Brenda's Nine Month Joke
April 13, 2000
Crystal Fisher: (scene, houseboat)
Crystal Fisher: *sits quietly at the table*
Falecia Morwen: *hands the other lady a plate of food* HI, I'm Falecia. What would you like to drink?
Crystal Fisher: *looks up at Falecia and mutters quietly* Hi, good to see you again. I'm Crys. you threw clothes at me then ushered me outta your house the other day.
Crystal Fisher: *wavbes off the food* not hungry, I'm fine. *smiles a bit*
Jason TwoMoons: Hmph. I suppose you get to hear oit from me then. Alex got his ass in a serious crack last night. Chaz and like...two others did some kinda...ritual. Called a spirit. I think it mighta been one of Alex's tribemates from Japan or something. *shrugs* Anyways, they got him...pretty much cleaned up and such.
Crystal Fisher: *looks at Jason, nodds* cools.
Crystal Fisher: *adds* I'm glad he's allright.
Falecia Morwen: Crystal;; *blinks* Did I? Ummm, Oh!! *laughs* Well, its not my house, and wont even be mine at all soon. *sighs, nods and puts the food back*
Falecia Morwen: *wrinkles her brows, didnt know Alex had anything wrong with him. sighs*
Crystal Fisher: *she assumes Falecia is kin, or else she's just one of the human hangers on that some of the Garoulet know what they are* cools. I'm a Fury, by the way.
Jason TwoMoons: Nods* Me and thee both. Anyways, I asked Chaz about what the hell was up lately, and...well, I pissed the brutha off. *shrugs* Course he did the same to me, so, we're even. Anyways, you see him, backhand him and tell 'im "better luck next time." Ask about his knee.
Falecia Morwen: *eats her food and thinks to herself, is it kin in general or just myself that never gets told anything? shakes her head*
Crystal Fisher: *after all, she DID already see her in lupus then homid, so she kinda HAS to know,*
Falecia Morwen: Crystal;; *her head comes up* REally? Cool, my Mom was a Fury. *grins*
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL*))
Crystal Fisher: *nodds at Jason* I don't like hitting people, but he's more of an asshole,anyway, than a person. so if he pissed me off, yeah..*non-chalantly*
Crystal Fisher: *looks at Falecia* my mom was a Terror. but I moved and things are better. Good to see more kin around. *picks at her fingernail*
Falecia Morwen: *chuckles slightly at the comment* Thanks.
Jason TwoMoons: *Smiles softly, eating somewhat quickly, as soldiers often do* ((Over my mess hall in basic was a sign that read, "Eat it now, taste it later"))
Crystal Fisher: *she nodds at Fal* anyways..Can't stay too long, but hey..I'm here..*lloks at Jason* so what's up besides tainted Ahrouns and mouthy kitties?
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL* So did mine!! Where did you do Basic?))
Falecia Morwen: *turns her head as sneeze sneaks up on her*
Falecia Morwen: ((as A sneeze *sigh*)
Crystal Fisher: Gaia bless you.
Falecia Morwen: *nods, her face is a bit pale, with shadows under her eyes* Thank you. *finishes her food*
Crystal Fisher: ((I'd feel bad about not having served when you lot seem to but then I recall I DID want to join the navy..but my asshole fiancee at the time firmly refused to move all th time and said so, so I gave that particular fancy up))
Crystal Fisher: *she'd notice Fal's paleness, but she's in an odd mood and doesn't seem to notice much or at least not react to it*
Jason TwoMoons: ((Ft Jackson.)) Falecia, why don;t you take a load off. I'll get the mess, you just...write up a list of what went right with the kennel and how to fix what went wrong.
Falecia Morwen: ((I didnt quite make it, I ended up with stress fractures in my knees, but the hubby is joining now *G))
Jason TwoMoons: ((Email sent to shifters))
Falecia Morwen: *nods and plops down on the couch with a pen and paper* ((Whats yer email and she can send it to ya. *G*))
Falecia Morwen: ((okies, and I was at Ft. Leonardwood Missouri *G*))
Jason TwoMoons: ((Yeccch I say.)) Any, falecia, if you don;t mind, me and Crys are gonna take the boat out. Little more privacy that way.
Crystal Fisher: *boat? well, if he says so. stands up*
Jason TwoMoons: ((Ft. Lost-Inna-Woods? *giggle* email it to ))
Falecia Morwen: *nods* I dont mind, ummm, which boat? the boat house we're on? *looks confused*
Crystal Fisher: *she expects Jason must mean some sort of boat that is attached to the house and goes out on deck to investigate*
Falecia Morwen: ((yup! and I did 4 weeks of FTU before I made it to basic, no wonder my knees were shot, I essentially did 12 weeks of basic, or more since I was a hold over for 3 *G*))
Jason TwoMoons: *Nods* Yeah. Just kinda doing a quick cruise. Y'know, like we're supposed to if we're a buncha slackers running around with too much time and cash.
Falecia Morwen: *laughs* Ok, I dont mind the place moving, its actually kinda calming. As long as I dont think of the water itself. *sighs, starts on her list*
Jason TwoMoons: ((*shudders* Ick I say. Just enough to screw you up for life. ))
Crystal Fisher: *is on deck, and doesn't see any such boat.*
Jason TwoMoons: *Heads up to the deck, untying everything and pointing up to the flydeck* C'mon, great view up there. *lowers his voice* And we can talk about what you were asking about before.
Crystal Fisher: *she nodds, still not saying anything and goes. this IS so embarrasing. But she hasn't been able to find Kades to talk to her..and well. to be honest, Jace is easier to talk to about this sorta thing*
Falecia Morwen: ((well, my knees healed, and it was a great learning experience, I was the sit up champion of my platoon. *G* they did jumping jacks, I did sit ups, they did push ups, I did sit ups. *G* and so on. My Lt. said for someone that could barely walk I sure as hell could shoot as well. Made sharpshooter, 2 rounds off expert. I can also take apart and put together a M16 in I htink 2 minutes flat. *G* I did it in the barracks while they went on the confidence course, cleaned at least a 100 rifles.))
