The Pit
June 3, 2000
* * * The Battle Zone where this scene begins.
Silver Kane: ~sits in his ofice, loads all the drivers. Wonders to hell who's can use the bow he made. any3way~
Silver Kane: ~summons garou~
Lotus: ---adds ambience--
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «arrives in good time, trying not to be the first but making sure he is not last. He enters whistling»
Sven Tuverak: ~he walks into the zone ready and prepared to go~
Joseph Hesch: *Reenters the the zone*
Alexander DeZarn: *He walks through the front doors and up to the office*
Sven Tuverak: ~blinks as like alot of peopl enter behind him and shrugs~
Akane Sugimori: *waits where she came not moving yet*
Joseph Hesch: *Follows the others towards Kane*
Silver Kane: ~his office is open and his plants are on the table. HE waits with them ~
Syntax: ~heads out of the conduit~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «heads to the office and waits to hear the game plan»
Axel Brooks: *summoned, walking in slowly, carefully*
Lotus: *12 Guys are in KANE's office. They file out as the other arrive and a few waver to Joe. 8 of the 12 have a PB of the Get of Fenris and they move past the other without saying a word*
Sven Tuverak: ~stays out of the way of the team and steps into kane's offive. Stands off to the side with a node to Kane, Syntax, then Alexander and finally Jake.~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he nods to the Get» Evening gentlemen «he grins»
Alexander DeZarn: *He nods to Kane and looks around*
Syntax: ~watchs the Swiss Weightlifters Guild quietly, taking up "position" a little behind and to the side of Chrome, leaning against the wall.~
Akane Sugimori: *she will be seen to peel of the wall and walk towards the meeting place*
Joseph Hesch: *Nods to the Get he meet the other day... he no longer wears the bruises they gave him the other night... He stands next to the door watching all that enter*
Axel Brooks: *Intimidated? Yep.*
Lotus: *The 12 move out of the zone*
Megan Wallace: * comes in and looks around *
Silver Kane: "Alrigt Folks, you know the place inside out. You've been memorising for days. Now, question, any of yuou can use a Bow?"
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he enters the office with a nod to Kane, Syntax, Alex, Sven. He still smiles»
Lotus: *they do not answer JAKE, but a more then a few lower their head in respect of his breeding, and of Alexanders too, not so low however*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She walks into the Zone.*
Megan Wallace: * quickly steps out of the way of the people walking out*
Akane Sugimori: *She enters last, does not raise her hand to the Question of the Bow*
Alexander DeZarn: A Bow? As in a Crossbow or Longbow?
Joseph Hesch: *he can't even use a gun... muchless a bow*
Sven Tuverak: ~has horried Britney spears songs stuck in his head, and finds the horrible truth behind having a perfect memory, the ability to NOT forget crap like that.~
Syntax: ~shakes her head.~
Silver Kane: "I've Got arrows, So i have a Composite bow and a Cross bow strengthed by a Structural Gemonid, but, all i've got is a lot of arrows"
Megan Wallace: * slowly walks to where the others are gathered having been away for awhile feels a little out of it*
Silver Kane: (changes for readability)
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She smiles and gives welcome to her leaving Brothers, looking around for the meeting of people.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he shakes his head slightly» No sir...
Alexander DeZarn: I can fire a gun, crossbow can't be much different. *He knew he should have listened more to his father*
Joseph Hesch: *Looks over Magen with cousion.. not knowing her*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She sees the group of familiar people and makes her way towards them.*
Megan Wallace: * stands quietly looking over everyone*
Silver Kane: ~he flicks his eyes at Megan and then looks at Sytanx who he nods to , then Alexander~ Alright Walks the Stroms Edge-Yuf, Your leading this bunch. ~glances at the others~ If you don't know what they can do, now's the time to ask, you have a 2 bashes, 2 galliard , 3 ahourns and 1 theurge. You have sashi being medical and I, and Peter running oversite here. I have Sub vocal mikes And mini camera's infused with 1 nights worth of use (talans)
Sven Tuverak: ~he locks eyes with Megan and let's the Elders's speak as he moves toward her~ "..Should you be here?" ~he's direct~
Megan Wallace: * just prays she doesn't wack out like she did last time *
Syntax: ~glances around the group, doubly glad that she's going if she's the only theurge.~
Akane Sugimori: *Moves to block Megan's exit is she is not approved, but otherwise says nothing else*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he nods as Kane rattles off the details»
Megan Wallace: * cocks a brow at Sven* and who are you?
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She walks up to the office and waits outside to be sure she is allowed in this and has found the correct night and group.*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks over the lot and knows what most can do. He drops his black duffle bag and roots around in it for a second*
Silver Kane: ~his head shake is almost imperceptable, but he backs them off the young Galliard with a shake (~ that being MEGAN~ "She's Fianna Gallaird, young.
Sven Tuverak: ~his snear is almost enough to want to care but backs off at Kane's look~
Akane Sugimori: *still doesn't move*
Alexander DeZarn: *He pulls out a pair of night vision goggles, rangefinder binoculars, a silencer for his gun and a leatherman before zipping it back up* Are we ready?
Syntax: ~glances at Alex's silencer, but is a good little girl, and refrains from speaking any of the several 'cute' comments she thinks of.~
Silver Kane: ~looks only at Alexander now~ I have 20 bane arrows, that Cause never miss their target and cause bane's horribel pains. I have 5 Slaggers, when actived releas4e a destructive Fire spirt that few can stand against, I have a Single Phebe's Veil, that hides you from normals and Spirts except Touch and Moon Glow, like in your last mission it insures a safe passage, once. I also have a spirt whistle, that cause pain to all spirt in the area.
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he removes his coat, exposing the sheath on his back» I'm ready
Syntax: ~holds her hand out to Chrome~ I think I should have the Whistle... ~glances around, but isn't expecting disagreement~
Joseph Hesch: *Shrugs... has nbo weapons or anything special... just himself... maybe he should get a big crowbar to bring next time... Nods to Alex*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits outside the door.*
Megan Wallace: * yawns and stands there just listening*
Silver Kane: "..The first team just left. In about 1/2 hour, they should be 3 teams of 4 men strong hitting the Wyrm pits, that leaves You all to enter thru the the water , you'll have to handle a boat. ~he points at the 3-d Map ~ Your mission is to go down. Sven and Peter has gotten us inside visuals. Your goal is total neutralization. No one leaves. So while the other soften up the top, your going in, Reinforments will be supplies as neccessary.
Alexander DeZarn: *He nods and takes the stuff* Syntax have the spirit whistle. You will know best when to use it. Sven, you have the Phebe's Veil. Jack and Ven, two Slaggers each. Split the last one as you see fit. *He looks for the bow to fire the arrows*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he nods~ excellent «he takes what he is given, letting Ven have the third»
Sven Tuverak: ~steps forward and get's the Veil. He slips on the golden pendent with the shape of the moon and tries to attune himself to it~
Akane Sugimori: *Silent*
Alexander DeZarn: ((Did Akane say if she can shoot a bow? I missed it?))
Syntax: *sticks the whistle in the only "pocket" she has.*
Silver Kane: ~he let's them work out displace ments, there is a Composite bow and a cross bow, and the Sheeth with 20 arrows~
Akane Sugimori: ((she never said))
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She takes the Slagger and looks it over.*
Silver Kane: ~he points at Megan~ She's your extra gallaird.
Silver Kane: ~slaggers or at least these slaggers look like litmus paper, slightly red~
Megan Wallace: * cocks alittle brow at Kane* umm excuse me..umm sir..I hate to umm well i'm a thurge...not much of one but eh
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks to Akane* Can you shoot a long bow?
Akane Sugimori: *she respondes with downcast eyes* I am sorry Alexander-san, i cannot, Forgive me.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She puts the paper in a pocket.*
Silver Kane: ~arches an eyebrow~ well, there you go, theurge. Why don't you introduce yourself megan so that we are all sure what exactly you are.
Syntax: ~glances off to Akane as she does the meek thing again.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He waves a hand* Don't worry. *He looks around* Who can shoot a gun well? I can manage the Longbow if I must.
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he pockets of paper and waits for the next speach»
Sven Tuverak: "Not me -ryha. ~makes that damn clear~
Megan Wallace: * nods a little* okay I'm just megan wallace fianna theurge * looks like she's unsure of whatelse to say so just closes her mouth*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She shakes her head no. She can fire, but she is not a skilled marksman.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he shakes his head at the gun comment, still smiling» Not I sir....
Silver Kane: "Alright. I now leave you to alexander ~shoves the mikes and such forward.~ Thrust your instincts and your Alpha, use the mikes only to speak with me or if one of you are seriously cut off, your garou, not Navy Seals.
Silver Kane: ~looks at MEgan again~ Rank would be good.
Alexander DeZarn: *He hands out the mics and looks at Kane* You said the arrows will not miss, is that correct?
Joseph Hesch: *Takes a mic and sets it up... feels odd on his adems apple*
Akane Sugimori: *she fingers her sai's and sword. They will come in handy*
Syntax: ~takes up one of the sub-vocs and puts it in place, adjusting the velcro so it fits right.~
Akane Sugimori: *she takes a mike and slips one on like she's used if before, bunching it up in her hair so it's almost hidden except at close range*
Silver Kane: "Once you activate it, and manage to get it out of the bow, no, They never miss.
Sven Tuverak: ~he looks at he mike, watches syntax put it on, then follows he actions. ~
Megan Wallace: * nods and thwaps herself mentally* oh sorry just a cliath
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She puts on one of the mic, having used these before once or twice.*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks around* Joe, how good are you with a gun?
Iachemir Zazdragovik: «he takes the mic and follows the example for putting it on»
Silver Kane: [technicals, Targett Gnosis::arrows, gnosis 4, Whistle, gnosis 8, , VEil-7, Slagger- 5]
Joseph Hesch: I'm not...
Megan Wallace: * looks at a mic like it's a foriegn object and looks around*
Akane Sugimori: *stands ready again*
Silver Kane: ~he falls to silence, hands the mission over to alexnader~
Alexander DeZarn: *He nods and takes the Longbow, crossbow and the arrows. He can't believe a Walker can't shoot a fucking gun. He secures his mic on and looks at everyone* Are we ready?
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She stands ready.* I can shoot gun, if no one else Alexandar-yuf.
Syntax: ~leans off the wall.~
Joseph Hesch: *Can't beleive a higher ranking Ahroun isn't versed in more weaponry... and can't listen asking questions 2 or 3 times... Waits for the lead... ready to kill*
Akane Sugimori: *one single word* "Hai"
Megan Wallace: * looks at Alexander* i've practice shooting but if someone else wants it
Silver Kane: ~wonders how hard it is to shoot arrows that don't miss ~((laughing my ass off here))
Alex DeZarn: I will hold it until needed. *He checks the bow and then lowers it* Lets be moving out.
Alex DeZarn: ((so am I..but that is alex..*G*))
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods to the Alpha Modi and turns to go.*
Megan Wallace: * shruggs and thinks she probley would of shot someone in the ass when she got too nervous anyway*
Joseph Hesch: *pushes the door open as he standing right next to it... waits for all to exit before following behind*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: {{ hang on I'll BRB }}
Syntax: ((don't forget you have to activate it.. with your own GN..)) ~watchs everyone file out, not about to rush her way to the door.. all going to the same place.~ So who'll be handling the boat?
Alex DeZarn: *He hooks the "quiver" on his webbelt and moves out, epxecting the others to follow.*
Sven Tuverak: ~next item of weaponry. Bow~
Megan Wallace: * waits to leave with the others and moves when everyone else does*
Syntax: ((And syn needs to get them to make Bane BULLETS next time. *G*))
Silver Kane: ((what you get when wyld theurges make talons. Good walkers would have made bane bullets!))
Akane Sugimori: *Files out last, being not important than anyone else*
Alex DeZarn: Last time I drove one it damn near wrecked. *Just a comment, not refusal*
Silver Kane: ~moves to his control console. Time to get them in there and out~
Joseph Hesch: *Nods to kane and points to the sheet of metal he finished working on before exiting behind all and closeing the door*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits for the others by the door.*
Lotus: ~meggtekk~
Silver Kane: "use my house boat" ~but one of them going to have to drive it~
Syntax: ~moves over to Chrome and puts a hand on his shoulder, then leans over and kisses him on the cheek.~ Oahu.
Alex DeZarn: ~MT~
Akane Sugimori: *she can fly a helicoptor, she can drive a boat* I will manuver the boat.
Joseph Hesch: i'll drive... *He follows the rest out*
Joseph Hesch: or she will...
Alex DeZarn: Fine then. *He moves toward Kane's houseboat*
Megan Wallace: * doesn't say a word and just follows*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She follows the others.*
Syntax: ~thinks a houseboat isn't all that stealthy.. was thinking more along the lines of black dinghy.~
Joseph Hesch: Need to get a cigar boat... *Chuckles and walks out*
Alex DeZarn: ((off to Megateck?))
Silver Kane: ~whispers something to syntax~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *Megateck*
Syntax: ~smiles at Chrome~ and if I don't, do I get to beat you instead? ~slaps his ass as she walks out after the group.~
Sven Tuverak: ~port~
Akane Sugimori: *jumps*
Silver Kane: "~shakes his head, slips on his mikes and moves tot he conduit heading for syntax's home with the screens ~ (gone)
Syntax: ~gone~
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
* * * Off to the Pit.
Lotus: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lotus: *let's the garou decide how they show*
Lotus: *The Place is up in arms. Get of fenris, never know for being subtle are have the place pratically burning with a scorched earth policy.*
Lotus: *the gates are open wide, spot lights are going off and the crackle of gun finre is a steady humm. As KAne reroutes police calls the GEt's Chew thru the outer defenzes in typical Get Bloody Fashion, but moving with precision of a well oiled team. After all,their goal is to make noise. Lots of noise*
Akane Sugimori: *Decides before arriving with Joe who's handling the boat?*
Alex DeZarn: *He moves the team quickly to get to the houseboat and lets Kane drive them toward their insertion point*
Megan Wallace: * arrives and looks around think dohh dohhdohh...this is a learning exp i ned to do this right?*
Syntax: ~Pulse active as soon as they hit the area, whistle at the ready.~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She is silent and ready.*
Joseph Hesch: *moves along with the others.. he watches the rear*
Silver Kane: ~SV~ Alright Apes ~classic army term~ Your insertion point is beyond the Freight TAnker. approximately 100 ft in beside the warehouse there is a Underground shoot, it leads to an elevator shaft,. This shaft is B1. You have to go down to b2. Get ready.
Akane Sugimori: *She manuvers the boat like the big slug it is*
Sven Tuverak: ~looks at Alexander. Wonders what the fire teams are~
Alex DeZarn: *Alex listens and begins to commune with his Past incarnations, seeking wisdom and way of the Longbow*
Joseph Hesch: *His heckles raised... he gos ahead and shifts his hands so they have claws... which he racks across a hard surface before hideing them*
Axel Brooks: ((*intimidates monitor into working, requests quick plan overview via ICQ*))
Lotus: *The Freight TAnker List to the side randomly as a Furry Wolf face pokes up. There is a Ripping howl, then it disappears*
Megan Wallace: * looks around at everyone and really wish they would of come out with a handbook garou 101 combat for dummies so she'd be set*
Silver Kane: ~SV~ That's your signal. Your on your own. This is not a wyrm caern per say. So don't expect spirals. Do expect things you've never encountered before. Sven knows the layout around B2. all of you should have memoried the rest ot the plan. KAne off
Axel Brooks: *Sticks close to Alexander, trying to remember stuff*
Joseph Hesch: *low under his breath he reciets* I am Ahroun... I am the teeth of the wolf.. i am the hunter and the slayer... i am the pain of the earth... i am he whom you fear... My name is death... i am Ahroun...
Akane Sugimori: *Aim's them at the Docks and turns sharply at the last point, if your not holding on, your going to fall. let's momuntum carry the side of the boat to the pier for maximum disembarkation*
Alex DeZarn: *He waits for the boat to lodge* Remember, elevator B1 down to B2. Syntax is Beta, followed by Ven. *He shifts to Glabro and moves toward the chute*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She flex and her muscles seem not to shrink from their bulging under her sweater.* (fair glabro)
Syntax: ~holds on, nods, then gets ready.~
Sven Tuverak: ~looks at Joe with one of those . What? Looks, says nothing actives Blur and The Veil, Leaping off the Boat in lupus, zooming forward to the spot~
Joseph Hesch: *Lowers himself ready to jump off the boat*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods to the Alpha Modi, honored that she is chosen next among so many.*
Lotus: *The boat hits the docks and slides in, All s good*
Alex DeZarn: *He runs behind Sven, letting the Bash who knows the route lead them*
Akane Sugimori: *Flips the controls back, as if she was in a helo, her word is not soft* OFF!
Joseph Hesch: *Jumps off following Sven... changeing to lupus for manuverabilty*
Sven Tuverak: ~slides up to the manhole, and look at it. Back to the ware house~ ~WS~ this is it. NO sensor's last time.
Syntax: ~hops off and follows in a crouched homid~
Axel Brooks: *Keeps close and tight near Alex*
Megan Wallace: * hops off the boat and follows*
Lotus: *Around is the normal sounds of low level Combat, as before, the Get are traveling to make noise, Their sounds of Retreat to start a second diversion wave can be heard.*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She gets off and follows to B1.*
Akane Sugimori: *Last off the boat she glances about to make sure there is nothing about to cut off the group*
Lotus: *The man hole has been welded shut. *
Alex DeZarn: Is there now?
Silver Kane: ~watches the data streams. No sensors.~SV~ No Sensors
Sven Tuverak: ~relies on others to do their auspice roles, while he does his.~
Alex DeZarn: *He growls and hands the bow to Alex to hold. He forces his hands to partial shift out into Crinos claws* I am going to cut the welding loose
Sven Tuverak: ~backs up and heads to the corner of the building to watch for anything comming~
Axel Brooks: *Holds bow. He can do that. *
Alex DeZarn: ((hands the bow to Axel))
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She activates her Open Seal, to aid the Alpha Modi in his efforts.*
Akane Sugimori: *After securly checking the area she comes forward. One hand is constantly behind her back*
Joseph Hesch: *Moves away as Alex readys to cut threw... his heckles raised... his danger sence in over drive*
Alex DeZarn: *He looks around for a nice rock and rakes his claws over them before moving to the manhole cover. He tries to get his claws around it and use their Razor edge to cut it off*
Megan Wallace: * she is really hesitant about activating her scence wyrm but does anyway*
Lotus: *At the corners, no one is yet comming this way as of yet. There is still turmiol in the main areas*
Syntax: ~keeps her eyes open on the umbra~
Lotus: *It takes a while, but everntually the covers gives way under strong claws*
Alex DeZarn: *He growls and lays the manhole cover to the side before letting his claws melt back into Glabro hands and retaking the bow* Down we go.
