Arrival in New York
April 12, 2000
Silver Kane: ~lands in a new york airport and get's ready~
Silver Kane: ~stops and eats dinner on the way~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~with Kane and rather nervous~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~does not eat very much at dinner~
Jason: ((Question: Is the pack going to be along, or is this just the two of 'em?))
Lou Black: ooc *is here, trying to finish another scene, will be slow*
Silver Kane: ~sighs~
Nicia Giovanniello: Are you all right?
Silver Kane: "..Ok Nicia.. try to find out what your father wants.. I'll go see the Bicelli's..
Syntax: ~crosses her arms, then uncrosses them to rub her stockings~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods~ All right. I will try.
Syntax: ~smiles~ of course.
Syntax: *Syntax in a suit* ~Platinum blonde hair pulled back and up in twists that leave small strands, like a minature spray, to cover the holding clasps in a modern professional look. Metallic eyes darken with the black of an obviously tailored interview suit, and a the shiny grey silk that overlaps from underneath the jacket collar. The single breasted 3 button jacket hugs the noticable curves of her chest, spilling down past them to cover the hips. The skirt is simple, black, with a tailored line that falls to a few inches above the knee. A 2" slit runs up the back for ease of walking. Dark stockings run the length of her legs to the thick heeled suit pumps. A darkened raspberry covers her lips, and the perfect-smooth of "invisible" softens her face with concealer, blush, and even fleshshaded eyeshadow that doesn't touch the circuit tattoos on her left cheek. Her 5'10 seems actually imposing with her straight backed posture, the acknowledgement of her actually having a healthy breast size, and the crisp business attire. A small silver and violet Viao is carried as a legal pad might be.~
Silver Kane: ~he looks her up and down. Just once, and smiles~ I love you, Syntax. ~smiling~
Lou Black: ooc I'm assuming they brought Lou along? *blinks, wonders if they gave her a suit...*
Silver Kane: [[no lou we went thru the trouble of finding you, and then leaving you in my house after wards]]
Syntax: ((syn would, but she only has the one.. *G* they could have gone shopping.. If nothing else, Lou has been showered, scrubbed, showered again, and combed. *G*)) ~grinz~ awww.. you're making the kin jealous..
Lou Black: ooc Just checking. Maybe he needed a house sitter. *giggles* JK!
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smiles at bot Kane and Syntax... though behind her smile she is a bundle of nerves~
Lou Black: ooc *Giggles at Syn* No collar durn it. BIC *is wearing her GOOD shirt, the one with no holes, and jeans too.*
Silver Kane: ~"I hope so tax'~gives nicia a soft squeeze~
Syntax: ~makes a face, and autocorrects him~ syn.. so what am I doing in all this?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nervous chuckle~
Silver Kane: "Your hear to make The Saldare' Look good love. Weather we neogate and give the Bicilli's a piece of the Giovanniello, or weather we beat up on both of them and leave NY gun's blazing.
Lou Black: *She just blinks, scracthing behind an ear.*
Syntax: ~grinz again~ should've brought my gun.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~takes a deep breath... Vittorio be busy else where... or at least quiet when I speak with papa~
Silver Kane: "Oh the plane? ~smirks~ Should have not.
Syntax: ~waves a hand~ right, like i'm worried about detectors.. in the US. ~shakes her head.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~frowns at the mention of guns... never did like them... that's good for a suspected mob princess~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~to actually see Nicia nervous is odd, as she kind of rings her hand together~
Nicia Giovanniello: (brb)
Silver Kane: ~he leans back ~ "..So.. where exactly are we headed..
Syntax: the Village? ~smiles, then chuckles~
Nicia Giovanniello: (back) Manattan. (that a good place to start)
Silver Kane: ~cocks an eyebrow~ Was thinking Brooklyn.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~~absently~ Okay.
Silver Kane: ~chuckles ~ Glad we are on a concencus. At least i have the Bicelli's location.. And I don't have to seek the Giovanniello's it's all good.
Syntax: ~nods and folds her viao across her chest~ sure.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~turns to Kane~ What was that about te Bicelli's? ~as she comes back to reality~
Silver Kane: Nothing nicia.. nothing at all.You want us there during the first meeting?
Nicia Giovanniello: Only if you want your presence know. I only told my father that Val and myself were coming.
Silver Kane: '..maybe Syntax should go with you if Val's weaver curse takes over..
Syntax: ~smiles a bit more that Nicia went on with her idea. It's so rare to be appreciated.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods~ all right if syntax agrees. ~look out Vittorio, she can't help but think~
Syntax: ~shrugs~ I don't mind..
Silver Kane: "There, we have a plan."
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smiles at Syntax~ Thank you.
Syntax: ~smiles devilishly~ you'll reconsider that later...
