Kane and Group: An Evening at the Lounge
February 21, 2000
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> I haven't seen you in too long. I was looking all over for others and couldn't find you. Where were you?
Vosch DiKirovska: *he comes back to Kane's table to sit with Allison, and Kane*
Silver Kane: ~after setting up the chair and stuff, looks at JASON~ 25 was your total last time, mine was 19 wasn't it? I think we wont have the calrity as last time ~grins evily~
Forges the Dawn: *Looks at the menu... wonders what a hamberger is... find the silverware and plays with it... haveing never had to use it before... finds it... interesting*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Valerie>> I was talking to Alex and Johann and then taking care of some biz-ness. *Slight smile.* We all need to sit down and talk about some things, I think.
Silver Kane: ~sets about 2 pictures infront of Jason and 2 Picture infront of himself, waves at Nicia~
Allison White Saldaré: *sits down and frowns at the beer, she rises from the table and goes over to the bar and orders herself a Long Peach Tea and points to her seat at the table and smiles to Joey and goes to sit down with the others again*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~chuckles at Kane~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> Uh oh. What's the problem?
Silver Kane: "..Forges, It's a fork forges. Invented Quite some time ago.
Marcus James: *Marcus begins to look a little worried at the growing mass of people and at this tiume stops helping Kane, instead he finds himself a seat, alone, a little far from the rest of them*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Valerie>> *very soft chuckle* No trouble. We just need to get org-ized. ((organized)) *Glances over at Marcus.*
Allison White Saldaré: *tilts her head and smiles at Vosch, happy that he is here, but wondering if all the noise is going to make his headache worse, but admires that he came a long*
Vosch DiKirovska: *sits down at the table, he places his forehead on the table, and covers up with his arms*
Jason Maier2: *Nods at KANE* I do recall 25....
Silver Kane: ~glacnces at MArcus, but as aware of his peculatities as anyone else, more ..In touch~
Josephine Barrett: *She sees no sign and will be seated at a quiet table.*
Allison White Saldaré: *leans over and whispers in Vosch's ear*
Forges the Dawn: *nods* Yes i know... A waist of ore... *breathes on it and polishes the grim off of it*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~set her coat on the back of a chair...kisses Kane's cheek... then sitting down next to him~
Silver Kane: ~looks at Vosch and frowns~ You need to sleep ~Grins at nicia and pulls her into his lap~
Jason Maier2: ((*Grumbles softly*)) *Takes a pitcher in each fist, making the toughest choice he's had in awhile : Left or Right?*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> No kidding. One of us stood arguing with his women while I was nearly raped and killed. But I want to just go forward as long as it never happens again.
Ethan VanBurg: *Walks back out from the washroom*
Marcus James: *Marcus reclines some in his chair, close enough to speak with everyone and hear as well, but defenitly far anough not to be oncidered a part of any... gathering. Two of the legs of the chair come off the ground as he leans back and he smiles lopsidedly at pretty much everyone, reaching back and lacing his fingers together behind his head*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Valerie>> *blinks* What? Who, what?
Vosch DiKirovska: *sort of half rolls his head to glance at Kane with one eye* ~CR~ I'l be fi....er ~english~ Uh, I'll be fine sir. Just a headache. No worse than the one you'll have after 19 or so of those. *try for a rougish smile*
Silver Kane: ~flips his head to Val and narrows his eyes~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~gets pull into Kane's lap and chuckles softly, leaning close to his ear to whisper~
Forges the Dawn: *Wonders if anyone plays Tiddaly Winks... holds himself close... doesn't feel right out of the umbra.*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> You won't hear me whine about it any more. Just never say I didn't tell you. *Looks at the pitchres of beer and shakes her head*
Silver Kane: ~absent nod to Vosch, actually _looking_ at the young man to acknowledge him, then back to valerie~
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He frowns, reaching out to briefly touch Valerie's shoulder in a supportive gesture.*
Ethan VanBurg: *Heads to the table he and eunnis were at blinks seeing eunnis isn't there and looks around spots Eunnis with Kane and crew*
Josephine Barrett: *She takes her time to read through the menu, but the noise of the group makes her look up and lose her thoughts more than once.*
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~italian~ what has gotten you in such a good mood... I'd like to note it for the future... ~nips at his ear~
Jason Maier2: *Looks at Val* I know, domestic.
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Glances over at Ethan and gives him a grim 'look'.*
Allison White Saldaré: *glances at Kane and smiles to Vosch, she stands up and goes back to the bar to get her drink and then comes back and sits down*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> It's done now. And I didn't even get pnumonia. *Shrugs* // JASON> Have you no shame? Drink German beer.
Silver Kane: "..I carry the same weight of Critism Valerie, for two incidents, one involving mercury and the other an attacker in my office. I no longer speak about it, but that is what has made me so angry in the past.. I shouldn't HAVE to speak on it..or even have to point it out to us. It's unseemly and uncultured.
Ethan VanBurg: *walks over and sits down near Marcus*
Allison White Saldaré: *she smiles broadly and starts to sip her drink and then leans over to Vosch, and speaks quietly but loud enough to be heard* So, what have you been up to lately? besides the events of this evening of course.
Silver Kane: ~holds nicia close and pick up a pitcher, slams it back~ 1!.
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He seems a bit out of place, out of touch a moment, like this moment is unreal.*
Marcus James: *Blinks a little at Ethan and scoots his chair a little away from him as he sits, but he grins widely at him. Yes, it's noticable, he is largely uncomfortable where he is right now, despite the appeaance he is trying to give*
Jason Maier2: VAL>>*chuckles softly* I will when it gets here.
Silver Kane: ~grins at NICIA~ Nothing.. we had a visitation, and a rare promise of cooportation. That and a child was saved,.. All things to make me feel good.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> What? No, it wasn't you!
Nicia Giovanniello: ~blinks at Kane~ Looks like I'm driving... oh wait I don't drive... ~laughs~
Allison White Saldaré: *takes a moment to look around the tables and smiles at everyone as she passes by, she likes them all being together, and secretly wishes it didn't have to take such extreme circumstances to get it this way, and then looks back to Vosch, still grinning, as she sips her drink rather quickly*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He sips his mocha silently, beginning to retreat into himself once more.*
Ethan VanBurg: *Gives Marcus lots of room, doesn't seem to want to be crowded tonight either sits down smiles to Marcus and looks at everyone*
Jason Maier2: *Looks at the pitchers, finally coming to a decision. Setting them both down, he picks them up by the base, and then tilts his head back and pours both of them down his throat*
Josephine Barrett: *Lowers the menu and folds it closed across her plate to signal that she is ready to order. She keeps looking to the loud group.*
Silver Kane: "..I know Val, ~laughing, ~ it was an anology .. ~nuzzles into Nicia's neck~ You don't? You have to learn.. And how's your business comming?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smiles at Kane~ It was something then... ~smiles at everyone at the table~
Allison White Saldaré: *chuckles to Nicia* That's what the Lev is for, my dear *smiles* Ital~ good evening!
