A Talk Ending in Milan
Michael "Silver Kane" Saldare, Fiorella Rosso
April 21, 2000
Fiorella Rosso: __________________
Fiorella Rosso: [scene: Fox Sheraton Hotel]
Silver Kane: ~waits eeven more.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~parks the black Jag outside and glances all around before walking, with hurried steps, towards the light of the lobby~
Silver Kane: ~looks thru the news paper again~
Fiorella Rosso: ~pushes through the doors, headed straight past the desk to the elevator banks~ **She's wearing black, an elegant color. Floor length with a high, straight neckline, it has two spaghetti thin straps that cross between her shoulder blades. It leaves the whole of her back free to show soft skin and the line of her backbone as it plunges down into the waist, itself dangerously suggestive. Both suggest that the thick silken fabric is all that touchs her skin. She is wearing black pearls around her wrist and neck and hanging singly from her ears. Her fiery hair has been pulled into a bun, itself held with a thick mesh of the black pearls. A pale green pashmina, almost the shade of her eyes, drapes about her shoulders and almost hides the small black clutch purse she carries in a hand.**
Silver Kane: ~looks up at the doors and then stands waiting, he's the only one so he should be easy to spot, leaning on his kane~
Fiorella Rosso: ~pushes the button several times, as if that would call the elevator sooner. Her eyes glance about the lobby and move back to Kane. She closes her eyes and sighs, and just pushes the button a few more times.~
Silver Kane: ~he waits, not approching her yet , but his look is of one who waits. An odd patience seem s to hae settles about his shoulder, a touch more life~
Fiorella Rosso: ~Dio, the last thing to deal with tonight is this. This after the last, her eyes closed, the ding of the elevator startles her~
Silver Kane: ~still waits~
Fiorella Rosso: ~steps into the elevator and pushes the floor and door close. He's not here for me. It's just a coincidence.~
Silver Kane: ~he looks at the elevator doors and then to Ms Rosso, when they close he walks to the front desk and leaves yet another message, after a 5 minute pause.~ "Ms Rosso, this is SMichelo. May we speak?
Fiorella Rosso: ~picks up the phone out of habit, and that damn inability to let it ring, even though it startles her to ring~ ciao, rosso.
Silver Kane: "..(says above)
Fiorella Rosso: ~sighs~ what do you want?
Fiorella Rosso: ~takes her pashmina and folds it as she rests the phone receiver between her ear and shoulder~
Silver Kane: 'I would like to speak with you Miss Rosso
Fiorella Rosso: fine, fine, va ben'. Come up already, let's get this over with. ~hangs up and expects him.~
Silver Kane: ~he moves up to her room, not hurried, fast enough~
Silver Kane: ~knocks~
Fiorella Rosso: ~opens the door and walks back towards the room, offering a small bottle from the mini bar~ drink?
Silver Kane: ~he nods ~ warm burbon please.
Silver Kane: ~he looks about, not having an eye for anything ~ may i take seat?
Fiorella Rosso: ~poors him a cool vodka. The mini bar is not well stocked.~ Here... ~offers the drink and pours one for herself.~ will it require you staying that long?
Silver Kane: "..I suppose not Ms Rosso `being polite to a fault~
Fiorella Rosso: ~waves a hand~ then go ahead. ~drinks the contents of her cup in three swallows. The need for air stops it from being just one~
Silver Kane: "Are you alright? You do not see well..
Fiorella Rosso: ~remains standing with a slight backwards lean, one arm folded across her waist, the other using it as a prop. The empty glass plays in her hand.~ ~it~ what did you want to talk about?
Silver Kane: "Ms Rosso, I am, no matter what you think, Very concerned about your welfare, simpoly becuse you are here.. N o obligations neccessary. Won't you tell me what wrong?
Fiorella Rosso: are you my husband? no? then I will not... ~moves over to the bed and falls into a seat with a little less control than she should have had~
Silver Kane: ~he sighs~ "..I would tell you that we are waiting for the Godfather's decision. That is all, I was away in Milian, Senor Vitti, is under .. Phscatric care.
Fiorella Rosso: ~raises her eyes in concern~ Don Vitti?
Silver Kane: "yes don Vitti.. he .. WEll, He needs it
Silver Kane: "The , How much do you know about our structure Rosso?
