Arrival in New York Continued and the Giovanniello "Meeting"
April 13, 2000
Tri Musillo: *the group of 7 were still eating after delivering a bottle of wine*
Silver Kane: ~the Tri were at a differnt table~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~a bit more composed then she was a little while ago, but still distracted...she sips her water~
Peter Avery: ~he steps into the resteraunt and looks around for the rest of his party~
Matthew Wile: *Matt would be eating quietly, some skill at rolling pasta in a fork and spoon action*
Silver Kane: ~looks at the woman and sighs~ we'll. We sould get going at some point.
Syntax: ~keeps her laptop actually on her lap, under her napkin, as she eats her raviolli~
Peter Avery: ~he walk his way to the table and smiles slightly~ Sorry I'm late, but an unattended company doesn't run itself
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks at Kane~ Let everyone finish teir meal first...~stalling for time~
Silver Kane: ~glances at Peter~ Yes, it does. ~smiles~
Peter Avery: [[ ~hands Nicia an 'h'~ ]]
Matthew Wile: *he crosses his utensils over the plate, and wipes lips, and folds the napkin and places it next to the plate*
Nicia Giovanniello: (~laugh~ takes the "h" and shoves it into place)
Peter Avery: ~chuckles slightly~ will amend that to I won't let it run itself
Matthew Wile: ((damm, I have to get up from my desk. I'll be back in 15.))
Nicia Giovanniello: ~does not eat a bite... just drinks her water~
Tri Musillo: ooc: *Nail's matt to his desk*
Syntax: ~finishes up as well, with food still on the plate. She pushes the whole of it, including the fork, over to Peter.~
Peter Avery: ~takes a seat but doesn't plan on eating or drinking~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *the 15 men enter filling the door way*
Silver Kane: ~looks at the door and then looks at syntax~ i say this is your fault.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~glances toward the door and the large party there~
Syntax: why? I didn't pick this place.
Tri Musillo: *the 7 men stop for a moment and almost all tighten*
Silver Kane: "Little Italy, it's a good place to visit. ~snorts~
Peter Avery: ~tosses a smile of thanks to Syn as his plan is altered~ thanks ~he takes the fork, places a napkin across his lap, and eats the leftovers~
Syntax: ~shakes her head and plays with a breadstick~ right. Funny how you get that out of.. i hear there are some good indian places in the village.
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *Rico, is hard to miss, as he stands infront of the others. His pale skin and dashing style makes him a stands out amung the other*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~"casually" watches the interaction between the two groups(Musillo's and the Giovanni)~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *he walks up to Tri's Table and points at it*
Silver Kane: ~makes a Face and glances back at the group.~ Giovanni. ~he says after a moment.~
Syntax: ~leans back in her chair and watches the show.~
Peter Avery: ~secretly hopes that this won't involve them~
Tri Musillo: *keeps eating. After a moment he points at a seat* ~Brooklyn Italian~ take a seat.
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: ~old world Italian~ "Thank you Tri. You recived my message about our differences. I suspect we can clean up this problem and Quickly"
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *he drops into a seat and motions to his men so they form a small circle*
Peter Avery: ~eats more slowly, watching the men interact~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~thinks back on how many time she been call Giovanni in stead of Giovanniello~
Silver Kane: ~shrugs and picks up his wine, pours a little ~ when your ready Nicia.
Tri Musillo: *tri's men fill in the holes as the two talk*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~softly~ Sometime next year, maybe...
Peter Avery: ~decides he's done eating, places the fork on the plate and wipes his face with the napkin~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *the men part slightly so that Rico can see the Saldare' Party then close again*
Silver Kane: ~looks at Syntax~ do i look Italian?
Syntax: ~smiles straight at the bad boy, when his goombas make the opening.~
Syntax: si.
Silver Kane: "You know Syntax, your no help. Suppose i should say somthing to Family.." ~glances at them~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~noticed the look from the other table~ Anytime is good, Michael.
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *stands and parts the men, walking over to the group fixings his clothing. He stops at the table and nods slightly to each* ~heavily accent English~ Excuse me, eh. I couldn't help but notices, you.