Marcus James: *Marcus is also pretty clueless seeming at this point. He thinks it over a few moments and orders himself a coffee. Black. He grins at Ethan* Want anything?
Silver Kane: ~gives Jason a hatefull look~ You could at least humor me, i'm 47, i don't take disappointments well.
Forges the Dawn: *Feels rather out-of-place... so just sits and studies them. they are a good lot... a few promiseing students are here*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Jason>> *quietly* We'll have to talk soon. Alex needs to talk to every-one too with his group. Valerie, I'll... I will see you later. We can talk to-gether when Johann is 'round. *He stands slowly, picking up his mocha.*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> I'll analogy you. *Gets a pitcher of decent beeer and brings it to the table* Kane and Jason> Are either of you macho enough to handle a real drinker at your contest?
Vosch DiKirovska: *turning to regard Allison* Well, mostly thinking. But I have been trying to come up with what things I can do. I've been spending some more time at the camp.
Ethan VanBurg: Naw I'm okay Marcus. *asks the waitress to bring his mocha over* But thank you
Silver Kane: ~looks past nicia and leans to forges~ ..~W~ Alright, Your Forges the Dawn correct? Silver forger?
Jason Maier2: *BRRRAAAAAAPPPPs in a safe direction* That's why we're drinking domestic, sir.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> Leaving already? *A little disappointed* Okay, I'll see you whenever.
Thomas Pierce: ~slips in and takes a seat at the bar~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~leans a litle close to Kane~ Business is steady. No I don't know how to drive, never needed to know before.
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He noticed Allison's attitude towards him is different now, and he pales slightly, not feeling really well. He doesn't trust easily, and it seems that every step he takes thrusts bitter reality into his face.*
Josephine Barrett: *Frowns slightly as it looks like the party will get rowdier. She'll lace her fingers on the table in front of her and wait for the waiter to place her order.*
Ethan VanBurg: *Glances at Eunnis as he gets up*
Marcus James: *Marcus grins lopsidedly and winks at the waitress when she brings his coffee as well.*
Jason Maier2: *Nods to Eunnis an cocks an eyebrow at Val*>>I are. But Napier's not here.
Silver Kane: w=whisper] BIC>>Grins at VAL~ sit.. sit..
Nicia Giovanniello: ~turns to Allison~ Exactly. ~smiles~ How are you dear?
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Pokes Jason and sits, holding up the Rickards Red beer* Kane and Jason> Here's to the power of estrogen. *Starts downing the beer from the pitcher appallingly well*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Valerie>> *Slight smile to her.* I don't... *Looks around at the table then meaningfully at her.* I don't know that I should stay.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> Why not?
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to Eunnis and anyone else who is leaving and waves to them with a warm smile and then turns back to Nicia* Ital~ I am doing well tonight, thank you.
Forges the Dawn: *Nods* ~W~ Yes, i have delt with silver before. among many other things Daimyo
Ethan VanBurg: *Smiles to Marcus one of the few people he genuinelty likees these days, and watches Eunnis*
Marcus James: *Marcus sips at his coffee and then blinks a little at Eunnis, giving him a worried frown*
Silver Kane: ~takes up his second picture, shaking his head at val and jason ~ you both Suck.. alot. ~his eye filter over the cafe, taking in everything and everyone.~
Jason Maier2: *Gazes at the power of estrogen at work*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He stands undecided. Part of him realizes that some of his apparent 'paranoia' and conflicting feelings are because he has failed at something that gave his life meaning. Some of it is based in reality. Which is which? He sits down, silent.*
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Vosch* Camp? what camp? am I missing something? *chuckles and finishes her drink with the sound of a straw barely sucking up any liquid and then blushes as she remembers her etiquette and then glances at Kane as she remembers his orders and sets down the empty glass and doesn't order another one...right away*
Thomas Pierce: ~orders a beer at the bar and drinks alone~
Jason Maier2: *Sotto voce* Serena enjoys it...
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> We have to suck a lot because we don't have as much experience as you. *Covers her mouth and looks shocked at what she said.*
Silver Kane: ~w~ to forges~ Hmm, i havn't heard much about you. Mostly i see you pop about and then leave. Not many Anruth about.. at least not near a brugh.
Jason Maier2: *manages to stifle a lugh*
Josephine Barrett: *Orders a Penne alla Vodka and small starter salad. She declines any drink other than the water she already has.*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He closes his eyes a moment, trying to find the balance within himself. Only the most observant might notice the hand clutching the mocha cup trembles.*
Forges the Dawn: [[ sorry bout slow post... nature called ]] *holds out his old hands looking them over... they are scared and calloused. only working with silver on a normal bases could scare one such*
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to Eunnis as he's decided to stay and leans over to him* Hey there, Long time no speak! we should fix that you know...*chuckles* What's your pleasure? or your poison? What ever you want...I hear the brandy is good here....though I don't really like brandy all that much...*smiles*
Silver Kane: ~still keeps his eyes about him and his ears , patiently and slowly, drawing them in the invisible circle~(cha+primalurge(5)~
Ethan VanBurg: *Watches Eunnis sit back down, concered,smirks faintly at Val, but is destracted*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Eyes still closed, he does smirk very slightly at what Valerie said*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Opens his eyes, having won the battle for the moment. Smiles slightly at Allison.* No, thank you. The mocha is fine for now.
Nicia Giovanniello: Allison> That's good to hear. ||| Kane> Do I get any of that beer?
Silver Kane: ~~his eyes move to val and he holds his serious face for a moment, then smirks~ say that again and I'll kiss you. ~threateningly~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Shuts up and downs beer like water*
Forges the Dawn: ~wto kane~ i came to this area because of it's untapped spirit energy... to finish my last work...
Vosch DiKirovska: *sits up, testing the headache* Well, there are a number of my people here in the city, and they have established their campsite where I know where it is. *wink*
Silver Kane: ~smiles up at Nicia, and adjust her in his lap, then hands her the picture in his hand, letting the first make him warm~ thought you were driving?
Forges the Dawn: ~w goes on~ i keep to myself. there never have been many in the area to work with.
Marcus James: *Marcus continues to frown a little worriedly, though he sips his coffee still and watches. He edsges forward a bit and then stops himself8
Nicia Giovanniello: ~laughs at Kane and Val~
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles and nods to Eunnis* Well, if you want another one, let me know...I'll buy you one....*smiles to Nicia* what have you been up to lately *glances at vosch and nods with a smile* I see...
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Nicia> Hey, can you blame me? You'd know better than anyone how terrible a threat that must be. *Grins*
Silver Kane: ~laughs silently at Val, and still leaning over to speak almost directly into forges ear~ ~W~ to Forges~ "..That's good. I'll ask what it is later, but most of your actions have been lost in time, only your name and a few things are left..
