September 3, 2000
Silver Kane: ___________________________________________________________________
Syntax: ------------------Moot 9.03.00
Syntax: ~heads in, first through the Fog~
Silver Kane: ______________________________________________________
Akane Sugimori: ~he enters last, feeling the fog against him~
Akane Sugimori: (she, her)
Angelia Caponelli: (Akane changed genders?)
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he follows the Elders into the Caern"
Sven Tuverak: ~strolls on in, whistling dixie~
Angelia Caponelli: ((Lol)) *She trots in along behind Syntax and Kane.*
Silver Kane: ~with Syntax, he keeps explaing a few things, his voice rising with condifence and just shear ability~
Angelia Caponelli: *Humming "Walking on Sunshine" even doing a few little dance steps to it*
Akane Sugimori: oc(caught it before YOU did *smirks*)
Syntax: ~nods, trying to pysche herself up to this~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She enters towards the rear, having confirmed that the Gaurdian Spirits were well and able to watch in her stead.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "his hands are folded behind his back as he waits"
Lime evil Guy: *the walk is without sound, Fog obseures and hides, yet not to the garou, the empty expanse is not the abyss, it is, far more.. *
Silver Kane: ~he holds syntax's hands, speaking rappidly, hitting the points, the targets. He's worked with her before, he's a leader, he knows what to ssay aand what not, just working her over with a small smile~
Akane Sugimori: *SHE# has been here before, and has a needs to slip to lupus, but resist. The Fog is special to her as one of the furies, and she looks for any other *
Syntax: ~nods, writing her own mental cheat sheet and check list as she half listens to Chrome, half reviews.~
Angelia Caponelli: *She stops humming and watches intently*
Sven Tuverak: ~goes with the lords (who would be here) saying nothing. Lots of things, much of nothing~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She drops to a proud and beautiful lupus before coming to take her place around the caern heart.*
Lime evil Guy: *Slowly the center comes into viewed, and the air above, for there is, trembles. an entire building with no other purpose . Technoloigy spirts, wyld and weaver float along, reviewing the garou *
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he stands by himself, still the only Fang. He patiently awaits the opening of the meeting"
Silver Kane: ~when near the center, he gives Syn a kiss on the cheek and steps back~
Angelia Caponelli: ((the greenflame addy's down...))
Lime evil Guy: *slowly the fog swirls, built near the water it is strong,but it's doesn't really want to be strong, just letting the garou do what they must*
Syntax: ((not much I can do about that right now.. I'm still not hosting my own DNS.. but thanks for the heads up... I'm going to have to get that working and switched over soon.))
Lime evil Guy: ((it's timed out, it will come up again))
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She positions herself near the other two Sisters of Fenrir.*
Angelia Caponelli: ((just letting you know *G*)) *Watches inraptured*
Little Red Death: *she slips to lupus, a powerfull dark colored redish lupus, with a streak of red down her head and over her ear*
Lime evil Guy: ((and we thank you. *smile* i hate it when it crashes, like i said, it will come back up *kicks DNS))
Syntax: ~she looks around, takes a deep breath, then steps forward.~ Let's do this... Jake... if you'd take the honor of calling the Openning Howl?
Sven Tuverak: ~he waits for this fiasco to end, where's the castle, the screaming rain, the stromcrows? The backstabbibg polotics.~
Silver Kane: ~he watches, just shear confidence and abilty on his face~
Sven Tuverak: ~he loosk to the gallaird, prepared to rip him to shreads~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he nods and shifts to lupus, finding this the only real way to do it. He raises his snout to the sky and lets a pure howl echo"
Lime evil Guy: *with breatless anticipation, the air waits*
Syntax: ~waits on Jake, letting that new-run nervousness settle in her stomach~
Silver Kane: ~his is seconds, coldly metalic and firm, steel and flickering, wrapping about like twlight~
Joseph Hesch: *Walks in*
Syntax: ~steps out of her heels and shifts to a salt & pepper crinos, her tattoos glistening as wires, to join the howl a beat later~
Silver Kane: ~he starts in homid, but ends in crinos, sharing the greeting to the sky~
Runa Koski: (Runa'shere, but play isn't quite all here)
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "his call is pure and clean, his tone a melodious bellow"
Sven Tuverak: ~he prepares for the his part, screw if he is or isn't, he's going to do it~
Little Red Death: *in her place, how howl is one os loss and detpth, Filled with the rappid, and almost rabbid bit of the talon and the furies, it creates what can only be sorrow*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She enters the howl after the Elder-rhya and the Council -rhyas have made their voices heard.*
Angelia Caponelli: *Listens to waiting until the howling chain reaches her. She shifts crinos shredding her designer cloths in the process and joins the howl*
Runa Koski: (player)
Lime evil Guy: *as the howls mix, into a song like none other, the sky parts slowly, the umbral sky seems to come forth, as the "skylight" slides out of it's place, and Luna shines down*
Joseph Hesch: [[players just woke up... getting bearings]] *Howels when he sposed to*
Sven Tuverak: ~sighs, not howling~ "What the hell are you making all this noise for, i don't see a reason for this sillyness.
Sven Tuverak: "GO ahead, challange me. Dare i say a wisdom caern with out any?
Iachemir Zazdragovik: {{ fair warning.. will be slow for a while }}
Silver Kane: ~he will let other answer, it's not for him to say, continues his howl , now telling luna he misses her touch on his life~
Little Red Death: *she continues in sweet sorroful tones* ~WS~ we shall over come.
Angelia Caponelli: *She glances side ways at Sven knowing what the job of the fool is but not really experienced enough with the moot thing to want to respond*
Sven Tuverak: "..Will you sing Kumbuya? Your all rather pityfuyl you know.. WHAT do you have to be so proud of?
Syntax: ~she drops from the howl, letting Jake lead while she counters the Fool. She's not skilled enough to howl her response~ We sing forth the reasons for this moot... the garou who call this sept home and praise Gaia for it's sheltering
Runa Koski: (sorry people, I can't stay awake much longer...ifthe moot get's archive send me a copy and I'll post it on my Archive page)
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he shifts back to Homid, smoothing his suit in the process"
Angelia Caponelli: ((night Runa hug))
Sven Tuverak: ~rolls his eyes~ A caern that's closed, a group that cannot go thru 10 days without a major offenc e of spirt or elder?