Crystal Fisher: ((Can..lift heavy shit. that's why she got hired atWal-mart. will put on applications..under skills.."can lift heavy shit"..uhm..that's about all I've ever accomplished..))
Jason TwoMoons: ((*chuckles* 37 outta 40 on the -16, I think I was one hit from expert on the -60.)) *Heads up, and eases the throttle forward, moving the boat out* Damn, I gotta gas up today.
Jason TwoMoons: ((And for fun, we fieldstripped our rifles blindfolded. For time.))
Falecia Morwen: ((Hey! My hubby works at Wal-Mart. *G* he lifts heavy shit too. *G*))
Jason TwoMoons: So anyways, you were asking about...kid stuff?
Crystal Fisher: ((*L* I avpid the cheer. I avoid the meetings..Val has a theory, that Wal-Mart is owned by the Technocracy!!))
Crystal Fisher: *she smiles a bit* yeah. You guys like..have a funy religous like belief that you know..get with a number of people, and it's all good, right?
Falecia Morwen: ((cool! I loved working with the rifles, I guess they were right that I'd make a better weapons specialist then medical. and good aim is hereditary in my family. My grandpa was an expert shot in the military, my mom has perfect aim with a .22 rifle.))
Jason TwoMoons: *Looks at her* Funny?
Falecia Morwen: ((*G* My hubby says its more like the wyrm, maybe both. *G*))
Crystal Fisher: ((I don't like guns. but cool, other than that!))
Falecia Morwen: ((*G* I myself would rather use a crossbow, less noise. *G*))
Crystal Fisher: *she sighs* not know what I mean..unusual? explain this to's not bad thing, right?
Jason TwoMoons: *Nods* Well, think about it like this. You know about previous incarnations, right?
Crystal Fisher: ((I think because of the structure, nearly scary "positive" renforcement of policy, name-badge swiping, meetings, papaerwork, and the WHOLE Telxon system..Wal-Mart is the Technocracy/))
Crystal Fisher: *thinks* in my way, yes. I belive in reincarnation.
Falecia Morwen: ((yeah, I think it is too, I'll tell the hubby. *G*))
Jason TwoMoons: *Nods* Okay. Say in one previous life, you had a husband, and in other previous life, you had a wife. Now you, your husband and your wife are all togetther in this life. Is it right that you should tell one that you love them any less?
Crystal Fisher: ((I told Al one day, that if I was late, they'd give me "coaching" and he said "Where I come from, we call that "brainwashing" *L* do tell the hubby))
Falecia Morwen: ((trying to think of the Pro's of the kennel. *G*))
Crystal Fisher: *she looks SO confused about that, but it only substatiates a theory she has that we all really know each other, and nodds* well..what I'm saying is..allright. youy run around with a few people..but you are supposed to one at the one at home, is cool about sleeping with other people doesn't make them..I dunno..*yep, the red-of-face is there.* worthless?
Falecia Morwen: ((*L*))
Falecia Morwen: ((she's talking about the difference between monogomy and polygimy right?*G* I think*))
Crystal Fisher: ((if I even knew all of the words you just used Fal, I could tell you))
Jason TwoMoons: *Takes the craft in seemingly random directions, meanwhile also doing a nice tight sweep of the area*'re not worthless because your lover wants to see other people. Have you talked to...him?Her? about this?
Jason TwoMoons: ((Monogamy-one partner. Polygamy-multiple partners.))
Crystal Fisher2: *glares at Jason. ten TIMES DAMN her face that everyone can read! she bristles at that.* I didn't say I was.
Crystal Fisher2: ((sorta, but it's all more complicated than that.))
Jason TwoMoons: No. But you're thinking it's possible. You ever hear of Aethera Inamorata?
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL* I'm sorry Crys~p))
Falecia Morwen: ((now there's a word I dont know, but I've heard somewhere))
Crystal Fisher2: *she thinks on that, her face of course, is crimson enough that one could steer the boat by it were it night.* no. what issit?
Jason TwoMoons: (( Aethera Inamorata-CoG camp. All will be 'splained))
Crystal Fisher2: ((hopefully kinda fast, as I haveta jet, soon..*G*))
Falecia Morwen: ((ah, okies, I'll shut up for a few and do the writing thing. *G*)) *chews on the end of her pen as she thinks about the kennel*
Jason TwoMoons: It's a camp in my tribe. Essentially, they heal through passion. Their basis is, well, they want to make sex a 'clean' act again, the way it was back in the day. Orgasm brings one closer to the divinity, and the healing that lies within. So they take many lovers into their bed. *shrugs* That's the CliffNotes version, anyway.
Crystal Fisher2: *she shrugs, sure she can buy that shit. it sounds a lot like tantra.* okay. but then, okay..*looks mostly confused.*
Jason TwoMoons:'s quite possible that you lover was touched by one at some point. Maybe even was one in another life. The main thing here doesn;t suffer because of how many people you love.
Crystal Fisher2: *she sighs, and rolls her eyes, guesturing emphaticlywith her hands* that's FINE, and good, and everything, but then how do you know the person gives a flying fig about ya? what if ythey just don't come back one day? and how can your peeople just be okay with all that?
Jason TwoMoons: It's the depth that's important. *wheels the boat back toward the docks, satisfied that any encroaching is bare minimum this day*
Falecia Morwen: ((the more love you give, the more you have to give, it never shrinks with the giving. *G* Only I'm not there. I'm inside.))