Jason Maier2: *Sighs contentedly as the two pitchers do their work*
Josephine Barrett: *She'll pick her salad apart like a bird and watch the group now and again. They draw attention to themselves.*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Allison>> *quietly* Thank you. *Calmer now, his hand has stopped trembling. His licorice-dark eyes search around the table slowly.*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Kane~ I'll leave that to the taxi driver. ~looks at the pitcher, then looks for a glass~ I don't want the whole pitcher, just a glass.
Silver Kane: ~blinks slowly, making silent mental note of each face in the lounge then opens his eyes, tighting the invisible circle~(cha+primal urge(5)~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Finishes the Rickard's Red pitcher and burps "a-e-i-o-u"*
Thomas Pierce: ~babies his beer, having ordered it socially rather then to get drunk~
Ethan VanBurg: *Glances side ways at Marcus then around the table silently*
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles and chuckles to Nicia and then at Val and her belch and smiles at the group, moving closer into the table*
Jason Maier2: *giggles* I see thou art no stranger to beer, Val.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~laughs at Val~ Actually... ~grins mischievously... and turn to Kane Kissing him... stealing whatever words he was speaking~
Forges the Dawn: *nods w* i am sorry diamyo, i allowed my work to superscide my duities as a garou. if you wish i shall show the way to my home.
Silver Kane: ~wasn't talking, is glass there was a pause in his words, makes sure not to squish the beer as he's kissed~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Jason> I art not. I art a former liberal arts major. // NICIA> Hah, that'll show him. Woo, looks like you're gonna score yourself some beef tonight. *Winks*
Allison White Saldaré: *drops her napkin and leans over and picks it up, she then glances around the room to see who else is in the room*
Silver Kane: ~forgot, that works on Kin too, must watch that.~
Silver Kane: ~takes a deep breath when nicia stops kissing him and blinks~ Wow.. ~Leans over to Forges again into his ear directly~ W~You forget the veil too?
Marcus James: *Marcus once again scoots a little closer, though he is starting to look sick for it*
Jason Maier2: Liberal arts major, ye sayest? Feh. Tis but a candle next to the drinking prowess of the testosterone-poisoned Ranger Corps.
Allison White Saldaré: *glances at Val and chuckles a little, her mood deepinging, and a slightly disturbed look comes on her face which turns into a bright smile as she glances around the room again and then raises the glass to her lips and pours an ice cube into her mouth*
Josephine Barrett: *She will glance over to the 3 other guys who aren't a part of the group. She doesn't smile at them, they all look kind of lonely and there's no need to invite. She'll push half the salad away when the Penne comes.*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Glances over at Marcus, and Ethan. He sips his mocha, slowly scooting his chair back towards them. Just slightly.*
Forges the Dawn: ~w~ no
Nicia Giovanniello: ~breaks the kiss... looks at Val and winks~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Jason> You know nothing, mere male. *Orders another pitcher*
Silver Kane: ~opens his eyes to look at Eunnis, Ehan and Marcus. He will shift his eyes to meet their's directly, then finally looking back at nicia with a smile~
Vosch DiKirovska: *he places his fingers to his temples,a nd begins to rub, a small sigh escaping his lips*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *His eyes are dark and unreadable, his gaze steady.*
Silver Kane: ~almost blows his beer, haivng to fgiht to control it , laughing ~ NICIA!
Ethan VanBurg: *scoots over a bit to make room for Eunnis*
Marcus James: *Marcus glances at Ethan and EUnnis, and takes a slow breath. Scoots his chair in the proverbail circle and looks about to bolt or puke, maybe bolt to puke*
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles a bit, and glances around the table*
Silver Kane: ~stands, lifting her up and unto her feet, shaking off beer, and whiping himself off with a grin~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins wickedly at Kane~ What?
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Snorts and almost chokes in amusement*
Ethan VanBurg: *Nods to Kane when he looks at him*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He turns his gaze back to Marcus. Smiles just slightly, first time he's smiled at him since he announced he was leaving the pack.*
Silver Kane: "..I'm going to go clean up a bit..
Silver Kane: ~looks at Forges~ I'll be back a moment..
Nicia Giovanniello: I know beer it good for ones hair but a shower like this isn't what I expected. ~trying not to grin~
Forges the Dawn: *nods to silver... doesn't understand the amusment... looks back around each... studying them for a short time*
Silver Kane: ~wraggels his finger at nicia, grinning, but doesn't say anything~
Silver Kane: ~bathroom, effectively~
Marcus James: *Marcus smiles softly to Eunnis, but the authenticity of it is really broken by his overall sick look... He glances after Kane and conciders following*
Ethan VanBurg: *Sighs softly and stands up* I think I should get going, night all
Vosch DiKirovska: *he manages a smile, and drops his hands to the table*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~raise her brow at Kane... without a word she slips way... thinks, "So the game begins..."~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Pours some of the red beer into a glass this time, not wishing to admit that the first one, being on a mostly empty stomach, is being felt*
Allison White Saldaré: *she thinks about things, not wanting to be the spoiler of fun, but begins to feel the anger rise with in her, though her exterior is nice and cool and cheerful...she leans over and whispers into Vosch's ear*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He stands up when Ethan does, since pack doesn't walk alone. Sets a hand on Marcus' shoulder just briefly.*
Thomas Pierce: ~orders a refill~
Josephine Barrett: *She only eats half the penne before placing her napkin on the table next to her plate. She'll take her purse up with her and make her way to the bathroom*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Good night Ethan.
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles and nods to Ethan with a wave*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~disappears near the restrooms~
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Said to everyone in quiet tones.* Good night.
Marcus James: *Marcus waves softly after Ethan and closes his eyes some, not seeing all of them helps, but hearing, smelling... thinking about it starts to make him look alittle worse for wear8
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> You're taking off too? Okay. And its good to see you going together. The beach can be dangerous.
Josephine Barrett: *Smiles slightly at Nicia as she passes her, holding the door for the other woman.*
Marcus James: *Marcus grins lopsidedly at Eunnis* Bye, Eunnis
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~she does not hesitate, she walk right in to the mean room after him~
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: Valerie>> That's 'zack-ly why. *Sighs as he looks at her.* You won't be 'lone will you? Please tell me you won't.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Eunnis> I try not to be.
Ethan VanBurg: nite Val, Allison, Marcus.
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles and waves to Eunnis and Ethan* Good night you two...now don't be strangers *winks and then chuckles with a warm smile*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Josephine~ No, thank you. ~walks into the mens room~
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *He nods to Valerie, and to the others.*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Unexpectedly, he steps over and gives Allison a quick hug, then turns quickly and moves to the door without another word.*
Josephine Barrett: *Stops and raises an eyebrow as Nicia walks into the men's room after Kane. Then smiles and leans against the wall, digging into her pocket book*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Ethan and Eunnis> Good night, and call or something...
