Challenge in Milan
April 17, 2000
* * * NOTE: "back dated scene to the weekend of April 15-18"
ST: **************************
ST: ((*Rushes about, making last minute adjustments and such*))
ST: ((As a warning: may be a little slow tonight. On the laptop, listening to Avs game on streaming audio. hence comp is slowed slightly.))
Michelo Saldaré: --is about--
ST: **Setting: Courtroom, Italian style. 2 Elders sit on each side of the Grand Elder, wearing dark robes with runes woven in lightly in gold thread. The Grand Elder sits, the only Klaive in the room in front of him**
Michelo Saldaré: ~sits in his designated spot.~
Syntax: [[echo.]]
ST: *The Grand Elder bangs the klaive down calling the court to order* For the record, state your name.
Michelo Saldaré: "Michelo Saldare.. Athro Philidox..
ST: *Nods* State your petition, Michelo Saldare.
Syntax: ~sits next to Chrome, decked out in way more vinyl, and way LESS vinyl, than normal. For those who have ever wondered, yes, the tattoos DO cover all of her. Kinda wierd the way it just draws your eye to her cleavage. Yeah, she's got that too. Her arms are free from the sleeveless top. She's got a full vinyl-leather trench that's slung over her chair back.~
Michelo Saldaré: "My Petition is 3 fold... -ryha. It deals with the cessension of Hostilities in the New York Area, and my These Dealings , I have attained enough reknown to be so Honored and feel Gaia's light of Truth for these actions. In Doing so, this would enable I to achive the Honored Title of Grand Elder, and in so doing, saving the House a Debt no longer needed.
ST: And you have brought witnesses to support your claims to reknown?
Michelo Saldaré: ~he sweeps his hands~ The only Witness that count, My pack.. but due to a glitch in the Wyld, aka the Weather, they will arrive staggard
ST: And are there members of your pack here now?
Michelo Saldaré: ~he nods~ Syntax.., I'm sure His Honor has her records.
Syntax: ~grinz wide and thin on metallic painted lips. Her coon eyes a determined purple and grey, shaded with actual skill.~
ST: Yes....we do. Her deeds are known. Syntax, make your statement for this court.
Syntax: ~stands, and makes a stance that's pure ego, topped with just enough Monkey Wrencher to flavor.~ Y'r Honor. ~nods~ Authenticated and verified.
Michelo Saldaré: ~the scene is in Milan, Kane has summoned all of you to Milian, no, you all do not need passports if you don't have them becuse you can be gotten thru several method. For somet this is your first, maybe last time in _THE_ glasswalker central house. Italian is the language of the moment~
ST: *strokes his beard* Would Syntax care to be more specific?
Syntax: [[We're NOT in NYC? hmm.. Okay. Syn's got a passport: Regina Zucchero]]
Matthew Wile: ((Here))
ST: ((*Looks around* Okay, who forgot to tell Syntax we're in Milan?))
Allison White Saldaré: ~enters quietly, head slightly lowered, she wears a long cream, sleeveless dress, with brown flowers, and a cream loosely knit sweater and cream colored strappy heels, the front of her hair is pulled back loosely in a gold clip and she wears the amber pendant on a gold chain around her neck~
Nicia Giovanniello: (nicia is not here, player is archiving)
Syntax: K. Integration of two contrary nodes and Non-PKed points enough to Level Up.
Syntax: ((Nicia-p, the dynamic rooms archive themselves.))
Michelo Saldaré: ~he turns to the back courtroom and motions for Matt and Allions come forwards quietly and respectfully~
ST: *The 5 Judges whisper and converse among themselves for a brief moment, before a young looking page is called to translate Syntax's statement into Italian*
Matthew Wile: *Matthew arrives wearing black slacks, a white collarless tuxedo shirt, and tasteful black hevlar vest, topped by a simple longcoat, and off the shoulder atache/laptop bag*
Syntax: ((sorry, to note, syn is saying this, in italian.. mostly. The slang is just slang.))
Nicia Giovanniello: (Oh okay, then I'll just be nosey)
Allison White Saldaré: ~nods to Kane, and steps forward, head bowed slightly out of respect and rank placement, she moves towards him quietly~
Michelo Saldaré: ~"You'd think someone would know tounges. It's a Homid gift after all-internal critism to boster self~
Matthew Wile: *walks forward, having been under big guns before, not as big as these, but size doesn't reallt matter when you're staring down the barrel at point blank*
ST: ((The slang's what's throwing 'em. The ST had to look at that for a sec, whaddya think 5 old farts are gonna do?)) Very well. Would you care to add anything to your statement? Without the...colloquialisms.
