Just a Talk?
Date: unknown
Justine O'Ryan: ~she comes out of the lower levels of the Crowns house fresh from the shower and wearing her purple silk PJ's. She only goes so far into the house proper from the basement, as the windows may not be shut. She checks on Amber and Tyne then sits down in the living room which is still dark~
Justine O'Ryan: ((color, can be considered a good thing..))
Justine O'Ryan: ~she opens the book titled "Transcending the material self" and looks very lost but reads it anyway~
Finnuala Rosher: *Comes from the outdoors, iron and smoke scenting her like mean perfume*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smells the familiar scent of Finnuala and her..interesting pastime and mutters before she even gets into the room~ Hello, dear.
Finnuala Rosher: Hi Jus. *Sniffs* Is that smoke in here or on me? Oh well, who cares? *Drops into a comfortable chair and makes sure the drapes are closed* Its safe to come further if you want.
Finnuala Rosher: *Glares at a bit of weld that landed on her sleeve and burned it*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she puts down her book enough to give Finnuala a smile brighter than the sun she cannot see, perhaps. The sad sort of peace she has carried scince her retrun is replaced today by a sort of blissful euphoria. she murmers quietly~ I'm fine..how are you today?
Finnuala Rosher: I'm perfectly great, but I have to tell you about somethng and figure out where to go from here. You and Jason were pegged by one of the Templar fanatics.
Finnuala Rosher: And Ang too.
Justine O'Ryan: ~he was fine with it up until the last part then closes her book slowly and places it carefully onto the couch~ and?
Finnuala Rosher: And she means to kill all three of you and possibly get me executed for associating with you, or at least get me cast out.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she tilts her head to the side, sighing. it's always something, she thinks.~
Justine O'Ryan: ~she considers that, and then glances around. She thinks about things, and how they are, and laughs a bit~ doesn't someone always want me dead? I mean, really. So, what haveyou planned on this?
Finnuala Rosher: Now, *Sits back and crosses one leg over the other knee* I'm looking for solutions that make this as painless as possible. You three need to be protected, and not by leaving. I've already admitted to having been with you for a long time. So the cat's out of the bag.
Finnuala Rosher: You see, she wants me dead too nad has half the Templars following her lead.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she sighs and sits back~ well, that eliminates my plan of going home to Cleveland and begging Prince Gaston for forgiveness and the admission of us three into his city, then. So the question is..what TO do? I don't want Angelica knowing about too much of this. her control over her self is at times..tenasciuos, and I fear what she might do.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she thinks on that and looks at a loss. she laughs a bit~ so we hide, or it's war. again.
Finnuala Rosher: We have to work from within the system. You three are not disposable, and we need to cover asses like they were pastries in fly country. Have any ideas?
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles a bit at her friend, for her comment about thier diposability liad to rest her other plan. She thinks on this for a time quietly~ I don't know. I have been trying to..~she looks at the book, annoyed and embarrased~ I'm trying to fix Angelica. Then she won't be..one of us anymore, I hope. Maybe Jason and I could do simalar.
Finnuala Rosher: If there's any chance of that, it has to be fast. I've dreamed of welcoming you back to the living more times than I care to admit. It would mean more to me than you know to see you and Jason and Ang redeemed to Humanity, but how?
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks how many times she's prayed for an answer to that very problem*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she almost smiles but doesn't and looks down at the book then back up, tearfully~ I don't know? I've been trying? and I don't have all the answers..not even..some of them at times..
Finnuala Rosher: Then we need to approach the problem differently for now.
Finnuala Rosher: And neither do I have the answers...Don't be hard on yourself.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she sighs, then admits~ I've thought about Time travel, but it is not possible..I've thought about talking to Esan about having her..re-make us..but that just seems very wrong somehow..I've stayed up nights in nothing but study, and I can't find..~she just blinks and goes silent, looking at the book~
Finnuala Rosher: I'll add my assistance to your work if it would help any. And keep praying for a miracle. Maybe that's the only way to make it happen. But in the meantime, we still need to take action to cover butts.
Justine O'Ryan: ~says something unintellegible while taking calming breaths she doesn't really need.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks at her curiously* Is something else bothering you?
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks up and smiles sadly a bit~ I never got to say I'm sorry to you. I meant to. But I've been so absorbed..~she waves a hand at the book~ in this.
Finnuala Rosher: There's nothing to be sorry about. It's done and you're back safely with us. That's what is important.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she shakes her head a bit~ That's too easy. It was the same with Jason and Daisy. too easy. You cannot say you all were't for even a small time..upset.
Finnuala Rosher: Of course I was upset. I was worried about you and all of us, and whenI found out what the whole thing was I was pissed for a split second that I was not allowed to know so I could be part of the innocent dupe-dom that made it look convincing, but then you were with us again and not really a Nephandi assistant and THAT'S what mattered.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she laughs a bit but not with humor~ do you REALLY think I could be assitant to one fo them? I couldn't do it. Any of it. that's why I had to become someone else. And..~sadly~ you wrre not the only one who wasn't told. I should have told her. Told you all.
