A Dinner Proposal
Michael "Silver Kane" Saldare, Fiorella Rosso
April 9, 2000
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: Like every person in a suit he looks sharp and purposefull. Big, broad shoulders he stands an even 6ft even, with salt and pepper hair and greyish eyebrows. Large strong hands, and a piercing gaze seperates him from your normal person. looking at him is looking at an old man in great shape, and the ripple of muscle shows he can back what he says, with more than a small twinkle of intelligence in his eyes. Many predators have those eyes, the kind that freeze you and then they look away. The right hand flexes and he leans agaisnt a cane that is apparently marked with the symbols of Luna and her children. Various normal symobol, but the glasslwaker symbol is on the wolf's head.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he is percisely ontime~
Fiorella Rosso: http://lime.greenflame.com/pics/rosso3.jpg As her name suggests, she's a fiesty red head with pale green eyes. Her hair is short, cut to about shoulder length, with bangs just over her eyes. She a little taller than average, and has some curves to her. She's by no means the fabulous beauty or movie star, but her sense of style, and appropriate use of makeup makes gives her a little help. She's always dressed to the height of appropriate wearable fashion, with a hint more to the mature side. Her eyes are intelligent, with a critical glint to them at times, and when she meets, she always has a firm business grasp and an assessing eye. **She's wearing a simple black dress, with spaghetti straps to show some cleavage, and a loose skirt to move and flow with her. Her black heels have a reasonable sized heel, thin. She's got a cornflower blue pashmina thrown over her shoulders. Ralph Lauren shades, gucci bag. She's got money.**
Fiorella Rosso: ~she's a few minutes early, talking on her cell phone in italian. She puts the phone down when Kane arrives, and stands to greet him, with an appropriate kiss to both cheeks.~ Senore Saldare.. come stai?
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~leans over to the Man in charage as they say and gives his name. Kane, under which he set up the reservations, with a Feorella Rosso he's expecting~
Fiorella Rosso: **Her garnet earrings bare the glasswalker symbol in them, and it is apparent that her blood is true. PB 5**
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~dlp~ he Smiles getnly toher. Slipping into Italian like a worn old Suit~ "..Goodevening Ms. Rosso , I'm well. Just a little Tired ~smiles~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she corrects him amid her greeting~ fiorella... ciao, ciao. It's good to meet you face to face.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: [*L* Glasswalker can't by pure breed, but their kin can. Wierd] "~he does take the time to look her up and down. To do any less would insult lines of WAlkers everywhere~
Fiorella Rosso: ((*S* yup.. Never understood that.., but i'm sure the developers thought it made sense. *S*))
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..Call me Kane, then. It's I've always lived in Amercia, so it's fits..~indicates a seat~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~when they reach a table he pulls out a chair and then slides it in when she sits~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she sweeps her eyes over him as well. Although she's seen him, it's never been in person. He dresses well enough. The Wise Guy ties are somewhat apparent in the drape of his suit off the shoulders, but she already knew about that.~ ~it~ Kane it is then...
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles and takes her pashmina off as they arrive at the table. She folds it over the back of the chair and nods with a polite smile as he holds her chair.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~updates:Sliver hair and eyes, There is even a "touch " of silver about smile.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~takes a seat after and stays in italian, something uncommon for him~ italian~ I must say Fiorella, I've was surprised to here of anyone from the old country. Mostly, I believeed they would forget I existed. .."
Fiorella Rosso: ((for a little background, La Cucina's an upscale italian ristorante, with live music, and a dance floor. Classical ballroom flavor, and large plates.))
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~points at a waiter, taking his attention~ Vino rosso. Luce.