Syntax: ~nods~ yeah. I think he's been dicked over enough to rate a brief reprieve. ~winks, takes a slight bow, then sits~
Allison White Saldaré: ~she goes to the others, and remains silent, not really looking around, she listens intently to the other, getting a feel for the pomp and circumstance, and emotions~ [empathy3]
ST: *A brief murmur/titter sweeps the courtroom*
Michelo Saldaré: ~makes himself feel better thinking of the Caniption fit they must have when a City Farmer wants his rank~
Matthew Wile: *moves to stand where indicated, or lacking indication, behind Kane*
ST: *Places are indicated, first row, behind Kane. The arrivals are noted and passed to the judges* Matthew Wile?
Matthew Wile: *looks up to the judges directly* Yes sirs?
ST: Your Pack Alpha has made claims to Reknown, basing them on his actions in New York. Do you stand behind his claims?
Allison White Saldaré: *she remains seated, with her knees and ankles together, back straight and head slightly bowed, listening* [etiquette 2]
Michelo Saldaré: ooc(repost)ST: **Setting: Courtroom, Italian style. 2 Elders sit on each side of the Grand Elder, wearing dark robes with runes woven in lightly in gold thread. The Grand Elder sits, the only Klaive in the room in front of him**
Matthew Wile: Please forgive me, I do not wish to offebd you by failing miserably at speaking your beautiful language, so I must speak in english. I stands behind my Alpha, and applaud his actions in New York. Yes, I stand behind his actions.
Joesph Hesch: *Is were he is sposed to be... tries is hardest to understand all the italian*
ST: *They all nod in unison* Allison Saldare. You stand behind the claims?
Michelo Saldaré: ~knows it's not this simple. It's not like one expects one's pack to say. Nahh, he lied, he's a sucka~
Allison White Saldaré: ~rises gracefully, heads still slightly bowed and nods, her speech is strong and confident~it~ Yes, sirs, I do.
ST: Joseph Hesch. Do you have anything to add?
Allison White Saldaré: ~when she is no longer addressed, she sits back down, assuming same position of etiquette as before~
Joesph Hesch: *Stands as Aliison does to show the respect he has for the men* Only that I beleive he is fit, and will surive the postition well.
Michelo Saldaré: ~plays with his thumbS~
Allison White Saldaré: *looks at Kane's back, and watches it absently while she listens*
Matthew Wile: *sits liek he's at the barber's, still as a statue, and calm, slow un-noticeable breaths*
ST: *They confer for a few moments* Michelo has made his petition. His pack supports him. Michelo's methods leave something to be desired. That we will discuss at a later time. For us to feel comfortable with Advancing Michelo, we should like to know that his pack is worth having an Elder at the forefront.
Michelo Saldaré: ~stops flipping his thumbs and takes a breath.~ Now the hard part.~
Joesph Hesch: *Sits when needed and waits listening*
Matthew Wile: *that's the hook, the one that gets caught in the craw. He'll of course be the failure in this test. Should he step out of the pack now? Concede the challenge to Syntax? No, he doesn't quit like that.*
Syntax: ~tries not to lounge TOO much. Adjusts her halter top with a slight shimy to get her breasts in a more comfortable position. She's hardly subtle about it.~
Allison White Saldaré: ~doesn't react, her mind starts to go over things, and she tries to prepare her mind for what may be asked of her~
Michelo Saldaré: ~glancs around and then stares at Syntax chest.. cause she made it so damn obvious~
Syntax: ~makes an offended face at Chrome and crosses her arms over her chest, to cover the cleavage he's now staring out.~
ST: *Michelo's not the only one taking a peek*...Each of you will be presented with a challenge. Succeed. *A page is called, the Klaive is wrapped and given to him. He then rushes out a side door*
Matthew Wile: *continues to watch the "judges" trying not to be obvious about scrutinizing them. It's easy for him to avoid looking at Syn, it's just not attractive to him*
Joesph Hesch: *He can barely hear... his heart raceing so fast it's all he can hear... his cheast sinks... in his head he beings to hum calming his nerves*
Michelo Saldaré: ~shrugs and gives syntaxs his best "Dirty Old Man™" wink~
Allison White Saldaré: ~she sits and waits, not moving, not really looking~
Syntax: ~her glance follows the paige out the door, wondering where the klaive is running off to. Just makes another 'you're sick' face at Chrome.~
Michelo Saldaré: ~does a little shrug again and looks back at the judges~
Joesph Hesch: *Waits... a few bars escape his lips and he quickly stops. counting the moments. His fathers voice running thro his head*
Matthew Wile: *keeps part of his mind on the proceedings, but starts to get his mind in mental high gear for any challenge that he can think of*
Syntax: ~has NO fear that she can do their challenge. Even if it ends up being some stupid Wise Guy thing. She's seen all the Godfathers.~
Allison White Saldaré: ~waits~
ST: *The page nudges Syntax, indicating her presence is requested in the Judges' chambers*
Allison White Saldaré: ~finally she glances a little to the page and Syntax, and realizes this is a one on 3 thing and nibbles on her bottom lip a little and then stops and moves back into her position~
Joesph Hesch: *His mind clears... new thoughts of engines... and horse power.... enter his mind*
ST: *The Grand Elder stands* Michelo Kane, you will report to the disputes chamber. Now.