Finnuala Rosher: Of course I didn't think that was possible and what was bothering me more than anything else was the question as to why it seemed to be true. I knew you would never do that, no matter how pissed off. I had faith in you and it came through in the end.
Justine O'Ryan: ~still, she looks at Finnuala with her steel grey eyes~ I am sorry, Finnuala. I remeber it..all. and I'm sorry.
Finnuala Rosher: (what=that)
Finnuala Rosher: (dlp) I wish you didn't have to remember it.
Finnuala Rosher: I suppose you don't have to remember it. There are things I've forgotten just because it was too nasty.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Finnuala oddly for a second before tilting her head to the side and considering. then she says, with gravity, a line she's heard some of her kind say..~ "Monster must I be lest monster I become."..I should recall it all. It will help me to stay..as I am, I belive. Which is why She left. because, she saw she wasn't anymore and went off to find her. ~she tapps her chin with a small loving smile on her face~ I belive she did.
Finnuala Rosher: All's well for now anyway, and it's enough for me. I've spent times tryiing to solve the mysteries of the soul and find that certain things are unknowable. But anyway, back to the problem we have on our hands. Remember what Simon did when he found out Ang knew about us? Picture it times 100.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds, slowly and considers.~ s her Faith as strong as yours, do you suppose?
Justine O'Ryan: ~recalls that night with a mixture of joy and extreme pain and thinks that it itself, might hold an answer for her search someday.~
Finnuala Rosher: Rebecca is different. She feels pain around those who aren't human. Faith, however, isn't what this is coming down to. It's politics. And Rebecca hates my guts now after she heard what she thought was an insult in my questions about certain things political. Oh, and she WAS our lawyer.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds at Finnuala~ I see. I wish I had political ties. But I have none. Unless she has a thing for Stevie Nicks, and an arranged meeting could get her to lighten up I have nothing to offer. ~sighs a bit~
Finnuala Rosher: Actually she might have a thing for Stevie, but all that aside, you should keep far away from her. I can't stress enough that she'd kill you on sight if she had the opportunity.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds~ I will inform Jason and Angelica of this. I will ask Tyne not to "Kick the Ass" on her, and will ask Amber to also beware of her. I do not wish to hurt one of yours, either..or anyone, for that matter.
Finnuala Rosher: Hurting her is the last thing that should happen. So, thanks. And now, we need to decide how to approach this problem. She's going to yank me and probably Justin to another tribunal over this.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she thinks on that, and her litany begins~ I belive..I am tired of this. It seems that We cannot even breathe or not breathe as such demands..without someone finding offense in our existance as we are. do we hurt anyone? no..all this family does, is right. and we still are endlesssly harrased. Why is this? what does this woman want?
Finnuala Rosher: She wants to lead the Templars. She wants feminism to be foremost in practice. I have no problem with most of the things she wants for women, but she's dividing us and taking the whole thing down into the big political shitpile. I'm afraid for us quite frankly. And most of all, she hates Lee....Kindred. I'm sure she has her reasons, but in the meantime, the Judas edict is broken by your knowledge.
Justine O'Ryan: ~there is that 10-times damned phrase again. Judas Edict. Her and her kind thinking they alone can have the right to all knowledgeso they can play God like that Technocracy her angel hates so also does. she shakes her head~ We do more good then some of thiers. and I have no idea..how to help us, Finnuala. any of us. again, my suggestions are the following. That we leave. That we continue to look for a way to become mortal or the like, again.
Finnuala Rosher: Becoming Mortal, if the One wills it so, is preferable. Leaving helps nothing. But in the meantime, ...you won't like what I might have to ask of you.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she waits, spartan~ Then ask, Finnuala.
Finnuala Rosher: I have to ask for you to allow yourself and Ang tand Jason to forget what you know about the Templars. And I have to forget that I ever talked with you about any of these matters. There can be no cracks in our perfect defense. In return, whatever you may have let slip to me about Kindred that you don't want to share, I'll be willing to forsake as well.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she blinks and looks away then looks back as her eyes nearly but do not quite..brim with tears~ You would have us forget..all of you? Will she lave us all alone then? forever? or will she just come after us, and we knowing less than before, be unprepared? will we ever be allowed to return? and do you think that she will forgive all, because she is told we've forgotten everything?