Sven Tuverak: ~when he hears the metal give way he will come back over to the cover.~
Megan Wallace: * bites her lip and tries to pinpoint it's area*
Sven Tuverak: ~with a nod to alexander he slowly changes to Galabrow and heads infirst~
Joseph Hesch: *Slowly back pedels letting the others have time to slip down the hole*
Akane Sugimori: *keeps her eyes out for JOE, makes sure he's safe, then back to the others*
Syntax: ~keeps herself in a middle position, watching out for spirits back and front~
Megan Wallace: * feels some relief as she doesn't pick up anything in the near area*
Alex DeZarn: *He goes second down the line*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She follows Joe down the hole.*
Axel Brooks: *waits for a moment before descending*
Megan Wallace: * follows behind whoever and descends*
Lotus: *And without holding everyone up, the hole is small, an access for those needing to clean or work the elevator. IT's small and dirt colored and comes out intot he rather large elevator shaft. It's a large freight elevator so the shaft is quiet large. The ladder is metal and goes down and up. The Elevator is on the bottome floor, blocking access to B2~
Akane Sugimori: *Will be the last down*
Joseph Hesch: *Takes the rear... or is near to it.. .still in lupus... following the others*
Sven Tuverak: ~drops on the elevator in a crouch and listens~
Lotus: *lupus cannot climb shaft ladders, no matter what they say on TV*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She hurries down the ladder, keeping herself after Joe as a mental positioning.*
Silver Kane: ~SV crackles, but it's local only~
Syntax: ~drops onto the elevator like catwoman.~
Joseph Hesch: *doesn't try to climd down the ladder in lupus... shifts for the short moment it takes to go down the ladder... then reshifts*
Lotus: *no sound. Only the elevator in the way*
Megan Wallace: * climbs down the ladder and awaits whatelse to do*
Syntax: ~keeps watch of the spirits as she waits for someone to make a door.~
Akane Sugimori: *Stays at the top, peeking up every so often so that she can make the rear clear*
Sven Tuverak: "We making a silent door, or a garou door? ~he asks with a smile to Alexander~
Alex DeZarn: *He moves toward the elevator.* Alright, stay in groups and work together. Joe will be with Sven, Syn and Megan, Axel and me, Ven and Akane.
Sven Tuverak: (hhm, he's in galabro, so that would be.) Big door, or little door?"
Syntax: ~glances off to Megan, then continues watching the umbra.~
Axel Brooks: *Nods, taking a little breath*
Alex DeZarn: Silent if possible.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She looks around to see who pairs with who, and who that will leave to be Akane.*
Sven Tuverak: ~turns to Joe and Grins, even now his form blur's ~
Joseph Hesch: *Splits up moveing with his group*
Akane Sugimori: *".Hai.."
Megan Wallace: * groans inwardly as her and syn didn't get off on the right foot and looks at Syntax*
Sven Tuverak: ~shakes his head~ "Sven. ME. ~so the others who have no damn clue who he is, looks for a door in the elevator top~
Sven Tuverak: ~he motions people away, then opens the elevator top hatch. With a Quick look he drops down and hits the open door button~
Alex DeZarn: *He moves to look at the Elevator door, looking for a button to work it*
Lotus: *makes it known. You are untop of the elevator, the elvator is on the level your on, that means you have to be on the top.*
Syntax: ~totally suprised this elevator actually has a top hatch, she blinks a few times, before going back to what she was doing.~
Akane Sugimori: *keeps checking above*
Alex DeZarn: ((DLP)) *He waits until Sven is down before following him*
Axel Brooks: *Looks around Alex making sure nothing gets behind 'em. Looks up, just in case*
Lotus: *The open elevator door looks straight down a hall way. *
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits for the woman above, assuming she is the one known as Akane.*
Sven Tuverak: ~he points down the hall~ Alright, tothe left is well, a pit area, to the right is the heart.
Joseph Hesch: *Waits sence alex went down 1st... so there is ahourn on each end*
Syntax: ~waves Megan down after Alex and Sven, making it clear her team goes next...she's the one with eyes on the umbra.~
Akane Sugimori: *finally comes to the elevator top and says * I am Akane.
Joseph Hesch: *Follows Syn's lead as she is the beta*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods to Akane and waits for others to go down.* Vell meet, Akane. I am Vendela. *She speaks quietly.*
Alex DeZarn: *He nods to Sven and steps out covering left, motioning him right to watch as the others come down*
Axel Brooks: *Sticking close to Alex, keeps looking around* ((Megan-p just dropped off my ICQ))
Lotus: *the hall way is just plain and blank, the garou in any form can hear a slow beat, and soon their hearts will beat to that same rythm*
Akane Sugimori: *nods to Vendela*
Syntax: ((noted)) ~drops down. Motions very distinctly to those below.~ 5. Umbra. Big. Gun. WeaverWare. ~points to her tattoos.~
Silver Kane: ~SV~ Get's making a second run. ~he says as a help full remind that their not in a vacum.
Sven Tuverak: ~nods as he moves slowly out of the elevator to let other down ~ "..YEs. Peter-kin, like Walker Fetish. Physical Boost like Drugs.
Lotus: *Bum, Bum, Bum, Da-dum. like a heart beat it sinks in, almost like a call*
Akane Sugimori: *she places her hands over her heart*
Alex DeZarn: *He looks at Syn and picks up the bow, notching an arrow* Where at?
Megan Wallace: ( crapp piece off shit bam bam bam ..okay where am i now? *G*)
Sven Tuverak: ~he doesn't move any further, waiting for Joe to eventually come to his side, not stopping his gift, he doesn't want to be seen~
Lotus: SCENE":: All garou except Ven and Akane are in the elevator. There is a long hall way ahead. At the end of the hall way is a left and right passage.
Joseph Hesch: *Drops down into the elevator... his wolf pads making little noise... waits for the lead*
Joseph Hesch: *Moves forwards joining Sven*
Sven Tuverak: ~reaches down and whispers to JOE~ Alright, moving ahead.. ~then does so, slowly shifting to lupus so that those behind him have an "open" shot~
Syntax: ~quietly~ 10 ft out, 1 ft from each wall. 3 back behind that. Big gun foreward right.
Sven Tuverak: ~creeps forward as stealthly as possible, heading to the T at the end of the hall~
Alex DeZarn: Can these arrow's hurt if it is still in the Umbra?
Megan Wallace: ( ahh many thank yous) * dropped down in the elevator looking around just following whoever is in front of her*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits above with Akane.*
Lotus: *the beat becomes louder and louder, a steady hum hum of hearts and body*
Syntax: ~shrugs, then shakes her head~ Not banes.
Joseph Hesch: *Nods... and moves along with him... takeing the other side*
Alex DeZarn: Just spirit?
Lotus: *Sven and JOE will get to the T without incident*
Sven Tuverak: ~at the end of the hall way he looks to the right, then left, listening with lupus senses~ ~WS~ now which way.
Syntax: ~points at bow~ bane. arrows. ~points at random spot in the air.~ human. ~shoos him forward, and looks back for Megan, before continuing to watch the umbra~
Akane Sugimori: *motions for Vendela to cover her before checking the shaft one last time*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She takes up a covering position next to Akane, searching her eyes for aggressors.*
Axel Brooks: *Shys away from Syntax, if he were any closer to Alex you'd think they were dating*
Alex DeZarn: *He puts the arrow up and moves on down the T*
Joseph Hesch: *He looks over the area as well... Nods his head forwards towards the heart.. then looks back... to make sure everyone is following... quitely* ~WS~ The heart is a target yes? lets go there...
Lotus: *Alex and axel and Syn and megan will get down the hall*
Sven Tuverak: ~wS~ i've only been left, not right, (right is heart) ~he nods however and turns to go that way.
Akane Sugimori: *when they clear the elevator will drop down the hatch and place back agains the wall*
Megan Wallace: * gets near Syntax and waits for the next move*
Alex DeZarn: What is right?
Sven Tuverak: ~ws~ the right is the Heart.
Syntax: ~keeps her eyes open on the umbral side, glancing right and left, then back once to make sure the 5 men are still facing the elevator.~
Lotus: [per primal urge, diff 9](pm it to me)
Joseph Hesch: *Pads along with him.. just waiting to get jumped*
Joseph Hesch: ~ws~ danger *trying to get a word out before it hits... he insticly jumps trying to get out of the way of any in comeing attack*
Akane Sugimori: *Akane goes to step out of the elevator, then with a growl grabs Ven and ducks back in the elevator*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She drops down the shaft and peels to the right. She waits, listening, then moves up to recover the topshaft.*
Lotus: [only those i PM'd. Iniative]*Silently the creatures come across the Umbra, parting the velvet curtin silentl*
Alex DeZarn: *He spins around* Attack from behind! *He draws his Klaive and looks for cover*
Axel Brooks: *Spins shouting* B-b-b-b-b-b-behind!
Syntax: ~quietly~ their watching us. Ready yourselves.
Sven Tuverak: ~looks back, then duck right around the wall as he's so close~[11]
Megan Wallace: * quickly turns and blinks*
Alex DeZarn: ((DLP)) *He reachs down to Draw and banearrow and notch it before attempting to fire*
Axel Brooks: ((init: 17))
Alex DeZarn: ((Spirit of the Fray))
Lotus: *3 men face UP the hall way, toward AXEL, ALEX , JOW megan and syn. etc* The one in the middle has what looks to be a chain Gun which seems to meld with his body. The other two seem to be living cloaks, with the faces of men, but flashes of Chrome and steel can be seen inside of them.* 2 face towards akane and VEN, down the hall way, one tossing a grenade forward towards the shaft*
Megan Wallace: (12)
Lotus: [pm me next time, thanks. *G*]Alexander is first, *
Syntax: ((init 10))
Alex DeZarn: *He sees they are not Bane, he drops the bow and takes his Klaive, moving to Crinos*
Akane Sugimori: *she prepares her shirukens in an instant, one to toss at the incomming grenade*
Axel Brooks: *Shifts to Crinos (1 rage), rushes forward and essentially rolls into the mass*
Lotus: *The hall way is big enough for 1 crinos and 1 homid*
Axel Brooks: *staying low so as not to be hit by projectiles*
Megan Wallace: * tires to shift to crinos but fails miserable and gulps and whispers* oh shit *
Lotus: [epp, that's one crinos and one homid across]
Syntax: ~drops low when she can.~
Joseph Hesch: *Rushes down the hall in lupus towards the man with the chain gun*
Megan Wallace: * wishes now she would of took that gun Alex has*
Lotus: [axel, joe] Dex ath roll to avoid Syntax and Megan (and in the case of Joe, alex too)when you turn around and rush down the hall.]
Lotus: [then subtract 2 dice for movement, thanks]
Akane Sugimori: *Tosses the Shirukens in one throw at the grenade, keeping her body against vendela for protection, as she shifts to crinos*, makes it to galabro only*
Sven Tuverak: ~is around the corner free and clear~
Alex DeZarn: *He spins into cover to active his Klaive*
Lotus: *the hall way become pretty damn tight as AXEL and JOE move down the hall, running thru their own to get around them. Alex drops back at SVEN dodges behind, MEgan stares in fear as Syntax croahes. Then suddenly, the walls Buldge as it's TWO crinos bowls into the 3 men, scattering them like bowling pins*
Lotus: *Mean while the shirkurks of Akane miss the incomming grenade as the Elevator explodes with force*
Lotus: [next non rage action]
Lotus: *Joe's Claws find their first mark, even as one man is squashed unde AXEL. blood scatter everywhere as there is sharp growls of combat*(
Axel Brooks: *Rip, tear, shred* ~G~ Muh-muh-muhtherf-f-f-fucker, DIE!
Akane Sugimori: *Bites her teeth not to scream, but then steps into the opening, a feriously pissed off Crinos(rage), the holes in her body and fur healing almost instantly as she Jumps down the Corridor to squash the enemies from both sides*
Joseph Hesch: *growel snarel snarel*
Syntax: ~stays down~
Lotus: [alright, rage actions if you have any]
Megan Wallace: * hearing the explosion instictively crouches and covers herself*
Sven Tuverak: ~checks the hall way behind him, and ahead, blured out~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She can do nothing, having been surprised by the attack, and now covered by Akane. She will come in front of Akane after the explosion, giving her Shieldsister a chance to heal.*
Axel Brooks: ((No Rage actions this round))
Lotus: *[alright, next rd]**both of the one's akane charges on her end melt back across the velvet Curtain.*
Lotus: [*well, the ones Axel and Joe hit die, plain and simple.Few things in the world soak agg, and these are not them. The walls are Quickly smeared with blood as Pretty much Joe climbs over Axel to Kill his foes*
Alex DeZarn: *Alex shifts to Crinos and moves toward those that are still left*
Axel Brooks: ((init 10))
Alex DeZarn: ((Spirit of the Fray))
Joseph Hesch: *Shakes his fur letting the blood fly... then starts to shift down to lupus* ~G~ i am Ahroun....
Megan Wallace: * peeks up from her crouched position and sees the blood and then looks down the hall*
Akane Sugimori: *~G~ Their Gone. *she says, she shifts out of the crinso to galabro. She hates that form*
Sven Tuverak: ~glances around the corner at joe and shakes his head~ WS~ Great. I'm glad you know that ~he can't help but smile as he thinking about the ahroun he did his rite of passage with~
Axel Brooks: *Shifts to glabro, slowly* I i-i-i-idiot.
Lotus: *There is a string of Body parts on the ground, and a few still twitch*
Syntax: ~rises from her crouch and points off down the right junction~ they went that way...
Megan Wallace: * slowly stands up and takes a deep breath*
Syntax: ~pulls back and to the side to let the leaders go ahead of her. Resists the urge to grab up some of those parts.~
Akane Sugimori: ~*She clearly still Blocks Vendela from moving up the hall way, watching Alex over the bodies of the other things on the ground, as she awaits orders*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She follows Akane down the hall, in glabro still.*
Akane Sugimori: [Galabro]*picks up her shirukens*
Axel Brooks: *stands with a look on huis face like...'ewwwwww', before slipping back to Alex, wiping his feet on the floor*
Joseph Hesch: *Wants to take a look at the parts... but they can play clean up later... move back to join Sven... wishing he had someway to mask the smell of blood on him...*
Sven Tuverak: ~looks at the bow on the ground, shakes his head. Didn't the theurge say they wern't bane's about 2 times, looks up at Anyone~ ~WS~ Direction? If they can use the curtin, and we cannot, they have an advantage
Alex DeZarn: ~G~We are to seek and destory. *He follows after them*
Sven Tuverak: ~ws~ guess that means we go right. ok.
Akane Sugimori: *she nods to Alexander's call and slips out two swords, both short Ninjatu's, with no sharpened ends. She stops and concentrates and the edges shimmer and sharpen*
Lotus: *The beat of something keeps guiding the garou hearts as they head down the left Corridor*
Lotus: [left=right]
Axel Brooks: [glabro] T-t-t-t-this....g-g-g-groooosss. *muttered as he falls in behind Alex*
Sven Tuverak: ~when Joe get's close to him he will scamper ahead toward the right, lifting his nose to smell~
Syntax: ~motions Megan to follow as she heads after Alex and co.~ keep your eyes peeled, megan.
Joseph Hesch: *moves along towards the right with Sven.. his rage rolling now*
Sven Tuverak: ~wolf laughs at Axel. Living proof that human frailtaies doesn't make your ability to kill any less~
Megan Wallace: * just follows and thinks damn i need a weapon if this shifting problem persists and feel like grabb one of those arms and useing it to beat something scenceless*
Akane Sugimori: *Stops and picks up the bow that was dropped by alexander*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits on her BattleSister, putting more space between them when the swords are drawn.*
Alex DeZarn: *He uses his Klaive to get across and after them*
Lotus: *the hall way to the right is pretty much pristine. The doors on the side are for the offices and holding various minor freight. but as one goes forward the Spirtual sense of the garou start to sharpen*
Joseph Hesch: *Waits for word from Sven...before heading forward to follow him*
Megan Wallace: * cocks a brow thinking peeled for what but just stays observant*
Sven Tuverak: ~he turns to say something about the umbra and wonders where alex went ~(did he go across the umbra)
Syntax: ~growls as Alex shifts across alone~ stupid meat...
Akane Sugimori: *blinks as alexander disappears and waits for the others. She herself has no idea what the umbra is*
Joseph Hesch: *Blinks as the alpha leaves the others... alone at that*
Megan Wallace: what the?
Alex DeZarn: ((DLP...I thought others were crossing))
Sven Tuverak: ((um, alex, your leading. Not us. you tell us to go or not. -DLP then))
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She wonders what Akane is blinking at.*
Syntax: ((dlp then))
Akane Sugimori: ~dlp~ slips on the bow and the one arrow and get's ready to move*
Joseph Hesch: *Must be blood in his eyes... whipes his face clean with a paw... waits for the order*
Sven Tuverak: ~WS~ The umbra is comming more displaced. I think we are defiently close to the heart. IT will be guarded well.
Lotus: *There is no door ahead, just an dead end*
Alex DeZarn: *He continues to move forward, activing Luna's Armor as he does*
Axel Brooks: *squeegees as much gore out of his hair as he can, trembling and looking at Alex for guidance*
Syntax: ~keeps her pulse up~ umbral door ahead. Netting to catch crossers.
Joseph Hesch: *Has no clue what that means*
Alex DeZarn: How do we cross then?
Sven Tuverak: ~walks up to the wall and looks it over~ WS~ I'm thinking i'm not a theurge
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits, seeing no door.*
Akane Sugimori: *looks as confused as Joe does*
Megan Wallace: * mutters* shit
Akane Sugimori: *stays at the T so that she can look the 3 directions* "Easy so far? *galabro makes bad words*
Axel Brooks: *wonders just what language it is that syntax speaks. Sounds like english...*
Syntax: ~moves with her eyes half focused.~ I'm going to position you all, and we're going to go across together. And you aren't going to move from where I place you... ~moves forward and starts positioning people, physically.~ No more than near man... ~prods those in anything but homid or glabro to shift.~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She will wait for the Alpha and Beta to decide what to do. She waits with Akane, watching the other hallways and the elevator.*
Lotus: *here the very umbra seems to vibrate. the Gnosis of all about begins to crawl with a nasty feeling, (meaning the more you have, the more you feel like you've been dipped into the wyrms mouth*
Alex DeZarn: *He shifts down after Luna's Armor is up, moving to Glabro*
Joseph Hesch: *Doesn't like that he has to shift... but does... leaveing his claws... stands where syn places him... not moveing*
Sven Tuverak: ~it takes him two tries to get to near man, it's more exicting for him, than actually dangerous~(got to love that pack mentality flaw)
Axel Brooks: *starts rubbing his arms absently, like he's trying to wipe something nasty off*
Akane Sugimori: *Doesn't really notice the evil , icky feeling*
Syntax: ~places, adjusts, places, etc~ I want you all to let me pull you across. We land together. You don't move. Got it? ~readies everyone, then herself.~
Joseph Hesch: *Shifted to Near man... Has shit for gnosis... so doesn't feel it very much... but still growel feeling the sickness*
Sven Tuverak: "I feel like, Throwing up."