Syntax: ~Looks at the page like he's a fly she's letting know she can swat for doing something like that, and gets up. Adjusts the top again, cause it just doesn't cover like her normal stuff. She'll head off into the judge's chambers with a wink to Chrome.~
ST: *More than a few heads follow the vinyl as it disappears to the chambers*
Michelo Saldaré: ~he shakes his heads and slips out his kane. Taking off his jacket and steps off to the "Disputes in Progress " chamber~
Allison White Saldaré: ~refuses to think about what they are having Syntax do in that outfit and refuses to think about what they are going to have herself do, she just sits and waits~
Syntax: ((*LOL*))
ST: *The elders' gaze returns to the rest of the pack* Now then. You will all be taken to a...location. You will have 4 hours to return to this house.
ST: ((Language lessons. Let there be not a shadow of a doubt.))
Allison White Saldaré: *thinks about why they are taking Syn out of the pack...and the 3 claiths that are going to attempt this challenge, she rises confidently, but still not looking up to the elders she nods in acceptance to the challenge*
Matthew Wile: *starts to absorb that info, the challenge seems doable, as long as it actually can be done in four hours*
ST: You will bring proof of your travels back to us. You will know these items when you are near them.
ST: Do any of you have any questions?
Joesph Hesch: *They will have to work as a pack without thier leader. That will be the true test. Stands ready*
Michelo Saldaré: ~disputing. Claws first~
Allison White Saldaré: ~raises her gaze slightly~itl~ any restrictions?
ST: Look to the Litany for your restrictions.
Allison White Saldaré: ~nods~
Joesph Hesch: We go as we are?
ST: You have what you need.
Joesph Hesch: *Nods, knowing the answer already. better to make sure tho.*
Matthew Wile: *starts to think contingencies, allowing for discussion, and need, he begins to formulate his plan of attack*
ST: ***Transport is by a covered truck. Anyone attempting to peek out gets a view of....another truck.***
Allison White Saldaré: ~goes as directed, suddenly wishing she wore a different outfit, but will make due~
Allison White Saldaré: ~starts to mull over the whole fashion trends of women and thinks about making her own~
Joesph Hesch: *Doesn't try to look out. Closes his eyes trying to get a feel from his other sences.*
Allison White Saldaré: ~looks down at her shoes and thinks that she could have at least worn different ones...then remembers all the stupid movies where the damsels in distress all wore skirts and heels....sighs softly~
Matthew Wile: *breaks out his laptop, and while he travels, he begins to keep track of the time, and judging the speed of the vehicle by the sound of the engine, and as he goes, taking into account turns,a nd general feeling of direction, get an approximate of the distance travelled*
Allison White Saldaré: ~continues to look at her outfit and then smacks herself in the forhead, she takes her backpack and unzips it and takes out a pair of sneakers and shorts, and begins to change in the truck, in that way that women can change an entire outfit without revealing a thing~
ST: After a time, the road becomes...less even. Bumps and rocks, you;re not on pavement. Dust flurries in*
ST: *Finally, it stops. The tailgate is dropped, and each of you is...invited to exit*
Allison White Saldaré: *glances at her watch and takes out a scrunchi and ties her hair up, puts on a sweatshirt and shoves the dress and heels into her backpack, rummaging through it to find anything else that she might need, she takes out her cell phone, her palm pilot, her wallet, some hair pins and clips and her little pen light and keeps rummaging through*
Joesph Hesch: *Hops out with the others studying the area they are in*
Allison White Saldaré: *she takes out some more stuff and shoves it all into her pockets and then climbs out with some grace and effort, and then puts the backpack back on her shoulders and climbs out*
ST: *The area is a broad field, bright and warm in the late afternoon sunshine. All in all a nice place for a picnic. The driver speaks* 4 hours. Enjoy.