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ of course you have not been forgotten, Kane. Far from it... of course, business in the old country sometimes takes precidence... but that should be expected.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~the waiter nods and moves off. Mumbles under his breath, thou. Kane turns back to Fiorella~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~italian~"Business. Where the Wise guys are concenred? One wonders why they are more concenred about money than the central house. ~Chuckles~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she laughs with him~ ~it~ well, senore Kane, money is a great power in the world, of course it's important to both houses. ~she's smiling. She finds the talk charmingly amusing~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he lets his eyes roam over her, Picking out signs of good breeding. Classic italian features mixed with the high greeco/Roman flow. He would say standard, if one saw it anymore, a rarity actually, especially in america~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~it~ oh i don't argue. But i've had a bad, ~purses his lips~ Annoying run in with the Money issue, so i've learned to over look it.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she takes up her wine and takes a sip of it, tasting the vintage and earthiness. She tilts her head slightly. It's not the best, but palettable.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~raises an eyebrow~ ~it~ really? I hadn't heard. Word about the houses is that your business is rather prosperious, and the computer field is good in america.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he takes his napkin and places it in his lap~ ~it~ oh, Don't call me sir, I'm Too old to care anymore. It's Kane, Simply and normally. ~smiles to show that he is feeling light and relaxes some~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~raises the wine to his lips, then stops~ Italian~ oh no ~putting the glass down~ Money is not an Issue. I , like all of us, can make it, when we want to, for any reason we want to. And i do mean, Make it. ~winks at her~ however. I will not sell part of myself for it anymore.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she nods~ ~it~ va ben'. You'll have to forgive that, it's an old habit. And please do call me Fiorella... my pappa would be happy to hear such a successful man use my first name. ~she smiles at that.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~his face squinches at the wine and he motions to the waiter~ "~italian~ Vino. Real Vino.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~italian~ how is your Papa? ~taking the offered opening~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she waves a hand and makes less of how it saddens her~ ~it~ dead. It was a few years ago...
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~the waiter brings back a dryer stock this time and he waves it away. ~ better.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he takes the required pause. Dead could be for anyreason, so he just leaves it~~italian~ I'm sorry. I should have known that.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she nods~ ~it~ it's alright. I understand there is less contact with the old country from here.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~this time when the w2aiter comes back he indicates he should server it~ Italian~ that should be better.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she nods and lets the waiter take her glass~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~italian~ No, I am constantly in contact with them. It's something I over looked and now it's past. ~leans back~ are you ready to order..
Fiorella Rosso: ~she nods and orders up a simple veal marsala, con capelli..~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~shoves the uncomfortable silence away before glancing back at her~ Italian~ So, what do you do Fiorella? When not visiting strange old men
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ think little of it, there are so many things that happen with the famiglia, one cannot keep track of them all.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~waves a hand away, chicken with fettichini~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles~ ~it~ visit stranger old men. I'm the senior fashion editor for Ella.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~italian~ no.. One cannot be expected to.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he chuckles~ maybe you should stop. ~smiling~ Ella? I see it in the stores, cannot say i've picked up a copy
Fiorella Rosso: ~she laughs~ ~it~ maybe I will... you should read a copy... it's not so bad. Of course, I have not bought any of your software.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..And neither should you ~italian, as he waves a finger in her direction~ It's pratical Drival, but it's propaganga on a different scale. It does what we can do...
Fiorella Rosso: ~she laughs and nods her head~ ~it~ so one of my editors would agree... But you must do more in your day than assault the masses with you bytes.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~purses his lips~italian~ i spend time honing my skills, avoiding most of my , no OUR excetened family. Back alley power place and plain puppeting. That and watching the gallian make fools of themselves .. it amuses me to have unintelligent ones about.. keeps my actually family safe,
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he takes a sip of his wine, straining it between his teeth with a silent hiss~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smooths her smile~ ~it~ is that so? I would think they'd cause additional problems. Pappa never like the idea of having fools around. He called it tempting the fates. And I would hope that i'm not one of the ones you would look to avoid.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she sips her wine delicately, taking only slightly more than enough to wet her lips and tongue.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~letting the glass relax in his hands, he runs a hand thru his silver hair then over his face. eyes drooping a bit, he scans her face again, in a lazy famaliar way.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..That's in italy. ~smirking softly~ here in america, they are required to give the Dark ones something useless to hunt. ~licks his lips~ as for avoiding you.. that is up to you.. ~looks up as dinner arrives, or the first course~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she parts her lips in a smile and she looks up to the waiter~ ~it~ I should hope then, that you don't find me so disenchanting.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "disenchanting? ~his eyes smile~ no. I find you actually very beatifual to look at. ~pauses~ I thought about correcting that, but i wont.. You are Beatiful ~he stops there He doesn't look away, keeping her eyes with his~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he motions for the other courses to be brought. also without looking away~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she blinks, clearly taken aback by that. Not a single man besides her pappa ever called her beautiful with a straight face.~ ~it~ i..well... ~her lips move soundlessly a minute~ thank you. ~the hints of a blush can be seen under her skin.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~italian~ if you stay long enough, You will find I just don't lie ~ smiles~ Philidox problem ~his lips break into a grin~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~mixes his food, grabs a spoon~ ~it~ now, let's get to business shall we?