Syntax: ~keeps the annoyance with the overwelming wyrmslick within her and on her, from showing too much.~
Megan Wallace: * feels the need to take a long hot shower and shivers a bit* yuck
Alex DeZarn: *He nods and puts the slick behind him mentally*
Axel Brooks: *nods ilke a bobbinghead doll*
Akane Sugimori: *is placed, it's not a great placemetn as she cannot watch the three area, but it has to be fast*
Syntax: ~when everyone is ready, she slips out her small compact, flips it open, and starts to shift across, concentrating to get everyone.~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods and stands at the ready.*
Lotus: *it takes a LONG time as moving across the velvet curtin is like moving thru molassis. It feels like going across a grator and having your fur peeled off. *(willpower diff 7 not to move)
Sven Tuverak: ~almost shivers but holds his position~
Akane Sugimori: *is steel*
Lotus: *The Sub vocal mikes do not cut out, but they only operate locally now*
Axel Brooks: *too scared to even blink*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She remains still.*
Joseph Hesch: *Starts to waver but holds tight, not moveing*
Syntax: ~takes it slow and careful, having never synced a group before, not to mention the netting making things harder~
Lotus: *the other side is covered with purple netting. they humm as if attuning to everyone, still infront of the door. Other wise it looks like it did before*
Alex DeZarn: *He is motionless as stone*
Megan Wallace: * stands there thinking goo syn goo syn goo syn*
Akane Sugimori: *looks at the netting, resist the urge to touch*
Syntax: ~she takes a better look at the netting once they are across~
Joseph Hesch: *doesn't move till he is told he can*
Lotus: [dex escape, or Ath diff 9 to move around the netting, yes, it's VERY hard, might want to will it]
Akane Sugimori: *See's it's going to be hard, -will- moves VERY slowly to make sure she passes thru ONLY after syntax gives her the go ahead. she doesn't understand why this is not a perfect time to attack * "Attack? Why not?
Syntax: ~thinks~ give me one moment, but keep at the ready.
Sven Tuverak: ~tries not to think about akane's reasoning~
Alex DeZarn: *When the go ahead is given his moves slowly and carefully out of the webbing, both skill and will playing a part*
Joseph Hesch: *Still waits till they are told they can move*
Syntax: ~shrugs, has no friggin clue despite her experience.~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits.*
Axel Brooks: *blinks, trying not to nudge anything as he follows Alex through the webbing, willing himself not to touch anything*
Megan Wallace: * stands there waiting feeling a slight leg cramp and makes an oo face but stands there*
Alex DeZarn: Are we ready to continue on?
Lotus: *The webbing just hangs there*(do as you will syn player is a little busy *G*)
Alex DeZarn: *He waits on Syn to say it is safe*
Syntax: ~SHRUGS TO ALEX, annoyed with the feel of the place, and the fact that she already friggin answered.~
Alex DeZarn: *He looks around, taking in the scenery before moving straight* Keep an eye out for traps. *He shifts back up to Crinos*
Lotus: *A cluster at the door*
Axel Brooks: *just kinda shivers, looking for all the world like a wet, miserable dog*
Joseph Hesch: *moves a little.. just cuz stand there sucks*
Megan Wallace: * really really wants to get out of this area really really bad and is frowning realy bad*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits for those ahead.*
Syntax: ~just waits for Alex to get caught in the webbing.~
Lotus: *past the door is somethin gout of mortal combat. IT has deep fall away and the feeling of entering a "bawn" is sharpened but the visuals . [Theurges] It's like someone took a caern and then took the spiritual center and strung lines to it, each of the lines themselfs a spitual center, leading to a "Heart" For the experienced amung you, nearly impossible to do. For the others, your own Gnosis seems to beat but it's closed off. [ergo, gnosis suddenly ZERO] as is all is lost]
Alex DeZarn: ((I thought we cleared the webbing? *growls as he is staying confused tonight))
Joseph Hesch: *wonders if you can cut the webing... looks it over studying it*
Lotus: [assumed he went thru the door before transforming]
Syntax: ((did we move? I thought everyone was staying still waiting on Syn..))
Lotus: [my fault] the webbing is everywhere in the corridors, you have to go thru the doors before your out, that's why i posted cluster at the door. Again, sorry for not being clear*
Axel Brooks: *Starts looking around for whatever it was he just lost...he lost something, he knows it, and he wants it back, goldarn it*
Alex DeZarn: ((Alex will not call a move until Syn says it's safe))
Joseph Hesch: *Waits for someone to go for the door*
Megan Wallace: * blinks and gulps feeling like she's been on a rollar coaster ride tonight and it keeps getting worse*
Syntax: ((syn's shruged at Alex at least 2 times already. She doesn't know, so she's not going to call anything. She's leaving it up to the Alpha... the one in charge.))
Alex DeZarn: ((Then he ordered a move, very careful of webs and attack))
Lotus: ((alright--then this is valid))*past the door is somethin gout of mortal combat. IT has deep fall away and the feeling of entering a "bawn" is sharpened but the visuals . [Theurges] It's like someone took a caern and then took the spiritual center and strung lines to it, each of the lines themselfs a spitual center, leading to a "Heart" For the experienced amung you, nearly impossible to do. For the others, your own Gnosis seems to beat but it's closed off. [ergo, gnosis suddenly ZERO] as is all is lost]
Joseph Hesch: [[ well do it IC then ]] *still waiting repeting his mantra*
Joseph Hesch: [[ sorry ]]
Syntax: ~scrambles her ass back out of the heart when she feels the sudden and great loss of 7 gnosis~
Alex DeZarn: *He motions them all to come back at the feeling*
Sven Tuverak: "That's ..not right. ~he frowns, and holds his position~
Megan Wallace: * stands there laying a hand over her chest as she feels profoundly sad * ohh damn *is all she can say as she too stunded to do anything else*
Akane Sugimori: *doesn't have that much gnosis, so didn't lose that many*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She too feels the sorrow as Gaia falls away.*
Lotus: *The lines glow softly*
Joseph Hesch: *Flenches... as he loses the small feeling he had... now realises how he had taken it for advantage*
Joseph Hesch: *Waits for the Alpha to make some sort of call*
Lotus: *the gnosis will come back after you leave the area, but you have to be carefull when leaving. *
Axel Brooks: *a whimper catches in his throat twice before escaping*
Syntax: ~pulls back, breathing heavily, eyes wide.~ It just stole it.. ~pointing to the glowing lines~ like that SmellBane.
Alex DeZarn: *He looks around* Can it be cleansed? We have to purify it before we can use it.
Akane Sugimori: *stops at a wierd feeling and looks at the others* I am. feeling wierd. It is attunded to me.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She backs out at the command, watching Akane when she speaks.*
Lotus: *keeps describing* there were also a few structures in the center, where the tangle of lines all aim*
Syntax: ~half shakes her head, half shrugs, doesn't cleanse things herself.~
Megan Wallace: * glances at Alex and gets a dejq vu and thinks isn't that Val's favorite line?*
Akane Sugimori: *looks at the little Theurge * You can do something.
Joseph Hesch: *Wonders why they have to cleans it... just move... his rage is high... and just standing here is really starting to get to him*
Sven Tuverak: ~makes a funky face~ "slage it.. It's not ours, just slag it.
Sven Tuverak: ~reverting to the , if you do not understand it nature, destroy it~
Syntax: ~glares at Akane, without really meaning too. She knows about the chick's leanings.~
Axel Brooks: *Follows Akane's gaze, whispering to Alex* C-c-c-c-can she?
Akane Sugimori: *looks at Syntax and frowns then looks away chastized*(=
Alex DeZarn: *He looks at Akane* What is going on? You said it attunded to you? Did you try for that?
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits for a decision to be made.*
Joseph Hesch: *Nods agreeing with Sven* let get rid of it and move on... this is holding us up for to long.. *groweling low at the end*
Akane Sugimori: *she looks back to alexander* The place. It is evil. I *glances at Syntax* Bad Joss. *she says* it is attunded to destroy Good Joss.
Axel Brooks: *Scratches his head, wondering just what the hell Joss is. maybe some funky word for gnosis?*
Alex DeZarn: *He nods* Then let the Good destroy the bad. *He looks back* Get the Slaggers out, we are going to flash pan it. Everyone back to the web.
Silver Kane: ~sv~ Alexander, you havn't moved for over 15 minutes, awaiting an invitation, or you dead?
Syntax: ~sv~ we're all dead.
Sven Tuverak: ~laughs silently at Syntax, but is begining to be a little stressed out~
Akane Sugimori: *maybe they should have brought Haruko?*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She takes her two Slaggers out and moves back to the web. She will hand one of the Slaggers to Megan as she moves past, so that they may all be activated at once.*
Joseph Hesch: *Hasn't moved* ~sv~ might as well be...
Alex DeZarn: ~SV~ Deciding what to do her. Not getting any straight answers on what to do. We are at the heart and are going to burn out the corruption*
Silver Kane: ~SV~ hmm. What is your situation ~he makees sure he does not interfere or counter mand Alex-s orders or words.~ "Anything else in that Heart, resistance?
Megan Wallace: * looks at what was given to her and looks at the web and is hard to shake the sad feeling she has and moves towards the web*
Syntax: ~sv~ yeah. Ancient Chinese temple and soul sucking webs.
Alex DeZarn: ~SV~ No resistance so far in the Heart but it is set against us spiritually.
Sven Tuverak: ~is begining to itch. For a heart, this is very unprotected.~ -ryha ~speaking to Anyone above his rank~ I don't like this.
Syntax: ~pulls out the whistle, holding it up~ When you're all ready, let me know. I wanna try something.
Akane Sugimori: *she tries to recall anything like this before. Anything the eastern'er have said about these webs*
Alex DeZarn: *He grabs the bow and readies an arrow* We will be ready.
Silver Kane: ~SV~ hmm, Damn. Ok. Your going to activate the slaggers? Alright, your on scene. Make the call. And Good luck.
Syntax: ~looks around to make sure everyone's ready.~
Alex DeZarn: ~SV~ Syn wants to try the whistle first.
Akane Sugimori: *gives Alex a sheepish look* Sorry Alexander-san. I cannot recall anything that would help.
Joseph Hesch: *He's been ready.. just waits*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She waits, ready.*
Sven Tuverak: ~is ready, as ever~
Akane Sugimori: *nods that she is ready*
Silver Kane: ~SV~ holding.
Axel Brooks: *Starts looking around a bit more, wondering just what it is everyone's doing, trying to stay close to alex without screwing up his archery*
Syntax: ~blows into the whistle~
Lotus: *the heart beat continues*
Megan Wallace: * waits not liking this ideal for somereason she can figure out but keeps it to herself*
Megan Wallace: ( opps can=can't)
Lotus: *the whistle shrill call reverberates out into the area and almost instnatly the very walls of the area shake and shudder, a cold blast of winds, razor and cold answer it (soak 4, normal) cut across the area as the area shakes. a suddenly nasty realization start to set in*
Joseph Hesch: *taps his foot waiting*
Sven Tuverak: ~whistles~
Alexander DeZarn: *He growls at the wind and the reaction to this whistle* ~G~ Well that didn't work.
Lotus: [if you do not soak, all you have to roll dex plus ath to not step into the webbing]
Syntax: ~screams and shudders as the wind rips through her. She clutchs the whistle to her as she hugs herself, the wind clearly paying retribution.~
Sven Tuverak: ~sven step back sharply and into one of the webbings~
Alexander DeZarn: (soaked it)
Akane Sugimori: *Winces, but stands firm*
Joseph Hesch: *Steps back and growels as the wind cuts into him... but no part od him touches the webbing*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She is blasted by the harsh wind and it pushs her back into the webbing.*
Axel Brooks: *shivers at the wind, hunching over, but moves not a bit*
Lotus: *those who step back into the webbing are immediately Shaken as their very soul is sucked from their bodies, as the Lines leading to the heart Glow brightly*[soak 8 with will at diff 6]
Megan Wallace: * just feels like she's been to the noth pole and shivers and gets pushed a little but stands her ground*
Sven Tuverak: ~well, he screams loudly. and then passes right ~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She drops unconcious.*
Axel Brooks: H-h-h--hhooooly shit.
Sven Tuverak: ~unconcious~
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Damn it. *He moves carefully to check on those that fall. He made the call and let her blow it, this is his fault*
Lotus: *SVEN and vendela seem to lose all their spirtual content and do not move, pale and without life*
Lotus: [SEEM without life]
Joseph Hesch: *He does say anything as those fall... he just gets more pissed*
Alexander DeZarn: *He moves to Sven and checks for a lifesign*
Megan Wallace: * teeth chattering* wee goott toot destroyyy thiss thinggg * looks at the thing in her hand and looks over at Vendela and for the other one*
Syntax: ~she shifts up to glabro, shivering, but letting the wounds heal.~
Sven Tuverak: ~is unconcious, wrapped in webbing~
Lotus: *The ...what ever it is, seems to shiver and calm down, the ~cutting winds~ falling to stillness~
Syntax: ~picks her way, easily, through the webbing towards Ven, since Alex is at Sven, also checking her over.~
Syntax: it's alive... the heart is a real heart.
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Well then we will give it heart burn Everyone get a Slagger. Everyone who is without one help with Sven and Ven. *Something about him says that he has had enough*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She drops, no longer attached to the webbing.*
Sven Tuverak: ~seconds later, the webbing releases him and he growls raising up~
Axel Brooks: *Just kinda looks* I-i-i-if that's a h-h-h-h-heart...whu-whu-where's the r-r-r-rest of the buh-buh-body?
Akane Sugimori: *blinks at Syntax and get's that "oh shit" feeling*
Joseph Hesch: *Waits for those moveing to get clear... maybe they will be smart and tose them to the others so there is as little moveing as possible*
Syntax: *She takes the Slagger from the unconscious Vendela and hands it off to Joe.*
Sven Tuverak: ~he stands and seems unaffected by the local weblines. he shoves Akane Right at one ~
Megan Wallace: * stands there with a slagger in her hand waiting for what to do next*
Joseph Hesch: *Takes the dagger quickly trying to attune it*
Alexander DeZarn: *He lifts Sven to his feet if his awake or tosses him over his shoulder if he is still out* Syn, you job is to get us out of here. ~SV~ Kane, the heart must be alive in a way. It reached to the whistle by attacking us. Sven and Vendela are hurt.
Akane Sugimori: [makes alertness roll]* steps away from SVEN and elbows him in the throat knowing he is garou and it will not prefect his performance*
Silver Kane: ~SV~Hmm, I'm going to call someone, and send get a back up prepared.
Megan Wallace: * looks at Sven* oh shit...
Alexander DeZarn: ~SV~ Roger. Shit. *He drops the subvocal to handle this issue*
Sven Tuverak: ~he fights to shove alexnader, out of the way and into one of the nettings. They pass thru him as if he didn't exist~
Joseph Hesch: *Growels at alex* we use it or not...
Akane Sugimori: *She holds her position, lowering her center of gravity*
Lotus: *note:fighting room is almost NILL*
Alexander DeZarn: *He is in Crinos and much harder to push around then normal. He moves to dodge the attack, trying to tie it into an attack*
Axel Brooks: *blinks rapidly* W-w-w-what the...
Syntax: ~glances up to Sven, who's looking a clear sign of possession~ Drop him, Akane.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She is still unconscious.*
Megan Wallace: * looks at Joe* should we do these now? or what? * refering to the slagger*
Axel Brooks: *tries to manuever and avoid the webbing...settles for avoiding the webbing and looking around quickly*
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Not yet unless you want to kill us all.
Silver Kane: ~SV~Alright. Moon Bridge comming thru. Give me corrdinates.
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Someone give him the spot.
Syntax: ~thinks up the coordinates to relay~
Joseph Hesch: *Doesn't see how this will get them killed.. they hurt this thing right? he growels.... he's really pissed now... to close... so close.. looks to syn* what do these things do?
Sven Tuverak: [(fails str roll[* Tries to Shove Alexnader intot he webbing even as he's wrapped up*
Alexander DeZarn: *He sets his feet as he has Sven in a tight bearhug and focuses his weight down, trying to keep off the webs*
Syntax: ~holds up her hand to Joe. The Alpha said no, and she's busy trying to figure out where they are, so she can get their asses out of there.~
Akane Sugimori: *FRom behind, she's had far too much pratice. Assumes they want him alive so she stabes him in the back, left TEndon disrupting his ability to stand and then stabs, him aross the chest muscle taht connect to his arm. She's an expert in crinos atonomy*
Sven Tuverak: [takes 5]*his leg gives way and he tries to summer sault Alexander over him. Just a few inches is all he needs, Foaming at the mouth now*
Silver Kane: ~SV~ in 5, ..4.. 3.. 2..
Joseph Hesch: *Yeah but the alpha is incompatant and can't make a damn discion... his voice still rumbles... held back by his packmates wisdom*
Lotus: *The webbing Quiver they are so close, obviously there is not much movement in this area, between the door and the webbings of evil(yes, it only 2 3rd level powers combined.*
Sven Tuverak: *Obviously Alexander proves why ahrouns are ahrouns, cause sven isn't moving him an inch*
Alexander DeZarn: *He works to keep himself planted against the attacks, still giving order* ~G~ Kane is sending a Moonbridge. We will use them as soon as it arrives! Question me again and I will leave you here to see what they do Hesch.
Joseph Hesch: *Snorts at Alex... he will no longer follow the fool after this*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks to Akane* ~G~ Knock him out. Punch him in the face. *Refering to Sven*
Akane Sugimori: *She continues her unslaught, stabbing Sven in the lungs to lose his air and then across the left back to make his arms useless. All healable, but at the present, will make him useless*
Syntax: ~glares at Joe to shut him up, including the growling... her tolerance is just way toooooo thin with the feel of this place. She shifts up to Crinos to heft the big Viking chica.~
Megan Wallace: * sighs softly and rolls her eyes at the whole things*
Joseph Hesch: *He stops at Syn's comand*
Lotus: * and there is a big tube of light, and just as suddenly a hole in the world*
Sven Tuverak: [soaked all]*Growls at Alexander, trying to bite him now*
Syntax: ~backhands Megan when she sighs and rolls her eyes.~ ~g~ be useful, or shut the fuck up, Cliath.
Alexander DeZarn: ~SV~ Kane, get that damned Bridge here soon. This place is causing people to attack each other or jsut become outwardly disobediant even when it means thier life and that of the pack.
Akane Sugimori: *Doesn't bother to go for the choak, she knows how long she can hold her breath, shifts up and Jaw locks SVEN up pinning him*
Silver Kane: ~SV~ sent.
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Get on the damn Moon Bridge. Leave the Slaggers in a circle, touching end to end so we can get it all! Move now!
Syntax: ~points Joe and Megan off through the moonbridge first.~
Sven Tuverak: [locked]* And really cannot moved as Akane Pins him to the ground*
Axel Brooks: *quitre literally doesn;t know what the hell to do*
Joseph Hesch: *Follows syn's orders.. helping megan if he can*
Akane Sugimori: *Keeps a muzzle and a claw on SVEN keeps her ears roated so she can still hear*
Megan Wallace: * blinks at the back hand and glares at syntax*
Syntax: ~shoos Axel in front as well, then follows through with Ven.~
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Akane, go now! Axel, you too. *He grabs Sven up before Akane lets him go and tries to tosses him through the Moonbridge*
Axel Brooks: *Eases his ass to the Moon Bridge*
Sven Tuverak: ~Struggles weakly, even as his body heals~
Joseph Hesch: *Hits the moon bridge and is gone*
Akane Sugimori: *She doesn't like the order, but backs toward sthe bridge, fights the mind screwing that's going on, *
Megan Wallace: * does whatever needs to be done with the slagger*
Silver Kane: ~zones~
Megan Wallace: * and is gone thru the moonbridge*
Lotus: *(what;s that megan?)