Crystal Fisher2: *she mostly fumes and waits for an answer to her questions. And while she's doing that She talkes to Her, again. ~you're doing it again. Haven't we been through this~ (It doesn't make SENSE! how can you just expect me to accept it as that!) ~not that. though you should. how often do you walk around listening to me, and I make no sense..~ (well, what?!?!) ~who are you really mad at?~ (*quiet for a second* I hate you.*without emphasis though*) ~grins~(all the while she's just thoughtful it seems*
Jason TwoMoons: Crys, love is not something that can be held. If you hold it, it dies. You know they care because they come back. If they don't it was not meant to be forever. We're okay with it because we look on the good side of things. That the person who was our lover is now...healing someone else. And if we are to truly heal the world with our love, we have to share it with another as well. To refuse to give love out of fear, out of jealousy...well, the Defilers' stoked when that shit happens.
Crystal Fisher2: *she nodds at Jason, thinking..really hard, it seems* ~ha ha. see? HE knows. HE knows more than you do this time. can you hanlde that one, either?~ *I hate you. *but almost kindly this time)*
Crystal Fisher2: *she grins at bit at Jason* Yeah, we'll think about that one. Thanks, man.
Jason TwoMoons: *Pulls up to the dock* Crys? Before you can love anyone else. Love yourself. *pauses* In that way too.
Crystal Fisher2: ((thinks Mr. Auggy should get an empathy point today.))
Jason TwoMoons: ((Shooting a Bastet gives more Empathy? COOOL! *Locks and loads* Heeeeere kittykittykitty...))
Crystal Fisher2: *she thinks on that and just smiles at Jason* I try. (~yes, you do. but you don't LISTEN to me enough. you listen to everything else. just because you've heard a broken record for years, doesn't mean the song is worth anything~ * you ever shut up?* ~grins..when you listen, yes.~*
Falecia Morwen: ((No!!! *LOL* dealing with Fal and Crys deserves a point silly.))
Crystal Fisher2: ((he knows..*L* and the Heart of the CEarn impressed, Jason.))
Falecia Morwen: ((Is that what that is? *G* the caern was already gone when Falecia got here.))
Crystal Fisher2: *she sighs at something but smiles fondly and ggoes over to Jason and hugs him.* hey..I'm gonna take off. hash this around in my head..don't tell anyone we talked? *just because SHE has strict rules about confidence doesn't mean Jason might know to keep this sorta thing to himself.*
Jason TwoMoons: *Looks up* If you need to talk again about this, you got the number. Now go home, check your email, and...*gets hugged* Uhm...go talk to your lover. *presse a finger to his lips* I says nothing you don;t want me to.
Falecia Morwen: *she carries the list up topside and stops to wait for the right moment to hand it to Jason*
Crystal Fisher2: *she grins a bit cheerily because now She and herself have something to talk about on the walk home. she still bkushing like mad though it's receeded some after feeling a bit more confortable around Jason, nodds, and actually meets his eyes for once in the conversation* thank you. I'll be around..*she walks to the deck and throws one leg over the side, then the pother, then lowers herself to hnaging by her hands, then dropps the rest of the short way. then starts walking*
Falecia Morwen: *grins at Jason* I take it it was a good talk. Well, here's the list. Its a bit jumbled, but the main ideas are there.
Jason TwoMoons: *It's weird...tribal differences, rank differences...he's 25, when did this make him the Wise Bastard Who Knows All About Love?*
Jason TwoMoons: ((BRB))
Crystal Fisher2: *she grins as she walks, having a silent and debating conversation in her head as she fights with her own walls. She loves that wise bastard. though she'd never say it out loud the thought that often does come into her head when talking to Jeremy or Jason resurfaces..she either was, or should have been, or will be..a Child one day.*
Jason Maier: ((And if she ever mentions the thought to Jason, he'll just look wise and say something like, "You were always a child of Gaia".))
Crystal Fisher2: ((*L* and she'd agree, and the voice in her head would tell her she is everything that she can see, and it goes on, and on..))
Falecia Morwen: *after handing Jason the list she looks out over the water, thinking*
Crystal Fisher2: ((wishes her damn jeans would dry alrady so she could go))
Jason Maier: *Just kinda looks at it* Uhm...Falecia. This is for you and Brenda to talk about...I's like...I'm...just the guy, y'know?
Falecia Morwen: *turns with a chuckle* Ok, I just thought you wanted it since you suggested I draw it up. I'll keep it with me till I see Brenda again, I can add to it as I think of stuff too. Sorry. *holds her hand out to accept it back*
Jason Maier: Naw. That's for you. *Passes it back. Helps you out, and Brenda. Seeing it...kinda makes it more real, y'know?
Crystal Fisher2: ((jeez-ow Jason!! you're in super hot Guru mode today! *blinks at the wisdom, gorlwing cuz her's isn't working today..she's not very Awake toda,y))
Falecia Morwen: *nods with a grin* It did help a bit.
Jason Maier: ((*Thinks he should take pot-shots at Cats more often...*))
-brian-: [[ ~thinks Jason should try to take a pot shot at the rats~ ]]
Jason Maier: ((Well, ifn' a dan rat ever decides to poke its' nose out....))
Falecia Morwen: I think I'm going to go take a nap. See ya in a few, Jason. *nods and heads back down*
Jason Maier: ((BRB))
Brenda S Maier: * wakes up and heads to the shower grumbling and throwing clothes trying to look for something *
Brenda S Maier: * finds something in black again and gets in the shower and just stands there letting the water hit her trying to wake up*
Falecia Morwen: *hears the ruckus in the bathroom, maybe she wont get a nap*
Jason Maier: *Comes down below and pours two cups of coffee*
Falecia Morwen: *plops down on the couch, watching, scratching Trouble when he jumps up, feeling bored with no training classes today.a*
Brenda S Maier: * finishes her shower and steps out wrapping herself in a towel not even wanting to look in the mirror and dries off and slowly gets dressed and walks out of the bathroom her hair combed back from her face*
Falecia Morwen: *suddenly growls at herself and rubs her face, mutters* I fergot the computer files with the list of clients. *sighs* Oh well.
Jason Maier: *Leans over and wolf-whistles at Brenda* G'mornin.