Angelia Caponelli: *she shifts down to her tiny little lupus form and shakes off the tattered remains of her cloths*
Syntax: We sing of our togetherness, for though we are different, Gaia, Luna, and wolf have each blessed us the same. And we come here to meet and speak of our accomplishments, and of the work we still must do for Gaia...
Little Red Death: ~ws~" Shut the fuck up." *she turns her head to sven*
Runa Koski: (nighty night all...*hugs*)
Sven Tuverak: ~he opens his mouth, then closes it staring at Akane~
Syntax: ((night runa-p))
Syntax: ~she smiles, laughing silently at Akane's answer and the Fools response~
Joseph Hesch: [[night]] *Just watches*
Silver Kane: ~he's hand lots of practice, the fool will not stop his howl~ "~G~ becuse. Simple becuase.. we know we are right. ~his head lowers as he trail off his howl, to an end~
Angelia Caponelli: *Grins wolfishly at Akane*
Sven Tuverak: ~sensing his moment past he looks again at Syntax, the one guiding the moot~
Silver Kane: ~he leans a claw out and pats akane's shoulder~
Syntax: ~nods, moving on past the Fool and Opening Howl. She steps forward fully, dropping down to the heart.~
Lime evil Guy: *the mooon shines thru the light, it's own ghostly movements reverberating with the occassionaly lighting strikes of the heart, the cross of so much technology*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he prepares for the meat of the moot"
Angelia Caponelli: *She returns her attention completely ro Syntax as the how dies*
Syntax: ~she begins her rite of spirit awakening with a clear determination and calm, confident in this aspect. As she continues on with the brief rite (20 min), it seems uncertain what she may be summoning, speaking only in the language of spirits, and offering no name of the spirit she calls~
Silver Kane: ~he pads to the lip of the creater, but does not enter the heart~
Little Red Death: *doesn't look at the elder, focuses on Syntax*
Lime evil Guy: *as syntax works this ritual, the spiritualy rises and grows. IT seems to eb and flow and as the time advaances, it's clear it wants, needs, must have more *
Angelia Caponelli: *by the end of the twenty miniutes she's doing a little wolfy dance in the spot, not exactly the most patient of all garou*
Syntax: ~she calls forth to the unnamed spirit, her words, though strange and weaverish in her spirit speach, ring with a strange pride, and unheralded desire and yearning, as if she called forth the very soul of her being~
Sven Tuverak: [3 gnosis]*he addes himself to this ritual. Glasswalker or no a caern is a caern*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She gives half of herself to the caern.* ooc: 1 gnosis
Joseph Hesch: *watches the ritual in it's entirty.... somthing he needs to learn more about*
Angelia Caponelli: (measly 1 gnosis) *rowls softly offering part of herself to the cearn's spirits*
Lime evil Guy: *as the ritual continues the heart grows, the lfighting, the energy racing up the building. It's huge, hollow, and fog hides it well, but still, it light sup, the sky cracking with energy*
Joseph Hesch: *Follows the others lead and adds what little he has* [[ 1 gnosis ]]
Silver Kane: ~7~ he commints almost all, knowing how important this is~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he lets part of himself go to aid in the ritual" {{ 2 gnosis }}
Little Red Death: *she waits, always afraid of giveing too much away to someone she is trying to understand, she relents and gives some*(1)
Syntax: ~slowly the feeling grows... and then, it appears..~
Lime evil Guy: [all, please roll soak and tell me how much you do soak in a pm]
Lime evil Guy: *IT.. Roars in to being, a movem ent of electrons and power, of energ. A swirling mass, like a Tornado, but pure energy and something else. As the sky is open, the caern is reseeded, the energy of the city dimes sharply, the mothers life blood pouring out*
Angelia Caponelli: (brb all last load of laundry)
Lime evil Guy: *slowly the very essence of the garou themselves is taken, not with pain or ripped, but just taken seemlessly*
Little Red Death: *she tips forwards slowly, then with a growl rages to crinos, howling*
Joseph Hesch: *Closes his eyes suddering from the feeling*
Silver Kane: ~he takes deep breaths, really deep breaths as he feels the energy transfer~
Sven Tuverak: "Great Thunder, *he falls to a knee, holding himself up*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She lets a howl like Odin's own fury rip from her muzzle as she stays her feet.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "his lips curl and he shifts to Crinos, feeling the the fire and passion"
Syntax: ~drops to her knees, wiped by that~
Little Red Death: *There is only madness in her eyes, as will tries to fight the moon*
Joseph Hesch: *Follows thwe others still not knowing this area well enough to know when to do what*
Syntax: ~refuses to let herself fall further, even if it has ripped parts of her soul away. She won't die for any aspect.~
Lime evil Guy: *but it doens't stop there, the energy keeps moving, moving and taking, as the caern grows in strength, this ..spirt, a funnel itself. It cannot be here without strenght and it must have it, and so it takens, and takes and when it stops, there is only it, surround by fog.. and the garou*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Is there. Has been there. In Crinos with the others. His form more of a jackle. Long thin and slinder. Short hair a brownish color'
Silver Kane: ~he stands firm, not falling, will not fall in this trail~
Little Red Death: She fights to keep control , precisou control [will] as she feels death approach, but she's confident and this what she chose, she fights the anger and steps back from the edge*
Sven Tuverak: ~rages to his feet, ~
Joseph Hesch: *Rideing on the rage. keeping himself standing high*
Lime evil Guy: *And in a wash of energy, life giving energy, the caren energy rushes out, (heal 2 levels) and is stronger*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She continues howling her defiance at the spirit.*
Angelia Caponelli: (back)
Lime evil Guy: *It feels they have passed it's test, and so it stays, it's voice a reverberation of the city* "..Thank you..?"*It wall of energy says, a City Spirt like none other (less anyone been in san-fran where i got it *L*)
Syntax: ~she pushs herself back to her feet as the energy rushs out, gritting many sharp teeth together, lips pulled back from her muzzle. She staggers a bit, then makes her way out of the caern heart slowly~
Little Red Death: *she lowers herslef to the ground, going to her natural form. lupus, to rest*
Lime evil Guy: (no question mark on thank you)
Angelia Caponelli: *Embraces her rage and wills herself to stay concious and aware of what's going on around her*
Syntax: ~wearily~ ~spirit~ you're welcome..