Joseph Hesch: [[ brb ]]
Alexander DeZarn: *He is the last one through. He places his right hand on top of the slaggers and channels his Gnosis into them. He falls backward as he sends a ring of fire into the area, hoping to fall back into the Bridge*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *zone*
Megan Wallace: ( my posts are slow sorry)
Syntax: ~gone through the bridge..~
Akane Sugimori: *scrambles up the bridge, and zones*
Alexander DeZarn: ((Alex asked for the slaggers to be left on the ground at the edge of the bridge)) ~SV~ Close it after I come in. Do not delay Kane.
Lotus: ((nods thanks.)) *The slaggers release the trapped fire elementals that go roaring thru the area.. And that;s all most see*
Megan Wallace: *zone*
Axel Brooks: ~z-z-z-zone~
Sven Tuverak: ~zone~
Alexander DeZarn: *He rolls backwards into the Bridge and into the Zone*
Alexander DeZarn: ~Zone~
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
* * * Back at the Zone.
Silver Kane: ~is out of the conduit looking at his map~
Kelsey Heyd: *..enters the Zone..*
Vendela Kristoffersen: ooc: Is here in unconscious body and spirit, if not player. Good night all.
Silver Kane: ~he's has his kliave haning i nthe air, aimed at the conduit as soon as alexander gives the word he kills the connection~
Syntax: ~steps out of the moonbridge after Joe, Megan, Axel, in crinos, carrying Ven over her shoulder.~
Akane Sugimori: *leaps in, dropping to homid almost instanly. she hates that form*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~walks into the zone~
Megan Wallace: * steps out of the moonbridge*
Kelsey Heyd: *..she watches everyone come back through the moonbridge, taking count of who's here and who's not ... and who's all kinds of screwed up..*
Axel Brooks: *comes out of the moonbridge still begored and all ick and not liking it one damn bit*
Sven Tuverak: *he comes thru claws a flailing and swinging, or really really trying to , a strange mark burned into him where the webs touched him, that of a green crane.*
Kelsey Heyd: *..moves to aid her tribesister..* What happened, 'Lex?
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Close it!*He comes out of the Moon Bridge in a backward roll, the heat of flames coming with him*
Akane Sugimori: *positions her self to help Alexander pin Sven*
Silver Kane: ~he grabs his kliave out of the air which effectively kills the bridge~
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks around and notices Sven is still. He sheathes his Klaive and drops the bow before stalking over to him* ~G~ Come get me Sven.
Syntax: ~lays Ven down on the floor and drops down to Crinos.~
Silver Kane: ~well, that's not right. Forces SVEN into his breed form ~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~makes her way up to Silver's office, unhappy with the news, and hesistant in speaking with him after the last time.~
Megan Wallace: * looks at Alex and then Sven and the shape he's in and has a look of puzzlement*
Sven Tuverak: ~doesn't charge Alexander, that wasn't hsi orders, watching the room wairly, suddenly finds himself in homid~
Axel Brooks: *circles, in Glabro. They never told him about this when he left Attumwa*
Kelsey Heyd: *..kneels down next to Ven, then glances up to Sven and Alex, amidst the rest of the confusion and chaos folling the exit of the moonbridge..*
Akane Sugimori: *backs away , and let's Alexander handle it*
Kelsey Heyd: (( folling = following ))
Alexander DeZarn: *He drops to Glabro and moves in on Sven. He has no orders and plans on beating the SOB into the next world*
Wind of Hawk: *she walks from the dark, near the entrance, when she hears voices.*
Sven Tuverak: ~Looks at alexander and laughs~ You will fail, Hakken.
Run Jun Ichi: [yang balanced, looks differnt]-follows haruko-
Kelsey Heyd: *..raises her eyebrows, but simply watches..*
Syntax: knock him unconscious, Alex. ~glances up to Sashi, pointing down to Ven~ they were drained..
Alexander DeZarn: *He takes a swing at Sven, focusing his punch*
Silver Kane: "Well, someone's going to tell me what happened ~keeps his eyes on Sven~
Sven Tuverak: ~naturally, doesn't stand there to be hit, ducking and raging towards the door~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~waits at the door to Silver's office.~
Lotus: ((hangs out))
Silver Kane: ~he motions for someone to get the door~
Megan Wallace: * just stands there quiet*
Run Jun Ichi: -stays beside haruko, about 5'5 and looking very feminine today-
Wind of Hawk: *approaches to the group, not alarmed but a bit surprise of their fast return. Looks around to know the situation. Walks to Vendela*
Akane Sugimori: *looks at Syntax to answer the elder*
Alexander DeZarn: *The punch that was aimed for Sven face instead slams hard into the side of his skull with enough force to knock teeth out. Certainly one of the Ahrouns better shots*
Axel Brooks: *goes and opens the door*
Kelsey Heyd: *..looks up to the approaching Sashi, then looks back down to Veldela. Kelsey smiles a bit..* Yer gonna be ok, Sis. Yer strong.
Syntax: ~pays attention to Ven and Sashi, expecting one of the little people to get the door.~
Sven Tuverak: ~and well, is just not an ahroun and get's decked like a ragabahs would, and pretty much hits the ground after that, ~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~nods a slight bow to Axel when he answers the door.~ Silver-san requested me.
Sven Tuverak: ~he drools a bit, the green crane on his arm seeming to glow with a life of it's own as he just spittles~
Run Jun Ichi: -blinks at the door when it opens. Wow, their are alot of them-
Wind of Hawk: *looks around, wonders if the Unicorn avatar would come to such a place as the zone*
Joseph Hesch: *Stands in a corner... slowly trying to calm himself*
Silver Kane: ~doesn't bother as Alex beats Sven into unconciousness~ Alright, everyone assemble up. And When alexander is done he will explian. ~motions to haruko to join them~
Kelsey Heyd: *..mumbles to herself at Alex's actions..* Damn. *..not condesending, just mildly surprised..*
Axel Brooks: *Nods to Haruko* O-o-o-o-over there.
Joseph Hesch: *Wants to leave... wants to go ride his rage somewhere... but is stuck*
Wind of Hawk: *Breaths deeply, closes her eyes for a moment, and calls both unicorns from the caves to the zone*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~enters and moves to Silver's desk.~
Sven Tuverak: ~is beaten into unconcious, so much for Tribal love~
Run Jun Ichi: -She stands next to Haruko looking rather demure-
Syntax: ~glances at Sashi~ I'm sure you can transport her, if need be.
Megan Wallace: * just notes the punch and then looks at the other starting to feel restless and looks towards the door*
Lotus: *The unicorn spirts do not just rush over, even though they move fast, the zone is not very hospitable to them*
Axel Brooks: ((I thought that was tribal love.))
Wind of Hawk: *glances at Sven and asks to anybody who can answer* What is the problem with him? Taint?
Alexander DeZarn: *He stands up and looks around* He is out but he needs help. And I don't mean from what I had to do. *He looks at Kane* Good timing Eldest.
Kelsey Heyd: (( His children are going to be feeling THAT love ... )) *..gets to her feet and glances at everyone around before moving over to Kane, since he wanted to speak..*
Silver Kane: ~he nods to Alexander~ I try ~ looking at Sven then AlexandeR~ possessed?
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Wind of Hawk* Don't really know. He has a Green Crane on his body now. I seen a Green tiger on someone elses body once that mad them fight sanity. *He doesn't say who the other person was and he looks at Hurako and Run*
Run Jun Ichi: -whispers to haruko, pointing at the green crane-
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~nods to Run~
Alexander DeZarn: *He notes Run whispering and where points* Ask him Kane. He seems to recognize it. *He moves to get his cigarettes from his jacket and light a smoke*
Syntax: ~had thought she mentioned the possession.. but who really knows anymore, she's not listened to half the time.~
Run Jun Ichi: -he [willpower] resist the urge to smile at alexander.-
Syntax: ~glances to Alex~ please don't smoke in here.
Silver Kane: "Alexander, I'd like to know what happened, You have 15 minutes everyone, your going back in.
Akane Sugimori: *silent*
Alexander DeZarn: *He smiles at Run and puts the smoke out without a fight, moving to the window to look outside for a second*
Wind of Hawk: *as soon as the unicorns are there, she speaks in spirit speech* Please, heal my sister Vendela, who lies here with me.
Kelsey Heyd: *..glances back at Vendela and Sashi, then looks to Alex..*
Syntax: ~pulls back from the unicorns, moving over to her usual spot on the wall near the conduit.~
Axel Brooks: ((Be back in a sec))
Run Jun Ichi: -she, as he looks like a she, will not speak until adressed, in case of neccessity he has a jade piece in hand-
Joseph Hesch: *Closes his eyes... that is not what he wanted to hear*
Megan Wallace: * looks at the unicorn partial fasination and listens to Sashi*
Lotus: *The unicorns look at Vendela and with a cold nose, one touche her, but even so they shigh back* ~SS~ she is without spirt, her life to gaia stolen, and her mind is wrecked.
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks back to Kane* We got in alright. A small scuffle with some spirit but that went well. Told you already about moving to the heart and finding the temple and web. Well Syn blew the whistle and it caused a wind, a cold wind that bite the flesh. *He nods to Sven and Ven* They were knocked off balance by it and into the webs. Ven never got back up. Sven got up and started attacking. Akane and I fought to keep him at bay and in control while Syntax seen to Ven's aid. We had a couple that wanted to burn the whole damn place down around us and would hear no end to it. *He looks at Joe for only a split second* Anyways, you got the bridge in and we left. I used the 5 slaggers to send a ring of fire into that place that the Devil would envy.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~waits next to Run-iqua, quietly for Silver.~
Silver Kane: ~he says it openly~ Alexander-yuf, Syntax-yuf. You are going against things that you have no normal experiece with, You've done the best under the circumstances. IF wyrm caerns were easly taken down, Gaia would not need us. Let us pull together and go from here...
Wind of Hawk: *narrows her eyes as she looks at Vendela for a second, then back to the Unicorns* -SS- Guide me, Sacred Healers, tell me how can I help her to heal completely. Enlighten me, if you have the answer.
Alexander DeZarn: *He nods* Agreed Kane. I have seen, fought and killed many things but I do not understand this one.
Joseph Hesch: *Still holding his slagger*
Silver Kane: ~he nods to Alexander's rendetion, noting the glances. Looks to the beta not to contradict but add to the statement~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~says nothing, although she's upset that Silver-san would ignore her words on this matter and send people in.~
Alexander DeZarn: *Syn did great, for once he supports her in full*
Lotus: *they are the best healers gaia has, nothing beats them, but they are not very strong here* ~SS~ She is ..wrong, not as wrong as That one. *the point to SVEN*
Kelsey Heyd: *..runs her fingers through her hair, listening..*
Syntax: ~glances up~ there's a heart, a beating heart you can feel. Whatever it is, is living. It's not actually in the Meg'tek lands... after we went umbra, we passed from the webbing to a portal.. with the wind, the gnosis theif, and the happy panda pagoda...
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Joe and the slagger. He didn't have time to count. He just assumed all were there.
Silver Kane: ~turns to HAruko~ There you have it. Enlighten us. ~to both asians~
Akane Sugimori: *silent*
Megan Wallace: * doesn't contribute or make any kind or expression just stands there quiet*
Syntax: No other spirits than that that I could see... but I'm betting the thing itself is one. Definitely uncool. The SmellBane, but ten times more efficient.
Wind of Hawk: *sighs and glances at Sven briefly, then back to the Unicorns* -SS- If I take them both to the caves, would you be able to heal them?
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~listens quietly, saying only, to start~ why did you not heed by words, Silver-san? I told you not to seek this without me.
Joseph Hesch: *Just leans back on the wall... counting... trying to calm himself*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ((by = my))
Silver Kane: ~he sighs at haruko~ I did, it was ill advised, it's past. We move on.. I have people down
Run Jun Ichi: -when Kane indicates ~her~ she keeps her eyes lowerd and speaks softly- "That one is lost until the link is cut. The link cannot be cut until the stolen power is given back.
Lotus: *the spirts don't actually know what's wrong in a sense, *SS~ no, what has happened happens to Garou that do not heed the mother, who have totally lost all touch to her.. Even the Spirals heed the mother.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: what you face is yomi. It is not your western wyrm. It does not work the same. It works with chi and the soul.
Silver Kane: ~looks about~ well, all of ytou who where there, ask your questions to our , advisiors. ~motions to the Haruko and run~
Akane Sugimori: *Speaks up immediately* What is the webbing.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~shakes her head and looks to Run-ko~
Alexander DeZarn: Before I do that Kane. *He points to Joe* I will not take him under my lead again. He will not listen to orders given and I will not have him risking lives in my hands. *He is serious. He looks to Run and Hurako* How do we kill it or help our friends.
Wind of Hawk: *she nods to the unicorns as she also listens to what the asians are saying* Silver Kane-rhya...*shakes her head* They cannot be heal now from seems you have to go and look to wherever the soul is
Syntax: ~glances to Alex, then Joe, but doesn't dispute his request.~
Run Jun Ichi: "The webbing is a trap. In a weak ~shen~ it is used to trap spirts, in a powerfull one, it can steal spirt, even out of the very air itself. This makes it dangersou for all things, for everything is connected to the August personage in some way. Unless you are attuned to it."
Joseph Hesch: *Almost seems pleased with that... he wont follow an alpha that can't lead*
Kelsey Heyd: *..raises the Getbrow. Sucks to be him, he lost the respect of a damn fine Lord..*
Alexander DeZarn: And how do you attune yourself to it?
Carlos Seventrees: [[*peeks*]]
Kelsey Heyd: *..raises the othr brow at Sashi..*
Silver Kane: ~he looks at Joe, who's usually rather obedient then at alex and syntax~ Alright, ~nods to Joe~ you are out of this Campian. Rest Joe, you were up all night.
Alexander DeZarn: *He just his shot at Glory, the Warleader just said he will not be on any mission*
Megan Wallace: * glances at Joe and Alex and goes back to listening*
Joseph Hesch: *Keeps counting... he's alomst done*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Kane* I mean ever again. Until he learns that what I say is what goes. Syntax even had to tell him to shut up and stopping questioning sound orders. No more. *He looks at Joe* And leave the Slagger here.
Run Jun Ichi: -she doesn't say a damn word while they converse amung themselves-
Wind of Hawk: (hi, Carlos) *stands up and looks at the oriental people*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks back to Run and inclines his head* My apologizes, I breech etiqutte. Forgive this transgression. Please continue.
Joseph Hesch: *Waits to finish counting till he speaks*
Syntax: I contest that. ~simple~ Unless you put yourself under the same scope, Alex. I agree he's out this mission. He can't control his rage enough to listen down there, then he's a liability. But you better start making decisions on your own, and listening. When I say something isn't a bane. It's not.
Silver Kane: "Alright, and when do you determine that he WILL follow? ~he waits to hear this explanation.~ [[drags carlos icly]]"Or was it a product of what affected Joe, that affected Sven and Vendela ~he ask in inquiery~
Wind of Hawk: *nods in gratitude to the Unicorns* -ss- I beg you to wait in the caves, as you have been called for a mission and the mission is not done yet. Please, Sacred Healers.
Lotus: *the unicorn spirts demateralise to shake off some of the weaver but doesn't leave*
Joseph Hesch: *And he finishes.. looks at alex* When you learn to lead I will follow... *That is all he has to say... and will say no more*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~waits on them, seeing the division and less surprised now that they ignored her warnings.~
Joseph Hesch: [[ dlp ]]
Run Jun Ichi: -~she~ opens her mouth to speak again, closes it right when kane starts to speak and then others.-
Syntax: ~doesn't seem at all concerned with wasting time discussing this. If this isn't handled, it will be an issue. Issues cause problems.... And she wants a little more time to rest before going back into that nasty place.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He just throws his hands up and finds a seat, waiting*
Silver Kane: ~Holds up a hand for a general silence so that their not going to be arguing~
Silver Kane: "Alright. One case and point. This is simple. Alexander, You have removed him from your control, This ends this matter right here. We will discuss future campians LATER.
Joseph Hesch: *Just stands leaning on the wall.. not saying a thing... ending his counting... and calming his rage*
Silver Kane: ~he motions for Run to speak again~
Syntax: ~has been silent, for the most part. She just rests against the wall, breathing in the calm and metallic weaver.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He nods to Kane* Agreed. Now let us hear what has to be said from those that know who to destroy this.
Run Jun Ichi: -waits and looks at Alexander, eyes keep down- "Kill what Sir?"
Alexander DeZarn: Destroy what ever it is that is harming my friends. *He nods his head toward Sven and Ven*
Carlos Seventrees: Packless again, and looking the part with his head in the clouds as he meanders into the Weaver's hold. Without his pack he perhaps had thought to come here to see what more new and interesting Weaver tricks he could learn, or at least observe- but at the time has completely forgotten about his reason, smoking non-chalantly, he blinks about the place as he enters, trying to remember.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: It is a spiritual place, where one finds the Emerald Mother.
Syntax: ~looks over to Carlos~ please put that out.
Run Jun Ichi: -he says plainly- "You cannot destroy what you cannot understand. You can only cleanse it, or close the door it uses."
Wind of Hawk: *after she makes sure Vendela and Sven are at least comfortable, she steps back to the door and stays there, where she can still listen to all that is said*
Alexander DeZarn: *He bites his tounge before asking Haruko why the Emerald Mother would want to kill her own children*
Joseph Hesch: [[ brb ]]
Silver Kane: ~that he knows, too many talks with ima~ "..A caern? well, we assumed it is a wyrm caern.
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Run* Alright, how is that done? How do we get back what was taken from them and then cleanse the place and or shut the door?
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~nods, assuming that is their word for it.~ hai.
Megan Wallace: * is curious about something but waits to ask*
Zaid D'Urdan: *Enters close behind Carlos*
Carlos Seventrees: He blinks when he recognizes the gathering, and hears Syntax' request for him. He *begins* to oblige, but hears mention of a Wyrm Pit- again, and forgets about putting it out, perking an ear and walking a little closer to be able to hear Kane better
Run Jun Ichi: -says one word- Jade. -nods slowly- Did you see any Jade in the Dragon's Heart?
Kelsey Heyd: *..rubs her chin and listens intently, letting her elders speak first..*
Wind of Hawk: *nods to Carlos in her way, arms folded, listening*
Lotus: *the Unicorn spirt stay close to Sashi*
Syntax: ~walks over to Carlos, takes the cigarette from him, puts it out on the wall, and puts the stub back in his hand before walking back to her spot with a light thank you.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks to Syntax* I had my hands full with Sven. Did you see any Jade? *He looks at the others* Any of you?