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~glance about, grins and wtches him a moment~
Ethan VanBurg: *walks out with Eunnis*
Ethan VanBurg: ((hugs all and poofs))
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles at Vosch and the kiss and then picks up her glass which only has ice and melted ice in it and pours another ice cube into her mouth*
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~walks up behind him~ Came I help clean the beer off your shirt? ~slips her arms around him~
Silver Kane - Nicia Giovanniello: ~noitices her immediately and turns to look at the bathroom ~(declared empthy~ Nicia.. Are you insiane (jam tech)
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Sits back watching Eunnis and Ethan leave. Drinks the entire glass of beer*
Eunnis 'Slayer' Stanapoulous: *Hadn't been in range to hear the call.* ooc: *hugs all* ~gone~
Silver Kane - Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks to the door, makes sure it doen't open~
Nicia Giovanniello: (bye Ethan) Josephine> ~muffled voice is all that is heard~
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~grins~ Just daring...
Silver Kane - Nicia Giovanniello: ~turns to the door, then the stalls ~ nicia, ~doesn't Sound displeased~
Nicia Giovanniello: (bye Eunnis)
Josephine Barrett - Nicia Giovanniello: ((I have acute hearing if that helps at all.))
Allison White Saldaré: [[*huggles* bye Eunnis-p and Ethan-p]]
Allison White Saldaré: [[doesn't stop her from wishing he was there *S*]]
Silver Kane: (wavs to those leaving)
Forges the Dawn: *Takes the water in front of him and sips it still watching the others*
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~chuckle~ You worry too much... I'm just giving the others someting to wonder about...
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((Bye you two))
Vosch DiKirovska: *Vosch stands, and heads to men's restroom holding his head*
Marcus James: *Suddenly, Marcus turns a slight shade of green and rushes off to the bathroom*
Nicia Giovanniello - Josephine Barrett: (they are just talking)
Vosch DiKirovska: *entering the bathroom, he closes the door behind him*
Nicia Giovanniello - Silver Kane: ~kisses his cheek and chuckles~ I'll leave..
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Forges> Would you like to try some irish beer? *Focuses past him and sees someone familiar, or thinks she might* (Pierce)
Allison White Saldaré: *looks after Vosch, a little concerned and pours another ice cube into her mouth, watching the others at the table with a grin*
Nicia Giovanniello: (bathroom door doesn't open)
Josephine Barrett: *Smiles as Vosch comes up and puts an hand behind her to lean on the wall.* I don't think you want to go in there... *winks* it's... occupied.
Thomas Pierce: ~smiles and nods to Val's gaze~
Nicia Giovanniello: (oops already been stated)
Silver Kane: ~NOW the door opens~
Marcus James: *Having trouble with the door, he simply runs out to the Lobby*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Pours a glass for Forges and passes it to him* I think it's the best kind made. I hope you like it. *Looks again at Pierce and then at the others, wanting so badly to have Totem Speech right now.*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Kane and walks out of the men's room with a slight grin~
Vosch DiKirovska: Hmm, *stands at the door, holding his head*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Vosh and Josephine as she passes them~
Thomas Pierce: ~flags down a waiter and sends a drink to Val as he settles up~
Silver Kane: ~looks at Vosch~ you ok"?
Forges the Dawn: *Takes the glass and sniffs it.. crings at the horrid smell... wonders how they drink this... sips... mack his lips at the taste.. makeing a sour expresion*
Thomas Pierce: ~waves to Val and heads to the lobby~
Vosch DiKirovska: *faqlls into Kane's arm, sounding as if wretching, and staggeering into the bathroom*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Looks at the drink that arrived, then back at Pierce, wishing she hadn't had that pitcher and a half*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~stops looks back at Kane and Vosch, waiting see if eveything is all right~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Forges> I have to go! *Runs after Pierce to protect Marcus*
Silver Kane: ~lead vosch in the bathroom with a sour expression~
Josephine Barrett: *Smiles back at Nicia, then looks back to Vosh, her eyes widening* hmm...
Forges the Dawn: *watches Val run off.. closes his eyes*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((How true, Kane. *S* Gone lobby))
Allison White Saldaré: *stands up immediately after following Valerie's Gaze and runs out towards the lobby herself*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~moves back to the restroom door~
Allison White Saldaré: [[lobby]]
Nicia Giovanniello: ~pushes the door open a little~ ~italian~ Do you need any help?
Silver Kane: ~italian~ i think so..
Josephine Barrett: *She peers into the restroom with Nicia, curious.*
Forges the Dawn: *Stands and looks at the others* Trouble... *Walks towards the door*
Silver Kane: ~walks out of the lounge in the UMBRA and to peeks~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~goes into the rest room... and goes over to Kane and Vosch~
Silver Kane: ~nothing in the lounge, heads after forges~
Forges the Dawn: ~GONE2 loby~
Silver Kane: ~lobby~
Josephine Barrett: *Holds the bathroom door open a bit* Do you want me to call someone? A doctor or something?
Vosch DiKirovska: *Vosch turns to Nicia* Sorry, he stepped out. *makes to leave the restroom*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grab some paper towel and goes back to Vosch side... to keep him for falling face first into the toilet~
Vosch DiKirovska: All set. I feel much better. ((Player has to go. Work done for the night. Will leave unobtrusively))
Nicia Giovanniello: Vosch> It's alright. ~will support him~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to vosch~ Alright. If your sure. (okay see ya)
Josephine Barrett: *She wonders where Kane "stepped out" to.*
Nicia Giovanniello: I'll be out in th lounge.~she says over her shoulder as she walk out of the mens room~
Josephine Barrett: *Smiles again to Nicia as she passes and proceeds to dig into her purse, putting something away and looking for something else.*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Josephine...~ All is well...
Nicia Giovanniello: (my post will be a bit slow... cooking breakfast)
Josephine Barrett: *She finally stops, seeming to have found what she was looking for. She smiles after Nicia and moves off to enter the woman's room.*
Silver Kane: [bathroom]~steps into another stall, and flushes and walks out, (~
Silver Kane: ~nods to josephine and head to the front door directly~
Silver Kane: ~breeze's past nicia and smiles~ I'll be back, work..
Silver Kane: ~lobby~
Josephine Barrett: *She pauses a moment to look back to Kane and his brisque walk. Just what kind of business do you discover while on the bathroom helping a friend pray to the porcelain gods?*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smiles to Kane~ Alright. ~goes and sits back down~
Josephine Barrett: *She pushes into the bathroom.*
Silver Kane: ~walks back into the lounge~
Allison White Saldaré: *follows Kane from the Lobby*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sips a little of the beer in her glass~
Forges the Dawn: *Walks back in and to his seat... a stopping to look over it agian before seating*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Comes in supporting Marcus*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~turns to see who has entered~
Josephine Barrett: *She'll exit the bathroom a few minutes later and move back to her table to order dessert. Her lipstick has been reapplied.*
Silver Kane: ~absently~ your danger went out THAT door ~lobby~ why don't you go out THAT door ~terrace~ knowing intimately that he has long range methods?
Silver Kane: ~says before joe exist, cause i type slow and she took time~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> I had to get Marcus. Thats all.
Josephine Barrett: ooc: sorry, i thought i entered around the same time as the others because it would take you a few minutes to leave then come back carrying someone sick.
