: [louis]-silence-
røwn of haðøws: [detroit..expect snow delays.]
Sara Conners (Beatific): -hasn't moves, barely preathed exvept to take in the next breath-
Finnuala Rosher: *Is silent also, trying to start over and can't. Only Faith keeps her going now*
Dana Mackintosh: *turns her most powerful weapon on Louis, big sapphire eyes rimmed with gold lashes* Are you alright?
Oracle: *Looks at Dana and tilts his head, watching her*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *is looking at sara, *(whew, dman flaws-escapes dana)"..I'm fine. Were all fine..thot's why were huddled in a corner in the CC vaults.
røwn of haðøws: [audery] "um..w-whould-would anyone like something to drink?
Finnuala Rosher: *Is getting so very tired, but leaves it to Dana now. Obviously she's doing no good with Louis, herself.*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis* allright then. How can we, help you?
Finnuala Rosher: Audery> No. Thank you. *Quietly, while watching Sara*
Oracle: *Shakes his head at Audrey, then looks from Crown to Crown to Crown to Crown.*
røwn of haðøws: [Louis] *isn't really paying attention to much, help or non help. He's at the end of his rope and here's where he stands*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -continues to pray, faith tight and bound-
Dana Mackintosh: *getting worried* Mr. Lanigan? *and trying to get Louis to look at her, hey, it worked last time*
Finnuala Rosher: *Has to step out for a while, and does so*
Oracle: *Gets up abruptly, and follows Finnuala*
røwn of haðøws: [room get's decidely darker when finnuala's faith leaves']
Finnuala Rosher: *Just outside the doorway*
Dana Mackintosh: *woah, puts her faith in where Finn's was*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -breatthing quickens, and takes her a moment to adjust-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *looks up slowly and glances about* "..Whot wos thot?
Justyne Donnelly: *feels this, fornws* ~SV~ Waterfowl. come back. it becaome not as light, without you.
Finnuala Rosher: *She knows that she's needed near Sara, and doesn't spend long out there. Just enough time to close her eyes and breathe a few times, then turns to come back in*
Finnuala Rosher: *Walks back in* I needed some air is all. *Goes to kneel next to Sara and begins praying with her*
Oracle: *Sits there, watching Finnuala, head tilted slightly, making him appear almost comically serious and contemplative*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -her hand reaches for finnaual almost instantly-
Oracle: *Steps aside to let Finnuala in, and follows her*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] backs away.
Dana Mackintosh: *pools her faith with Sara's, watches Louis closely*
Dana Mackintosh: Lou> Are you..*I asked that already, but her voice expresses the concern she wanted to show him*
røwn of haðøws: [louis, as much as anyone in the room, is just wondering what's going on]
Oracle: *Looks oddly at Louis*
Finnuala Rosher: *Takes Sara's hand and holds it firmly* Can someone bring a cool cloth for her?
Jonathon Spader: ((Sorry, back)) *Jon stays near the "entrance" area. Feeling what is going on, he adds his faith to bolster the light*
Justyne Donnelly: *immediately goes to get the cloth*
Dana Mackintosh: *seeing there's very little she can do for Louis, she looks to the kid* Do you know where I could find a cloth and a sink?
Dana Mackintosh: *as Tyne gets it* Nevermind. *She studies the child*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] rubs his face. They'd proably never believe the only connection he hand for Sara is that he feels he hurt her* No Dana, love, I 'm fine.
Dana Mackintosh: *looks back at Louis* Why don't I believe you? Alright..can you at least tell me what I can do help?
Sara Conners (Beatific): -he's reaching for something. something close, just not close enough, hands out ,.,..reaching-
Oracle: *Studies Dana back, in the same comical way he was looking at Finnuala outside the room*
Finnuala Rosher: *Holds Sara's hand while praying along with her every word. * (If the words are familiar to an ordained Sister)
Dana Mackintosh: *interestingly enough, was studying Oracle in the exact same pose, one that can be easily seen to have looked ridiculous on her 9 years ago. Because it did* ((did it ever, and I have the picture to prove it! *G*))
Sara Conners (Beatific): -finnuala can repeat the words, but their angelic in nature as Sara has "Chorous" (do for CC's)-
Justyne Donnelly: *comes back in a few minutes, having expertly navigated the way arounf the building, through her perfect mental blueprint of it.*
Jonathon Spader: *Spader jsut does what he does. Blends into the background, and keeps watch*
Finnuala Rosher: *Getting that feeling one gets in the shower when singing and no one can hear and you sound really great. All things are possible.*
røwn of haðøws: [clevland ohio is under snow...]