Justine O'Ryan: ~feeling much Tartlike, and much like the night she felt she was being forced out..by her family. even though she knows this is different~
Finnuala Rosher: No silly. *Pecks a small piece of ash at her and smiles* You're so wonderful, Jus, but are too ready to believe the worst. You're a member of the Crown and always will be. I'm only asking that the specific matters pertaining to Templars be set somewhere that you don't remember them. And that I'll do the same in relation to my ever having talked to you about it. Just keeping the edict is all I want. Rebecca will still drag me into some mess over this, but it can be mitigated far better if the edict is intact.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles a it and sighs~ then Amber, and angelica..Jason and I and you..will all be safe? And we do not have to go?
Finnuala Rosher: If you went you'd be killed. No, you stay here because you not supposed to know about Templars, you see?
Justine O'Ryan: ~silently still thinking she should Ghoul and Bond the mean Templar woman.~
Finnuala Rosher: And you won't be totally safe but you'll be a lot safer than before.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she nodds then~ I will accept this. I will not speak for my Angel. But knowing that it will help, she likely may.
Finnuala Rosher: I hope all are agreeable to this. It's the best way I can think of to add a layer of protection to all three of you.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks to the basement and closes her eyes, mentaly waking and summoning Angelica to the room. after some amount of trying she fails, then gets up~ excuse me. I will go get Angel. ~and goes. she and Angelica have a breif conversation downstairs~
Finnuala Rosher: *Sits back in the chair trying to look casual for Ang's arrival to lessen the impact of her request*
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks about Marcus Smythe, her great and honorable friend and in some ways, Mentor*
Justine O'Ryan: ~is still downstairs.~
Angelica Dylan: *Downstairs*
Finnuala Rosher: *And that HE is the perfect example of how the Edict should be handled.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks back on how Marcus restored her Faith once after an attach by another member of the Sabbat and smiles a little. Good old Marcus.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~downstairs and NOT thinking of Marcus. heh.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Starts to think that maybe a visit to Marcus is just the thing to get that heartening kind of lift needed to face down the coming Templar mess.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Remembers Marcus' secret mission of good intent and takes heart from that, knowing that some day it will all come to fruition and his soul will be redeemed for it.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she's still downstairs. that must be one hell of a talk.~
Angelica Dylan: *Still downstairs...but you know how stubborn Ang can be...they're probabvly just arguing. After being together for the first time in a month...yeah, muct be an argument. Yep.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~stubborn, stubborn girl.~
Finnuala Rosher: ((Suckin elite! *L*)) *Starts to fall asleep while waiting for the two downstairs to talk. Thinks maybe Ang is having a hard time waking up.*
Finnuala Rosher: *Starts planning the soon-to-come visit to her friend Marcus. Maybe she should take him a little something from her recent works...Smiles, yeah, that's it.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she comes clomping up the stairs, grumbling and enters the room, obviuosly frustrated about something. maybe the coffin lid got locked, or soomesuch. she guestures agitatedly to Finnuala from Angelica, offering only ~ Here...~beefore flopping into a chair.~
Finnuala Rosher: *Opens her eyes again* Umph?? Oh, hi.
Angelica Dylan: *Comes upstairs and smiles to Finnuala, joy filling her eyes, and hiding a serious look behind them* Finn...long time, no see...
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> *Smile breaks like the dawn* I'm so glad you're here again. You were missed.
Justine O'Ryan: ~from her chair and quietly anoyedly like a child denied a toy pouting in the car on the way home~ Andstillis.
Finnuala Rosher: *Wonders why Jus is annoyed and thinks its because of what she's asking.*
Angelica Dylan: *Smiles* Believe me, so were all of you...more then I ever thought you would be.
Justine O'Ryan: ~pipes up from the chair~ and me, most of all. I mean, really. ~looks at Finnuala, somewhat calmer.~
Finnuala Rosher: Don't leave us again, okay Ang? But that's all nastiness and in the past. And now I have to ask a favor of you. Did Jus explain it?
Angelica Dylan: *Nods* a tiny bit...that chick from the chapel want Jase, Jus and me back under the sod.
Finnuala Rosher: Ang> Right, and I want to protect you guys by editing memories. I know it sucks, and I know it's an invasion none of us want, but I'm doing it to myself too, with the help of certain other members.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Finnuala curiuosly and nodds, a certain something in the back of her mind. She won't ever completely forget but she won't recall it, eaither. just like..before.~
Angelica Dylan: *Raises an eyebrow* Which memories?
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> Remember the Judas Edict that made Simon wigg out on you? All I need is for you and Jus, and Jason to be within the bounds of that rule so we don't all get killed messily.
Angelica Dylan: *Holds her hands up* I'm still not clear on this whole Judas Edict thing...it was never clearly explained that night. Or, if it did, too damn much happened that night for me to remember most of the specifics...
Finnuala Rosher: Basically, Angelica, it's that no one outside of the Templars is allowed to know about us and the one who shares the knowledge, as well as the one who knows, is destroyed.
Angelica Dylan: *NOds slowly* I see...so, you'll hide all of our memories about the organization?