Nicia Giovanniello: ~chuckle~ If you say so.
Nicia Giovanniello: So Syntax and I will go see my father, alone.
Silver Kane: "with val if she shows..
Syntax: ~shakes her head and tries not to laugh~
Silver Kane: "Try not to start a new war Syntax..
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods~ Yes, Val, took land based transportation... so it my be a little while before she arrives.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~blinks at Kane's comment~
Syntax: ~looks disappointed~ awww... come on...
Silver Kane: "..I mean it.. I have plans here. ~Semi serious, but still quirky~
Nicia Giovanniello: (anyone know if the ST is coming back?)
Silver Kane: ((he's never comming back *HAHAHA*))
Nicia Giovanniello: One war at a time... we don't need the media on our backs... ~she says off the top of her head~
Nicia Giovanniello: (hmm...)
Syntax: ~shrugs~ we live war.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~can't really argue that point with Syn, she is right~
Silver Kane: Not this type.. ~shakes his head~ this type just deminish us
Syntax: ~glances up to Chrome~ this type is only this type for your type. My kind doesn't die in wars.
Silver Kane: ~falls silent and pops a mint in his mouth~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~glances at those here and hopes this can be settled peacefully... she can hope for that anyway~
Syntax: ~rubs an itch on her leg again~
Waiter: ~italian~ Would ma'dam's like something else?
Syntax: bourbon.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~could go for a brandy, but wants to remain clear headed~ No, thank you.
Silver Kane: "Warm Brandy, a wine for the lady"
Waiter: *nods and smiles* of course.. *walks away*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Kane~
Silver Kane: ~looks innocent~
Nicia Giovanniello: I should have gotten more involved with business. Father was adament about me not getting involved.
Syntax: ~bangs her knee into the table. Frowns~
Syntax: big on pissing off your dad, huh, Nich..
Silver Kane: ~coughs and puffs into his pipe~
Waiter: *he returns with the warm Brandy*
Waiter: *a few minutes later he has the wine, which he naturally shows first before pouring*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks over at Syn~ No not usually. Just on this matter of an arranged marriage.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~waits for the waiter to leave before she continues~
Syntax: ~glares at the waiter as he forgot her bourbon, and looks back to Nicia~ you should've told him about Antonio then.
Nicia Giovanniello: I haven't yet.
Waiter: *he did not, he brings that next*
Silver Kane: ~glares at Syntax~
Syntax: My point exactly.
Syntax: ~shrugs at Chrome~ I can imagine telling him now would only piss him off more. It's like you saved it until you could use it as a weapon against him. Shows a lack of trust. Trust is important to family.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~raises her brow at Syn~ You feel I should wait on the matter? ~sincerely wants her opinion on the matter~
Syntax: ow! Stop kicking me, Michelo. ~glares at him.~
Silver Kane: "you kicked me first!! ~thumbes his pipe at her~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~visibly winces... se already knows she was wrong for not telling her father about Antonio~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~picks up her glass of wine and drinks about half of it down~
Silver Kane: ~sighs~ She didn't tell him.. it's past..
Syntax: ~glances over to Nicia~ granted, seeing as how you skipped that... I'd make that your main issue. Bring it up to him without the whole whiney bride schpiel. Begging for forgiveness might help too, as well as some reason for not telling him other than that he'd get mad. I'm sure that will just make him mad. ~smiles slightly at the mild irony~
Syntax: ~sips at her bourbon~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Syn~ I knew he would be mad. Call it poor judgement on my part...
Syntax: ~nods~ poor judgement maybe.. that's why i'm teaching you the first stages of kissing ass.
Nicia Giovanniello: It wasn't so much I got pregnant out of wed lock, it was Antonio's father, he is not family.
Syntax: ~knows precisely what she's buying the both of them for the Chanu-kwanza-mas. Now, just to decide Sheik, or Lifestyles?~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sigh~ Beg forgiveness. ~and not bring up the fact that mamma knew about Antonio~
Silver Kane: "..he's not going to get mad. He's going to be disappointed.
Syntax: ~snorts~ yeah.. after, maybe... ~shakes her head~ don't think you're all so different, Michelo.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Kane~ To say the least.
Silver Kane: "I wouldn't get mad ~snorts at syntax~ few things about family would make me mad. I play up alot of it.. I'm sure he will too
Syntax: ~snorts~ i can name any number of things that pissed you off, and disappointed you after the rage left, Michelo. ~sips her bourbon.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~chuckles~ Dramatics, an italain trait... or just a fathers?
Silver Kane: ~snorts~ One, that would be true Syntax, only true. ~winks at Nicia~
Silver Kane: ~holds up a finger ~ provided I warned you about it first..