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~remains silent as Run-ko speaks.~
Syntax: ~shrugs~ not that i noticed. Netting... big pagoda. ~shrugs~
Zaid D'Urdan: *Heads into the office feeling his packmember*
Megan Wallace: * shakes her head no*
Carlos Seventrees: He turns to give a sly grin to Wind of Hawk, glancing back to watch Syn take care of the problem herself, then looks to the cigarette- with Zaid moving up behind him now, though, his eyes visably begin to focus a little more.
Run Jun Ichi: "What color was the Pagoda "
Syntax: ~with a sly grin~ black and blue
Lotus: ((black and blue was the color of the pagoda, with some yellow and a tinge of red))
Alexander DeZarn: *He can't help but think that what is left of it is char black now*
Zaid D'Urdan: *Rubs his shaved head with his left hand... his pinky and ring finger bound together by fleash as well as his middle and pointer*
Run Jun Ichi: -he is sure- "He is trying to form a Ying yu jade. It is the essence of spirt stealing. In short, if i understand correctly, you were at the Heart of a Dragon and therefore, you must awaken the dragon. To do this, you hengeyokai can open the heart yes? When it is open, you can Attune it to yourself, but it will try to take it away from you, lock away your spirtual essecene. This means you will need someone that is attuned to it, to shatter the heart -he looks at haruko- You need someone who's Joss has been made opposite.
Megan Wallace: * leans against the wall and folds her arms over her chest and listens starting to feel tired*
Silver Kane: ~blinks~ In english Haruko?
Run Jun Ichi: -motions to sven- IF i may Sir, do you want me to restore your friends.
Run Jun Ichi: (sven and vendela)
Joseph Hesch: *they need Sven*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: you must attune the heart as you attune your caerns to you. Because it is attuned against you, you must take a like attunement with you to stabilize.
Kelsey Heyd: *..spirit stuff ... it's always about spirit stuff. To be a Godi. Sigh..*
Run Jun Ichi: "You ~may~ have to sacrifice someone. That is how the Yomi work, if you want to stop them, they will make it cost you.
Carlos Seventrees: Carlos takes a step back so that his packmate can stand at his side instead of behind him, putting the cigarette into his pocket he frowns a bit as he doesn't hear it mentioned again, but then listens intently to Run, pouring curious eyes over him. He reaches up to scratch at the back of his head and then crosses his arms over his chest
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~unsure how else to put it. She doesn't know the westerner's terms, they have never been forthcoming with them.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He sometimes thinks he would give up his right hand to understand this spirit bullshit*
Silver Kane: "..Like a Rite of CAern opening?
Syntax: ~quietly~ rite of the open caern.
Akane Sugimori: *lost track of this conversation a long time ago*
Lotus: ((it's easy iof you've read hengeyokai or Kindred of the east, other wise it's just plain jibberish))
Wind of Hawk: *she leans against the door, observing and listening intently, however silent as if not there*
Carlos Seventrees: He murmers "Opening the Pure Place"
Silver Kane: ~frowns~ I will not sacrife anyone, but can we sacrifice, somethings? Like the stolen Spirt we have here?
Syntax: what if we run a Cleansing at the same time we're doing the Caern Opening? ~glances off to Sashi, the new Rite Master~ would that help?
Run Jun Ichi: -he nods slowly- Perhaps. Or I can attune you all, but your time will be shorts. To be attuned to the Yomi, is to hear the Yomi's whispers, and they do not lose often.
Zaid D'Urdan: *Takes a small step back barely noticeable. Looks over the room of those he does and and doesn't know. spending more time on those that he doesn't. He spends the most time on Haruko and Run.*
Silver Kane: ~shakes his head~ I've heard the wyrm enough for a life time. Some of these are too young to be listening to him talk.
Syntax: ~glances to Chrome~ bane skins then?
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Kane* I have heard it too. I will go.
Run Jun Ichi: -notes no one has accepted his offer to fix their friends, doesn't reoffer-
Carlos Seventrees: A sudden sly grin cast in Silver Kanes direction at his last comment.
Joseph Hesch: [[ has read them... still doesn't understand ~L~ ]] *Just watches... still not saying a word*
Kelsey Heyd: *..makes a slightly annoyed face..* A wolf in sheep's clothin' ... or in dis case, wolves in Yomi's clothing?
Silver Kane: ~his eyes lock on to carlos and he smiles, its a rare smile~ What whould happen is one was to call the wrym while there? THEN purify the place?
Silver Kane: "I have one bane skin. ~looks at sashi if she has any~
Akane Sugimori: *Speaks finally* we have to convince the spirts that we are their friends, then Betray them and attack *trying to reason it out*
Silver Kane: ~looks at alexander and nods~ Alright, You are abviously going alexander.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~listens, not knowing most of things they refer to.~
Wind of Hawk: *shakes her head* No, Silver Kane-rhya, I have had no time to make another I would like to remind you that Vendela and Sven still need help
Syntax: ~indicates herself as well, in the going speech~ we'll need a theurge, and i've got more experience with banes than most.
Alexander DeZarn: *He nods to Syn and agrees. She has to go. That is one Philodox, an Ahroun and now a Theurge*
Silver Kane: ~cracks his knuckles~ alright. I'm no theurge but this is what i understand. We need to not be affected, by or be close to the wyrm or this Yomi. That will make you an instant target. It sounds like the one that opens the caern will need to either be destroyed or put down hard, while the caern is open it will be vulnerable to attack..
Kelsey Heyd: *..mumbles..* We'll need all da gæfa we can get on dis one ...
Run Jun Ichi: -she ~almost~ voluntaries, this is why she exista after all, but doesn't go that far. Hengeyokai are unpredictable when their have claws-
Carlos Seventrees: He glances back at Zaid momentarily, and then Syntax, studying her as much as he can for just the moment he looks across her, before looking to Silver Kane again- he is still grinning, but not saying much
Kelsey Heyd: *..lifts her chin..* I'll go.
Silver Kane: ~looks at Sashi~ alright. ~looks at the lady~ You can attune us to the wyrm. After which what happens.
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Kelsey, studying her a long hard moment. If going means you must die, he could order her as her Alpha to stay but why deny her this Glory and there is no one he would rather go out fighting with then her.*
Run Jun Ichi: -he shakes his head- I do not want to do that -cause ytou hengeyoaki are crazy- Sail the dragon's heart to it's center, there you will find it's gaurdian. You will need one who can call to him to get him to respond.. Then you will be fighting for your lives.
Wind of Hawk: *sighs. Of course one single mind cannot be at everything. She approaches to the group and addresses RUN* Before you leave with them, would you please be so kind to help THEM? -pointing to Vendela and Sven
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~looks to Silver-san~ we are going. You will fail without us. ~period.~
Kelsey Heyd: *..glances sidelong at Alex and nods, thinking the exact same thing..*
Carlos Seventrees: He moves to the side some, and then bends at his knees to lower himself into a crouch as he listens to this, it's much more comfortable than standing.
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Finishes looking at everyone. Starts over.'
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks* How long before we must move out? *His thoughts turn to Maggie and his unborn child. He atleast wants to say goodbye once more*
Run Jun Ichi: -she bows to SAshi and shuffle walks her way over to vendela first. she concentrates and even under the light it can be seen she glows, as she pulls her hand appart and forms a web line. like a blanket she spreads this web line over Vendela ~(equlibrum)~ seetling her chi. ~as she does this a thired eye open in his forheads and he follows her prime meridians, channeling another point of yang, so the entire area feels warm and settles her mind-
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: soon. Very soon.
Joseph Hesch: *Blinks at the third eye*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Blinks at the third eye'
Carlos Seventrees: And *That* find his immediate attention, as if there is a need to, nevertheless he sniffs lightly at the air in order to Sense the Magic in use by Run, even as he watches it being performed
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~watchs Run heal them.~
Wind of Hawk: *observes, unexpressive*
Alexander DeZarn: *He blinks only once at the thrid eye*
Silver Kane: ~he stares at Run for a while, then blinks to Carlos~ Carlos, your going, you can summong the wyrm, you will go with your back to drag your ass out when we leave, Alright, This means the rest os us will be bruisers, our goal is to kill 3what at the center before carlos becomes one of them, and we all end up serving some foreign wyrm incarna, The present ones we have are bad enough.
Kelsey Heyd: *..curls her lip slightly at the (momentarily) three eyed freak hovering over her tribesister, weary of things she doesn't fully comprehend..*
Syntax: ~glances off the same way as everyone else, wondering if it's a real eye, or just some totem manefestation. Tries to think of a totem with three eyes.~
Wind of Hawk: *she glances at Kane for a few seconds, then at Carlos, then back to Vendela*
Run Jun Ichi: -the third eye closes and as it does the room feels cold, he stand and walks over to sven and looks him up and down. - You must kill the Akuma at the center, the one that created the webbing. I can only make him comfortable otherwise." -and he moves to do so, Channeling 1 yang , and does someting differnent. He reaches his hands into SVEN's chest and makes jerking movements as if he has a hold of something-
Carlos Seventrees: Still watching the magic being performed, he nods softly in response to Kane, even if he doesn't look to him, and grins all the more "I think the sound in my ears will turn up utter amusement. I, of course, will do as you've asked, rhya"
Zaid D'Urdan: *Knows one with three eyes... a stargazer... interesting...* If he goes I am too.
Wind of Hawk: *folds her arms again, though her expression has changed just slightly in her gaze*
Silver Kane: ~looks at ZAid~ I know i just said that. Right?
Syntax: ~keeps watching the freek thing~
Alexander DeZarn: *He sees Run plunge his hand into his Sven's chest and he comes to his feet, a snarl barely kept form being voiced. That is his Tribebrother and Crow!*
Akane Sugimori: *she snarls, once and quiets.* Oni.
Kelsey Heyd: *..narrows her eyes slightly at this bizzare display..*
Wind of Hawk: *she turns around and approaches to Kane. Leans to whisper in his ear in a way just he could hear*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Nods to Kane' Sorry sir.. that was to myslef... i hadn't realised i had spoken aloud...
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~looks to Alexander and takes a step forward to show the claws-only Hakken that she will not let his foolishness harm her companion.~
Syntax: ~glances to Akane, and doens't need more than her time on the web to know what Oni means. Not a bad game... for a mere fake 3D.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He watches in stunned silence but his hand is not near his Klaive and he is in Glabro.*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~shifts her words to Akane, still watching the White-haired Hakken~ ~jap~ Nakatomi-oni, Akane-san.
Run Jun Ichi: -he hopes haruko can keep them off him as he works, he continues to equalize Sven before finally pulling his hands out, nothing the worse for wear- "He will be well now " -he's is DEATHLY pale, he doesn't breath, move or even look alive as he is Yin Imbalanced. He needs Yang, live flesh would do fine. Solid black eyes scans the rest and he hurries over to HAruko- Yang. I need Yang ~he whispers to her~ NOt used to healing.
Silver Kane: ~gives a shudder, glad's sven 's unconcious~
Kelsey Heyd: *..looks back to Alex, wondering how he's taking this whole dead with yin and yang, bop bop schebang, yadda yadda whatever..*
Kelsey Heyd: (( dead = deal ))
Lotus: *makes run roll wave soul Hun, diff 7*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~nods to Run, but doesn't move.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He moves over to kneel beside Sven and feel for a pulse, needing to reassure himself of his Tribebrother's life*
Carlos Seventrees: His eyes follow Run intently, every motion, every word, every change- he attempts to study everything he can, and despite every bit of knowledge of the Dark Serpent he has, there is nothing that he can think of that would align what is going on with him...
Syntax: ~just shakes her head. East shit.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Life energy... he will have to find these two later on and try to speak more to them'
Wind of Hawk: *she turns to look at what Run is doing, still unexpressive*
Run Jun Ichi: -She struggles to keep her image under control, even as the yin inbalance tries to take her over. the skin continues to turn chalk white, a macarbe beatifual piece of horror as she fights to bring herself under control. So much Yang in this room, so hungry-
Kelsey Heyd: * the womanly Run intently ... just waiting..*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~puts a hand on Run's, as she waits for the Hakken to decide.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Wonders if they use Feng Shui'
Silver Kane: ~also watches the woman intently, and Idea in his mind~ It's something akin we face right? If we force this creature to expend energy, will it also do the same?
Kelsey Heyd: 'Lex ...? *..she leaves the question hanging in the air..*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks up from Sven when he finds he is alive and moves back to his seat. That was still not a pleasant thing to see*
Run Jun Ichi: -when Haruko Touches him, she will absorb what she needs thru her very skin, comming under control almost immediately-
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Kelsey*
Kelsey Heyd: *..moves over to Alex's side so her voice doesn't echo ... tensions are high, and people are not very happy with anything going down here..*
Silver Kane: ~he grins, ~ That's why it steal energy, It's uses alot, so.. ~his mind working~
Syntax: ~starting to wind down from the adrenaline thing~
Akane Sugimori: *shakes head at the Oni. That is disturbing to see one so close, even if they so share dragon hearts*
Carlos Seventrees: He reaches up to scratch at the back of his head slowly, listening intently to Kane, but watching even more intently, Run.
Kelsey Heyd: *..whispers to Alex..*
Run Jun Ichi: -soon she is better, takes breath (her first) and opens eyes, normal and even breaks into a sheepish smile as glows with life- I did what i could -doesn't answer Silver. ISn't even going to try and explain demon chi, which the Akuma has plenty off, and won't ever run out of-
Syntax: so what do we need, and when are we going?
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~looks a little more tired, but is too pale for the difference in palor to be noticed.~
Silver Kane: "Everyone Suit up, were going back. Plan is simply. I have one bane skin it goes to Carlos, carlos will go in, I'll talk him thru opening a caern, after that the rest.. When the "dragon's Heart " opens..We'll go in, kill everything
Wind of Hawk: Run> Thank you...*she nods, then she walks to lean against the door*
Alexander DeZarn: *He stands and nods to Kane. He would have liked to tell Maggie goodbye first but it can not be*
Syntax: ~nods and pushs herself off the wall. Just one more run.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Nods he will stand right next to his packmate... he can't fight well... but will do what he can'
Joseph Hesch: *Will hold the fort here*
Kelsey Heyd: *..leans back from Alex and claps him on the shoulder..*
Carlos Seventrees: He nods and pulls himself up from his crouch- this will certainly be a most *interesting* experience. He gives a quick reassuring grin back to his packmate "Wish me luck?"
Silver Kane: ~looks at Joe. ~alright, watch our back then. ~he looks about~ Your still lead Alexander, GEt ready everyone.
Wind of Hawk: *Not much she can do in the Zone anyway, she prepares to go back to the caves, where the spirits would feel more comfortable and ready to help if they can*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Looks at Carlos like he has never heard the work luck before' No. You wont need it.
Akane Sugimori: *get's up off the wall*
Carlos Seventrees: He glances across at Wind of Hawk before looking to his packmate once more and grinning slyly once more "Thanks."
Run Jun Ichi: -choses carefull his demon Armour. Attunes himself to the Yin -
Wind of Hawk: *she turns before opening the door* CARLOS SEVENTREES, may the Great Spirit guide you and enlighten you way and your mind.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~makes time to take her sweater and suede boots off, exposing some of her tattoos.~
Silver Kane: "..Alright, were all comming back, Let's go .~ And with that activates his kliave to go to the last location he was at~
Kelsey Heyd: Carlos > Much gæfa to ya, Godi.
Joseph Hesch: *Nods to Kane*
Alexander DeZarn: *He turns and looks to Kelsey, holding his hand up to her* Till life is gone, Till blood is gone, Against the Wyrm with Teeth Bared, to spit in his eye on the Last day! *He waits for her to clasp his hand before nodding to Kane*
Silver Kane: [[hm, gives carlos the bane skin FIRST!!]]
Syntax: ~readies herself with a soft breath, and one last touch of the smooth metal.~ ready.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ((pm anyone who wants to know what tattoos they are.))
Wind of Hawk: all...*she adds before walking out the zone and closes the door behind her*
Alexander DeZarn: *He activates his Klaive and moves to Crinos.*
Silver Kane: ~nods to Sashi~ Thank you sister, we shall return.
Syntax: ~shifts up to crinos, just easier this way~
Kelsey Heyd: *..clasps Alex's forearm firmly with a big grin..* For Gaia! *..activates her fetish claw and also shifts to Crinos..*
Joseph Hesch: *Sets the dragger(or what ever it is) down on kanes desk.. they might need it*
Wind of Hawk: ((character back to the caves-player gone to sleep. Have fun and g'night))
Silver Kane: ~motions alexander in first, Akane in last, Syntax in behind and all else to file in~
Syntax: ((night sashi))
Carlos Seventrees: He gives the grin to Sashi as well, nodding quickly, obviously excited, the adrenaline already getting to him "Thank you, Wind of Hawk, may the Great Spirit keep you safe as well" He pauses, lookinsg to Kelsey at her offer of support- doesn't know what it meant, but grins a bit slyly at her too "Thanks"
Syntax: ~waits for her time in the line~
Alexander DeZarn: *He snarls before leaping into the Bridge and getting ready for what might come. Once he lands he brings up the Armor of Luna to aid him*
Akane Sugimori: *waits, activiting her weapons again, the blunt ends becoming sharp*
Lotus: ((megtekk))
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~seeming so much smaller around all of the large Hakken, walks forward in line, barefoot.~
Carlos Seventrees: [Night Sashi!] Carlos takes the Baneskin- never having owned one, but handled them before, sure. Come on, he's an Uktena.
Syntax: ~meg'tek~
Carlos Seventrees: And goes as well ~Megatekk~
Alexander DeZarn: ~Meg'tek~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~megatekk~
Kelsey Heyd: *..follows after Alex..* ~Tekk'in~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Stands next to Carlos. He follows suit and shifts to crinos. Looking close akin to an egyptian jackel'
Akane Sugimori: *Last in, megtekk*
Zaid D'Urdan: ~GONE~
Joseph Hesch: *Sits back and waits*
Silver Kane: ~megtekk~
Joseph Hesch: [[*waves to the lurkers* ]] *Stands and moves for the sheet of metal he spent all of last night working on*
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
* * * Second round at the Pit.
Lotus: __________________________________________________________
Lotus: ________________________________________________________________
Lotus: ____________________________________________________________
Lotus: *The bridge open up next to a pretty nasty inferno, deep in the heart of texas*
Alexander DeZarn: *He is the first one out of the Bridge. He begins to looks around and then moves so other can come out*
Lotus: (that was a joke) AS before the Beat of the heart mvoes with the Garou as they come in*
Kelsey Heyd: *..second one out, stepping to Alex's side..*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~walks out, looking around calmly~
Zaid D'Urdan: [[ texas? ]] 'Exits right behind carlos'
Run Jun Ichi: -walks out next to Haruko and looks about. He reaches into his cloathing and pull out a small wodden boat. He tosses it at the lines*
Lotus: *RUN's wodden boat expands to a great chinese boat as almost instantly the very lines change , becomming a raging river, witht eh boat at the edge*
Syntax: ~comes out towards the back, to see some wierd boat and water, and stuff that wasn't here before.~
Akane Sugimori: *shifts the bow on her shoulders*
Kelsey Heyd: *..if Keanu Reeves was a Garou, he'd say..* ~G~ Whoa. *..just like that..*
Syntax: ((*LMAO@Kels*))
Run Jun Ichi: -he turns to the hengeyokai-"You will need to Move the spirts out of the way. This is not the east, they will follow their own rules. -he drops the female facade and stares at them as Run- Kill me later, -as his form grows to 10ft with a green gen in his white dragonscale armour-
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Has lost count on the number of questions he has now.'