Brenda S Maier: * doesn't even hear Jason and just mutters* coffee coffee..need coffee * yawns half awake*
Falecia Morwen: ((I didnt know Serena was alpha of the kinfolk, didnt know there was one. *G* Falecia was thinking of starting a kin pack, instead of joining a garou one like Alyssa was going to invite her into.))
~Ae Ryun~: [[The kin were never assigned to a pack. Charolette was supposed to be in charge of them, and then when problems arose, she gave the responsibility to Serena...but ultimately the Alpha is supposed to have an eye out for them...even if it is through channels of others in the pack.]]
Brenda S Maier: ( * just has to chukle at the thought of Alyssa getting any kin into a garou pack when she's not even offically in the pack but a grunt worker for Alex)
Brenda S Maier: ( well serena was given the position when there was a caern ..after that happened well the kin kinda went there own ways...but serena will start doing something for the kin...but i don't think there's really a power posotion anymore for the kin..i could be wrong)
Falecia Morwen: ((ah, *G@Bren* So that's how it is, I guess its a good thing Fal didnt agree then. *G*))
Falecia Morwen: *sits on the couch still, letting Serena wake up before even saying hello. smiles slightly*
Jason Maier: *Handing Brenda a cup of coffee with a kiss*
-brian-: [[ ~L~ Bah.. the Kin can fend for themselves... ]]
Brenda S Maier: * finds a poured cup of coffee and adds some cream and sugar and sips it and yawns and turns to see Fal and she offers a tired smile* hello Falecia
Falecia Morwen: ((still, Fal is seriously thinking of getting a bunch of kin together in a "pack" somehow, still thinking on how it would work))
~Ae Ryun~: [[well, even thought there isn't a caern, and the packs kind of separated, there is still an over all ranking system...which Alex is still the alpha of...there were never any kin in any pack, just one in charge of helping them out and keeping tabs on them...the position never really had any known powers, as far as I know...Charolette had a little power but that was because she owned the grove park...*shrugs*]]
Falecia Morwen: Hi, Brenda. You dont look up to discussing much at the moment so I think I'll hold off for a bit. *smiles, her own face pale with shadows under her eyes*
Brenda S Maier: ( serena bascially wants a place for the kin to come to to talk and be helped to deal with problems with the garou and others and help deal with being a kin...and just basically anything else they need....( * smiles at the kiss*
-brian-: [[ Most of the Kin were in charge of running Chaos Balance... this gave the Kin something to do as well as a systm of importance ~shrugs~ ]]
Falecia Morwen: ((ah, I see))
Falecia Morwen: ((thats what she'd like to do with the kennel, get a central meeting point for kin mostly, garou secondly))
-brian-: [[ of course I have no idea what happened to all the other kin that were supposed to be helping run the company.... ]]
Brenda S Maier: * gulps down her cup and is waking up more* I have been wanting us to talk..I wanted to be the one to explain things but it seems i was beaten to it
Jason Maier: *Mental note: Kick val once*
Falecia Morwen: *shakes her head* No, go ahead, you may bring up points that someone else didnt. *smiles slightly* And I think you would discuss more than dictate, which is just about all I've gotten, is orders. No debate or discussion involved.
magetype: [Kin suck]
Falecia Morwen: ((Oh hush, Mage! *thumbs her nose at you*))
Brenda S Maier: ( that's why i was saying the kin went there own ways..some left some just haven't been played...)
-brian-: [[ ^^a937yp3 5uc|5 ]]
magetype: [-gives Falecia an affectionate one-fingered gesture-]
-brian-: [[ ~hates it when the chats eat the less then sign~ ]]
Brenda S Maier: * chukles* Yes Fal ..first lesson is garou ediqutte..they don't posess it
magetype: [Charolette hasnt been around because her player has a newborne... who else is there? And by73 |+ 5h33p5Uk3r]
Falecia Morwen: ((Do it again and I'll bite it off.))
Falecia Morwen: *chuckles* I've noticed. *rolls her eyes*
Toreador Advisor: ((behave! ))
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL* sorry. *G*))
Jason Maier: ((*starts singing* Ain't misbehaaaving....Saving my Love for Bren....))
Falecia Morwen: Brenda;; Well, Jason suggested I draw up a list of pro's and con's of the kennel, but its a bit jumbled *grins*
magetype: [no, its like this> "Behave!" *Whipcrack*]
Toreador Advisor: ((adds a "whipcrack"))
Falecia Morwen: ((and at the moment I dont have the list, Jason, if you got it yet could you email it back? I forgot to copy it))
Jason Maier: ((Email returned to yas))
Brenda S Maier: ( awww god i love that man * sniffles*) Fal..okay you do understand why this move was made?
Falecia Morwen: ((that was fast! I updated my inbox and it was there. *G*))
~Ae Ryun~: [[got to run and get some stuff done. talk to you all later *huggles*]]
Toreador Advisor: ((Auggy Union. "The fastest way to send E-mail"))
Falecia Morwen: *nods* Yup, because the security was compromised. *grins* If we ever had any security in the first place. I think we....I got ahead of myself. Course I didnt realize the badies around here were thick as fleas. No one ever told me.
magetype: [Virtual-Type the best way to hack it form under his nose]
Falecia Morwen: *sighs* I'm gonna need to have someone go get all the furniture, I dont see why have to buy all new stuff, plus I have to pick up my van. I havent even gotten a chance to drive it yet.
Brenda S Maier: Well i hold myself partly responcible for what has occured...I should of talked to you sooner then now...I haven't been as attentive to the kennel as I should did a good job with what you had..don't let anyone tell you differently...I will be correcting many things now
Jason Maier: ((*snickers*))*Just fades into the background, listening an analyzing* ((Doing Resume for online job applications))
Brenda S Maier: do not have to worry about anything other then the personal items and stuff you really need...everything will be replaced...including the van..
Falecia Morwen: *nods* But there wasnt much you could do from the hospital after all. And I think some key things were missing when I first opened it. Like a good security system, Which I now have some ideas for. I mean originally it was just going to be a kennel, until someone suggested using it as a shelter as well. Then things just snow balled.