Matthew Wile: *climbs out, closing the laptop to get out, he looks about. then opens the laptop, and tries to match the current terrain to a topographical map of Italy he was perusing inthe truck. ((How long was the ride?))*
Allison White Saldaré: *smiles to the driver* Thank you. have a good evening *she turns and glances around*
ST: * The truck drives off in a cloud of choaking dust and swirling wind*
Joesph Hesch: [[ have to head home now... will return in 20 or so ]]
Allison White Saldaré: *as the truck drives off, she looks at the tracks that it leaves, if any and if they came from the same direction that it is heading*
ST: *Waits on player actions and such*
Matthew Wile: *looks about, turning in a slow circle* Ok, suggestions first?
Allison White Saldaré: [reposts] *as the truck drives off, she looks at the tracks that it leaves, if any and if they came from the same direction that it is heading*
Allison White Saldaré: *she shrugs to Matt* which direction?
ST: ((*pauses to do the Avalance win the game dance*))
ST: *The truck tracks lead off into the distance. Watching it, you see it turn left and onto pavement, speeding up as the rumble fades away much too quickly*
Allison White Saldaré: *shrugs to herself and starts trucking to the paved road*
Matthew Wile: Well, first we need to find the direction the city is in. But we travelled about fourty five minutes in the truck. We probably can't walk in on foot. How bout through the umbra. Can't we just step in, and step out somewhere else?
Matthew Wile: *walks with Allison, shrugging a backpack out from under his coat, and putting the laptop bag in it*
Allison White Saldaré: *looks at Matt* have you ever done that before? besides, we are supposed to pick up stuff along the way...what do you think the average speed of the truck was?
Allison White Saldaré: *she makes her way to the road, she glances around and looks left, the direction the truck went in, and right, the direction the truck could have come from...she looks at the area that the truck left and entered on, to see if it is the same direction* [perc 3 alert 2]
Matthew Wile: Not really, other than comming back from the cyber realm. But it deemed like Kane chose where we came back to. And the tough part is the items. And how are we supposed to feel what they are? I'm not sure about teh spped. I can usually know how fast I'm going in my car by the sound, but not the trucks.
Allison White Saldaré: *she looks at the tracks in the dirt, or ground where the truck turned off of the pavement and into the field*
Allison White Saldaré: *nods* well, 4 hours doesn't give us a lot of time, does it...we could do step over and run in our fastest form and not worry about being seen, but we still need to know which way to go.
Matthew Wile: *shifts down to lupus, this isn't a time to be less the 100 percent willing* ~WS~ maybe find the scents of the truck,a nd see where it stops. I'm gonna go fifty feet in these three directions. I'll be right back. *Matt tries to pick up the scent of the truck, and see where it stops in the two directions, other than the obvious one it just went*
ST: *Truck took a different direction when leaving, the tracks tell you that much.*
Allison White Saldaré: *looks left and then right* Ok, so it came from that direction, pointing to the right, and left in that direction, pointing to the, they either ran us in circles beforehand...or turned left to fake us out. I'm not going to pretend to understand their psychology, so, which way?
Matthew Wile: *comes back to Allison* ~WS~ We could follow the trucks or backtrack them. We might be able to run it as wolves, till we get to a city, or find a car we can boost.
ST: (('It is good that you attempt not to discern the ways of the ST, for there lies madness, my children....'))
Matthew Wile: ~WS~ I might say follow them. They should at east be heading to some urban location, and we can get a car from there and kake up the time.
Allison White Saldaré: *glances around* we just need a road sign, or some kind of marker, so lets just go the way the truck came from, and we'll see if we can find any indication as to where we are *nods and glances around again, and when she feels it safe, she shifts to lupus* ~WS~ stay away from the road, let's parallel it until we come to a possible turn or sign.
Joseph Hesch: *Scratches his head*
Allison White Saldaré: ~wolf shrugs~ which ever, I'm just looking for a marker of some kind.
