Chaos Balance: A Meeting at Kane's House
March 2, 2000
Silver Kane: ", Just incase any of you want to bump me for the money, the combination for the safe is 5-7-3 and the will states Nicia and Robin have full mortal control of all my assets, Syntax i've given everything she would every find mortal already.. Alyssa child has a trust fund, in her name and I'm done.
Peter Avery: ~nods to Alyssa, not knowing yet another~
Robin: (('lys, you don't wanna be a hard core workaholic like Robin))
Nicia Giovanniello: ~goes to get a broom, dustpan and trash can to clean up the mess at the front door~
Marcus James: "Bientado" He grins lopsidedly and rubs the side of his nose
Silver Kane: [i'm sorry alyssa *G*, it's not, get something for the glasswalkers to do game, it's save syntax..]
Silver Kane: [in her present state, if Robin doesn't learn control he's misscarrage in a month and be dead in 3 total from net fatigue]
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Kane~ Me?
Robin: ~walks over and sits beside Alyssa~
Silver Kane: he's=she'll
Silver Kane: "..excuse me, everyone can we get your ass over here so i can organize this?
Robin: (yup, that's the idea. It's in her concept that she does. not. know. when. to. stop.)
Alyssa Monroe @ work: *gets up and walks into the front room again*
Joseph Hesch: *put the broom aside and heads for the den?... standing someplace thatsout of the way*
Peter Avery: ~snoops for that cup of coffee~
Marcus James: Marcus is ther already so he simply rubs his nose again and frowns a little
Robin: ~looks over at Kane, gives him her full attention~
Alyssa Monroe @ work: *gives a little wave*
Alyssa Monroe @ work: ((tyring this again)) *gives a little wave to Marcus*
Alyssa Monroe @ work: ((gives up lol))
Nicia Giovanniello: ~forgets the mess for now, but really want to clean it up, and gives her attention to Kane~
Peter Avery: ~finds the pot and a mug~ sweet.... ~pours himself a cup~
Nicia Giovanniello: Who here does not speak Italian?
Silver Kane: "Thank you.. We have a project outligned. Objective: Rebuild syntax's home. Method: We all have to work toother, and only together. Phases 1 Allocation of Resources. It's in this room, minus Lou and Alliosn and matt
Joseph Hesch: I don't..
Marcus James: *Grins a bit lopsidedly, and maybe a bit tiredly at ALyssa and leans back some
Peter Avery: ~steps out of the kitchen, perception returning~
Alyssa Monroe @ work: ((5 min till I get to go home)) *turns her attention back to Kane*
Silver Kane: Phase 2, preliminary. We need blue prints of the old, this can only be done by one method, getting the old equipemt to work. Peter, and Marcus and Allsion can work on that aspect.. This will Implament Phase 3..
Joseph Hesch: *Listens trying to figure out were he will fit in*
Peter Avery: ~sips his coffee and nods to Kane~ right ~turns to Nicia~ I don't speak italian
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Joseph~ You will learn... ~for now will translate for those that don't speak italian, when Kanes speaks in italian~
Joseph Hesch: *flunked german in high school... never was good at languages*
Marcus James: Seeming to have missed the question at first, but noticeing all the answer he murmers quietly so as not to disturb Silver "Not I..."
Nicia Giovanniello: ~tanslaters what kanes says~ ~looks at Peter~ You shall learn as well. ~it not an order just a statment~
Silver Kane: Phase 3. Plans Go to Robin, who will outline a structure for this to be built.. This means, When she's done, she will then need all out net expertise to make sure it will work. Raw equpment, comes from the Digital Web and Cyber Realm , Phase Four, Precure ment of said RAw Materials. From this Point on, Robin will be in chage next wise, while Nicia as Coo of the operation provied corrdination.. Makes sure things get where their supposed, allocating resources.. Matt, and Peter are the best Builders..
Robin: ~nods her agreement with this, hopes she has enough skill to pull it off~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~and to a Marcus too~ You'll learn.
Marcus James: Marcus smiles gently as he listens to the translation and does't bother to mention that he -has- been learning..
Peter Avery: ~shrugs at Nicia and wonders how many computer languages she knows~
Nicia Giovanniello: (darn cat, nearly knock my laptop off my lap)
Robin: (my cat likes to walk by and swipe my cord out of my modem, as if I didn't have enough modem troubles! *feels much sympathy with Nicia-p*)
Alyssa Monroe @ work: ((time for me to go home, will be back online there *Taclke giggle huggles all and poftas*))
Silver Kane: "now, Any Questions. Alyssa, since this in not a real world operation, your contacts, as well as mine are quite useless, but you can spend that time learning about the compnay and the people.
Robin: ((Adios hon))
Nicia Giovanniello: (~cuckles~ she is rubbing her face on the side of the screen, guess se thinks the computer is hers)
Alyssa Monroe @ work: ((holding he gave me something to do*S*)) *nods to Kane* Who can I see about repair on my laptop?