Carlos Seventrees: Carlos exits with Zaid, tying the Banskin about his neck already, lifting his hair about the cord. He blinks softly over at this occurance, but decides to *really* focyus himself on the task at hand and try to keep his attention where it belongs- he works on attuning the Skin to himself, so that it can be used properly.
Run Jun Ichi: -white SAMUARI , dragonscale armour-
Syntax: ~blinks~
Akane Sugimori: *says once again* oni.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~steps into the boat, glancing to the Hakken.~
Silver Kane: "What the ..~ he stand with his kliave at the ready.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Adds five more'
Carlos Seventrees: Okay, he *really* tries to keep focus, now. CLosing his eyes, so that he can attune the skin without letting his curiosity getting the better of him
Kelsey Heyd: *..blinks, then shakes her head. More pressing matters ... Kelsey's rage is supressed, more controlled..*
Lotus: [[and they said i couldn't get the hengeyoaki and the west on the same plot *sticks tounge out*]]
Run Jun Ichi: -he get's in the boat-
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~waits on the others to enter the boat, by far the smallest now... pratically a tattooed porcelain doll at 5'3, 95lbs. She look, for all the world, like an errant step by one of the garou, or the 10' samurai, could crush her.~
Lotus: *the water is raging, but it's for the west, not just water, but a river of Gnosis. You obviously are not in kansas anymore*
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Run as his lips peel back in a snarl. Run can count that he will*
Syntax: ~boats it... towards the rear.~
Zaid D'Urdan: [[ *Grabs tounge* ]] 'Waits for the Alphas to say what they are doing'
Alexander DeZarn: *He boards the boat as well*
Kelsey Heyd: *..climbs upon the boat, never turning her back to Run..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Follows Carlos into the boat'
Run Jun Ichi: -the samuari only looks at Alexander without smiling- You are still the perfect target HAkken. for me, and all others.
Silver Kane: ~climbs on the boat now.~ This is unexpected.
Carlos Seventrees: Moving into the boat as he attunes the fetish, eyes closed, he *feels his way along, still in homid, is likely the second smallest one here.
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ We have more pressing matters. What lies between us will wait*
Akane Sugimori: *she did tell them it was oni. One of the other spirtual creautes but does anyone listen to her? no.*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~says nothing, although she listens to their words.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Could careless what the purpose of the samuri is... good or evil. Just wants to know more about it'
Silver Kane: ~has that feeling he's missing something, leaves it alone for others to explain later~ set sail then.
Alexander DeZarn: ((delete the * at the end of my last IC post))
Lotus: *And when everyone s aboard, the boat does set off, traveling with sickening speed toward the heart of the dragon.*
Syntax: ~ready and waiting, glances down at the gnosis river and looks to the samarai dude~ can i touch it?
Syntax: ~wondering if she can scoop up and stock up for later~
Lotus: *CARLOS seems to change almost impreceptable, but as everyone is on edge, it's becoems obvoious. He suddenly becomes the enemy, hair skin, body. It requires will not to attack him*(willroll diff of rage)
Kelsey Heyd: *..peers over the side of the boat, wondering how many of her ancestors travelled like she. She could always ask ... nah..*
Run Jun Ichi: -he drives the boat, it requires concentration- "It is not yours, you will only Tip off those that we travel their ways.
Carlos Seventrees: [[kill me, kill me]]
Syntax: ~nods.. wondering how the big boat doesn't clue them to it~
Silver Kane: ~almost starts toward carlos, then shakes his head~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~stands, calm~
Kelsey Heyd: *..glances slowly back to Carlos, her hackles rising stiffly around her swirling grey neckscruff. She stares..*
Run Jun Ichi: -doesn't even turn to CArlos, his is a devil tiger, others cannot even hope to comprehend his attunement to the hell he enters-
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Carlos and his lips twitch. He remembers a time when he had to do the same thing to get the job done so he just turns his back* ((4 sxx))
Silver Kane: "That bane skin works Carlos."
Zaid D'Urdan: *Doesn't even seem bothered at carlos's change at all*
Akane Sugimori: [[beats carlos to death]]*Takes a few deep breaths. no, they are not betrayed, they are not*
Carlos Seventrees: He doesn't seem to notice all the funny looks he starts to get, just looks relieved as the he *feels* himself attuned with the Fetish, and knows that it's working just right.
Silver Kane: "Alright alex, i'll be beside carlos, everything else is up to the rest of you."
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Watches the river... really wanting to touch it'
Kelsey Heyd: *..huffs lightly and turns back to watching the boat's progress..*
Syntax: ~glares at Carlos, but shifts her eyes back to the river~
Lotus: *Soon enough the winds cut across everyone , cutting winds that seek to rend them limb to limb before suddenly a soiled serpent (urge wrym to most) slitters up over the boat, clearly 50ft tall It whispers *~SS~ Why do you travel these lands
Carlos Seventrees: He nods to that, running his fingers quickly across it at his neck before finally oipening his eyes and looking up. Oh, but does he look nasty now. He gives a slippery slick sly grin to Kane at his comment but only nods.
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Kane* ~G~ If it is not one of us on the boat it dies. *He nods*
Silver Kane: ~holds his heart, shit he's going to have a heart attack~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~her eyes shift to full black orbs, brilliant opalfire flashing across their surface~
Run Jun Ichi: -motions for one of the Hakken to get rid of the spirt, they have no bargining time-
Carlos Seventrees: Oh, he's not *seen* one of these yet, at least not face to face. He doesn't answer it, however- excitement practically pours from him, the grin only widening as he getsa good curious look
Syntax: ~looks to Run, then attempts to command the spirit to her side~
Akane Sugimori: *her eyes follow the coils and doesn't understand a word, but doesn't think they all can fit*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'That is not what he thinks it is. He can't understand it, but he sure as hell hopes'
Alexander DeZarn: *His Klaive comes up instantly at the best* ~G~ Thunder preserve.
Lotus: *The smile it gives Syntax is one of a dream as it slides to her side* ~SS~ you called?
Run Jun Ichi: "This is not your world Hakken, that is not something to be played with "
Kelsey Heyd: *..tenses at the sight of the spirit, bringing her claws up to bear..* ~G~ Vándr-andi ...
Silver Kane: ~he scrambles out of the way of the scalled creature~
Carlos Seventrees: His eyes follow it as it slithers along, slitted as they are now. He licks his lips with all the great deal of adrenaline that rips through him- he seems to be having a great time. His tongue appears to be split.
Zaid D'Urdan: 'His eyes follow it's every movement... This is a good night'
Lotus: *it seems to be a black and gray dragon. It's not much of anything, not very powerfull as spirts go, but it is 50ft foot tall, and produces emotion that are just not natural. *
Syntax: ~she ignores it's calling, focusing herself on the standard procedure.. just a larger bane...~
Run Jun Ichi: -he contine to steer the boat toward the dragon's heart-
Lotus: ~it's words shift to whipers, only for her~
Run Jun Ichi: -they have been warned.-
Kelsey Heyd: * the ... thing ... every muscle in her crinos body at the ready..*
Lotus: *Aheads, the pagoda comes into view sharply. It seems to race towards you, something out of Big troubel in little china, an temple, lands, water*
Syntax: ~growls at it, and shreds her claws across it~
Alexander DeZarn: *He moves to stand beside Kelsey, ready to kill that beast. He doesn't like the Umbra for starters. He doesn't like Big spirits either. This is really not his night*
Silver Kane: "Syntax, Get rid of it. "
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~watchs the dragon with a strange interest~
Lotus: *it laughs as Syntax attackes it, fading *(frenzy rolls syn, diff 4)
Carlos Seventrees: He jumps back, suddenly, as Syntax attacks it, a lok of disapppointment spreading across his scaline features.
Zaid D'Urdan: "Wonders if standing in this boat will cause it to tip as easely as real boats... would rather not find out.'
Run Jun Ichi: -"WE will land in momnet. Be at your ready. Nothing here is what you are used to."
Syntax: ~frenzies, shredding at it.~
Kelsey Heyd: ~G~ There's an understatement ... * the ready ... just give her a reason, one reason, one wrong move..*
Silver Kane: ~with concious effort he cuts syn off from her rage~
Carlos Seventrees: And moves further away from her yet- that isn't too good. He could have sworn she said she was experienced with them...
Silver Kane: ~turns to everyone ~ alright, Everyone at the ready. Alexander it's yours ~steel fur shifting across his features and his body. ~
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Kelsey and nods, reading her thought. His words are for his packsister only* ~G~ For Wyvern and Gaia. *He holds up his Klaive* Embrace Death!
Akane Sugimori: "Oni" *it's now a mantra*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~silent~
Run Jun Ichi: -he smiles, he almost wishes they attack him so he can leave them in the 456 health-
Syntax: ~drops to seething, then calmer, homid~
Run Jun Ichi: [456 hell]
Silver Kane: "Get to your feet syntax, Like i said, don't play with them, just get rid of them.
Carlos Seventrees: [[456 Health? Is that a Hospital of some kind?]]
Alexander DeZarn: *His fur is steel and glows softly with Luna's touch* ~G~ Everyone at your ready. Remember. If it is not of of use that left from Zone then it is to die or be drive off with preference to the first one. *He looks over them all* ~G~ This is our hour to shine Garou. Let us reclaim our home and birthright!
Lotus: *then you dock, and the surealness of everything fades away just as suddenly. Infront is a large wodden gate. EVerthing about it is like the real world, except the jade. Little torces burning, *
Run Jun Ichi: -he holds the boat up to the "shore, " and get's out-
Kelsey Heyd: *..holds her claws up in the air..* ~G~ Blood and tears, glory, honor and wisdom! For Gaia and Wyvern! (( *..kicks connection..* ))
Akane Sugimori: *hops out LAST*
Carlos Seventrees: "And don't kill me" He adds to Alex's little inspirational chant. THen chuckles in a liquid boggy manner
Akane Sugimori: *in her classicly Reserved way she says* For my Mother.
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Wasn't this a wyrm hole. Home and birthrite? Makes no sence. But, he tried. Stands ready to follow'
Alexander DeZarn: *He leaves the boat, fully on guard. He is a metal spring waiting to snap at something*
Silver Kane: ~taps Carlos with his Kliave~ just do what you have to, then We'll see baout getting that Vile Stuff away from you.
Syntax: ~nods to Chrome, and hops out of the boat~ I'm fine.
Kelsey Heyd: *..leaves alongside Alex, moving almost as one, as pack mentality will do that to you..*
Silver Kane: ~climbes out~ I LOVE what you've done to the place Coiled Serpant.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~moves with Run, the small asian woman, calm.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Follows out behind Carlos. Waiting for orders'
Lotus: *can we say GONG? WE can, and that feeling of Terrible ICKY ness comes back, more Gnosis you have, the worse you feel, unlews you happen to be wyrm tainted at the moment*
Run Jun Ichi: -he waits at the back. It's their fight, he's sure Ashura left when they first aborted-
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~ Garou, battleforms and be ready. *He continues to do as he says. Having been in Crinos, Klaive held tight in his left hand and poised for use*
Carlos Seventrees: He moves with Kane and his packmate. Cricking his neck some as he does- didn't really like being tapped with a Klaive of all things, but says nothing to it. He slowly removes his coat from his shoulders as he walks along, but instead of dropping to the ground it seems to disappear into him
Silver Kane: ~stays near Carlos and Ziad~
Syntax: ~looks ready to vomit.~
Kelsey Heyd: *..goooooong ... Kelsey feels mildly ucked, having such low Gnosis. Homids, go fig..*
Lotus: *The gate lies head*
Silver Kane: ~does vomit~
Carlos Seventrees: Heavily Wyrmish for the time being, he doesn't really seem to notice the ickiness over the ickiness he already feels.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~seems no different for the gong~
Akane Sugimori: *is looking pretty normal, this she's felt before and still wants to get rid off*
Alexander DeZarn: *He stops in his prowling long enough to retch up what remains of that steak supper. He shakes his head clear and continues*
Kelsey Heyd: *..turns an ear to the sound of Kane tossing his kibbles, but will never turn her eyes from the gate. Who knows what's behind it? What made him lose it? Kelsey hardly is any worse for the wear..*
Silver Kane: ~it takes him a good 2 minutes to stop vomiting over the side and struggle into his crinos form~
Syntax: ~grits her teeth and steels herself some~
Kelsey Heyd: *..make that Kane ... AND Alex. She glances sidelong at him, but doesn't say a word..*
Carlos Seventrees: He pauses with Kane, letting him time to lose his lunch, knowing he's supposed to stick with hi, he glances about warily/curiously, and then glances to Zaid for a moment.
Silver Kane: "Alright ~G~ This is my 7th wyrm pit, and i've never felt like this.
Syntax: ~shifts herself up to Crinos, still gritting teeth, just larger ones now. She'll move closer to Chrome and put her hand on his shoulder.~
Run Jun Ichi: -continues to shift his chi about so that he is constantly attunded to the area ~(equulibrum)
Alexander DeZarn: *His thought mirror Kane's this time, except this is just his 4th*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Is glad he can cleans. But, this is a new experiance. So he embraces it for the time being. He keeps two steps behind Kane and one more behind carlos'
Kelsey Heyd: ~G~ Like what, Kane-rhya? I hardly feel a thing.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~waits on the Hakken.~
Silver Kane: ~glares at Kelsey, and motions to the alexander and the door.~
Akane Sugimori: *looks around, should she be feeling something?*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~holds up a hand to the Hakken~ I will go first... ~she moves forward~
Akane Sugimori: *get's that parinoid feeling*
Kelsey Heyd: *..quietly..* ~G~ A little queasy, but nothin' like completely huckin' my lunch ... *..flattens her ears slightly and continues along..*
Carlos Seventrees: He glances at the Get, then grins a bit slickly at her, licking his lips again with the now forked tongue before moving again with Kane- he wisely doesn't mention how he feels.
Syntax: ~can't believe Kels doesn't feel it, looks a bit suspiciously at her.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He heads toward the door and looks at hit* ~G~ Knock knock. *He looks for a latch to pull it open with*
Lotus: *door opens inward*
Kelsey Heyd: *..glances sidelong at Alex, she will move when he does..*
Syntax: ~glances at the door and readies herself~
Run Jun Ichi: -stands silent, preparing to cleanse what he can-
Lotus: *the hall way is lit in a straight line by 1000 candels, *
Carlos Seventrees: Remembering something an elder shaman mentioned to him once, as soon as the door opens, he takes a moment out to look behind the group
Silver Kane: ~if he stand still anymore he'll throw up and how~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~lets the Hakken lead then, if he wishes. She does not fear her soul here, with so many of theirs to take~
Kelsey Heyd: *..mumbled..* ~G~ Aw look, they lit the candleabras fer us ... how cute.
Alexander DeZarn: *He looks at Haruko* Is it safe? You said we must turst you here. *He is poised to push the doors open*
Carlos Seventrees: "Better than a war party of Dancers..." He murmers to himself, peering out across the mist, before turning back around to move with the group
Lotus: (oops, a little a head of myself *my fault* does is still closed, when opened it will reveal 1000 candels)
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ((okay.. am a little lost, but will go with the ST.)) ~nods to the White-haired hakken, believing him to be as attuned to this place as she.~
Alexander DeZarn: *He pushes the doors inward, opening up the hallway*
Run Jun Ichi: -the Gem in his armour glows-
Kelsey Heyd: (( Insert Kelsey's I'm-trying-to-be-witty-post here. ))
Lotus: *about 20 ft in is a man. He is bald and has 3 eyes in his forhead. you KNOW he is looking into your soul. you KNOW he knows EVERYTHING about you, from conception till now. *
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~her eyes flash black and opalfire again, KNOWING the feel of Evaluation, and hating it.~
Run Jun Ichi: [hates evaluate]-bristles and tries to shield himself to no avail-
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Looks at the glowing Gem in the armor... for some reason haveing flash back of the cartoon Jem. Now has the theme song stuck in his head'
Syntax: ~spooky ass shit. Wonders how much of this crap is being made up by the samurai dude...~
Lotus: *the man bows* Welcome.
Silver Kane: ~alright,he's had enough. Time to act like a stupid west garou and kill everything~
Alexander DeZarn: *He growls at the feeling and moves into the hallway a bit*
Carlos Seventrees: He moves along with Kane, his packmate, and since Syntax joined them, she as well, peering between the bruisers up ahead to get a better look at this thing making him feel so odd- and Senses the Magic, to see if he's right in assuming it's being used on him and the others
Kelsey Heyd: *..her hackles rise again ... creepy ... too creepy. Creepy isn't even the right word for it. Her lips pull back from her teeth..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'JEM! Another with three eyes. Interesting.'
Lotus: [note: as it's clear in the book, Carlos cannot feel keui-jin disciplines being preformed. As he would not be able to sense kindred disciplines, unless their magical, this is chi based, having no magical basic itself. ]
Syntax: ((*groans, having watched Jem as a child...* now I can't get the thought of Synergy out my brain... always thought that Hollogram/AI was the coolest part.))
Lotus: [he can however sense a few of their Spirtual basis, like the web netting, but not like demon chi, it's like detecting a kindred spending blood. (but they do glow when they spend chi anyway *L*]
Syntax: ~moves with the group, cautiously~
Lotus: *the man turns around and walks inside. he doesn't ask them to follow*
Carlos Seventrees: [[Freakin' confusin' ass Keui-Jin crap. *Nods*]]
Alexander DeZarn: *He continues to move toward the man cautiously and slowly, searching and watching everything*
Silver Kane: ~shrugs and waits for others~ We are waisting time.
Kelsey Heyd: *..narrows her eyes slightly at the next three-eyed man, snarling..*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~follows the keui-jin, Crane, she's guessing. Can only hope he finds her tattoo aspicious~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Wonders why the first group got help up. This seems easy enough so far. JEM!'
Kelsey Heyd: ~G~ Follow? *..she asks Alex..*
Lotus: *there are no side ways out of the corridor, at the end it will open into a round chamber where there is 2 men sitting, one is a Corpse Tiger, the same corpse Tiger (female) and the other is a Stragne Insect creature like a mantis*
Akane Sugimori: *watche sthe back*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Follows behind of course'
Alexander DeZarn: *He lets Haruko get even with him then motions them all to follow. He matches her stride for stride*
Lotus: The Corpse Tiger is a huge 10ft talll , heavily muscled woman with a head and tail of a tiger. she is dead, and decaying, rotting with maggots falling out of the skin. Sunken unreflective eeys, and ripped skin reveal dead skin and bones, the meat hanfgs off their bodies. But the most over wpowering thing is the stench and that of pure decay [STama 6]
Carlos Seventrees: He removes his skull and crossbones t-shirt now as well, lifting it over his head as they walk, when he goes to drop it to the ground, it as well disappears *into* him. Apparant at the small of his back, tied onto his belt, is a large hunting knife, large enough to make crocodile dundee cry. He reaches back and unsheathes, holding it ready in one hand. Scarred upon his stomach is the image of the Water Serpent Uktena
Lotus: *there is a glowing, slightly opaque shrine**the Shrine glows like a gate, a a serene place a calm garden then the thunder and lighting of a strom and 5 metal dragon enter the scene. They breath Fire and destrcution scortching everything in sight, swallowing much and cracking the ground, letting things fall to the hells below. Like hands the darkness reaches up and grasp those too far near the edge or not destroyed outright. The chaos causing many to flee before heaven itself tumbles and tilets and falls to the ground in a great crash. *
Lotus: there were people with implants, Big metal things to their heads and to their chest, grafted flesh and the like. they also have a few metalic attachment
Silver Kane: ~he just kinda.. stares~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~her turn to step aside and vomit~
Carlos Seventrees: He takes time as he moves along to inspect the new creatures as well, once again looking just a little surprised- as if seeing something new. A sort of surprise that he does not always show.