Silver Kane: ~corner of his mouth to nicia~ too late
Tri Musillo: *slups his pasta*
Syntax: ~keeps her catish smile on the man as he walks over, and nods as he comes up.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~slight grin at Kane's comment~ ~Looks up at Rico, giving him a slight nod~
Silver Kane: ~looks up at Rico and nods ~ "Good evening Rico. It's been , a Long time. 15 years no?" ~he seems mildly irritated~
Peter Avery: ~remains quiet, out of his element~
Syntax: ~grits her teeth in her smile to stop from ending Chrome's greeting with.. "su-ave.."~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~that was unexpected~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *He glances at Kane, a tad surprised. He does offer Syntax a beatifual smile that could crush mountians, before turning back to Kane* "Excuse me Sir, I do not recal?
Silver Kane: ~waves a off hand, ~ "Nothing. How many we help you?"
Tri Musillo: *sips his wine, he came to eat and eat he will*
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *Mild confusion shifts on his face but he plays it off* I was simply saying , Welcome to, Eh. Neighborhood. *he also displays the same smile to Nicia*
Silver Kane: ~sits back and cross his arms~ Italian~ How much?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~politely smiles in return to Rico~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *the confusion grows* ~come?
Silver Kane: ~italian~ how much do i have to pay you to leave us alone.
Syntax: ~smiles further. She knew Chrome wouldn't be able to handle a Giovanni.~
Matthew Wile: ((Back))
Peter Avery: ~watches quietly~
Matthew Wile: *trying to follow the conversation, but he hasn't studied it that much yet*
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *his smile doesn't waver* ~old world italian~ Tsk tsk.. To be so rude when Simple ones says welcome. It smacks of bad manners, and even worse temperment. It is unseemly to discuss such things infront of the ladies.
Silver Kane: ~takes a deep breath and looks to Syntax in a "handle this~
Tri Musillo: *motions for another wine and a 3 rd course*
Syntax: ~she smiles further and puts the water down. She'll secure a laptop in one hand~
Matthew Wile: *he sits quietly, attentive, but in the background, but you might feel his aura solidify around him. ~persuasion~*
Syntax: ~nods to Chrome~ ~it~ perhaps what my brother was trying to say was that we don't wish our family to be such an inconenience to you. Please forgive our beauty for detracting you from your business with Signore Musillo. And please give the Signore our regrets on this, for we see, quite easily, how it has upset him so.
Syntax: ~it might have been a little better if she had lowered her smile through some of this, but she seems older during her speech. No longer some twentysomething-er~
Peter Avery: ~wishes he spoke italian~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *he smiles with instant softness* Si, si. I understand *glances at KANE* Your Brother? You are, perhaps, Single?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~thinks her father may have been right to keep her out of the family business~
Tri Musillo: *snorts almost makes his wine spit up*
Silver Kane: ~tries not to roll his eyes.. manages to pull it off~
Syntax: ~she smiles further, enjoying this little play.~ ~it~ perhaps. As you might be, also, perhaps?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sips her water,to keep from grinning~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: I could be, but alas, I am bonded by Blood *he touches his chest breifly in an old symbol of loyalty*
Matthew Wile: *finally having caugt some of right, he thinks, he leans back a litle easier in his chair, though he ddoesn't get so familiar to drink anything currently*
Silver Kane: ~mumbles, under his breath~ I bet you are.
Syntax: ~just nods, as if that were something appreciable~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *and with that he departs to his table, or TRI's table actually*
Tri Musillo: *continues to eat *
Silver Kane: ~scans about ~ if were done? We have meeting to go to.
Peter Avery: ~completely lost~ what was all that about?
Syntax: ~she nods his farewell and picks up her water again with a glance to Chrome.~ wow, it's been a while... *G*
Silver Kane: ~looks at Peter~ An annoyance. I .. dislike Giovanni.
Peter Avery: oh.... ~he knows there has to be more to it~
Syntax: ~answers Peter~ social engineering.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to Kane...the dreaded moment has come...time to face papa..~
Matthew Wile: *Matt looks about, applying the term "giovanni" to the man, and men at the table*
Peter Avery: ~chuckles slightly~ somehow I think thats putting it nicely
Syntax: ~gets up from the table, to start everyone else moving~
Matthew Wile: *stands as Syntax does, and picks up his bag from under the table*
Silver Kane: ~shakes his head at peter as he stands~ He will and does, Buy and sell you and your kind as easily as bubble gum.