Marcus James: [See ya when ya get back] Marcus is quiet for a bit... no questions apparently... yet
Marcus James: [-Stabs an H key-]
Peter Avery: ~off hand to Alyssa~ I'll take a look at it
Marcus James: He mirrors Peter practically "I can fix it"
Nicia Giovanniello: Just to clear up the reason ing for people learing Italian is so no one misses anything that is said when meeting take place here.
Alyssa Monroe @ work: *smiles to Peter* Thanks...*she will being it by tommarow but is staying here, for now* ((*real poftas now*))
Nicia Giovanniello: (*laugh*... just add the 'h' when it's missing)
Peter Avery: ~nods politely to Marcus and sips his coffee~
Silver Kane: "now, anything special for me?
Robin: (my m is like that on my laptop, which I am mercifully not on. *oooh, look at all those Ms!*)
Marcus James: "You want a present or something?" It seems an honest question
Peter Avery: ~raises a brow a Marcus~ Pardon?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Michael~ I believe everyone knows what they are to do.. it just getting it timed right.. now.
Silver Kane: ~blinks at marcus, that fetish brain is comming right up~
Silver Kane: ~leans against the wall~ Ok nicia, you have operational control (baring chat times and crap) I have to be gone for a while.. starting saturday.
Marcus James: Marcus shakes his head slowly and then states instead "OK, questions, yes, but I assume it's someone elses job to tell me? Uhm, just wondering exactly -what- I am getting"
Nicia Giovanniello: (oh no...)
Silver Kane: ~blinks at Marcus confused~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Kane, thinking dear gaia don't let me fail.~
Marcus James: And it doesn't take much.... because Silver's confused look sends one shooting across his face
Silver Kane: ~gives everyone else a confused look~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at both Kane and Marcus... and almost laughs~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Kane~ What? What?
Marcus James: Marcus blinks slowly and mimicks Silver's action, looking at everyone else and hoping someone knows how to unconfuse them
Joseph Hesch: i think he wants to know what materials we will need....
Silver Kane: ~shakes his head~ never mind. It'll be reknewing my Ties with our better half of the family. ~he's also sure he'll be silver marked too~
Peter Avery: ~sighs and takes a sip of the coffee~ I think the materials and or spirits required are fairly obvious from the damage to Syn's lair
Silver Kane: "That will everntually come to Robin and Peter, but, Net spiders, Patter Spider, and ..well, anything beyond that.. screens, cables, tubbing..
Marcus James: Marcus pulls his mouth into an "O" shape
Peter Avery: ~waits to field anymore questions~
Silver Kane: ~waits to field more Questions~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~again translates when necessary~
Marcus James: Marcus rubs his nose slowly and blinks with the same amount of speed
Peter Avery: ~sips his coffee and nods to everyone as he heads back up the stairs~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~rubs the side of her hip, where it hit the floor, just now realizing it hurt a bit~
Silver Kane: "ok..Everyone, go home, this is done.. I have to speak with Robin and nicia... get out.. or go eat icecream or sometjhing or get to know each other.. but out of my sight
Nicia Giovanniello: (hurts)
Joseph Hesch: *nods and turns to leave*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~translates~
Marcus James: Laughs softly and pulls himself to stand "Nice to be here too" He is clearly joking, although he makes his way towards the door
Silver Kane: "Leave your phone numbers at the door, email too, so you can be contacted.. Joe, you need to be around more.. here.. everyone has something to work on robin and peter will keep a look out fot the rogue program..can't do anything till that happens.
Nicia Giovanniello : Good night.. ~to those leaving~
Marcus James: He stops at that and fishes around in his pack, which happens to be making a few clanking and clanging noises as he does so, before taking out a sheet of paper and scribbling down what was asked for, leaving it next to the door and heaing out
Joseph Hesch: *nods* yes sir... *takes a few cards out of his pocket and leaves them there then heads out*
Marcus James: "Byebye"
Nicia Giovanniello : ~sits down on the couch~
Silver Kane: ~waves to the others and sighs~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~stil rubs her hip a bit, waiting~
Robin: ~comes back to reality from the kinds of dreams architects have~
Silver Kane: ~walks into the kitchens and rummages around, then he comes back with a Ice in Zip lock and hands it to nicia~ ok , where are we, Robin, Nicia?
Peter Avery: ~up in Syn's room he begins to plug away at the laptop and does so well into the night~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~takes the "ice pack"~ Thank you.
Nicia Giovanniello : ~italian~ We have estabished that you love two womaon and they love you... you paln to take care of several of us... all because you want too. I beleive that is where we were.
Silver Kane: ~sits in his chair~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~holds the ice pack to her hip~
Silver Kane: ~hell that even sounds wrong to his ears. Why couldn't he be normal and just love one woman, once. Bah.. he did, both failed him.. ~
Silver Kane: ~nods slowly to Nicia ~ok.. So then we need a schedule to take car of Robin and her child. I have to find her an appartment , I won't assume she's wants to, or feel comfortable enough to stay here, and she's always welcome.