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Kane and glances around for Vosch*
Marcus James: *Marcus is quiet at Vals side, wiping his lip*
Silver Kane: ~shrugs, says same, says it to them directly at the lounge~
Josephine Barrett: *She looks at Kane, further curious, and orders a simple chocolate cheesecake.*
Forges the Dawn: Violets.. *nods just remebering the smell*
Silver Kane: "Well a eving down the drain. ~looks at Marcus~ All of you follow me, let's out line the mistakes made in this .. marcus you can go home later.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks ovr at Allison~ Vosch left, dear.
Silver Kane: ~look at forges~ Yes, i know. At least it's distinvitive.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Supports Marcus still and follows Kane*
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to Kane and drops some money for her drink, or a tip or what ever and goes over to Kane and gives him a peck on the cheek* thanks for the fun, I'm going to help these guys home and then head home myself.
Silver Kane: ~holds the terrace door~
Marcus James: *Marcus frowns a bit but nods to Kane, there are less people now at least...*
Allison White Saldaré: [[dlp]]*follows Kane*
Josephine Barrett: *She watchs the group leave as she waits for her cheesecake and coffee.*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Forges witha curous look... get up to follow Kane~
Silver Kane: ~(hold allions's player in place ) "it' will only take a few minutes"
Silver Kane: ~beach~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Walks out the door while helping Marcus and praying he doesn't barf on her*
Forges the Dawn: *Nods* yes... *Tries to remeber if he had smelt it used this way before... will have to look in the books when he gets back*
Marcus James: ~Beach~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: (Beach)
Allison White Saldaré: *blinks at Forges and Kane and having no clue what they are talking about, goes out onto the beach*
Allison White Saldaré: [[beach]]
Nicia Giovanniello: (ack.... beach with the others)
Allison White Saldaré: *follows Kane out onto the Terrace, following his lead*
Silver Kane: ~steps out to the beach~
Allison White Saldaré: [[not ready to go to bed yet, just got distracted and didn't see the post before I did *L* ]]
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Assists Marcus to the beach*
Silver Kane: "Val, you can let him go now, assuming he was not affected by what affected you, it was people.. he's has a problem with crowds
Marcus James: *Marcus nods to Silvers words, he really does seem a little better now. Just post-puking syndrome is all*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> Gladly! *Relieved to be able to get Marcus out of her personal space and his potential puking even further. Lets him go*
Alyssa Monroe: *Walks out of her houseboat in the Marina*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~quietly follows the others~
Silver Kane: "..I won't even asked what happened, but let me clue you all in. You can silently communicate. If a seal team can do it, YOU Can do it..
Allison White Saldaré: *continues to follow Kane, listening*
Silver Kane: ~walks up the beach, voice low~ A pack is instinctive, working together, but to do this, you _must_ surrender to the wolf, you must ..even if you cannot feel it, seek it in others..
Alyssa Monroe: *flips out her celphone clueless to who she is calling is on the beach not to far away*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Listens with interest, but skepticism*
Alyssa Monroe - Nicia Giovanniello: *celphone rings*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~listens to Kane... pulling her coat close around her~
Allison White Saldaré: *nods slowly, absorbing the information*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~her cell pone ring... she quickly takes it from her pocket and answers it...~ Pronto?
Alyssa Monroe: *walks toward the beach celphone in hand*
Alyssa Monroe - Nicia Giovanniello: ~ital~ Hey Nicia, it's Alyssa. Can you see if I can get a meeting with Mr. Kane sometime in here? Allison told me to talk to him.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> I didn't expect the backup that showed uo in the lonbby. Guess I've gotten used to thinking I'm alone even when I'm not. Sorry.
Marcus James: *Marcus stops at that suddenly, blinking rapidly at Kane*
Nicia Giovanniello: (phone) ~italian~ Si, Alyssa I will do that as soon as I can. I'll call you.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> I didn't expect the backup that showed uo in the lonbby. Guess I've gotten used to thinking I'm alone even when I'm not. Sorry.
Marcus James: *Marcus stops at that suddenly, blinking rapidly at Kane*
Allison White Saldaré: *glances around her, carefully*
Forges the Dawn: *Feels the message... he instantly binds with area around him... feeling and knowing every detail... scanns the area*
Silver Kane: ~turns around~ I guess it works well enough.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~suddenly drops her phone, and blinks~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Nicia> Whats wrong?
Silver Kane: "Silent communcation is the means of life.. REACATING to the incomming information, is also something you have to learn. Consider, if there was danger, you just tipped it off, ...
Allison White Saldaré: *blinks at Kane a moment, and then glances over to Nicia, concerned, her senses still reaching out to her surroundings, searching for danger*
Alyssa Monroe: *looks at her cel phone funny and puts it back to her ear* (phone) Nicia? *stoped by a firepit*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> Point taken. At least people reacted to it at all.
Marcus James: *Marcus doesn't seem to realize if that was only a test or not, he removes his hand from his pack and is wearing an odd shped technolooking metal glove*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~blinks at Val~ Nothing... ~picks up her phone~
Forges the Dawn: *Stratches his head.. looks at his feet... looksa round agian a little lost*
Silver Kane: "I am better than most. I was in the army, remember. I bet you all don't know you can draw a mortal to your side, by raising the beast inside of them and chaining it toyour own?
Nicia Giovanniello: (phone) ~italian~ Sorry Alyssa, I dropped my phone.
Allison White Saldaré: *takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, letting her muscles relax a little, though her senses are still on alert*
Marcus James: [[Which incidentally... might make anyone not in Homid a little sick...]]
Allison White Saldaré: *blinks at Kane, a little confused, and uncertain about how one would accomplish that*
Silver Kane: ~knowing marcus is slow on the up take~ Marcus, Forges it was a points in silent communication. In ..smaller form, with more expressive faces It's even eaiser..
Nicia Giovanniello: (phone) ~italian~ I can not talk right now... I'll cll you as soon as I am free.
Alyssa Monroe: ((screw it might as well just post here ;) )) (phone) ~ital~ Okay, so soon right?
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> I wouldn't want to, but I suppose there are times that one should. // Nicia> Okay. *Looks at Forges and identifies with his lost look a little*
a crow: ~watches from a nearby perch~
Nicia Giovanniello: (phone) Si, As soon as possible.
Marcus James: *Marcus frowns a little and continues to glance about a moment before looking slowly back to Silver, however, he does not remove the guantlest from his tightened fist*
Silver Kane: ~sighs, realising that totem speah was a horrible crutch. Should have only been given to them who can already communicate, not those who never knew how~
Forges the Dawn: *Expects that when someone ~yells~ danger in his head that it is imidiate... not hidden in some way... blinks and shrugs heads for the group(?)*
Alyssa Monroe: (phone) ~ital~ I really apprecate it Nicia. Goodbye.
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Kane, and glances out over the water for a moment and then turns her gaze back in front of her*
Nicia Giovanniello: (phone) ~italian~ My pleasure Alyssa, ciao.