Akane Sugimori: *She makes a face, this was just getting confusing*
Syntax: ~watchs like she's watching the intro to some game... some really really realistic one~
Run Jun Ichi: -his fingers flex as he continues to attune himself tot he place-
Syntax: ~wrinkles her nose at THAT SMELL again~
Kelsey Heyd: *..makes a wheezed, disgusted sound, wrinkling her muzzle ... ready, always ready..*
Alexander DeZarn: *His noses twitches at the powerful stick. He thought he killed that think already*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~closes her eyes and finally comes back, looking all the world paler than before.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Watches in near Awe. JEM!'
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~opens her eyes and glances to Run, then to the shrine, then back, in simple askance.~
Lotus: *The Insects is the first to speak* Hakken, you are not in your place. We have no Quarell with you, why do you have with us?
Carlos Seventrees: He sniffs a little, but it doesn't really streak into the scent of himself currently, not to him at least so he turns his eyes ahead once more. Starting to winder if these are merely creatures he is yet to learn of, or if they are something else entirely...
Akane Sugimori: *changes* Yama King. *and there is fear there. *
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~steps to the side, again, making room for herself from the others.~
Syntax: ~missing half of this crap~
Alexander DeZarn: *Well that is the que of Run, Haruko or Kane. Alex is a brusier and right now his civil Lord tounge is gone*
Silver Kane: ~he point carlos at the shrine~ G~ i think that's our target carlos.
Carlos Seventrees: Decides that these things surpass even *his* knowledge, and trusts in the fact that they have others who have the proper knowledge to reply to the monster and doesn't respond, sticking with his charge.
Run Jun Ichi: -is not a hakken, busy anyway tring to learn all he can about the shrine-
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~pulls back and closes her eyes in reflex, as she just Shimmers.... her pale pale skin suddenly a thousand shards of opal, an infinite and precise amount of scales glittering pinpricks of every color the eye has seen. A brilliant, resplendent and regal crest falls around her like a crown or halo. Her scales shimmer a dazzling opal on white, shifting with her movements, the light, and seemingly the very mood of her. She is in all things a magnificent splendour. She is a dragon.~ ((*S* with armour.. 3 to soak... and such incredible social bonuses right now... cha 5, app still a 3, and other stuff))
Carlos Seventrees: He nods, his eyes already having begun to slink over to it. He reaches up and begins to finger the scar upon his stomach, glancing at Syn, then Zaid, then Kane - his voice oily and thick "Let me know when you're ready..."
Kelsey Heyd: *...and there goes the whole reptile thing again ...... bleurgh...*
Silver Kane: ~well, no one is talking~ WEll, i guess i'm a hakken. Um, WE sorta need this place and your in it, if your willing to leave then We can call it a night.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ((20' long, for those counting))
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Looks to Haruko... ok now that is damn near the most impressive thing he has ever seen'
Carlos Seventrees: "Well, I don't know how many new things we're *allowed* to see in one night..." He murmers under his breath as the woman becomes a 'dragon' of all things
Lotus: *The insect turn to HAruko and bows* Honorable Dragon, do you bring word of the August personal Demise?
Syntax: ~glances at Chrome, then at the Dragon. She's in the freakin' middle of Final Fantasy 9~
Silver Kane: ~shrugs as he's ignored ~ oh well., ~ catches sight of Haruko and gapes~
Akane Sugimori: *Doesn't look at Haruko, knows better, watches behind*
Run Jun Ichi: -he keeps studding the shrine, his head tracking the dragon lines-
Lotus: [perception alerntess, diff 10]
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Packmate... right. Moves close to carlos to watch over him. JEM! damn it!'
Alexander DeZarn: *He's seen her. He has seen Run. He has even seen the ugly rotting Tiger bitch. Hasn't seen Bugboy. He simply watches, studying him closely*
Carlos Seventrees: Okay, enough. He glances back towards the dragon and the insects again, before nudging Silver Kane slightly, and making his way over towards their presumed 'target' slowly.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~her awe spreads about before her, so even the western hengeyokai feel it's effect. She bows to the Insect.~ ~garou/dragon/etc~ I bring no such word, for the 6th age is not yet upon us, and I am not yet Mirror to reflect such answers upon your askance. ((courtly speech))
Silver Kane: ((where did the strider see jem? it's a random question?))
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~notes the Kumo with only a slight shift in her scales~
Lotus: "Then I kindly ask you and your friends to leave. Before i am forced to take action against them.
Syntax: ~wonders if there's a jump scene in this... or if they really have to watch the whole cut scene before they fight the level boss.~
Kelsey Heyd: *..looks to Alex, wondering..*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~she bows, most humble and polite, her court etiquette showig~ ~dragon/garou/etc~ and I would ask, humbly, you return our shrine to us.
Alexander DeZarn: *His attention moves to the ceiling for a second and he hates this place more every moment*
Lotus: *he eases out of the chair*
Lotus: *yawns* do we fight now? *Shakes his ehad* you west are so foolish.
Kelsey Heyd: *..snaps her gaze back to the man's movement, watching..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Just asorbs as much of this as he can. Moves close to Carlos'
Run Jun Ichi: -Finally he stops glowings*- That goes tot he palace Haruko.
Silver Kane: ~he moves up with carlos~ Start now.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~her body barely remains still, the scale always shifting, completely silently, so that the light reflect and refracts~
Carlos Seventrees: Carlos nods to Silver Kane's request, reaching down to touch the scars upon his stomach, which truly look awful [as they were donw with a silver needle] He closes his eyes as he gives that little tug with his Gnosis to the spirit within to get his little trick done.
Lotus: *FRom the celing drop hundred of little Weblines as the spiders on the celines release the cable like strings*
Carlos Seventrees: [[alright, I gotta go- the ST has my rolls, and control of my C. *S* Bye all!]]
Lotus: *The minor Yomi Simple points at one in the group, moving as fast as the best Warrior in theFray as the Corpse4 Tiger Spits out his black cloud*
Syntax: ((night Carlos..))
Alexander DeZarn: *He growls and his Klaive flashes in his hand* ~G~ Cut him off from his Gnosis. Without that he is weaker!
Silver Kane: (later c)~well, that's not good~ moves to hold himself over carlos~
Alexander DeZarn: ((did anyone else's ICQ bunk out?))
Kelsey Heyd: *..snaps in tandem with Alex, flashing tooth and claw..*
Carlos Seventrees: [~nipples~]
Kelsey Heyd: (( Mine's up up and down all night. ))
Run Jun Ichi: -channels demon chi, fights Fire soul and pulls his demon blades-
Syntax: ((nope, mine's been strangly fine))
Syntax: ~readies herself next to Chrome, figuring tantem is better than not~
Alexander DeZarn: *He moves toward the Corpse Tiger with a growl* ~G~ This time stay dead!
Lotus: [soak 6 agg if you go anywhere near the corpse tiger]-the webbing require a str roll of 8 to move in]
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~moves foward, curling, slightly, around Run's area.~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Stands ready in crinos next to carlos and the other around him'
Lotus: *The insect launces itself at haruko, intending on rending her chi and swallowing her soul*
Akane Sugimori: *turns to the fight, backs up to watch the back*
Kelsey Heyd: *..tries to move around the cloud - she learned that lesson once before - with Alex, with the mentality of two Ahrouns..* ~G~ Ancestors, andar of Fenris, speak to me again ... ~Strength of 10~
Alexander DeZarn: *He tries to cut his path to his target and Thunder burn the webs*
Run Jun Ichi: -he moves to Parry the Yomi, his dual blades flashing out with precision as he channels more of the demon to himself, burting to speeds that are blinding-(8 attacks this rd)
Kelsey Heyd: *..slashes at the webs with her claws and incredible strength, focusing on numerous things at once..*
Zaid D'Urdan: *Centers his gnosis for a moment then summons earth around the corpse tiger trying to lock it in place*
Alexander DeZarn: *He still has his ancestors with him as he tries to tear his way to his target*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~shifts her scales, always in motion, and dodges away from the Yomi even as Run parries for her~
Run Jun Ichi: *as he parries, he double slashes at the Yomi. He was Formed to kill, he is a Devil Tiger, and They should know better than to release the demon*
Syntax: ~slashs at the webbing near them, trying to clear a path for herself, and the others near her, or at least some room to maneuver~
Lotus: [waits for dice now, all of you go]
Silver Kane: ~Keeps himself infront of CArlos~
Kelsey Heyd: *..she continues slashing at the webbing with Alex, blazing a trail..*
Silver Kane: ~even as he does so he slashies at the webbing, then has an Idea~ Akane, get a candel.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~she too, was born with claws and they seek purchase in the Yomi's sides, to hold him in place for Run's blades.~
Lotus: *Around the Corpse Tiger, as it get's black with it's breath, dirt froms around it, trying to keep it in place. IT deosn't seem to notice, for it's not moving, channeling chi to itself*
Alexander DeZarn: *Maybe he can buy them a little time* ~G~ Hey you dead Tiger bitch! Why are you bothering to fight us? Three of us sent you on you way the last time. What do you think this many of use will do you to? *He has to delay that thing. They need every edge they can get* ((Cold Voice of Reason))
Akane Sugimori: *books out to get a candle, *
Lotus: *Run's Blades slide over the scales of the insects as HARUKO grabs it finding Purchasce*
Kelsey Heyd: *..blazes a trail, cutting the webs under her claws, swiping at them with back of forth movements of her arms..*
Alexander DeZarn: *He continues to cut while he speaks. He has to get free*
Lotus: *Kelsey and Alexander, kane make holes in the webbing, but they continue to fall even so*
Lotus: (the Tiger is surrode by rock)
Run Jun Ichi: *-he grunts even so, and contiues to slash like the demon he is-
Akane Sugimori: *When she grabs the Candel, she will Shout to kane * I have it!
Alexander DeZarn: ~G~Kane. Will your Arrows work if thrown?
Silver Kane: ~even as he slices to keep carlos free, as the Younger theurge works~ ~G~ Toss it in..!
Kelsey Heyd: *..looks up at the ceiling for a moment, barking..* ~G~ They're still comin' down! We're jes gonna get tired this way ... where that damn fire?
Alexander DeZarn: *He moves with Kelsey to give Run and Hurako a hand since the Tiger seems blocked in*
Lotus: *The insect is sliced, clawed, but still keeps it's footing*
Syntax: ~continues to slash at the webbing~
Akane Sugimori: *Spends a RAge, tosses it in*
Silver Kane: ~elemental Flavor-Fire elemental. Commads it to burn the webbings only~
Lotus: [soak 2, diff 8 All, agg]*The Candel comes into the room and blossoms into an inferno, clearling the webbing almost instantly*
Zaid D'Urdan: [[ here comes that elemental flavor once agian ]] 'Stand ready.. waiting... he can't keep up wit hthe speed these people have'
Silver Kane: ~[takes 1]~Blinks when the light flashes his eyes~ crap
Akane Sugimori: -hides her eyes-
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
* * * I had to leave here, I was falling asleep, but... the ending is still here.
Alexander DeZarn: *He grows at the flash behind him but keeps moving toward the Insect beast*
Lotus: ((note, the tiger and the insect only went once. *L* damn using powers vs brawl crap))
Kelsey Heyd: *..throws an arm over her eyes for a moment, thick fur protecting most of her body from the abrupt sauteéing. She looks up and sees the webbing, gone..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'is now those bullies took there time to beat the shit out of him everyday. The fire glances off of him'
Run Jun Ichi: -as he finishes in a whirlwind of action he remembes why he hates True Yomi. They just won't die-
Syntax: ~gets a little singed~
Lotus: [and next rd]*The insect points at Run and seems to rend the air*
Zaid D'Urdan: [[ *puts "glad" in there* ]]
Syntax: ~moves forward towards the CorpeTiger as the webbings dissappear~
Alexander DeZarn: *Alex leaps into the Fray with the INSECT beast, lending his aid to Run and the Dragon. The Tiger is tied up at the moment. Sliver Klaive moves as an extension of his body, seeking purchase*
Lotus: *the celing screeches and dispurses after the fire*
Kelsey Heyd: *..Kelsey turns to leap at the bug-thing, claws extended. She saw Run's flurry of motion - he'll need all the help he can get in killing this ... thing..*
Syntax: ~nearing the CorpseTiger, she pulls up, outside the black cloud, and calls it forth, commanding it to dispell the cloud.~ ((command spirit))
Run Jun Ichi: -he pauses only to shift his powers, MAKING sure he hits, as if my mystical sense, lowering his flury of motion-
Run Jun Ichi: -he shakes off the command from the Yomi- I am not yours.
Akane Sugimori: *Comes in, following Syntax*
Lotus: *And Insect boy is out of attacks again*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~slashs her large claws towards the Yomi's head, aiming to get a hold of it's head to claw it's eyes out~
Lotus: *ALEXANDER, RUN, a DRAGON and KELSEY are Attacking the 15 ft insect.*
Lotus: *Run shifts his Black wind so his mystical strikes do hit , while kane continues to protect Carlos who begins to open the Shrine. The Corpse tiger drops the cloud (reflexive) then follows Alexander's advice and Runs at the Shrine,(phasing thru the rock) *
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Wonder what happened to the other three eyed guy maybe he missed it. Doesn't matter right now he hopes. For now stands guard over his packmate'
Silver Kane: ~he stands near carlos, maybe this wasn't so bad~
Akane Sugimori: *Jump at the Corpse Tiger as it runs, slashing for it's legs*
Run Jun Ichi: -drops low and stabs the insect i the neck, staying out of wild swinging HAkken-
Syntax: ~follows after the CorpseTiger, to claim the shrine and guard it~
Lotus: *KElsey does a Pretty NASTY blow with the damn thing shrugs off most of, only slightly breaking it's chitneous back. HARUKLO claws out it's eyes, with eyes , then pops off it;s head. even as RUn's blades go right thru*
Lotus: *the Corpes Tiger Get's hit, rolles and leaps thru the opening of the shrine*
Lotus: [waits on alexander's damage, no, it's not dead yet]
Lotus: *The body is Puree, the head, grows bout "10,000" teeth and still moves*
Alex DeZarn: *His Kliave dances, an extention of the wielder. His moves slide around the other, complimenting their strikes to never allow confusiong. His blades drives home with four solid blows*
Akane Sugimori: *Growls at her prey escapes*
Kelsey Heyd: (( AHH! ))
Lotus: [next rd]* EVen more so, the shrine suddenly Glow as it's gate is opened wide and then eh call of the Wyrm rips thru the area, shivering all as howls and demonin sendings pour out of the open Gate*
Run Jun Ichi: -growls, and backs off- It's dead.,
Silver Kane: ~blinks at the head just there~ alright. That's wierd.
Akane Sugimori: *looks at syntax*
Alex DeZarn: *He hears Run and stands back. He also hears the call and stands ready*
Lotus: [call of the wyrm, 2 diff to all actions]
Lotus: *as HAruko plays medusa, KElsey takes a swipe at it*
Syntax: ~holy shit!~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~holds the head like a pinata~
Run Jun Ichi: -he turns toward the gate and his own green gem glows again- Stand Ready. Now is the time to cleanse it. I will need help.
Alex DeZarn: *He looks at Run, then back to the gate* ~G~ Just say what you need. *He is poised on the front of his feet, ready*
Akane Sugimori: *leaps infront of Syntax to get her out of the way of the Open gate*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Hmm... ok. Looks to run wonder what he needs' I know the ritual we use to cleans. Will this help at all?
Syntax: ~not the fastest, but still quick, shuffles her behind AWAY from the shrine~
Run Jun Ichi: "IT is now Able to be affected. I will need Yang Chi to attune it away from the Yomi.
Run Jun Ichi: -he is not familar with hengeyoakai menthods, but he knows they have lots of Yang- "Spirt or Blood - he says to ZAID-
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Nods to Run slowly learning. Waits to see how he can help'
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~as when she heals, she slices a claw across her palm, the thick blood welling in her hand~
Lotus: *KElesy';s final manuver is to squash the head, as th4e pressure of the open gate begins to add up*(will roll diff 6)
Silver Kane: ~ha, this makes sense to him.~ Like LEvithian, takes Blood for Gnosis.
Alex DeZarn: *He looks at Run and runs his left claws over his right forearm enough to draw blood*
Zaid D'Urdan: Spirit 'Says simply'
Silver Kane: "I have a lot more gnosis.. ~he says, givign that instead~ And i have to stay near carlos. ZAid, stay the ritual of cleansing, on CARLOS.
Syntax: ~moves back towards the group, making sure Akane's with her~
Kelsey Heyd: (( Breezed that WP roll)) *..feelings the pressure, she turns her muzzle to the gate and roars in honor or Gaia, trying to counteract the pressing feeling of taint preventing them from acting to their fullest capacity..* (Call of the Wyld)
Akane Sugimori: *She shakes under the banes and moves toward run, battling the banes*
Silver Kane: ~he looks at Run.~ Begin!
Alex DeZarn: *He hears Kelsey and adds his own voice to it. He can not attack from what it seems but he can still how them why Gaia's Thunder is to be fear* ((Call of the Wyld))
Run Jun Ichi: -he takes that as well. HE needs to get to "100" yang.-
Zaid D'Urdan: 'While he would love to have a chance to work with the Oni. he moves to his packmate and prepares the rite'
Lotus: *the call of the wyld (gives all 2 will) couter acts the effect of the wyrm call, strengthing the resolve of the GArou ..*(yup, 100 gnosis or yang)
Silver Kane: [makes a face]Gives 5 gnosis, 5 blood) ~he channels his gnosis towards the ONi and curses as he cuts his own arm, doing it again and again so that he doesn't heal it before it's over*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~once the blood is taken, she will take Alex's arm in her large claws, letting her blood infuse him.~
Run Jun Ichi: -he himself can only contribute 3 yang to this cleansing-
Alex DeZarn: *He pours all of his Gnosis but one to Run. Holding that last one to stay Umbral*
Lotus: ((hey, book says you need 100, i just go with it.))
Akane Sugimori: *what the fuck is gnosis? Bleeds*
Kelsey Heyd: *..poor Kelsey can only contribute one Gnosis, else her reserves go completely dry..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Removes a small stick from somewhere on his person. It flares to life burning slowly, an insence smell flows form it. Then begins to draw a circle into the ground.'