Fiorella Rosso: ~finds this news in more disconcerting, and just rests her face in her hands and cries. Today, today has seen too many things for her too even care what she looks like in front of Kane.~
Silver Kane: ~he sighs and walks over to her, laying a meaty hand on her back~ I'm.. i do not know what to say.
Fiorella Rosso: ~leans on his shoulder and just cries for a few more minutes.. because she's been pushed on someone who doesn't want her, because she's trapped in Fox, because that man tonight scared her almost as much as Kane in crinos, and because the one man who could save her of all this, Don Vitti, is not well.~
Silver Kane: ~sighs and holds her tightly, offering comfort and a shoulder~ I have always been thinking of your welfare.. I don't think anyone else has.
Fiorella Rosso: ~doesn't even wish to argue that his concerns have been his own, or else she'd have been married and back in Milan. But she's tired, and her arms and legs and muscles are tired from this evening in the car.. she shivers without being able to stop herself.~
Silver Kane: ~holds on to the shivering woman and sighs~ "..I suspect your ordeal will be over soon, and you can go back to milian and forget this backward county of hatefull americans. I am sorry
Fiorella Rosso: ~leans back up from Kane, brushing her eyes~ thank you, signore, but you've only drawn it out further.
Silver Kane: "..All i can say i'm sorry. It will never be enough
Silver Kane: 'But i waited to tell you that. That is all..
Silver Kane: "I know you dislike me. But I would have liked to be FRiends, Just becuse, i felt we were both pulled intot this.. but alas, you do not like me ... ~msiles`
Fiorella Rosso: ~sighs, crossing her arms over her chest~ you should marry miss giovanniello. You are american, it will get you out of your obligations.
Fiorella Rosso: ~I dislike you because you've lied to me. Because you alone treated me as if I were some poker chip, covered with anthrax... she wants to tell him this, but says nothing.~
Silver Kane: ~he opens his mouth, then closes them, then shakes his head~ "..I was going to marry miss giovannillo3 before. For love. Don Vitti changed that.. He's in "CAre" becuse he should neve have called in the debt.. the Godfather was a bit upset, as were others..
Silver Kane: ".. So, I am at fault in my own way for wanting to preserve my own life, and not be a toad for a incorrectly called Debt. That is all well. I can only say i am sorry to you miss Rosso, and I wish you would spend somet time in our fair city.. Forgive me.
Fiorella Rosso: ~stands and moves back to the minibar~ then do so. Do so tonight, signore. You have proved Don Vitti to be out of his mind, it will only be time before you prove the family debt worthless as well. Get married now and bring that to The Don. You cannot be married if you already are. ~rifles through the bottles~
Silver Kane: ~Sighs~ i didn;t do it, Others did it after Don vitti Frenzied. I did nothing but submit my proposal to the central house for Rank. ~turns to go~
Silver Kane: ~he knows better to argue with someone who's mind was made up~
Fiorella Rosso: ~she turns, annoyed with all of this stupid words of his that only makes this worse.~ `it~ Yes! yes you are at fault. Why is the dept wrong? Because it inconviences you and your mistress? What does it harm your life? What? You come here to tell me you want me to spend time here, and you wish to be friends, and have said in similar words you would kill me rather than marry me. Do not ask for forgiveness, I'm not going to give it if you do not mean it.
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ and i Do Not want to stay in this city for this. I have been nothing but a poker piece for you, a large one that is too heavy to carry... I have been nothing but poker pieces or bothers to everyone in this damned american city. I am ONLY staying because the House has asked me here.
Silver Kane: "Good night ms Rosso. Welcome to the Real world. I wonder who you will marry next. I suppose we will see when when don Vitti is proved ..somewhat competent ~pauses~ how did your last husband die, and Just who recived all the money he was making? I bet Don vitti's office has a lot of things your last husband did? (which is true mind you)
Fiorella Rosso: ((Don Vitti, her father, and half a dozen other Dons...))
Fiorella Rosso: ~throws the small bottle at him.~ ~it~ how dare you! At least he didn't kill himself rather than be with me. Don't mumble about debt if you spend all your energy weaseling around it. Marry the wench or have her killed, already. Stop complaining.
Silver Kane: ~he doesn't block the bottle~ "How did your father die? the truth hurts doesn't it?
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ he died in a challenge! How DARE you insinuate otherwise! ~her eyes narrow~ I can't believe the House even listens to you... you've obviously been corrupted by this place. Scoffing at family debts, having Don's committed because they make your mistress unhappy... and making all these accusations. I know your last wife killed herself, and now your new one is a child. You are what is wrong with this house. Get out! I hope you meet with an accident!