Alyssa Monroe: *starts walking towards the Lev again as she hangs up the celphone and pockets it*
Marcus James: *After another few moments he carefully eases the guantlet back into his pack*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Flickers a look to the water as well, looking for a triangular fin*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~thinks one of these days her phone is going to be crushed if it keeps ringing during times like these... hangs up the phone and slips it back into her coat pocket~
Silver Kane: "As I was saying. I am less than you all, in mind and mentality and closeness to the mother, and you all, have to climb out of your sheltered mind. ~turns to them~Think like the army, the navy seals, go see a moving on war.. This is what it's about.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~pushing her limits once again~
Alexander Tarquine: ~steps off the Lev~
Marcus James: *Marcus raises his hand slowly, sans gauntlet* I have that Saving Private Ryan one... *He grins lopsidedly and then blinks slowly*
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Kane, thinking a college course on the history and strategies of war might be a good one to take during the summer*
Alyssa Monroe: *nods to Alex as she steps up on the Lev*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Thinks darkly of a certain recent night and how that was so unlike what they're being ordered to do now, but crams that into the back mental burner for now*
Silver Kane: ~nods at Marcus ~ good movie.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins a little at marcus~
Bobby Tarquine: *enters with his bro*
Forges the Dawn: *Reaches Kane and the others*
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Marcus* I can get it on DVD and we can watch it at my place on the big screen TV and surround sound....
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Waves at Alexander, but subtly, not wanting anyone to think she's overly fond of him.*
Marcus James: *Marcus reaches up and wipes his lip again, blinking* For about ten minutes... then it's kinda slow
Alyssa Monroe: *nods to Bobby as well as she gets on the train*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~suddenly sneezes... one of those cute little sneezes~
Bobby Tarquine: *jogs to catch with his bro... doesn't notice alyssa*
Alex Tarquine: ~nods with a smile to Val~
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to Nicia* Salude!
Nicia Giovanniello: pardon me..
Alyssa Monroe: *gone elsewhere*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Grins at the little weird bird-sneeze Nicia made and wonders why anyone bothers sneezing at all if they aren't really going to commit to it*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Allison~
Bobby Tarquine: *Rembers the time he sneezed and got snot on the back of alex's head... chuckles*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~and she sneezes again~
Allison White Saldaré: *chuckles at Nicia* Salude! *glances at Kane*
Alex Tarquine: ~strolls towards the beach and nods to all the people he knows~
Marcus James: *Marcus wipes his nose at a sudden itch and then glances at Nicia before looking back to Silver*
Nicia Giovanniello: (*LOL* @ Bobby) ~and sneezes a third time~
Bobby Tarquine: *Walks behind alex... wonders when he got popular...*
Allison White Saldaré: *blinks at Nicia* Salude! ~ital~ you getting sickly?
Nicia Giovanniello: Oh my... pardon me, again.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Looks surreptitiously at Alexander again*
Alex Tarquine: ~smiles to Nicia~ Bless you...
Nicia Giovanniello: Allison> I dont think so. I'm fine.
Forges the Dawn: *looks back to silver wondering if he still wanted to talk to him*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks to Alex~ Thank you.
Silver Kane: ~stosp and puts his arms around nicia~
Bobby Tarquine: *cheaks nicia out as they pass her* alex>> were are we going?
Allison White Saldaré: *blinks at her own statement, thinking that didn't come out right* Ital, to nicia~ I hope you not catching unhealthy....
Alex Tarquine: ~nods with a smile~ no problem ~turns to Val~ are you 100% again?
Silver Kane: "Well Forges? I guess you have nothing to say to me hmm?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks like she's going to sneez again..... but doesn't~ ~smiles apologenically at Kane~
Allison White Saldaré: *goes over what she said in her mind, she speaks in an almost perfect Italian accent but hasn't quite gotten the hang of the vocabulary yet, she chuckles as she realizes that the statement came out almost totaly wrong*
Silver Kane: ~looks at bobby, starts to thinki of robert Dineros's you lookin' at my woman, eh? you looking where you shouldn't ? " And burst out laughing at the italian opera~
Forges the Dawn: Nothing that comes to mind. Unless you have more to descusse it is way paste my bedtime... these old bones don't hold up like they used to.
Marcus James: *Marcus wipes his nose again and then covers an unexpected yawn*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Alex> Hm? *Didn't expect him to say anything* Oh, I'm even better than that. Thanks to your bed. I mean, the one you don't get to use because its always got someone in it. That sounded bad too. I'm shutting up now. *Nice shade of pink*
Nicia Giovanniello: Corrects Allison> ~italian~ "I hope you are not catching a cold."
Silver Kane: ~nods to forges~ be well, ~looks down at Marcus~ Then i guess you're done for the night..
Bobby Tarquine: *looks himself over... doesn't think he is so puny that a man would just start laughing at him... must be somthing else*
Silver Kane: ~smiles at Val, but doen't comment~
Forges the Dawn: I shall be in touch with you soon. *Turns and heads for the grove*
Marcus James: *He pauses and then tilts his head some at Silver* Um, am I? I mean. If something needs to be done, r discussed. I am here
Allison White Saldaré: *chuckles at Val and then nods to Nicia* ~ital~ oh, I understand now....not catching a cold....*goes over it in her mind* I hope you are not catching a cold...*chuckles again* Gratsi!
Silver Kane: "Marucs, sometimes, I just want you here, becuse your hear. You know what i mean?
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Mentally growls at herself for sounding like an idiot*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at kane, wondering what is so funny... looks at Val and chuckles softly~
Bobby Tarquine: oohh bro is a jiggalo now... *Smiles, looks val over then back to his bro*
Forges the Dawn: ~GONE~
Alex Tarquine: ~chuckles at Val~ I know what you mean but sometimes a simple yes is enough
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles and nods politely to Bobby and Alex*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Gives Bobby a strange look and then the same at Alex, wondering just what they really do for a living*
Marcus James: *Marcus nods slowly to SIlver and smiles softly* Well, then I'm here. *He winks at him, and then Nicia as well before rubbing his nose again and sniffing lightly*
Nicia Giovanniello: Allison> Your Italian is coming along well.
Allison White Saldaré: *waves to Forges as he leaves* have a good night! *turns back to Kane with a smile*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Alex> Okay. Yes. *Finds something else to look at as if interested...that clump of sand over there for example*
Bobby Tarquine: i got front to back side to side... tricking the bitches slapping the hoes.. *trying to sing.. doesn't think he has the owrds right.. chuckles*
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to Nicia* Thank you...I'm starting to practices at home...I think Vosch may learn it too...just because I'm practicing so much.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Forges> Good night.
Nicia Giovanniello: (bye Forges) ~smiles at Marcus and leans closet o Kane... "stealing" some of his warmth~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Looks at Bobby as if he's exactly as vulger as he is*
Allison White Saldaré: *blinks at Bobby for a brief moment and the looks back to Kane*
Silver Kane: ~shakes his head at "wise guide" bobby~
Silver Kane: guy=guide]~ if he didn't hate the Giovanni so much, he might laugh more~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Allison~ That's a good way to learn.
