Kane's Mud Olympics
Michelo Saldare, Aristotle Hears-the-Winds-Crying, Crystal Fisher,
Vendela Kristoffersen, Runa Koski, Akane "Little Red Death"
September 10, 000
Michelo Saldaré: ~when he arrives in the UMBAR of the CAMPUS he moves to the few mud pits about. In the forest nearer the cave area~
Michelo Saldaré: ~he starts to take of fhis clothing~
Crystal Fisher: *she sits, watching for good shots. she has an eye for them.*
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari moves out of the shift, humming a tune he heard through Crys' speakers....he drops into Mantis, ready within seconds of the shift, comfortable with the Umbra*
little red death: ~WS~ alright, no gifts, homid only, no rage. Goal is to drag one's opponet out of the mud to the shore.
Michelo Saldaré: ~hen he's abolutley naked he walks towards the mudpits to get in~ There is a large tripple row scar on his left shoulder. His cheek has barely decernable claw markings. On his throat is and back is a row of superficial scars. A Deep scar runs up his right rib, from shoulder to waiste, and the skin there seemts to breath independently. On the mid center of his chest is a splash mark of what seems to be an exploded chemical Burn. One his left hip and leg is a a differnt mark, this one pockmarked and bubbly looking, a worst chemical burn, but the skin there is long dead and past. His abs, rock hard, are split by fine thin but decernable cuts that have obviously healed. Both calves have stiches marks, His inner thigh has what seems to be a slashed knife wound the length of his legs. On his chest seems to be a new Scar, lenght of his ribs. When he Turns around is a lacing as someone tried to removes his spine, with a toothpick. Faint Tear drops (gaia's tears) frame a v on his back and on the back of his neck is a mark of a slashed halfmoon.(mark of luna)
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari grins, takes a running leap, pulls his head tucked as well as his legs, rolling into the mudpits*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She stands ready, putting her bag down.*
little red death: *he looks at Runa and Vendela* ~WS~ and you two can do the swimming will the men butt head *she doesn't add the like idiots part.*
Michelo Saldaré: ~he looks at Aristotle and shrugs. HE was not built as an ahroun all his life, so he expects to lose, but he'll have a good show~
Runa Koski: *blinks, but manages to keep her mouth shut then Kane strips naked... she removes her boots and belt... kane's got a good idea no clothes to grab a hold of*
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: (((What are inits? Wits+alertness diff 6?))
Crystal Fisher: *naked people. zoooom..*
Michelo Saldaré: ~he grins at Crystal and laughs~
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: ((Thanx, ouch....init 9))
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari drops to his position*
little red death: *looks at Aristotle and Kane and when both hav taken up a good position* Begin!
Crystal Fisher: *remarks flippantly but calmly to Kane, while working on new shots of the others* You don't look your age, sir.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She moves to the edge of the pits and watchs. She has not gotten completely naked and has little plan to so long as one of the Furies is taking pictures.*
Michelo Saldaré: ~kane doesn't move.~
Runa Koski: *nears the edge of the mud pit* Mud, great for your complexion...
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari has locked eyes with the Elder, his position frozen*
little red death: *she cheaks to make sure the others are getting ready to swimming. Giving a little honor to the get's decides to make it a hard competition* Each of tou have to Swim in the mud, for resistance.
Crystal Fisher: *now she settles into a more seriuos frame of mind. It is all about the shots. Getting them at just the right moment, just the right positioning so that the veiwers can have no doubt as to the outcome of each action. A wyrm-beat could drop right into this and her first thought would be capturing its hideiuosness before recalling she was supposed to fight it*
Runa Koski: Huh? swim in the mud?
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Aristotle sweats, his muscles trembling slightly*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She shakes her head.* I cannot svim.
Crystal Fisher: *helpfully* I think she means for each of you to coat yourselves in the mud?