Silver Kane: "Let's go get Allsion."
Nicia Giovanniello: ~she slow to rises, but she does so finally~
Rico Pavalli Giovanni and Crew: *he waves to them as they leave*
Tri Musillo: *nods, and continues his meal*
Matthew Wile: *feeling like he needs to DO something, he makes a small bow to Rico's wave as they prepare to go.*
Silver Kane: ~waits briefly for Nicia~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to the grops at the other table, slipping on her coat as she walks toward the door with the others~
Matthew Wile: ((And my team is being sent hom e early again. I'll be back on ASAP. Matt falls into his normal position, and keeps in the background.))
Peter Avery: ~follows Syn and doesn't even look at Rico after Kanes statement, fearing he might do something wrong~
Nicia Giovanniello: (*waves* later Matt)
Silver Kane: (waves!)
Syntax: ~shakes her head and smiles at Peter~ Chrome acts like the fangs are the only ones doing it...
Matthew Wile: ((Ok. ~POOFIN~ so I can get back sooner))
Peter Avery: ~smiles and shrugs to Syn, not his place to care~
Silver Kane: ~in a more angry statement that it should be ~ No, but we should be killing them, not contacting out to them. ~sighs~ boils me i share the same blood at times. Bound by blood my balls
Silver Kane: occ:than even...
Syntax: ~glance to Chrome but doesn't say anything, just continues walking~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~glances at Kane, but doesn't say anything~
Silver Kane: ~------------------------------
* * * Continued later in Car&ldots;
Silver Kane: Il mulino è ancora lui, coperto di sterpaglia ormai sul faggio i nostri nomi e poi: "I love you". Quanto l´imbarazzo in noi, non l´avevamo fatto mai sei sicuro che mi vuoi...Poi arriva il giorno che tu devi andare via, io mi guardo intorno come un cigno in agonia. Mi mancherai, ti seguirei, me in una nuvola trasformerei, non è vivibile chiamarti e non ci sei ancora tu...e i tuoi... ...Sette di dicembre addio, alla stazione, c´ero anch´io ricordati che tu sei mio...Con il fazzoletto, mano in aria sulla scia, poi buttarmi a letto, il pianto che non va più via... ...è già così, scrivimi appena puoi che tornerai...cercarti... ...Non mi dimentico il tuo: "non ti lascerò mai" nè la canzone che hai scritto per me, ora a chi lo dirai: "All you need is love"...?...mi farei piccola negl´occhi tuoi... ...ti aspetterò finchè riavrò i tuoi...
Silver Kane: ~does not translate the song he sings in the car, nor
Syntax: ((silvia, remembrì ancora... well, that's all I remember of that, never did get the poem memorized))
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks and listens to Kane~
Silver Kane: ~it's about a WIND MILL, *LOL* and it is really really stupid~
Syntax: ~leans her head against the car window, watching the streets~
Allison White Saldaré: [I'm here, right?] ~sits in the car, looking out the window, she smiles as she watches the buildings and streets go by~
Silver Kane: ~waits for the big bad st to set the scene~
Matthew Wile: *Matt rides, just keeping quiet, absorbing info as he goes. Doesn't matter what it is, but it will be important later he is sure*
Peter Avery: ~puts his foot against the front seat, his elbow on his knee and his forehead in his hand as he catches a quick rest on the way~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~the count down she names the streets they pass~
Silver Kane: ~[least he lives in manhattan and not setite country *pokes nicia*]~
Nicia Giovanniello: (oh okay)
Allison White Saldaré: ~continues to smile, as she recognizes where they are, and memories return, she speaks softly, almost to herself~ wow, I never realized how much I missed this city...
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *ST knows enough about NYC to make himself look like an idiot. Therefore. Nicia gives direction to an obscenely expensive loft near central Park, wherein lies the familial home*
Matthew Wile: *getting the idea of the city, how it lays out, and the way the streets are set in name*
Silver Kane: ~let's nicia and Syntax out of the car~ Don't get hurt.. We have to see a few people.