Sven Tuverak: ~he rest on his hands, claws really, his clothing new is not dedicated, but he shakes. He's not used to such things.~
Silver Kane: ~he nods to Syntax~ ~G~ continue..
Syntax: ~looks over to michelo, to see if she should continue now. that bit took a good deal from her.~
Lime evil Guy: *there is no doubt about it, the caerrn is stronger.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he huffs as he weathers the storm in crinos. When it calms he does as well. He lingers in Crinos for a while"
Syntax: ~nods~ And so we move to the Cracking of the Bone ((hands over to the virtual Ingvar/truthcatcher))
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Stays in his natural form... the crinos stands tall eyes watching... mouth wearing a smile'
Angelia Caponelli: *She pants heavily, resting back on her hunches, her grey furred shoulders slumped and her head drooping a little*
Silver Kane: ~when he's clear (from ingvar) he will speak~ ".. Alright ~his voice a little strained~ NEw Business. Leech, Ari asupposedly hurt her pretty badly. Watch out of rher, she can play with the mind.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She still remains in lupus, keeping to her feet as a Valkyria should. Those who choose the dead should remain strong in any face.*
Little Red Death: *lays on her stomach, concentrates on breathing*
Lime evil Guy: *now the lighting shoots up the entire 10 story building, the shear lights of the new additional totem spinning wyldly*
Angelia Caponelli: *Sees Akane laying down and slumps to the ground relieved dropping her muzzle on her paws*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Watches that... his sister... not another kin... his sister'
Sven Tuverak: ~he raises to his feet, enough time on his butt~
Syntax: ~she watchs the new totem, He who's been with her before, smiling in a tired way. She misses parts of what Chrome says without really meaning to.~
Joseph Hesch: *Stays in crinos a bit.... enjoying the strenght it offers...*
Angelia Caponelli: *Blink blink. Her whiskers twitch, her ears pop up she hurts too much to actually get back up tp her paws*
Silver Kane: This leech has got to two of our kin, speaking of which, we have a few,Jake and valerie doing sweeps. ~coughs ,he is an old garou, rituals like that are dangerous ~G~ . Um , Kin. Minh and Destiny, they are new, once human made kin. No more will be accepted. One glasswalker, minh has beeb training for 2 years, and is now my mate, and my wife. Destiny, somethign fromt he shadowlords.. None of you have enough senority to pull it off anymore, so it's ends here.
Little Red Death: *tounge out, lagging she raises her head to show she's listening, but beyond that, doesn't move*
Sven Tuverak: ~this part pretains to him and his tibe, so he perks up an ear~
Syntax: ~smiles slightly at Sven, finding some cute joy in the fact that she did it without the Shadow knowing... any of them... it's a warm fuzzy feeling~
Lime evil Guy: *The Totems-both- Also watch and listen, the namelessone, even more so, It will be active in their lives, as it energy mizes with theirs, it knows them, seek them. *
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She listens, remembering the kin names. She has met one and seen the other.*
Sven Tuverak: ~he frowns delicately, well, recalculate plans~
Joseph Hesch: *Just listens*
Silver Kane: "The Hengeokai, Usagui, Haruko, and ima, and others. Simply puts, in our house, our rules, their house, their rules, in the open, it's just another person, be cause full of that and don't get dead.
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he nods, more to himself then anything, as he recalls meeting them both at least in passing"
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She pays attention to the clearer rules on the foreign ones she has met.*
Angelia Caponelli: *She looks up at Kane but is too hurting to argue... maybe that's why they do the pain part first*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Nods'
Syntax: ~smiles a bit more, thinking she really should have marked zoe a talon kin..~
Silver Kane: I'm sure you all know about the lack of Wisdom in many things, Aristotels mixup with Chimera, as he tried to help the kin, Chimera punished him for his lack of wisdom, but he does deserve something for trying, and she reconized that too. Next is Ingvar, and well, the Harbringers. These have all been taken care of, and so ends.
Syntax: ~nods, filing away different tidbits.~
Sven Tuverak: ~he pays slight attention, but smirks at something kane says~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'His mouth moves as kane speaks... he remebers it all... Ima... one he must meet agian'
Silver Kane: ~he takes a look up at the new totem for a moment.~ This is a product os Valerie and Syntax's work, froom a vague spirtual feeling, to us, Angelia and a few others hunting for gnosis in the caern and so forth, If Ari hadn;t caused us to use the gnosis for reviving the caern defense, it wound;t have hurt so much. ~he smiles~ remember that.
Little Red Death: *she chuckles and rolls to her feet*~ws~ interesting.
Syntax: ~smirks~
Syntax: ~drops down to homid as she thinks of it, her suit reappearing in proper order.~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he nods again and slowly shifts down to homid again"
Angelia Caponelli: *She perks up a little for her name, and then slumps back down*
Lime evil Guy: *the flashes dim, anyone who would take a gander realise they are perfectly in syn, the heart beat of the city , the light pulses the blood. , the fog proving errie back up*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She drops to her haunchs, resting finally.*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Remains in crinos watching'
Syntax: ~drifts her eyes back to Him again, wondering if he truly will continue to be here..~
Silver Kane: And Last, Rigus Pulse, Captured in the raid, lead by Ima and Sven from oursdide. They found out a lot, but Rigus, who's held by the poliec is from the Pentex Board, a minor fuctionary. We want him, in doing so, Syntax is now defacto Alpha, for she is the ranking monsky wrencher, and this is what we needs. I have suggested a few people, but it's her;s and alex's choice. After we get Rigus, and anything we get from him, were going right into the pharacutical buiness, finess and perceverance is called for. I will still be in chage, but when it comes to 'wrenching, syn is the best and that's what your going to get, go to her first, me second with those, i'll keep taking car of fox and things that crop up.