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles and nods and takes a sip of the wine to wet her dry lips. He's good.~ ~it~ well, I would say that would be up to the both of us, now wouldn't it? ~She sets her glass down and picks up the fork~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~arches a silver brow~ Italian~ what would be up to the both of us? ~glances away finally, releasing her~
Fiorella Rosso: ~nods~ ~it~ business, of course. Well, as charming as you are, it might be something other than my original plans on the matter...
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~now he's just plain confused and it shows~ Italian~ damn old brain..
Fiorella Rosso: ~smiles~ ~it~ the living arrangements of course. ~laughs gently and eats a mushroom slice~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he stops eating and puts down his utenciles~ "This it the point when i get lost in the conversation, and it's apparent i'm 50 something.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~italian~ or is it, 40 something, I forget ~smiling now~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she tilts her head and puts her fork down.~ ~it~ our marriage? You are't that out of touch with the House are you? ~her smile fades some.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~his frown is apparent. Shock, if any just isn't there~ MArriage? ~arches his eyebrow~ apparently I am. ~Reaches for his glass~ and It's apparent I'm going to need more wine.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he does get the wine, and refills his glass~ Italian~ now, How about we start from the top.
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ i see... ~reaches for her own wine and keeps a half eye on him. She wasn't supposed to be the one explaining this. THAT wasn't part of the deal.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ the Central House has arranged your marriage, Signore Saldare. Our marraige. They didn't exactly share with me all their reasons, so I would suggest you give them a call. They should have told you this.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he smiles, it's a smile of patience. ~~it~ unfortunate. ~it's a terrible word~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she puts the glass down.~ ~it~ for you, or the House? ~raises an eyebrow, clearly on the defensive.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he sips his wine slowly. Evenly as his eyes narrow and take on far away looks~ "..Why.." ~he says after a moment~ "What benefit does it have to tie our houses together, and , Who gives you orders, if not your father?"
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~his arms relax again and he looks Fiorella up and down. He seems to look into her and then shifts away his mind, looking inside. ~ Italian~ Forgive me..