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> Only the ones that can get us in trouble. And I too will be giving up memories of what we've shared about it. I'm sorry to have to ask this, but there's a Witch hunter of sorts who has power over me to get at everyone and literally try to destroy us all through political means that would leave us dead.
Justine O'Ryan: ~manages to break her staring at Angelica long enough to add~ the Crowns, I don't think, are included with tha..~ENTRANCED~
Angelica Dylan: *Nods, though she's frowning a bit, and falls silent, thinking*
Finnuala Rosher: No, the Crowns aren't included. In fact, it's more important than ever that you guys stick around in the Crown sphere of things.
Angelica Dylan: *Nods a bit* Well...obviously, that annoying little genetic quirk blood in our bloodstream has something to do with this...so what's to stop her from zorting us anyway, and you guys for associating with us, Crown-wise?
Justine O'Ryan: ~she manages to get up and walk over to stnad near Angelica, speaking to her~ it will be like when I forgot so that Kadin could not know what I did but less so. because, we don't know much about the templars. ~looks at Finnuala for a second~ one last thing. We need, a small warning in the back of our minds. that Rebecca is dangerous, even if we do not know why.
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> She'll still want to create problems over that, but she'll run into precedents and resistance based on logical arguments. Basically, she'll be neutralized a slong as she can't drag out the Judas edict and get me executed on the spot right after having everything I know about you guys riipped from my mind and used to hunt you down before you even know what happened.
Finnuala Rosher: Justine> Of course I want uyou to know that Rebecca is dangerous and that'll remain intact.
Jason St Augustine: ((*Creates an Obtenebration cloud of magetype* Childer should be seen, not heard....))*Walks in, looking for the Holy Java(script)*
Justine O'Ryan: ~she sees Jason and smiles breifly at him, moving closer to Ang to put an arm around her waist.~
Finnuala Rosher: Hi Jason. Pull up a chair if you got a minute, okay?
Angelica Dylan: *Nods, and looks at Justine, a thought quickly passing through her mind, then right back out, and sighs* And what of others, like Sabrina, and Simon...will they be going through this as well?
Justine O'Ryan: ~quietly~ and Tyne.
Angelica Dylan: *Nods to Jason* Hey, Jase...someone new wants us dead...
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> I'm going to ask them to.
Finnuala Rosher: Ang> However, I'm the one that'll be on the block getting questioned, not them.
Jason St Augustine: *Lifts an eye to Angelica* The phrase is...'been there, done that', correct?
Justine O'Ryan: ~smiles at Jason~ It is your Ho, from the other night. Her.
Angelica Dylan: *Nods* That's a lot of mind-wiping, Finn...who the hell's gonna be around to make us remember later, once she's gone?
Jason St Augustine: Is there a reason the blonde Oriental wants me dead? Again?
Justine O'Ryan: ~leans agaisnt Angelica, looks at Jason~ we exist, and for some, that is enough.
Jason St Augustine: *Sighs* Y'know...someday, I'm gonna meet someone who wants me dead because I'm an asshole. And I'll be jumping for joy when that day arrives.
Justine O'Ryan: ~smiles at Jason, leaning on Ang~ a nice deviant hate crime would be a welcome change, even.
Angelica Dylan: *Shakes her head with a smile* Not possible, Jase...you'd have to be an asshole, first.
Finnuala Rosher: I'm sorry you guys. I helped get you into this.
Jason St Augustine: And you're helping us get out of it, I take it?
Justine O'Ryan: ~she looks at Finnuala and shakes her head a bit~ No. This is no one's fault. There will always be those who hate, just as there will always be those who love as best they can. People sometimes, I think..look for a reason to not like each other..
Angelica Dylan: *Gives a look to Finn* As if we'd have it any other way, Finn...c'mon, where would the excitement be otherwise?
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> I'm trying to take the damage level down to a dull roar that I can handle rather than a total slaughter.
Justine O'Ryan: ~looks at Angelica for a second with that puppy dog face~
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ I know, love!I know where, the excitement is!
Angelica Dylan: *Looks at Justine and grins mischeviously*
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ As soon as the talk is done, love...we'll make up for lost time. A *LOT* of lost time...
Finnuala Rosher: Justine and Angelica> You know, a year ago there's no way I would have been sitting here talking with three people like you. Given time it'll change for others to. But we have to survive long enouth to make it happen. Damn, I like all of you better than most regular people. Thanks for enlightening me.
Jason St Augustine: *Looks at Justine and Angelica* Childer....
Justine O'Ryan: ~nodds suppoisedly to Finnuala but is still staring at Ang~ I'm rather enlightening, however. I mean, REALLY..who would not think so?
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *thinks of chocolate sauce. dove, dark*I look very very forward to it.
Jason St Augustine: Finn...if it helps, a year ago, there's no way you would have known me for anything other than a slightly warped priest.