Nicia Giovanniello: (~chuckle~ I know New york like I know the surface of the moon...NOT)
Silver Kane: ~[knows newyork pretty well, for a guy on his computer alot]~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~kisses kanes cheek as she get out of the car and looks up at the the building they are in front of~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~kisses kanes cheek as she get out of the car and looks up at the the building they are in front of~
Silver Kane: [syntax is looking for something so continue] ~waves to them and makes the driver continue~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smootes out her clothes and walks toward the door...where a door man open the door, greeting Nicia, obviouslyhe knows her~ (haven't been got from Newyork long enough to be forgotten)
Matthew Wile: *Matt sits as well, watching the women as they get out, and looking the crowd over from the car*
Nicia Giovanniello: ('kay) Nicia and Syn go in and over to the elevators (private maybe?)
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Doorman* Signoria. Your...friends?
Syntax: ~walks into the building behind Nicia. Taller, older, in a sharp suit, carrying a laptop in one hand, she looks like some type of executive assistance.~
Silver Kane: ~heads over to the Bicelli~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: ((*Nods* Rule # 274 of being a Don. You have your own elevator.))
Nicia Giovanniello: Doorman> It's just the two of guess, thank you
Syntax: ((bah. Rule #273 - get a nice big house in the burbs.))
Nicia Giovanniello: (~chuckle~ 'kay.. private elevator..with key I'm guessing)
Silver Kane: ~look at the others in the car, his smile fading as they drive on~
Nicia Giovanniello: (either is fine with me house appartment which ever)
Allison White Saldaré: ~continues with Kane, wonderingly~
Matthew Wile: *he sits still, watching out the window, kind of missing the look from Kane*
Silver Kane: ~room 2~
Syntax: ~they both go up~
Matthew Wile: ~R2~
Nicia Giovanniello: (heck they could have two plces..)
Nicia Giovanniello: ~silent on the ride up~
Syntax: ~holds the door so that Nicia may step out first~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to syn as she steps out and across the way to the door, pauses knocks~
Syntax: ~keeps the viao folded in one hand~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Sits behind his desk, graying hair, handwriting a note*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~will be let in by a servent, who will take their coat and what not~
Syntax: ~releases her jacket with a slight uneasiness, but shows nothing beyond that, following Nicia silently~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~removes her coathanding to the the butler~ ~italian~ Is papa home? ~informal~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: **Jeeves** Si, he is, in his office.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~butler takes their coats~ ~Italian~ yes, Miss Giovanniello, he is in his study/den.
Nicia Giovanniello: (oops, chcukle*) ~Nods to Jeeve's~ Thank you.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *A small smile and a bow before Jeeves returns to being invisible, as butlers do*
Syntax: ~glances over the butler, her eye scanning for weapons, weaver tech.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~don't look like anyone else is home right now, walk to her fathers office and knocks on the door~ ~~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *The butler didn't do it. Not even a sidearm currently*
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Muffled voice* Come in.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~knocks again, but this time will open the door~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~steps into the office~ Papa?
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *He looks up and a warm smile spreads across his face as he moves to kiss his daughter hello* Princesia, it's been so long.
Syntax: ~trails behind Nicia like a shadow~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smiles, hugs and kisses him~ Hello papa... It's not been that long, I was home in December.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~italian~ How is mamma and my brothers? ~looking over her shoulder remembering Syntax is with her~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: 5 months, is a long time to an old man.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: Mama is well, your brothers are immersed in their studies, as always.
Syntax: ~stands with hands crossed, vaio still in one hand~
Nicia Giovanniello: Papa you're not that old. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. ~indicates Syntax~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Turns and regards Syntax* You have a name?
Syntax: ~steps forward to shake Don Giovanniello's hand.~ Signore.
Syntax: ~she nods~ Syntax
Nicia Giovanniello: ~blushes a bit look at both of tem for her lslip in etiquette~ Sorry.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Shakes Syntax's hand, taking a wild guess that this one isn't from the traditional side of the family.* I ask for my daughter, I get my daughter and her friend. Why?
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Shakes Syntax's hand, taking a wild guess that this one isn't from the traditional side of the family.* I ask for my daughter, I get my daughter and her friend. Why?
Nicia Giovanniello: I ask her to accompany me, papa.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: Ah. I presume she is skilled in planning a wedding?
