New York, Bicelli - Saldaré Meeting
April 13, 2000
Silver Kane: ~when they arrive at the Bicelli's he get's out of the car~
Matthew Wile: *steps out with Kane, watching the crowd, falling back into a "body guard" type format, that he's used to*
Silver Kane: ~scans the place over his eyes working it up and down as he vfixes his clothg~
Don Bicelli: *taps keys in his office*
Silver Kane: ~turns to them~ anyone have any questions when inside, don't wait for me to come outside and then give me suggestions. Be discreat but were here to find a way to stop this war. Or see what the Bicelli's will take in response, this includes mundane and .. specail items
Peter Avery: ~walks behind everyone, breifcase in hand~
Silver Kane: ~withs that he heads into the building~
Matthew Wile: *nods and follows Kane*
Don Bicelli: **Security Guard stands in front of them with the utmost politeness** Sirs, do you have an appointment?
Silver Kane: ~looks at the Guard~ "..Yes. ~he doesn't give a name~ Hurry up and search me so we can go up and finish this.
Don Bicelli: *Nods, does the magnetic wand thing and then double checks himself with a frisk, doing the same for Matthew*
Silver Kane: ~he's got nothing, not a weapon, not a vest, his cane is not present as it in fetish mode~
Peter Avery: ~is clean, has never carried a weapon and doesn't intend to~
Matthew Wile: *clean except for his ever present pocket knife and minimaglite. And a laptop. He is wearing a vest*
Don Bicelli: **The security guard steps back, satisfied** Good evening to you, sirs.
Don Bicelli: *An eyebrow is raised at the vest* Could you remove the vest, sir?
Silver Kane: ~he looks at Matt and then heads up, matt can come later.~
Silver Kane: ~packs peter, allison to the elevator~
Matthew Wile: *stops to take off the vest. and fold it flat to slip into his laptob bag*
Peter Avery: ~unless impeded or told otherwise he'll follow Kane~
Allison White: ~steps up by the rest, waiting to be searched, she has nothing on her of consequence~
Don Bicelli: *Vest is thoroughly inspected and run through x-ray before being given back* Apologies, sir.
Matthew Wile: *will follow when cleared*
Matthew Wile: No apologies necessary. My first trip to New York. Someone suggested being prepared. *he'll leave it in the bag for now*
Silver Kane: ~smiles at Matt and closes the elevator when he's done~
Matthew Wile: *Joins the crowd in the elevator, and waits some more*
Silver Kane: ~up up and away~
Allison White: ~glances around the elevator, and the building, casually, she waits, quietly~
Don Bicelli: *the evelator opens up directly to the secretay's lounge/waiting room of Don Bicelli's office, a large oak door with gold foil lettering "Sgnr Biccelli"*
Silver Kane: ~when it opens he pauses and then steps out~
Silver Kane: ~he walks over to the secretary~ We have a meeting with Signoire Bicelli.
Matthew Wile: *lets the others step out forst, and falls in directly behind Kane*
Allison White: ~follows with the others, remaining quiet~
Don Bicelli: **Effiecent prune faced secretary*** And you are?
Peter Avery: ~brings up the rear, he's the least important~
Silver Kane: ~"Don Michelo Saldare' here from Don Vitti. ..~he looks down at her, clearly dismissing her pressence~
Allison White: ~she glances at her watch and adjusts the purse on her shoulder and continues to glance around briefly, as if almost bored with the secretary~
Don Bicelli: *Looks, checks. Everyone thinks they have an appointment. Seems surprised when he does. Harrumphs.* You're 5 minutes late. Get in there.
Silver Kane: *he stops and turns and walks over to the Secretary. He leans on the desk, so that it strains and cracks under near man weight* "Excuse me.."
Matthew Wile: *Matthew stands, looking a the secretary. An easy smile on his face, and the charm of the all american boy about him*
Don Bicelli: **Madam efficiency looks up and is rather shocked** Yes?
Allison White: ~RAE at the secretary and then crosses her arms and waits to follow Kane in~
Silver Kane: "I was under the Impression you spoke Disrespectfully to me. What's your family name again? ~he askes the Secretary~ I'll be sure to ask them how they are trainging their help..Obviously [str+intimadation 7]
Silver Kane: ~he leans up off the table, the way you do by pushing down first so that is snaps~ Inform Don Bicelli I'm here.