Fiorella Rosso: ~she picks her fork up. She going to at least get dinner before this all becomes crap.~ ~it~ the Don. I can't say precisely the benefits. I know that our famaglia have had ties in the past, but it's never been my business to pay that much attention to it. I would think that it's part due to the press you've been getting lately. Or maybe not. ~she shrugs~ I do only what the Don requests.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~sighs and puts down his glass~ ~it~ I have no quarrel with you, neither do i have any animosity towards you.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she eats slowly~ ~it~ of course not. ~smiles wanly~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~snorts~ Press, please. ~it~ If you go there, i'd have to rethink your intelligence. You know when Photo's and bad press don't even come close.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he steeples his fingers on the table.~ So, please give this Don a name, unless it's _THE_ Legend himself.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she frowns, offended.~ ~it~ think what you like of it. I don't suppose it matters. I'm not the one in grocery store shelves.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she keeps eating. She should have known this would have been a horrible night. It's america. No one has culture or loyalty.~ ~it~ Don Vitti. Whose ear is one that stands next to the lips of The Don, himself.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~that makes him smile, but not in an offended way~ Italian~ but you will be.. no doubt your being photographed now. ~he stands, putting his napkin on the chair ~ come. ~extending a hand.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she puts her fork down and takes his hand, rising from the table.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he takes her hand softly, and Walks to the Ballroom floor~ italian~ I warn you, I dance as old as i look.. ~slipping one hand behind her back~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..Besisdes, beyond my distaste, at being told what to do like a 10 year old, and Obvious surprise, there is no need to take this out on you, or make your night truely horrible. ~shrgus~ I never did like Don vitti, Especially after he left a silver shard in my leg.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she lets her hands fall into position.~ ~it~ and I a critical of more than just clothes. ~she falls into step, but is far from a professional.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ it's for the best of the family. I can't see Don Vitti doing this otherwise.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~it's shuffle here, a shuffle there. nothing special.~ "..If this could create more problems, I couldn't express it.. ~softly, tried again. Suddenly feeling quiet old~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..I am, and Elder, if in name and Reknown, than rank. I will make that rank Again, in but a few months, if not weeks.. ~he keeps his tone soft, but the rage is beiging to rise~ What's more, I'm far accomplished.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles~ ~it~ no worse than most nights, signore. You've complimented me enough to ride me through the next few nights.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she sighs and leans her head against his chest, whispering softly~ ~it~ i sorry to have pained you like this. I didn't ever realize you would think me such a burden.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he takes a deep breath and let's that pass. never has he felt more old, and angry at the same time. Not even a phone call, Just a bride.~
Paparrazi: *Moves non shalantly thro the crowd. Lifting his camra form time to time takeing a quick picture of the two danceing*
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he makes an effort to not speak until it's without bitterness and malice~ You have nothing to do with it Dear Fiorella, In fact, Like normal, Timing as alwasy sucks. You would think someone would have remembered this in the last 30 years when I had no one.. not now, when I have a mate and a mistress
Paparrazi: *Slinks further back hiding himself. Waiting for the perfect shot*
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles bravely and picks her head up to look at him.~ ~it~ so i've got more competition than had guessed...
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he seems not to take no notice of the Paparrazi, and actually, he doesn't. His mind is busy, in a distracted manner.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~that makes him chuckle~ Italian~ Competition, dear lord. When did i suddenly becomes usefull to women ~his eyes narrowing , but not in anger, but in mirth. Starts to laugh~ Damn, useless fate.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she blinks at the camera flash. It's something she's intimately familiar with. Well, she'll now be in the grocery stores.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles~ ~it~ when you forgot that you weren't... I've still been given a request by the Don....
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "Fiorella, I ..~he doesn;t say it.He has to find out what the actually angle is. Before an actually order floats down from the Legend himself. Such things are to be avoided if possible. ne's wiggle room disappears suddenly when your Tribe leader "Offers" you "options"~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles and nods, as if she were having the most enchanting evening.~ ~it~ you are in love with someone else... i'm glad for you if that's the case. I don't believe it exists past the articles on how to better your relationship, and such silly things.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he pauses breifly~Fiorella, it's a request, yes. I have to speak with the Don however. I'm sure this will Violent in one respect or another.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she keeps up the smile for the cameras~ ~it~ i don't concern myself with most of the men's politics, women have their own arena for these things. But if offer the suggestion of at least a business marriage. You stay here. I'll fly back to Milan. It will be convenient for both of us. I have done this before, it is not so bad.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he looks down at her~~it~ i'm sorry. I'm in love with 2 someone elses. ~his lips quirks~ who's avoiding her own arranged marriage. I'm sure this is all one big nasty powerplay, that i cannot afford to play becuse i cannot leave fox to go into the trenches of house Intrigue. So, I will run the risk of being thrown out of the house, Even removed from Position, and Even refused to be Ranked.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she nods~ ~it~ ah.. then you will forgo the House for two women? I thought gli stati uniti had laws about that, but this would not be the first. Well... our food is getting cold. ~she forces another smile and pulls out of the dancing embrace.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..yes, actually. I could do it, get it done, and be over with it in a few hours. I however, refused to be treated like Cliath, in my 47 year of life.. ~winks and leans in a bit closer, to whisper~ let me guess, Camera in the crowd?