Sara Conners (Beatific): -reaching-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] watches Sara and Finnuala.
Justyne Donnelly: *also watches*
Dana Mackintosh: *gets one of those "inklings" and rubs her lower back under her shirt* (spirit1 scan 1 5 5..tell me if i should spend a wp)
Oracle: *Ignores Sara and Finnuala...it's just more Faith. Continues to examine Dana, tilting his head one way, then the other, lips scrunched to one side*
Dana Mackintosh: Oracle> Hello, my name is Dana.
Dana Mackintosh: *retracts her "senses", lots o' faith here. Keeps her own pooled with Finnuala, remembering a woman who once prayed with her and it saved the life of a man she loves*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -her hand drops, and she reject dana's faith who wont come to her battle and takes Finnaual's freely giving life essence and screams, the sceams enough to shatter concrete , before , her voice is tinged with the chorus of angels.-
Oracle: *Smiles a bit at Dana, and waves* Hi...
røwn of haðøws: *the beads seem to melt and turn to water around her, flowing to the ground and boiling black*
Dana Mackintosh: ((okay, when Dana pools her faith with Finn's and finn's faith is going somewhere else, it means she taking her cue from finn and pooling it to whatever finn is))
Finnuala Rosher: *Sara's scream seems to shock every nerve as she shudders, but remains there, holding Sara so she can't hurt herself*
Dana Mackintosh: *head snaps around at the scream*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -she grabs the Gladius and stands, the "Chrous" still pouring forth (remember dogma?) holding on to finnuala, becuse contact is sometimes required for true faith healing-
Oracle: *Jumps as Sara screams* The bad thing's goin' bye-bye...
Finnuala Rosher: ((Finnuala paid dearly for this. *L*))
Dana Mackintosh: *snaps her head back to the kid* What do you mean?
røwn of haðøws: [[understnad Dana, i remember your defination. however. we've really been waiting for 2 people with faith to TOUCH sara all along]]
Dana Mackintosh: ((ooooh! Sorry))
røwn of haðøws: [[should be " I under stand dana.... etcetc]]
Finnuala Rosher: *Still halfway kneeling beside this Chorister*
Jonathon Spader: (already posted Jon was putting into the pool)* Jon staggers under the scream, but regains focus quickly*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -just like my real table top, 5 minute = 2 hours of waiting *chuckles*-
Oracle: *Looks at Dana* Like I said. Bad thing's goin' away. Poof. *Smiles*
Dana Mackintosh: Finn? *heads over to her Knight*
røwn of haðøws: [[pool didn't matter, touch did, making that clear..touch, you had to see what she was fighting, you could only do that by touch]]
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to Oracle before she heads over*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks over there, worriedly*
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> It's all right now, Dana.
Jonathon Spader: (Oh, DLP then)
røwn of haðøws: [[no problem Jon, .. Some session are fast, some slow..all tTT people know that. *Smile*]]
Dana Mackintosh: Are you okay? *still very worried, checks them both over for visible signs of mental or physical trauma* (life1/mind1 6 9 4))
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at the Singer, to see if she's allright*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -her voice alone, would give the faithless faith and finally she stops, the powerfull timber's ending-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *After covering his ears* Ok Ok, Progress. How did we just destory the thing?
Justyne Donnelly: *blinks at the bueaty of the song..and feels uplifted..perhaps..hopeful*
Jonathon Spader: *Jon feels his soul lifted with the song, but he can't let the grimness go yet*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -with vicious finality the gladius goes back into it's sheath and soft eyes peer around- " I thank you all, for being with me."
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks at the very very beautiful woman*
Oracle: *Rolls his eyes at Louis* I already told you... *Sighs*
Finnuala Rosher: *Stands up finally and rubs her shoulder thoughtfully* SARA> As long as you're all right.
Justyne Donnelly: *bows, deeply, and respectfully, hands togther in front her her. martail-arts style, the the Chourster, and then, stepps back*
Dana Mackintosh: *gives Finn a spontaneous hug*
Finnuala Rosher: *Pats Dana on the back, looking affectionately amused* Did you talk to Louis? Good.