Angelica Dylan: *Looks at Jason, the absolute epitomy of innocence* What?
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *A grin, a mischievious laugh, and detailed thoughts of very explicit acts*
Justine O'Ryan: ~also glances at Jason, with no visable blush in place~ sorry? I missed something?
Jason St Augustine: *Looks back at Angelica, the epitome of "I've seen that look ~so~ many times* Business first. Body fluid exchange later.
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> I had no idea till last Spring that you were what you are. // Justine> And you. *Smiles* You and Claudius are both great ones.
Angelica Dylan: *Nods to Justine* Of course you are, love. *Smiles to Jason, and then to Finn* And I'd have just been the wierd hippy chick singer...
Justine O'Ryan: ~wrinkles her nose at Jason~ Oh, Jason..REALLY. how crude. And I belive we are about done here. We do the little blue..or is it Red? pill and all is well, no? ~glancing at Finnuala~
Finnuala Rosher: *Blinks* Err, am I keeping you from something Jus and Ang?
Angelica Dylan: *Eyes widen, the innocence turning into mock innocence* Why, Mr. St. Augustine, I have no idea WHAT you mean...
Justine O'Ryan: ~Smiles a bit~ And I am, who I was, last year. Except, a little older, wiser, and a bit more like my role model.
Justine O'Ryan: ~nodds at Angelica, looking at Jason~ I mean, really. not ALL of us have gutterminds? ~smiles perfectly at Finnuala~ not at all.
Finnuala Rosher: *Glances at various areas of the house quickly and colors a bit rosy*
Jason St Augustine: *Smiles softly* What can I say, Jus. Barrio kids think dirty thoughts.
Angelica Dylan: *Shakes her head at Finn* Nothing that we won't be making up for soon enough...
Justine O'Ryan: ~blushes a bit at something then smiles at Jason~ good. ~leaves it at that.~
Jason St Augustine: *Sips coffee* Now then...Finn? Coffee or tea this afternoon?
Jason St Augustine: *Sotto voce* Praise Bob we put those two in the soundproof lightproof room...
Justine O'Ryan: ~smiles mischeviuosly at something looking to the ceiling in innocence.~
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *an insane blush. but the kind you get, and just don't CARE. along with some interesting ways to use ice cream toppings.*
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> Uhm...*Laughs and looks a tad embarrassed* Okay. So, *clears her throat* Where are we on the plan for World Domination, I mean, mental alteration? Are we all okay with it? // Jason> No coffee ever again, but tea if you're making some, thanks.
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *Obviously fighting the insane urge to grap Jus and drag her downstairs RIGHT NOW*
Angelica Dylan: *Grits her teeth, summoning all her self-control to keep from doing something as she outwardly remains quite calm, grinning at Jason* Yes, but I have my studio equipment down there... if you'd like a copy...
Justine O'Ryan: ~looks at Finnuala abruptly when she mentions "domination"~ Well. I'm agreeable to the alterations. that mush is settled for me.
Jason St Augustine: *Shakes his head* Nay Angelica. Some of us know what to do in bed with our wives. *Turns and starts making...tea...*
Finnuala Rosher: Thanks Jus.
Liz St Augustine: * just wanders in*
Jason St Augustine: Speak of the angel...morning love.
Finnuala Rosher: Hi Liz.
Justine O'Ryan: ~nodds at Finnuala. she considers many ritual Toreador guestures of affection to place upon the allmighty swan, but settled for simply saying~ you're always welcome.
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *teasingly* now now. we aren't done here.By the way. did I meantion I've gotten peach body creme?
Angelica Dylan: *Sighs* I'm not a fan of this at all, to be honest. But if it will keep us all safe... *Looks at Finn pointedly* ALL of us, then I'll do it.
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *Sputters a bit* Ummm.....errr.....uh.... *Pause* Coolness.
Liz St Augustine: * gives Jason a yeah right look* morning...Finn..Hi
Angelica Dylan: *Nods to Liz* Good morning...wow, I don't get to say that one often...
Finnuala Rosher: Thanks Angelica. You're saving multiple lives quite possibly.
Jason St Augustine: *Gives Liz a kiss whilst handing Finn her tea* And how is young Patrick this morning?
Finnuala Rosher: Thanks for the tea Jason. ((Waves at Paul))
Liz St Augustine: * smiles a bit at Ang* morning.....umm I have a little question? who is this theron person who comes to the church?
Angelica Dylan: *Nods to Finn* I know...but do understand. Like I told Jus...if this bitch manages to do harm to any of the Family. I won't be responsible for my actions.
Justine O'Ryan: ~she smiles at Liz while looking at Ang out of the corner of her eye~ Liz. The ice cream I asked you and Dana to get..do we have any left?
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *just wicked little grin.*
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> Understood and I feel the same way.