Silver Kane: "Get up and do it."
Allison White: ~she stands there and watches and waits, a small smirk comes across her lips and then goes back to a more serious look~
Don Bicelli: **Gulp** B..Bicelli, Signore Saldare. No disrespect w-was intended. Signiore Bicelli becomes...anxious when his appointments are l-late, especially these days...forgive me, signiore?
Peter Avery: ~waits patiently~
Don Bicelli: *Goes and does*
Silver Kane: ~he steps in after her, homid again~
Allison White: ~sighs, but not audibly, she adjusts her suit and waits~
Allison White: ~and follows after Kane~
Silver Kane: "..Obviuosly no disrespect was Intended. I'll make no mention of it ~coyly~
Matthew Wile: *steps in behind Kane, Allison, and Peter, and silently closes the door behind them*
Don Bicelli: **Now entering the inner sanctum of Don Bicelli. Tastefully decorated, three sides have leather couches, above each is an oil painting with subtle Walker overtones. The room is domionated by the polished white marble desk of Don Bicelli**
Matthew Wile: *moves up behind Kane again, taking his place. he stands, the big bulky bodyguard*
Silver Kane: ~scans the room slowly, but leaves others to pick up the things he misses.~ Don Bicelli, So nice to meet you finally.
Allison White: ~stands in position, and waits, a polite smile on her lips, she holds her hands at her side~
Matthew Wile: *looks about with an eye to the hidden*
Don Bicelli: Don Saldare. You I have heard of, and know of. Are these your associates for this meeting?
Silver Kane: ~he moves forward to shake his hand~ These are my closest associates. My Daughter, Allison, My Right hand, Matthew, and MY Left Pietro..
Allison White: ~glances at Don, respectfully, looking him over just slightly, and the area behind him and infront of him~
Matthew Wile: *bow of the head as he is introduced*
Silver Kane: "Josepi is delayed, but togetther, we hope to give you what is neccessary to end this ..Problem you are having with the Bicelli's.
Allison White: ~smiles pleasantly to Don Bicelli~
Don Bicelli: *Nods* I feel, frustration with this. I am...a businessman. What DOn Giovanniello does. Is not good business. He attacks me, and then forces me into a marriage. It is...bad business.
Silver Kane: "May we Sit?
Don Bicelli: Of course, sit, sit. Be comfortable. Refreshment?
Silver Kane: ~he smiles ~ yes, it's not good business, It's even worse since i would like to Marry Don Giovanniello's daughter. So, What will it take for you to end this war? I have a plan of sorts but i would like to hear yours.
Silver Kane: ~holds his hand out~ no, Thank you. Other may..~freeing the others to move about~
Matthew Wile: *waits for the others to sit, and will takes Allison's things as she sits, and places them with his bag*
Don Bicelli: *blinks* Ah, so there is amore at stake as well now. I see. *sighs gently* At this seems the families are to be consolidated under the Bicelli name. But that will change when my daughter comes of age.
Allison White: ~smiles and nods to Don Bicelli~ thank you ~spotting carafe's of drink near the wall~ Please, allow me? Would you care for anything, Senor?
Silver Kane: ~motions for Don Bicelli to continue~ Lay it out for me please, I think it's time we thought both Don Giovannillo, and Don Vitti a lesson.
Allison White: ~she walks over to the drinks glancing around the office as she goes, taking care not to be obvious, but to look over everything. she pours herself a bit of something, adding ice, she glances around still as she takes a sip~
Don Bicelli: Hmp. If I could truly comprehend their methods...I would not be where I am now. *he touches a key, and a map springs to life in front of him, areas of blu, red, and yellow* The blue were our holdings, the red theirs, the yellow neutral.