Little Red Death: *her eyes follow the light pulles, trying to figure out if it's wyld or Weaver*
Sven Tuverak: ~he listens intently to Kane and nods slowly to syntax to acknolwedge her station~
Syntax: ~smiles a bit~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods to Syntax-rhya.*
Joseph Hesch: *Nods.... hopeing he wont have to serve under the asshole*
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Doesn't acknowledge. Just listens'
Angelia Caponelli: *She tries to follow that long stream of information. She lifts her head and nods to Syn*
Silver Kane: "Note, were in this with the hengeyoaki, so be aware of that, and i think that's all ~he finshes and sits back~ I have no problem with anyone.. hands the bone, or control to syntax.
Joseph Hesch: *Looks to Syn nodding to her as well*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he nods at each point and inturn to Syntax as he listens"
Little Red Death: *slowly her eyes come back to the gathering and she begins the lick her paws*
Sven Tuverak: ~he turns to look at syntax, waiting on her words~
Syntax: ~nods, taking over the bone~ Nice and simple, boys and girls. Anyone up for an in with the Rignus thing, see me, if I don't see you first. Other minor news, Matthew While is back with the Walkers again. Remember that. If you have questions about dealing with the hengeyokai, ask me before making some dumb assumption, I've spent time with them in Japan, and actually know the Nakatomi ones. That's it on my end. ~hands off~
Angelia Caponelli: *Once the dizzyness passes she pushes herself up to sit up on her hunches*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She listens quietly.*
Lime evil Guy: *the lights dim further as the new totem explores it's body, concentration shifts as it seeks to stands and streach it's legs, rail likes creak, telephone whistle*
Syntax: ((hands off to Ven))
Little Red Death: *flicks her ears closed, fighting not to talk. Thinks someone better speak with the totem soon, it's like a new born child*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She rises from her haunchs, padding a few steps foreward.* ~ws~ Harbringers of Isis guard with me now. If you bring anyone to the bawn who is new to any of us, you must introduce them and the reason for bringing them to the Bawn. I suggest announcing visitors before bringing them here for the first time.
Syntax: ~starts watching Him again, smiling slightly at his antics.. first father, now child~
Silver Kane: ~he raises a hand, taking the bone by inference for a few seconds~ Check the boards, i leave new garou annouchements there, as well as new kin annouchments.
Sven Tuverak: ~silent as a shadow~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She steps back once all have heard her. She has only need to speak on caern security issues.*
Zaid D'Urdan: [[ ibis ]] 'Or don't get so pissy... Watches'
Vendela Kristoffersen: ooc: oh, Ibis, sorry..
Joseph Hesch: *Absently flicks his nails as he listens*
Lime evil Guy: *picks up a radio frequency and starts to play yani, then rebublican road show, and then off. it "looks" down a tthe garou feeling their dedication and drive along with other concerns and rest back, almost like a proud father, the others can FEEL it's presence around them here, the pulsing of the light creating it's own wind*
Syntax: ((*cringes at having propogated that type-o around, blaming the not oocly present Ingvar as runs off to change Bawn desc*))
Sven Tuverak: ~vrushes at his eyes~
Angelia Caponelli: *Studies the new totem couriously, what bad taste in music*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She hands over to Jake, for his doing the Opening Howl.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "hands clasped behind his back he waits"
Joseph Hesch: *Bops his head to Yani*
Syntax: ~continues to smile and watch the totem, as if drifting~
Little Red Death: *Winces at the music. looks at the totem* ~ws~ Quit it *yes, she is slightly differnt in her true form*
Silver Kane: ~he looks at the totems, both and then shakes his head.~
Lime evil Guy: *a feeling of amusement, but not condesending, just amusemnet. the lights Dim, leaving only fogs pressence, and the occassional lighting form the heart*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he takes the bone and ponders" Those expecting something long winded will be disappointed... the only thing I have to say is don't leave a fellow garou behind or mark them as dead. I know several counted Ingvar as such... it shouldn't be like that, not ever "he hands the bone to Zaid, thinking he's next in the chain of importance"
Syntax: ~glances to Sven, a little surprised the bone didn't go his way next~
Sven Tuverak: ~he stares at JAke but says nothing.~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: {{ player has no idea who's next... and is a little preoccupied }}
Sven Tuverak: [sven is fostern, and has a good bit of reknows over that]
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Doesn't notice the Bone at first... Blinks... what the hell is he going to say... takes it and looks at it a secound.. then hands it to Sven'
Syntax: ((*chuckle* and here I thought it was a sly jab at the SLs..))
Sven Tuverak: [go fix your roof, assumes he can pass the bone correctly*L*]
Angelia Caponelli: ((LOL so did I Syn))
Sven Tuverak: ~takes the bone, no matter the postion and says~ "Good work." ~hands it to (apporiate, missing person) then it comes to Akane.~
Little Red Death: *she thinks about it, then speaks* Aristiotle Accued me of being the wyrm, Charolette witnessed this. I challange him and if wrong, he is omega.
Silver Kane: ~blinks~
Sven Tuverak: ~laughs silently~
Angelia Caponelli: *Blinks at Akane*
Syntax: ~chuckles quietly~
Little Red Death: ~WS~ he should be omega, and and take the truth catched punishment too. For a staregazer, his rage is too much for his own foolish actions.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She wolf frowns at the thought of the accusation.*
Silver Kane: ~he instantly can check and does so, and with his fresh spirtual essecen, checks everyone's balance at the same time~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "sense wyrm"
Sven Tuverak: [foot loose and wyrm free]~he contrinues to chuckle. stupid gazer~
Joseph Hesch: [[Zaid will brb... browser shut down]] *Just watches*
Little Red Death: [wyld, touch of weaver]
Syntax: ((weaver))
Vendela Kristoffersen: ooc: no wyrm
Angelia Caponelli: [no more wyrm then any one who hangs out in the city all the time, getting more weaver, chillinf on the wyld a bit]
Silver Kane: ~glanes about~ Wyrm free, any one can say otherwise?