Angelica Dylan: Or, more to the point, I will...I just won't care.
Liz St Augustine: * kisses Jason* Patrick's fine as always
Angelica Dylan: *Glances at Justine, and gets...a look*
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ Dear...you're distracting me on prupose...
Liz St Augustine: ( hugs Paul) * looks at Justine * Ice cream?
Finnuala Rosher: Angelica> I won't do anything to stop you if it gets to that point. But we're preventing that.
Justine O'Ryan: ~winces at that, and it momentarily sobers her. she looks at the book she was reading on the couch with thoughts of continueing her work today for as long as she's able.~
Justine O'Ryan: ~smiles at Liz~ Yes. I made Dana a list, last time you lot went to the store? I put my ice cream on there. And my Chocolate syrup.
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *innocently*I just want my chocolate syrup, love.it's really nice andd gooey.
Liz St Augustine: * rubs her chin* I went yesturday I think it's in the kitchen..I've been pretty busy with Daisy's list of things to do I must of got it for you
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *Train of thought derails off the tracks*
Angelica Dylan: *Glances at Jus briefly, then she scratches her head a bit* Um...what was I saying again?
Justine O'Ryan: ~smiles brightly, looking absoultly adorable, and glancing at Ang out of the corner of her eye.~ thank you Liz.
Jason St Augustine: *Wraps his arms around Liz, making friendly shadows hug her softly and subtly*
Liz St Augustine: * smiles at Justine* no problem....* smiles at Jason*
Justine O'Ryan: ~humms as she looks skyward, innocently~
Liz St Augustine: umm can somebody answer a question..please? who is this theron person....* sounds a little worried*
Justine O'Ryan: ~is humming Sarach M's "Ice Cream"~
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~I belive it's dark chocolate, as well. that kind melts much nicer.
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> And what about you? Did you agree that we can probably do this thing I mentioned?
Finnuala Rosher: Liz> Theron is a sort of weird friend, why?
Justine O'Ryan: ~muttered, stopping the hum for only a second~ Don't know him Liz. ~smiles at Ang~
Angelica Dylan: *Would answer Liz, but is currently staring at Justine, ENTRANCED*
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *Regains enough of her free mind to send thoughts of the hot tub...with an ice cream freezer standing right nearby, stocked with all those wonderfull little items*
Jason St Augustine: Finn>>Hoodwink the Ho by mindwiping the UltraWhite Folks? I dunno...it's, uh...well, if the Padre helps, it'll be easy.
Liz St Augustine: Finn> well he keeps asking about Qiunn...I just I'm just a little curious about him
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> You put it so well that it doesn't hurt as much to ask this. Thanks.
Jason St Augustine: *Looks to the ceiling, silently asking just what it was he did wrong to deserve two Toreador in love with each other in ~his~ coterie*
Finnuala Rosher: Liz> What has he asked?
Liz St Augustine: * shruggs her shoulders* well he was in the church last night and leaned up against the wall i think and asked how the good father was
Justine O'Ryan: ~she blinks at some mental image and is starting at Angelica in utter worship.~ ENTRANCED~
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ a very longing whine* I want to go..now..
Jason St Augustine: *Smiles gently* Just don't wipe that part about Patrick out...I do like my memories of *squeezes Liz* our son...
Liz St Augustine: umm Jason how come you never look at me that way * points to Justine and Ang*
Finnuala Rosher: Liz> What did he seem to want to hear? *Blinks at the Toreadors and blushes*
Finnuala Rosher: Jason! You know I'd never.
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *Continues the mental assault of sexual images...everything tat Ang knows will drive Jus to the brink of insanity...but not QUITE there.*
Angelica Dylan: *Stares back at Jus...the two Entranced with each other, forgetting everything else. A small, triumphant smile passes across Ang's face, though...*
Liz St Augustine: Finn> i guess how he was doing ..i kinda didn't know myself so I told him something about legal probelms and going to the hospitial..not much i could tell him
Justine O'Ryan: ~is just staring at a perfect goddess. and a blush does creep up, unawares~
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *is..dumbfounded, the tables turned~
Finnuala Rosher: Liz> I have an idea he might be interested in keeping the good Father from killing any more pagans.
Jason St Augustine: *kisses Liz* Because that look, my dear, is the exclusive copyrighted trademark of Clan Toreador.
Aaron: ((Looks in, looks at Jus and Ang... and laughs himself LITERALLY into tears))
Liz St Augustine: * frowns at Jason after the kiss* hmp ....Finn> well he just makes me want to be cautious for some reason usually i'm at ease with people
Angelica Dylan: *The curve of her cheekbone...the perfect placement of her nose...the remarkable steel-gray eyes...dark hair delicately set in place...Ang just takes it all in, ignoring everything else...*
Finnuala Rosher: Liz> There's definitely something I have never figured out about him too.