Matthew Wile: ((kake=make)) ~WS~ right. *steps off the road, and falls in next to Allison and their other packmate, and run the road*
Allison White Saldaré: ~turns and looks to Joe~ ws~ any suggestions?
Joseph Hesch: They said we would feel the iteams we were looking for when we got close... i say we move till we "feel" them
Allison White Saldaré: ~in this form, she scents the air, for the congested smell of the city, and of large populations of people~
Matthew Wile: ~WS~ Right, so after the trucks it is, and keep alert for the fel of something. Then when we find it, we can check from the umbra and see if we can dfeel it over there. We might be able to make better time then too.
Michelo Saldaré: [glasswalkers in the umbral wilderness *shudders*]
Joseph Hesch: can we ask the spirits were the road is? or something like that... maby were the wyld is? *Thoses out random ideas... umbra and spirits arn't his thing*
Allison White Saldaré: *nods to Matt and glances at Joe, she moves away from the road, staying well away from the sight of passerby's, but close enough to spot signs and markers*
Allison White Saldaré: *looks over to Joe as she moves*~WS~ we'll do it if we have to, but spirits aren't exactly cooperative, it takes convincing, which takes time. So, we'll try this, but if this doesn't feel like it's working, than we try something else.
Joseph Hesch: *Quickly removes his clothing and shifts to lupas then picks up covering clothing in his mawl and follows the others*
Allison White Saldaré: *the run along side the road, sniffing the air, watching the road and for any signs of civilization or indication to where they are, senses fully alert*
Joseph Hesch: *Lupas is diffently not his favored form... he takes a few steps remeber how to step then falls in*
ST: ((And so the incredible journey begins.....)) *After a good 20 minutes of walking, you see an occasional car, a house here and there, the fields coming to life as the spring planting begins*
Matthew Wile: *runs with his pack, thinking as they go, a rythm to the gallop in his head helping him keep his thoughts rolling*
Matthew Wile: ~WS~ I got an idea. One of us can hop into the umbra, and read the data flow in the phoneline, and see where it's heading.
Joseph Hesch: ~WS~ why don't we just go to the house and ask....
Allison White Saldaré: ~smiles and almost chuckles, she shifts back up to homid, and looks at Joseph~ that's a good idea...I'm game.
Matthew Wile: ~WS~ Oh sure, do it the easy way. *even now he has to use humor to keep the shadws of defeat at bay* Allison, you speak the best italian. Would you do it?
Allison White Saldaré: ~nods to Matt~ sure, wanna come with? you know, us damned american tourists? ~chuckles~
Joseph Hesch: ~WS~ i'll wait here and prance around... get used to this form...
Matthew Wile: *shifts up* As you wish. I can play bumbling american fool. Joe, how do you wanna do it? Keep awtch, or join us?
Joseph Hesch: ~ws~ try not to wait to much time... get the info and leave...
Matthew Wile: Al right. Keep an ear open. Call if you need us.
Joseph Hesch: ~ws~ I'll watch... lets move...
Allison White Saldaré: ~skips down the way towards the road, wanting to reach the road and approach the house, that way, on the way to the house, she looks at any mailbox or anything of the kind to see if there is any indication of house number or street name~
ST: *Rt 12, Numero 16.*
Matthew Wile: *He moves along with Allison, watching for people, and possible available modes of transportation* You know, I wish that chicken farmer hadn't dropped all those cages back there and told us to get out of his truck.
Allison White Saldaré: ~shrugs~ we'll make it to Milan, don't worry...the problems with back packing across europe ~smiles, points out the route and number and then goes up to the house and knocks or rings the bell~
Joseph Hesch: *Keeps hidden... or tries... keeping watch on the other two*
Michelo Saldaré: [waves to the others. Do well, heading off now.]
Matthew Wile: Yeah, I just hope that chicken farmer wasn't taking us the long way. *slides his backpack off, and looks to break out his laptop when there's a chance*
ST: ((Okay, folks. Due to that unfortunate thing called work, I gotta call a halt to the scene here. We pick it up tomorrow, as soon as I get home from work.))
Joseph Hesch: [[ ok adios ]]
Nicia Giovanniello: (laters Kane-p..*hugs*)
ST: ((Which will be....about 5 pm Lime time, RTD willing))
Allison White Saldaré: [[yup, thanks Jason, I was about to call it quits myself]]
ST: ((*Grumbles* Just as it was getting to the 'damned interesting part' too.))