Sara Conners (Beatific): -she turn to the bed, picks up he cloak, a white feathery wing extending as if to streach and then darts back behind her back,before she doan the coak fully-
røwn of haðøws: [louis] *suddenly snaps his hands together, restored* Hot damn, that Zaggr is in for a bad time tonight..
Finnuala Rosher: *Chooses to not believe she saw the wing*
Justyne Donnelly: *blinks, seeing a wing.*
røwn of haðøws: [the priest pre tend they didn't see that]
Dana Mackintosh: *didn't just see that wing, squeezes Finn, thinking about how much the woman means to her* ((burning aura of love for Finn, hopefully counts for somethin g*S*))
Oracle: *Smiles at Sara, not at all surprised by the wing*
Justyne Donnelly: *after her intial blink, merely shrugs. she's seen odder things, and nothing is really surreal to her anymnore. looks, at LOUIS* Let us Kick the Ass on it.
Finnuala Rosher: Dana, everything's just fine. Look, it's gone. *Gestures at the floor where the beads fell*
Dana Mackintosh: *releases Finn, and looks over to smile at Louis* Did that help?
røwn of haðøws: [louis] um, you realise were down to two seals? I have no clue where the third is..
Jonathon Spader: *Yeah, Spader knows he saw it. The tinyest of smiles touches his lip, and a tear wells in his eye. But no one sees in the darkness (hgopefully)*
Finnuala Rosher: *Just_didn't_see the wing because she chose to not believe it was real or permanent, and that's why she hovers on Awakened, but doesn't go there.*
Oracle: *Looks to Louis* Why don't you just look wherever you haven't yet?
Oracle: ((*Thwaps Finn over the edge of the Awakened cliff.* *S*))
røwn of haðøws: [louis] flips Oracle's ear * spolied brat.
Justyne Donnelly: *she doesn't have to see, she just seems to know, and looks over at Spader, smiling at him*
Dana Mackintosh: *will think about the wing in her own sweet time, some oracle gave her a lot to think about today*
Finnuala Rosher: *Steps away from Sara, who seems to be in very good health now, and needs her personal space*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -turns to look them all over and lays a hand on each in turn _if they let her, doesn't force other wise.-
Finnuala Rosher: ((Waaaaooaoaoaooaoaoaoaaaaaaaa! *Falls into Magedom from Oracle's shove* Ye little brat!))
Finnuala Rosher: *Lets Sara do that. Been closer than that already, after all.*
Justyne Donnelly: *doesn't move, or flinch, when she comes to her. allows herself to be touched*
Dana Mackintosh: *lets Sara touch her...an anolomy for those who know her well* ((aka Finn))
Oracle: *Gives Louis a face* What? I mean it...
Oracle: ((*Grins at Finn* Nyah!! *thppt*))
Dana Mackintosh: *decides she likes the kid*
Sara Conners (Beatific): ooC: should restore 3 temp willpower by her comforting touch and faith
Oracle: ((DAMN!!! Need...Sab...here...for...WP...))
røwn of haðøws: [Louis] eyes shine, knowing as his will to go on is restored and he frowns] "..Well, well.. *slaps head* Oh course .. the Other's have the seals.
Justyne Donnelly: *she feels renewed, and refreshed. and much like she could again. Kick the Ass, if she must. *
Jonathon Spader: *will step forward into the light to be "touched" he bows his head as she does touch him*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis* what Others?
Finnuala Rosher: *Is at peace with what was done, as it was all worth it to see this woman of great Faith freed and still able to do her works*
Dana Mackintosh: *looks from the kid to Louis. They're both intriguing, she can't decide who to give her attention to*
Sara Conners (Beatific) - Justyne Donnelly: -When touched it's as if kneeling at a water fall, and your sensi is hovering over you.--,
Oracle: *Looks at Louis* Duh...I told you, where you haven't looked yet...
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles..at something remebered..before things were bad. and looks at the absoultely angelic woman, whispering softly* thank you.
Sara Conners (Beatific): -the glyphs in the room glow briefly and a light appear over jon for a moment-
Oracle: *Looks at Tyne* The ones who are like you but not...they want to get the bad guy out, I think.