Robin: ~silent, listening~
Peter Avery: ~gone~
Robin: ~rae at being taken care of~
Silver Kane: (later all)
Silver Kane: ~glances at Robin~~italian~ i didn't mean it like that and don't take it like that. ~smiles softly, takes an indsependent chair~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~nods to Kane~ Of course she is welcome... ~looks to Robin~ You are welcome here at anytime.
Nicia Giovanniello : (bye peter)
Robin: ~she nods~ ~eng~ For now I think I will stay with Alyssa, keep an eye on her.
Silver Kane: ~glances at Nicia but doesn't say anything on that subject , just nods his thank you. He felt bad enough already~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~italian~ Robin, do you already have a doctor?
Silver Kane: ~looks at Robin and sighs~ You need rest you realise?
Robin: I have a doctor, the same on as Alyssa...and I do need rest...but it's hard to let my mind dwell on it. ~shifts in her seat, uncomfortable with those words~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~nods to Robin, glad she has a doctor inline~
Silver Kane: "..The company meaning Me, will take care of all the bills ~smiles~ i've done enough damage right? Least i can do is add what support i can
Robin: ~blinks at Kane..then laughs~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~only slight grins at Kane~
Silver Kane: ~smirks, closes his eyes taking a deep breath. It's been a long time since she laughed.. since anyone has laughed.~
Silver Kane: ~he closes his eyes briefly, remembering the pictish. "you are not forgiven." How unfortunate he knew that story.. He knows exactly what it means~
Robin: ~is mercifully unawares~
Silver Kane: ~stands~ nicia, i'm going to take Robin home now..
Nicia Giovanniello : ~softly in italian~ So this is how it is... the three of us in this relationship? Anything that needs to be said should be said now.
Nicia Giovanniello : ~nods Kane~ All right.
Nicia Giovanniello : ~puts her statement in the back of her mind for another time~
Robin: ~stands~
Nicia Giovanniello : Good night, Robin. ~is about to say something to Kane but changes her mind and keeps it to herself~
Alyssa Monroe Vargrasso: ((take me home too *S*))
Silver Kane: ~he stops there, and sighs~ "..Love is wonderfull, and self sustainting, but it cannot cover everything in life. I am commintted to both of you, and yours, and in cases our children, for as long as I live. Do i expect that in return? No, I would like us to be able to be in the same room without conflict, i would like to be able to share a meal at a big table , and I would like, to intimitatly know each of you, beyond "Inport export, or Arciticutre.. , but, that is not up to me ultimely.
Robin: ~nods to Kane and Nicia, we shall see what we shall see~
Nicia Giovanniello : Michael, you know how I feel. I know you need both of us. I will not stand in the way of that. I love you enough to let you have what you need. Robin, I have no ill feeling toward you in anyway, and Michael does need you as much as he needs me. I hope you see that.
Silver Kane: " the end, it's Day by day isn't it? ~nods and turns to the door~
Nicia Giovanniello : (hey alyssa)
Robin: It always is. ~shrugs, having given all the emotion she can for one night~
Robin: ~follows Kane~
Alyssa Monroe Vargrasso: ((hello *S* I'm back))
Silver Kane: ~picks up a sleeping alyssa and strides to the door, commanding it to open wordlessly~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~smiles softly to Kane and then Robin~
Alyssa Monroe Vargrasso: *stirs a bit in Kane's arms*
Silver Kane: [remembers the two man, one woman thing he was in..that was goad of fun..*G*..remembers it was also a garou and an anansi *wonders*]
Pierce 2.0: ooc: in picticsh
Robin: ~sees them and her breathing picks up~
Robin: ((dlp)) ~she stares at them, and recognizes them, and her breathing picks up~
Alyssa Monroe Vargrasso: *opens her eyes and looks around*
Silver Kane: ~see's the web lines and sets his teeth, clears then with a hand, expending a gnosis for nicia 's protection~
Nicia Giovanniello : ~looks toward them~ What's wrong?
Silver Kane: "Nothing Nicia, ~tightly ~ I'll be back soon..
Robin: ~feels as if she is going to be sick again~ (ulcer warning *S*)
Nicia Giovanniello : All right Michael. ~knows something is up, but won't push it~
Silver Kane: ~heads out into the night~
Pierce 2.0: You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven! You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!You are not forgiven!
Nicia Giovanniello : ~goes to get th broom and stuff proceeds to clean up the glass and stuff at the front door~
Silver Kane: ~and le poof~ he dropps them home, and checks the house, expends a gnosis over there too, then goes somewhere ..not either to think~
Pierce 2.0: [gone]
Alyssa Monroe Vargrasso: *lies back down in Kane's arms and closes her eyes again*
Nicia Giovanniello : (is that actually being said? aloud?)
Silver Kane: [no nicia, it's not]
Nicia Giovanniello : ~(bye everyone)
Silver Kane: (goes.. to .. *sigh* fight)
Nicia Giovanniello : ~cleans up and decides to take a very hot bath to try and relief tension~