Michelo Saldaré: ~the elder suddenly surges ahead, fist lashing out~
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *And breaks eye contact, dropping his head, at the same time dropping under the level of the mud for stability*
little red death: [general diff is 8 for the resistance, will change on the fly]
Runa Koski: *slips her jeans off, swimming in mud, that's a new one... she got nice long, shapely legs...she's no stranger to fitness*
little red death: *nods to VEndela, * then what competion -rhya
Michelo Saldaré: ~seeing Ari drop, he goes for a knee instead~
little red death: *he turns to the competionton, ears tracking vendela*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She shrugs.* Is many things. Most games I know is games of strength and to show skills of combat. Not svimming.. but football, rugby, climbing challenges. These type of things.
little red death: "*she nods, and looks at the Forest.* Good, How's this, a Time challange. Climb that tree, with That rock tied around your waiste in a Vine?
little red death: *she poitns to a really high tree and a fair, but not really heavy rock, one that can be wrapped with vines*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods, finding that a suitable challenge.*
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari moves to sweep Kane's remaining leg, not succeeding but twisting waway from the incoming knee*
Runa Koski: *A climb she can handle, the rock may slow her down though*
little red death: *she shifts up to crinos, jumping ot rib down a few vines and use ti to wrap a rock*
Michelo Saldaré: *extend the knee into a kick, not having cared to dodge, rage encapusuling his vision, but not, and still far from being free*
Runa Koski: *studies the tree appoint for the climb, invisioning the quickest way up*
Michelo Saldaré: *the kick misses, but his left uppercut s just as vicious. He's doesn't hold anything back*
little red death: *the tree requires one to scale the trunkm, but higher up the limps help*
Runa Koski: (thanks LRD)
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari is slapped in the side of the head by the extending foot, his ears ringing, he sways with the impact, grasping Kane's leg with both arms and using the kick's momentum to twist it away))
Crystal Fisher: *right snap, left snap, snap snap snap. Dr. Suess-like rhyming crap.*
little red death: *after tying the rock tightly, she looks at the womaen to see who goes first*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She studies the tree.* Vyld Peach may choose who goes first.
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: ((post correct)) *Ari is knocked sprawling by the left, momentarily disoriented*
Michelo Saldaré: *He doesn't let up, going for a double hammer drop, the mud not seeming to slow him at all*
Runa Koski: *looks over at Vendela* It doen't matter. I'll go first if that is suitable to you.
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods, letting it be known that that choice is fine with her.*
Runa Koski: *she does study the tree trunk, much like a rock climber would study the face of the rock she is about to climb*
little red death: *waits on them to decide, watching the men*
Runa Koski: *then check the rock she is to carry with her*
Crystal Fisher: ((must go run my sister something at work. will be back inna bit, Crys will take pictures, single-mindedly focused on her work))
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari takes the hammer blows, moving his butt under them to cushion somewhat. He slips an arm between Kanes legs, locking the other behind his shoulder, going for a throw*
little red death: *as stated, farily big, not very heavy, but it will slow you down*
Runa Koski: Is there enough vine to strap it to herself like a "backpack"?
Michelo Saldaré: -~he mud is slippery and he uses this to his advantage, driving his knee into Ari's face again, or trying ot, grabbing for his head~
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari fails miserably at the grappling in the mud, his speed not helping*
little red death: "*yes, such was the intended purpose,*
Michelo Saldaré: ~there is such a feriocity to his blows a fire to them. No doubt he's an ahroun now~
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari takes incredible damage, Kane's blows raining down fiercly*
Runa Koski: *making sure is all,she begins the bind the rock double checking her knots so the rock doesn't slip free, leaving small loops at the bottom, then lifts it upon to her back, brings the two vine ends over her should and back threading the vinesthrought the loops and the brings the ends back around her waiste, pulling it tight and tiring it off*
Runa Koski: *goes and grabs her leather belt*
Runa Koski: *goes over to the tree, gets ready to climb it like a hawaiin native does a coconut tree*
Runa Koski: (Hawaiian)
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: *Ari moves with desperation, thrusting against Kane with all his strength*
Michelo Saldaré: ~the ahroun feels Ari is on the ropes and goes for the "kill" slamming his knee into Aristotle 's face again~
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She moves opens her bag and slips into her fatigue pants. She will collect a length of vine and double it, prepared to use it in similar manner to Runa's belt.*
little red death: *she makes sure they do not rage*
Runa Koski: *waits*
little red death: *waits for one to go, looking at crystal's watch to keep time* ready?