Syntax: ~gnosis, blood... gnosis.. blood. She can heal the blood. Cuts herself and bleeds. Feels better giving blood than her soul.~
Alex DeZarn: ((3 Gnosis and has cut a couple deep grooves in his right forearm, adding blood too it*
Run Jun Ichi: -he becomes a conduit of the yang, being carefull not to take it himself (makes wave soul) and lays his hand on the shrine-
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~moves her hand to Akane, healing her wound the same way as Alex's, letting her own Dragon's blood infuse it's way into her body and heal her.~
Alex DeZarn: *He keeps twisting the claws to keep the wound open and fresh, thankful for his body's ability to heal quickly*
Lotus: [i have 20 gnosis/blood, need kelsey's total blood and and or gnosis, and alexander's blood]
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~heals Syntax then Kane the same~
Lotus: [next rd will roll, diff 7, -see a patern?]
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~Gives away pieces of her self to most of the people here..~
Alex DeZarn: ((Alex gave 3 Gnosis...if blood was HthLvs, then add 6 more before Haruko's healing and 1 more since))
Kelsey Heyd: *..unsheathes a claw, activating Resist Pain while flaying her wrist open and letting the blood flow, contributing her energy to the Caern..*
Syntax: ~gets healed, makes the will roll, and hell... cuts herself again and gives some more blood...~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Chants lightly as he moves around Carlos. waveing the burning stick high in the air as he finishes the circle then lets out a howel'
Lotus: [[33 total now. a garou can only give a maximum f 25 yang in a regenerating form]]
Silver Kane: ~kane feels his mind going, and channels a gnosis into his ring~
Akane Sugimori: ((who's Skipping!! 33))
Kelsey Heyd: (( 2 suxx on new WP roll )) *..that last one ... dizzy ... Kelsey snarls to herself and continues..*
Lotus: [make that 44]
Silver Kane: ~~Looks at Syn~ Blow the damn Whistel!
Syntax: ~little lightheaded, had forgotten about the whistle... if only recently. thought about it before, then remembered the wind. She blows it now.~
Akane Sugimori: *Sits on the ground, now really pouring blood on the ground, heads for another five as she get's light headed*
Alex DeZarn: *He offers up 10 more blood, a total of 17*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Moves to join the others hopeing Calros can as well. he looks about trying to figure out how best to help them'
Syntax: ((dude... Alex... you're on the ground after 10 health levels..*blink*))
Run Jun Ichi: -(resist wave soul)- Again hge continues to channel, wrapping the blood like a caccoon-
Alex DeZarn: ((*blinks...damn, it's 5am here..sorry...but he will give say 5 more...brain is fried))
Lotus: ZAid cLENSES CArlos, and is rather drained from experience*
Zaid D'Urdan: *Give up the gnosis point he can spare and digs a claw into his arm letting his blood flow*
Silver Kane: ~stands, and takes breath ~~G~ have to heal
Kelsey Heyd: *..slumps slightly, the Gift the only thing keeping the stubborn Get on her feet..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Does this all rather tired like'
Alex DeZarn: *He both knees, forcing his body to heal. His face is set in grim determination. He will not give up*
Lotus: As the whistle blow the the dark spirts back away from Syntax briefly*
Run Jun Ichi: -channels 3 more yin, turning it to yang, he can give no more -
Lotus: [72]*Will roll diff 8* AS the wall of Blood now extends up, the blood rich in spirt and life to wash the taint from the gate*
Syntax: ((start counting the rounds out GM))
Syntax: ~gets a PLING! idea~ drain the spirits!! ~calls a bane over, looking to suck it dry~
Kelsey Heyd: (( 1 suxx )) * as soon as she heals, tongue lolling out of her mouth..*
Silver Kane: "Never a time to need more garou ~G~
Syntax: ~then botches her will roll, after her bright idea~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~is steady in her determination~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Doesn't know how to drian spirits... keeps doing what he can'
Lotus: *after her bright idea, syntax falls tot he taint of the Yomi*
Silver Kane: ~struggles to his feet ~ zaid, Cleanse Syntax.
Silver Kane: ~spends gnosis, not having much left and then leaps at a spirt, kliave at the ready, shashing wyldly~~
Run Jun Ichi: -still strong in his resolve he contines to channel more yang over the gate. Ashura was wise to leave, he much have taken a large reserve of Demon chi with him-
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Lul eyes.. nods.. he is weak now. moves to help syn. this is going to hurt. relights the branch and begind to draw the circle agian'
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~touchs Alex's wounds again, healing him further~ ((1 health))
Alex DeZarn: *From somewhere in the Ahourn's depths he howls out. For Gaia. For Thunder. For Wyvern. He pulls himself back to his feet and calls out to them all* ((3 suxx))
Lotus: *Carlos keeps chanting to keep the gate open*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~her scales seem to glisten a little less brightly~
Akane Sugimori: *Figures figting is better than dying and leaps at a spirt to help kane*
Kelsey Heyd: *..falls to both knees, Gift still in effect, but dizzy to the point of unconsciousness. She's been bled, much too fast..*
Alex DeZarn: *What he gets healed he gives back out freely* ((1 more out in of 12 in blood. at 5 remaining health thanks to healing))
Lotus: [75]*
Syntax: ((*GROANS* 25 more?????))
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Ends the circle and howels agian'
Lotus: (kill a garou, that's 25 right there)
Alex DeZarn: *He looks at Hurako* ~G~ How many more times can you heal me?
Lotus: *The Spirts back away from the howling ZAID as more are scared away*
Alex DeZarn: ((How many can a full strenght Garou give and not die?))
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~shakes her head~ not many.. fight, heal. I am tired...
Silver Kane: ~slashes furiously at a bane~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'And falls out of gnosis. Slowly he starts drifting out of the umbra'
Kelsey Heyd: *..looks up weakly to Alex, eyes clouding over slightly. She waits and heals, fluffing herself out more..*
Lotus: [a full strength garou can give 24 in one shot, but that also equals 6 agg]
Lotus: ((sorry, 7 agg)
Lotus: *KAne finally kill sone, as he rages and slashes*
Silver Kane: points at the floating spirt~ Absorb it! ~he commands~ REach for it';s spirt and absorb it~!
Alex DeZarn: ((ok..*G*)) *He looks at Hurako* Can you heal me once more. That is all I will need. *He has the looks of warrior on his face. This is the greatest fight of all, the fight to give and take back for Gaia what is lost*
Lotus: [next rd]
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~nods, wearily~ hai.
Lotus: [willroll, diff 9]
Syntax: ~blinks her eyes awake, and gets up, shifting her butt back to crinos when she sees all the banes and stuff~
Silver Kane: ~spends the willpower for a auto success~
Alex DeZarn: ((Got 1 suxx))
Akane Sugimori: *goes to absorb the spirts, then falls to her feet and out as she is over come by the yomi*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Is out cold. Still shifting back across the umbra'
Syntax: ~points to Akane~ bleed her out.. she's down, we'll heal her later
Silver Kane: ~screw it, Absorbs the good gnosis from the spirts, and shakes as he does so~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~takes a deep breath and places her blood to Alex's one more time~
Kelsey Heyd: *..roars slightly, weakened, bled almost dry, healing 1 wound a round, and bleeding it out immediately. Still, she continues..*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Attempts to absorbe opne of the spirits'
Run Jun Ichi: -is kinda busy, also on his own knees, almost there-
Syntax: ~grabs at one of the banes, looking to suck down some juice~
Syntax: ((ok... beats it up first, then sucks it down))
Lotus: [85, 15 more,.. ]
Silver Kane: ~expends the Gnosis he absorbs, destroying the spirt in the process~ YUou have to defeat the spirt frist ~which takes time~
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~dead tired, feeling the Emerald Mother slipping away, she lashs out at the banes. She may try Silver-san's method of absorbing them... just to see what it does, and if she can.~
Alex DeZarn: *He howls out when Haruko heals him. He drops all his gifts and moves to lay his Klaive in front of Kelsey* ~G~ Gaurd it for me. *He looks at Run and imbeds all 5 claws on each hand into his chest and pulls them down. He howls out in pain but the blood flows freely down his chest and onto the ground. He stops when he reaches his waist line, 10 long grooves in his chest* ((20 blood, should be about 6 agg health))
Silver Kane: ~he moves over to Akane and looks for something sharp and NOT aggravated~ Give me a Knife.
Zaid D'Urdan: 'pulls himself togewther and makes a slash at a near by spirit'
Carlos Seventrees: [[Whee!]]
Lotus: [just sort of stare at alex. That's ..going to leave a scar]
Syntax: ~pause to blink at Alex. He's finally committing suicide... but such the wrong place for it...~
Kelsey Heyd: *..weakly tosses Kane her balisong, the butterfly knife..* ~G~ 'Ere ... *..slumps forward more, catching herself with her paws..*
Silver Kane: ~Fucking ~ ALEXNADER!
Alex DeZarn: *His cry is a mixture of pain and pleasure. Pain as his flesh is rent by his own talons and his blood is spilt. Pleasure that this will give back to Gaia and Wyvern. That he is returning full to them*
Syntax: ((ohhh... roll on the scar chart... roll on the scar chart...))
Akane Sugimori: -lies, unconcious, wating to be bleed out-
Kelsey Heyd: *..carefully puts her paw around the handle of the klaive, then looks up to Alex. She howls, eyes going wide..* ~G~ Alex, NO!! *..pulls herself to her feet..*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~dragon~ what the name of the emerald mother? You stupid idiot... ~turns from the banes to slide in towards Alex again.~
Run Jun Ichi: -well, um. that's 105 , And He releases the ritual he's been buileing all along, -
Alex DeZarn: ((hey, it is what he would have done..he won't give his life for it but he will give all up to that...his Totem is the protector of Caerns after all))
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~she slices her palms and grabs Alex's claws in her own, bellowing at him, her eyes swirling menacingly at his sheer stupidity. Will Hakken NEVER learn?~
Alex DeZarn: *He pulls his talons out with a morbid smile and falls to his knees and then finally to his chest, simply laying there*
Lotus: sCENE: as carlos continue to open the gate as Run cleanses the gate, the garou give their life blood, litterally to cleanse it(
Kelsey Heyd: *..lopes over to the Ahroun using two legs and an arm, holding the klaive with the other paw. An awkward gait, leaving a trail of blood, but she's getting there..* ~G~ You ... you ... if yer not dead I'll kill ya myself ... *..sick, sick humor..*
Syntax: ~mumbles~ ~g~ wow, what a cretin.... ~keeps on at the banes~
Alex DeZarn: ((Haruko heals 3 on Alex..*G*...avoided that scar..*LOL*)) *His wounds heal up the but the stress keeps him down. He closes his eyes and lays where he is, in a ever widening pool of his own blood*
Silver Kane: ~flips his his hair from his face and forget about bleeding Akane out and struggles over to alexander~ STupid fucking garou. What are you doing..
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~pulls back, weak~
Alex DeZarn: *He opens his eyes a bit to looks at Kelsey and Kane* ~G~ Giving you your Caern Michael. *He lets them close again, trying to ward off the pain*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Is rather feebly trying to kill a spirit so he can gian the gnosis. He isn't doing to good of a job right now'
Syntax: ~slash slash, etc~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Wonder where those arrows are.. they would do better then he is'
Carlos Seventrees: THroughout all the ruckus that is going on about him, he tries to keep his concentration upon his current task, knowing that much bad nastiness will be the result if he can't
Kelsey Heyd: *..puts her paw carefully on Alex's face, shaking her head..* ~G~ Shut yer yap ... n' sleep, ya dumbass ... *..claps a paw over her own sliced wound..*
Silver Kane: ~looks at all the blood everywhere~ No way were Going to be going this, for a while..
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~doesn't even look at the other wounds, if they can't heal themselves, they can get a sterile gauze when they leave.~
Lotus: [[it'll take a good day to get back every ppoint of yang given up]]
Alex DeZarn: *He closes his eyes and his breathing is a big ragged. A few bubble appear every now and then in the bloodpool under him. He does not move, simply lays there* ((My Verbena would have a field day right now))
Run Jun Ichi: -he also falls to his feet- Great DRAgon, we give freely
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~rests to the side, not wounded so much, as just DRAINED.~
Lotus: *And then all is Quiet and nothing is left, Just a starge warped pit and stillness*
Alex DeZarn: *His eyes flutter open with a grimace of pain. He wants to atleast see what is going on*
Silver Kane: ~looks at Syntax~ Blow that damn whistel till your sick, get these damn banes out of here.
Kelsey Heyd: *..shuts her eyes and sits down hard, shifting down to Glabro. She rips a section of her shirt off and wraps it around her wrist, wincing..*
Syntax: ~beats up a bane enough to make it a powerbar, looks around, and hands it off to the healer with a mild shock of conscience.~ Here. Suck it up... you earned it. ~ALWAYS help the healers... Val taught her that one~
Carlos Seventrees: At least except for the low humming coming from the back of his throat, which is quite loud, if low and bassy.
Syntax: yeah yeah, here rover... ~pulls out the whistle again, and blows.~
Lotus: *CALROS ends his ritual, the opened gate now STill. The banes in the area continue to back away at each blow of the whistle. The mystical area is now just the plain parking garage of the megteckk yards*
Alex DeZarn: *He looks up at Kelsey and tries to smile, wincing in pain and exertion instead*
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~takes the spirit, not exactly sure what to do with it. Eat it?~
Silver Kane: "God I'm tired, and l..~glances~ akane.. We have to help akane.
Run Jun Ichi: -whispers- Your Hakken is free now, the link with this place is broken
Syntax: ~plays Hot Cross Buns on the whistle~
Kelsey Heyd: *..winks tiredly at Alex, cracking a smile..* We did it, 'Lex. Wyvern would be proud.
Silver Kane: ~looks at ZAid attakcing a bane and struggles to his feet, moving faster than he should to help him kill it~(1 rage spent, resist pian~)
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~eats the bane.~
Carlos Seventrees: With the Ritual complete the humming stops and so does he. Lowering slowly to his knees, head bowed
Alex DeZarn: *He just slowly nods* Then it was worth it. *He reaches out a hand that is blood soaked to the elbow to her* Embrace Death! *It is weak and more a joke*
Lotus: [Good work. Well done and nice garou type ending. What you do with it is yours, the Akuma was not found. You all earned your 3 xp]
Carlos Seventrees: [[Woo Hoo!]]
Alex DeZarn: ((takes the 3 xp and moves it directly to Lore-Eastern Wyrm))
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Itis dead.. finaly... he sucks it down'
Kelsey Heyd: *..smiles down at Alex, grasping his blood soaked arm at the elbow and holding it tightly..* Embrace bani, my friend.
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~sticks her serpentine tongue out some, chewing and chewing and trying to get the bad taste out of her mouth, but does feel a little better~
Run Jun Ichi: -looks at HARuko, smiles, and heads over to akane to equalize her-
Lotus: [tries to figure out how a caren of 10 garou do this? *shakes head* all must be rank 5 theurges to pull this off]
Syntax: ((*agrees completely with Alex-p's zen idea... does the same*))
Carlos Seventrees: He puts one hand upon the ground before him, taking a heaving breath as his coat and shirt rematerialize upon his torso and heaves himself up to both feet.
Carlos Seventrees: [[Does that mean Im a rank five Thuerge now! Cool! That was fast! *L*]]
Syntax: ((easy.. they don't fight the Yomi.. just the normal wyrm))
Run Jun Ichi: ~equalizes Akane, head to his dragon and goes the hell home~(must sleep, night)
Kelsey Heyd: *..fingers the handle of the Klaive, sitting over Alex, watching and waiting, resting..*
Alex DeZarn: ((what does I do?))
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~whispers to Akane's ear, then takes Run home, riding the clouds~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Falls exusted... JEM!'
Akane Sugimoi: *stands, eventually and streaches* what happened?
Carlos Seventrees: He reaches up to wipe a heavily sweaty brow and glances around slowly as he does so.
Silver Kane: ~kane stays, opening up a Conduit between here and the zone.; ?The'll need to hold it now ~ ((me go to bed now))
Carlos Seventrees: [[*slaps his packmate*]]
Alex DeZarn: *Holding his packmates hand, as if she were his lifeline, he finally passes out from the pain and bloodloss*
Akane Sugimoi: *sits where she is, too tired to move*
Kelsey Heyd: *..scoops up Alex and stands wearily, busting another Rage for another shot of Resist Pain. It'll get her home. She ambles to the moonbridge, Lord in hand, dripping and generally icky..*
Lotus: [[goes to bed after 9 hours of gaming]] (note, you will when you come back realise 2 days real time has passed. Good night))
Syntax: ~stays with Chrome, having one last thing to add to all of this, in front of all. She gets up, pulls attention to herself, and says plainly.~ I lied. I'm still pregnant. ~then sits down, tired.~
Carlos Seventrees: Takes his exhausted Packmate, even if he's tired himself, he wasn't in the fighting, so he can shoulder him up- and goes back through the conduit to the Zone
Haruko Okada Nakatomi: ~gone~
Silver Kane: ~he doesn't say anything to syntax, looks at the other~ psst, hello, it's ours now, we can't jkust leave.
Akane Sugimoi: --gone--
Run Jun Ichi: -gone with haruko-
Alex DeZarn: *He groans and makes some very pained noise at being jostled by the big Get beefcake* ((I am out all..*Hugs to everyone* Night all))
Kelsey Heyd: *..Kelsey takes Alex to her place for the night. Screw the upholstery..* ~gone~
Syntax: ~just watchs people go. Flips out her Cel and calls up Joe. He can come caern sit too.~
Silver Kane: ~he cannot help but chuckles as they head to the bridge ~ least bring back breakfast, there other levels to clea out (to be done offlice i suspect)
Carlos Seventrees: [[Needs to get more than one phone line so that shit like that doesn't have to happen anymore]]
Syntax: ~fades, still here~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'lays back and enjoys the cearn he helped built.. how many other silent striders can say they help to do that'
Syntax: ((*whispers the secret letters to Carlos* DSL))
Carlos Seventrees: Carlos will take his packmate to his Alpha and soon return to the new Caern, to tend to what needs tending- and to attune himself a little better with the now Pure Place
Silver Kane: "Stupid parking garage " ~leans against syntax and sighs~
Kelsey Heyd: (( Kelsey will be back to help guard. She didn't get too hurt, only bled. It'll regenerate. She's just dropping Alex off. ))
Syntax: ((*yawns, stumbles off to bed*))
Kelsey Heyd: (( *..collapses into bed..* Night all! *..huggles..* ))
Alex DeZarn: ~outers~
Carlos Seventrees: [[blah, im sleepy for once too, Zaid and Carlos stay]]
Joe: *Walk in joining the others... via moon bridge*
Kelsey Heyd: ~gawne~
Zaid D'Urdan: ~GONE~
Silver Kane: ~uses Attunement all day and night to better gater himself~
Silver Kane: ~gone~
Carlos Seventrees: Doesn't have the Gift to help him to do so, instead he'll simply begin the long self-tutoring of the general cosmology of the place, as well as the spirits that dwell near and within.
Carlos Seventrees: gone, but here-
Joe: *Wonders how they are gonig to get the bus down here... camps out with everyone else*
Joe: ~yep~