Nicia Giovanniello: ~grins at Kane, sip her wine this time~
Syntax: ~scoffs~ like Nicia's dad sat there and specifically told her not to get knocked up and hide the kid... ~shakes her head~ it's not the ones you mention, Michelo. It's the ones you don't that piss you off more.
Silver Kane: ~flips his hands on, off to the side~ me and everyone else.
Syntax: never said you were any different...
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sighs softly... as her mistake is mentioned again... mistakes of not telling her father~
Silver Kane: ~blows a ring at Syntax~
Syntax: ~brushes the smoke away.~
Tri Musillo: *walks into the resturant*
Nicia Giovanniello: Papa's going to be so upset... ~she doesn't realise she said that aloud~
Silver Kane: "Nicia.. stop worrying about it."
Syntax: he'll get over it. If he's this hot for the treaty, he's not likely to disown you unless he's got alternatives.
Tri Musillo: *so do about 7 other people, dressed simiularly*
Nicia Giovanniello: I can't help but worry, Michael. there are so many "what if's"... not many of which are appealing.
Silver Kane: ~glanaces at Tri then back to the table~
Silver Kane: "I'm going to kick you nicia."
Syntax: ~sips her bourbon and stiffens. Her eyes track the men in one of the windows.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~glances at syn... that would be one way out the marriage... but then I would my family too~ ~glances to the group of people that just entered~
Tri Musillo: *he takes a seat as a table is prepared for him. Almost like a bad movie the people there are made to get up and stand*
Syntax: ~shrugs~ life's full of choices, Neech.
Silver Kane: ~puffs~
Silver Kane: ~winces~ Tax!
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Kane~ That would take my mind off of thing... at least for a short period of time.
Tri Musillo: *the men all take a seat and waiters flock to them like flies*
Syntax: ~almost growls at Chrome~ Syn.
Silver Kane: ~looks at Syntax~ this resturant was your idea right?
Syntax: ~rolls her eyes~ right, like i'd pick a sit down italian.
Silver Kane: "As opposed to? ~asks her~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods~ Full of choices.
Tri Musillo: *TRI glances about and smiles a touch, motions to a one of the waiters and whispers*
Syntax: deli-all. Or kosher pizza.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~glances at the Tri party to see if she knows of him~
Silver Kane: ~looks at Syntax Askance and start to laugh~
Tri Musillo: *the waiter brings a wine bottle over to Kane's Table and bows slightly* ~italian~ curtsey of Mr. Musillo..
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sips her wine again... doesn't recognise the man~
Silver Kane: ~looks at the bottle and points at the table~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~finishes off her glass of wine~
Tri Musillo: *the waiter places it on the table and 3 glasses are bought and then the glasses are halfed perfectly*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~almost wishing it would make her feel numb~
Tri Musillo: *thw waiter then leaves without small smile*
Silver Kane: ~absently~ stop drinking Nicia.. Your obviously not getting any looser.
Syntax: ~puts her laptop on the table and flips the LCD up. It's already out of standby by the time she starts playing with the touch pad.~
Tri Musillo: *the TRI party does what it will do*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Kane and pushes her wine glass away from her~
Silver Kane: ~nods to Tri's party, but quiets~
Syntax:,, and yahoo yellow pages: finds some good restaurants, searches for Musillo, searches for Musillo. She'll glance at the wine, then reach out to finish her bourbon.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~picks up a glass of water snd sips it~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sets the glass down~ ~softly~ Would you excuse me a moment. I'm going to go powder my nose.
Silver Kane: ~he nods to nicia~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~rises and walks toward te ladies room~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~disappears into the ladies room~
Syntax: ~clicks her laptop closed halfway through.~ watch this for me... ~follows Nicia to the bathroom.~
Nicia Giovanniello: (bathroom) ~leans against the counter and tries to keep her breating normal~
Syntax: ~pushes into the bathroom and just leans against a wall with her arms crossed, not looking at anything.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~hears the door and turns to wash her hands. making herself look busy, before glancing toward the door~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~exhales the breath she was holding~
Syntax: ~doesn't say anything, just holds up the wall.~
Nicia Giovanniello: I'm calm and collected again. ~she says softly~
Syntax: ~nods without looking, and still waits, patiently~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~dries her hands...taking her sweet time at it too~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~walks toward the door, as she opens it she says softly, without looking at Syn~ Thank you.
Syntax: ~nods and holds the door, following Nicia out.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~steps out of the ladies room~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~returns to table and taking her seat once again~
Syntax: ~takes a seat and flips the laptop open again.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~watches Syn for a moment~
Syntax: ~plays around with her computer, then shuts it again and finishes off her bourbon.~
Nicia Giovanniello: (~pause?~)
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sips her the long silence~
Syntax: ((might as well postpone, in my opinion.. don't think jason's going to show tonight))
Nicia Giovanniello: (I was thinking the same thing)