Don Bicelli: *He touches a key, and the colors begin to shift, the yellow disarreaing and thing lines of red begin inserting themselves* This was, a month ago. *More changes, back and forth*
Allison White: ~sips at the drink, watching the map, and glancing about the room still a moment or two more as she turns back to the drink cart, and then back to the map~
Don Bicelli: ((*disppearing, I said*))
Matthew Wile: *sits, but having chose a seat behind Kane, and in between him and the door, he stands back up to look at the map more fully*
Silver Kane: ~takes a critical look at the map, `[lighting clac] doing a mental calcualtion of power and territory control. ~[int4Military science 3(7)] To see possible consilidation poiints, logistics, "this would make a great Stadium. -Wits3+Streetwise 2(5)] To see what neighborhoods and possible development places that would be beneficial of the areas. And [Int+politics](5)To see the political and physical ramifications that man come up in control area~
Don Bicelli: And now, the current situation. *the red area has easily doubled in size, and the pattern seems to be repeating*
Allison White: ~watches the map, and purses her lips slightly and then moves to walk around the chairs, seemingly looking at the map, but still checking out the office, and then settles in a chair, looking at the map~
Silver Kane: "..I see. He has no reason to sue for peace, he contorls it all, but if you marry, then he get's what you own in about oh 5 or so years, makign the Giovanniello total in control of the area..
Matthew Wile: *looks at the map, something just doesn't add up to him.* ~mutters in thought~ It's too regular.
Silver Kane: ~Naturally kane doesn't see this pattern, he's a walkers, walkers are weaver. All walkers have patterns.~
Silver Kane: ~nods, looking at the map~ Pattern? ~looks at the don~ "..Clearly he's in control.. Has he been working with the Giovanni or is he clean?
Don Bicelli: Hmph. He sues for peace because his support base is declining in the higher ranks.
Allison White: ~watches the map, glancing at the don and Kane, and matt, and peter, and then back to the map~
Silver Kane: "Good Plan those..Take what they can take, then leave those who are still loyal to the Bicelli's Loyal. Tie the Familes togehter and in a while "poof" Werer actually Giovanniello .. and totally in control..
Don Bicelli: He has Wise Guys,
Silver Kane: Why? ~confused slightly~ If he is in control and clearly ahead, why is his contol slipping. Eager young bucks think they can do it better?
Don Bicelli: Elegant. Yet...a disaster for those who wear the name Bicelli.
Silver Kane: ~smirks ~ Of course he does. Someone has to have a purpose for all those ahroun.
Don Bicelli: *Nods* Young wolves, see and old wolf. They look, but they do not understand. the many angry voices cry out, drowning out the reasoned one.
Matthew Wile: *listens, and crosses his eyes to see both sides of the map, but not he map itself, just how the colors turn*
Allison White: ~listens to the conversation as she looks at the map and then sits back in her chair and takes another sip of her drink~
Silver Kane: ~flexes his shoulders~ Ok, Here's a plan, But I have to get a way from the Marriage arranged for me. If Saldare' allies with Becilli, you will have Resources, and Weaver Tech, not to push the war, but to make more money. With this you can buy off the wise guys, the'll spin to the biggest spender. Why, becuse if i marry nicia, I will be part of the Giovannillo so why will not be locing any control there..
Silver Kane: The I go to Don Enzo, and Give him my support.. Against his young bucks, A few contracts of control and pieces and that will make sure that they need to keep him alive or I or you will get control.. Means you need better body guards..
Silver Kane: "Use a gradation scale of Pull back to peace time lines, using Chaos Balance Enterprisess as the Go between..
Don Bicelli: *the map dims, so that the face of Don Bicelli can be clearly seen* You have a marriage arranged, yet you need to...get away from it. You wish to provide resouces to me and marry Nicia? Which gives you inroads to both families.
Allison White: ~glances at the wall, a pretty wall, a very pretty wall~
Matthew Wile: *has a habit of muttering to himself his ideas* Switch the brides?
Silver Kane: ~leans forward~ Don Bicelli, I want To marry nicia. I do not want anypart of your family. We can have a standard terminating 5 year contract, leaving me with no more than i had before, just monetary.. I will sign it right now.. I want none of your family, i want mine
Silver Kane: [blinks at Syntax's plan. damn double mind]
Allison White: ~glances over to Matt, and then takes another sip of her drink~
Matthew Wile: *goes back to listening, hoping for more information to add to the growing nebulous cloud*
Silver Kane: ~absentyl~ Don vitti is in control of Bride number 2. I have no power to stop it unless I can achieve success here .. Offering 3 strong Houses over a 2 possible weak and falting non trusting connections.. I will Win.