Allison White Saldaré: [[*huggles* Kane and Joseph, and Nicia, and Jason, and Matt and ...then goes to bed]]
Matthew Wile: ((Night Kane-P. Ok, ST. I'll be on. That's work time for me.))
Michelo Saldaré: [[it's called SUSPENSE jason..leave em hanging.. for those who want to know, I won the match , in 3.5 seconds...]]
Michelo Saldaré: [[4.5 actually.. couting the pissing by the other guy]]
Nicia Giovanniello: (good night and *hugs* to those leaving)
Michelo Saldaré: ------------------------------------------poof--------------------
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Don Vitti - Don Michelo Saldaré Challenge...
April 17-18, 2000
ST : *Standing in the challenge circle, is Don Vitti. Obviously not a happy camper.*
Michelo Saldaré: ~takes of fhis things, working them slowly, using his eyes to observe his opponent. He waits for the rules of the challange as they are as imporant as anything else~
ST : In this challenge, there will be no death. To kill your oppponent is to kill yourself.
Michelo Saldaré: ~rolls up his sleves and looks at Don Vitti, then to the master of the Challange ~ anything else -ryha?
ST: No weapons other than what Gaia gives.
Michelo Saldaré: ~nods slowly~ "..Alright. ~finding it very open. ~There's going to be a nasty . When ever your ready Master of the Challange.
ST : *Don Vitti steps into the challenge circle, already in Crinos. The Master of the Challenge Looks, Vitti nods*
Michelo Saldaré: ~barely glances at Don' Vitti. Stays in Homid. Looks him up and down~ "..Always thought you were a bit small Vitti..
ST: ~GS~ That is not what your wife told me, Saldare...
Michelo Saldaré: ~can't even be botherd to smile~"..That's just so cliche i cannot even begin to comprehend that ..
ST : It's what you deserve.
Michelo Saldaré: ~waits for the master of the challange~ Oh, by the way , Vitti.. ~sniffs~ ..You stink..
ST : *The Master looks to you somewhat curiously, wondering just what trickery is afoot*
Michelo Saldaré: ~waits for him to say go, Just patient and focused~
ST : *Looks a final time* Go. ((*And the ST saith, 'let there be initative'*))
Michelo Saldaré: ~he looks at Don vitti at the go, and draws himself up, suddenly becoming everything of the Rank he's seeking. His form explodes into motion, but it's not combact motion, it's a backhanded slap~[spirt of the fray] "You should read more of your Reports Vitti, becuse I have been thru the silver River of hell [take the True Form-dropping Vitti to his breed form] I am not your Equal, you are below me.
Michelo Saldaré: ~the room is hot, his body is almost the silver Luna loned Gaia, rage controts his face, controlled rage at being abused and used. The3 Roaring flames take over, releasing him upon his foe~
ST : (([spirit of the fray] *the hand is nearly deflected. Vitti remains in crinos, snarling and aiming a swift kick* You should have stayed there, whelpling.
Michelo Saldaré: ~he drops down suddenly, turning to he side so that if it hit he's not maimed, but then leaps up~
ST : ((*checks* Yup, took a whole round for Vitti to frenzy. I hate my dice at times.)) *As vitti is enveloped by outer flames, his inner flame takes control and he twists angrily out of control, wanting nothing but gore and ick.*
Michelo Saldaré: (*LOL*9 8 1 10 9 7 8 )~last rage action, is to rage up into a JAW LOCK~
Michelo Saldaré: ~having jaw locked his frenzing opponet he becomes Gaia's warrior, a fearsome terror[Rollover]r~
ST : *Don Vitti immobilizes, and his eyes glaze over in the terror of a pup. Yes, he begins pissing all over the place*
Michelo Saldaré: ~keeps a hold of him, immobolized and frozen and waits for the master of the challange~
Michelo Saldaré: ~having proved without a doubt why Philidox's rule the glasswalkers inside and out~
ST : *Immobilized, frozen in fear, Don Vitti is an easy target for the Master of the challenge to forcibly calm and remove from the area. Directly to the shrinks couch.* I hereby declare the winner of this challenge to Be Michelo Kane. Let it be recorded.
Michelo Saldaré: ~stands and in not too apporiate fashion, Howls his victory to the masses letting the rage calm its'elf. He had harder challanges fighting Fomori~
Michelo Saldaré: ~thanks all present and goes to get his coat and cane, didn't even break a sweat~
ST : They all give appreciative gestures and give hopes that his pack does well*
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Continuation of Milan Scene... Not available.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~