Zaid D'Urdan: [[*kicks the shit out of netscape* fucking AOL ruins everything it touches ]] *Wyld*
Angelia Caponelli: ((hugs Zaid))
Syntax: ~shakes her head, never one to know.~
Silver Kane: ~his face .. is not happy. that is a serious accuzation and his fingers flex~ I see my little wisdom speech came in time.
Sven Tuverak: ~he looks up at the totems, both and shakes his head~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he snakes his head"
Joseph Hesch: *Wonders what she did to make him think that.... will probly be answered in time*
Lime ST Guy: *continues to listen, more still flexing it's "muscle" seeing what it truely controls and can work with, it refocuses at the accuzation well ready to calcify the offender, but senses nothing itself, so goes back to testing it's "body"*
Silver Kane: "Is there any circumstance Akane?
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *he steps into the bawn... first his eyes fall to Vendelia.. recognition.. then he moves into the caern proper..*
Angelia Caponelli: *She looks back at Ingvar whose' late then goes back to watching Akane and Kane*
Little Red Death: ~WS~ i was speaking with charolette and he came up, he iniatitaed a face down challange and i did not want to speak to the dishonored. It is important they realise their follow. I took a loss at the challange and walked away from him. He beagan to shout across the campus like a child and finally said, And i Quote.:
Little Red Death: ((continues))I see now the audacity of the West is a form of taint....I must take pains not to become as infected as some...
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The light from the spirit glints off a hard face as he tilts his head slightly... listening to Little.*
Little Red Death: *she shrugs as only a wolf can* I took no offence, not being of the west, but it is imporant to note let one garou offend me for his pety ignorace *the fact that it was a male garou was the only reason she even brought it up*
Lime ST Guy: *the 10 stroy dimness fill again with light, it's done exploring. It choses Angelia and beings to swirl about her. Even fog just swirls as this new entity explores*
Little Red Death: ~he nods hands the bone off to next in line~
Little Red Death: (joe)
Silver Kane: ~he frowns steadly. Ingavar must hold that one.~
Angelia Caponelli: *Forgets Akane and watches the new totem couriouslY*
Syntax: ~listens with half an ear, smiling at Him as he plays. The strangeness has gone away with his openning to her.~
Joseph Hesch: *Takes the bone.* Other then i tink i've finaly earned rank two.... Live long and prosper?
Lime ST Guy: *it moves to Joe next, a pulse of light swirls*
Silver Kane: ~he smile sat Joe~ Ahroun, good work and be proud. Kelsey will handle that.
Little Red Death: *lays back down on her paws*
Sven Tuverak: ~he watches the new totem, trying to figure if this is a good thing or not. He doesn't realy know spirts~
Angelia Caponelli: *Watches it go and looks to joe*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She settles to her paws, resting without her usually tense muscles. Here in the caern, with totem, and now this new totem, she can be at ease.*
Joseph Hesch: *Goes to hand the Bone off to Angelica... but is a bit cought up as the new totem moves over him*
Syntax: ~pulls her eyes away long enough to smile and wink at Joe~
Lime ST Guy: *lightingh trails as it moves, skimming againt the building * I like to Dream.. *it says to them all suddenly* Mother Dreams of you all, do you dream of her * just randomly breaking intot he ceremony*
Sven Tuverak: ~looks startled at the question, not having been paying attention, then looks suppiciously~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Watches the lights... the new totem... dreams... nods'
Angelia Caponelli: *Takes the bone from JOe and puts it down infronyt of herself cause it's hard to talk with a bone in her mouth* ~ws~ Does the new spirit have a name? *She watches it tail twitching*
Syntax: ~spirit~ yes... of course.
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he stands hands clasped behind his back again. He blinks at the question, unsure exactly what it means"
Joseph Hesch: *Hand still holding the bone out... watches the totem*
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Pale eyes flick toward the voice that fills them.. perhaps he looks inside for a brief moment of reflection..*
Silver Kane: ~he can't remember the last time he did dream clearly.~
Joseph Hesch: *Thinks of his dreams... his eyes blinking*
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Remembered visions... jeering faces.. the fall of a Judge that wears his face.. swirling into the abyss of lies and madness.. only a single flicker passes his face and is gone in the same moment.. a dream about the Mother.. but in a roundabout way.*
Lime ST Guy: *lights pulse up and down in the darkness, then across the fog and it "returns" never having left it's position, but now rest there* Then you will all dream to night, i require it of you all... *it surrounds syntax with a swril, hightling her wires with a settled content look* "..She's misses you all, no wonder, no one speaks to her anymore."
Kelsey Heyd: *..whaddya talkin' 'bout? She's been here, yo, the whole time..*
Syntax: ~smiles, feeling like a proud child~ ~spirit~ I do.. and she listens..
Sven Tuverak: ~he tiltes his head, what in the .. this totem is going to be almost as bad as thunder, he can sense it's demands already~
Angelia Caponelli: *Watches the spirit puzzeled* ~ws~ Couriouser and couriouser, I wish I'd never found the rabbit hole, and yet and yet... *Wolfy smirk*
Little Red Death: *she never thought it was _that_ easy. she looks at those older than her to confirm this*
Lime ST Guy: *it swirls up, only having one clear answer from a simple question. It knows where to start.*
Silver Kane: "~G~ angie, finish up,
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he quirks a brow at that, he'll try, that will have to do"
Angelia Caponelli: ~ws~ I asked if it had a name Don.
Lime ST Guy: *Fog simply swirls with amusement, not nearly as pushy, rather sublte as the secreats it holds*
Silver Kane: "..I~G~ it's Nameless.. ~he shrugs~
Syntax: ~shakes her head~ Not yet, Ang.. but it will someday...