Syntax: ~she smiles~ New York is rumored to be a dangerous place for a lone young woman, especially when she's as beautiful as your daughter. It would dishonor our name, signore, if any harm came to her, while on her way to you, from us.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~almost winces at her father's comment~
Syntax: ~keeps her smile, thinking how she plans on passing the planning phase of her own wedding off... to Nicia and Alli~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~sighs~
Nicia Giovanniello: Papa, you know why I've come home and is not to get married.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Walks back to his desk and sits in it, heavily* Why then? Why do you come home, if not to dishonor me?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~takes a seat in a chair across the desk from her father~
Syntax: ~stands behind the chair to Nicia's right.~
Nicia Giovanniello: Facts papa... Why this deal... You've told me nothing of it. only that I an to marry.
Nicia Giovanniello: Dishonoring you is not something I wish to do...
Don Enzo Giovanniello: Nicia, have I not told you everything already? That this marriage was arranged. That this is the only option, other than the sewers being pinked with the blood of two familias. Is this what you want?
Nicia Giovanniello: Of course not papa.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~~shelooks down at her hands~
Nicia Giovanniello: There is.. more..
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *sighs* I am...sorry, that I must marry my only daughter in this way. must be done. Lorenzo will do well with a hand to guide his fire.
Syntax: ~remains silent~
Syntax: ~shifts slightly as Nicia hedges, and falls into a more comfortable position~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~swallows~ Papa, there's someting you don't know about me. ~several, but we'll work on tem one at a time~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *raises his head slightly* What is it that my daughter hides from me?
Nicia Giovanniello: Papa.. You have a... ~thanks Gaia her father is in good health~ ...
Nicia Giovanniello: You have a granson.
Syntax: ~suspense only happens when you don't know what she's going to say. Syn simply readies herself to catch anything that might find it's way flying off the desk.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~waits for his outbrust... ~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: I was not informed. *stands and drives his fist into the desk, effectively shattering it* WHY? Why must my daughter hide things? Why can she not trust?
Syntax: ~briefly shifts her vaio in front of Nicia's face to block any flying splinters~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~manages to hold her years back~ Papa,please forgive me... I know it was a mistake to keep this from you.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: A mistake? How long have I had a grandson? *electronics and suchslide and sputter, he pays them no mind*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~here's the "killing" blow~ Antonio will be a year old next month.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: A year. *sits back, uncomprehending* I have had a grandson. for over a year. You...why do you take him from me? What have I done to deserve such treatment?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~can no long hold her tears... a few trail down her cheeks~ I meant to tell you went I was home last, but when you announced my engagement to Lorenzo..
Don Enzo Giovanniello: You could not take me aside? You could not say anything? If you had told me then...the wedding could have been called off, and another arrangement made. Now, to do this, would be to make me look ineffective. I look so now, even as you inform me a year late of your son.
Syntax: ~takes a step forward at this point, as Nicia cries.~ if you will excuse me, Signore Giovanniello, but I would like opportunity to say something to this.
Nicia Giovanniello: You know now of Antonio... other arrangement can still be made.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *sits back down in his chair, looking...old* Why, why am I the don? How can I make good decisions for the family if my family does not tell me what is important?
Nicia Giovanniello: (dlp) ~cries as quuietly as she can~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Looks to Syntax* Yes, if my daughter makes decisions for me, why not her friend. Speak your mind, Signiora Syntax.
Syntax: ~maintains a pleasant smile, and nods once before continuing~ in light of this revelation, and the very brink of war both families are on that they cannot even be made friends by mediation, Bicelli's reaction will certainly be less than respectful. I offer you an alternative to what could not only be war, but great offense. Saldare will accept Nicia, even with the child, and join our two house. Saldare will also spend it's resources to find a resolution that is ameniable to Giovanniello.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: This would make Saldare a force to be reckoned with.
Syntax: ~she smiles.~ Saldare already is. But what it would do, is add a respectable daughter to our house, and bring good light to Giovanniello from something that might have cast a stain on the name. ~she glances to Nicia~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: I...would be agreeable to this. Has this been drafted to the central house?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~takes a handkerchief from her hand bag and dabs her tears dry, composing her self a little~
Syntax: ~she smiles and shakes her head~ not as of yet. I would not even think of paper, without first getting your consent, Signore Giovanniello
Nicia Giovanniello: ~a single tear falls down her cheek at Syntax's words, and Nicia smiles at her~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Stands again* Perhaps we should speak of this in the den. These...surroundings seem too..*looks at the remnants of a $15,000 oak desk*..chaotic.