Dana Mackintosh: *closes her eyes as Sara touches her, her mouth opening a tad to take in a slow breath*
røwn of haðøws: [[sewears he has _Way_ too many books to runs stories from after moving the crowns out of vampire and to mage *L*]]
Oracle: ((Dat's cause Mage is da shite, Crown Boss!! *S*))
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Oracle, and nodds*
Dana Mackintosh: ((*is glad she entered in time to catch the mage chunk*))
Finnuala Rosher: *When something anew passes between Sara and Finnuala, it's met with an enigmatic smile, similar to the one seen earlier in the Chapel. A smile of private musings.*
Sara Conners (Beatific): -she seem to seek others, not here, (touches alkexander to) Almost ask where is Sabrina but doesnt. There will be another time.- My Brother and sister - voice Strong, powerfull* I depart, and I bid you all good Night and sleep full rest..
Justyne Donnelly: ((Seconds Oracle))
Dana Mackintosh: *watches Sara...wow..*
Sara Conners (Beatific): ooC: hopes spadar catches the pm before he times out. --and with that she is out the door, walking with even steps, She moves with a purpose few know seeking something -
Finnuala Rosher: *Watches Sara as she starts to leave* SARA> Thank you--for keeping the Faith.
Sara Conners (Beatific): -Paladins of the Celestial Chorous are an impressive lot.-gone-
Justyne Donnelly: *just watches the woman go..smiling a bit*
Dana Mackintosh: *watches Sara till she leaves, then turns back to Louis*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] I'm getting that .."who was that masked woman feeling":
Justyne Donnelly: *laughs at Louis's comment*
Dana Mackintosh: *nods to Louis, swallows* ((watch Dana get a crush on the Chorister *G*))
Oracle: Louis>>She wasn't masked...she was winged. *Said perfectly innocently, like there's nothing unusual about it*
Finnuala Rosher: ALL> Is there anything more to be done tonight? Because I could stand to rest for a while. *Looking at great peace, but physically/mentally worn.*
Dana Mackintosh: *blinks over at the kid...* What's you name?
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis* what of you, then?
Finnuala Rosher: *Hears Oracle and reminds herself that wings are no more than energy manifestations of inner power.*
Jonathon Spader: ((Ok, gotta run. I'm falling asleep. Night All. Spader will still be his serious security minded self, until he can anylize all of this. *HUGS all Around* Night.))
Dana Mackintosh: ((night Spader-p))
Justyne Donnelly: ((Night, Jon..*HUGS*))
Oracle: *Smiles to Dana* I'm Oracle...hi.
Dana Mackintosh: Pleasure to meet you Oracle. *extens her small hand for the child to shake*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Oracle, asks, rather innocently* Which one?
røwn of haðøws: [louis] I..I'm better I think. We need to find those crazy's who call themselves Hunters and get them to not do the ritual, or at best do it right and proper.
Oracle: *Shakes Dana's hand* You're nice...I like you. *Beams*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Later Spader))
Oracle: *Looks at Tyne and smiles, pointing at himself* This one.
Dana Mackintosh: Thank you, you're not so bad yourself. *grins at the kid*
Dana Mackintosh: *wonders what the hell Tyne is talking about*
røwn of haðøws: [[i'm sorry it was so slow. I thought was wating on 2 people to touch the poor woman. *wry grin*]]
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles at Oracle, and grins, shaking his hand as well. that really DOES make sense to her, anyway* I am called Tyne.
Finnuala Rosher: *Glances at each of the others, expecting some response, and sees them pleasantly involved with others. Nods to herself and walks to the door*
Justyne Donnelly: ((has bo Faith, anyway..*s*))
Dana Mackintosh: Finn, should I go with you?
Finnuala Rosher: ((Oh well, that's what permanent WP expenditures are for is situations like this. *L*))
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Bounds around Finn, and huges her from behind, planting a deep sounding kiss on her neck* "Ahh finnigna, will ya ever meh?
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Finnuala, smiles again at Oracle, and walks out, with her, for a second*
Justyne Donnelly: *and is nearly bowled over by the jovial Louis, and grins, like nothing ever went wrong in life.*
røwn of haðøws: [[required touch.. all the faith it needed was in the room]]
Finnuala Rosher: Dana> Nothing is going to happen here. I'll be fine. I'll be in the car. Good night everyone and don't sit on me when you get back to the car.
Dana Mackintosh: *G* Finn, you rule.
Oracle: *Beams at Dana* Thanks...
Dana Mackintosh: ((Sorry *S, has a touch-paranoid char*))
Finnuala Rosher: LOUIS> Please. Let's get together for dinner, okay? // TYNE> I'll be fine.