Runa Koski: *nods to LRD, looping one end of her belt around her hand, then swings it around the trunk and secures the other in in her other hand*
Michelo Saldaré: ~at the same time he's hit, but he doesn't seem to notice, he gave almost everything to that blow, sensing victory~
little red death: *~WS~ Go.
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: ~Ari's head snaps up, falling unconscious and flopping~
little red death: [roll is Dex+ath, diff 8for the first 4 rolls, STR+ ath diff 7 need for the last 3- 7 success needed to get to the top.]
Michelo Saldaré: ~as soon as Aristotle falls unconcious he snorts, horribley under control. He drags him out of the mud~
Runa Koski: *bring the belt up and pulls herself up, her feet now flat on the sides of the trunk and pushes up... holding herselfin place with her feet and legsas she moves the belt up again... repeating untill she reaches the branches.....* (how do you want to fingure out how long it takes her to climb?)
Aristotle Hears-The-Winds-Crying: (((gotta go ppl....Ari wakes up, laughing...seeya))
little red death: ((sorry, the first 4 success! is dex+ath, if you fail, you don't move, if you bo0tch you fall, ))
Runa Koski: (sorry, was AFK)
Michelo Saldaré: ~he walks to look a the other competion~
Runa Koski: (sorry what was the diff again?)
Runa Koski: (I got too many windows open...grrr)
little red death: ooc:got it Runa.
little red death: [alright, looking at the dice roller, Runa made it in 4 rolls]
Michelo Saldaré: ~figurs it out~
Runa Koski: (ok)
Runa Koski: (this could hurt)
little red death: *Runa is not stronger, but she knows where to hold and is rather Athetlic, she makes it Quickly to the top of the braches before the weight of the tree can hold her back*
little red death: (weight of the ROCK)
Michelo Saldaré: (goes to eat *L*, BBL)
Runa Koski: (see ya kane-p)
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She moves up to start as soon as Runa is done. She has a bad start, unable to get a good hold with the vines. She moves on from this late start, climbing well and eventually reaching the top with a powerful lunge.*
Vendela Kristoffersen: ooc: took me 5 rolls because of the first fail.
little red death: *checks the time of both and nods* ~WS~ Runa wins, the late start having cost you vendela -rhya, but other wise, i think you two are physically fit.
little red death: ooc:runa was done in 4 rolls.
Runa Koski: *nods respectfully to LRD*
little red death: *she grins at both* We could do best of 3?
Runa Koski: *then goes over to Vendela offering her her hand in good sportmens like fashion*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She nods, accepting the other Rotagar's win.*
Runa Koski: *blinks*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She grasp Runa's arm.*
Runa Koski: *smiles, gripping Vendela arm as a warrior would, firm but not over stated*
little red death: "Your both so.. cute. *she chuckles tounge longingout* Ok, don't kill me, i'm sorry *playfully leaping back*
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She turns to nod to the Elder, seeing that he won. She is not disheartened by her team losing.*
Runa Koski: *snickers at LRD*
Michelo Saldaré: ~the elder smiles and gives both a firm grasp,~ competition keeps the life blood warm. Let's go ~((boppos off_
little red death: *she follows*(waves, got tto go, )
little red death: (huggs all around.)
Runa Koski: *goes about clean up, checking the scraps on her legs, making surethere are not "splinters"*
Vendela Kristoffersen: ooc: I have to go eat food.
Runa Koski: *(bye to those leaving)
Vendela Kristoffersen: *She goes back to the Bawn with them.*
Runa Koski: *back to the bawn*