Don Bicelli: *Nods* 5 year contract?
Silver Kane: ~he doesn't mention the fact that the House Saldare would be a crushing power for a while~ "..With this, we can move Don Vitti away from the God Father, and Install Us at his ear.
Don Bicelli: There is still the matter of the other bride.
Silver Kane: "On my word as a Philidox, 5 years, I will Be a full elder before the Ink is dry, and Don Vitti will not have a leg to stand on, the Wise Guys will reap Wonderfull and heafty profits and in 5 years if you say.. End contract..It ends.
Silver Kane: ~he smiles~ if he forces me to marry, the Wise Guys will have no Money. The Reason he gave me to marry, money.. Would be useless to him, and no wise guy will turn away money.
Allison White: ~continues to listen, putting the picture together, looking for holes and places where this could backfire...but she doesn't know enough about the family business to really find any but obvious double dealings~
Silver Kane: ~[*L* lot of double dealings]~
Don Bicelli: *Nods turning to Matthew* You are...his bodyguard?
Matthew Wile: *quiet, tentative, but stronger as he finally speaks* Excuse me?
Matthew Wile: Don> Yes sir.
Allison White: *sets down her glass on the coaster on the table next to her and folds her hands in her lap, and sits up straight, continuing to listen, but not be seen*
Silver Kane: ~falls to silence~
Don Bicelli: Matthew>>You speak of switching brides?
Matthew Wile: Yes sir. This man as I understand it is contracted to marry a woman. But this man also wants to marry a woman that is contracted to your family. So, if you are to allow signiore Saldare to marry Miss Giovanello, then perhaps you might see it as being responsible for fulfilling signiore Saldare's current contract and supply a groom for that marriage, and gain alliance with two houses instead of one.
Matthew Wile: ((Sorry, typing slightly slow, 2 nurnt fingers tonight))
Matthew Wile: ((nurnt=burnt))
Silver Kane: " before. Don Vitti controls Mine. It's a family Debt he called in, [it's actually a GIFT *L* i'm not kidding] he has to end it, no one else.
Allison White: ~her mind wanders over something which causes her to frown slightly, the thought, pushed back and the present matter quickly replaces it~
Silver Kane: ~waits silently to see what Don Becilli response is.~
Don Bicelli: *Seems, while not pleased, at least lukewarm to the idea* You have excellent taste in bodyguards, Don Saldare.
Matthew Wile: *goes back to thinking, niot having enough info to find the correct path*
Silver Kane: "..Yes, Thank you. so, do you agree? We can have a preliminary injunction redied, andI can have the charts and plans finished on the plane on my way to Milian to see the GodFather..
Don Bicelli: You are off to Milan? I presume Don Vitti will be...Don Vitti.
Silver Kane: "yes. What would you rather have. Don Vitti, gaining more power and arbitrary calling in Family debts or Your self and your own family gaining more power.
Matthew Wile: *goes to looking slowly about the room, the tumble of sights lletting his mind start to fragment, and spin through the possibilities*
Joseph Hesch: *Rides the elevator up*
Allison White: ~reaches over and picks up her drink and takes another sip and sets it back down again~
Don Bicelli: Don Saldare. I wish to consider your plan this evening. I will speak with my associates and gather input from them. Will you be leaving for the old country immediately?
Matthew Wile: ~muttered~ fosterage?
Silver Kane: "..No. I supect i and .. bodyguard have to put down a few Objections in the giovanniello. I have to leave for Milian weather or not your agree, a day, maybe 2..I would hope we can speak about this..All three of us then.
Joseph Hesch: ~Ding~ *Steps ou... feeling uncomfortable in these nicer clothes. to resrictive. Looksa round slowly for the others or any clue as to which way to go*
Silver Kane: ~glances at Mattew~ Stop speaking out loud unless you have full explained sentences.
Don Bicelli: And what do Don Saldare's associates think of this?