Finnuala Rosher: *Smiles at Dana* The One rules all, and doesn't even have to try.
røwn of haðøws: [ouis] *pops on the cot, noticing the priest are out and thinks he can get som shut eye before they get attacked. * "Give me a vampire or a farie, or a demon..this fighting humans thing.. it's sucks.
Dana Mackintosh: *leans against a wall and watches Finn and Louis*
Justyne Donnelly: *waves goodbye to Louis, and goes*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Dinner it be lass, dinner tis.
Dana Mackintosh: *fairies?*
Finnuala Rosher: ((Affectionate gestures to all of you)) *On a whim, steps back in and kisses Louis on the forehead, then hurries back out*
Oracle: *Follows Dana around the rest of the night*
Dana Mackintosh: ((won't smoke, because the kid follows her around *S* Tucks him in, tells him a story))
røwn of haðøws: [louis] will blink at the kis and laugh] I think she's comming around.
Dana Mackintosh: ((in general just shows how great she is with kids))
Oracle: ((Tells her an even better story...full of riddles, but with a lot of truths about the WoD he shouldn't know as well.))
Dana Mackintosh: *grins at Louis* I think she is too. Are you not coming back with us?
Dana Mackintosh: ((oooh! can you email it to me?))
Justyne Donnelly: ((L* bets that Oracle knows the end of the Story before dana does.))
røwn of haðøws: [lies in the cot, look up at the celeing] I will, if for a mini adventure. Make fun o Justin
Dana Mackintosh: ((*G* Yeah, but it's the thought and the soothing voice merit that count))
Dana Mackintosh: You're not...staying with us?
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Dana, smiles* Time to go.
Oracle: ((Ummm...sure, once I think of one...))
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Stay? [rolls to look up] Lass, I'm a pain in the arese, at best, a monkier at worst. [laughing]
Oracle: ((Gone...laterz, all!!))
røwn of haðøws: [[waves]
Dana Mackintosh: *looks back at Tyne, back at Louis* But I've barely gotten to know you.
Dana Mackintosh: ((*hugs oracle* Later))
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles at Louis, affectionatly. she knows ALL about the Irish temper* You are neither..brother.
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles at Dana* when this is all ...over..finally..we will all have a nce time at Louis's, like Finnuala and I did. *gets ready to go*
Dana Mackintosh: *knows too much about things that never happen to want to leave just yet*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Lass,yer nae sweet on meh ? * to dana* [smirks at tyne] Oh go on, yeh were gonna kin meh arese
Dana Mackintosh: ((aka, soooooo much caffeine in my system right now....*G*))
Dana Mackintosh: Lou> *grins* You only wish!
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles, sadly, at Louis* only because, I had a rouch week, and you were making it worse. *walks over, offers her hand* Forgive? ((ok. Tyne just admitted..she was WRONG.))
røwn of haðøws: [louyis] frowns* thatt's teu bad. Yeu got real nice eyes. (kicks flaw)
Dana Mackintosh: *doesn't think this is particularly unusual because she doesn't know Tyne well enough, but it just puts the woman higher in Dana's esteem*
Dana Mackintosh: ((Which flaw?)) *she smiles* Thank you..*fights blush, damn compliments*
røwn of haðøws: [louis]*bounds up, gives tyne a big hug and plants a big wet one on her and bounces down in the cot* There yeu go, like the Irish deu
Dana Mackintosh: *knows pitifully little about her heritage, decides she'll learn that as soon as she learns...well, that'll be about a hundred years from now*
røwn of haðøws: [louis] Git along, i needs teh sleep, *wry* unless yeu be staying, then i won't get any sleep anyways
Justyne Donnelly: *smiles at this, grinning* damn right! Kick thier Arses, and throw out the rebel flag! death, T'England! *laguths, heartened, and looks at Louis, seriuosly* It will all be better. Now. I go, to see to my charge. we will be in touch. *smiles, goes, thinking she'll not tell Jon about this.*
Dana Mackintosh: *grins at Tyne*
Justyne Donnelly: *looks at Louis..he hit on the master, he hits on the student..damn Irish blood* come on, Dana..leave the wonderful man to his imagination.
røwn of haðøws: [louis] rolls over laughing at tyne*
Dana Mackintosh: Alright. *grins at Louis and heads out*