Alex Tarquine: ~rolls his eyes at Bobby~ and know everyone knows why you aren't a musician Robert
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *The clump of sand is really interesting*
Nicia Giovanniello: Kane> Can we discuss other business, now?
Marcus James: *Marcus yawns softly once more and pulls his sweater closer about himself, crossing his arms carefully. He reaches both hands into their opposite pockets8
Silver Kane: "..So val, Allsion, were are at an agreement right? Pratice.
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles and nods to Nicia* yeah, well, I'm starting to learn a little Romani...a very little Romani...I've picked up the accent...and about...3 words *chuckles* but I figured, one language at a time...they are very different from one another and the vocabulary sometimes gets me confused *grins*
Bobby Tarquine: thats fine... as long as i enjoy it *actully starts humming amasing grace... been stuck in his head lately.. not sure why*
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Kane* yes, Practice...it is the only way to get better and having a better way to communicate is always an advantage.
Silver Kane: ~thinks about Syntax and wish he hadn't destroyed the phone in rage last night~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Kane> Right. Practice.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Allison~ Si... I know what you mean.
Alex Tarquine: ~snaps his fingures~ don't you have other people to harass Robert?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Kane~ Yes... there a a few things but some of them can wait.
Bobby Tarquine: your more fun... i know if you get pissed you'll be fine in a day or two... *looks at the sand clood and val*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Thinks how much fun it would be to peck the sand clump at Bobby*
Nicia Giovanniello: Kane> The phone call I recieved was from Alyssa, she wishes to have a "meeting" with you, as soon as possible.
Marcus James: [[Sorry if I post slow, I am a little occupied.]] *Marcus listens to the others quietly while rubbing his sides through his pockets*
Silver Kane: ~looks at Allison ~ anymassage from Syntax?
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~exits the Lev and trops down the steps~
Silver Kane: massage=message!
Silver Kane: [MARUCS how dare you rub your sides thru your pockets!! we run a clean chat here!]
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((LMFAO @ Kane Typo!))
Alex Tarquine: ~raises his good brow at Val~ You all right there?
Marcus James: [[Pbblt Clean my bloody arse *lol*]]
Allison White Saldaré: *shakes her head sadly* No, I meant to go visit Peter...but I haven't had the chance yet...and Tarcher makes my skin crawl...I'm going to visit him tomorrow...and find out if she's been to see him...I don't even know if she knows he's still alive...*sighs*
Nicia Giovanniello: (*LOL*)
Silver Kane: ~blinks~ Peter? What happened to peter?
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Alex> *Knows better than to add more* Yes.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: *Black hair rakes back in pin ridges from her face, falling straight as the night's intentions to the waist of her tight black shorts. Her dark eyes have just the hint of mascara, and a thin veil of shimmery white and coal grey at the lids. Her small lips are strange silver to match silver triple-fat coat that hangs over, the black of her high necked pvc top, itself hugged close enough to her skin to show the curve of her small breasts. A subtle mixture of Japanese and Chinese features, she's paler, shorter, and thinner than would seem proper, almost porcelain in delicacy, but for her easy smile and cute voice. Even in her more rogue-ish apparel of her over the knee boots and dark leggings that ride up into short velveteen shorts, she comes off as a bit sweeter than cold. (5'3, 95lb, Pearl Cream 20-something,) . ((cha 4:captivatingly feminine, thought not necessarily femmy, enchanting voice))*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks to Allison.. With the same question as Kane, in mind~
Bobby Tarquine: *fubbles around in his pocket... a coins drops out on "acident" reaches down and picks it up and a sand clump*
Silver Kane: ~looks at Haruko and eyes narrowing, more work apraoching and hitting him over the head~
Alex Tarquine: ~chuckles~ all right then....
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~stops as she's off the Lev and glances back towards the stairs a moment, then forward to notice the group.~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Almost says something more to Alex, but decides not to*
Allison White Saldaré: *stares at Kane and wonders what happened to her messages...and then sighs sadly* I went back to your office because I left something, I was only out of the room for 10 min or so, when I got back into the room, he was bloody and battered...I patched up his wounds but...he wasn't conscious and his pupils were very slow to respond....I took him downstairs and called 911...I asked them to take him to a different hospital but they insisted on taking him to Tarcher....
Silver Kane: ~Curses~ Bloody hell..
Jean Charles de Castelbajac: :: Jean Charles steps out onto the terrace. Why is it that evil so often comes exquisitely wrapped? Tall, dark and handsome, there is an aura of power to Jean Charles, an evil that is less seen than felt, a slight stirring in the air around him, an invisible force that seems barely contained within his being, dormant only because he wishes it to be so. His bronzed skin, untouched by the pallor of death, highlights his pronounced facial features and gray eyes. His raven-black dreadlocks, browned by the sun, are allowed to cascade down his back (sometimes loosely gathered together with a suede strap or elaborate braids, as best befits the occasion). Jean generally dresses in conservatively cut dark suits of expensive fabrics and polished shoes. Jean speaks with noticeably pink glossy lips, in a smooth, oily, world-weary voice with a rich French based Haitian Creole accent that never rises much above a whisper. He carries a string of large black polished beads (engraved on each bead are various cabalistic and arcane symbols) that are constantly in motion as he moves them between his fingers.::
Alex Tarquine: ~listens to Allison and hopes their friend Peter will be alright~
Bobby Tarquine: *bounces the clump in his hand.. still watching val*
Allison White Saldaré: *sighs* I told them that I thought he had a seizure or something, while he was playing in one of the battle roooms...I had to undo him from the game he was playing...they insisted that Tarcher was better equipped for such an accident...*sighs again*
Marcus James: *Marcus rocks gently on his heels before loosing one strap of his pack and whipping it around in front of him...*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~eyes scan all across the group, then she retakes her stride to move off towards one of the fire pits.~
Alex Tarquine: ~nods politely to Haruko as she passes~ ~jap~ good eve miss
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Rubs the back of her neck and looks at Bobby. feeling his nasty little eyes*
Allison White Saldaré: *her mind goes over the way she found Peter and frowns, not metioning with others around the claw marks on his body*
Jean Charles de Castelbajac: ::Head held high he looks out to the beach, a cryptic smile moving his lips. So young is this city he thinks as he contemplates its potential, its promise.::
Allison White Saldaré: *glances up to Kane* I haven't heard anything from Syn since I saw her last with you....I don't know what has become of her...