Matthew Wile: *nods* Yes sir. *he shuts up. Great Matt, piss of a couple of Dons. So how could a fosterage work?*
Silver Kane: "I am not a mind reader, but you will see it's a good plan. I make no promises for them, but as you consider the plan, then I will neogatiate it and well.
Don Bicelli: **The secretary looks at Joseph** Saldare appointment?
Joseph Hesch: *Nods* Yes Ma'am.
Silver Kane: "You are still two independent Houses.. Only when your confilicts aries between you two Will Saldare be called in, and then, It would be as if the Godfather himself were giving orderers, and were not going to dsiagree with those anyway.
Don Bicelli: **Secretary walks and knocks** Signiore Saldare? Your other associate has arrived. *Wow, talk about a 180 with the attitude*
Silver Kane: ~looks at the door then the Don~ If you so pleae.
Joseph Hesch: *Follows her to the door waiting to be let in*
Allison White: ~stands, turning towards the door, sees it's joseph and smiles and nods to him politely and then settles back into her chair~
Don Bicelli: *The Don nods* Let him in, Angelina.
Joseph Hesch: *Enters the room glanceing at everyone then takes his normal stop next to the door standing*
Joseph Hesch: [[ normal spot.. that is if he can ~L~ ]]
Matthew Wile: *nods to Joseph*
Silver Kane: ~introduces him~ This is joseph..Part of my security.
Silver Kane: "So,m Don Becilli, do we have a tentetive agreemnet?
Don Bicelli: *Nods* Is he as bright as your other security?
Don Bicelli: Tentative, yes. I would like to see a working agreement by tomorrow, if possible.
Silver Kane: ~stands bringing the meeting to a close~ Jospeh? Joseph is mechanically inclined and smart. Bright does not always mean light bulbs, that's matthew.
Silver Kane: oh, Do you know the main faction or person giving Dpn Giovanniello trouble?
Don Bicelli: *Considers* I would have to look into the matter.
Silver Kane: ~nods ~ Thank you. By your leave .. ~he waits~
Don Bicelli: Of course, Don Saldare. We do need to rest occasionally.
Matthew Wile: Sirs, may I ask one possibly two more things?
Silver Kane: "If only ~he sweeps his hands around and moves to the door~ Ciao
Silver Kane: ~dlp~
Silver Kane: ~motions to MAtt to speak~ go on.
Don Bicelli: *Looks to Matthew attentively*
Joseph Hesch: *Keeps his non-cleanable hands well hidden no need to give the worng impression*
Matthew Wile: Something about your map sir bothered me. It seemed to....patterened. Is the information on the map verified accurate, and is it possible the the infirmation has been falsified to seem like the territories are more solid than they really are?
Don Bicelli: It accurate as possible.
Allison White: [[still here but fading]] ~continues to listen and remain quiet, as she has nothing to say, nor nothing she should say~
Matthew Wile: *bows* Thank you for indulging my questions sirs.
Joseph Hesch: *Looks to the map but has no idea about maps. so keeps quite*
Silver Kane: ~IF that's matt only question he nods again and steps to the door~
Matthew Wile: *it is, he holds Allison's things out to her, and prepares to follow everyone out*
Allison White: ~she smiles to the Bicelli politely~ it was a pleasure meeting your, sir ~turns and gathers her things from Matt~
Joseph Hesch: *Will step out at the most operton time*
Silver Kane: ~heads out of the door when all is said and done~(if ya gots to bug out, do so now, KAne's heading to the giovanniello's)
Joseph Hesch: [[ insert post before last one ]] *Smiles to the Don* A pleasure Sir.
Don Bicelli: *Nods* Of course.
Allison White: ~moves out after Kane [[and is bugging out]]~
Matthew Wile: *Matt will turns as he closes the doors to the office behind their exit. Activating ~persuasion~* Thank you for your time, and consideration sir.
Matthew Wile: ((Here for some time still.))
Allison White: [[*huggles* all, and wavers]]
Joseph Hesch: [[have to do somthing rigfht quick... will be back shortly tho]]
Matthew Wile: ((AFK for a sec))
Silver Kane: ~heads down the elevator and down~
Matthew Wile: ((Back)) *moves with Kane*
Silver Kane: ~moves to room one, waits for jason'e entracnec~
Matthew Wile: ~R1~