Jason St Augustine: *Just looks at Liz...slowly becoming...entranced?*
Angelica Dylan: ((*Wonders how much Aaron would laugh if her read the TP's they've been ICQ-ing back and forth*))
Justine O'Ryan: *is staring at Angelica and her cheerleader-ish feautes..she soft white-blond hair that she adores the smell of, her electric blue eyes with thier never-quite-dampened fire..*
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ *gently singing*
"And I would be the one..to hold you down..kiss you so hard..I'll take your breath away.."
Liz St Augustine: * waves a hand in front of Jason* oh please...you cannot try to do it now i know your faking
Finnuala Rosher: *Starts to wonder if there's going to be an explosion of spawning activity soon and thinks the pool might be a better breeding ground than this room.*
Jason St Augustine: *Sighs* I know...unfortunately, I'm just a cold hearted....
Liz St Augustine: * frowns* next thing i know you'll be spouting crap like ..you are my sun ..my moon without you i dwell in darkness
Justine O'Ryan: ~just stares.~
Angelica Dylan: *Still entranced by the very perfection of physical form that is her love*
Angelica Dylan ~TP~ *Sings along with her* And after I...wash away the tears...just close your eyes, dear...
Liz St Augustine: umm anyone for ice cream? * giggles softly*
Jason St Augustine: *Shakes his head* Nay Liz, thou art not the sun, for the sun would fry me....thou art my shadow, warm, comforting....flexible as all get out...
Finnuala Rosher: *Chuckles at Liz and looks at the tea she's drinking uncomfortably as the Rites of Spring begin in o so strange a way--the rutting (not walking) dead.*
Justine O'Ryan: ~without even indicating that she's soeaking to Liz~ ooh, I do.
Angelica Dylan: *Raises her hand in response to Liz's question, still staring at Jus*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason* umm no spouting romantic stuff for you * chukles* well unless you can say it better with out the slang
Jason St Augustine: *Makes a mental note to have a cold water hose installed in every room in the house, just in case the Toreador get off track...which they seem to do sometimes....((*Mental image of them entranced even though they're being hosed down*))
Justine O'Ryan: ((that wpould likely make it WORSE, Jason))~doesn't stop staring at Ang as she adds~ I think I forgot to shut the light off in my room.
Angelica Dylan: ((That would only serve to strengthen the entranceement, Jason...can we say, "Wet T-Shirt Contest Equivalent?"))
Angelica Dylan: ((*Bows down to the Hive-Mind*))
Justine O'Ryan: ((lowly bow. *G*))
Jason St Augustine: ((*Votes we lock the torries in a room for a week*))
Finnuala Rosher: *Continues to look anywhere but at the hot vampires and Liz. Seems in fact, to be fascinated by the hole in her sleeve that a flying bit of welding made*
Jason St Augustine: *Looks thoughtful* Well...I could...but I prefer letting actions speak for me, my schmoopiness.
Liz St Augustine: * opens her mouth to ask if they would like choclate syrup and thinks about that and just closes her mouth and heads into the kitchen*
Finnuala Rosher: *Thinks "Shmoopiness??!?!?" And chokes, nearly sending tea out her nose*
Jason St Augustine: ((*Baseball vendor voice* Vampires...getcher redhot Vampires here....Toreador, Lasombra, we got 'em both....))
Angelica Dylan: *Staring some more*
Liz St Augustine: * looks at Jason and smiles* oh yeah and what lovely actions thoses are
Jason St Augustine: *Looks* Problem, Finn?
Justine O'Ryan: ~staring like a dolt while gently smiling~
Justine O'Ryan ~TP~ I want to go down..stairs..now..
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> *Sniffs and chuckles* No. You just carry on...
Jason St Augustine: *Contemplates...starts slowly taking food items from the cabinet. Whipped cream...chocolate syrup....sprinkles...*
Angelica Dylan: *Breaks out of her trance with a WP expenditure, drop blood into Celerity, and grabs Jus, pulling her downstairs at warp speed*
Jason St Augustine: *Nods* Can you help me out here for a sec, Finn? *indicates first the condiments, the the two star-crossed childer*
Finnuala Rosher: *Looks toward the kitchen and snorts, laughing again*
Jason St Augustine: *Chuckles softly* Never mind.
Liz St Augustine: ( am back ) * looks at Jason * i was looking for those things I thought they were under our bed * giggles*
Finnuala Rosher: Too late Jason.
Justine O'Ryan: ~is grabbed and gone before she even realizes she's not staring at ang's face, but celertiy-ized rear end~
Angelica Dylan: *Cels back upstairs, grabed the whipped cream and sprinkles from Jason with a smile, then Cels back down*
Jason St Augustine: *Blushes* I..uh....put 'em back...later...
Finnuala Rosher: *Leans over and giggles onto her knees* Oh, man, Jason. I have to get out of here.