Angelia Caponelli: *She nods and picks up the bone taking it to Ingvar*
Lime ST Guy: *it answers jake's thought directly, but it speaks to Ibis, and so his Pack* It will not be, but do try.
Silver Kane: oocly:8 it has a name, it's Weaver, and it's under the city father/mother rules, if anyone happens to care.
Zaid D'Urdan: 'WJust watches the spirits. Studying them'
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he inclines his head to the spirit"
Kelsey Heyd: * in silent contemplation. Fog will, no doubt, have demands. As does Wyvern. And she's kept that totem in high respect..*
Angelia Caponelli: *Drops the bone at Ingvar's feet*
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *One slender hand takes the bone.. a single nod as he clears his throat quietly..* I am pleased that the Judgement was well recieved.. pleased that I will be allowed to serve this sept as the Truth Catcher. We will all grow closer, now that there is a place that can be home to all of us, despite our differences. This will serve all of us well. *He nods again.. strangely silent as the memories continue to crash over him. No hint of this shows on his face.*
Syntax: ((okay peeps.. - I've put up the short transcribe... it'll be full when the moots done.. ))
Angelia Caponelli: *She returns to her spot&
Silver Kane: ~he looks at Syntax to move the moot along~
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The bone tilts a bit as he makes ready to pass it on to another.. then his eyes flick to Little.* I would like to speak with you when we are through.. I was not aware that Aristotle-rhya was dishonored..
Syntax: ~nods~ Next we move to Stories and Reknown...
Little Red Death: *she nods to Ingvar*
Syntax: ((we're going to do reknown ic by email... just easier that way.. and gives people a chance to read up on what they think they deserve.))
Angelia Caponelli: ((Awsome I have it typed up for Email any how.))
Iachemir Zazdragovik: {{ ~nods~ good call Syn... was also going to send the tale through email since it got rather large }}
Silver Kane: ((cool, REVEL?))
Angelia Caponelli: ((Having not had time to come up with a tale I think Jake will win))
Syntax: ((*nods* good... which means we skip time to the Revel))
Angelia Caponelli: (yup)
Kelsey Heyd: (( *..drums fingertips together..* Excellent. Much easier. ))
Syntax: ((it's one person per moot for the tales... Jake this moot, kane will decide who's next moot.))
Iachemir Zazdragovik: {{ ~does the special dance~ }}
Sven Tuverak: ~he doens't have any stores to tell these people, but a few drops of reknown wouldn't be so bad~
Syntax: (( - a current list of caern positions, a little blurb on what each is/is responsible for... this will go up on the caern page eventually.))
Angelia Caponelli: ((Ah alright I wasn't sure from the way it was posted))
Silver Kane: ~makes sure kelsey knows tha Joe is to rank, and so she will be doing it as the master of the challane, and ahroun~
Zaid D'Urdan: [[*sets out the "you are special plate" for Jack.... with a short yellow bus in the middle*]]
Syntax: ~when the reknown and stories are done, she moves it on to the next phase..~ and now the Revel...
Lime ST Guy: *it seemed to have been wating for this part. with a JERK the caern starts to move upwards, the marble floor lifting on it's elevators to go thru the skylight. Running lights like some thing out of a space movie follow them, but up they go until they are on the roof, over looking Fox in all it's lights and power*
Little Red Death: *hops to her feet instantly as the ground start to move*
Sven Tuverak: `~sets himself on all crinos four and blinks~
Syntax: ~shifts with the jostling of the floor, but easily keeps her balance.~
Kelsey Heyd: *..nods. She knows. And will be thinking about the Challenge as her first priority..*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She wuffs, spreading her legs wider to keep on her feel.*
Angelia Caponelli: *Gets to her paws and looks around a little wierded out by the rising*
Silver Kane: ~barely moves, after all, it's the way he made it~
Joseph Hesch: *With out a thought moves to sturdy himself*
Kelsey Heyd: *..shifts slightly as the floor moves from under her, vertigo beginning, then settling almost as quick. She's had worse vertigo getting piledriven ... I mean, come on..*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "even as the platform ascends he starts to shift"
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Lowers his center of gravity'
Lime ST Guy: *the fog cascades out of the building like something out of a b-movie. it spreads out rappidly obsecuring the garou from prying eyes as the new totem streaches it's legs once more. Not that wasn't always part of the building, but it got to use it as part of a ceremony anyway*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She looks around for danger, taking her cue from the Elder-rhya that there is nothing wrong.*
Lime ST Guy: *there is nothing for a while, jsut the garou trying to center them selves, then a howl, a scream and the umbra quials breifly and 18 lights on the side come on, blanketing the area , like some strange show. large spirtual creatures appear, a few spirals move across the umbra and perfectly formed black sludge. The Images solidiy under the lights, becomming real and seem to guard the Heart FROM the garou themselves.*
Sven Tuverak: ~blinks, tosses himself to his feet instant, Bluring as he shift to the side~
Little Red Death: *she assumes the mighty hispo*
Joseph Hesch: *Still in crinos heckles raised... wondering about this*
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Pale eyes flick to each in turn... watching and waiting as he shifts booted feet slightly.*
Silver Kane: ~he waits, looking over the images. Their good, a lot of work went into this, he wonder if peter even knows what he builds for him. No matter, he'll show him this video too, that will make peter happy. He stands on his haunces and Howl out a challange~
Angelia Caponelli: *She looks around causiously*
Syntax: ~rages to crinos, howling her own challenge~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "in crinos he leaps into the frey, letting out a howl"
Kelsey Heyd: *..slides her feet to shoulder-width apart firmly under her, brow wrinkling at the screams, then teeth bared in a snarl as the heart is suddenly 'guarded'. At Kane's howl, she shifts up to Glabro ... watching..*
Lime ST Guy: *the images, still , unmoving, useless, instantly come to life at the challange, all sembelance of uselessness fade away as trapped wyrm spirts are released into the images giving them life.*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She assumes her Warform, jumping forth to battle the Dark foes.*
Angelia Caponelli: *She paws at the ground still in lupus*
Zaid D'Urdan: *Remains croached watching*