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he glances at her, resting back slightly, letting her walk away~ you d not believe it, but wouldn't it be wonderfull is one walker would be willing to do it for you? I'm willing to do it for them..
Fiorella Rosso: ~she'll be damned to be railroaded like this. And she won't give the papparazzi satisfaction of anything other than a smile.~
Paparrazi: *Snaps snap*
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he walks back to his table, down his glass without sitting~
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ please extend congradulations to them. Even the one who is to marry someone else. You must all be very happy here. ~she keeps her plastic smile and eats for a while, before excusing herself to powder her nose.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~shorts at that. Happyness comes in fits and bounds. He looks at the table when she's gone and doesn't even bother to make the required phone call. First he'll have to look at the stake that is the bargin. Something siad over a dying warrior's oath is far differnt than "I hit your car, you owe me a wife~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~runs bouth hand thru his hair, gripping it. After which, find out why Ms Rosso was chosen, and the Advantage to Don Vitto, who he'd like murdered in his sleep. A few weeks, and he could go to one of the Don's enemies for a Rank, and he'd own them, but It would be far less than this potential mess~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she rests her napkin on the table and makes her way to the bathroom. And thank Paris for waterproof mascara. She doesn't cry. She hasn't cried in years, but damn if this isn't a blow to the chest. She closes herself into a stall and sits on the corner of the seat, legs splayed from the knees and hand over her face.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he doesn't believe in coincidences, so he'd have to check Nicia's father 's connection to the don. Stares at the direction Fiorella went and sighs. Gallian as tradding chips. He doesn't disapprove, but you'd think someone would warn them~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he closes his eyes and concentrates on the Walker central net. Get's those search request started. He frowns and takes out his phone~
Fiorella Rosso: ~damn it, why did they have to kill Alfonso? He was happy with his mistresses. She was happy with her career. This. This is a man with at least 2 already. A sincere lack of care for the House s goals. She should have guessed it from the American. Shakes her head and sighs. It's as close to tears as she'll come since her pappa's death.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he speaks into the phone quietly~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he pours some more wine and takes a drink, a slow drink. ~
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ dio, this is not pleasant. ~she gets up and out of the stall to go to the mirror. She checks her makeup and washes her hands. And takes 4 deep breaths before walking out with her smile back in place.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she walks back to the table. Business dinner. He's no less pleasant than Donatella, and at least his fashion sense is no worse. She takes up her wine and waits a while before attempting the light chitchat.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he glances up at her as he comes over, but he doesn't try to hide the phone or his converstaion~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she looks to the phone, and keeps at her food. No reason to let it go to waste.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~thinks about having syntax in this mess and smiles, suddenly finding it all funny~ I've been ordered to marry.. Family Debt.. ~he3 starts to smile and then chuckles, leaning back~ Damn, that's funny..
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he glances up at Fiorella and reaches out a hand tohers, breifly~ "ita~, don't worry about it.. I'm not that bad. Come on..
Fiorella Rosso: ~she smiles wanly, then remembers the photographers and widens to a bright smile that doesn't quite capture her eyes.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she glances to the hand and nods~ ~it~ of course not, signore saldare. No one ever claimed to place you as that bad.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he shakes his head~ don't do that.. I live in a world of Truth Fiorella.. you don't have to be false around me.. Ok ~his voice is soft and has as much care as he does, which is alot for any kin~
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ and I live in a world of famiglia, signore saldare. Truth is only what we airbrush out of the photographs.
Fiorella Rosso: ... and what the Don tells us.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..I am a Philidox, there is only truth and covers of grey to cut apart.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "The GodFather matters more, As i am a Don, i don't have to actually bow to one.. I am not Gallian.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "Your Hurt, i don't even know you and I'm hurt to have hurt you. You would like rather to be in Milian, and I could just walk out to the local chapel, get this done and you can fly away and we'll both be happy..never see each other again, but, unfortuantly.. I refuse to be treated like a child, even if I would take you as my wife without heistation a year ago, and Keep you away from milian because, you are more than beatiful to look at, your lovely.