Falecia Morwen: *chuckles* We just bought the van. And the computer has all my client files in it. I think Jason already picked up all the food from the apartments. All my personal stuff fits in my one back pack. I've learned that I can survive with only a few very important, but small things.
Brenda S Maier: * nods* this is good any ideals you have toss my way..this is our kennel after all will be many things other then a kennel..but one thing i must expressly forbid is noone is to live is too dangerous..I will get you set up in a place of your will have a salary to pay for it and for anything else you you can keep your pride and have something you can be proud of that your doing * smiles and pours a second cup of coffee*
Brenda S Maier: The computer can come to the new place it can stay here till then..the new van is really a precautionary in case these people the kennel was having trouble with has seen it and knows what it looks like
Falecia Morwen: *rubs her face* Then it wont be a shelter, no point in having the living spaces upstairs. I was only there because there was some trouble at the house Alyssa and I had found to live in. Here, take a look at the list and see what you think. And I dont need a salary outside of the kennel, it pays its own way. ((ICQ it? or post it here?))
Falecia Morwen: *nods* I'll go with the new van, though it'll be the third one in a month. AS far as I know, the only person we've had trouble with was that Spiral, Raoul. Who else is there?
Brenda S Maier: * shakes her head* it will be a kind of a shelter shelter..for any kin or garou who needs to be hidden away or taken to to be healed ( you can gimie you icq)
Brenda S Maier: * her eyes turn cold as she thinks about it* there is a number of dangers in this city you have been exposed to only two..there is another..the one who shot me..he is like this Raoul..I have seen the two...
Jason Maier: ((*Sighs as his resume file is corrupted to shit*))
Falecia Morwen: *nods* I know, but did he know where the kennel was? what it was or anything like that? I know there's dangers. And I guess we can set it up as less a living space than just crash space, with a central kitchen instead of each room having a kitchen nook. Make it less homey and more like a shelter is.
Brenda S Maier: ( hugs her hunny) Fal..he probley followed you home and left a message for you of some kind...i don't know it seems his kind doesn't care who they hurt
Falecia Morwen: *nods* I knew he probably followed me home from the beach. He then trashed my van, totally.
Brenda S Maier: the new kennel will have cameras electical fences...scensor lighting..I will not have you hurt or this businees go to shit because of some stupid corrupted fuckheads
Brenda S Maier: * nods* yes seems those two have staked out the beach as there's ..that's probley the message he was stay away from the beach
Falecia Morwen: *chuckles* Thanks, I was also thinking of having some spirits bonded or whatever to alert us to baddies, I mean, all that electrical stuff is fine, but against a Spiral in war form? Plus it cant tell if someone's a bad one or good, a spirit could tell us if its a spiral, vamp or whatnot.
Falecia Morwen: *shrugs* Maybe the first time, but after that he came back and ripped my van to shreds. I dont think that had much to do with the beach, just plain enjoyment of torturing a weaker animal.
Jason Maier: Uhm, for the spirit stuff, you might want to talk to Val or Kades. They're the spirit types.
Falecia Morwen: *nods to Jason* I will, thanks.
Brenda S Maier: * nods* the electrical things will alrert us to anyone trying to break in and we can get a picture of what the person looks like for alerting the others...and the fences will slow the crinos down and give us time to leave..
Falecia Morwen: True. I see what you mean. And I was thinking that giving every person staying there a key was not such a good idea, what if someone dropped it? And it fell into the wrong hands? THat's one reason I thought of having someone there 24/7, in case someone needed in or something. *shakes her head* I dont know if that made any sense. *grins*
Brenda S Maier: * nods* Val will help I hope as you and her are related.... Kades..ehh if you can pull her out of her own little world maybe she'll help
Falecia Morwen: Also, having someone there could call on whoever is needed, say a wounded garou or kin comes in, they can send for a garou or person with healing abilities. *chuckles* That's what I did with Squib, he's becoming my garou fetcher.
Falecia Morwen: Kades helped me a few nights ago, I was almost drowned, she saved my life. I may be able to talk to her about helping in some way.
Brenda S Maier: * smiles and chukles* Fal....any ideals are helpful ..I may shoot some of them down but how are we to improve the place if we don't talk about any ideals..only you and I will have keys..for now
Falecia Morwen: *nods* I agree.
Falecia Morwen: ((I think I'll just post each idea she had written and we can talk about it, sound good?))
Brenda S Maier: Okay let's set aside the business for a moment..I wanted to know if you knew about the garou laws and about what you actually knew of Garou...I don't know much of your past and i don't want to repeat anything you might already know
Brenda S Maier: ( just email me anything that comes to mind so we can talk about more when we're online..and i mean any ideal even if you think it's stupid *G*)
Falecia Morwen: *nods* Ok, My mom was a Black Fury. I went to her Caern once in a while. But I know quite a bit about garou laws, she was a good teacher. *smiles slightly, though its tinged with sadness* There are some things I think I was taught at that caern that may be different elsewhere though.
Falecia Morwen: ((okies, will do, already sent the original list, I have a floorplan of the original kennel that can be altered again at this addy
Brenda S Maier: * smiles* it's okay..I should of had you and Val or Crys get together to meet so they could tell you of how things are here..I was taken in by Jason when I found out what I was and I was hoping they had did the same..that is a bit of my fault the well fare of all the kin here I feel falls on my shoulders
Jason Maier: ((*chuckles as the CoGgies seem to put the weight of the world on their shoulders*))
Brenda S Maier: ( ugh don't i know it..grr stupid weakness*L*)
Falecia Morwen: *nods* Dont worry, we'll get it worked out, eventually. *grins* I think it wasnt laws that may be different, just ways of thinking. Like....*looks hesitant, blushes slightly* Whats the policy around here for a kin when it comes to finding a....mate? I mean....can a kin marry a non kin, a plain mortal?