Kelsey Heyd: (( *..smacks self..* Crinos. Not Glabro. Stupid me. )) *..joins in with the howls of challenge, sharp and clear..*
Little Red Death: *she makes sure she knows where the roof is and holds her attack as to not let others get tossed off the building*
Sven Tuverak: ~ragabahs get killed running into the fray, so stay s to the side~
Zaid D'Urdan: *His edges blur smoothing out into the background*
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The low rumble drifts from his throat... changing into the Howl as he rises to the stature of the shimmering sable war form... wicked claws click together once as he turns.. facing away from the group... thrumming and ready..*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "his lips ripple along his muzzle as he repeats the howl, driving it home as he readies to kill"
Lime ST Guy: *The images are no longer so, attacking with the feroricity of the wyrm's power, as Spot lights swirl about the air and starange heavy metal musich twist the air, the wyld rising in the area sharply*
Silver Kane: ~with kliave high he rushes into the fray, participating with full anticipation into the revel~
Sven Tuverak: ~perfetly mimics calls to the wyrm creatues, and steps inbehind Ingvar~
Joseph Hesch: *His claws scraps on the ground as he moves forwards towards the enemy*
Syntax: ~lets herself feel the rage, putting forth all her recently bottled aggressions in a cleansing manner, taking it all out on the bane-forms. She'll be surprised, somewhere in the back of her head, at just how much has built up~
Angelia Caponelli: *She appoaches more calmly to sneak in and bite the enemy while it's occupied with the larger threats*
Kelsey Heyd: * directing her disgust and hatred for the things that dare defile the Caern she put her heart's blood into ... her howl becomes thick with the purity of the Wyld, hoping the daunt the Wyrm-critters and strengthen her allies' resolves..* (Call of the Wyld)
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She wades right into the middle of the fight, getting on this chance at a little battle action with her duties.*
Lime ST Guy: *the fog drowns out the noice, the howls, the ripping, but REAL blood flows, real scream echo. The Spiral tryu to summon banes, the black sludge leaps at ZAID and Anaglie, as Spiral move to attack others, dark shimmering banes floating back, "protecting" the heart *
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he dances with tooth, claw, and sword, leaving a gorey display... an outlet for the fire and passion he has managed to hold in check"
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He surges foreward, then explodes in a blur of claws and fangs... the thrum never ceases- and never gives fully into the frenzy... every movement clean and precise as he rides the red wave that drops in front of his eyes..*
Little Red Death: *staying in hispo, she goes with angelia, where their is no ahroun, not caring she moves with the spirt of the fray and shashes aa the dark sludege, letting the rage of today boil out of her*
Angelia Caponelli: *She jumps back to avoif the sludge as best she can*
Sven Tuverak: ~get's nastaligic to his right of passage, he behind an ahourn, just letting the blood fly around him, occassionally strikking to block or distract~
Kelsey Heyd: *..howling the Wyld's call, she quickly moves towards the frey, protecting the Garou of lower rank and taking her position as Ahroun, gigantic Crinos form rippling massively..*
Silver Kane: ~he's comes in onthe opposite side of jake, not so much caring about his own form, but like some sick game of caputre the flag he seeks to enter the heart and cleanse it of this taint~
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Not the best fighter turns his body hopeing his thin body can slip past the goo man'
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he deals out death as his howl continues, a song of victory and inspiration"
Lime ST Guy: *the Images waver at the ~call of the wyld, ~ stilled into fear, yet glavanzied by programming -devied by a bored kin- they rise to their feet, but slower-
Angelia Caponelli: *Shifts up to hispo to take advantage of the speed of the larger form and circles around the goo thing*
Silver Kane: ~rare in his day and time, he chants out his battle song, nothing few have heard, but it's from the Army~
Syntax: ~she feels her pack around her, knowing their positions as she rips her claws into flesh, biting down and shaking in a shark like frenzy as she purges her angst.~
Little Red Death: *keeps the attention of the goo, off the others*
Joseph Hesch: *Takes up the center.... watching kane and jake... moveing to whom will need it'
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She works through the frey, tripping a foe here, nipping at heels there.*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he follows Kane in, guarding a side as his howl continues to sing out"
Lime ST Guy: *and like some rave gone out of control, the music and the mayham continue, Jake springing to the heart well before anyone else4, joe clearing a path with ingvar and Kelsey besidee, Vendela and syntax covering, Ziad and Angelia circiling their own foe, getting behind it, as Sven and RED are the decoys.*
Angelia Caponelli: (is going to have to go to bed shortly)
Silver Kane: ~the howls out a clear sign of victory and valadation of Gaia's presence, warriors to the man~
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The massive form twists and turns through the bloody dance... letting the angst rip into the foes and even the air around him- releasing it in a controled trickle rather than the blustering tide..*
Kelsey Heyd: *..the grey fenris, a striking figure of muscle and controlled Rage, moves pointedly towards the Caern's heart alongside Ingvar, claws biting into banes with fury controlled..* ~G~ Keep moving! Fight with the fury Gaia gave you!
Zaid D'Urdan: 'As the goo leaps at him a wall of rock is suddenly formed right before it... he slips past gaining a quick strike'
Lime ST Guy: *slowly the images fade as the garou make it to the center, the ground slick with blood, mostly theres, for images do not bleed, but that is not the point, there is reason for the blood, there is reason for the duty , as they heal, they have reafirmed why*
Angelia Caponelli: *Attacks the goo following Ziad and Akanes leads* ((hugs all night night))
Angelia Caponelli: (poffles)
Silver Kane: ((night night))~he stands up, full 9ft height and looks over the city he' controls, their territory~
Joseph Hesch: *his rage goes uncheaked... he moves as a blur slashing and tearing till a pulp is left before moveing to the next*
Syntax: ~starts up an end howl, revelling in the blood~
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he wastes no effort at words in this form, instead he just howls on as spirals fall before Gaia's true champions"
Syntax: ((night..))