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ no, you aren't. But i don't think you'd accept the House's decision even if you were. ~she smiles slightly and continues on with her wine~
Fiorella Rosso: ~sighs and brushs a finger to her eye to clear it of some speck that irritates it. Perhaps some loosened mascara. She doesn't hurt. She doesn't hurt, and she's not going to have to sit here through this. He's already said no. Let him work it out with the Don. She places her napkin back on the table and stands~ ~it~ please forgive me, signore saldare, but i will take most anything save mocking. Good night.
Fiorella Rosso: ~she reaches to the chair back to collect her pashmina and drapes it over her shoulders. She'll collect her bag and extract her sunglasses. Fashion is more than style, it's the art of hiding of everything that is not worth seeing.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~his eyes narrow at Fiorella and he holds up a finger lowering the phone. His eyes falsh with pure fire as he leans towards her.l The chair creeks~ "Do not presume to know me Fiorella Rosso. I have for 47 years loyally followed my Don's and Godfather's every decision, including the one to kill my own father. Do not ever , ever presume to know me.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: [place above] "..Sit. Down."
Fiorella Rosso: ~she startles away from him at his anger, her eyes wide. She holds the chair back and is stuck between wanting to shake her head and walk off, and wanting to sit back down.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "You have known me for 45 mintues. Do not question my loyalty again. Ever. You will have over stepped your bounds, greatly.
Fiorella Rosso: ~lowers her eyes to the table and takes the chastizing with a practices humility.~ ~it~ forgive me, signore saldare.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he sighs, and speaks to the phone a bit loud~(phone)"..Dear lord.. don't you acutally have any money of your own? '
Fiorella Rosso: ~she keeps standing there, feeling like she needs to be dismissed before she can go and reflect on what a horrible trip this has been.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~starts to laugh in the phone and stands~ ~italian~ Fiorella, damn it. Sit down before i feel more like a dick(equivilent).
Fiorella Rosso: ~she takes a seat and puts her bag on the floor next to her.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "Are you going to sulk now? you don't even want to be here, why are you making this upset you so.
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ I'm not sulking,and you wouldn't understand. May I go no, signore Saldare, or do you have anything else for me?
Fiorella Rosso: ((no = now))
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "Why wouldn't i uderstan.. ~stops~ I have no right to question you.. I'm sorry Fiorella.. ~stands~ I'm sorry for alot, but i have nothing else to say..
Fiorella Rosso: ~she barely smiles and offers her hand to conclude the semblance of a business dinner.~ ~it~ do not be sorry, signore saldare. I'm sure you will get what you wish. Good night.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he drops a few dollors on the table~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~takes her hand~ what i wish, Is that you would have been happy never knowing I existed. ~takes a deep breath~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..Don't fall away. And this, is far from over.. In either direction.
Fiorella Rosso: ~it is all she can do but not laugh~ ~it~ yes, of course. If I had not said so, my condolences to your last wife. And may your next union be more favored under His eyes.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~finally remember the phone and speaks into it~ Later 'tax. We'll speak tomorrow.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~that brings an unbelivable amount of pain.~ We were never married, not in a Human sense. ~he gasps, not realising how much that still hurts.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she offers a smile of condolence, the only sincere one in 30 minutes, and starts off to hail a cab.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "I doubt he would have approved of that one either. ~escorting her to the door. He cannot believe it's snowing~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she pauses, and rests a hand on his shoulder~ ~it~ i'm sorry... but you should know how little marriage means on paper. ~she leans up to kiss his cheek, whispering~ be happy with your mistresses, signore saldare. Be happy where you can.
Fiorella Rosso: ~and pulls back, the european appearance upheld for all to see. It diverts her from herself to see his pain.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he smiles." If it were so useless on paper, then there would be no need for political marriages. ?Marriages for 5000 years have never been useless Fiorealla.. those that exist in limbo, have more love and security than those that cover themselves in white.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "Good night Fiorella.."