Bobby Tarquine: *moves his eyes else were when she looks... trying not to make it look him he is looking*
Silver Kane: "..What's his present condition?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~doesn't like what she is hearing... nd to top that off she isn't feel very well at the moment herself~
Silver Kane: ~nods to Haruko, wantingto talk to her, but also needing to listen~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~pauses to nod to Alexander, replying in a sweet high voice~ ~jap~ good evening, Alexander-san. ~keeps walking so as not to disrupt the group, knowing clearly, feeling clearly, that she is within their territory.~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Looks back away from Bobby again so he doesn;t look at her and see her looking at him*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~she shivers as if she's freezing~
Bobby Tarquine: *glances at finn... doesn't want her to know the he knows that she is looking at him look at her*
Allison White Saldaré: *shakes her head* he was in a coma when I visited him yesterday...I haven't been able to visit today, but I don't think his situation has changed...they are supposed to notify me...the only reason why they let me see him is because I was the concerned citizen that found him...*sighs* I couldn't give them anything more than his first name and I certaintly didn't know his next of kin or anything like that....so I couldn't pass off as family...
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((Thwapps Bobby. Other one. dear))
Silver Kane: ~"..Haruko? ~testing the name, not sure~
Allison White Saldaré: [[*LOL*@Bobby]]
Allison White Saldaré: *glances over to Haruko and nods to Kane, as Haruko is not facing her*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~stops and turns to back to Silver, raising an eyebrow as she waits to make sure who's talking to/about. It's familiar enough a name... in japan at least.~
Marcus James: *Marcus reaches into his pack, the result being an assorted clinking and clanking of metallic objects within*
Silver Kane: "grumbles, realises he's about the blamce her for something she cannot known and sighs~ Thank you allison, Call the hospital.. and find out his condition please, I'll visit him in the morning ~checking his watch~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Has an uncomfortable feeling that Bobby knows that she was looking at him to see if he knew that she was looking at him to see if he was looking at her looking at him looking at her.*
Silver Kane: ~puts his coat around nicia and nods to Haruko again, looking directly at her~ I need to speak, and i refuse to speak with Chaz anymore.
Bailey Calder-Lindsay(W/Bodyguard): steps off the MagLev, and walks wuickly down the stairs, her body guard a few paces on her heels. She seems slightly nervous, and there is a wary, watchful look on her tanned, freckled face. She's about 5'5", of average build, with dove grey eyes and long, ashe-brown hair which falls in a neat frenchbraid across the collar of a well-cut charcoal-grey cashmere overcoat. A soft, heather angora turtleneck shows at her slim neckline, and hangs to mid thigh over black wool capris. She sparkles with vitality, and an honest love of life- She isn't a stunning beauty, but she has an easy, approachable presence about her. She feels familiar and comfortable, like a close friend you just haven't met. When she passes, she leaves behind the faintest fresh scent of waterlilies
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ((*LOL@Val*))
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Kane, and slides out her cell phone and takes a few steps from the group, taking out a slip of paper, she goes over to the fire to read the number better and dials the hospital*
Allison White Saldaré: [[*L* doesn't try to read that correctly, getting the general jist of things]]
Alexander Tarquine: ~shakes his head at Bobby and Val~ will you to stop... neither of you is very subtle
Nicia Giovanniello: Kane> softly~ ~italian~ Michael, I'm going to head home. I'm not feeling very well suddenly.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((*LOL* Take it real slow and it all sorts out))
Bailey Calder-Lindsay(W/Bodyguard): glances around herself as she makes her way toward the hotel...
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: Alex> Huh?
Silver Kane: ~has a ugly picture of val and bobby together and squashes that noise~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((See you later then Nicia))
Alexander Tarquine: ~steps away from the two of them~ nevermind... let the charade continue...
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((BAD Kane!))
Bobby Tarquine: *looks away before she sees him trying find out if she knows he was looking at her look, looking at him looking at her.*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Shrugs and figures it's some guy thing with Alex*
Marcus James: [[Bye Nicia]]
Allison White Saldaré: *speaks quietly into the phone* Hello? this is Ally, I am calling about the status on Peter? in room 341W ....yes, I'm the one who found him and called it in...White...uh huh, I'll hold....
Silver Kane: ~looks concerned at nicia but needs to get this done~ I an going to get you a cab. You will go directly home, ok?
Nicia Giovanniello: (*LOL*...)
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Suddenly twitches from the crosslooking and has to walk away a few feet*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~Sees Silver in a different conversation and turns back to continue on towards the firepit.~
Bobby Tarquine: *Follows his brother*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Kane~ Straight home. ~ kiss his cheek and give his coat back to him before she leaves~
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Loks at Bobby and Alex leaving and is glad overall that they are doing so*
Silver Kane: (REPOST) HARUKO>> I need to speak and i refuse to speak with chaz anymore.
Bobby Tarquine: *?Gives val a wave and a wink before walking off*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ((whoops.. dlp)) ~Simply blinks at Silver.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~gets put into a cab and goes straight home~
Silver Kane: Haruko> Please wait a moment. Family, i hope you understand.
Nicia Giovanniello: (Laters... *huggles all around*...)
Silver Kane: ~helps nicia with a cab then ~call to duty~ a spirt and let's it track her home~
Alexander Tarquine: ~pauses to listen to Kane and Haruko speak and turns to Bobby~ by all means, stay and have your fun...
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~Sticks her hands in her pockets and waits, counting out their numbers with her eyes.~
Allison White Saldaré: Phone>> Yes? ...uh huh...I see...hmm...okies...thank you... yes please, let me know if there is any change in his status... I am very concerned... well, I wouldn't say a good samaritan..but thank you...yes, thank you again... good night.
Bailey Calder-Lindsay(W/Bodyguard): walks slowly up the steps to the lounge... her bodyguard looking menacing behind her...
Bobby Tarquine: *Thinks she's cuter when she is mad... smiles*
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Just positively knows that Bobby is smiling because he's thinking something insulting*
Silver Kane: ~comes back and heads over to Haruko, and indicates they should part from the group a bit~
Allison White Saldaré: *closes the phone and walks over to Kane and smiles at Haruko and bows to her* good evening, Haruko.
Bailey Calder-Lindsay(W/Bodyguard): turns and exchanges soft words with the guard...
Bobby Tarquine: nnaa think she would try to kick my ass if i stayed... besides.. hommies before hoes...
Silver Kane: ~turns to allisoon, pausing ~ yes?
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~bows slightly in response to Allison and moves to the side with Silver, still silent.~
Allison White Saldaré: *turns to Kane* There is no change in his status...he's in room 341 west wing...stable, but still in a coma.
Silver Kane: [man.. this keeps up, val's goiing to a a militant fury..]
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: ((Who says it's not already in progress?))
Marcus: *Still here, lost in his own little mad scientist mind*
Silver Kane: "..Thankks allsion, stay with val till your ready to go.. ~heads a bit with haruko~ Don't be so stiff. i've seen you relaxed and at this moment, relaxed is the way to be.
Valerie Bites the Balls of the Wyrm: *Rolls her eyes a bit and turns to the side as if smelling a fart on an elevator*
Bailey Calder-Lindsay(W/Bodyguard): allows the guard to enter the lounge before her, looking slightly unhappy about doing so...
Alexander Tarquine: ~looks at Bobby and frowns~ You are not mexican either....
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to Haruko politely and then turns to Kane and leans up and gives him a peck on the cheek* Good night father, have a good evening *nods to Haruko politely* have a good evening.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~gone~