Brenda S Maier: Fal...since i wasn't brought up as most kin are..I was unknown of what i was till a year ago...I have trouble myself with there ways..I didn't fall in love with Jason and marry him becuase he was a garou and the garou feel it's a kin's duty to mate and produce little garous..i would of loved him if he wasn't ..and I feel each kin should have that freedom despite the garou ways
Falecia Morwen: *nods* Thanks, Its just that where I grew up it was quite an issue. They -insisted- that kin try to become the mate of either a garou or another kin. But.....*sighs* Never mind. Enough on that issue. ((the baby is trying to yank my hair out!! BRB))
Brenda S Maier: * nods* yes it became an issue with me and Jason also as i wasn't told in the way that was ..umm gentle..poor Jason didn't have that view and I thought he did* chukles* and I made him prove he didn't..but is your happiness that is important ..not any duty shoved down your is your life..
Jason Maier: *Smiles softly*
Falecia Morwen: ((am back *G*))
Falecia Morwen: *nods* Thanks. I appreciate it. It makes my decision a lot easier now that I dont need to consider that. And if anyone else has a problem with it they can just.....*waves her hands around in a vague motion* go eat cat shit and leave me alone. *grins*
Brenda S Maier: * giggles softly* you never had to worry about it in the first place..and that is the attitude you need here...have you talked to anyone else about this? about being Kin*prays it wasn't ever Alyssa*
Falecia Morwen: I talked to one or two people, but I cant remember who exactly. And I did worry. You get told more than half your life that because your kin its your inviolate duty to -breed- and you could only mate with a garou or kin....its hard to try to go against years of -brainwashing- for a man you've known maybe a few months.
Brenda S Maier: *nods* yes it seems the garou do do some brain washing to there Kin..makes them think this is the way things are..makes there self-esteem is quite sad and makes me angry to hear it
Jason Maier: ((My wife the crusader...*looks all moony*))
Jason Maier: ((BRB all.))
Brenda S Maier: (*g* she's the quiet crusader) * looks at Jason* do we have any umm pickles? I have a strange craving for one
Falecia Morwen: *sighs* I'm working on it. *gets a slightly evil grin, though she probably shouldnt say it aloud* Makes me kinda glad I made it impossible for Neil to breed ever again. Then he cant raise any more in his wrong way of thinking.
Jason R Maier: Pickles? Yeah, over in the fridge.
Brenda S Maier: Fal....most Garou do have this attitude..they were brought up with the same upbringing as kin..I so truely beleive people grow up with the attitude of the way they were brought up
Falecia Morwen: *hears that comment, looks at her closely and smiles widely* You go girl! Are Congratulations in order?
Falecia Morwen: ((That sentence has me -totally- confused))
Brenda S Maier: * nods and walks to the fridge and sticks her head in it* I haven't seen what's in here for weeks..umm got any Ice cream * stiffles her giggle*
Jason R Maier: ((Nurture vs Nature. Brenda ICly seems to be on the nurture side))
Jason R Maier: *Looks...well like the female conversation just took a turn into the Twilight Zone*
Falecia Morwen: *looks at Jason, Grins* Stud. *covers her mouth to smother a chuckle*
Jason R Maier: Huh?
Falecia Morwen: *laughs* Pickles.....Ice cream....Put em together when a woman craves em??
Jason R Maier: What?
Brenda S Maier: * is about to quietly bust a gut hiding her face that is turning red in the fridge from trying to not laugh outloud*
Jason R Maier: ((Welcome to 'Clueless Male 101', I'll be your instructor today...))
Falecia Morwen: (*eyes tear up as I laugh hilariously at my comp*))
Falecia Morwen: *chuckles* Dont you know what it means when a woman craves pickles and ice cream in the same sentence?
Jason R Maier: Huh?
Brenda S Maier: ( and watches Jason faint ic when his clueless mind figures it out)
Jason R Maier: Huh-uh.
Falecia Morwen: ((*ROTFL*))
Falecia Morwen: *collapses on the sofa, clutching her ribs as she giggles, barely gets out* Hiya, Daddy. *rolls onto the floor with a thump*
Jason R Maier: Huh? *looks over at Brenda*
Falecia Morwen: *smacks the floor and laughs harder, his expression just soooo funny!*
Brenda S Maier: * is trying so hard not to laugh still her face hidden in the fridge...and she takes a deep breath and peeks up and looks at Jason * okay?
Jason R Maier: Uh....yeah....uhm...did, er...ehm...*Comprehension has penetrated 85% of skull thickness*
Falecia Morwen: (( ....word! *laughs herself sick IRL*))
Falecia Morwen: *now gasping for air on her back on the floor, though she's still laughing, looking up at Jason upside down*
Brenda S Maier: * arches a brow keeping her mouth hidden as she has such a shiteating grin * Jason...* stiffle giggle* you look umm pale? you okay?
Jason R Maier: Uh.
Jason R Maier: Uhm...did Falecia she talking about me....when she said that 'daddy' thing?
Falecia Morwen: *squeels and laughs harder, her eyes running, not at all coherent any more*
Brenda S Maier: * shakes her head* no..I don't think so Jason * has to hide her head in the fridge as she's about to bust a gut*
Jason R Maier: *95%*
Jason R Maier: Oh. Well....what was she like, talking about?
Jason R Maier: *stalled at 95%*
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL!!!*))
Amber Ross: ((*Laughs her ass off*))
Falecia Morwen: *waves her hand at Jason, then wipes her face, the laughter tears clouding her vision, nods at him*
Falecia Morwen: *still flat on the floor where she'd rolled off the couch*
Jason R Maier: *Oh now he's all confused. Falecias nodding, Brenda's saying no...*
Brenda S Maier: * bites her lip and can't answer for a moment as she's collecting herself and peeks up from the fridge door is praying to god her eyes are full of tears from quietly laughing* umm..I really * stiffle giggle* don't know
Jason R Maier: Hun....why you crying....