Fiorella Rosso: ~smiles politely, her eyes forward as she walks out the door with him.~ ~it~ not useless, signore, but they mean little. I've already had one of these marriages. I might even have another. Marriage was invented for politics. It has no other reason. ~she holds her pashmina about her and looks about for a cab to hail.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he smiles, hand in his pocket~ you realise, of course.. that the fact that 2 people willing to fight for their own choise disproves your theory hands down.
Fiorella Rosso: ~turns her head to him~ ~it~ how so, signore? You have said no for one precise reason. And that is politics. And you have even, that it would make no difference but that, our marriage. Things are different here in the US, but they are close to the same.
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: "..no. You are a very intelligent woman. You know this marraige is politically motivated. Do you so like being used at a Trading chip? ~he sighs~ the facts are simple Fiorella. If my family owes this debt.. I will marry you. Further more, your not going to be allowed to go back to milian, for i will not exist in a marriage of convience, but in a marriage totally and completely. That is me. So if this Debt is worththy of you, then , you will get every benefit that it My family has every owed. That is simple. ~turns and starts to walk away.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~her lips purse. She is no trading chip. She's a member of the famiglia, and she is doing what she's been asked by the Don. What she was believed worthy of doing. Dio, at least Alfonso was only a womanizing prick. This one is making her a piece of round plastic~ ~it~ whatever you may feel or ask. Whatever you believe the debts to be, signore saldare. Please do me the favor of not belittling me to rough piece of plastic. I'm a woman, signore, and even in italy i am considered more than that. ~she forego's looking for a cab and takes a walk, starting off in the opposite direction. She'll either find one, or find the hotel.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he is however not going to let her walkt the streets of fox alone. it doesn't take him long to catch up to her~ the streets are dangerous. I'll escort you home.. ~softly~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he does smile, not the least bit put off by her anger. They didn't exactly build a weak italian woman ever~
Fiorella Rosso: ~crosses her arms~ ~it~ how honorable of you. ~she keeps walking without looking at him, only turning her gaze to look for a cab. She'd rather be alone, but if not, a good pair of sunglasses will have to do.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he grabs her hand and spins her, leans in and kisses her boldly, dipping her slightly so she's off balance~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he releases almost instantly and scans here eyes, scanning them, then smiles again~ "TAxi!"
Fiorella Rosso: ~she almost twists her ankle as her heel tilts over. She had no reason to expect that, or any other manuever, stuck in her own mind as she was. And she doesn't have a single thing to say, or do, while her mind comes out of it's painful shell and figures out what the hell is going on~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~as the taxi's arrives~~italian~ "..Good night Fiorella. You are your name..
Fiorella Rosso: ~and then she's just flustered and confused, and does just as she's been taught by all the women of her family. She smacks him.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he grabs her hand with the off hand, and kisses her again.~ Another?
Fiorella Rosso: ~blinks and loses her glasses in the motion. Her eyes seem glassier than they were, and her whole face has reddened.~ ~it~ I would save myself for my husband, signore. ~pulls back at his hand, weaker than he is.~ thank you for the taxi, and dinner. ~she turns to get into the cab.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he tiltes his head, and bows~ of course Forella, of course .. ~saying nothing else, his lips a quirky smile. ~ Goodnight..
Fiorella Rosso: ~and he will not mock her in this. She leans in and kisses him back with the same fierce passion. Love, annoyance, anger. They can all seem the same from the other side of the lips if you do it right.~ bouna sera, signore ~she gets into the cab and gives the driver her hotel, the Prism~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~he watches the cab drive away and laughs himself~ I am so Fucked!!!
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~ebds a light post randomly as he walks home~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she drives off in the cab without looking back, but she does frown as she has lost her glasses. This is not so easy as the last time. Not by any means. Dio.~
Michelo "Silver" Saldaré: ~gone~
Fiorella Rosso: ~gone~