Liz St Augustine: umm i think i'll have to add those on the shopping list as i don't think there's going to be anymore left
Jason St Augustine: Uhh...yeah.
Angelica Dylan: ((*Decides this is one of the best comic relief Crown scenes since the night of the Tart, and the 1st Holy Templar Orgy*))
Jason St Augustine: *Starts mentally counting as he takes the Ice Cream from the freezer* 7...6....5.....4....
Justine O'Ryan: ~Jhettscire the german shephard pet of Justine comes trotting up, looking annoyed that he was so rudely and abuptly ejected.~
Finnuala Rosher: Liz> Um, next time you go out, could you get me some blueberry jelly? For toast! of course.
Justine O'Ryan: ((the Tart was dramatic at the time..the Orgy, wins the comic #1 award!))
Finnuala Rosher: Oh poor dog! He had to see that!
Liz St Augustine: * snickers at Finn* ahh okies whatever floats your boat
Jason St Augustine: Finn...wipe his mind too. There are some things...that not even a dog should remember.
Jason St Augustine: *mentally puts 50 on Jus coming up for the Ice cream*
Angelica Dylan: *Celeritys up for the Ice Cream, grabs it from Jason with another smile, and is right back down, with a quick pat on the nose for Jhett*
Justine O'Ryan(downstairs) *with suitable lack of finnesee, throws herself on Ang chanting* minemineminemineminemine...
Angelica Dylan(downstairs) *Grins and almost drops the ice cream, tumbling back* Yoursyoursyoursyoursyoursyoursyours......and minemineminemineminemineminemineminemine!!!
Justine O'Ryan(downstairs) *she grinns* damn right.
*kisses her Ang and proceeds to re-decorate the inside of thier coffin in the patters of fudge swirl.*
Justine O'Ryan: (Jhett) *looks at Finnuala and whines then stretches and pushes his doggie=paws out in front of him an a dog-yawn. nothing he hasn't seen before. he sees 'people' in heat all the time. usually not two females, though.*
Liz St Augustine: Jason> hey who knows he might get some real hot female doggie from what he saw
Jason St Augustine: *Damn. lost 50. Ah well.*
Finnuala Rosher: Jason> Done. Poor thing.
Finnuala Rosher: Jhett> Hey, wanna go chase the bear?
Justine O'Ryan: (Jhett) *looks at Angelica as she whizzes past. He looks confused and covers his snout with his paws*
Jason St Augustine: Uh...Liz? You do know how the Really White guys score on each other, right?
Justine O'Ryan: (jhtett) *looks at finnuala in confusion. like he's owneer, he's not the brightest.*
Liz St Augustine: the really white guys?
Finnuala Rosher: *Gets excited for Jhett's benefit.* Come on, chase the bear chase the bear woof woof! *Bounces up and down in the chair*
Jason St Augustine: *Nods and points to his hand*
Justine O'Ryan: (Jhett) *thinks about marking Jus's door to show his annoyance.*
Liz St Augustine: * blows on the spoon she had gotten out for the icecream and stick it on the end of her nose trying to make it stick*
Liz St Augustine: oh that's nice Jason..* smirks and blances the spoon on her nose*
Justine O'Ryan: (JHETT) *looks at the Huoo-man like she's bonkers. his tail waggs though. look, she's playing. how cute.*
Jason St Augustine: *Looks around. First the torries, now Finn. Further proof that silliness is a communicable disease*
Justine O'Ryan: (JHETT) *he wonders if her gets her a leash and collar is she'll let him walk her.*
Liz St Augustine: * takes the spoon off her nose and lays it down on the counter*
Finnuala Rosher: *Ruffles Jhett's fur and tosses him around a little* Chasies! We're gonna go outside! Come on boy. *Gets up and grabs a leash from near the door*
Jason St Augustine: *Finally decides to get really vulgar...Takes Liz's hand and Kisses it getntly* ((for about 1/10th of a BP))
Finnuala Rosher: *Snaps the leash on Jhett and opens the door* ((Gotta go folks))
Liz St Augustine: * finally decides to get vulgar herself and takles him onto the table and covers him with kisses and get up and walks out of the kitchen*
Justine O'Ryan: (JHETT) *tail waggs at Finnuala and her ansers her* Bark! wuff~!
Jason St Augustine: *Steps away from the sunlight flowing in through the dorr* Damn Finn....we're not gonna heat upo the neghborhood...
Liz St Augustine: ( huggles finn)
Finnuala: *Heads out with Jhett*
Jason St Augustine: *Grins dumbly, walking out of the kitchen*
Finnuala: Oops, sorry Jason! ((Huggles people and doesn't even stab magetype))
Justine O'Ryan: (JHETT) *goes with Finnuala and is glad for it. she doesn't reek of heat like the others.* ((Hugsa Finn))