Syntax: ~she nods and steps aside to let Don Giovanniello lead the way~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~stands, on shaky legs, to follow, unless waved away~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Places a warm, almost gentle hand on Nicia's shoulder* Please. I will not try to make you future without you having a say. *The fact that he already did once remains unspoken*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~she nods and softly smiles at her father, placing a kiss on his cheek~
Syntax: ~keeps a business savy look about her, holding her smile for later.~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *The den: Not quite opulent, but tastefully decorated. Patterns can easily be found everywhere, precision in everything. Exactly 12 flowers in each vase. every picture an exact distance from the ceiling, the furiture laid out in an octagon, if one were to draw lines from the backs of the sofa, chairs....*
Syntax: ~moves in and finds a seat when indicated~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~and if anyone ever wonder where Nicia picked up her eye for things being just right and in's an example~
Syntax: ~as they walk, glancing purposefully back to Nicia~ Signore Giovanniello, if you would prefer, we may push talks of our offer off until later. I would not want to detract from your time with your daughter, merely make an offer that might benefit us all.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~she will close the doors after she as stepped into the room~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Sits* Signiore Syntax, this weighs heavily on my mind. explanation of your idea, I could not fully enjoy the time I spend with my princesia.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~then will take a seat~
Syntax: ~she nods, and takes a seat~ the offer is simple, Signore Giovanniello. Saldare marries Giovanniello. Saldare will be able to make an alliance with Bicelli. Bicelli and Giovanniello will be tied as allies through Saldare. You will have us as a buffer, should one be needed, and you will gain all that we gain from Bicelli. It is a marriage through our famaglia, rather than straight through.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Raises a graying eyebrow* And Saldare gains...amore, nothing more?
Syntax: ~offhandedly~ Amore, a little peace for a while.. ~she smiles~ and ties of marriage to Giovanniello. Even with an illegitimate child, we believe it is worth it. Mind you, this may be the amore talking as well.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *smiles gently* I grow soft in my old age...I must ask how Saldare's enterprises fare in that Fox Industrial Park?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~a small grin crosses her lips~
Syntax: They fare well for the City, although I admit they can do better. It would seem, unfortunately, that Signore Saldare has his mind on things other than that business of late.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~hopes her father didn't see that article.. of cousre if anyone saw it it would have to be her "little" brother.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: Yes, there is would this affect his holdings there?
Syntax: ~glances to Nicia~ with his mind back on it's proper track, there is little doubt that the company will excel. More so when it gains it's new technology consultant.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~raises her brow a bit at that~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Nods* It is always good to hear of family success.
Syntax: ~she nods in agreement~ yes, and even better to be able to bring it for both yourself and your allies.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: The technology consultant. Any good?
Syntax: One of the best.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Nods* So. Saldare plans to unite New york under his glyph...hmm. Two cities is much to control.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~can't figure out who Syn is talking about~
Syntax: ~smiles~ Signore, we do not seek to control New York. There are families here that I can say, honestly, do far better than perhaps we might. Fox is our home. But that does not mean we cannot have allies in other cities..
Don Enzo Giovanniello: Allies are good to have. *chews his bottom lip for a moment* I would like to speak with Saldare. Can you arrange this?
Syntax: yes. And I am certain he would be interested in speaking with you as well, Signore. Who could refuse? ~smiles~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Nods* I wish to hear his words on this matter. Will you be staying the night, Signiore Syntax?
Syntax: ((signora syntax)) I will be in New York for an indefinite period of time on this matter. I will be speaking to Signore Saldare tonight about this. I can have a meeting for you tomorrow if you like.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: (("I'll be damned, the 'a' key moved...")) *Nods* Speed at this point, would seem to be a priority.
Syntax: ~she nods~ simply let me know when is best for you, Signore. I will arrange it.
Allison White: [*huggles* night]
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Closes his eyes for a moment* I have a luncheaon tomorrow that can be rescheduled, in light of this.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: ((DonHuggles*))
Nicia Giovanniello: (night Allison..*hugs*)
Syntax: Lunch then.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: I am...pleased that he will be able to meet so soon.