Falecia Morwen: *rolls on her tummy and burries her face in her arms, her ribs aching now, laughing -still-*
Brenda S Maier: * blinks and is caught off guard and thinks* umm onions..umm..something in here stinks * and stiffle giggles*
Falecia Morwen: *was trying to catch her breath until the comment on onions, starts laughing again*
Brenda S Maier: ( aww shit that was suppost to be aren't not are*L*)
Jason R Maier: You sure? I mean...I thought I just cleaned it out the other day....
Falecia Morwen: *gets up on her hands and knees and scrambles for the bathroom, laughing just too hard to stand up. Trying her best to catch her breath*
Brenda S Maier: ummm ummm * stiffle giggle* still stinks
Jason R Maier: Oh. Uhm...I'll clean it out later today...what's with Falecia?
Falecia Morwen: *before she can reach the bathroom her recently healed lungs start to protest, the laughter turning to coughing. She sits up and tries to catch her breath, face beet red*
Falecia Morwen: *covers her mouth as she coughs, finally having stopped giggling, leans forward to relax her lungs*
Brenda S Maier: * ducks and wipes her eyes and tries not to laugh with Fal and peeks up at Jason* umm ..i don't know..* steps from the fridge and is biting her lip*
Falecia Morwen: *wipes her face, intermittant coughs spaced with an occasional chuckle*
Jason R Maier: *The classic dense male look is only enhanced by the head cocked to one side, like a puppy trying to figure something out* Oh.
Falecia Morwen: *makes the mistake of lookin at Jason again, tries her gaia damnedest not to start laughing again*
Brenda S Maier: * looks at Fal and stiffle giggles* oh you should seen the last time i brought up Kids to Jason
Falecia Morwen: *looses her battle, falls backwards on the floor, chuckling* I can.......imagine!
Brenda S Maier: * looks at Jason and just wishes she had a camera and is almost shaking from trying not to lugh*
Jason R Maier: Kids?
Brenda S Maier: * looks at Jason and wonders if she should count down till he faints again..wondering if his clueless mind has put two and two together yet*
Falecia Morwen: *finally just lays on the floor gasping for breath, not wanting another coughing spell, refuses to look at Jason or she'll lose it*
Jason R Maier: *...unstalled...96%*
Falecia Morwen: ((LOL))
Brenda S Maier: *looks at Jason* umm yeah you know those little adults that grow up to be big adults * has to turn her head and bite her lip*
Jason R Maier: *2+2=....3.75....getting warmer...*
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL!!!*)) *gasps out a chuckle, tries to hold em back*
Brenda S Maier: * turns her head back around* okay?
Falecia Morwen: ((what auspice is Jason?))
Jason R Maier: mean...was like...falecia trying to're....*Houston, we have a clue* pregnant?
Amber Ross: ((*giggles*))
Falecia Morwen: *bursts into giggles again*
Jason R Maier: ((Philodox. But he does suffer the occasional brain cramp.))
Falecia Morwen: ((as this player tries to read the screen through laughter tears))
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL*)
Brenda S Maier: * looks like she's about to puke from holding the laughing in and composes herself almost rather badly* i have ..noo ideal Jason..
Jason R Maier: *Absently scratches his head, soemthing's so not right here.* Hun? Are you?
Brenda S Maier: *thinks to herself this is soo priceless and tries desprately to look seriuos* am I what?
Jason R Maier: Uh...Pregnant?
Jason R Maier: ((Yes folks, even the smartest Garou occasionally make Beavis&Butthead; look like a pair of rocket scientists.))
Brenda S Maier: * wonders if weasie is rolling around dying from laughter and shruggs her shoulder* hmm noooo whatever gave you that ideal? *is on the edge of loseing it and motions to the door* I need to umm look at the water * and quickly walks out the houseboat and just loses it and lughs he ass off*
Falecia Morwen: ((LOL))*finally cant laugh any more, heaves for air looking at the ceiling*
Brenda S Maier: ( and blinks at all the typos trying to write while laughing)
Falecia Morwen: *finds a few errant breathy chuckles as she hears Brenda finally crack(*
Jason R Maier: Uhhh....
Falecia Morwen: *mutters* Too bad its not April 1st, this woulda been a doozy.
Jason R Maier: Huh?
Falecia Morwen: *has to keep herself from chuckling, her throat, lungs, and ribs aching*
Brenda S Maier: * is right now rolling on the outer part of the house boat giggling her ass off*
Brenda S Maier: * gets up and gets another thought but isn't sure if she can seriuosly keep a striaght face and peeks in the houseboat* Jason..have you seen my baby names book?
Jason R Maier: Baby names? Uh...when did you buy one?
Jason R Maier: ((okay, having rolled for a clue...Jason succeeds....frightfully well))
Brenda S Maier: * stiffle giggles trying so hard to keep it together* umm day before yesturday
Falecia Morwen: *starts to chuckle, shaking her head* more! *her voice husky and slightly raw*
Jason R Maier: Holy....*clue has penetrated 100% thinkness. Jason is now aware*
Falecia Morwen: ((Oh My!! *LOL!!!!*))
Jason R Maier: ((*Warning-next post izza biggie*))
Jason R Maier: *Jaw drops. Then...surprisingly loud for someone of his stature, comes a loud, LOUD howl of pure joy and delight. Then he leaps up, does a quick jig, and boogies around the deck chanting in a happy kinda way, "I got da fertile sperm, right here in deez nuts, Whozza man? I'm da man! I got da..." During said chanting he races up to the top of the flydeck and thumps his chest in a very masculine Tarzan testosterone poisoned kinda way* ....AWWAWAEYYYAAAW....Who's got da mighty sperm, Who's got da mighty sperm....* Flips back down to the deck, doing a little side shuffle compplete with some serious hip movement and 1 (one) crotch grab* Check the jewels, babes...lookanotoucha...
Amber Ross: ((*ROTFLMMFAO!!!* Oh....god...make...the laughing...stop...))