Little Red Death: *pulls the goo along, so the others can get to it better*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: {{ night to those leaving }}
Lime ST Guy: *it's a foggy night across Fox Park today, only few can comprehed why. the fog is low to the ground, but this building can see over it. After but 10 minutes after the last cry falls, a jerk will start the building down, the wyrm spirts destoyed forms departing to places unknown*
Sven Tuverak: ~he stares at he scene with some nastalgia then shakes the blood out of his coat, wating for the ground to go back down~
Joseph Hesch: *Breathes heavy... his rage all but spent... watches the nightline... feeding on the power*
Little Red Death: *with a small wolfsih smiles at Zaid and Angelia she lays down*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he stays in crinos, allowing wounds unfelt heal as he pants, welcoming both the slaughter and the fatigue"
admin & lime @LIME: ((Weather: A heavy fog covers Fox Park through the evening and into the early morning, making traffic slow and visibility close to nill.))
Zaid D'Urdan: 'Lowers his center of gravity agian for the ride down. Watching the others'
Silver Kane: ~just before they go down he motions~ G~ looj at youe city, you control this .. Weaver? No, Gaia. We have work to do.. this moot is over.
Ingvar Urgahaldt: ((Good night people.*S*)) *He stops moving as the figures disappear.. a single nod to Kelsey.. then the regal face turns toward the city... nostrils flare as he takes in the scent.*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She joins Syntax-rhya's howl, proud to have helped protect her varthi from the Outbreaker's minions.*
Joseph Hesch: *Lets out a growel in approveal*
Lime ST Guy: *the new and old totem is also pleased and when the elevator reaches the bottom, the lights dim, the darkness returns. and Silence.*
Kelsey Heyd: *..with the descent comes the realization of victory. Kelsey's no Theurge, but she can't help but feel her ties and visions to Wyvern and the Caern grow stronger everyday. She returns Ingvar's nod, and watches the foggy night..*
Silver Kane: ~he puts away his klaive and steaches .. still a litthe tired and VERY drained.~ Good moot, Good night all, ~starts to head towards the bawn~
Syntax: ~drops down to a slick bloodied wolf, yipping at her pack mates before making her way over to Chrome.~
Little Red Death: *wuffs acknowledgement and heads after kane*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he rolls his neck and takes a deep breath, inhaling the smeel of blood and victory"
Sven Tuverak: ~yawns in crinos, having no change of clothing and no need to NOT be in crinos, he nods to ingvar and heads off to go get a shower~
Kelsey Heyd: *..shifts back down to Homid, looking rather pleased ... but tired, none-the-less. She follows Kane's lead out..*
Lime ST Guy: [and thank you all, my part has ended, you may do as you will]
Zaid D'Urdan: 'He is tired... but sectors need to be cheaked... moves out to go on patrol'
Little Red Death: *remember something and heqads over to Ingvar* ~ws~Judge
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She exits at the rear, making sure all are ready and well and no further threat remains here.*
Joseph Hesch: *DOesn't leave right away... stays a momnent longer to watches the totems... new and old*
Iachemir Zazdragovik: "he makes his way back to the bawn, still in crinos... he likes this for the moment"
Sven Tuverak: ~bawn~
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The sable wall tilts its head downward...regarding Little Death for only a moment before he realizes why she has approached him.. controled and calm as he shifts to Lupus to speak with her better..* Yes.. thank you..
Syntax: ~pads along with Chrome to the bawn, leaving bloody little paw prints in her wake~
Kelsey Heyd: *..glances over her shoulder to the others, then exits..*
Little Red Death: *she rubs her shoulders against his for a second, sharing her scent and at least, this comradare, before resting on her haunches* ~WS~ I am listening. What would you want from me?
Silver Kane: ~bawn, leaving bloody prints~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She stops, sitting on her haunchs to wait for everyone to be done here. She's in no rush.*
Joseph Hesch: *Watches for another minute before turning and heading backtowards the bawn*
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He does not move... a slight shift of the body to share the space and the breath of wolf- scent with her..* ~ws~ I only overheard part of the reasons for your challenge- I should not have been late.. may I inquire as to how Aristotle has brought dishonor upon himself so quickly after his arrival?
Joseph Hesch: *Enters the bawn*
Little Red Death: "First or second? His first as i have heared was a lack of wisdom * she smile* preevaltnt it seems in males, but that is beside the point. His own totem punished him. I do not wich to speak with the dishonored, it's my right, he then said these words in his Anger: I see now the audacity of the West is a form of taint....I must take pains not to become as infected as some....
Ingvar Urgahaldt: I see.. and you will challenge him for this because he has wronged you... *pale eyes flick to her intently.* Or because he is male? *There is no note of sarcasm in his voice... in fact, nothing lurks under those tones.. no ripples disturb the icy pool of his face..*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She sits silently.*
Little Red Death: "Both."*she says plainly and truthfully* He was wrong, but now I will make sure he knows he was wrong. He let his pride reduce someone of his rank to name calling. I find that sickening.
Ingvar Urgahaldt: I would agree, Sugimori-rhya.. ((Last name is the personal one, right?)) thank you for your time.. *The regal muzzle dips for a moment as the Omega performs his place as the Outlyer.. holding only as long as is necessary to submit in the ritual sense- but no longer.. exactly what is required.. almost as though unconsciously unwilling to let the submission continue past the required point.*
Little Red Death: *she raises off her feet and walks over to vendela, licks her muzzle and heads out of the caern*
Little Red Death: `ws~ Good night Warriors. *and lopes off quickly*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She raises her muzzle at the lick, blinking her eyes. She waits for Ingvar to be ready also.* ~ws~ It was suggested by the Elder-rhya that should Aristotle be shown to be false in his accusations that he be made Omega.
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *he turns to Vendelia as she speaks, then acknowledges her words with a dip of his muzzle.* I see. The Challenge will prove this?
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She wolf shrugs.* ~ws~ It is for you decide, Truthcatcher. But no one present was able to find the taint of the Oathbreaker about her.
Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Another nod, and he turns to move out of the Caern.* Thank you, Guardian.. *He lops toward the bawn.*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods, padding along behind him to the bawn.*