Syntax: ~holds up a finger a moment and flips open her startek~ yes?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~prays things are going well for Kane, and is ever grateful for Syntax's presence~
Syntax: ~phone~ tomorrow. Lunch.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~as Syn is on thephone she quietly ask her father~ Papa, would you like a drink?
Nicia Giovanniello: Or espresso?
Syntax: ~phone~ No. ~pause.~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Smiles* Yes, and bring one for yourself and Syntax as well.
Syntax: ~phone~ I'm sorry, i can't help you with that at the moment. I'm in the middle of a meeting. Please pass the word to Signore Saldare of the luncheon tomorrow.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~stands and goes to the nice little bar... disappaers behind it a moment.. comes back up with a bottle of red wine...~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~uncorks the wine setting it and the glasses on a tray and taking it back over to the sitting area~
Syntax: ~phone~ if you're available i'd like to meet later. I'll call you. ~flips the phone closed~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Pauses, waiting for Syntax to finish*
Nicia Giovanniello: ~pours some wine in a glass and handing it toher father~
Syntax: ~turns her phone off and replaces it in her pocket. She'll smile and nod to the Don~ sorry... shall we continue?
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Accepts the glass* Thank you princesia...
Don Enzo Giovanniello: I believe we were speaking of a meeting with Saldare?
Syntax: Yes. He will be there.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~looks over to Syntax~ ~pours a glass for Syntax and herself, handing a glass to Syntax, takes a seat with a glass of her own~
Syntax: ~takes the glass from Nicia~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Nods* Excellent. *sips wine*
Syntax: ~sips from the wine~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~a meeting this is a good sign~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~takes a sip of the wine~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~`looks at the wine and then takes another small sip~
Syntax: ~she plays with the glass more than drink. No need to get tipsy.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~glances at Syn, wants to ask about Kane but won't not right now~
Nicia Giovanniello: Papa, would you like to finish this meet without me? I can always go say hello to mamma.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Nods* Very well. I feel comfortable concluding at this point.
Syntax: ~she smiles and sets her glass down to rise and reach her hand out to shake with the Don's~ It was more than a pleasure doing business with you Signore, I can see already where Nicia has inherited many of her finer qualities.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~nods to both of them... smiling at Syntax...then her father~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Sets his glass down, shakes Syntax's hand* Will you need a taxi home, Signior(a) Syntax?
Silver Kane: ooc:we jumping to the lunch tomorrow ?
Nicia Giovanniello: ~setting her glass down and rising we them~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: ((I'm up if y'all are.))
Syntax: ~smiles and shakes her head~ thank you, Signore, but it's a beautiful night, I think i'm going to walk along the park for a while. I haven't been to New York in a long time.
Silver Kane: ooc:i never sleep, syntax may.. but i don't want to actually wait till tommorrow to do tomorrow, *s*
Syntax: ((you can do the lunch without syn...))
Matthew Wile: ((You got me for another hour and a half))
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Shajes his head* A shame that you cannot grace our city more often.
Syntax: ~Grinz~ I never had enough reason to Signore. Perhaps that will change.
Don Enzo Giovanniello: I would dare to hope so.
Nicia Giovanniello: ~smiles~
Don Enzo Giovanniello: *Leads Syntax to the door where the mobile piece of furniture knows as jeeves stands with Syntax's coat*
Syntax: ~retrieves her coat from the holder, and turns to offer a last shake to Don Giovanniello, and a kiss on the cheek/hug to Nicia.~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~will walk to the door as well~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~returns with a kiss on the cheek and a hug and whispers to Syn~ Thank you.
Syntax: ~whispers a reply~ your welcome, Neech. ~then leans back up and heads out the door~
Nicia Giovanniello: ~want at the door till syn has gotten in the elevator before turning back to her father~
Syntax: ~into the elevator and gone~
Silver Kane: [say when]
Don Enzo Giovanniello: ((BRB....must get....something....))
Nicia Giovanniello: (bye Syn...*hugs*)
Matthew Wile: ((Night Syntax))
Syntax: ((night guys...))
Don Enzo Giovanniello: ((Night SYn))
Silver Kane: [kisses syntax night, and waits for scene set of tommorrow]
Don Enzo Giovanniello: ((*presses fastforward* It's Tomorrow.))