Brenda S Maier: * thinks she'll be sleeping on the couch after this joke is over but can't help but to giggle*
Falecia Morwen: *looses it and starts laughing histaricly again, laying on her back, an arm flung over her face*
Brenda S Maier: ( and yes this is excatly what will happen when jason finds out he's going to be a father irl someday)
Falecia Morwen: ((looses it herself and starts to laugh hysterically))
Jason R Maier: (("His Deed Name shall be....'Mighty-Sperm'...let all of Gaia's children hear and know...))
Falecia Morwen: ((*chuckle* oh no, I hope not, now if he ends up with 5 kids, then we'll call him mighty sperm *G*))
Brenda S Maier: ( jason mighty sperm two moons maier)
Jason R Maier: ((Baby names...hmm...Cliath Maier? Nah. Don;t want my kid to be a walking Veil Breach....))
Amber Ross: ((
Falecia Morwen: *finally slows down to some breathless occasional chuckles* YOu are....priceless, Jason.
Brenda S Maier: * looks at Jason and thinks ohh shit i'm am soo in the doghouse when he finds out it's was only a joke*
Jason R Maier: ((*giggles* Okay, should we try an regain a vaguie semblance of IC?))
Brenda S Maier: ( makes a mental not tell jason you are prgnate in a public place)
Jason R Maier: *Finally comes down and just...hugs his wife* Gawd...I love you...
Falecia Morwen: ((oh no, here it comes))
Falecia Morwen: .
Jason R Maier: ((*settles down*)) Hun...we're gonna have to make a nursery and decorate it andthenwe'regonna haveto get some stuffed animals and a crib and stuuf...and I wantcha to start...
Falecia Morwen: ((Hmm, where'd Bren go?))
Falecia Morwen: ((I think she got more than just a boot))
Jason R Maier: ((BRB, I'm still laughing my tushie off))
Falecia Morwen: ((okies))
Brenda S Maier: ( sniffles as me got booted)* gulps and looks at Jason* ummm umm
Brenda S Maier: * does the movie plotting i tell him the truth or lie and try to get prgnate and then later he finds out i lied and finds another woman and leaves me and the wheels are just turning*
Falecia Morwen: ((*chuckle*))
Brenda S Maier: ( no wait that's soap opera *g*)
Jason R Maier: *Looks* What?
Brenda S Maier: * bites her lip her mind going..tell don't tell him look at that cute face how can i tell him....tell him*
Jason R Maier: ((*cleans the splattered bastet blood off the dock, shotgun, trenchcoat....must maintain that "Cute" image...*))
Jason R Maier: Hun?
Brenda S Maier: * provides a big ole fake grin* yes?
Falecia Morwen: *seems to have dozed off on the floor after a sleepless night and laughing herself to exhaustion*
Jason R Maier: this like...after you just got hime, I, well, maybe not soon, many months?
Brenda S Maier: * just feel like the biggest piece of shit and just looks at him* umm ummmm * sighs* ahh boy
Jason R Maier: *Cocks his head* What?
Brenda S Maier: * bites her lip and give a soft fake laugh* uha.uha..umm know what a practical joke is * thinks okay where the fastest place i can hide for when he tries to rip her head off*
Jason R Maier: Uhh...yes dear, I know what a practical joke is.
Brenda S Maier: * looks at the lake and wonders if she can outswim him..hell how fast can a fur covered wolfy boy swim and groans to herself* umm I was having a little fun and umm thought it would umm...oh hell i'm not pregnate * starts moving to the water*
Jason R Maier: *crestfallen. That's about it.* Oh....*then he starts thinking about it* Hun?
Brenda S Maier: * is now a very far distnace backing up more with a nervous smile* uhh yes my ohh understanding husband ...the one who loves me no matter what the one who has a grat scenece of humor and just adores his wife * thinks oh god you are such a suck up when your in deep shit*
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL*))
Jason R Maier: Was it funny?
Brenda S Maier: * gives a nervous smile and shakes her head* umm no...* and is trying hard not to laugh becuase she thinks about that look he had on face is just too much*
Amber Ross: ((Yes it was!! Yes it was!!))
Jason R Maier: *Smiles* Not even the El Dense look?
Brenda S Maier: * starts to shake from holding her laugh in* umm umm
Amber Ross: ((It was funny!!! It really was!!! *Simply because it didn't happen to Dream* *G*))
Jason R Maier: *Walks over and gives her a kiss*
Brenda S Maier: * smiles* so this doesn't mean i'm sleeping on the couch tonight?
Jason R Maier: Well, if you are, you're sharing it with me.
Brenda S Maier: * chukles* I really didn't think you would react..umm so overly entusiasticly
Falecia Morwen: ((Wonders if they remember Lecia is sleeping in the living room at night *G*))
Jason R Maier: *Smiles* Well...I mean....I guess right now we're about as stable as we can get....and I mean...I'm not getting much younger...*just kinda hugs her for a bit*
Brenda S Maier: * blinks* Jason? does this mean you want kids now? ( and we'll keep the moans down in the bedroom to a minimum...jason will have to keep the howling down too*g*)
Falecia Morwen: ((*LOL*)) *wakes with a start, realizes she dozed off on the floor of all places, sits up and looks around*
Jason R Maier: *Nods* I guess...yeah. I mean...y'know. Having the place to m'self kinda gave me...time to think.
Falecia Morwen: *she stands up, notices the funny ache in her ribs from laughing, grins slightly, looks around for them*
Brenda S Maier: * now has the same face Jason had eariler* uhh derrr
Jason R Maier: *Nods* Yeah. just seemed empty....I dunno. Maybe I just need more practice?
Brenda S Maier: * Looks a bit confused* umm practice?
Jason R Maier: ((*scene: A houseboat on the lake. All it still except for the boat, rocking gently. The morning air is soft and cool....until it is shattered by a man's voice hollering at the top of his lungs, "C'mon, MIGHTY SPERM!!!!!"*))
Falecia Morwen: *just reaches the door as Jason says that, snickers* I can leave if you want to practice?
Jason R Maier: *********************************