Silver Kane: ~she shouldn't have gone there. That is Always, will alwasy too far for anyone and it's instantly apparent in the shift in his demoner.~ He start to stride to her~ My .. ex mate and child.. it's a defining pause
Fiorella Rosso: ~keeps a defiant and infuriated look, even as she steps backwards from him. She will die in this bastardly city, and it is all Kane's fault.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~it~ what? You don't like the insinuation? Then don't throw them at me!
Silver Kane: ~he reaches out and grabs her, it's sudden in a not to violent way and it's by anything he get's ..hair, arm, jaw, anything at all~
Fiorella Rosso: ((likely arm, as it's the closest part, and easiest to grab..))
Fiorella Rosso: ow! ~she yanks her arm, attempting to regain control of it~
Silver Kane: ~he shift to crinos, Silver, 9ft and steel fur~
Fiorella Rosso: ~yanks back hard enough to dislocate her arm as she tries to get away, her eyes are huge and wide, the fear apparent.~
Silver Kane: ~he just holds her, doesn't yank or move or do anything until she calms down. Nothing at all~
Fiorella Rosso: ~struggles a great deal, hurting herself further, and whipping herself into a near flipping out state as she tries to get away from this horrible monster that won't let her go.~
Silver Kane: ~continues to hold, actually would have held her more securely and immoblile if she was totally freaking out, using weight and arms so that she is still~
Silver Kane: ~G~ Stop. If i wanted you dead, you would be.
Fiorella Rosso: ~just breaks down, her arm in pain, her mind far past flipping out, and her body just too tired for all the adrenaline it's pumped today. She drops in a lump, her arms still held, and just cries~
Fiorella Rosso: ~cries further as It growls at her, pulling into as much of a ball as she can without one arm~
Silver Kane: ~English~ Stop. IF wanted dead. Would be.
Fiorella Rosso: ~eventually simmers down to a childlike whimper, the large 9' silver, spiked, monster asking her to stop... is half incentive to stop, half a reason to cry further~
Silver Kane: ~he never shifts down, just sits there, pretty much all night, letting the Furnace of his own flames burn away. He knows better than to shift down and go home with this~
Fiorella Rosso: ~closes her eyes and just endures the seconds that turn to minutes, the minutes that turn to hours. Eventually flips out again, as the minutes cause the suspense to grow, and as It just doesn't go away.~
Silver Kane: ~actually, more ant the "Hour " Mark, he shifts her and himself to Milian, (good part about having time to just sit there, is ritual) and in Homid, leaves her in a Guest room in the central house.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~then freaks out somewhere around the hour mark, her mindset being helped none by finding herself half a world away, in a strange and unexpected place, with only the closes on her back.~
Fiorella Rosso: ((clothes))
Silver Kane: ~closes the door and steps out~ at this point ant time, he finds her too sheltered to survive fox.
Fiorella Rosso: ~curls into a ball, feeling more like an object now, than she had before Kane walked into her room~
Silver Kane: ~leaves a message that Ms Rosso is in (that room) he doesn't want he back in his territory if it can be helped. he doesn't feel like being breated by some random kin forced on him by an insane metis garou who can;t control himself. He Feels for the Kin, but neither does he have to put up with her mouth, until after the Godfather's ruling~
Silver Kane: ~he makes anothe request to make sure the kin have at least seen a garou in crinos before, or emotional stable when they do. Hard to talk to them that way when they are in delerium. Thank the clerk and heaeds for the moon bridge again~
Fiorella Rosso: ~when her senses finally return, in the crinos's absence, she will try and find someone of the house to talk to, not even knowing anymore, with papa dead, and Don Vitti jailed by some trick of Kane.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~and begs, in a fashion quite scared, and quite unlike her, that they never make her go back. Openly fearful that Kane will kill her, after his threats, and the way he threatened her in crinos. Claiming he's at least half insane, the way he belittles a family debt because it bothers his mistress, and makes light of the house, and the Dons who would call any request from him that didn't immediately benefit him.~
Fiorella Rosso: ~and the way he keep treating her like she was some shadowlord kin. House Rosso should have nothing to do with House Saldare. She'll call her brothers to plead the same.~
Silver Kane: ~fades~